Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, March 12, 1898, Image 1

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    Semi- W
IlUATa J rk JLd IT
IIK NRWH. KfttablHhi'il Nov..lH!i. nonHOl,(i,,.,, ,Iltl ,
TK II Kit A M), KhUiMihIioU A prll W. iftfil. f OOnHOlldateU Jan. 1.1,).,
VOL. VI. NO. S3.
A Splendid Line of New, Fresh (iroceries
..Just Received at..
Also a Fine Line of Dry Goods and Notions.
REMEMBER VVo liro not Helling Sugar :.t L ss Than
Cost in order to Mako upon something else, but wo sell jv ry
thing on n CLOSH MARGIN and you will find IIAKGAINS in
every Department.
Call And4 See Our Goods.
310 Main St. L. B. EGENBERGER.
For Rale by SMI
Talk About Diamonds
Their brilliant rlitter Bcarce
outrivals the polish you can put
on a Murzluff shoo. Good leather,
well-tunned leather, that's the
reasou. It does more limn shine
it wears, it tits, it "feels pood"
whether j on walk across the
street or across the continent.
It's a shiner, u stayer, a soother.
Costs money? Of course not
as much as you'd think, though.
Put one on and give its tongue a
chance to talk. You'll do the
talking after you've worn a pair
and we'll sell a lot more.
4 I
4 Joscpi Fctxcr,
North Side Main Street. A
M . KlttK STS.,
II. M. SOENNlt'HSKN, Manager.
Large Supply of all the
Including the Famous
Missouri, Illinois,
Jackson Hill and
Canon City Lump,
Always on hand Also a quantity of
cheaper Grades of NUT COAL. We also
keep on hand all kinds of Wood. All or
ders promptly delivered. Leave orders
at grocery &tore of A. H. Weckbach & Co.
Is careful work. Deciepit, aged
drugs won 't do. They must be young
and fresh full of life and strength
for the sick. They must be pure and
they must bo carefully put together.
We make a specialty of putting up
prescriptions we can do it better than
the man who doesn't make a specialty i
t t it. If you want careful, thoughtful
work, come to h". G. Fricke &. Co 'a.
We also keep here the choicest
toilet supplies, and other requisites,
und quote prices that cannot be dis-
ounted in the country.
IF71 a
HOftlEY and
(Special notices under this he nil will he
Charon for at the rate of 4 cent ier wont
earn Insertion.)
31 I SC i: LI.A NKO l-S
SKW1NG All kinds of plain and fancy scwinir.
dressmaking, repairing of rents' ai:d lmr."
clothes done at the moms ol Mrs. Onlla Mi.-r-man,
over Coates' hardware store, -lis Main
FOR SALE A koocI house with eiulit moms
and all kinds lI 1 ii it. l.ood liarn, well and
cistern, three lots. Apply at this ollice.
To trade. A trond n.kl watch
II for an organ
Knquire at the .nous office.
WANTED Active, sober and trustworthy man
to travel through this section. Salary S.Vi a
month, payable weekly, and expenses; splendid
opportunity. Address SIIEl'l' company, U'io
Chestnut street. 1'hiladelphia, l'a.
ANTED. Hoarders, at the corner of Sixth
and tiranite. --W.
LOST A silk umbrella with the name "llovey"
engraved on handle. 1 inder wil. please leavi
same at this ottice.
JOK KENT. House and
one acre.
; acre
K. 1
;. House and
Win i 'ii a m.
d ;i-v. 1
AGENTS WANTED-Eor War in Cuba. In
Senior (Juesada, Cuban representative at
Washinutonr Endorsed by Cuban patriots. In
tremendous demand. A bonanza tor anents.
Only f 1.50. Bin book, bijj commissions. Every
body wants the only endorsed, reliable book.
Outfits free. Credit eiven. 1-leiht paid . Drop
ail trash, and make H o a month with War in
Cuba. Address today. The National 1 look Con
cern, :!52-:rti Dearborn St., Chicago.
Love Is Blind
to all the faults of the loved one in
everything but untidy or soiled linen.
