Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, March 16, 1898, Image 3

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    They ICnter a Store and Carry
Off Some Goods.
The t'nrUlUn Kevlvals Closed -A I'roa
peetlve llualnena M ruling of the
Woman' (:lub-Oilir Intcr
fallnjC Happening.
I-'roui Saturday Evening's Daily.
Ttio olllcere received n lelophono
moHdnffo this mornintr from Pacific
Jui.ctioH informing them that a store
ttio.o had been broken into at an
onriy hour this morning, sorno cloth-
imr and other cooda stolen, and that
the thlovos had probnbly cronbod the
bridge and come to thin ciy. The
ofticcrB did not learn the exioLt of the
robbery, but it will probnbly amount
to $200 or $300. Chief Fitzpatrick,
Deputy McHride and Constable Den-
son wont to tho li. & M. yards this
morning and found six trumps around
a cttmpflio north of tho depot who had
come from tho Junction but a few
hours boforo. They wore hard look
ers and tho officers tupiciotied they
were the partita wanted, but for luck
of evidence did not hold thorn. The
mjn were . cirofully searched, but
nothing found about their poisons or
surroundings which would warrant
thu ofiicnis in detaining ttu-m. No
clue has been obtained of tho robbers.
The Conclusion.
The revival meeting's at the Christian
church closed last night with a full
bouse, much interest and three ao
cessions to the church. The evangel
ists Limon and Travis have been with
us five weeks and as a result of their
earnest and efficient labors, seventy-
five members hve been added to the
church and tho interests have been
thoroughly revived. The members of
the church aro greatly encouraged
over tha successful meeting, and the
work of the evangelists is highly
BDoken of bv everyone. We wlsn to
publicly acknowledge our indebted-
to the press of the city for their gen-
erous assistance in the way of announ
cements, etc. during our meeting. Mr.
Lemon said in a private con versation
that, " he had never been treated bet
ter by newspaper men in his fifteen
years experience as an ev..ngelist,
than at Plattsmouth." Regular ser
vices at the Christian church tomor
row morning, sunject,"A Review of
the Meeting." Evening subject, '"The
Probate of the Will."
New Koute to Kansas City.
It will not be long before the trains
of the Kansas City, Pit tsburg & Gulf
road will bo running from Omaha to
Kansas City, Mo., via Pattonsburg.
Harry E. Moores, city passenger and
ticket agent, has just been supplied
with a supply of tickets reading from
Omaha to Kansas City. The fact that
no bridge ticket is required with these
for use between Omaha and Council I
Bluffs is believed to be indicative of I
the purpose of the Port Arthur people
to run their trains through to Omaha
and not stop them at Council Bluffs,
as at present is the custom. It ia taken
for granted that for the present at
least the trains of the new road will
cross the Union Pacific bridge and en
ter the Union depot at Tenth and
Mason streets. Bee.
Woman's Club Meeting:.
The art department of tho Woman's
Club held but a brief session last eve
ning owing to the illness of Mrs. Sny
der. The program however, was most
interesting. entertaining papers
were reaa Dy Mrs. iravis, Mrs. c.
Parmele, Miss Porter and Miss Alice
Shipman, while photographic copies
of the works of the great masters that
furnished the subjects of the essays,
were shown and highly appreciated
by the club. Some routine business
was transacted and after the topics for
the next meeting were assigned, -the
club adjourned to meet next Friday
evening when the Polar regions will
be discussed.
A Prospective Change.
Joe Opelt, of Omaha, a former hotel
man of this city, is in the city today
shaking hands with friends and look
ing after business interests. It is said
be is here with a view to taking
charge in the near future of the Hotel
Riley. Mr. Opelt is well known
throughout the state as one of the
best hotel men in the state. Mr. Op
elt will be remembered as one time
landlord of that popular hotel. Joe
runs a good hotel and the traveling
public was always kindly cared for at
his hostelry. Hope he will come and
be one of us.
Dr. Marshall, Graduate Dentist.
Dr. Marshall, fine gold work.
Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain
Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work
Dr. Marshall, teeth without plates.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fillings.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plate9. -
Dr. Marshall, perfcot fitting plates.
Dr. Marshall, all work warranted.
All the latest appliances for first-
class dental work.
Wall Paper for Everybody.
H. P. Beach is agent for the largest
wall paper house in the world, that of
Alfred Peats of New York. He has
an immense lino of samples and will
sell paper very cheap and of excellent
quality. He will call on you with a
beautiful line of samples.
Two Well Known Statesmen
talked for months, from a Jfont porch
and a rear end of a cr. .Perhaps the
use of Foley's Honey Tar will ex
plain why they could ao this, without
injury to their vocal organs. It is
largely used by speakers and singers.
Smith & Parmele.
Judge il.ttUBcy begins work Monday
with tho jury.
l'Vank Uuttory wus a Lincoln pas
senger ihis morning.
Julius 1'epporborg was attending to
business in Omaha todny.
Capt II. K. I 'aimer was. down from
Omaha to day on business.
Ducks and geso are plentiful since
Thursday's rain ui:d st:ow.
Ilorold it Son received the glass for
their front and put it in place today.
Will Kroehlerand Will Neville rre
spending a couple of days in Omaha.
Arthur l'arks rallkd a w.atch at the
shops today. John Kropp was tho
lucny man.
Miss Stevens, of Chicago, i-4 employ
ed as trimmer for Mrs. M. A. .Street
tho coming season.
Warren It. Leech, a Block-buyer, .f
Itushville, is hero on a viii with his
friend l'ost master Fox.
The Klondyke party which left hero
Thursday, departed one day too t-ooti.
Tho railro.ids yesterday m ido a cut
rate of $10 to Seattle or Tacorna.
