Heirs of Ray Allison Ask His JCstate Probated. AN ABSENCE OF MANY YEARS Mk Illm Legally Drud Judge Spiirlwrk l'rt llioncd to Divide IIU I'roprrty Iteet Culture In Cknm County M r. Ilrown Agreeably Hiirprlhol. In 1875 Win. Hay, con ot John Alli Hon, a well known farmer and early Bottler in thin county disappeared and nothing was heard of him for Homo time, i'rior to 18H.1 lie visited here and noon nftor went hack to Texas and no trace of him has been had bince, and it in thought ho is dead. He inherited a nice farm from his fathers eatato, and vigorous elTorts have heen raado to find him but with out avail. Today the heirs nppeared in county court and asked to have tho estate probated and distributed. The heirs are: Jas. Allison, Leroy Allison, Itobt. Kendall, Mary Kendall, Mary Swan Davis, Winfield Swan, Clara, James and Ada Swan, (Clark.) The court took the matter under advisement for a few days, when the estate will doubtless bo divided up as prayed for. NuKr IteetH fur Stin k A. II. Week bach & Co. today ro ciovod an invoice of sugar boet soed from Germany. They aro eDtloavor ing to sell it to the farmers to raise sugar beets for etock food. Several farmers in this vicinity have exper imented on this scheme and found it a profitable experiment. The seed is of a prolific variety and wo would urge our farmer friends to try it and test the productiveness of Cass county soil as regards the sugar boot. Ther e is no question as to the succulency and fattening qualities of the sugar beet for feeding purposes and if it can be demonstrated that the vegetable is adapted to our soil it is not at all im probable that in the near future Plattsmouth may be the homo of a great sugar p ant. It will cost our farmers very little to experiment along this line and it may be a forerunner of a great amount of good. Surprlne on Mr. Jtrown. The cosy home of Mr. and Mrs. Logan Brown on North Fourth street was the scene of a delightful and well planned surprise, in honor of Mr. Brown's thirtieth birthday. The even ing was spent playing progressive high five until late. Mrs. Harvey Holloway assisted Mrs, Brown in caring for her guests. The honors wore won bv Mrs. Will Coolidge and Mrs. John Schulhoff. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tartsch, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Barker, Mr. and Mrs. John Schulhoff, Mr. and Mrs. Will Coolidge, Mr. and Mrs. Will Tippens, Mr. and Mrs. Will Schmidtmann, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Holloway, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Green, Mr. and Mrs. Will Clements, Mr. and Mrs. August Rein hackle, Mrs. O'Brien and MissMarie Karvaneck. A Pleasing Concert. The concert given by Mr. Tucker at the Presbyterian church last evening was very good indeed, the room was well filled and the audience appreci ative. Mr. Butler's organ solos were extremely fine, and he is deservedly popular wherever he appears. Mr. Tucker, though a young man, has al ready developed much originality and strength both as a pianist and vocalist. His best number was the "Toreador Song" Mrs. Cook has a lovely voice of great depth and purity and her ren dering of Vannah's "Cradle Song" was a beautiful example of vocal ex pression. Miss Eugenia Getnerhasa sympathetic voice and ber singing is characterized by a delicacy which was especially noticed in "Violets," a charming English song. Mr. Butler and Mr. Tucker are both brilliant ac companists aDd added much to the vocal numbers of the program. Malignant Diphtheria. The number of deaths at Murray and vicinity has created much com ment and no little alarm. Several people say the disease is none other than malignant diptheria. People cn not be too careful, as a spread of this dangerous disease means many deaths. Two cases with similar sym ptoms to the Murray cases have proven fatal here. A Sensational Damage Snit. W. Li. Craxton and wife of Omaha have begun suit in the district court against Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Minor of North Platte, in which the plaintiffs seek to recover $5,000 damnges for defamation of character. MattGering, the Plattsmouth attorney, is dragged into the case in the petition filed by the plaintiffs. Craxton is an Omaha train dispatcher and his wife has been in North Platte at intervals receiving treatment from a local physician. Fremont Tribune. Sending: In Gold. New Yokk, March 29. The Pro duce Exchange bank has taken $200, 000 in gold for import. Additional gold engagements have been an nounced by L. von Hoffman & Co., of $250,000 by the Bank of British North America, $500,000;. by Kuhn, Loeb & Co., $500,000; L. Freres, $1,125,000, and by Heidelbach, Ickelheimer & Co., $500,000. Two Well Known Statesmen talked for months, from a front porch and a rear end of a car. Perhaps the use of Foley's Honey and Tar will ex plain why they could do this, without injury to their vocal organs. It is largely used by speakers and singers. Smith & Parmele. CITY AND COUNTY. W KDN l.sli Y MrH. N. II. Iblnjll i.- quite sirk. Jomjph TlL'ho of Oiualut is in town. Wm. Holly was in tlo: n:. I mm .1 i -. today. C. S. I'olK ni'ide a living I ri p to Oai i ha thin a. in. Miss Cora Alexander w:ss t.ra ns-iet-ing businoHS in Omiihu today. r.dwuru 1 n bornky, ol i I a vo too c , w :t s j in tho city on business tod.-.y. j Fred Clark and wife of Union took dinner at Hotel do (Juthman today. ! Dar Johnson returned from a bus iness visit at Vetiiig Water tod ay. E. C. Strode, an attorney of Lincoln, is in l'latUmouth today on bu-ine-H. Eil Fitzgerald is driving a handsome pal' of blacks to his hack to d iv, a recent purchase. Fricko &, Co's store i o:u is urnler- going a nuinder of repairs and be-ino; ' nicoley decorated. j Uisti ict court held a short s v-inn j this afternoon to hear an argum-jiit in I tho case, of Otto vs Stull. j Mr.). Durkeo, wife f tho as-istant general auditor of the, 15. A: M. i t Omaha, is in tho city today the eu;-t of Mrs. D. S. Guild. A few Hash iiglit pictures were taken of tho people in attendance at tho surprise party on Jake liei .