Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, February 23, 1898, Image 3

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    Fined $100 and Costs For Assault
ing Hugh Iloberts.
A MrrlfMi Krrliir In Mimtulnral ly K. W.
Ki iiiit ly- lttlioll- l'-l tilve Tlirlr
I'rlent Mont KnJoyn.lle MarrU
Other llapprnluK Of InKuM to
(town today on buair.e-H.
Th trial of tho f.ato f iluyh) V. I'. Killen if Lodo I'ole,
Robert h John Harrington was tlie Choycn no county, in in town tho zuet
uttr..c"ion in polico court this tuorrw
inr- Quito a bit f testimony was pro-
dut e.l to fchow tho extent of tho in-
juries received by the plaintiff at the
handu of the defendant. After duo(
, t .1 I
case, Judge Archer fined Mr. Har
rington tho sum of $100 and costs, and,
as defendant wus unablo to produce
tho necessary wherewithal, ho will be
piven Iodines in Jailor McBrido's
About a week ago, it will bo re
membered, Kolerts was brutally as
Buultcd by Harrington, because the
killed tho latter's d(tr. A
warrant imim diately swoi n out
for Hat rintfton's arrest,but as Koboi ts
was unablo to appear, the case did not
como up until this morning.
A Heriouti Fractur.
- K. W. Kennedy, who resides on O ik,
between Sixth and Seventh streets,
met with an accident Saturday which
resulted in tho fracture of his hip
bone. Ho was coming down the stairs
athis homo when he accidently slipped
and fell, striking the hip bone with
such force as to cause a very serious
fracture. A physician was immedi
ately summoned, and at last accounts,
Mr. Kennedy's condition was not of
such a nature as to cause his friends
any uneasiness.
Father liur Surprised.
The young ldies of tho St. Anges
society planned a very successful sur
prise party last night in honor of
their priest, llev. Mathias Hor, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Swoboda on
14th and Main street, where the priest
has made his home for a number of
years. The surprise was to remind
him of his '-names-day, " which occurs
February 24, but at that date he will
be in Wahoo. Father Bor received
several useful presents, among them
being two handsomely enlarged photos
of his mother and father.
The evening was spent mostly in
music and social chat. A bountiful
supper was served and all departed for
their homes at a late hour, reporting a
most enjoyable evening.
A rieasaut Surprise.
The pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs.
V. C. Willeis was the sceue of a neat
surprise party Thursday evening, it
being the seventeenth birthday anni
vi. ry of their neico, Miss Myrtle
WorcK-.. Tho evening was spent in
games and music, after which a
suinplous supper was served. After a
late hour the guests departed, wishing:
the vouia? ladv hostess many more
pleasant returns of her birthday.
Those present were Messrs. Tim
and Ed Todd, Tom Beverage, Emery
Newland, Ira Gorham, Jim and Frank
Worden, Will Saltan, Ollie Osborne,
John Beeson, Fred Thomes, Misses
Kate Kishell, Lizzie Shultz,Lillie and
Belle Martin, Susie Kroohler, Stella
Boyd, Parrae.ia Newland, Mabel Hop
kins, Dora Worden, Anna Fry and
Mrs. Ed Todd and Mrs. Worden.
The Department Store.
Colonel Thrasher has been doing
some tall hustling to get his building
rented to Mr. Tourtelotte, the depart
ment store man, and to him credit is
due for getting a new Arm in town.
The new store will not have two
rooms at present to start with, owing
to the one adjoining having been
rented to other parties. The manager
put a force of men to work in the
Neville room putting up shelving and
getting things in readiness for the
immense stock of goods which he has
purchased and already ordered
3hipped to this place.
Mr. Tourtelotte appears to be a very
affable gentleman and no doubt will
boa very valuable addition to to the
business interests of the town.
One Viiuug Man Converted.
The Methodist church was crowded
last night to listen to Rev. Lemon's
sermon, "Does it Pay to Be a Chris
tian." The address was rendered in
a very excellent manner, showing
that it does pay to bo a Cb ristian.
The solo "The Model Church" by
Prof. Travis was rendered in an able
manner. The revivals will continue
this week at the Methodist church.
While the invitation hymn was being
sung one young man went forward
and was happily converted. Subject
tonight "Is God Willing to Save Us?"
tome early if you wish a seat.
Coal Discovered.
Tbe Louisville Courier has gone
into the coal discovery business since
The News left off, and reports a th ee
foot vein for H. P. Hansen at Louis
ville, fifty -five feetbe!ow the surface.
