r,.a"lxPerience of twenty years Rnr pv.o-i. S rsat,?fed with 01-- .i handling Wall Paper, we have no hesitancy in sayinpr CaU oniilft us,&ns. Large As- stock this season than with any selection heretofore made. rniQioHitio- prices i ,oOitrnent and wide range of prices, our stock is unsurpassed in ini&ieaaing. un from iGc to $1.25 a Bolt. That means a double roll, and is not 1 ... .iinlli) 7 joes, We nnw onoes y have the Most uompiete Line ot GROCERY DEPARTMENT. 19 lbs Best Granulated Sugar. . . 20 lbs "C" Sugar Crackers, per lb Lamp chimneys Argo Glosa Starch Argo Corn Starch 12 lbs navy beans 12 lbs Scotch peas 1 lb Ilorseshoo Tobacco .$1.00 1 00 0( Oo 04 04 2r, 2o 38 38 20 18 30 o: 05 25 05 25 38 20 10 lb Star Tobacco lb Battle-Axe Tobacco lb "6-for-10" Tobacco lb J. T. Tobacco California Prunes, per lb Elegant Raisins, per lb 3 packages Parlor Matches 2 lbs Oatmeal 12 lbs Oatmeal 1-lb can Price's baking powder. 4-lb can Price's baking powder. 1 lb Bon-Boorbuking-' powder 5S. New Department Store OPPOSITE BANK OF CASS COUNTY. Telephone No. 93. TUCKER THE LEADERS IN Finest Have purchased an Elegant Line of Goods for their... Spring &r& uirorI? : i- . . Their goods will be in next week, the Nicest and Latest of every thing. - A COME AND SEE US... " TUCKER SISTERS. Zuckidler & Mitz Continue to do a leadmgbusiness in Fancy and Staple Groceries. "Because they carry an immense stock, buy-for cash and sell at low prices. Everything good to eat of Best Quality. Call and try lis. Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets, - - - Plattsmouth, Neb. E TLbc Smith premier Typewriter Cbc Omaha Branch Office, cor. WE HAVE NO AGENTS but hare sold direct lamer for 25 years sale pnoea, earing dealer profits, where for examination Everything warranted, lift atvlM nf Vehicles. 63 styles of Harness. Tod Bur trie 8. S36 to S70. S finrreTi.ft.jO to 1125. AttAL Snrinr-Koftd A gCMMl M Mix tli Vw o-- ----- ELKHART CAKBIAGE AND UABIIE8a UFO. -. J. Slioes 1 lb Calumet. baking powder $ IS) 1 lb Popper ' 18 10-cent sack of Salt.... 05 15-cent sack of Salt... .. 10 Lemon extract, per bottle. J 05 Vanilla extract, per bottle.' - 05 Coat oil, per gal ;' .... ;.JJ) Oil Sardines 04 1 lb'Lioh 'Coffee.?.":'.-. . fOS) 1 lb Arbuckles Coffee 00 Bucket Syrup. .V. . . . 1 . . :'r .'45 Bucket Jelly. f:-. ..T..'. i40 Honey ". .' i!U ; -10 Brick Cheese T. : c 13 New York Cream Cheese l3 Dry Salt Meat : 07 Breakfast bacon, per lb 10 California Hams, per lb 7i Large Hams, per lb 10 Bologna, per lb 01 SISTERS, Millinery, Das all the Latest Improvements, popular Because of plertt. plost Durable typewriter JIade. premier Buyers do Jot epcrtmctit. drtt for Jiew Hrt Catalogue frtt. Smith premier typewriter Co., Sjracus, fj. U. 8. H. Seventeenth and Farnam sts. to the eon at whole Dim we fchip any Carria- and Milk A W iX t - - S I V wagons, oenu iur iarto, im ro. wbuttj. rnw. wimi vui wu, Cfttalogne of all our styles, shade, apron and fenders, ftf). Ae ood as eelli for - CO. W. B. PKATT. 8e'T. EI.KHAKT. WD. City I- InauffH. Plattsmouth, Neb., M.irch 14, 18DS. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: I beg leave to Bubiuit to you the following' condi tion of the City Treasury: IIALAXCK ON HAND: Dog fund Library fund Fire department fund Road fund Special lighting fund General fund 2ti 63 217 37 122 43 5!2 07 ! ?3 77 8 64 General school fund 41U b5 Teachers' school fund 1,"82 52 Kearton bond interest fund 150 5U Business tax fund Ill 61 Cemetery fund 4 r8 District paving No. 1 fund CH5 94 Gas and lighting fund : l.ltHJVl Omaha Southern R. K. bondsjnt. fund.. 2,:i0t 19 1J. & M. R. 1J. bonds intejreijt f u'nd.srr.: ; 0:i0 ti3 Storin, water and sewer bonds int. fund- 31H 74 High sctiool bona interest iuna . . .1 ... . Intersection paving boiid's int,1und Fire hydrant rental fund Park fund i5 District paving 'No. 2 fund Hospital fund..'