Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, April 23, 1898, Image 3

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A Filit or a Foot Race Now
for Spain.
,xitil l W hi n Spulii MiiHt Oull. Cubit
or V--t A iiia-llf it In .MitrlHl
- nvitl tr l H Active itml
Miaklit I'ri'pHriif iinN
Tor Wnr.
Wasiiimi -io.N, I). C, April -, 4.U0
I', in. i il t! tin; N i:vs. ) -1 'i i h-
ilc:!. McKinl'-y mlmhmI tlm looiu
t ioiih iu ill ill ti in ;i In in Imlii y at 11:1 stinl
.rivc-i Sp.iin until S.Utnihiy inoiiiiriir
to ijV.ii-iKiti! Culm mikI lc-ivo h;r fret! to
il:ililisli :i iiti mi i n !:ti n h;r own frcn
govern incut. I'niluio on tht pari of
Spain In t-nmp'.y with tlio Itirm.s of tliU
ultim.iliiin in.iins a sctllcmi-ril of tho
dilliciiltii H :il iiiiiii. If tliia is to bo
tlm solution tint nnttor I'rofiilont Mc-Kinli-ywill
tisi; all tho iiowor at his
fomin:uitl, throw all '.ho forco of tho
union into tho bioach anil titriKO tho
iu ).-t powerful blow our iroverniuont
icaptblo of to c-n foreo tho tioinands
of our iiatiuii, aot!L'oour wronii mid
loavo Cub-i a fro nud h ippy poplo.
O.) rations in ll.onavy department
nri) vocy active and preparations ni'O
l))in inaJo to pro-i'riiti tho war, if
w ir it is to bn in swh a manner a 1o
inali'j i. uiiirk .ni l ilre'sivo. Tho ll
inf' sij ii'itl roii I o c hi of the;.: e .t-C.-.1
:u'l i v i ty and . ory t ' i il i-- I I'il'iT
made rendy for a surre-..-d ill and hitler
fiht wlii n the tiliii for aelin (Mine.-!.
Thi! minutest details aio hoir.j; locked
after vv.lh the utmost, ciro and pro
oisiuii. Spain jjivos mil Mi-.i t-lihtest indi
catron of complying with terms of the
ultimatum Mid there is nothing to
wai'iuiil liio ciine. usion that sho will.
In short, she ptopose? to die parao or
maintain her hod upon Cuba.
Tilt; Di-inise of IIimh Oh in
From Wfilnesiliiy'B D.iily.
Today at 1.1:'2) the spirit of Miss Til
lio Ohm p s-sud from earth. She had
been ill for abru ten days, but not un
til tlie past few days h is her condition
been considered critic il. Acute kid
ney, or Iiriyht's disease, was the cau-n
of he demise. Tillio, as she was pop
ularly known, was a lieauiifnl ;irl
tieaiitilul in ehm neler, disposition,
feature and fuim, ;.i.d the ;. nel of
do it!i x ithered a 'Mre a id e.ij li-iite
Mower when lie Kiioekud at her clinm
b. r i.o.)r. and laid his withering hand
upon this fair and jti-omisiny young
woman. Soeieiy sustains a gve it loss
when it is called upon to part with
such of its memlK'rs who (jive promise
of much usefulness in the future, and
who, by their amiability and intellec
tual endowments are so capable of
inakinp other haupy, of scattering
Mowers along the pathway of fellow
beines who wouid know nothing but
thorns but for such gentle, ministering
Misi Ohm was the daughter of Fred
Ohm, an employe of the shops, and a
resident h--re for some years. His
daughter, who was in her 2'2d year,
gro.w to womanhood in this city. Slie
had a very large circle of acquaintan
ces, and her acquaintances were
her fi i.-nds. A father, mother and ten
brothers and sisters survive her, antl
are grieved to the heart over their
great los-;.
I iini'nil of Mrs. Tliom is
Th-n Presbyterian church was
crowded to its utmost capacity last
Wednesday with the relatives and
friends of the i.uo Mrs T. J. Thomas.
An impressive service was had, Kev.
J. T. H lird olliciatiiiir.
T-ho Moral tributes from relatives5,
Ivy Lodge, Kings Daughters, and
Loyal Mystic L?gion were profuse and
beautiful. The concourse of relatives
was the largest ever in attendance- at a
funeral in this city and neighbors and
friends were there to give testi
mony by tliiir presence of the loveand
respect iu whicti the good woman now
gone to the other world was neld.