Tho demorratH arc looking d iget s
at the popH for putting up a city tick
et. They expected the pops to null
their chestnuts from the tire, hut 'nit
There is a cave in the. vicinity of he
old brewery which the tramps u-.e a
a rendezvous. They congregate there
in numbers, and often make the'ni;ht
hideous. The den should be broken up
Some conscienceless follow ttolo. an
overcoat from one of the Nicws- em
ployes yesterday. He'll never get a
position shoveling coal for such a
crime his place will boat t he-bottom
of the pit, - 1 .. ;, .
Joe nail was arrested this afternoon.
for fighting and disturbing tne peace,
on information sworn out by II. 'K.
Spencer. Tho disturbance occurred
Thursday night. Hall's trial was et
for Monday morning at 1) o'clock. -
That the condition of the city's li i-
ances is improving is evidenced by the'
fact that the treasurer has recently
been able to call in, pay oil and, stoo
thejinteiest on a considerable amount
of registered warrants.
Miss Anna Gorder departed Thurs
day in company with her invalid Bis-,
ter, Louise, for Alma, Miqh. - A card
from Dr. Li vingfcton,who accompanied
them, says they arrived at Chicago
without incident and that Miss Louise
got along nicely.
Landlord Coates was out hukui'tvg,
yesterday and brought in a tine .-wilip'i
goose and a mallard duck. Someone
was unkind enough to ask him what
he paid for them. We did -not: juear
the reply, but anyhow there .will - be
wild goose for dinner at the Riley
When Mccum, the tramp, is ar
raigned in district court Monday ho
will probably outshine anyoqer in the
court room
His parents sent him
some money this week from his', home
in Ohio, with' which he purchiisod
new clothing and now he has very
much the appearance of a' dude";
Sne.ik thieves eeem to be plentiful
these days. Last evening whiie Fred
Stadleman, who runs-a lunch . counte.r
in the rear of the Elite sa'oon, went
to Briggs' barber shop"ticros tho- y?h$
for a shave, some one-' stole all the
spoons from his lunch counter; and to.
day he had to lay in a now supply
Doubtless some hobo has been laying
in a supply of c: mp utensils
Z. P. Brown an 'employe cf iha jj.
M. paint ehop- wi. Lleavei-n-a ew days...
for Salt Lnko Citv and other' wester
poinls fo.. his health, and if he finds
things to suit him will maKo hi
future homo thc- e. Mr. Brown has beer
a resident of ihic city for many years
and has been a faithful "Sfrapfov-fc. " "Ifb-
is suffering f. um lead poisoning.
P. De Puy of Louisville is registered
at Hotel Plattsmouth,. . .-.w
E. W. Fitt went to Haveloct on -the
morning B. & M. train. ' f
The comedy event of thseason
be "A Breezy Time.7'.' 1 v
Music, the latest s(ng and dances
abound in "A Breezy Time.?'
Miss Lou Smith returned to her
school duties at Lincoln today.
THTNEWS"rreet3. its.reaiior vith
all home pnnt'tbday ErrterpjOsov.-V
J. M. Hoover, was ODe of the Louis-
villians circulating among us today.
C. W. Seymour, an attorney of Ne
braska City, was heie today on court
Mr 8. J. N 'Wife Vncf davghte, Mrs.
J. L. Boot went to Omaha via the
7:34 train.
Jas Pollock arrived in the city today
from the west to-viit friend ajid j.ook
after buiness, -l 4 -' V Jf
H. J. Barker of Louisville was
among the county people who visited
the county capital today.
Prof. Ernst, the" new instructor for
the Turn-Verein, wiilar. ive in Platts
mouth tomorrow to assume bis duties.
O. C. Dodge ' Wm. Mk3kr?oll and
Wm. Simmons of "Union" were irfter1-
viewing Pepperberg, the cigar man.
today, ,r nt
Wm. D Jones' livery is equipped
with a handsome new carriage, manu
factured by Ebersole, Sans &Shultz of
this citv.
Mr. Cl-K tne(. roceryinaji ivj
u.eauiug iiof-e touay nu preparing 10
s v. .. t .3 ' : , . I
put in a stuck of boots and shoes in a
few daysi . . , '
Ed. J. Straight and his best gTrI"and
Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Jackson, of Lin-
O 1 I,' f. 3 A 1 I
uuiu, buiioulu wiuii 4uiiiu,;Unga.: Dealers -are Authorized to
T T 1 sf-riirrVit. in thia nittr - '!' -t ... . .. . ..
H. J. Streight in this city
Mrs. Llbbie Benfer has
taken the I
agency for tho life of Miss Frances F.
Willnrd, written by her f-ccretary,
Anna fioidmi, and will commence to
C'inviiHs the city In a few days.
Fred Archer and M is-i I lob co i iLi
ker will h-5 united in m irriago next
We Jiie.-d.i' at high noon at the homo
of the bride's parents near I lock lllull
Tho Nkwh congratulates in advance
Mr.fltowS Iiird-tall, an old resident of
Mills county, 8- years of age, uid at
his home about a mile cast of L'latts
mouth, on Sunday morning. He was
buried from l'aeilic Junction this
.. r. . ..,
John V. Ilaty of Xehawka and Miss
Flora Myrtle Houtn of Weeping
Wactr: l'erry Klwood Rector and
Mhs Clara Bull of Weeping Water
Wei i today jjiven permission to wed
by Judge Spuiloek.
C-hiei oi I'oiico r.mnco ami Oliieer-
J.u V F;irley of Nebr ika City aro at
tencing the trial us witnesses
Tho hoys aro all r i : li t in their way if
they don't weiiih very much.- It won't
i!o uiiv harm to keep your cyo on
them, however, if you have anything
a"ouu(l loose at loth ends.