Thirty feet of solid rock overlies the
coal strata, which has hitherto hid it
from enquiring minds.
License to Wed,
( Joseph Elmer Parks
I l.u
.ucv Wiseman
Frank Spangler -
( Laura Jane Murray
This makes nineteen licenses Judge
Spurlock has issued up to the present
tiino in February.
Fopocrat Opinion.
The apoointment of J. W. Johnson
ns register of the land office at Lin
coln is, says the Johnson County Jour
nal, a just recognition of the ablest,
m st unscrupulous and pleasing linrs
in the state.
A Great Bargain 440-acre farm
near South Bend for $25 per acre.
Address R. B. Windham, Platts
mouth. Neb.
M. I. Williams, tho Cullom jjrniu
buyer, Ih in town todny.
A. H. Todd in homo u"uin for a
brief Hlay from Uio ISInck Hills.
Tho rrany friends .f Mrs. II ih- will
bo horry to learn ttmt hho in on the
hirk lint todav-
Mr. Cole of Ashland, onoc f the enrli-
oxt Bottlers of Chhu county van in
0f County ( ,lerK Koboi inou.
guito a Crowd wont to tho depot to-
d y lQ B.e j(jirk White and party
Bturt on lhoip trip l(J tnJ Klondike.
Andy Schwab is reported to have
died laht evening at tho ago of twenty
six years. Wo were unable to learn
ti mo of funeral.
Mrs. M. O'Donohoe received her in
surance money tod iy for the house
which was burned near the shops a
few weeks ago.
Notwithstanding tho bad condition
of tho roads, the farmers are hauli.g
lots of corn to market ju-t now on ac
count, of tho go id price.
The Cass county money in the
hands of the treasu' er, will ho loined
out to the designated bmk in a few
days. The bids haw been in for some
Harvey Beaver of Cullom, drove out
to Elm wood tho first of tho week and
en mo near never getting back. Ho
said ho never found the ro ids in Ne
braska any worse.
F. C. Stadeltnan has arranged todny
to accompany Murk White and party
to tho Klondike. Feed is as liable to
pick up a million or two as anybody,
and wo trust he may be among the
successful ones.
Troasurer Eikonbary came up on
tho noon train today and is looking
first-rato. It seems very unnatural to
see him on crutches, but he gets
around nicely and will soon be ab'e to
devote all his time to his ottice arain.
T. H. Pollock today Fold the
Buttery residence on North Third
street to It. F. Dean, who will move
to town and make his homo there.
City property is fretting better every
day and ere long better values will
Will JlulTner is in town on a two
weeks' layoff as the res-ult of losing
the first joint of his second finger on
left hand in an air press at tho U. P.
shops in Omaha, where he is employed.
The injury is healing nicely and he
will soon be able to return to his work.
Mark White, Gee-rye Halmes and
Jennings of tho Republican valley,
started this afternoon for Seattle. At
that place they will join Wm. Stanley,
of Klondike fame, and will ship for
the gold diggings. The News hopes
tho boys may be successful and that j
they can return in a few months as
Charles A. Beach, the popular
postal clerk on the Schuyler during
the last four years, has been promoted
to the Pacific Junction and McCook
run, on Nos. 3 and 4, between Omaha
and Lincoln. He will be succeeded by
Mr. Upton of Pierce, Neb. Today is
Mr. Beach's last on the Schuyler
train, and his many friends in this
city 'congratulate him on his merited
51 ON DAY.
Jap Summers is reported on the sick
list today.
Wm. Eikenba-y of Union was in the
city today.
Amos Atkii.son was in the city from
Bjllevue today.
James Opelt of Omaha was a Platts
rnouth visitor todry.
Charley Beach made his fin ltrip to
this city on the Schuyler run today.
Morgan B;uwn, of Lincoln, was
visiting friends in the city yesterday.
Henry B.'stir.p.n, of Chicago, is in
the city for a f ew days' visit with
John Bobbins was down from Lin
coln over Sunday for a visit with his
Ex Senator Thomas met with acci
dent to one of his ej-es the other day
which was very painful.
King Wise, who is employed by the
B. & M. in western Nebraska, vis ted
his parents over Sund iy.
The choir of th Presbyterian
chuich will a'lve a "Sacred v eneer;'-
at the chuich next Sunday evening.
Miss Kate Ilempel dep:rted this
morning for St. Louis, where she will
purchase a large stock of millii.ery.