. Special sewer tund'..T." '. "f. 4'.'J .rT"1 120 30 Showing a net balance on hand of.. ..$H3iM 31 Respectf ullygu, b'liii ited." -, , IiiONKY 11. G EKING, c r' ("' City Treasurer. . We the undersigned coinmittee of the cjty couucil of the City of Platts mouth, have iWle2 a careful and thor ough examiifivion; of "the accounts, books and conditioit 'P.thja city treas-tii-'y up to and includinar : March 14,'. 898, and uiipn such examination have found that there should be in the city treasury the sum of $1430S.3h That we have foundj that there is in the hands of the city treasurer the exact sum as it should be, and we certify to the amount of cash on ?hand from a personal examination of the account of the city treasurer, at the Bank of Cass County and the First National bank of Plattsmouth. We further certify that upon this examination, not a single error was found in the report of the city treas urer, and that ho has accounted to our entire satisfaction for every penny lor which the city treasurer is up to this date liable. W. J. White,, E. U. Cummins, James II. Hekold. Subscribed in my . presence and sworn to before me this 18th day of March, A. D. 189S., '-' " V. Cecil Jack, Notary Public. Livingston Ituilding & Loan. We the undersigned members of the board of directors of the Iiivingston Building & Loan association, hereby certify that we have made a thorough and complete examination of the books, accounts and records of the sec retary of such association and find up to and including the 17th day. of March, A. D. 1893, there should ba iu the hands of the treasurer of such as sociation the sum of $SS4o5f; and that we have examined the accounts of Treasurer, and fiad that Ienry' B Geri ing, the secretary, has deposited with the treasurerpf such association the sum of 8S4i3!97 A. II. Weckracii, Fred Eijingeu. ' C. A. Marshall, D..B. Smith. W. A. White, William Holly. " Henry R. Gering. Subscribed tin my presence and sworn to before me this 18ih., day of March, A. D. 1898. B. Cecil Jack, Notary Public. I, James M. Patterson, treasurer ot the Livingston Building & Loan asso ciation, hereby certify that I have in my hands as 9uch treasurer the sum of $8,S46.97, and that said sum was de posited with me by Henry R. Gering, secretary of the Livingston Building & Loan association. Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this 18th day of March, A. D, 1898. J. M. Patterson, Treasurer of the Livingston Building and Loan Association. Fnneral of John A. Mac Murphy. The funeral of the late John A. Mac Murphy will occur tomorrow from the Episcopal church at 1 o'clock. The remains will arrive at 12:30 from Omaha under escort of a delegation of G. A. R. of that city. McConnihe post of this city will take charge of the remains at the train, under whose auspices the funeral will be connected. Interment at Oak Hill cemetery. ;.A. It. Notice. All old sotdiers are requested to meet Ibis evening at 7:30 o'clock in tho furniture store of Streigut & Sat tler, to arrnnge for the funeral of our late comrade John A. MacMurphy. S. P. Holloway, Commander. Girl Wanted. Girl to do general housework. Four in familj', no small children. Inquire of " Mrs. Meek Davis, 902 Poarl Street "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and I Neuralgia radically cures in one to three days. Its action upon the sys tem is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists - - AS Til EY CII.MS am ;o Ed. Kirkpatrick of Nehawka is In tho city today. Ex-senator TefTt was in tho city today on business. II. R. Waldron was attending court from Murdock today. I. S. P. Weeks, chief engineer of tho B. & M. was in town yesterday. A. C. Loder was in from Greenwood today shaking hands with his many friends. Miss Anna Adams returned to her home at Ilavelock this morning, after a pleasant visit with friends in this