FinnkL. Mary, book kc-porin Gov
Iloicomh's' Mliee at Lir.coln was in the
city over the gucft of Wm No
vine ami l.imny. js Mr. Seville is a
e'aniJir.te foi1- Iht) prospective- vacancy
o3i;.thv.i-aiU'.o:n4 coiu m m is.-ioii now oe
eu'! d by ' Ji:ti 'Dihlinan it is not
tvrtain as to the cx;et sigiiilicaii:e of
Mr. Mary's vi.iit here at this time.
Whiie scullling with Emmons Rich
ey List cvei'iiii l' near tho Fi-st National
LanU i.-oi ner, Chas. Spencer fell down
the stairway which le.ids to the area
heneith the s;uo';.lk a;;d sull'eieda
badly sprained ankle and some other
bruises. lie h:id to ba carried where
he could receive attention, as he was
unable to walk; but wo learn that he
is .jrettinfir along all right today, and
proved not to be seriously injured.
" ti. J. St.i eight :s livirig, not on the
fat of tho land at present, but on a box
of line fresh clams which he received
from Iho co.i&t today, a present from
his cousin at Hope Valley, R. I. They
StTord linn a taste of former times and
rio wm enjoy a continuous ie ist lor
some.-timo to n tne. Mr. Streight is
also fixing up a clam hake for eouie of
hi friend
'"Pitt Ford Of Qnfaha was in tho city
today -to induce tho governor to give
his fon a pardon. The son, who by
the way, hears tho same -name as his
father, Ded the state several years
ugo while under a sentence of 15 years
for burglary. Ho was never heard
oi oeiore until last ween wnen nis
fattier ' I'l'oylved' a letter from him
staring that he had been one of the
snarvivdrs. of .the Maine disaster at Ha
van a.. It. is not known as yet what ac
tion iti tii a-'mat ter - the govetnor will
take-. Lincoln News.
Taking tho following from the Chiefi
tain as correct, jjrosperity has certain
ly struck Tecuinseh: "Judge Brandon
broke tho record last week on the
iiiBttiiri t"iif. matrimonial business trans
acted in tlu county judge's otlice. He
issued seven licenses and performed
tlree marriage ceremonies. In all the
history of the county this record has
never been oqualled, and the juJge's
.name will Jive in history as tho great
promoter of connubial felicity."
The new crusher for the rock quar-
rics north of Louisville has arrived.
It haa'-a 'capacity of 100 cars per day.
A' cars of iron for switches
are bn-.,tlie ground and when things
are in full blast, from soventy-five to
ohe' hundred men will be employed.
The Rock Island road is making ar-
rangemcn,ts4 to run in six trains a day
to th.c;q uarrieS. ;"Most of the crushed
il&ek vviiroo'ufed; on ti at" road.
. An unustiri special'' pension claim is
about to be p :id by the government.
It is for a widow of Lieutenant Mich
ael Moore, who died in Brooklyn last
year at the age oi no Had served
continuously in the United Slates
irniy lor cigruy;nve years and is
believed to have broken a world's
record in this 'particular. Ho en
iisted in tho regular army as a drum
mer bby at thc outbreak of the war of
1S12. His widow writes that she is
iiot the young- y. ife' of an old soldier,
lijut is 2 years old, and when her hus-
b :nd- died they had "been married
ixtv-threo venrs. - -
ISurned ly (Jus.
M:s. O. II. Snyder was badly
burned on the hands and face Satur
day eye cine by en explosion of gas,
lroifi'the ftjrnadoat' 'her home. The
burn is very painful, but in a few days
the lady will have fully recovered
from its effects.
. .TJie Pops Like Hoodie.
Allbjt:about 210of the -510,000 ap
propriation for the investigation of
state institutions made-by the last
legislature has been drawn by the
committee. Warrants on the fund
were made out yesterday to the diffei -
eut.-ra.mberjcif the committee in
amounts as follows: Chairman Otto
Motz; 565; "1). S. Zimmerman, $20; C.
F. Wheeler, $L'0; C. W. Reel, $17.50;
O. S. Moran, tf2, and W. N. Silver,
?55;.'rf total of $132 50. Lincoln News.
Take OfT the Horns.
The undersigned is now ready with
a good portable chute and tools, to re
movo the weapons of ho. ned cattle at
10 cents per head for a herd of cattle,
25 cents for a single animal. It never
gets to cold to dehorn cattle. Any
time after fly-time, until the lirst
week in April is tha right time. Af
ter that it is too late. If those who
wish to have such wo' k done will ad
dress . me at. Rock E luffs. Neb., they
ill beC'proniptly answered.
S. L. Furloxo
Yuu' should-know that Foley's Honev
and Tar is" absolutely ha bst remedv
for ali diseases of the ifhvbat." Chest or
guarantee it to give satisfaction in all
cases. Smith & Parmele.
41 Grandpa " McCcmkoy Dies of
Heart Disease.
A Large Circle of Frlvnd Mourn I Hit !-
mine Hutnp-l lit llewtl on thr
Sil-vlk Other I ntr-t li(j
Samuel McConkev was found dead
ia hifl lied Suridy morning at tho
homo of bis son on Chicago avenve.
Ho was in his eighty-second year and
death doubtless resulted from heart
failure. Hie old gentleman had been
enjoying good health and was usu
illy spry for one of his age. Ho was
about town Saturday greeting hi
friends aid visiting his customary
haunts. Saturday night about 11
o'clock ho called his uaughtcr-in-law
to his bedside and askeu her what
made everything so light and ch- or
ful about the room. He thought the
moon shone unusually bright and he
seemed to see myriads of bright stars
about him. She asked him if he was
sieic or felt any pain and tho old gen
tleman replied that he felt as well as
he ever did. The daughter pulled
down the window blind to shut out
whatever light might b shining in at
the windows and left grandpa to rest
is peacefully as he could. Sunday
morning when a member of the family
went to cull him to breakfast it was
discovered that he was dead and his
body cold indie 'ting that ho had b( on
dead several hours. He lay upon his
back, the right hand lying by his side
and tho left hand pressed against the
left cheek. The indications were that
he had sank peacefully to rest and in
his last moments suffered no pain or
pangs of death. He had lived an up
right conscientious life and was ready
for the summons.