There was a very enjoyable dance
at the German Turner hall Saturday
evening, given unda' the auspices of
the Bohemian Beneficiary lodges,
Nos. 58 and t90. A large number of
prizes were awarded in the drawing
Professor J. W. V;.tson, of Chicago,
is in the city today. Mr. Watson in
tends getting up a home talent enter
tainment of the cantata, "Queen
Esther." The p ofessor is a talented
musician, and will undoubtedly make
a success of his venture.
Fred Archard. an accountant under
State Auditor Cornell, will be in tho
city tonight and from here be will go
to Nebraska City to cteck up the
treasurer's books down there. He
will return to this city in a week or
two and perform a similar task.
Officer Hanson went out to Ida May
Schaffer's domicile today to inform
her that her time for leaving the city
bad expired, and that he had come to
escort her to jail. Ida informed the
officer that her health was in a very
delicate state and would not permit of
such a proceeding. A physician was
summoned to find out what was wrong
with Ida's health, but at last accounts
6be still held the fort.
.lullu Nprlft k and Anna Alliert .lolnrd In
Wedlock at Cedar Creek.
There occurred a very happy event
near CYdar Cictk last Thursday,
wLeii tho ceremonies which made Jul
iu Sprieck and Annie Albert man and
wife were performed by tho J to v.
Spri gel. at tho homo of tho bride's
parents. 'J he event occurred at hiyh
noon, and was witnessed by 141 guests.
Otto Sprieck, brother of the groom,
act( d as iri ormmaii, w hile Lizzie Al
bert was bridesmaid.
The young couple received many
costly and valuable present", among
which were the following: Si.ver
caketiay, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Sey
bort; bed t-proad, C. J. Meisinger; rug,
Mr. and Mrs. J McNu'land; lamp.
Ceo. and Anna Meisinger; pit liei ai d
cix cups and fancers, F. Enge, keiiner;
t2, Anton and Emma Meisinger; win
dnw shades, Mr. and Mrs. C. Fttzor;
silver coffee pot, J. If. Cox; 1 .mp, Mr.
and Mrs. A. Meisineer; cno-half
dozen knives and forks. Ceo. and
J a bob Fornhotl; dozen silver spoons,
Mr. and Mis. K:.goos; wringer, Mr.
and Mrs. A. Ka ITot.b'.jrgcr; dozen sil
ver spoons, ln i lip Keil; smoothing
irons, Mr. ami Mrs. 11. Ahl; half set
dirties .ind lamp, Ja-ob Meisinger and
f.mi'y; pair blanket-1, Mr. anil Mrs. J.
M. Mei.-ingor; half .-et dishes, Mr. and
Mrs. M. P. Meisinger; center table,
Mr. and Mrs. II. Becker; rocking
! chair, II. Uo' ck and family; pair
' blankets, Mr. and Mrs. J. il. Becker;
stand cover, B. F. Seybert; table
cloth; Mr. and Mrs. J. Beaver; bed
so e d, Mr. and Mr-. A. FcrnholT;
table cloth, Mr. and Mrs C. Metzger;
-tar-d cover, Miss Minnie Snyder;
t;ibl ; cloth. .1 :iCii'i Seybert; water set,
Mr. and Mis John H. B.-jkoi ; water
set. Miss Annie j-er; pickle cas
tor, Mr. ai d Mrs. N. II. Seyb it; win
dow curtains, Mr and Mrs. Adam
Hiidt; smoothing iron,C. II. Reichart;
table cloth. Philip and Annie Forn
hoff;iable cloth and one dozen napkins,
John Ahl and wife; table cloth and
one dozen napkins. J. P. Keil; bony
dish, half dozen sane di-hes and one
pair window curtains, P. C. Stander
and wife and James Stander; butter
dieh. Mis. Page; be I spread, Mr. and
Mrs. Therioff; toi th-piek holder, Lulu)
and Florence Page.
The young eoupje start out unoer
tho most favorab e circumstances, and
will make their future home in Pil
gar, Neb , where tho groom owns a
lino f . rut.
Will Visit the Kxposil ion .
The delegation of Colorado people
which will arrive in Omaha tomorrow
to virdt the exposition will be one of
the largest parties which has thus fat
come to look over the ground and see
for themselves why their state should
be on hand. Tho latest reports from
Denver are to the effect that the in
dications are that, four sleepers will
be required to accommodate ail those
that desire to cone. Governor Adams
announces that he will be unube to
come on account of a prior engage
ment from Washington's birthday,
but he had requested Lieutenant Gov
ernor Brush to head the party as his
representative. The mining commis-t-ion
h is adopted a plan suggested by
Minii g Commissioner L ?e, chairman
of the committee, by which thirty
counties will be represented in the
ruining exhibit, each county being
asked to contribute SH'U to defray the
expense of making Such an exhibit.