city. John Evan9 the successful South Bend merchant was in tho county eeat today. " Henry Herald returned homo today from his St. Louis trip -whErre ho had been buying goods. -1 Jas. Rivetf; chief carpenter of the B. & M. is in the city todaj' looking after company matters. . --t' Frod Mitchell of Julian' is in town today, with two teams seeking employ ment on the bridge fill. Mrs. P. J. Morgan journeyed to-Lincoln today for a short visit. Her hus band will join her Sunday at that pl.'ico. P. McSHane of,Ujo B. tie camp in Wyoming .'"was, n town today on business with D. S. Guild of tho sup ply department. Mr. Fred White and family have ar rived in the city from Alma, Harlan county, and will make this city their future home. They have located in a neat little cottage in South Park ad dition. John Boetel and wife returned yes terday fiom a visit to relatives in Sumner county, Kansas. During his stay there he purchased a farm of 100 acres and will leave for that place next week to reside. Rev. F. II. Freund arrived home yesterday, after an absence of several weeks with relatives at Terre Haute and Vincennes, Ind. He found his mother in poor health and did not go about much, but had a fairly pleas int visit He says old hoosierdom was un do?" water, as it has been raining there most of the time lately. Mr. Ed Shellaberger, of Holton, Kus., who has been in the city for the past two weeks in the interest of the Knights and Ladies of Security left last night for his home. Mr. Shella barger is an energetic worker in his line and accomplished much good for his order while in the city We trust hevrtll do as well wherever he goes. MraySliryock Wilis Her Lawnuit. Mrs. W. B. Shryock of this city brought suit against the Modern Woodmen Accident association at Lincoln for the value of a $3,000 policy of insurance held by tier late husband. The case was twice tried in the lower court, and the last time she recovered judgment for the full amount of her claim. The case was appealed by the association to the supreme court and this morning3 State Journal brings the good news that the judgment of the lower court has been affirmed and Mrs. Shryock will get her money. She has another suit pending for $5,000 against the National Masonic of Des Moines. The last case is in the fed eral court at Omaha and Mrs. Shry ock's many friends hope she may be equally as fortunate there as she has recently been in the supreme court. l'olitios. The democratic warriors are out to day in full force fixing up the prim aries which are billed for tonight. Mayor Gutsche's cohorts are in battle array ready t meet the valiant veterans who battle under the Cum mins banners. The clash of arms and the smoke of battle will be noticed adout 6 o'clock tonight. Look out for it. Republicans are warned to keep out of range. Harvey Holloway is talked of as the republican nominee for the council from the First ward. He will be elec ted if he runs, no matter who his op ponent may be Will Not Be a Candidate. Editor of News: Permit me through the medium of your paper to announce that I am not a candidate for mayor of this city, and should the nomina tion bo given me I should decline it. While I greatly appreciate the good wiil and motives t-xpressed in urging my name for the responsible position I can not, in justice to myself, consent to run. R B. WlNDHAM. From everyweere come words of praise for Chamberlain's Cough Re medy. "Allow me to congratulate you on the merits of your Remedy It cured mo of chronic bronchitis when the doctor could do nothing for me!" Chas. F. Hemel, Toledo, Oj For sale by all druggists. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAI Take Laxative Bromo Quinine TabU ts. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 2oc. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. Com in !