Mr. McCcnkcy has been a resident
of Plattsmouth for manv years and
many friends and admiieis sincerely
mourn his demise. The funeral
occurs tomorrow at n o ciock irom
the M. E. church.
IMrttrU-t Court.
Airs. S. Karnes vs. Samp Karnes,
Suit for divot ce heard and petition
In the case of John Leyda vs. Geo
F. Houteworth and bondsmen. Mr
Gering argued a demurer.
The jury was called this afternoon
and the trial of II. Mccum called up.
Judge Sullivan defending. Jurors
It. W. Hyers, Dave Miller, I. DePuy
S. E. Hall, Jas. Domingo; C. S. Wort
man, I. Teegarden, Steve Davis, Wm
Brantner, C. S Twiss, Wm McCauley
and Fred Robinson.
C. W. Sherman was today appointed
bailiff in district, court.
A Hard Fall.
George K. Staats, the laundryman
wears a b mdage about his head today
and feels very mueh as if it had come
in close contact with tho business
end of a mule. Last Saturday
night, woile on his way home, he
stumbled and fell upon the sidewalk
on Seventh street, cutting a bad gash
hn his scalp just over his right eye
For several minutes ho lay on the
walk in an unconscious condition
WThen he came to ho managed to find
his way home, the blood streaming
from his wound, and he looked verj-
much as though he had been engaged
in a bloody conflict. A physician was
called, who took several stitches in the
scalp, and Mr. Staats is attending to
his business today, with a very sore
P. E. O. Society.
The ladies of the P. E. O. society
hive issued invitations to an art ex
hibit and picture sale, to be held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Par-
mele Thursday. March 17, from 2 uu
til 10 e'clock p. m.
Every effort is being made by these
energetic ladies to make this a most
attractive entertainment, aDd surely
they deserve the liberal patronage of
their frieuds for bringing before them
some of the works of the formost ar
tists and illustrators of the world,
including Charles Dana Gibson, Edwin
A. Abbey, W. S. Taylor, Alice Barber
Stephens, W. T. Smedlev, Howard
Pyle and Irving Wiles.
The number of pictures being
limited, all can not buy; but as none of
them will be removed until the day af
ter the sale, all will have an oppor
tunity of seeing them.
Messrs. J. M. Patterson, G. F.
Housaworth, Fred W. Lehnhoff.Frank
Morgan and R. B. Windham have
kindly consented to assist Mr. and
Mrs. Parmele and the society in re
ceiving and entertaining their friends,
and a pleasant afternoon and evening
is assured.
Choice Home !VI:ide liread.
Mrs. Morning's Light, Cream,
Graham, Rye, Boston Brown, Salt
Rising, Glutin or any other kind o
bread, also tea rolls, cookies, cakes,
doughnuts, coffee bread, hominy,
mince meat and all other home cook
ing, is being delivered to all parts of
the citv. Stop the wagon or go to
Halt's market if you wish any. We
are prepared to furnish everything
suitable for tea parties, surprise par
ties, receptions, etc. Satisfaction as
sured. Give us a trial.
Farmers all know that new varie
ties of seeds for planting are often re
quired to replace those that have run
low in quality. Especially is this true
of potatoes, which yield well for a few
ye.irs and then fail. Messrs. Gunson,
Brown &. Co., the great seed propaga
tors, of Rochester.'.N. Y., are prepared
to furnish on order the very best vari-
ties of new seeds of all kinds for the
farm. Apply for samples and descrip
tion to JC. W. Sherman, Ag
Dt-Kt-rlptloii of a Trip to the Pacific Coast
Hy a Former Plattsmoathlaii
Seattle, Mur. ft, l.SO.S. Wo loft
Plattsmouth, February iM, at 2:22 and
passed through a line farming country
as far west as ICcarnoy; after that wo
found a country without corn, wood or
hay nothing to soo but sago brush
from four to six inches high and good
for nothing. I can't see what that
country is good for, unless it woulJ bo
to raise prairie dogs, or build
railroads on. Tho Wyoming country
is nothing but red sand and gravel and
rock. There was not a chicken, a hog
or a cow in sight through tho whole
state. Saw a few shcop ar.d poniej.
There is some beautiful nee 11 cry thro'
tho blue mountains. The valley be
tween tho Blue and Cascade mountains
is nice, but it will luvo to bo watered
before crop can bo grown. There Is
nothing there now but sago brush.
Near tho east side of the Caseado
mountains there aro a few farms and
some email towns, but it is not the sort
of a country I want to live in. In fact
I haven't seen any country since I left
Nebraska that I am stuck on.
Portland, Oregon, is a nice city, of
abont S,000 to 4,000, and is overdone in
every lino of business. There is beau
liful scenery along tho road between
Portland and Seattle about 180 miles
with i town every four to rix miles
and almost every town has a sawmill
and lots of lumber, which sells from
iU to $10 per thousand, and pine and
cedar timb jr till you can't rest. I am
sure I saw timber that, if it had been
cut into cord wood, it could not bo
ricked on the same ground it was cut
I believe that lhere can bo more po
tatoos, cabbage, onions, celery, turi-ips
beets in fact every kind of garden
stuff grown on one acre in Washington
than on eight acres in Nebraska. It
is pull and plant at the same time one
continuous reaping and sowing. I saw
men putting out cabbage plants, and
in the same girden cutting full grown
cabbage heads. It's a mistake about
wheat being k nee high in February,
for spring wheat is only being town
now, and fall wheat is only two to four
inches high, and grass about the same
Wild ffowers are blooming, while an
inch of snow fell this morning. It
looked nico among the flowers. By 8
o'clock the ground was bare, tho air
warm and th? sun shining.