Secretary Martha A. Shute of the
State Horticulture society is making a
lour of the counties of the state,
agitating the matter of a proper dis
play and securing exh bits.
A iSad Death.
A few months ago everyone in this
part of the county felt shocked over
the shameful assault suffered by Peter
Curtis down near Union.
The boy lingered f r days between
life arid death, hut finally recovered.
It was during his illness, while he
was unconscious he struck his mother
a vicious blow in the side which
knocked her across the room. From
the injury sustained she never recov
ered , and after lingefcg with much
suffering, she died at an early hour
this morning and will be buried to
morrow. What appeared to be a tr agedy at
one time seems to have turned out one
after all, and if Mekin is the man who
ass mlted the boy be ouht to get the
severest penalty the law inllicts.
A'Cilt-iitall Killed 11 noelf
Ju ige U.ituse-j ceiv. d tod .y
fr m Nebraska it y to the effect that
Stephen A. II .il had shot and killed
himself at that piace. The targedv
occurred across the hall from John
Watson's oilice, and is supposed to
have been accidential. He wa- about
forty years cf age and wis quite well
known in this city, beinjr an inti
m ite friend i f Deputy Sheriff Mc
B ide. Mr. Hail was a witness in
Ciaiy'a suit against the Nebraska
City Loan fc Buiidinir association, a
case now on the Otoe county district
court docket.
lor .Sale.
A six-year-oid i'on
weight about 1,40!) and
gray mare,
verv geutle.
Also a twe-year-old mule coit, and
twenty-live head of May pigs.
Mi:s. E. E. Goodwin,
On Louisville road, eight miles west
of Plattsrnouth.
Foley's Honey and Tar.
Cough Syrup whereve intro juced is
considered the most jdeasant and ef
fective reined yfpr aythroat and lung
complaiuts. Itrtettfe only prominent
coutrh remedy hat contains no
opiates and that ran safely be given
to children. Smith & Parmele.
You should know that Foley's Honey
ana larisan y tn oest remeayi
for all diseases ol jfhe Throat. Chest or i
Lungs. Dealers are authorized to
guarantee it to give satisfaction in all
cases. Smith & Parmele.
x, , . , . . . i
IturlliiKton Koute California KicurslonM
Cheap, quick, comfortable. Leave
Plattsrnouth 3:43 p. m., every Thurs
day in clean, modern, not crowded
tourist bloopers. No transfers; cars
run right through to San Francisco
and Los Angeles over tho Scenic
Route through Denver and Salt Like
City. Cars are carpeted; upholstered
in rattan; have spr ng seats and backs
and aro provided with curtains, bed
ding, towels, soap, etc. Uniformed
porters and experienced excursion
conductors accompany each excursion,
relievim na sue lifers of all bother
about baggage, pointing out objects
of interest and in many other ways
helping to make tho overland trip a
delightful ex perieuco. Second class
tickets aro honored. Berths $r.
For folder giving full information,
call at nearest Burlington Route
ticket oilice, or wtitotoJ. Francis
Gen. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb,
"Is iod Love?"
Evangelist Lemon's sermon last
evening on "Faith" was listened to by
a large and appreciative audience.
Prof. Travis sang ono of his pleasing
solos in a very pathetic manner. At
the close of the servico live went
forward to unite with the chur. h.
Rev. Lemon advised the young men
to do all in their God's as
sistance, to live good Christian lives.
Subject tonight: "Is God Love."
A large audience will bo presout,
and a general invitation is extended
to all. Tomoi row the services will
held at tho Christian church both
morning and evening.
I.arKeest I.ocomotlvcH la the World.
The la'jrest locomotives in the world
have just been made lor tho Great
Northern railway. Ihe cii dors of
these twelve-wheeled monsters. re
21x34 inches, making the str. ke the
lo.gest ever u-eu in locomotive prac
tice The boiler is Hi inches largest
diameter and 7S inches smallest dia
meter and tho working pressure il'2
pounds absolute or 210 pounds above
itmosphete. The fire box is 11'4 inches
long, 40J inches wide and has oib
tubes of 2i inches diameter, and 31
feet 10! inches long, making the total
he iting surface 3,280 square feet.
A Narrow Kscnpt,
Al Jay, section foreman on the Mis
souri Pacific, had a narrow escape last
Saturday. He and his men were on a
handcar when suddenly No. 37S
freight rushed in sight and beforo
the train could slacken speed, it was
about to strike the car and to save
their lives the men leaped from the
car. In less than a minute the car
was a broken mass, but aside from a
few bruises the men came out un
harmed. A voca Advocate.
