Wall Popov Kings. o o After an experience of twenty years in handling Wall Paper, we have no hesitancy in saying that we are better satisfied with our stock this season than with any selection heretofore made. For Exquisite Designs, Large Assortment and wide range Cass county- Our prices run from lOc to $1.25 a Bolt, misleading. of prices, our stock is unsurpassed in That means a double roll, and is not SMITH i- v M .A ' ? 4i 4? 4 V 4? 4 V 4? 4 4 V 3 41 4? 49 4? 4? 4? 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 A Remarkable Appreciation While spring" weather has not opened up as favorable to the clothing- trade, it is re markable how many spring suits we have sold already, and if you come in and look us over it will not surprise you why we are selling- more clothing than any other house in Plattsmouth. Our $6 All Wool, Silk Lined Men's Suit Is a Hummer and can not be duplicated any where for $8.00 and many places they will ask you $10.00 for the same goods. th t I t t th t t I th And talk about Pants! Celebrated You have heard of the IOWA PANTS. You can buy a pair at $1.50, $2, $3, $4 and $o. Every pair of them warranted 7iot to rip or a button to come off. t By the way do not forget our nice Combination Suit at $5. . I t Talk about Furnishing Goods and Hats every- t body knows we are Leaders. Come in and t see our Spring- Shirts and Neckware, we t have the latest Novelties. And when vou t talk about Hats we can please anybody 5 and ever' body from little Boy's Hats to a j 71 Man's. f JOE & FRANK, Your Clothiers And Furnishers. Waterman Corner. th th th B otter Than Hver . . ....IS THE IMMENSE LINE OF.... FANCY MILLINERS . . . . JUST RECEIVED BY THE .... TUCICISR SI&TJ5RS. All the Newest Shapes and Styles that the eastern markets afforded in Fine Hats and Trunin 1 nss Aie to be seen at their Parlors. Imported Pattern Hat and Flowers from Parisian artists. Everything-up-to-date. . . .On account of the prosperous outlook, the largest line of MILLINERY ever brought to the city has been purchased .... Every Taste Can Be Suited.. And every want supplied from the cheapest to the most elaborate and richly-trimmed Head wear ever seen in the west. ... .The Swell Flowers Orchids and Nasturtiums, with plenty of Violets, Roses, Lilly of the Valle', Hya cinths, and other varieties to select from. MISS NETTIE WfDDELb An Artistic Trimmer of St. Joe will keep this depart ment up to a high standard of excellence. Remember to Call and Inspect Our Goods and Prices. . . . ..TUCKER SISTERS.. v Plattsmouth, Nebraska. lTOIDENTMVlLL SIGN Resolution and Ultimatum To Issue as One Paper. WHEN ALL IS IN READINESS A Iccilve Itlow to be Struck Soldiers Hiid Nenmeu Kager for the Fray No Likelihood of Spain' Hack Down Washington, D. C, April 19, 3:30 p. m. Special to the News. The resolutions have boon sent to the president for his signature. He will hold then, until the ultimatum to Spain is ready for the official sanction and then sign up both documents as one paper. The president favors giv ing Spain a few days in which to evacuate Cuba during which time our n.aval forces will be gotten in readi ness to strike a decisive blow. It is ! the belief on all sides, in diplomatic, military and official circles, that be fore this time next week, hostilities will bo on, as there is nothing to indi cate a back down on the part of Spain, which alone can prevent a Gght. When the United States squadron and the Spanish flotilla come together, there will be witnessed the prettiest, the most scientific and -the most de cisive naval engagement the world has ever seen, and the American sea men will show to the world what a Yankee is as an expert when it comes to building and operating a navy. The troops are rapidly reaching the gulf ports and in an incredibly' short time will be ready for any emergency. There is but one sentiment in all cir cles a longing to punish Spain for her repeated insults to our flag; to avenge the destruction of the Maine and the murder of her crew. The army officers and men are eager tha.t an encounter shall come and should anything arise to prevent it there will be great disappointment. The cabinet adjourned at 3 o'clock. BRIEFLY TOLD. C. A. Marshall, Dentist. Dar Johnson departed for Weeping Water today. Get Wash-a-Lone soap at Zuck weiler & Lutz. "Wm. D. Denier of Elmwood was in the city today. Red River Early Ohio potatoes for sale at F. S. White's. Mrs. E. W. Fitt was an Omaha pas senger this afternoon. Insure in the German American. Fred Ebinger, Agent. Boston brown bread at Holloway's on Tuesday and Thursdays. Northern grown Early Rose seed potatoes at Bennett & Tutt's. Holloway's popular steamed bread is made of Heisel's best flour. F. J. Morgan went to Lincon this morning on insurance business. Frof. Volkwein, the bandmaster, was an Omaha passenger today. Sam Sawtell returned home this morning from a trip to Lincoln. Ham. Lloyd a first class man of Union was a visitor in Plattsmouth today. The latest song is a beautiiul ballad, "My Sweetheart went down with the Maine." Miss Tillie Ohm is lying verv. low at the home of her parents, of Bright's disease. Prayer meeting Thursday night at South Park church, to which all are invited. Constable Deneon has been ill for several