Take Laxative LJromo QuinineTablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. 2-re. Tho genuine has
L. 15 Q. on each tablet.
Suit Against the liovernor.
In the matter of the mandamus suit
of Dr. Victor Ilosewaler against Gov.
Ilolcomb to compel tho governor to
hear charges against the Omaha fire
and police commission, the supreme
court yesterday made an entry on the
docket allowing the governor twelve
days in which to lile briefs and givinc
Mr. lijsewater twelve days there
after to file reply briefs. State Jour
nal. Tho farmer, tho mechanic aDd the
bicycle rider liable to unexpected
cuts and bruises. DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve is the best thing to keep
on hand. Il heals quickly, and is a
well known cure for piles. V. G.
IV i eke & Co.
Corn ICt-Hi'lien 2." Cents.
S. A. Davis was puying 2o cents per
bushel for white corn delivered here
today, and ho informs us that wheat
is worth $1.10 in Chicago. The farm
ers ought to be happy with such
prices prevailing.
Thousands of sufferers from irrippe
have been restored to health by One
Minute Couh Cure. It quickly cures
coughs, loids, bronchitis, pneomouia,
grippe, aslhra", and all throat ai;d
lung diseases. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Attorney Doles, of 101 m wood, is at
tending county court today.
Hon. J. F. Folk, f Greenwood, Is in
the city today for u visit with his hoiif
.). T. Uitchie. one of Wabash 'w
capitalists, is in tho city on business
Mrs. IL Thierolf and daughter of
Cedar Creek, were in tho city chop
ping today.
L. G. Todd and wife, John Todd and
wife, Harry Todd and wife, came up
last evening from Union to attend the
funeral of Mrs. Thomas.
Stuart (jivingr'toii finished his course
in medicine at the Omaha Medical
college today, and will enter the ollice
of his brother in this city.
Tho cartoon of tho local bituation
drawn for tho Nkws by a local artist
was well received and will be followed
up by others. The NKWS always leads.
Wili Richardson, who has eighty
acres in null trees, saiu yesieruay
that they had not been winter killed
at all, aed lie was planting cut more
this spring.
Mrs. II. C. McMakcn and pon Joe
have gone to Alliance, unfavorable
news of t)i! condition of Geo. Fairfield
having boon received. It is not thought
that ho can live many days.
Tho remains of Andy Jackson, who
died at a hosnit:.! in Omaha was
brought down last evening on tho M.
1. and taken ne. r I'.artlett for in-
tcrin nt. 1 he de ! iei was a brotnor
in law of Uobert and Henry Carnes,
and has been ill for .-o.oo time.
George W. Am ik, an o'd risident
of western Cass, w .s i.i the city to
day, being examini d f r an increase
cf pension. He 1 is son Calvin, is
suffering from a m;; 1 ina r.t cancer.
which has eaten uay the iwer part
of his faje an i is last ox tending down
on his tuck. It has to bed.esscd
every ten minutes nay anu nigni, anu
Mv. and Mrs. Amick aro almost worn
out from the constant work anu
worrv. The young man's suffering is
reported to bo awful beyond descrip
Jus. Lillio wont to Omaha this
J. Q. Connelly, of Murray, wus in
town today.
Hi Adams, of Weeping Water, was
a visitor to FlHtt?mouth today.
"Grandpa" Streight, of South Bend,
is in the city today on a visit to his
V. F. Case, one of the solid farmers
of NVhawka, was in tho city today,
getting some wheat ground at Ileisel's
mill, which has a reputation for first
class work that draws custom for over
."0 miles.
Patteison & ICunsman bought a line
bunch of fat steeis in South Omaha
which were shipped in last night and
driven out to their yards. The cattle
aro much finer than what is generally
slaughtered as butchers stock.
J. fl. l'a'mer, while handling a calf
out at Andv Taylors, where he is
working this summer, got a blow
across nis ngnt arm tnat iracturea
the bones a little below the elbow.
He will take a two weeks lay off until
the injured arm gets betier.
Tho names of Misses Verna Leonard,
Ella Clark and Barbara Gering were
last evening enrolled on tho list of re
cruits for the new military company.
It is understood that they wish to go
as nurses. As they aro prominent in
society their erlistmtent is something
of a sensation.
Hoy Dodge is now a full fledged
sophomore in tho Omaha Medic il
College, having passed his examina
tion yesterday in good form The
regular commencement exercises will
bo held tomorrow evening at the
Boyd, when J. Stuart Livinfion will
get his sheep-skin as a f dl-Medged
lie Owns TIih Town.