A dainty women draws the line on
that. Tc look i m raacuiaetlv neat and
, presentable, and have your collar, cull"
or shir t irreproachable m color ana
.innisn, onng to to x iaii&mouiu vnv
Steam Laur.drv.
South Sixth St.
Reading Rooms and Dispensary,
Irew IJuildinsr, riattsmoiitii, tb.
Open from 10 a. m. to ." p. m. and 7 to 9 p.
m. Service each Sunday. 11 a. m.
such as Wind and Tain in tho Stomach.
Giddiness, i'ulnes aftor meals. Head
ache. Dizziness. Drowsiness. Flushincs
of Heat, Loss of Appetito. Costivenpss.
Blotches on the Skin. Odd Chills, Dis
turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and all
Kervous and Trembling Sensations.
IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer
vill acknowledge them to be
BEECIIAM'S PILIS, taken as direct
ed, will quickly restore FemaIo3 to com
plete health. They promptly remove
obstructions or Irrenul a ri ties of the sys
tem and cure fcick IleaUacIie. For a
Weak Stomach
Impaired Digestion
Disordered Liver
Beecham's Pills are
Without a Rival
And hvo the
of any Patent Medicine In the World.
250. at all Drue Stores,
Annual Sales over 6,000,000 Boxes
A lf;iiy Vclnnt?.
T. S. Becker, ;i former Cass county
hoy riMding near Union, was united
in marriage at high noon yesterday
to Miss Carrie Graham, of Riehlield,
Sarpy county, at the homo of the
bride's parents, Rev. Cock run, of the
M. K. church, ofliciating. Tlie groom
is a pr mi i.erit jour;: attorney who
will make lils mark in lie profession.
Hi.' h is b 'en residing for ii time at
U.) le, iuwa. in Humboldt county, and
with bin bride be will depart for that
pi act tomorrow where they will re
side. The bride id the handsome
daiiirhti r of one of Sarpy county's
wealthy farm is, fuily deserving a
kind and loving husband. The Xhws
joins then- many Cass county friends
in extending congratulations and
hearty Le.-t wishes.
A Sirik of Ent rriinso.
'J'lu: young ladies of the 1'icsbyter
ian cii nrch are not h ing if not enter
prising. Taking ad vafittL'C of the
slopjiy sidewalks and lad roads to
earn a few dim -js for the cause of the
Iord they were out with a carriage
tuiay hauli iig gentlemen to and from
their ineuls fr which tliey charged
twciity-Iiveceiits a trip. Occasionally
a su.-ce nti ble and magnanimous you ng
m in w ho craven wiutnng ninue-j ana
1 gentle word-, huu.i! yiei t ui) six bits
i si, in linpe-i tor-;ane u lilllo log.ier
, than otnor fellows i i leinitiirie e-t em,
! m. . . - i
jl ii n is i u 1 1 4 t; i. ii i le i u in v. no n n i . uu l
ou $1 is said to have made a ve. y tit
cided impression. Woo to theoting
gcuLieman who refused to ride antl
yield up a quarter for he is blacklis i d
li.o oung lauies realized a sum
from tht ir uncertak : nr.
iitn-t Court.
Dalleinatid Co. vs. C. II. I'arniele,
ct ai., jury waived. For trial to cuurt.
W'm. Sporor, udniiuistrator, vs
Jtock Island raiiwav. Set for tiial
March 1H.
S. M. Chapman vs. II. 11. Neit.el,
en motion for additional secutity.
l. Olson v. C. J. & Q. railway
Care continued.
First National b:. nk vs. i.
Covcli. Suit or. note. On motion to
rjuash sei vice.
. I'earlman vs. l'eoples Uuildinj,' S:
Loan association. Motion to strike
petition from liies because tiled out of
time, sustained, l'laintilf triven leave
to tile p-.-tition iiibiiiuter.
.Slate of Neera.-ka vs. Commercial
bank of Weopiny Vatc: lieu-ring- on
application for order authorizing re
ceive;- to sue Ioreigi stockholders in
federal wu t, sustained as to Mrs. 1'.
Oim, A. 11. Olin, May J. Olin and A.