Tell Andy Hawrick I Haven't been
robbed yet.
A one-acre tract is all one man needs
here it will keep him at pulling and
planting. A ton-acre farm is a large
one here.
Seattle is in the mountains higher
hills in the city than there are in Ne
braska, except King hill. It is a city
of 60,000. Everybody looks healthy.
I have Been but one cemetery and it was
a small one. Seattle is fuli of Klon-
dikers, and has more business in one
day than Plattsmouth has in a year.
Mrs. Herold was right when
she said there were some stumps in
this city there are, and very big ones,
I find that the Lord is as precious
here as there. I was at S. S. and
church last Sunday. Congregations
small, preaching good, I pray that
God will bless and save every one that
reads this letter. Yours truly,
C. M. Graves.
A New Landlord.
Joe Opelt, who was in the city yes
terday, completed the arrangement
whereby he will assume control of the
Hotel Kilev es its landlord. As was
stated in yesterday's issue, Mr. Opelt
is known throughout the state and up
and down the Missouri valley as a ho
tel man of the first class, and his com
ing to the Riley is a matter of con
gratulation for 1'lattsmouth. Joe will
take possession of the hotel in a few
days, and the lti'.ey will be more than
kept up to its former high standard of
JJovey's Prices.
Doveys have been in business here
for more than a quarter of a century
and never have they sold shoddy or
inferior goods in all these years. The
prices they quote in the big ad in this
paper may seem like they are too low
for tho class of goods they carry, but
they are the result of close buying and
a determination to sell more goods at
c'oser margains. It will pay you to
read their ad and inspect their goods.
From everyweere come words of
praise for Chamberlain's Cough Re
rnedy. "Allow me to congratulate
you on the merits of your Remedy
It cured mo of chronic bronchitis
when the doctor could do nothing' for
. . t -r m t "1 S I
me." LHAS. tiEMEL, loieao, kj
For sale by all druggists.
Hoiloway's bread, which has taken
the lead, is made of Heisel's Plansif-
ter flour.
Beware the
March Winds!
Escape the rigors of the winds this
month by going south over the
Louisville & Nashville Rail
road. This line has a perfect
through-car service from cities
of the north to all winter ro--sorts
in Georgia, Florida, and
along the Gulf Coast in Texas,
Mexico and California. The
Florida Chautauqua now in
session at DeFuniak Springs;
six weeks with the best lec
tures and entertainers, in a
climatu which is simply per
fect. Very low rates for round
trip tickets, on sale daily.
Homeseekers' Excursions oa
the first and third Tuesday.
Tickets at about half rates.
For full particulars write to
P. Atmore, G. P. A., Louisville
vy., Geo. 13. Horner, D. P.
A.. SL
Louis, Ma
Notice of Sale.
In the district court of Casi county, Ncln.iskii.
Henry Kikenharv. ct al,
The Cltii-iiM Hank of
i'lattsiuouth.N'cl)., ft al.
Notice liereliy given tui'lrr Mint hy vir
tue ol the Ui-ticf ol the lloiioi.thlc I. .oil ,
Kaiu.sey, jui!k ol I lie li-t:ict rumt, inailr- upon
January 2blh, A. 1. 1'.', in a mill m-ikI.ih: In
the di.stnit com I uf Cuhh county, Ncln .i.-.ka.
wherein llcniy I'.ikriihnry et nl. in Iii i ii I ill , ti-I
1 lie lilicn Hank ol l l.iltMiioulli. .cln a-k a.
et al. defendants, and w hit h dei fee onlcied and
directed the receiver ol t lie said lank. uml
signed, to publish !r Unity days, and then nell
the real eHtate lierematter deviiihed. J hat pur
suant to said older the undeiMuned rei i-ivi r wil
on the 21st day ol Match. A. I ,.IMi at li n'clxi k
a. in. at the south door ol the court house in the
city ol l lattMiiioutli.t ass county. Nelnaska. ottci
lor sale the following described land, vu: J he
northwest quarter (NV'lol section eiKliK'en
I 1 H J. the southwest quarter ol sri lion
seven (7. the west hall U !; ol the southeast
quarter !.'! ol section seven 1 1 . the noilh
east (juaiter Ni'.j ol the soiilliea-l quailcr
I M .'i J section i.eveii , the northwest qnaitci
?v U ol the southwest quarter ."iU'j ol m c-
t ion cik h t S ali in township eleven (11 ninth
rane tourteen (III. in las (ouiily. .Ni
braska, berni? a put ol t lie assets ol
said Citizens Hank, delcml.iiit. .Suliji-i I lo nil
hens ami incumbrance. At said -na lu lo vt ill be
received either lor cash, or not less than Jl .'.iilu
conditioned that the puii-hase piue shall be ap
( lied upon ol 1 1. inns now entitled t.
dividends, t lie highest ol whuh bids on i ai h
class w ill be reported to the com I lor diiectnins,
winch ol said bid - will be accepted.
Dated this loth day of l-ubriiary, IkiH.
( '11 AH I I t !. I 'A i M i l l .
As Receiver of The tJitiens Hank ol 1'laits-
niouth, Nebraska.
Hymn C lark. Attorney.
Notice of I'liltlicalion.
John M. Kiscr. 1'lamtbt I
John Kiser, John W.
Amick anil l.aura A.