The irriqirissiblo Mike Cavey has
purchased the town t-ile of Wabash,
which included i large number of
vacant lots. It is one of the prettiest
locations in tho county for a thriving
town and a good business is already
done there. Mike is now a regular
plutocrat and we fear his voice for the
humb'o toilers has been stiHed. A
funny incident is conneeteu with
Mike's purchase of the town site,
which will bear relating. It seems
the Baptist church people and Cavey
have been on bad terms for some
time and now sinco the purchase, it
turns out that the church is not lo
cated on tho lot owned by the society,
but is on one of Mine's lots. He is
therefore lord of the manor and can
take possession of the church and
turn out the congregation whenever
he chooses. The idea of having to
worship in Mike's church is a hard
one, and yet the soeiety can do noth
ing else. It is said diplomatio rela
tions have been opened up looking to
a transfer from the plutocrat to the
church people and Mike will be
noted as the best fellow in the state
by thoio who condemned him a short
time ago if he only will let go of the
church, and we have no doubt the new
owner will do the right thing as he is
bui t that way.
Shake into Your Slioes.
Allen's B'oot Ease, a powder for the
feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart
ing nervous feet and instantly takes
tho sting out of corns and bunions. It's
the greateet comfort of the aye. Al
len's Foot-Ease makes tight or new
shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure
for sweating, (Villous -nd hot, tired.
aching feet. Try it today. Sold by
all druggists .-:nd shoe sto.ts liy
mail for 25 cents in stamps. Trial
package FREE. Adiress Allen S.
Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
Pj iil
The Squadron and the Flotilla
Sailing To Meet.
Npalii KcHtly To Unlit tinl War I Now
ou- I'nya no Herat to AlcKliilvy
I It iiiiutum Would Not
l.lHtfll to It.
Washington, I). C, April 21. 4 p
m Special to the Nkws Minister
Woodford received his passports today
t eforo ho could present the ultimatum
to the Madrid authorities. This ac
tion on Sp iin's part was forestalled by
serving tho ultimatum on the Spanish
minister hero - simultaneously with
Woodfo.-d at tho Spanith court Spain
had no desiro to receive th-j ultima
tum, but she had no recourf e.
Spain is not disposed to dilly-dally
and instoad of showing a sign of weak
ening is proparing to make the best
tight possible.
Minister Woodiord left Madrid at
4 o'ciock today, Spanish time, and is
now on French soil-
Spain is all ready for a fight and
evenis will move rapidly from now on
until tho controversy is brought to a
Spain's refusal to even listen to our
ultimatum and her treatment of our
ministor is another insult to America
in the long list of Spaints crimes,
A Farisdispatch states that a nation
al subscription was started in that
city today and $50,000 was promptly
subscribed for Spanish aid.
Minister Woodford before leaving
Madrid turned the legation over to
the British embassy and diplomatic
relations between the countries are at
an end War is thus declared.
Tho crisis is at hand, and nothing
car avert a clash at arms. The North
Atlantic squadron has Sailed for Ha
vana and the Spanish flotilla has left
the Cape Verdes westward bound, des
tination unknowu.
There is no longer any doubt but a
clash wiil occur between the American
and Spanish navies in Cuban waters
within the next few days.
Th? Sheriff Located 1IU Cattle iu Holt
Sheriff Wheeler and Gotlieb Sprieck
retu.ned home last evening after a
long and tiresome chase after the lat
ter's cattle. They were trscsd from
the possession of the thief to the B. &
M. here, then to Wallace & Co. South
Omaha then through the hands of
three other commission firms and
finally to the Elkhorn railway where
they were billed to a man named Skid
more who resided near Ewing up in the
sand hills. The sheriff and Mr. S.
boarded tho first train for Ewing and
went out to the Skidmore ranch. They
found the proprietor was an old Cass
county man who used to work for
Henry Eikenbary. He treated his
guests very nicely and sood found the
cattle which Mr. Sprieck identified at
onee. Mr. Spriecke could have re
pievined his cattle and taken them
home with him and then the ranch
man would have looked to the man he
purchased frcm and he in turn from
his seller until en tity the lesa wouid
have to be bo-ne by Wallace 6c Co.,
who purchased from the thief. As
Wallace would r.ave the bill to pay
anyway Mr. Sprieck concluded to
leave the cattle and settle direct with
Wallace as the freight home wou d be
quite an item for him to pay to get the
cattle back on his farm. The sheriff
was tireless in his efforts to secure the
stolen property to the owner. He also
learned that one of the Bellvue Mc
Cartys went with the thief to sell the
cattle and claimed that he (Marten)
lived on tho Iowa bottoms at East
Piattsmonth and that his wife had just
died and he wanted to sell off his slock
and quit farming. Tne story thus
told by ty was entirely false and
he may have had a hand in the theft.