-oa at Mr. Isboll's Saturday night. Mrs. W. II. Hearing, Mrs. Myron Clark, and Mrs. Ston'oi borough were visitors at Weeping Water ye-'e; day and dined at Mrs. Dr. Hiiii'ra'.e's. Tho Plattsihout h Driving P.-. rk as sociation .has pold its rial est;ito to Sain'l Patterson. Tho conVnlorniion named in the transfer being -l, (':. The street ('leaning brigade did some good work with the lire hi;.-;-; on the lower Main street pavement today which has been out of siyht, for a io.ng time. Monte Streight is on tho si.'.'; list. today though on duty at t tie g.'i.e .'.I delivery window. From tho appear ance of his upper lip wo might infer he has had a bite. Now subscribers to the ICvoning NEWS continue to come in which shows that the public appi eoini. s a legitimate newspaper which prints j the ne vs every day in the weeli. Judge Ramsey discharged th,; ju: y j again this morning until topion c .v. The jur' will not be. di.-ehared ti,i week but will be held over a p r'. ion of next week for the trial of the stale vs. Chas. Good. John Rennie telegraphed his folks here hist night from his home in Min nesota, that iio had undergone an operation for appendicitis and was getting along nicely, feeling certain of an early and complete recovery. Ihe funeral of J. Leborsohl's litt.e daughter, who died Mot day morning of malignant sore throat, eccurred this morning at the Bohemian Cathoiie church in this city. There was u large attendance of friends of the family. Joe Gray, foreman in the rouid house received a bid cut on the tight side of the face this afternoon from a side rod of an engine. He was patched up by a physician and will not be seriously discommoded from the bump. A ccording to the court house records Theodore lieim, a Louisville farmer, loaned $9,000 on Cass countv real estnto last week. Mr. IJeim is one of the farmers who has made his money on the farm, every dollar of it, and not by speculation. H. C. Dondore, representing Geo. C. Murphy & Co., of E st Liverpool, Ohio, was in tho city today looking for a building in which to open an exclusive glass and queersware stove. He went to Omaha by the afternoon train but will return in a few days. Frank Davis, a popular salesm-n with Herold & Sons, has resigned his position, to take effect tomorrow, and has accepted a posit'on at Denver Colorado. Many friends will rcgr.-t to see Mr. Davis leave Plattsmouth, hut wish him well in his new fields. THURSDAY. Wm. Edgerton is in Omali a. Look out for tho fool man tomorrow, Geo. Hansen of Nehawka is in town. Mrs. D. S. Guild is spending the dty in Omaha. Mrs. C. E. Wescott wns an Omaha visitor today. Mrs. Loss Graves is quite ill at her home near Morse HlulY. W.J. Hesser was trai. sating busi ness in the metropolis today. Attorney A. L. Timblin returned to Weeping Water this afternoon. John Boetel and family departed today for Sumner county Kansas. H. R. Lessel, of U nion, visited tins, the best town in Nebraska today. Mrs. S. P. Holloway is in Omaha visiting her nephew for a few days. Wechbach & Co. had the first straw berries of the season on sale today. F. E. White and wife and daughter were visiting in the metropolis today. The river is said to bo lower than it has been for years at this time of year. Attorney Russell of Weeping Water was here today looking after legal af fai'i. S. G. Coglizer and J. A. Hayes, two Weeping Water citizens are in town on biz. Miss Helen Tolliff who has been quite ill from tonsilitis is very much improved today. D. S. Guild came home frem his Chicago trip. He looks smiling and pleasant as ever. Miss Dora Moore and cousin, Miss Jessie Oldham, are in Omaha seeing what they can see. 'iv b ,.t- in s ilii tl.e t ,a : ' i r . ' : of iny (f tl,.. . ,i : !! i ! c 1 1 1 r t n i i i t llrl v - to i - ; do . V. !, V..- t. da v. r. .'. a : i i .. ;; -; i.i Oo :'.-!. !.!! I. : " y -s o ..!;, n.'. r-1 l.oi D U .- i-iiv 1 ;i!ol we.it 1 : a. s la O it, - f; ; I lU by the M. 1". .own C. .1. II .oii.l'M- f o'ping V;ttr w;- in thv -i;y toil.-:y l"o'v,ti"; after i ciii't mi-!! - in v. hie'i ho. i J 5 !;' - ( Th ,..,..,. ,;( ,J(i th T(m Hick- , j t-1 y ' tolay to Oliver (Jilson. I'latt-niouth i-o.-.l e.-la'o U no longer a drug on tho market. Mi-is iihe-da, the magician ho s pen t two y'-ars in India, is with Manager Mo.Mui'en ad vej-t.i-ing a novelty in ha: dk iv hief.s '-l Morgan's. 'j ho 1 dies Aid society f the Chris tian church w.li ne i't at the home f Mis. Aiu.a t,V rrigan, Frid ty, Aprii 1. A good at '. end a e : i -. d'-i i c 1. M '.-4 Vi.d.i S; i. e:, departed thi- li,or,. i.;g ft)' I.e. ho.' I. KaS., for a V'.rdt Willi her piare,'-:. Tne Semi- Weekly .Ni.'.VS 1 i l-'.KA 1. 1) v id f'd II"!'. Ull! !! 1- g a n e:To'-t to became ! s' r'n tl v in , tr t)oi n . Tiiey arc pre- ! p iring to or n.'. ; ;. bra-. band a nd a ! a'.l !ub. Now if tliey would g-t out a hv-i; ball t -:iin tlieir g'ory would ho oom)!'j?' John S. her;', who i i quite an ariist wi:h Ihe i;ii t. o'U-!i, is decorating th"; loh I'.'.u Si or. . in ii n 3 the !ri:uo;e F. (.:. i lelre 1 1 ig 1 1 w i i! bv; one ot nio in town v, hen t and nti.rl-'in- e i . is. !;lo d: g il'i ,l n ::.: o; i": 1 1 : , - C r. n en le ! ta i u li.en t .) . .Mofg.iii'j siiow e' iiwd of cil v. o.s on ; the p O'io: o'.i ne'e. i II Wiiidtews. I t o ; t i V la: . 1 I i H OL 1 : ' i ; a : ill! t i!'.o-l v i- d thai the t all, ! u'. that i rr.-' a re 1 go ; ri --ill-" ;:iid e :.r h, s i . v. w es ..u it ably i f ii id n ol h i'i. ': i i y t i ; e ' ;tanuii;rm " ii ; p i' n . -t to th port ' d r i nigs. L. J". y ' . W (hi il r i- ht v. 'J"no hose is )'e 1 i i. o eo'.o.'- Sni f I.l-u o!n, the i ra vei iog oi for i h t it i-1 h liter Pane r town today ami bought a. m c'ti'.i.o o- v his w ! for j Co., was in .'