Anuck, Ins wile, and
Ksther h. Heller, de
fendants. i ho defendants, John Kiser. John YV . Ainiik
and l.aura A. Anuck. Ins wile, and I'.sther
Heller, will take notice that on the Mid day ol
Kebiuary. lslls, John M. Kiser, plaintiil. Med hn
petition in the tf 1st net court of l ass count y , Ne
braska, against John Kiser, John V Amu k and
l.aura A. Anuck. his wile, and I'.sther . Ileliei,
the object and prayer ol which are to have a
certain quit claim deed which was made by John
Kiser, deleudan lm this suit, who had no title
111; tit or authority whatsoever, and tleiiveied l
Ksl her S. Heller delendant in this suit, on the
follow inn described real estate, to wit:
HeKinniiiK at a point i'S.ii tweni y-three
feet west ol the smith - east coiner
ol lot number eiylit (H), block ntimhci sixty tun
(Ooi in the city ol Weeping Water, t ass t ounty.
rvebraska, and runuiim thence north sitv iive
0f) feet, thence west twenty-one (I'll leet.tlieiite
south sixty-live (!") feet, and thence east twenty
one leet, to the point ol beemiiiK. set aside
and declared nuli and void, and the cloud upon
the title ol plaintiil, caused thereby removed, and
for iudgnieni for costs in this suit, and lor suc h
other relief as justice and equity may repuiie.
You are required to answer this petition on or
before the Ist day ol March, is:.
Dated February 7, lWs. John M. Kisi k,
Hy M. S, Uritfss, his attorney.
SborifTH Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by George
F, House-worth, clerk of the district court, within
and lor c'ass county. .Nebraska, ami to me di
rected. 1 will on the 12th dav of March, A. I.
lsyH, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the booth
door of the court house in the city of 1'lattsmouth,
in said county, sell at public auction, to the hiiMi
est bidder for cash, the follow ing real estate to-wit:
1-ots hlteeu and twenty ('U, in section seven
(7). township twelve ( I'--). north ol ranire fourteen
(14j, in Cass county, Nebiaska, together with the
privileges and appertenances thereunto belong
ing or in appurtainini'. The same be
ing levied upon and taken as theprojieity ol
J fill n Keuland and wile, Lena Keulaud, and lames
NI. 1'atterson, defendants, to satisiv a judgment
of said court recovered by Charles C. l'ariiiele,
as receiver of the Citizens bank of I'lattsinoutli,
Ni braska, plaintiil against said defendants.
1'lattsmouth, Nebraska, Feb. 1, A. IJ. 1KH.
YV. 1). W'lii'.i'.i.i'.K,
Sheriff, Cass County, Nebraska.
Probate Notice.
In the county court of Cass county, Nebraska.
In the matter of the guardianship ol Miles K.
Smith, an incompetent person. 1 o whom it may
concern: Notice is hereby given to the said
Miles R. Smith, imconipeteut. to i'.li M. Smith,
guardian, and to all other persons interested.
that Oeorge. V .Grimes hied herein reb. Il.lnyn, a
petition alleging among other things that he is
suretyon the bond of the said M. Smith; that
neither the said fc-li M. Smith nor any ol his pre
decessors, as guardian of said incompetent, have
ever made a settlement w ith the com t of probate;
that by reason of alleged negligence, there
is danger ol liability to tiie ward on said bond.
Petitioner prays that r.H M. Smith may be
cited to appear iu county court and render a full
account .in said premises: That petitioner be
discharged Irom liability upon said bond; 1 hat
the said c.11 M. inutn be required to lurnish a
new bond, or, in delault thereol that said Sunt h
be removed Irom his trust as guardian and that
another be appointed in his place; ttu.t the ac
counts on lile be settled and approved and tor
other equitable and proper reliel in the premise:
ou are hereby notified that a hearing will be
had on said petition March nd, 1!k, at Z o clock
D. in., and that if vou fail to appear upon said
date and contest said petition, the court may
grant the prayer ol said petition and make such
other and further orders, allowances and decrees
as to this court may seem proper in thu premises.
W ltness niv hand and the seal ol said court.
at i'lattsmouth, Nebraska, this, the 1st day ol
March, A. JJ.
(Seal) County Judge.
Chattel Mortgage Sale.
INotice is hereby given that Dy virtue ol a
chattel mortgage, dated on tha 2nd day ol June.
Hy, and duly hied in the office of the county
clerk of Cass county. Nebraska, on the ;ird dav of
June, 1U7, and executed by J. S. Oood to i. v.
Uavis. to secure the payment ol seventy-live dol
lars, with interest thereon Irom the 1st day of
June, 1S97, at the rate ol ten per cent per annum
Irom said day, and upon which there is now this
2ind day of February. 1W7 due the sum of i.). U.
Default having been made in the payment of
said sum, and no suit or other proceeding at law-
having been instituted to recover said debt, or
any part thereof, tlnrelore, I will sell the
property therein described to wit: 1 hree-liiths
interest in twenty-live acres ol corn on the west
hail of the northwest quarter ol section 'J m
town 11. range VS. Cass county. Nebraska, which
corn is divided, picked and cribbed on the south
west quarter ol section IB, in town 11, range 1.5,
Cass county, Nebraska, and amounts to about
4 bushels, at the crib and in the crib at said
place in Kock lilnlts precinct, in county, on
the 21st day of March, 18:, at the hour of 1J
o'clock a. in., to satisfy said debt, with the costs
of advertising, caring for and selling said prop
erty. . . T, V. .Davis. v
i- 1 r t . uno
luesaay, .uarcn i, ico
Legal Notice. "
In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of John U. . Holmes,.
deceased .
This cause came on for hearing upon the peti
tion ol Frank M. y oung, as administrator ol the
estate of Jolin li. Hoiiues. deceased, anti the re
turn of said administrator to the former license
issued herein, and application of said adminis
trator for an alias license to sell the southwest
quarter of the southwest quarter of section in
town 2. range , in rurnas county, Nebraska, to
pay the debts of said estate in the sum ol il,-
and the costs of administrating said estate. tjiere
not being sufficient personal property to-pay
said debts and costs of administration.