From the Clerk f the Circuit Court.
l EiiXAXiu.NA, Fia., Feb. 2S, 189G.
Mn. GK.onoii Suhkkk, D: uggist.City.
Dear George: Please send a bottle
of Chamberlain's C' ugh Remedy. I
would not feel easy if I knew there
was none of this valuable Remedy in
the house. I have given it a fair test
and consider i t one of the very best
remedies for croup that I have ever
found. One dose has always been
sufficient, although I use it freely.
Any cold my children contract yields
very readily to this medicine. I can
conscientiously recommend it for
croup and colds in children.
Yours respectfully, Gko. E. Wolff.
Sold by all druggist.
Fehruary Excursions.
Opportunities for visitiner the south
during this month, via the Louisville
& Nashville railroad, are as follows:
Home-seeker's excursions on first
and third Tuesdaj' at about one fare
for the round trip.
Florida Chautauqua at DeFuniak
Sp. ings begins on the 14th inst. Splen
did programme, beautiful place, low
Mardi Gras at Mobile and New Or-
le: ns on 22J. Tickets at haif rates.
For full particulars, write to C. P.
A' more, General Passenger Aent,
Lou.sville, Ky., G o. B. Hornet', D.
P. A., St. Louis, Mo. -
Homeseekers' Excursons.
Homereekers excursion tickets will
be sold on January 4 nd 8, February
1 and 15. March 1 and 15. via Missouri
Pacific railway to all points in Arkan
sas, Texas, Louisiana, Indian Terri
tory, Oklahoma, Arizona and New
Mexico, at rate of one fare plus i'2
For pa. ticulars call at M. P. oilice.
I'eirl tsteaiii Litumu.
Li. F. Good mm has in- n. a laundry
fully equ'ppel with 1 lest devices,
i.ow in running order, nnu asks a
share of your patronage. His wo k is
his best advertisement, ard if you tiy
tho new laundry thet-.- wM !e no
io 'iier any excuse fo. sending goods
away. Nothing too
potions is our motto,
fo. and dehvereu.
good for our
Work called
Fublic Sle.
C. M. Graves will sell at public auc
tion at bis premises near Reck Bluffs,
f' bruary 24. all his horses, cattle,
hogs, farming impb ments and four
teen stand of Italian Decs Remember
ll,.; dale Thursday, Feb-uary 24, at
10 a. m.
Two Well Known Statesmen
talked for months, from a front porch
and a rear end of a car. Lterhaps the
use of Foley's Honey itidrTar will ex
plain why they could 1 this, without
iujury to their voc: organs. It is
latgely used by speakers and singers.
Smith & Parmele.
Wall l'aper for Everybody.
H. P. Beach is agent for the largest
wall paper house in the world, that of
Alfred Peats of New York. He has
an immense lino of samples and will
sell paper very ere ip and of excellent
He will call on you with a
Leautnui line oi s hui.
Get Wash-a-Lono soap at
weiler & Lutz.
Wan An Intereidliiic Lecture,
Tho department of Household Econ
omics of tho Plattsrnouth Woman's
club held an extremely pleasant and
instructive meeting last evening. On
motion tho lobular business was laid
aside, and Mrs. Mac Murphy pro
ceeded with her lecture with practi
cal demonstrations. Tho importance
of building up tho human body with
healthful food at d the intelligent
preparation cf the same was dwot
upon at some length.
She asserted that every mother
should understand tho human Pony
and how to select and prepare food to
imiwl tho nerves, sustain tho brain
etc. With the mother rests th
responsibility whether her child shall
become a physical wreck, a buHnes
failure, a drunkard, or a tramp these
dire disasters can bo avoided by prop
411 17 II It i lort itidini' the elements of
the body and the character of bui:d
ing material each element may need
and a child built of standard material
will liccumu ii standard being har
monious in each department of his
wonderful structure. Mrs. MacMur-
phv further demonstrated her theory
' in- the Dieoarution of some delicious
, --j '
j di-he.-, bui.t on a scienlitic p an and
. dairiliiy prepai ed, w hich those pres
toitw. ro allowed to taste and were
thoroughly appieciated.
Mrs. Mi.cMurphy is an agreeable
speaker and those who missed the lec
turo if last evening missed a good
thing. The evening closed with t
little social visit and an animated dis
cussion of tho various health foods in
i;eiltidrt ItehchlucHHe.