U. Smith.
Ceoryc F. Shrydcr vs. J. hn Chase,
ai. Uismi-sed at p.aintiil's cost.
V. Norton et al vs. VVeepiny
V;:ter Loan liuildiny association.
S. t lor heai'iriir .Mat ch -1 at (J a. m.
Peoples 1J. L. astociation vs. Sal-
iie Thomas, et al, plaintiff has leave
to uid 50 . olj to e.aiiii on account tf
taxes paid.
Fetiiboi.e, et al, vs. Adalino Crippen
tt al, cause continued.
Fquitable Trust Co. vs. Henry Ben
in IL et al. Sale continued and deed
ii. it-red.
Hxecutor Clack estate vs. Iv. Good
es, ui.
d c c d .
jj'-J, deed or
A. W'.Campboil Vs. Arthur Idurphy.
DisiuisseU on account of f.-.iiui e to give
stouriiy for costs.
.'viiee Uayiioii vs. Win. II. Ijanell.
D ci ee t f divoica yranttd and custody
of miuor child t'iven to plaintiff.
State of Nebrrslia vs. James Mc
Coinb. Set for trial March Id ut
Si a. m.
Stale vs. Herbert Moturn. Sot for
trial Mart li 14 at l:VA) p. m.
Ji h : T. Coleman, the jewoier, has
r. m jvtd to his location in the Kiley
b.eck, two dcors south of the post of
Iisj. llo will be pleased to see all of
his oid customers at his new stand
and will guarantee them first class
wo- k in watch and jewelry r p lit ing.
Uecarrics a fuli and complete lee of
vvatcnes, c ociis and jewelry; c li ;-nd
sec him.
Is your liver tired? does it to do
duty? If so, don't neglect its call for
help. A few doses of Ilerbine may
save you a spell of sickness. Herbine
istheonly perfect liver medicine. It
cures Chills and Fever. 7oc.
31 51. ami S. 51. C. Ttke Notice.
There will be a meeting Saturday
evening, M :reh 12, at the usu il tkne
and place. "Selah," I have spoken.
A. . 1! iiternmniif nt.
On t! e evening of March 17, St
Patrick's d i.v, tho A. O. II. will give
their annual entertainment at White's
ope: :i house. The best of music will
bo served and the public is invited to
attend and enjoy a p easant eveniug.
Tickets 50 cents. rude young men came near
creating a disturbance today at the
p-tolhcc hy pushing men. women and
i children about without rec-tird to iinv
one's feelings. A repetition cf such
e )uduct is likely to cause arrest.
I More Oolil in N brnskH.
I A telegram from Box Butte county
siys great gold discoveries in the
j gravel beds up there have been made
I along the Pialto river which pans out
; as high as i.2) per ton in free gold.
Nebraska is evidently all right.
Sfr !"( Cloil
Itev. H. A. Lemon will close his re
ival work to night at the Christian
church and return to his home in Lin
coln for recreation and rest. His next
engagement will be fit McC'ook, com
mencing Mar. "(. He delivered an
excellent sermon last night and there
was one baptism. Subject for tonight,
"Why Heed the Invitation Now?"
The public invited. Ilev. Lemon has
done a great work here find wo trust
ho will be as successful wherever lie
Spring has opened and farmers have
bjgun seeding.
Tho little babe of Mr. and Mrs. Hen
ry Wu!f died last Friday. The Fun
eral was held Sunday from the Con
gregational church conducted by the
Kov. Cundel. Tho remains were
placed in the cemetery west of town.
Hev. Anderson wili preach at the
Ch ristian cb i.rch next Sunday morn
ing and evening.
Tho M. V. A fed nearly 4!0 persons
last Thursday evenit'g after their en
Henry Malsen and wife have return
ed to Avoea where they will make
their home. Mr. Mali-en will work
fur Ilinrv Ur-ockiuan this simnn'-r.
Tlie village boird m -' Monday i v
ninir of this week and ground outole
good lesolutltms and intentions be
sides transacting other miscellaneous
Hev. Uuck, the evantrclist, cdostd
his worK here and will leave this
w--ek for other lields.