. . - - h ;.: j '.vo'. i: h - p i l! e e-.l-.-rp to . ! r t.f tie Stia O' , Singer I ' com ,j. n v . An bnaoa jury verdieL of guiity Utn t a . at.-, s a. e i. a ' go,: w i i h the p. audi n money b Tuesd.iy .''iv ir ok d a i'i t.;e c,ie of Ike ai O. II. Fiicn, t-mb. v:. lu oil of t he 'in giog 'o .loon ii. v h a 111 il'i. Id 1 sol oil- V for whom Fitch vv.-.s grua rii ia n. M,- -.. ,ldu Murray, livit g n ar Eight Mile Gro e. i- sto ii.u iy id, si.nd fears aro e .to-t-iifi'd that siie cannot re cover. Dr. j i i mo e is in atti-ndanee with D". (hoirim.ns of this city in cor. su'tation. V,',-ti.'t aiav she was in con vulsions a:,d siiti'eteil inteu.-eiy. Z T. Drown, who some time ago visited Colorado. Wyoming and Utah in scaro-h of a loenti.-ri where 'no e u'.d imptaue Ids health, is back in Platts mouth again. He lias not yet decided as to whether he will move west or not. Mr. Drown is still sutlering from a very sore hand caused fr- m lead poisoning. Ed. Fickler, of TTay Springs, was in town today and mado a pleasant call on tiio 1- V i 1-e. still traveling for tho Grinnell G'ovo company and makes no secret t.-f the- fact that pros perity is abroad in tho land and that business is better than it has been for four years, if ho did vole f' r Bryan. As further evidence of all rou; d pros-net ity Ed. says he has a new boy at his housj that's a clippor. The NkWs. st ited that Theodore lieim, our neighbor farm-'. r at Coiiege Hill, ha-.. i'Oaaed . ' 0 or. Cas- eounty fai ra land, whieii ir-oney Mr. Ileim ma le whio li ir.g on a fat in. Yes, Mr. He i in is well-to-do, ho cold his horro la. in iateiy for the above amount, but Mr. Ueiiu itad the w here with when he la' de;i in Cas Couniy years ago lo buy and stoc.i his farm with money ho brought with htm f-.oai xViseoasin. It was dilTereot with iao.-t of the far mers then, they bought their land on times and everything eiso the same way and had a hard struggle to keep tee shos ill' awav. C. S. Anotlu-r lis at.'i At. Murray Nerval tho 1 1-year-e-ld son of Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Koanedy, died at tho parents homo ia Mm rav last evening at o:4o. It will he remembered that several U ys a:ro t'ie News contained an item to the effect that an operation had been performed upon tho throat of the little fe'l-.v while suffering from membraneous croup. n incision was made in the f rachao and a silver tube inserted tov.tford the sufferer tempor- r.ry relief anl ' prevent the child struggling fi'-'in the croup. The oper ation in itself was suecesful but the boy was later seiz-.d with lung fever faira wtiich he was a sufferer but a few days. The funeral will oeeir tomorrow- at 11 o'cioik from tho Presbyter ian church ia .MuiT iv. I desire to attest to trie mrits of Chamberlain's Cough Rjmedy as one of ill.- mo-'i valuable and efficient prepat at son on th- market. It broke an exceed ngly dangerous e ugh for me in 24 hours, and i n gr a titudu t h et e f or. I desire to inform you that I will never- be without ittand you sHeu'd feci proud of the high esteem in which your Remedies are held ay people in general. It is. the one. rein -dy among ten ttou-and. Success to it. O. R. Downey, Editor Democrat, Albion, Iud. For sale by all dru-jgists. You should know that Foley's noney ami Tar is absolutely the best remedy for all diseases of the Threat, Chest or Lungs. Dealers are authorized to guarantee it to give satisfaction in all cases, Smith & I'armele. v , an AVEIIYTIIAILI'XSKII). Destitute AlUitipl-, to ljv.it n Ik-iK-iaeN'r. coiii.Dx i siAXD i;;.(oi'L!:nv Ami lKi-rt l A li.it Mmlit Itii n a ouil Ifimit'tii ill ill Slr;niK' l'mllii f !l I.H hll It H ,H- h Itun Hivny Tf:im l(OOi'l Tu';si!ay evening a hoy about fifteen yoars of age called at the home of If ' ). Day, a shop ne.au liviig in t tit southern part of Hi city and put up a f or row fill tale. He A'as somewhat deformed in body, though seemingly all right in mind, shabbily dresseo and bore unmistakable evidence of having bumped up against adversity in no limited degree. He gave his name as I'i tze'e raid, claiming th it lo A-asa relative of Ed Fitzgerald, (whieii was ialse) the livoryma'i, and said that he had called upon llu for assistance, but. ia ci. ived no f t)cuun:;'im jnt and no aid. Mr. and Mrs. Hay's li i arts were touched by too pinched face, the shrunken (oi in, the Littered garment and the well-lormed story ol the boy a::d dei id, 1 to take him in for a lime, at least, and, if tin-re v-ais any thl a g in him, wou.d exert their iniluenco and their mi tins to help i.im on in the world. lie was accordingly taken into the boaom of tho family, given a good, .varm tupiiur, a comfortable bed and dressed in a bran new suit of eiothe.-, which Mr. Bay purchased for him. Yesterday morning Mrs. Jiiy to d the boy to put on seinu O.d ciolhes at.d do some work about the heuse. Ho uid so. and uorkt d well until aftor dinr.ei . i;ien,woen the lady's back was turned fi-r a t-r of spell, tho young charity object gatliered up the new suit and tu-.de train; s as speedily as possible for tho bridge. Mrs. Lay wen I. to tuo shops and informed her husband that their young protege had lied and with lorn the new suit of clothes, which was intended for a mother of Mrs. Hay in ca-e toe hoy proved uav rthy their conlidenee and aiu. Mr. Bay crossed the bridge last overling- arm found the boy carrying wa:er for the fill gang at the east, end. He sac c eded in recover i . g ihe clolhes and U ft the young in grate to shift for himself. It would have hi en it any. many days befo: e this- bit ad c. st uji-'ii thi: wat.irs would iiavo retLotied, il b ft to its o.vn e in se. An I.'inisintl I'l-iM't-t-iiini. Ilamm -r vs Cogliz r. suit against a constable for not levying an execution had a funny ending in di-trict c. urt today. Tile ca-e was set for ttial this me.i-t;iag at (J o'cioci-; and A. L. Tim b in