Ind' m es d in ainu aoehtiyen Richter
u her L ben und Tod gelallen hat, die
lieoo Gi tin uiis res B- uders L. L
.iiitirig iinu t. em- .Mutt, r des.-eu K d
lie , on uiisei e M 1 to zu neh men u nd,
Jndemunsei Bruder L. L .Janrig
em treues ehrenhaftes Mitglted dos'smouth Turn-Vereins istsosei,
Beschlosskn, Diss wir an dem
schweien Verlust den er
er.itten und ihm und seine Fatnilie in
die tiefste Trauer versetzt hat.
herzlichen Antheil nehmen und in
tiefer Svmpathio seine Buerde trasren
he: fen. welche in seiner Familio die
schmerzhafte Wunde ge-chlagen hat
Feruer sei,
Bks-.ciilossex, Dass eine copie
dieser Beschluesse in d is Protokol
des Plattsrnouth lurn ereins ein-
get agen, in den Zeitungen veroef
lenllicht und den trauernden
Hin terbliebenen uehermittelt wird.
( Fki:i Er.ixoKK,
J John P. Sattlkk,
( Eons Ottxat.
Das Com.
M Ward L. Smith, of Frederick-
stown, Mo., was troubled with chronic
diari hva for over thirty years. He
had become fully satisfied that it was
only a question of a short time until
ho would have to give up. He had
been tre ited by some of the best phy
sicians in Europe and America bit
got no permanent relief. One day he
picked up a newsp i per and chanced
to read an advertisement of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. He got a bottle of it, the
fit st dose helped him and its continued
use cured him. For stile by all drug
gists. It ill of Honor.
Rock Bluffs school district No. 5.
Number of pupils enrolled, eighty.
Names of pupils neither absent or
tardy for the month beginning Jan
uary 24 and ending February 18, 1898:
Maud, Ora. Minnie, Will, Ernest
and Roy Hutcheson, John and Robert
Gu.lion, Lynn Taylor, May Louie,
Edna Patterson, Eddie Churchill and
Albert Fu' lone , Grace Taylor, teacher.
Dr. Marshall, Graauate Dentist.
Dr. Marshall, fine gold work.
Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain
Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work
Dr. Marshall, teoth without plates.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fillings.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates.
Dr. Marshall, perfect fitting plates.
Dr. Marshall, all work warranted.
All the latest annliances for first
class ueutf.l work.
"My-tic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures in one to
three days, its action upon the sys
tem is remarkable and mysterious. It
removes at once the cause and the
disease immediately disappears. Ihe
first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents
ld by F. ti. Fricko. & Co., druggist?.
ISui'klen'it Arnica tive.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
buri:s, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe-
vt.,- -ores, tetter, chappep h;nds, chil
oir.ins, corns, and all skin eruptions,
nd oosi lively cure- piles, or no Day
i I: gua anleed to erive
p. rvct s lisf etion or money refunded
i 'viee 25 cents per box. For sale by
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culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, $3 a
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stores the skin to its origi
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preparations and perfectly harmless At all
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VIOLA SKIN SOAP H nlr.i- l-co;.rhi. u a
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wt-d. Atdni.-gl.n. Prica 25 Cents.
The Q. C. BITTNER CO., Toledo, 0.
R-movo Freckles, Pimples, ) V"l
Notice of Sale.
In the district coint uf L'a.u county, NVirak;i.
Henry Eikciibarv, ct al, I
1 ho ("iticiis IS. ink et j
riiittsiiiuulli.NcI).. et nl. I
Notice is hereby Riven tiiat timliT inn) I y vn
tuc of the decree ol the I loin.r;il.le liiisll .
Kaitmoy, tuilne ol the li-lrut (iiint. iiKi.le niii.ti
January lth, A. I. Is'.'H, in a .suit ni
me uisrnci court, ol Cass county, Nelir.i-.ka.
wherein Henry Kikeiihai v rt al, i m ilaini m, ainl
The C'ltUetn Hunk ol f'lattsinoulh, Nebiaska,
et al. defendants, and which decree or.leic.l and
directed the receiver ol the taid bank, under-
siKiied. to publish lor thirty days, and then sell
the real estate hereinafter descubed. pur
suant to said order the undersigned rer eiv. r will
on the 21st day ol March, A. I ..s!. at lo o'cloik
a. m, al Ihe south door ol the court house in the
city cf Platlsinoiith.t'ass c unty, Nebraska, otln
for sale the follow ine described laud, w: the
northwest quarter N V 1 , ol sei turn eighteen
1H. the southwest quarter MY'i ol sai tuni
seven 7). the west hailW, ( i,e southeast
quarter K'4J id section seven the north
east quarter NK'.i ol Ihe southeast quartet
I s-K' ) section seven I? , the northwest quaiter
I N W?4 of Ihe southwest quarter MV', ol sei -t
ion ciK'it H all in township eleven II north
ratine fourteen I 1 1 1. in t'ass county. Ne
braska, bein a n.iit oi the assets ol
said t.'itii'ns Hank, deletidant. .Nubieit to all
liens and incumbrance. At said sale bids will In
received either for cash, or not less than tlJ.i.ln
conditioned that the purchase price shall be ap
plied upon tln-;princiial of claims now entitled to
dividends, the highest of which bids on each
class w ill be reported to the court for directions,
which (d said bid will be accepted.