To the Editor ol Tin; News:
The county should ser
iously consider the desirability of pur
chasing city property for delinquent
taxes, and perhaps advance money
that will never icturn to the
treasury. Every ore knows that city
property is rated from two to ten
times moro than its present cash
value. Till-: NEWS pub ished tho sale
and taxes of the McCourt property to
Kobert Carries. The price paid was
$.100, and the taxes for ''J? was $27.50
this is over 9 per cent of its cash value,
and percent of its one-third value
of what the assessor should value it at
for taxation, but it setms it was as
sessed three times its vaiue. Other
property in tho city is even worse. A
Bohemian bought a house and two
,ots for $15 and ho found tho taxes for
'1)7 was $8. 10. Calculate what per
ecu t that is.
Let the county commissioners req uest
property owners in the city to come
before them and explain their griev-
ances'and pay in proportion. Those
that will not come let the comm ission-
ers deal with them as the3' may think
right and just. TAX Payek.
F J. Coates leaves Monday morning
to take personal charge of the Hotel
Mercer, in Oinaha, which already is
doing a nice business. He will make
no change in the force at the Riley,
is Mrs. Coates will remain hero. In
tlie hardware store, Aba Rupeley
taKf s a place behind the counter, and
a tinner by the name of Tcm Miller,
from Omaha, takes his place in the
The Sure La tirinpe Cure.
There is no use suffering from this
dreadful malady if you will only get
the right remedy. You are having all through your body, your liver
is out of order, have no appetite, no
life or ambition, have a bad cold, in
fact are completely used up. Electric
Bitters are the only remedy that will
gie you prompt and sure relief. They
act directly on your liver,stomach and
kidneys, tone up the whole system
md m-ke you feel like a new being.
They are guaranteed to cure or price
refunded. For sale at F. G. Fricke &
Go's, drug store, only -50 cents per
t'irst-Cliisii Work.
Frank Marler has opened a first
class blacksmith shop at the cor
ner of Seventh arid Pearl .t e- is wLe e
all kiuds of smithing and ho. s e shoeing
will be done in a skillful manner, olso
carriage and wagon tainting.
Farm For Sale.
Two hundred acres, good buildings,
land all under cultivation, close to
Alvo. A bargain. For particulars
call on or address J. II. Thrasher,
I'laitsmouth, Neb.
What pleasure is there in life with
a headache, constipition and billious
ness? Thousands experience them
who could become perfectly heaithy
uting DeWiU's Little Early Risers,
the famous little pills. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has
L. B Q. on each tablet.
At ."chiappecH8e8.
A complete line of choice tropical
fruits, candies and cigars. Oysters
served in every style at his old stand,
opt osite Bank of Cass county.
A" thrill of terror is experienced
when a brassy cough of croup sounds
through the house at night. But the
terror soon changes to relief after
One Minute Cough Cure has been
administered. Safe and harmless for
children. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Offer you the Largest and Best Selected Stock of Dry
Goods, Notions, Hosiery, Dress Goods, Shoes, etc., to be
found in the County. We have always had the reputation
of carrying Merchandise of the BEST QUALITY and shall
maintain our good name in this regard and give our Pat
rons the Lowest Prices. A visit to our Grocery, Queens
ware and Tinware Departments will convince you that we
are not behind the times when it comes to Low Prices.
Best Vritinjf Ink, 2 cts
Oranjjfcs, . . . 10
Good Peas ... 9
Kxtra early June Peas 13
Ki no Corn
Stringed Beans
Lima Beans
Mustard Sardinos
We are Sole Agents for Chase S: Sanborn's Famous Boston Colfet prices 10,
15, 10, 25 cts. Use our Blend Coffee the finest quality roasted, 27 cts.
Lawerence "L Iv" Unbleached Muslin, 4 cts. Special drive in Bleached Muslin, 6
and 7 cts. Stevens Brown Linen Crash, 5 cts. Red Table Damask fast colors 21
cts. Best Indiyo Prints, 4i cts. New Styles in Best Prints, 5 cts. New Turkey
Red Prints, 5 cts. New Lawns in all the latest designs, ( cts. A better one for 7
cts. Best Table Oilcloth special for one week only 11 cts. Ladies fast black 40
gftiaye Hose, 9 cts. Special ladies's fine black, the 35 ct kind, for 24 cts.