attorney lor the defendant was on hand piomptly with his witnesses who ha I come in the. night before from Weeping Water. After waiting for a time for the piaintili and his attoi ney, A. M. Ru-seli, to app -ar, a jury was impanneled. Mr. Timblin read plain tiffs petition, then read his own ans wer which was a general denial, that placed the burden of proof ail on the plaint iff. Tiwe re being no witnesses to testify, defendant's attorney asked the court for instructions to the jury to bring in a verdict for the defendant. The court so instructed, and while the verdict was being arranged, in came Attorney Russell with his client. He looked on until the verdict was handed up and read, then he tiied to stop tho proceedings, but Judge Ram sey indicated that Cass county could not pay jurors to sit and wait for lawyers, and he prtinptly entered up judgment for the defendant. After Mr. Timblin had won his case the members of the tar had a good 'augh over the unusual proceedings, and each attorney died up and congratu lated the attorney with a hand-hake. Col. Russell was not in a very amiable frame of mind and f. tiled to see any thing funny in the proceedings. He will know next time that when a case is set by the court for 0 o'eioek-that t) o'clock is what is meant. l!air!n-Hilt ii Kscaiie, "YfT.ere duty cal's or danger be never wa nting there'" is a motto long since ad p'e l by Milo If ; iggs and he never allows an opportunity io pa Sis without showing h:s faith by hrs works. His latest daring deed was performed this morning in front of his lonsorial parlors in stopping a runaway team which started to move ell' down Main street at a lively gait, having been left untied. Mr. Briggs was standing on the sidewalk soliloquising on the vicissitudes i f being a middle of the roader when he saw the frightened steei's coming down the middle ef the road toward him. Yf ith a valorous, and daring heroism surprising in one so youcg, Milo threw oil" his coat, spit upon his h'inds and with one agile hound he soring to the re.-cue and stopped the half-frightened, ha. -moving animals thus siving perhaps a number of broken "'felloes," a para lyzed "'longue." a broken neck-yoke and possibly considerable other dam age to man and beast. His acrobatic girations were so neatly ana quickly performed as to call out the admira tion and the phaudiTs of the bystanders. Mi'o gracefully acknowledged the compliments and retired to the shop to quiet his nerves and get the hair to ie down on the top of his head. Can didly it was a neat and daring per formance but Mr. Bviggsis too modest to ; d mi t it. I!arl nnl Soft Coal. John Waterman is sole agent for the famous Mendota soft coal. Also carries the best grades of hard coal, woof, lumber, laths, shingles, lime, cement, etc. If you are going to build, it will pay you to see Water man. Office at the rear of Water man block on Fifth street. 1 he Ciiiinly Imtltlltr. .- pi'i i.il f 's! i iv J" "idi-in e. W i : i : i i'u Watf.u, Net., Murtb, ."it. If th) first day of thu county insti tute was a success, t he second was even more so. .Vr. Skinner's work in tho Spoor method in arithmetic, having a cirss of primary pupils with which to work. In reading-, ho used tho little folks to illustrate his work of interpreting "hinti," or fleets. Dr. King's work in tho forenoon was confined to tone culture to bring out the sounds of tho various vowels and consonants. Tho afternoon was given to Dr. King and Captain Eli. Tho Dr. kept his audience in good humor mid yet made some very telling points. He dwelt upon the tones of oice used io expres--ing mere knowledge, b cling and will power. Captain E'l is a jolly M,d tar, having spent many years in tho whale fish eries. Ho told about tho capture of t he great sperm whale. This lecture was something unique and yet very in s! rue live. Instead of tho regular evening lec ture, tho teachers had p. reception rind social last evening. Music, refresh ments and recitals by Dr. King were the principal features. Last evening tho teachers were given a reception at the Congrega tional church. Music, refreshments, fun and frolic were tho order of tho evening. This afternoon Mrs. Stoutenborough of I'latismouth will talk to tho teach ers on the subject of Ethics. This evening thero is to be a lecture by I'rof Barbour of the stato university. Superintendent V. R. Jackson, of Lincoln, was here last evening. He says the educational exhibit at Omaha this summer is to bo grand. llii;h lliiiiileil Jtohhery. B. L. Ktrkham, the Jouneral man, always a hustler, is getting a double action on himself today to buy the baby a dro-s, himself a new bhirt and suuury and divers other articles cf wearing apparel, too numerous to mention, but in nowise too numerous for the average newspaper man's pock et took, thank you. List evening while Iho family washing was waving in the even iug breezes from the saiu famiiy clothes line, some fiend in carnate, without the tear ot man or l .ve of other people's babiua in his de generate heart, stealthily and willi mauce aforethought, entered the fami.y dooryard and appropriated the eoveted family washing to his own uso in our code, robbing tho newepaper man of his last snirt is high treason while robbing tne newspaper man'b babies is an unpardonable sin. Mr. ivirkham pretends to have the laugh on tho robber, to somo extent, how ever, by contending that ho has another iiit, but we ate from Missouri. '1 lie lif liff Work. Funds for tho Cuban sufferers are coming in daily and the total contii Dution by Saturday wiil amount to at least a car load not a small car, but a 4o,000 pounder. The committee has now 2S.00U pounds and the fund will easily be swelled to the amount stated above. It is always easy to touch the generosity and loosen the purse strings of Plattsmouth people, and tho present laudable cause is no exception. Wi.ile neighboring towns are making