Dated this loth day of February, lx;iS.
CllAKLl-.S (!. l'AHMI I.r,
As Receiver of 'I he Citizens I'.ank of I'l itts-
mouth, Nebraska,
liyron Clark, Attorney.
uticp of l'lililication
John M. Kiser, I'laintl.t j
John Kiser, John V.
Aniick and I aura A. r
Ainick, Ins wile, ami
Ksther S. Heller, de
fendants. The defendants. John Kiser. John V.'. Ainick
and Laura A . Annck, his w ife, and KMhor ..
Heller, will take notice that on the Itrd day in
February, lM'- John M. Kiser. plaintitl. filed his
retition in the district court of Cass county, Ne
braska, against lohn Kiser. lohn V. Ainick and
Laura A. Ainick, his wife, and Ksther S. Heller,
the object and prayer of which are to have a
certain quit claim deed which was made by John
Kiser, tleleiKlant in tins suit, who had untitle,
right or authority whatsoever, and delivered to
r.sthcr r. lleilcr. defendant in this suit, on the
following described real esiate, to-wit:
lictMiinini: at a noun t went v-three
feet west of the --outh - eat coiner
of lot n mn be r cic lit (Hi, block luinlu-r six! 1 1 v
iV." in the city of Weepin . Water. Cas Count ,
.Nebraska, anil running thence north sil-hve
(ii") feet, thence west twenty-one (Jll feet. thence
south sixty-live (t5i feet, and thence ast twentv
one C-l) feet, to the point of begining. set aside
and declared null and void, and the cloud upon
rue mm oi piainini, caused criereoy renioveu.anc
for iudgineiil for costs in this suit, and for such
other relief as justice and equity may repuire.
1 ou are renuired to answer this mutton on oi
before the :st day of March, lHnH.
Hated reiiruary 7, inu.s, John M. Kisi.k,
Ily M. S, Briggs, his attorney.
Notice of Hearing of the ( itions ISnnk.
In the District Court of Cass Couniy. Nebraska.
liunry r-ikenbary et al, I
Citizens Hank of Flatts- f
mouth. Nebraska, et al. I
To all persons interested, are hereby notified
that they are required by an order of the district
court to show cause by 2 o'clock p. in. on l eb
ruarv VI, A. I). lHUH. why a proposed compromise
should not be made by the receiver with John
rviwatkowsKa upon rns mortgage and note on
the southeast quarter (S. K. J.i of section live (5i
township sixteen (IH), north of range (bli, west of
the sixth 1. M.. Miennan county, Nebiaska. C. I'akmki.k, Keceivcr.
By his attorney. liyron Clark.
Notiee of IlcariiiK.
To all persons interested:
In the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska.
Henry Eikenbary, et al,
vs. 1
Citizens bank of I'latts-
mouth, Nebraska, et al. j
Now upon this.'th day cif laimarv A. II . 1MS.
this cause came upon the petition of Receiver for
an order to credit claims against the bank upon
dividends owned by claimants and it appearing
to the court that a notice should be given of
such hearing.
It is herc-Dy ordered that the Keceivcr publish
this order in The Semi-Weekly News-Herald for
ten (10) days, and this petition is assigned for
hearing upon February 1:.', A. I). Ix'.iH. at - o'clock
p, ni. at the office of theclerk of the district court
at which time all persons interested are required
to show cause. If any, why an order should not be
entered directing the receiver to ott-set claims al
lowed against the bank upon debts ow ing by
claimants as of the date when said bank passed
into the Hands ol a receiver.
Bash. S. Ramsey,
Judge of the District Court.
Byron Clark, Attorney for Receiver.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by George
. Houseworth, clerk of the district court, w ithin
and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I will on the 12th day of March, A. I.