days but is able to be about to day as usual. L. C. Todu of Nehawka arrived to day to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Thomas. Go to Anthony's music store on iower Main street for everything in the way of sheet music Lawn mowers sharpened and put in first class condition at Coates & Co's. hardware store. Miss Peckham, who has been visit ing D. M. Johnson's, has returned to Weeping Water. F. C. Townsend, of Louisville, Ky., was in the city last night, on business with Pnil. Thierolf. Mrs. Sally Thomas is up from Kan sas City to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. T. J. Thomas. Tin roofing and spouting promtly at tended to and in best manner by leav ing orders at Coates & Co. The News is in possession of an in toresting letter from J. C. Petersen, which will appear tomoraow. All th? members and friends of the Christian church are i equcsted to be pro sent at the church Wclnesil-iy evening to consider a proposed addi tion to the building. The secretary of tho Impcri-il Mys tic Legion will be at Gcring's drug store Wednesday evening, 7:."0 to !). Remember that the Evkximi News is the only paper in the city which prints all the news every l;.y in tho week. Weekbaoh & Co., yesterdoy sold two car loads of hay from the car in a wry few hours. They advertised in llio : News. ' i Dr. Wilkinson, specialist, eye, cav. ! noso and throat. Will bo at Dr. Liv- 1 ingston's oflico for consultation 'lues- day April 19. Fred Ebinger got a letter from (lor- ' many this morning conveying the. sad ' information of the death of his In oth er's wife at Stutgart. ! Lost A lady's apocketook, ont lin ing a $10 bill, about $'2 in change and some receipts, The finder will .o re warded by leaving at the News oilier. Posey Messersraith says 11. C. Me- Maken would havo been tuirircJ ail right the day he went to Ouriha iii'y 1 he got olT at Gibson and walked into j town. : If John Coleman were out on the j road he'd hava no trouble in catching j a train. He can Hag a trtin with a match as dexterously as a rounder cud 1 hit a break beam. j A. Hi Wockbach lefi this afternoon for Schu3'ler where ho will contract ! for five car loads of hay. IK: i ! ' friends at Fremont touioivo w turn in the evening. D. M. Jones returned this morning ! from a ten days' visit at his old home i in New Albany, Ind. It was his first visit in nearly thirty years, and he ; enjoyed it very much. Tbo Fraternal Union will yivc a social this evening at the G. A. K. hall. Admission live cents, supper free. A good musical ami literary program will be given. The Mozart club will meet at the home of Miss Guthman Tuesday eve ning Aprii 19. Important business is to be transacted aod all members aro requested to be present. Deputy U. S. Marshal Hon. A. S. Cooley came in this morning from Omaha where he is now loc.ited, having removed his office from Lin coln about two months ago. Twelve Pullman ears passed through here this afternoon enrout.o to Cheyenno to transport troops to tbo gulf pending war operations. Kd John son, with engina 270 was pulling then;. The Christian church society is soon to build an extension to the north and east sides of its church in order to fur nish seating room for the crowds which are now in regular attendance there. Thirty-five years make a generation . That is how long Adolph Fisher, of Zanesville, O., suffered from piles. He was cured by u-?ing three boxes of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. F. G. Fricke & Co. W. L. Pickett's host of friends in this city will be glad to learn that ho won out in his struggle with rheuma tism, by the aid of the Lincoln sani tarium, and that he is at home again on duty at the B. & M. depot. It is a great leap from the old fash ioned doses of blue-mass and nauseous physics to the pleasant little pills known as De Witt's Little Early Risers. They cure constipation, sick headache and biliousness. F. G. Fricke & Co All members of Ivy Lodge D. of II. and Loyal Mystic Legion ar e requested to meet at I. O. O. F. hail Wednesday at 1 o'clock to attend the funeral of Mrs. T. J. Thomas. Members of Sister Lodge D. of II. are invited to attend. Dr. Schildknecht, who has done more in the last ten years to improve the town than any other man in it is not only putting down a neat brick sidewalk but he has graded so as to enhance the appearance and value of his property very much. Perry Reynolds, a brakeman on L5. & M. No. 5, had a. fight vviih two bums at Ashland yesterday morning. Just before the train started away from I that place, he saw the two climb on j the blind baggage. When the train had started he went forward and pot j them off. Todothisho had to jumnj irom the train and while ho w.-.s wa I- 1 to catch the step of one of the rear c : rs the tramps attacked him. Ho defend ed himself vigorously aod the enpinear stopped the train to let the crew go to the help of the brakeman. When the reinforcements jumped off the train however the tramp3 fled. Tney suc ceeded in scratching Reynolds up pretty badly. State Journal. Iislrit Court. 1. W. Tcogardea. administrator vs. (I. F. S. Inirton et al. foreclosure. The court give-! ptaintilT first lien for 3:272. 7:1 and second lien to C. II. I'arm cle estate $:;9l.!. and third lien 5hsoii - Rout for l(S.:il, making 77").!! with interest at t'-m p;rcMit. D.