vigorous efforts to raise a car load of provisions and apparently not meeting with the best of success, Plattsmouth will win out in her undertaking with h inds down. The contributions con sist of flour, bacon, corn meal, oat meal, beans, etc. If you have not do nated to the cause you should do so at once. Veterans to Man Interior I'osts Utica, N. Y., March 2S. A letter from the department commander of the Crjmd Army of the Republic, Colonel A. D. Shaw, to Secretary of War Alger, suggests that in casa ol need the veterans he could put into the field could be used to man stations vhere fedei al troops are now located that all regulars might be free for use at the front in case of war. This would obviate the necessity of holding regulars rt such places as Buffalo, Sr.cketts Harbor, Plattsburg, etc. Secretary Alger thanks Colonel Shaw for his offer and says he is much inter ested in the suggestions, but hopee the future turn of events may make it unnecessary to adopt it. Dr. .Marshall, Graduate Dentist. Dr. Marshall, fine gold work. Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain crowns. Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge wot k Dr. Marshall, teeth without plates. Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fiilings. Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates. Dr. Marshall, perfeot fitting plates. Dr. Marshall, all work warranted. All the latest appliances for first class dental work. A man stands on chance of being eb cted to tne mayorship of a city unless he enjoys the confidence and esteem of his neighbors. Geo. V. Humphrey is the popular mayor of Swanton, Ohio, and under Oate of jan. 17, 1896, he writes as follows: "This is to certify to our appreciation of Chamberlain's Cough Semedy, My family and neighbors hive tested it, and ew know it is an excellent remedy for coughs and colds. GEORGE W. Humphrey," Sold by all druggists. On the morning of Feb. 20, 1895, I was sic e with rheumatism, and lay in bed until May 21st, when I got a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The first application of it relieved me al most entirely from the pain and the second afforded complete relief. In a short time I was able to be up and about again. A. T. Mokeaux, Luverne, Minn. Sold by all druggists. Seed 1'otatoes. For sale fine early rose, early'Ohio and other choice seed potatoes at A. H. WECKItACn & Co's. LEGAL ADVIiRTISEMUNTl3 Notice of Sialc. I a tlio .list t ii t emu I el '.i i i .null , N, I a ik.i. I It-iiry l-.il.itili.ii v. ft til, VM. '1 tic latiri-n I'.. ink .f I'i.ittMiiimilli.Ni-b.. i t al. I I N.itiif i i lictcliv nive ii ili.it uu, I. a ne I hv mi tne el tin- ili Of i.l On: IP,i. .t ii-a I. eil -liiiii-.L-v. lmli;i- ol tlicUi lo t i ,,.ii t . in re i.- oi luiaiaiy L'wili, A. I l-.is, in ,i s,m , i, I i i: in the district taunt . :i luiiulv. ,rl a a. .i, w lien-in I Iftuy I-ikriiliHi v ft al, i - .1 a i m i It . .a in J 1 lie I Itifiis ll.mk i.l f'l.tttMiinutli. .Ncl't.t k.i, ft a I. ilf Ie in lunt .. a in I lin Ii ili-i i if unified and directed tlio incivcr i f the -aid i,.iiik. innl.-r if: tied, to pubic h I'U Unity ,la .in, I tlnn-ili tin; real c s; a to tii-iriii.il lei dc-" i iticl 1 l,.i I m t suant tn said ui-li-r ttif n n,!t-i -ii'm-'t n-i i i v i uiii till the 'Jlsl day id M.iitli. A. I at In n !., k a. in. at the smith dom id the i mil t Ii ,u f In Un fit y cl Plat t sin i u tli. t a-,-, i u id v . .N in a s -i ulli-i loi sale the InlliiwitiK di-si i il,i-,l land, w: I in nuitliWfst iiaittr .'iil --ft I mil i inliti-i-ii I H j, the MiuthwfSt iiiailii ',l id fit .seven T. the west liaitlW',1 n tin- suiil tn-.i-I tiiartci l 1'. J ul st i ti.ni mi t-ii i I. the in uiii f.ivt quarter (Nl-.'il "t t'ie smiOn-a I i,i.,u,i I l-o i set tn. n seven , I in- nnilOM-d iti.ulia I .NW4 ul the southwest quailt I SU 'i ul m -t inn f iht H ) nil in tovMi-lui eitVfiill limit, iiiiikc Imiitet n ll. m t a-,s county. Ne braska, heme; a pait ol the as els ul said Citizen liank, ilelt-nd.int. s,bjrit. In hi, liens and iniamihi am e. At said sat- Inds will be tect'lved e llhf r lor t ash. in nut less than 1 .'. " tonditiullcii that the pin, hase i n e shall be a plied upon the. pi nil ip.il ol t la mis unit entitled In dividends, the hleOiest ol whlili bids on e.u h class ill be reported tn the roui I lui duet lunis. v. hi, h nf said bid - will be ai t e pit d. Dated this luih day of 1'ebiu iiy. IK'. Cmaki l.s t;. I akmi a i . As Receiver of 'I he l Uie:is Hank ul l'laits niouth, Nebraska. liyion Clark, Attorney. .Notice of I'lililiialiuii. John M. Kiser, l'laintlil I vs. , John Kiser. John . Amick and l.auia A. ( Amide, his wile, and j l'.sther h. I teller, tie- tendants. J I he ilelendaiits, Julni Riser. John W . innk and I. aura A. Amick, his wile, and l-.siln i Heller, will take liulue that on the aid iia ol 1-ebiuaiy, lM's, Juiiu M. Kiser. planilill. lued lir pet il ion in the ilisli act cum t ol lass email . Ne braska, against John Kisei , J ului . A in n a. and I .aura A. Amick, his wile, and I-.si liei r. i ei .t i , the object and prayer ol winch aie to have. i certain quit claim need which was made l J,,l,n Kiser, deleiidan tin this sun, who bad no line, rinht or aulhm ity w halsoevei , and iicr.iaed i i l-.st her -Si. I letter delendant in tins siul.oiilh. follow Injf descrilied leal est.ile, to wit. lieK'niiuin at a puna -.i t .-.ent y-th 1 1 -e feet west ol the south - east ' c'oinei of lot nuinbc-r c-iKhl btoi k nuiiibei six! v Ice l')-l in the city ot Weeping Watei, a ., tuiiiii), Netnaska, and running thence noilti sisly live Ilia) feet, thence w est Ivv ent j one I -1 ; h et.t neni i south sixty live I'M) leet, and thence as I I ii cut ) -one (l)leei. to the point ol l,c4iiuu, set as.,K and declared null and void, ami the elm., I upon the title ol plaiulilt, caused theieby icin-'Vc -a, an., fur iudioucul lor costs in this suit, and lm . ni l, other leliel as jus I ice and equ it y iua t epu o e. I ou are required lo ansuci this pei,i,ou on oi belore the -..si day ol Maich, I sum. Dated i'c-biuary 7, I mi.