Every clue will be followed up and no
expense will be spared by Sheriff
Wheeler to bring the thief or thieves
to speedy justice.
Attempted Kape.
Word reaches us from Weeping
Water of a startling sensation in that
city wherein a man by the name of
Klepser is under arrest for rape. Our
information is to the effect that a
painter and his wife recently moved
to that town frcm Omaha. Yesterday
the lady was alone at her home when
Klerser assaulted her. The lady suc
ceeded in extricating herself fiomthe
grasp or her assailant before he had
defiled her. She gave an alarm and
the man was placed under arrest. A
boy, who was in an adjoining room,
heard the scuttling and the woman's
defense, and attracted by the noise,
peeked through a window and wit
nessed the struggle. Klepser had his
hearing today and it is the opinion of
our informant that he will be bound
over to the district court and not ad
mitted to bail. Feeling runs high
against Klepser at Weeping Water
over the assault.
A little boy asked for a bottle of
"get up in the morning as fast you
can," the druggist recognized a house
hold name for "De Witt's Little Early
Risers." and gave him a bottle of those
famous little pills for constipation,
sick headeache, liver and stomach
.troubles. F. G. Fricke, & Co.
Till; T A 17
llirjii V LLT U I
The t'ulon l.lquor ir.
From cilncsil.iy'i Daily.
Deputy McBride arrived from Fnion
last evening, where ho went to servo
warrants issued against parties for
soiling liquor without license. Thoin
iis, Wolfe and Davis were arraigned
last night beforo Juilge Sjiiloek,
p'oacl not guilty, nnJ entered personal
recognizance in tho sum of t'2W each
for their appearance in court on May
lid, 4th and 5th. Thorn is' heating is
set for tho Ud, Wolfe's on the 4th and
Davis' on tho fth. H. D. Travis ap
peared for Thomas iind Wolfe ar.d Mr.
Gering for D.ivis.
McLeod was not found, and it is
claimed some one telephoned him be
foro tho deputy left for Union of what
wtis on foot, anil that ho siipjid out.
No liquor, wero confiscated, except
two cases of beer, presumably belong
ing to McLood.
A man stands on chance of being
elected totlio ninyorshipof acity unless
he enj 3'3 the coulidonee and esteem of
his neighbors. Geo. W. Humphrey is
tho popular mayor of Swanton, Ohio,
and under date of jan. 17, Is'M, he
writes as f.,1 ows: "This is to certify
to our appreciation of Chamberlain's
Cough Semedy. My family iind
neighbors h .ve tested it, and ew
know it is an excellent remedy for
coughs and colds. GJ'.onoit: W.
IIUMrilKEY," Sold by all druggists.
tVaut to Join the Navy.
Jacob Jacobsen, one of the B. &. M.
carpenters who served ten years in the
Danish navy, sonta letter to Secretary
Long last evening offering his services
to tho government in the navy depart
ment. Jacobsen is a middle-aged man
who has been in this country ten years
and is as patriotic as if ho had
been born under tho American Mag.
As naval recruits are scarce there is
no doubt but Jacobsen will be accepted.
IOIIH-Iloll (illl.4.
The aucient Greeks believed that
tho Penates wero the gods who at
tended to tho welfare and prosperity
of the family. They wero worship
ped as household gods. Tho house
hold god of today is Dr. King's
New Discovery. For consumption,
coughs, colds and for all affections of
throat, chest and lungs, it is invalu
able. It has been tried fora quarter
of a century and is guaranteed to cure
or money returned. No household
should be without this good angel. It
is pleasant to take and a safe and sure
remedy for old and yourg. Free trial
bottles at F. G. Fricke & Co's. Regu
lar size 50c and $1.
The Kivar.
The Missouri suddenly went on a
rampage yesterday afternoon and has
been rising rapidly ever sinco. Tho
sand bars are covered with water and
tho usual March rise seems to be here
only a month later than common.