It is. therefore, ordered that all persons inter
ested in said estate appear before me at the oltice
of the clerk of the district court in the court
house in Plattsmouth on the lrith day of April,
1198.312 o clock p. m.. to show cause why an
alias license should not be granted to said ad
ministrator to sell so much of the above des
cribed real estate of said deceased as shall -be
necessary to pay said debts and expenses.
it is further ordered that notice ol said appli
cation and of the making of this order be f iven
all parties interested in said estate by pubiiehlng
a copy of this order for four successive weeks be
fore the day of hearing" in the Semi-Weckiy
Dated thistth day of March, 1858.
- Basil s. KamSet.
Judge of the District Court, Second J udtoak Dis
trict. . ..
. Sheriffs Sale. "
Bv vi rtue of an order of sale issued by Geo. F.
Houseworth, clerk of the district court, within
and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I will on the 26th day of March. A. I.
lt8,at 1 o'clock p.m. of said day at the south door
of the court house in the city ol Plattsmouth, in
said countv. sell at public " auction, to the high
est bidder for cash, the following real estate, to-
wit: Lot 14 I, in block IJ. m Stiles' addition to
the citv of i'lattsmouth. Cass countv. Nebraska,
together with the privileges and appurtenances
thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining.
The same being levied upon and taken as the
property of John Swoboda, defendant, to satisf y
a judgment of said court recovered by Charles C.
Parmele, as receiver ot the citizens bank ol
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, plaintiff against said de
fendant. -
Plattsmouth, ebraska, Feb. 12. A.D.1KW.- -W.
D. Wheeler,
'. Sheriff. Cass County, Nebraska.-
Bv I. D. McBride. Deputy. ...
Byron Clark, Attorney for Receiver.
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska, )J '
Countv of Cass. - f a- .
In the matter of the estate of Henry Stoll. de
ceased. - .
Notice is hereby given that the claims and de
mands of all persons against Henry Stoll,
deceased. late of said county and state, will be
received, examined and adjusted by the county
court at the court house in Plattsmouth, onj the
iitth day of September A-. D:, at 9 o'clock in
the forenoon. And that six months from and
a'ter Dm HHli -lay of March A. f., IKAX. It tha
time limited for creditoit of sal i (lorrarort tf
present I c l.ilnis for examination and low
am e. Liven n .i-1 . r my hnnJ and teal this iittt
day of i '(.-binary A. I , IMm.
I Nal
Ilium.!, M. M't'KI.'if.'K,
( miity Judtfe,
Sheriff's Sale.
Hv vlilur of an order of sale Ismmd by f.-oia
I louse wm Hi, clei k ol tho district court, w ,thln
and br ( an county, NHnaska, and to mo dl
ii'i ted. 1 will ou the luth ilny of March. A.
H., IS.'H, at II o'clock a. ni. oi said day at tha
south door of the court homo In the city of I'Utta
ti i on tli. in tal 1 ( ounty. sell at oflbllc auction, ta
the holiest bidder lor cash, tho fulluwlim rtrf
estate, to-wlt:
l.otsontt and two 1 1 ami 21. In block rlnvcu
f 11 1. in C aitci s addition to the city of Vfecp-
inti W aler, Cass county, Nebraska, tounther with
the privilege and appurtenant ea thciruuto b
loiiyinic or in anywise appu ttainlnif , 'i ha tarna
h niK levied upon and taken as tha properly ol
A In e 1 1. pei i y, ct al. dclendaott. to aatlsfr
jiniKuieni oi sain court recovered by frauds n.
liibson, plaiutill, iiKulnst said defradanta.
i'lattsiiioulh, Nc
in. A. I. IXMH.
W. 1). Whiii.ii.
Sheriff. Cass Count. Nebratka.
Hy 1. I. Ml I'.iule. ilrpuly.
I.. II. Woolcy, Attorney lor l iancll N. (ilbtoo,
l-i'gul Mot Ire
In the district coiiit of Cass county, Nabiaika,
John Johnson, i., by his K"ar-
dutli, Klijali 1'.. I lullips,
iru.i M. Skinner ami lius-
b.uid, 11:111 t;e J. Sikluuca.
I . I. n. I. mis will take notice that umm the 14th
day ol December. A. 1 . 1M the plaintiff a. ad
Ills petition in Iho dislrH t com t of (Jam county.
.Nebraska, the object and player o which to
set a Idi! a deed liom plaintiil to delradaat,
. itia.M Sk inner, w Inch pieteuded to convey to
in r lot two ill in block sixtv-thire (CJi a ta
city ol Uccpliiii Water, Ouss county, ftebraaka.
u. d to s, t .isi le and annul said deed and tha
i. soul theieof, as it appeals in book III. D(a
I'd it ol the deed let ord I l ass county. Nebraska,
in. I loi an aicouuiinu ol rents collected by said
deli iidaiit and to ic-vest the title of said lot In
And lor luithei cquitablu reliel you are ra-
tu i n-i I to atiswci said petition on or boluia the
sib day ol M .lit h. A. I. IMiH.
John Johnson, f.
Hy his k'li.iiiliaii. i.liiali 1'.. 1'lillllD.
I!y his attorneys, Hyiou Claik and V. A. Kawll.
I laud I ebi y, Is, A. J). hH7.
Min i (I 'm Sale.
Hy viitueol an oi der of sale, issued hy Geo. V.
I lous.'woi 1 Ii, th ikol the district court, withia
and lor ( ass county, .Nebiaska, and to me di
lected. 1 Mill on the :.''! h day of March. A. I.
Is'.is at II o clot k a. in. td said day at the south
door ol the torn I house in t he city of 1'lattsmouth
in said toiiuty, sell at public auction, to tha
highest hiddei tor tash, the following real astala
tow it:
Lot lour II I in blo k one 1 1 1 in Stiles' addition
to the tity ol I'l.utsiiioulli.l.ass county. Nebraska,
logcthci with the puvileges and appertanaacaa
tlieieuiito belonging or in anywise aPDertaialnr:
the sami: being levied upon anil taken aa the Bro-
peity ol John Swolmd.i. delendant, to satisfy a
judgment ol said court recovered by Charlaa C.
launch: as rei elver ol tiie Citizens hank nl
I'lattsnioiith. ass county. Nebraska, olalntlli.
against said delend.ini and John Kctter.