-., John M. 'i i.k, liy M. r), lingK-Si lil attorney. Probate Notice. In tlie County com t u Cass count y, Nebraska. In the niaitc-i ul the Lja.iidi.in .hi, ,a .U;ie,l. dinilli, an inc'onipeleiil pc-isou. low hoiu a in,,) Concc-in: Nonce is hereoy given lo lne sal . Allies K. riiiillll, lincolupeleni, lo l.n ,n. .smith. guardian, ami to ail oiher peisous lnicac.-.u o, mat Oeoi ge. .In lines tiled lie em 1 eli. 1 1, le.i-s, ,, pelluuii aneeinu among ollici nungs mat he i . Muretyon Ihe u,,nd ol the s.uo I.il M. riu.l,,, unit nei liter the said I'.il M . tan uh nm an ol ni , pie decessoiu, as guardian ul said incompetent, nave ever made a sci I lenient with the emu I oi pi una e, lhat Oy reason ol alleged negligence, tneie is danger ol liaoiiiiy lo lne waiu on said I,., no. 1 eluiuiier plays that r.li Al. mioii iua i,, cited to appear in county court ami u inl, i a lu.i account in said premises: i hai pei.inmei he discharged liiini lialniily upon said nmnl; i Inn the saia Xz.il ,M. stmilii be letiunetl lo luinisua new bona, or. in deiaull llieieol th.il s.tnl - mill, be removed from his irusl a.? guai.lian and mat tuother be apponile.l in his p,a, e; U, I the ac counts on lne he settled and approved ana lot other equitable and proper icljcl in the pteinise . V oil are hereby nuldied that a liciu,ir vv,l he had on said petition March JJnd, lsiis, ,,i ;.' o cio k p. in., and Unit il you bin m appear upon s.uo date and contest said petition, me conn may grant the prayer ol said petition and n.awe such other and further orders, allow antes and de: i . cs as to thiscourl may seem iioei in Ihe piemises. ltness my hand and Ihe seal ol said court. at i'latismouth, .ebraska, mis, the 1st day ,d March, A. D. ls'.ii. GiiiiKi.i: M. ti-i m.oi k, (Seal) County Judge. Lliuttfl ilortg;.igf Siil. Notice is tiereljy triven that bv virtue of a chattel mortgage, dated on tho Mud day ul June, itoi, and duly lileu in the olhce ol the coui.lv clerk ol Cass county. Nebraska, on ihe .lid day oi June, ls'J7, ami executed by J. .-5. Cuod to i . . Davis, to secure the pay men l d si- v en I y 11 v e dol lars, with interest thereon from the 1st day ol June, ls!y7, at the rate ol ten per cent per annul, , from said day, and upon whidi there is now urns Jnd day ol February, lslii due the sum ol in lo. lOclauil having been made 111 the payment ol said sum, and no suit or other proceeding al law having been instituteu 10 recover said debt, or any part thereol, lln-retoie, 1 will sen the property therein described lo wit: J h tec Ii I tlis interest in twenty-live acres ot corn on tiie west hall ol the northwest quarter ol section Hi 111 town 1 1, range 13, Cass county, Nebraska, winch corn is divided, picked and cribbed 011 tne south west quarter ol section la, in town 11, range l.i, Cass county, Nebraska, and amounts to about i'-io bushels, at the crib and hi ihe crib at said place 111 Rock binds precinct, in Cass county, on the -1st day ot March. 1:'. at the hour ol lu o'clock a. 111., to satisfy said debt, with the cosls of advertising, caring lor and soiling said prop erty. 1, v'. i)A as. luesday, .March J, 1K8 Legal Notice. In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska. In the matter ol the estate of John b. liolmes, deceased. This cause came on for hearinir udou the neti- tion of f-rank M. Voting, as adm.nistrator ot tht- estateoIJoan b. Holmes, deceased, and the re turn ol said administrator to the lornier license issued herein, and application ot said adminis trator for an alias license to sed the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter ol section l.i, 111 town 2. range si-, in 1-urnas county, Nebraska, to pay the debts of said estate in the sum ol &J,:. and the costs of administrating said estate, there not being sulhcient personal property to pay said deb;s and costs ol administration. it is, therefore, ordered that a.i uersons inter ested in said estate appear before me at the olhce of the clerk of the district court 111 the court hou-e in Fiattsmouth on the J'ilh day of April, lsW, at 2. o'ciock p. in., to show cause why an alias license siiouid not be granted to said ad ministrator to sell so much ol the above des cribed real estate of said deceased as shau be necessary to pay said debts and expenses. It is further ordered tiiat notice ol sai 1 appli cation and of the making of tins order be ;. iv en ail parties interested in said estate by puo.i.-hing a copy of tins order for lour successive v.eeKs be lore the day ot hearing in the emi-VvceK.y News-Herald. Dated thisfcth day of March. 1KH. b.AsiL Kamsky, Judge of the District Court, second Judicia, Dis trict. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by Geo. F. House rtorth, clerk of tiie district court, within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to 11, e di rected, I will on the ;th day of Aprii. A. I, ly-.at 1 o'clock p.m. of said day at tiie south d ,or of the court house in tt.e city of I'.att.-.moiaii, .11 said county, sell at public auction, to the high est bidder for cash, the follow in;; real estate, to wit: The no; tiieast quarter n e 1 1 j of the south west quarter s w U J and the norm half fn 1 2 ',1 the southeast quarter s e U ) of section thirty I Iklj township twelve -LiJ range thirteen b;j east of the tith p. m. in Cass county, Nebraska. Together with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. 