..SHoe Deoartment SDBGlal..
Ladies' Dongola- Shoes $1.29,
$1.49, $198. Ladies' $3 Shoes
for $2.49. Ladies' $3.50 Shoes
for $298.
All Wool Ingrain Carpet, 50 c. Very Best Extra Super Carpet, 65 c.
Special drive in Moquette Carpet, sewed and put down in
your homes for 99 c. Brussells Rugs, 1 1-2 yds long,
fringed, 99 c. Best Carpet warp in skeins 17 1-2
cent a pound. Come and see them.
Choice Home Marie Itreari.
Mrs. Morning's Light, Cream,
Graham, Rye, Boston Brown, Salt
Risintr, Glutin or any other kind of
bread, also tea roils, cookies, cakes,
doughnuts, cotTee bread, hominy,
mince meat and all other home cook
ing, is being delivered to all parts of
the citv. Stop the wagon or go to
Halt's market if you wish any. We
ire prepared to furnish everything
suitable for tea parties, surprise par-tie-,
receptions, etc. Satisfaction as
sured. Give us a trial.
Many l'eople Cannot Drink
Coffee at night. It spoils their sleep.
You can drink Grain-O when you
please and sleep like a top. Ft r
Gruin-O does not stimulate; it nour
ishes, cheers and feeds. Yet it looks
and tastes like the best coffee. For
nervous persons, young people and
children, Grain-O is the perfect drink.
Made from pure grains. Get a pack
age from your grocer today. Try it in
place of coffee. 15 and 2oc.
Gardening Time.
Bennett &; Tutt have just received
a large invoice of package and bulk
garden, llower, grass and clover seeds.
weet peas and nasturtiums. Seeding
time is near at hand and you should
make your purchases while the stock
, . -i i -l
is com pi e e . iseeos are all res i anu
prolific no carried-over stock. Re-
meojher Liennett Jc lutt.
Whooping cough is the most dis
tressing malady; but its duration can
be cut short by the use of One Minute
Cough Cure, which is also the best
cnown remed,y for croup and ail lung
aud bronchial troubles. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
liacklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts.
burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe-
r sores, tetter, chappep hands, chil
blains, corns, and all skin eruptions,
and positively cure3 piles, or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded,
Pyice 25 cents per box. For sale by
F. G. Fricke.
New Improvements.
The Pearl Steam laundry has just
received one of the latest pattern
bosom, collar and cuff ironers from
Chicago, and is better prepared than
ever to do nice work. Remember
Pearl Steam laundry, Main street.
There's no better flour made than
Peisei's" Plansifter," manufactured
in this city. Ask your grocer for it,
and thereby get the best and sup
port a home industry at tho same time,
which builds up the town.
Old Bicycles
Made new at Lehnhoff's practical bi
cycle men.
a bottle
cts a doz
cts a can
cts a can
cts a can
cts a can
cts a can
cts a can
cts a can
cts a can
Sardines in Oil, . . 4 cts a can
Prepared Mustard . 8 cts a ,rlass
Best Parlor Matches, 3 p'k's 24 cts
California Prunes, per lb . 5 cts
Peaches, per lb . . 1 cts
Goob Kasins, per lb . . ( cts
Golden Crown Soda, per pk f cts
Best German Bird Seed, per pk f cts
Laundr Soap, any kind 10 bars25 cts
Buttermilk Toilet Soap 3cakes, 8cts
T 1
Why ?
We have just received the nobbiest line of
Spring Neckwear
Ever shown
The Feople'H Clotliiars.
P. S. We are just receiving a grand line
of Spring- Suits and Pants, at popular prices.
That's why you should step in a minute.
, ..Carpet Department...
Mattings ! Mattings ! ! Have you "seen
Dovey's Mattings 100 rolls to select from
talk of the town bought direct from
China and Japan from 9 cts a yd and up.
& SON. -
r r-tf r r cp
is ana -aps
in Plattsmouth,