It is, or should be, the highest aim
of every merchant to please his customer.-;
and that the wide-awake drug
firm of Meyers & Eshlemin, Sterling.
HI., is doing so, is proven by the fol
lowing, from Mr. Eshlecnao: "It my
sixteen years, experience in the drug
business I have never seen or sold or
tried a medicine that gave as good sat
isfaction as Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Hemedy."
Sold by all druggist
A. II. Weckbach returned last even
ing from Schuyler and Fremont. He
purchased four carloads of hay at the
former place which arrived here today
to supply the trade of Weckbach &
M. L. Yoctra, Cameron, Pa., says "I
was a sufferer for ten years, trying
all kinds of pile remedies, but without
success. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
was receommend to me. I used one
box. It has effected a permanent
cure." A a permanent cure for piles
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve has no
equal. F. G. Fricke, & Co.
Colonel F. P. Ireland is iu receipt of
a letter from Senator John M. Thurs
ton, in which he staled that he is sxd
fering from a s'mht stroke of jaralv
sis. l'jb. Citv News.
I desire to attest to the merits cf
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as one
of the most valuable and ellicient
prepaiations on tha market. It broke
an exceedingly dangerous cough for
me in 24 hours, and in gratitude thuic
for, I desire to inform you that I will
never be without it and you should feel
proud of the high esteem in which
your Remedies are held dy people in
general. It is the one remedy among
ten thousand. Success to it. O. R.
Downey, Editor Democrat, Albion,
Ind. For sale by all druggists.
Hall & Co. today received a large
invoice of woven wire fence, which
they aro offering very cheap.
Children like it, it saves their lives.
V e mean One Minute Cough Cure,
the infallible remedy for coughs,
colds, croup, bronchitis, grippe, and
all throat and lung troubles. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Old papers for sale at this office.
Investigatiou shows that men who
succeed are men of brains strong
nerves great will-power. Ordinary
food cannot suppiy the vital forces
which people with active brpins and
bodies require. Bicola Pills feed the
nerves make the mind bright, mus
cles strong make flesh and blood and
give perfect health to Men and Wo
men. The Tuuxeks of Phila
delphia make Bicola Pills
J E Buckey, ehief clerk National Hotel, Wash
ington, D C. testifies that hewas all run down
was a shadow cf his former self liieol I'ills
gave him wonderful relief-he gained over
twenty pounds after using them.
Selling A Kent t or l'lattamout h and Cans
Comity, F. ti. FRICKE & CO.
Turners' Little Liver Turners A very
small pilL Turn your liver, l ure sick head
ache Biliousness Indigestion.
In the iliUict chiiiI i f countv. Nrhia k a.
)iiM h lii.iliiiiii aiui John n k iii'fti. I net
tloni' ltiMm;N Liiuifi ilit In iu name tt (ii.tltaui
i". i.k iifoii. p.ainl ill iiaiiK Kiiliy airl
Liai.'l K'nlilv. lll.U:ll'lallt. 1 lie il. Icinl.uiis
take holm tlat JuM pii (iialiam aiil JijIui itk
liistui.ini'k i llie ii.tmc "I italiam anil rkinsoij.
h i e i ui;iirii il an m Imii ai;.iins sail ili li n.l
;iul I'.i the lii -li'.il (unit ot Cai omul), Ne
tii aka, tlie (iljiH anl 'iaii ol whnli Mum
ciner a ia tHK iil uanc! ill li'ii laiils hi the
ITIll 1,1 . 'II,., 1,1 ... V .1.1 :.!! I ,i..ivi.-.l I.
wric licri"--ai y I I tin? Mioit au l iiiainlenaiii e
(it !-a il dt triiilaiils ami lr ul.Kli Ii l n lanl
aniecil to pay, an-l that they " an-c il the
ea t ("lie hail "I I he not I hcat one ipiai It i i. i m ( -
i n hi :; , i . u n in, i ,i i i,T 1 1 , ( a i oi i lie m m h pi in
ci pal n if i id i i ii, mi .ale in ( a-s c en n I y, Xi-In ka.
In lie iili.u lic l in saul action a- the picpi ityof
si il ilctfiiilaiils.
I c ti-ni!a!il at c ic(!i'if'I l auvci ai,l pcti
tioiioiiix licl iic the Ii. ill iiav el May, oi Judg
ment Hill he taken a, pi.ii 1 lui in saul pi li
tinii. Jescph tiiali.iin ami Jilni i k : ici in. r the
In in naiiif ( 'I , t ah, tin , V n K iii. n .