'Ihe same being levied upon and taken as tne property of Leonard C. W. Murray and Ke Mecca A. Murray, defendants, to satisfy a judgment and decree of said court recovered by K. (j. Dovey & bon, cross petitioners against said de fendants in the case of May N. Martin vs. Leon ardo. V. Murray et al togetiier with tne privil eges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, i he same being levied upon and taken as the property of Leonard C. W. Murray and Rebecca A. Murray, defendants to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by the said li. ij. Dovey & son as afuresa.d, against said detendaneS. Flattsmoutn, Nebraska, March 26. A. D. 1'.'S. W. D. U IIKKLKH, Sheriff, Cass County, Nebraska. By J. D. McBnde, Deputy, K. b. Windham Attorney for K. G. Dovey i: Son. Notice to L'rf'ilitors. State of Nebraska, County of Cass. J In the matter of the estate of Henry Stoll, de ceased. Notice is hereby given that the claims and de mands of all persons against Heory .toil. deceased, late of said county and state. wiiiLe received, examined and aljusted by tiie county court at the court house in Fiattsaiouth, on the itnh day of September A. D., lH's at y o'clock in the forenoon. And that sx months from and alter the llith day "of March, A D.. Is:, is time limited for creditors of sai a deceased to present their claims for examination and allow ance. Given under my hand and seal this jilst day of February A. D-. lstis. rsea- Gkorge M. Spurlock. J County J u,Jte. .SlierifTs hale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by George F, Houseworth, clerk of the district court, w ithin and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to nie di rected, I will on the 2'Sth dav of April, A. D. I-'.', tit "I o'i lo k p, in. nf rntlil ly Ml II outh I I , ot th,- oti 1 1 I, -ai r m the 1 it y of I'M It mouth, III ..ml 1 ....1.: . ,-I at p 11 bin: hiii t lull, to I hn lnr h - I 1 bid h i I ., , 1, 1 In-(,, on mi! n nl -l ma lo-w it : Ihe 1 10 1 1 1, w 1 -., 1 , iri 1 tl w 1 , I and t he nortli e t j 11 .1 1 1 -r in.. ,1 o- il w,utlifl qumtrr t s w ', I n s, 1 lion I,., 1 1 I .1 I t 1 a 1.1 hip twrlva II I 1 atige I till lei'li I Hi I f asl ol I i,u 1,1 Ii p. ill . Cam r, ,unl v. Nel.iaxka together Willi lh privlifr and ,ii.iiiti ii.ini i-n tlieiriiiitu boinuuiiiK or In anvwi e ap en ainin . J ho namr being It; v Li d up. n and taken a the plope.ty id I fnnard I V Miin.iy and Kt beiiii ;. Miin.iy, th tend ant to ,.,i 1 1- y .1 ,,. I., iii.-n t , ,1 aa id ( out t rn'.nvcrcil k,v an. ne, U !,,; , as i-ii-i idol id the lant will ami ti I . 1 1 1 ul i,l ) ,l,n IIimi k, di-i HKfd plail lill, kmi a )u,lguieiit h i nvc led by the Hunk ulCmi county tin s pi 1 1 1 lot it-1 ag a i lint km id tic fendunta. I'latl anouih. .Ni-tii.i-k. Man h A. l. liH. VV. D. Whhiuk, Mn-iiil. I'mi County. Nebraska. Ity I I . Mi 111 ide I if put v. I ii. mdham. Attorney lor I'lalntifT. bheriffi Sale. I ', V vi 1 1 ue ul an onlel ol hhIu llitied by (itnrn -, 1 1 on sewn t Ii. link ol the di ,ti it t couit, witkln an I I a I ass loiinty, N-l,iHikM, and to m dl ii i te l. I will mi the luili day ul Match, A. I , I -.is, at II n't l.n k a. in. ol Haul day at th .null, d ,. a ol the i out I house In t lie til V fl I'latta nioii t h. in s. id i oiint y, ne II at public mil tliill, l the highest bidder tut cash, tlio lolluWtug tA eslalt. to- vt II : l.otsont. and two I and U), In Mock 1 1 . in l ai tei s addition In the city ol Weep ing atei , I ass count y, Nf branka, together with the privileges and appui tcnani :c theiciiutu b loiieuig ui in atiyvv i-.e appui talniiik'. ihe tame n nig lev n d iipnn and taken the pil-prrtl ty ol Iy a A I a e . ran i i V. f I al. delcudanti. to tll Jiidgineut ol s.nd Limit lelovt-lfd by I'lillCliN. I n,-, ,ii . plaint ill, againsl said del end an ta. i lallstnouth. Neb., 1'eb. IO, A. D. W. D. Witkkt.ia, Hieiill, (Jass County, WcLiaika. By I. I. Mcbri.le. Deputy. 1.. 11. uoley. Attorney for Francis N. Glbeon. Id'K'ill .Notlci. In the ihsliit l cnnit of Cass county, Nebraska, John John on, Jr., by his guar d.au, 1 .iijah V.. i'liilnps, Vs. nil. i M. M, inner ami hus band, tjeoige J. skinner. 1 h lend,, n Is will take not it c that epon the 14 1 a day ol 1 1, i t-iubei, A. D. sli,', the plaintiff hied ins petition in Ihe district couit of Dill CUUIilfi .., ,,i,i- k.i, the obji-t t and player of which r to el a-iOe a deed liiim plaintill to deleativat, i iiia M . s k 1 1 1 1 1 1 i . vv 1 1 it 1 1 pieleudetl to convey lo iuo 1,1 two Ui in block sixty llueo ft la ciiy ol Wtepihrf Watei, Cass county, Rebraeiita, and to :tt aside and annul Haul (feed an4 ie, old II,. or,, I, as il appeals in book ill, page i ui 1 1 ot in, need icl old ol l a , county, Nebraska, an I lm an a, t ,,uii ting ot lenls collected by saia di 1 1 1 i . t . 1 1 and to icvest tlio title ot saul lot la pi.iinini. And I n fmtlier equitable relief you are re quited to ansvvel said betitioil on or before tha :.-ili day ol .Man h, A. D. iM. John Johnson, It. I',y In s uuatdiaii, l.lijuli 1'.. l'hillips. Ity Ins al tin ney s, iiy inn Clai k and C. A. Kawls. Dated 1 ebiu.uy, In, A. D. 1U7. Mit rill'M Sule. by v ii I ue nf an older of sale, issued by Geo. V. 1 1 ni -a-vv oi i h, cleikol tiie distiicl court, within anil lm i ., couniy, Nebiaska, and to me dl leite l, 1 wni uu the l.'nili tiay of March, A. D. is. .-, .it 11 u clock a. in. td said day at Ihe south tin ,,i ol ll, e t out t house III liiecity ol I'lalli.inouth In. aid couniy, sell at public an, Hon, to the hinesl biddei lor cash, the lollowing leal estate lo -w ll. Lot loui 1 1 1 in block one I J in -Stiles' addltlea to Ihe t ity ol riailsliioiilh.l.ass county, Nt biask a, i,,,,, uu i with me piivneges and apper tenaacea liieieiinto beioiigtng oi in anywise appertaiaiag; the same being levied upon anil taken as the f ro , , il ol John -swob, ul. i. delendant, to hatialf a judgment ol said cum t lecuveied by Charles C. laiiueie as leieivi.r nl ihe Ctiicmi bank of i iaii nioiitii, -ass county, Nebiaska, plaintiff, again a sanl deleudaiit ami John Keller. i'lailsiuouih, .Nebiaska, I ebiuaiy ltf A,D.,1HH. V M. 1. V IIISLBI, Miei ill, Cass county, Nebiaska. by J. D. Mi binle, Ucpuly. llyioii i l.n k , oltoiney lor 1'laintiH . N alec ir I ikIc bi-iliicna. 