1'ialtsiuoutli, Nebiaska, I-ebruary ltf A.I).,1HI,
Wm. I). WllCIMBK,
Sheritl, Cass county, Nabraaka.
Hy I. I. McHnde. Depulv.
Hyion Claik, Attorney lor 1'laintifi.
Notice of I inlebtetlnrsa.
The 1'lattsmouth Water Cotnpanv. a corpora
tion organized under the laws oi the stata of Ve-
braska .
1 he 1'lattsmouth Water Company hereby
give notice that the following is the lift anl
amount ol all the existing debts ol said corpora
tion on the lust day ol February. A. I). 1MIW.
tiamel y :
1'irst mortgage n jier cent bonds of the
Water Co., interest payable semi
annually. Oct. 1st and Anril 1st 1 Zr.OT)0 Ofl
Accrued inteiest on the same 14,Ia 1
laxes 1.7H.00
Total (l40.ti9l.2B
'1 Ins notice is given in compliance with tha
provisions oi chapter ID of the compiled statute
ol the .state of Nebraska.
Chas. K., President,
Hi-.NKV M. I'l.tJMKK, Treasurer,
T. 11. Pollock, Secretary.
F.dward li. Martin,
Fdwaid F. Allen,
Majority ol Hoard of Directors,
Probate Motice.
In county court. Cass county, Nebraska.
I n the matter ol the estate ol lohn Frederick
Stull. deceased. Agatha tstull. John lacob Stall. .
John Frederick Stull, Christian Lawrence Stull.
Anna Amelia Monroe, nee Stull. iienrv Stull.
M aria Agatha Stull and all other persons inter
ested in said matter, are hereby notilied that on
tne -1st u iy oi reoruary A. l).. imwh. Acatha
Stull, Henry Stull and C. Lawrence Stull hied a
petition in said county court, alleging among
other things that ohn Frederick Stull died on
the 1st day of January ihW, leaving no last will
and testimcnt, ami possessed of real and
personal estate, and that the above named con
stitute all the persons interested in the estate of
said deceased, and praying for administration
theieof. You are hereby notihed that if you fail
to appear at said court on the 21st day of March
A.l., at a o clock p. rn , and contest said
petition. the court will appoint C. Lawrence Stull
or some other suitable person administrator, and
proceed to a settlement of said estate. Witnesa
my hand and the seal of said court at Platts
mouth, Nebraska, this tlje 2Hth day of February
A. D., IWh.
Ghorge M. Spublock.
County Judge.
Notice of IiidchtcdneHi.
The Plattsmouth Gas and Electric Light com-
fiany hereby gives notice that the lollowiug Is tha
ist and amount of all existing debts of said cor
poration on the 1st day of l ebruary A. D.,
F irst mortgage. J per cent, bonds of the
1 lattsmouth (jas & Llectric Light
company, interest payable semi-annually.
June 1 and Decern her 1 $30,000 00
Accrued interest on same 3o0 V)
Total indebtedness 130,300 00
This notice is given in compliance with tha
provisions oil chapter sixteen ol the compiled
statutes of the state of Nebraska.
J. G. KicnfcY, President,
S. H. Hovkv, Treasurer,
1. IK Jones, Secretary.
Majority of Hoard ol Director.
St. Joseph
Kansas City
St. Louis and all
points East and
San Francisco
All points west.
No 1. Den ver express . 11:18 pm
No Chicago express 12:41 am
No 2U. Luual expruns, dully, Ht Joe,
- hunsiis, ft Louis, all points
south 0:40 m
No 4. Lochi exD, dally, Burlington,
Chlc-it-io. all points east .... 1U:Z4 am
NolO. Local exp, daily except Sun-
clay um am
No K Local exp, daily except bun-
day, 1 aeltlc J unction pm
No 30. Frei.'ht, daily except Sunday
Pacific Junction ZM) pm
No- 2 Vetitibuled exp, daily. Bur
lington, onicavo ana an
points east ' 5.30 Dm
No 13 stub from Junction to Ptatts-
fooutn 6:15 pra
No 12. Local exp, daily. St Joe.Kan
saa City. St Louis. Chicago
all points east and south.. 825 pm
No 5. Local exp, daily, OniahH,Lin
coln, Uen ver and Interme
diate stations 7.32 am
SoK'i. Local freight, daily. Omaha. 8:50 am
No 2'J. Local freieht. daliy, ex Hun
day, Cedar Creen. Louis
ville, South Bena 7:37 am
No 7. Fast mail, dally, Omaha and
Lincoln 222 pm
No 3, Vestibuled exp, dally, Den
ver and all points In Colo
rado. Utah and California,
Grand island. Black Hills,
Montana aDd Pacific N. W. 3:43 pm
8o 9. Local exp, dally except Su
t day. Louisville. Ashland,
Wahoo, schuyler. 4:00 pm
No 11. Local exp, dally except Sun
day, Oninrja and Lincoln.. 4-59 pm
No 17. Local express, Sunday only,
Sleeping, dining and reclining chair ears
iseats free) on through trains. Tickets sold
and baggage checked to any point In the
United States or Canada. -
For information, time tables, maps and
tickets call or write to
W. L. PICKETT. Agent.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
J, i'EASCES. Gen. Pass. Aet,
Omaha. Neb. '
No.1....;. 4:50 a. ta.
io 9 . . . 1 L 51 sW da
No.LU, local freight 4.04 p.m
- i 't i ., THA INS GOIKO SOUTH.
No. 2. '.:". 10:43 p. m
n. iTi, local freight 7.35 am.
No. io 4:04 pm..