C 1 .. 1 ill I, plaint i n'.. a I lei i.i .
Mic rill's Sale.
IV virtue ol an unlri nl sim' i-mii iII.v (foii:e
!', I lell:ie el t II. til I K el I hf 1 1 1- I I H I liil.ll. v ithlll
aii'l t il I ii (eiintv, .Ncla.i'-ka, ami to me di
rcctcd, I will on the .'ml d.iy el May. A. I.
I"'.', at o'lleik p. in. el saul day at llieMnilli
del 1 1 el the cent t lieii-e in t he ( it y el I ' i a 1 1 -ineii I h ,
in anl rount y, hcil at pu in ic am t ion. to the h ij, Ii
est hiitdfi lei cah.tlie lo!.o iii i eal estate to-wit :
Jht: no, 1 1, u i". I 1 1 -1 I il n ',1 ami the neiih
west ijii.iiltl u u 'i ) el the southwest quailti
(s w ' I ol section timly;ii township I w e 1 e
I 1 ratine tlm leen lii j eat el the i;i p. in. l ass
county, Xelnaska t.fthci Willi the privileges
antl appitrienanLes llieieuiite tieaiiiin ei in
anywi.e nppei laming, i he same hemn levied
upon and taken as the pioptity ol l.e on. ltd
C W. Muiiayand Rebecca .v. M in lay, Uclciid
ants, to sal ist y a judgment of said Coin t lei eeit d
by .sainuel Wauli as executei ol Hie last will and
testament ol John lilac k, dci ea.-e l plamtill, and
a judgment recovered try tiie Hank ol Cass county
cio s-pctitioiici' against said detendants.
I'laitsinouth, Aebraska, March A. 1. I8.
V. 1). Ilk! I. I K,
Sherilf, Cass County. Nebraska.
I!y J. I). MclJnde. Ueptity.
K. 15. Windham, Attorney lor l'lamlill.
ShcriH"s ."Sale.
liy virtue of an order of sale issued by Ceo.
I louse. oi th. clei k oi the distiict court, within
and lor Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, 1 will on Hie -ml day ol May, A. I,
l.sH.s at 1 o'ciock p.m. el said day at the south door
ol the court house in the city ot I'laUsmoin 1, in
said county, sell at public auct.on, to the Inqu
est bidder lei cash, the lollouiiij; real estate, 111-
wit: J lie no. thea.-t quarter n e ' i ol the south
west ler s W ' i J and ihe not in hall u 1 . ol
the southeast quaiiei s e .'4 ol section Unity
:iii townsiiip twelve .- rane tlm leen l..
east ol the nth p. 111. 111 Cass county, NebiasKa.
Together w itti the privileges and a)oui leium es
theieunlo bcleniuo 01 in anywise appertainiii.
1 he same belne, levied upon and taken as the
property ol Leonard C . Murray and Rebecca
A. .Murray, dclciidauts, to saiisly a juduineiit
and decree ol said court iccovered by 11. t.
ljovey ci Son. cross petitioners against said de
lend. tuts in the case ol .May X. Maiunvs. Leon
ard C. W. .Murray ct al together with the privil
eges and appurtenances iiieretinlo beloiiing or
in anywise appertaining. J lie same bciiiK levied
upon and taken as the property ol LeoualdC.
W . M urray and Kubecca A. ivliirray, de endants
to satisl y a judgment ol said com t recovered by
the said t.. ci. Duvey iV Son as aloresaid. auaiust
said defendants.
flattsinoutn, iSebraska, March 20. A. J. 1SL8.
. U. U Hbl-.LIIK,
Sheriff, Cass County, Nebraska,
liy J. I). Mcliridc, IJeputy,
R. Ii. Windham Attorney lei K. ti. Dovey & Son.
Legal Notice.
In the matter of the estate of James Grove, de
ceased. 1 his canic on for hearing upon the peti
tion ol Arthur L. Munger as administrator ol
the estate ol James ljroe, deceased, tor a license
to sell real estate as loiiows: 1 he west hall I w 1 2 J
ol tne southeast quarter s e ?.j ol section two
township ten (I'M noiih, range nine (ilj Cass
county, Nebraska, or a su lucieni amount of the
same to bring the sum ol j-'aizi.-ii) for payment ol
debts adowed agninst said estate, and the costs
ot administration, there not being siillicicnt per
sonal property to pay tiie said deots and expen
ses. It is further ordered that all persons intc.estetl
in the said estate appear belore me at the ollice
ol t lie eieik ol the district Court ol Cass county,
.scbiaska. on the itli day ol May A. 1). IKiKai -o'clock
p. 111. to show cause why a license should
not be granted to said administrator to sell so
inucli ol the aboxe described leal cr-tate ol the
said estate as shall be nccc.-sary to pay said
debts and expenses.