1 he I'lallsmouth Water Company, a corpora 1 1-n ot g.iiu.ed under tiie laws ol the state ol Bf e- ,11.1: K.l. i ne 1'latts iiiotitli S ater (Jornpany hereby ;,ive noiiee ii, ai tne billowing is the bat anal .onor nl ol all. the existing debts of Maid corpora lion on the lust day ol i'ebruary, A. I). lHtW, nau.ej y : 1-iisi mortgage per cent bontls of tlio vVab i tu., nileiesl payable semi annually , Oct. 1st and April 1st, 12ri,0UO.0O Ai , H..1 inieiesi in the same J4,ia. 1 a ... 1.7M.G i ial 4H0.Vbl.2S I Ins luiiii i- is given in toinpliance with .Ike prov isioris ol thajiier I'l ol the compiled slatutM ol tlie stale ol Nebraska. Chas. P.. FdJijY, I'resident, Ili-.NRy M. 1 ia;Miik, 1 reanurer, 1. 11. l'oi.i.oi.K, Secretary., l-.dwanl 11. Martin, i.Ovvaid I'. Alien, Majoiity oldioard of Directors. Probate Notice. In county court, Cass. county, Nebraska. in inc. matter ol the estate ot Nets C. Aagard, deceased. Johamic U. Dean, formerly Aagard, .se.s Cbllonj Aagard, minor, and all other per sons inieiested in said matter are hereby notified thai on the U.h clay ol March, lhtiM, J. C Fetersen me I a petition in said county court, praying that ins linai adminisiralion accounts hied nereia be settled and allowed, and that he be discharged li om Ins ir usl as administrator, and that il.you lail lo appeal beloie said court on the lath day of a pi ii, A. ll. Is'ji, at W o c tot It a. in., and contest said petition, the court may grant, the prayer of said petition, and make such other and further oi ders, allow auces and.deciees, as to this court may scc-m pioper, to the end, that all matters peitaining to said estate may be finally settled ami ueleimmcd. Witness my hand and the seal ol said court at Fiattsmouth, Nebraska, kins tlie Ist day ol Marcli A. D., WM. (Seal) GfcOKGK Ol. SI'UHLOCK, County Judge. Legal Notice. In the dissret court of Cass county. Nebraska. In the mailer ol the estate, ol Nelboa Me Reynolds, deceased. j m.s cause came on for hearing upon the pe tition ot Andrew i'litinan, administrator of the estate ol Nelson McKeynolds, deceased, praying lor a license lo seal the southeast quarter (S. k.. ) ol section thirteen (lj, township twenty-six ui) not in, lange forty-nine) ; tiie northeaut Quar ter (N. L. Jij ot section nineteen (iWj township twenty-six ian north, raiige.lorty-eightCitj; lu iiox Uulte county, Nebraska, and tlie west half i vV ',2i ot the east iiail (L 'f)ol the southeast quailc-r l.-i. L. ii) ol section eight (8) lu township urn do, noi ih, range thirteen IliiJ Cass coanty, Nebraska. 1 lie land, above, described in Cass county, Nebraska, being subject to a life interest ol A lniam McKeynolds, or asulflcicnt amount of the same to bring the sum of, $7 5 for the.pay ineiit ot .debts anowed against said estate, and tiie costs ol administration, there not being sulhcient personal property to pay said debts and expenses. li is lui tiier ordered that all persons interested in said estate appear before me at the oftice of tiie cieik ol the nislnct court ol Cass county, NV bra ka, on tne th day ot May, A. D. jfcWa, at 2 o Cock p. m. oi said day, and to show cause why a bcu-e siiouid not be granted to . said adminis trator to sed so much ol tlie above describedreal estate oi a.d deceased, as shall .be necessary to pay a.d debts and expenses. Service of this order shad be by publication in the M-.Mi-Vv i-lkly N i-.w s-llfcRALU lor at least lour succes-ive w.eks i nor to date of hearing. Dated tins atii day ot March A. D. 1XV5. bAsL S Kamsky, Judge ol the District Court. Byron Clark and C A. Kawls, Attorneys lor Es tate. Legal Notice. In tlie matter of the estate of James Gtove, de ceased. 1 Ins cau-e came on for hearing upon the petl- t.ou nf Arthur L. Munger as administrator of the er !ate ol James Grove, deceased, for a license to -e.i real estate as follows: 1 he west half I w V4 1 of the southeast quarter (se!4j of section two j-J t jwaish.p ten loj north, range nine (SJ Cass ounty. Ncora-ka, or a surticient amount ol the ame to br,n'' the sum of 40 tor payment of debts a. lowed against said estate, and the costs ol administration, there not being sufficient per sonal property to pay tlie said debts and expen ses. it is further ordered that all persons interested in tlie said estate appear before me at the office oi tne c.ei k of the district court of Cass county, .eoraska. on the 7th day of May A. D. 18 at 2 o'clock p. in. to show cause why a license should not be granted to said administrator to sell so much of tiie above described real estate of the sari estate as shail be necessary to pay said debts and expenses. It is further ordered that this order be pub lished in the S-emi-VS, c-ekly N'kws-H ek Al.o for a period of four weeks prior to the date of the said hearing. i-Kted this lth day of March, A. D. 18i3. Uasii. s. Ramsey. Judge of tlie District Court, by ron Ciark and C. A. Kawls, att ys for estate Legal Notice. In district court of Cass county. Nebraska. Clara t.x vs. James K Cox. James R. Cox, defendant, will take notice that on the 10th dav ot March, A. D. lr-MH, C'ara Cox, piaint.rt, herein tiled her petition in the district rourt cf Cass county. Nebraska, against the said James K. Cox. defendant, tiie object and prayer of winch is to obtain a divorce from the defend ant. James K. Cox, and to procure a decree granting to plaintiti the custody and control of tiip minor child "Gracie Oox." daughter of plain utt and defendant. Said relief is asked because the delendant, without just cause or provocation, cruelly and wantonly deserted plaintiff upon or about September Huh. A. D. 114, and has con tinuously remained away for more than two years prior to tiling of his suit. Vou are required to answer said petition onor before the Uith day of May. A. D. Dated this t'.uh day of March, A. D. 1891 Clara Cox, By her Attorneys, Byron Oiarlc and O A. Kawls.