- in en t errlm-M . The High School will graduate its banner class tho first week in June of this yoar, and tho exercises will bo specially interesting. Rev. Butlor, tho o'oquent Omaha divine, will de liver tho address to tho graduates and present tho diplomas. The evening before com meccement, cbiss day ex ercises wi I bo held at tho Presbyter ian church and a splendid program is now being arranged. From the lllj in Hili Chair To grandman in tho rocker Grain -O is good for tho whole family. It i tho long-desired substitute for cotlVo. Never upsets the nerves or injures the digestion. Made from pure grains it is a food in itsolf. Has tho tast and appearance of the best coffee at one fourth the price. It is a genuine and scientific article and is come to slay. It makes for health and strength. Ask yourf"froor for Grain-O. i Tuesday evening Messrs. Frank J. "Morgan, Tom Parmelo and Byron Clark, popular business men of Platts mouth, Neb., arrived in Alliance on their way homo after a weeks hunt in the vicinity of Lakeside. They had tho pleasure of meeting several old acquaintances here, and spent a pleasant time until the arrival of the east-bound passenger train. Alliance Pioneer. You should know that Foley's Honey and Tar is absolutely the best remedy for all diseases of tho Throat, Chostor Lungs. Dealers are authorized to guarantee it to give satisfaction in till cases. Smith & Parmelo. At .SfhiapperaHHe'H. A complete line of choice tropical fruits, candies and cigars. Oysters served in every style at his old stand, opposite Bank of Cass county. We are anxious to do a little good in this world and cuu think of no pleasanteror better way to doit than by re commending One Minute Cough Cure as a preventive of pneumonia, consumption and other serious lung troubles that follow, neglected colds. F. G. Fricke & Co. Furniture Sale at the Kiley Hotel. Bed room suits, tables, dishes and kitchen utensils. This sale will con tinue one week onlv. F. J. Coaton. After years of untold suffering from piles, B. W. Pursell of Knitnersville, Pa., was cured by using a single box of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Skin diseases such as eczema, rash, pimples and obstinate sores aie readily cured by this famous remedy. F. G. Fricke & Cc. The "Breezy Time" company ar rived this morning from Omaha and appear at tho opera house tonight. TO Cl'KE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuino has L. B. Q. on each tablet. Even The Leading Paper of AZ.lv TUB And It is the Only Seven-Column Paper in the City. Larger Than Any Other Daily. Superior News Service. W-A 1; il o m Declared at WKSCOTT A SOX'S on Piral'ual Merchandise and II i jf li J Vice,. -Hotshot J'johi this house will settle the question. The best Clothing on Karth, comprising Lati st St yles and all t In essentials to make a Suit satisfactory and voiih the money. We are olferin' a j.;'ood .Men's Suit , in Mack Cheviot, for$5,0, which, for wvar and -appearance, is a wonder. We oiler an All-Wool Suit, in black and col ors, at $7.50 that is an eye-opener sells at siht. We offer for $10.00 an All-Worsted Suit, IS ..., in blue or black, which is a surprise to prejudiced people. Wish we could always sell tin in to you at this price, but these Suits and nineteen pounds of surar for a dollar will not la -t always - can't stand it, you know. It will pay anybody to examine our ood-., our prices and our claims lor your patronage. "Biyo-est assortment ol Dutchess Trousers just opened the only real riht pant for a man to buy. A full line of Manhattan Shirts euroute open first of next week. Come in and be entranced with their beauty and par-excellence. . t W6S60U & Son The "Boss" Clothiers. FOR THE . . IT COAT.UA'S . . ATJSWS.. n n 11 U has been Reduced in Price to . . ..12 Cents 11 fty Ccnfs . GRIM, UNRELENTING, MERCILESS WAR . . i ( Li i 2 4 J nwo 1U M J " the City. per Week, par Aojti.