It is lurther ordered that this order be pub
lished iu the Se 1111-W eekly X v.w s 1 1 i.k a 1 1 1 ler a
period ot lour weeks pi 101 to the date ol ihe said
l.itUed this Mlh tlav of March, A. 1). 1MIS.
Basils. K.wi.s'iV. Juilge ol the District Court.
Lyion Claik and C. A. ait ys lor estate
Legal Notice.
In district court of Cass county. Nebraska.
Clara v-ox vs. James K Cox.
James K. Cox, delt-ndant. will take 1 (itice that
on the lllth day ol March. A. 1). 1-l-s. C'ara Cox,
p.aiiilill. herein liied her petition in the district
court ot Cass county. Nebraska, against the said
James K. Cox, delendant, the object a. id prayer
ol w hich is to obtain a divorce lroin the defend
ant. James R. Cox, and to procure a decree
;rantin to planum the custody and control of
the miller child "tii acie Cox,'' dauh ter ol plaln
tilt and detemiant . Said relief is asked because
the delendant, without just cause or provocauon,
cruelly and wanionly deserted plaint i II upon or
about September l'.uh, A. 1). JsiM, and has con
tinuously remained away lor more than two
years prior to tiling ol his suit.
Vol! arc required to answer said petition on or
before the pith day of May. A. I), isiis.
Dated this !Ui day ot March, A. D. IS'.iS.
Clara Cox,
By her Attorneys, Byron Clark and C A. Kawls
L's;al Notice.
I-.i ihe district comt of Cass county, clna--ka-
Charles C. l'arme e as receiver ol the Citizens
Dunk ol I'lattsiiioiitii, Nclirnska, vs. I he 1 tu
ple's linililiiiK. Loan and I-avintr Association.
"the l'eolie s liuililiny. Loan ami ISain; Aso
cintioii. defendant, v.ill take notice that on the
ah day ot April A. 1 . !:.s Charu-s C. 1'ai I'.ic-Ie
as receiver ol the t it;;-.en Hank of I'laitsiimutli.
Nebraska, plaintiil herein, li ed his petition in
the distiict court of ('ass county, .Nihraska.
against haid defendant, the oiiject and prayer ol
which are to a money judgment aanc-t
delendant on three causes ol uctn -n set foi tli in
said petition: on the nr-t cause of action lor the
sum ot iW with seven per cent intei e--t thereon
from tiie S'tii day ot May A. L. iK'T: on the sec
ond cause of action tlie sum ot .-fimi with seven
per cent interest theieou from the Sf.h day of
.ylay A. I), li7: on tlie third cau.-e ol action the
stun of S-JH with seven percent interest thereon
from the 10th day ot .oemher A. 1). l-l'7.
Vou ara requested to answer said petition on or
before the.inth day ol May A. I. ls:is.
Dated this i!thday of April A. I). .-w.
As Receiver of Citizens liauk of I'lattsmouth.
Nebraska. liy fiis Attorney s, liyron (.lark & V.
A. Kawls.
Probate Notice.
In county court. Cass county, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of liailhaser Sie
bold, deceased. All persons int. rested in said
matter are hereby not. tied that on the lrith day
of April, 1MI8. I-diza biebold riled a petition in
said court, alletrinfj. anions other thing-3, that
liaWhaser Siebold died on the day ol March.
IHIls. leaving a last wiil and testament and pos
sessed of real and personal estate in taid county
of the reasonable value of .-r.-'O.l.lKi, and praying
for the probate of said will and for administra
tion of said estate. Vou are hereby notified that
if you fail to appear before said court on the 14th
day of May, A. I).. I-'.'., at 'Z o'clock p . in., to
contest the probate of said will, the court may
allow and probate said wi'l and grant adminis
tration oi said estate to Joseph . Johnson and
Lliza Siebold, jointly, or some other suitable
person, and proceed to a settlement of said es
tate Witness my hand and the seal of said
court at I'lattsmouth, Nfcbraska, this, the l"th
day of April, A. V., If.H.
c George M. Si lrlock.
lseau County Judge.