-creo entered and property ordered sold at sherilY's sale. James V. Thomas vs. Theodore Uoedeker. Motion (o dKmi-iS sus tained. Gertrude M. Wiley vs. Charles E. Wiley. On motion to dismiss because plain HIT has not com plied with former order of court, submittjd and -t,.s-tained and cause dismissed at costs of plaintilT. Motion to relax costs in case of Mc f'ormaek S: Iro. vs. (''.iey i al, sus tained except ;s :o bill of exeptious. Sarah 10. Laiihan vs. .John Kantian, decree of divorce granted. P X. Fibson leeoveri'd a dehViency judgment w. Y . S. Il imb et' ti in the hU:)) of I, IS7.1J C. C l'ar.ne'.e rtce.ivea vs. .Ino Swo boda, deficiency judgment givi-n for 1 !'').! 'i i. Court a(ij:'Urned for the te m. Sliil in .7ail Duel; Ad.ini-, who was brought in from Louisville yesto; day, exclu-ive mention of which v.s male in (his paper list evening, is stiil in jail, having failed to secure bandsmen. Adams is said to have assault d Miles i . his storo at Louisville, knock's- ; ..! down, and that he then I : ! ii a pit ce of board tmashed jiii of hi- -iiow e;i;es and demolished the gl'-ss in the front of the store, lie was arrested, and the nonstable informed us was bound over to court. This will he quite a serious matter, as Adams will have to lie in jail several months bef: re he can get a. hearing, unless some one coiues to his rescue, which is not likely. Dutchess A Keci nit inj; OHioe. Guy Livingston has opened a re crnitinsr office and has twenty-two names on the muster roll. I). C. Mc Kntee heads tbo List, and while Dave's corporosity is against his making quick marches in a torrid climate, there is no doubt but he wou!d make a gocd target for the Dons. Guy hopes to get 1-0 names in time to get in on the president's iirt call. Shake into Your Shoes. Allen's Foot Kase, a. powder for the feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart ing nervous feet ;ind instantly takes the sting out of corns an bunions. It's the greatest comfort of the ape. Ai len's Foot-Ease makes tight or now shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure fo; sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mail for 2-3 cents in stamps. Trial package FREE. Address Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Allen S. Trousers At the Top.. . . Yes, at the Very TiirTop Of Trouser Excellence stand the Dutchess Trousers. There are other makes of trous ers, to be sure, but the Dutchess Trousers are the Acme of perfection in a wear-resisting, medium-priced trousers. We have encased over oirhL thousand pairs of legs in Dutchess trousers in Plattsmouth, and the stream of legs constantly corning back to be re-encased in the Dutch ess ( and won't have any other kind ) is proof positive of their intrinsic worth. You take no chances when you buy Dutchess trousers should a seam yawn or a button forget its business, we will pay you for the damage, for these trousers are war i anted ; yes, sir, actually warranted. We have all sizes the fat, the lean, the short, the tall. Why! bless your soul, we fit them all. Just try a pair the next time you need trousers, and we will hitch a bigger load to your dollar than it ever drew before. "One Price and No Monkey Business." GSOOtt & Son HATTERS, CLOTHIERS, HABERDASHERS. ;if m Tn. $25 . OO IIB WA1ZJ3 ! U THE BEST WE GARRY This Shoe, in many places, will cost you t and -5. Is offered to any person who will Stock a pair of ... . find in our Ladies Colored Shoes That were bought for last spring and summer trade so you need not 1e afraid of jettin- any old or off-color stuff shoved off on you, for.. Change of FuueraL The funeral or the late Mrs. T. J. Thomas will take place from the Pres byterian church at 2 o'clock tomor. ow instead of from the residence, as pub- J lished yesterday. m m n m m m in iy; m I ii nil 711 Our new Spring Goods are Factory Made, Neat, Clean and Up-to-date. wait on you in our shirt sleeves and. haven't any diamonds in the bosoms of our shirts, as have the clerks .in the lancy out-of-town shoe stores; but with us, we don't make you pay for prl i I l L W f I 1 the extra style, for, upon inspecting our new Spring. ..VESTING TOP SHOES.. You will realize that we can save you from 50c to SI. 00 on every pair. We haven't any misleading, off-color, old style, rutcji g-onds tt catch prices. The adjoining figure represents our S2.5 black and S2.75 Chocolate shoes, which stand all kinds of mud and water and will be nearly as shapely the day -ou throw them away as the day you bit" them. Our Men's Colored Cloth Tops Are arriving- daily, they being delayed on account of being- factory made, ane not left-overs in Red Colors from last year. Our grocery and dry g-oods department will be opened next year, and for the remainder of this year we will continue to devote our Undivided Attention to Durable, Shapely Fool-.car, not such as dr- goods, auction and grocer- stores sell. n.EPA,Rl.N- ROBT SHERWOOD n !( I'fi FOOT MILLINER A torpid liver robs you of ambition j and ruins your health. DcWitt'd Lit tle Early Risers cleanse the liver, cure constipation and all stomach iind . liver troubles. F. G. Fricke Sc Co. f Try THE NEWS-50c Per Month. frll m foil g 1 3l m I m m m P m V