Notice to Creditors.
STActT KA I" County Court
In the matter of the estate of Samuel McCon
key. deceased. Notice is hereby given that the
creditors of said deceased wiil meet the adminis
trator of said estate, before me, county judge of
Cass county, Nebraska, at the county court room
in I'lattsmouth in said county, on the 7th dav of
November, l'.is, at il o'clock a. m , for tlie pur
pose of presenting their claims fur examination,
adjustment and alioyvance. Six months are al
loyved for the creditors of said deceased to pre
sent their claims an 1 one year for the adminis
trator to settie said estate, from tlie 7th day of
May, li-ys
This notice shall be published in the Semi
Weekly Ntws-HHKALi; tor four weeks succes
sively, prior to the 7th day of May, 1'.'.
Witness my hand and seal of said court,
at I'lattsmouth. Nebraska, this, the 11th day cf
April. A. D. l!i.
Geokge M. Pitki.ock.
(Seal) County Judge.
F. K. GUTHM ANN, Prop.
Rales SI ana SJ.50 per Day
Centrally Located and Com
fortably Furnished.
Sjifcial Vi'uv In Wall 1 .tpcr For
tin.- Sjujn'4 Traili:
Nice K'itrleli I 'lit tor ti- "' per lloll
Nic? 15. l I'omii I'.iliiT !( m.t lloll
Nice I )i II i il e'-l'inilll I'.lt I cim, pT lloll
Nice I'iiiUm- I'iIIi -I'lH ,r JJ,,1
A i.i, Ni:w S i Yi. i;s - V huvo
ii few 1 It-iii n ii ii I ntisiil J.nvvcr
I'liciM. AIm) i' Vol , I !i i lie; Jim
Heed ill I'niiits or ( tie?
l.ovve.-t I 'rices.
(j;RIN(i & CO.,
Itrnu K iNl iiikI Wall Tape r M)( ul rx.
A Splendid Lino of New, Fresh ( 1 merries
..Just Received at..
JqIJ: Also a Fine Line oi Dry Goods and Notions.
ji REMEMBER Wo nr.: not S.-llin Su-:;ir :it Li hm Than
fj Cost in order to Mako up on dono-lli i 11 olsi-, Imt wo hi?11 jv(iry-
thititf on ii CLOSi: MA1MJ1N
ovory Dop.irl tiKMil .
In llio city, sold by Sainpl
Voti Somo Money
Bottom Dropped Out
...of Prices
On 1897-Grown ...
Garden and Field
Two Packages Garden Seed, 5c.
Everything else at bottom prices.
Now is the time to repair your Spouting and Tin Roofs, be
fore the rains hctriu
We Have Something New
In a door lock that will last a life-time ; has no springs;
works better .and costs less money than a spring lock.
Call and see a Gravity door lock, at the reliable hardware
store of ... .
South Sixth Street, - - Plattsmouth, Neb.
Tg. U 3 S 2 S u S k C S C
Hbc Smith premier 'Typewriter
fT hi
Omaha n -.tncli O fli ", cor.
They banish pain sfc ONE "
k i i it GIVES f
and pro on? life, 'v..;- I
Mi M Bi Sij A fesl V
No matter what the matter is, one will do you
good, and you can get ten for five cents.
A now tyleprbrt ront.ilnlnff' ttv rip a vs rnt-T.FS in k r-ir c-rtn ( without ij now for milm
at fvmf? 8Urv r-t hvi Vl'i- lnu fii. c! t i? Ui-im- 'l fr lii.- ir and the econuuil
cnJ. me ioz-n f t he ilve-c nt i .rin vM ih .' i;n, In h i t-v nv I dy m ul:mx tortj-eifght cpnt
im, vi. iu 3iri.,
nnd .you will fi mil Hi A I NS in
Como in antl wo will Savo
! FJ fc-JlrnJ pi
S: it 2 S 3 Z 3 728 IT S V f I ft
I5cst cattle curmng jviaer)tn.
ra3 all the Latest Xmprowment9.
popular Because of Jlertt.
JIost Durable tTFPCKrrtter JTade.
premier Buyers do Plot experiment,
drttc for Jew Hit Catalogue free.
Smith premier Typewriter Co,
Syracuse, ff. Y- W. 8. H.
Soventoonth and Farnam Bl.
- -1 . . -'-w u rs-or a i.'!i rru-Q TKM