IK, at 10 o clock a. m. of said dav at the south
door of the court house in the city of I'latt-niouth,
in said county, sell at public auction, to the high
est bidder for cash, the following real estate to-w it:
Lotsntteen Hoi and twenty (', in section seven
( i ). township twelve (I ), north ol range lourteen
(1 1), in Cass county. Nebiaska. together with the
privileges and appertenances thereunto belong
ing or in anywise appurtaiuing. The same be
ing levied upon and taken as theproneitv of
John Reuland and w ife, Lena Reuiand, and James
M. Patterson, delendants. to satistv a judgment
of said court recovered by Charles C. Farmele,
as receiver of the Citizens bank of Flattsmouth,
Nebraska, plaintiff against said defendants.
Flattsmouth, Nebraska, teb. 1, A. I). IWih.
W. D. Whkki.ek.
Sheriff, Cass County. Nebraska.
Probate Notice.
In the county court of Cass county, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Ann and Martin
Mahonev. (incompetent). George W. Meeker.
administrator of the estate of Anna Mahonev.
George W . Meeker, administrator of the estate
of Martin Mahoney, John Mahonev, Magg e Mo
han, James Mahoney, 1 nomas Mahoney, Ju.ia
KIder, Anna Meeker. Mack Mahoney, Nellie
Mahoney and Nina Mahoney, also Cornelius
Mahoney, Julia Mahoney. Man Mahoney, Grace
Mahoney and Arthur Mahoney. infants, and
Mrs Mahoney, mother ol said infants, and all
other persons interested are hereby notified that
A. O. Loder. guardian of said incompetents, has
tiled herein his petition for rinal settlement, and
that on January 2!. IWtk, lie filed herein his final
report, as said guardian. Petitioner prays that
an order ol court may be made fixing a time for
hearing and for examination of the linal report
and accounts of his guardianship and tor allow
ance thereof. Vtu are notified that if you lad to
appear before said court on the tith day of
l ebruary, A. D. ls'.if, at 2 o'clock p. in., and con
test said petition. the court may grant tlit; prayer
of said petion and make such other and further
orders, allowances and decrees as to the court
may seem proper, to the end that all matteis
pertaining to said guardianship may be linally
settled and determined.
Witness niv hand and the seal of said court, at
Flatt-mouth. Nebraska, this, the 1st day of
February A.I). ,lsis. George M Sit k lock.
(Seal) County Judge.
Legal Notice.
In the District court of Cass county, Nebraska.
Myrtle Rutherford,
Walter Rutherford,
Walter Rutherford, delendant. will take notice
that on the -5th day of January, l&'JX, Myrtle
Rutherford, plaintiff herein, filed her petition in
the district court of Cass county, Nebraska,
against said defendant, the object and prayer of
which are to obtain a divorce from said defen
dant, upon the grounds of willful abandonment
and for a failure to support the plaintiil for more
than two years last past, and for the custody of
her minor child, Clara Pliizabeth Rutherford,
aged foui years, and to quiet the title in and to
r lie nlaintitl s estate.
You are hereby required to answer said petition
on or before Ih - Tth .l.iv of March, IM'.rH.
I). ile. I, this the oil. d.iv of ,oniury. M(m,
M k I i k l i; ii kM I'OMij,
Ity Chas. I.. I.iavc , all i,, .. I r p'atiillll.
ShiTlirn Sale.
Ky viiliif of an id mile Issued by (iro. V.
I louxr north, ( lei k ol the distrul rolllt, Klthili
an. I lor t a-s county, Nebraska, mid to me di
re, led, I i the lit . I Ii d.i y ol March. A. J
l-'.'t 1 o'i lot k p in. ol ?id day at the south door
ol Ihe con it Ii. .11 Iltheiltv of rialUiiioi.O. In
s od i oiinl v, n il at pulilii mi. h..ii, to (he (ugli
est hi, . lei I, , i i a -h. the billowing teal entatc, lo
w.l: l ot H , in 1,1. k k II . in Milo' ttdditioii
the city ol ri.iitiinouth. Cast county, Nebika,
together with Ihe pi ivileges and appurtenance
Ihririiuto belonging or in anywise appertaining .
Ihe same being levied upon and taken ai the
piopei ty of John .s uboda, defendant, to (atltfy
a pi.lgiiicnt ol.said court teeovcied by Charles C.
.iiiiele. as m elver ol the t ltleln bank of
I'lattsiiiouih. Nebraska, plaintiil against said da
leii.l.iiit .
I'lattsniouth, Nebraska. I'Vb. A. J). 1HIW.
V. I). U niHi kN,
,, , ,. -sbentf. Cass County, Ncbiaska.
I.y J. I). Mcllnde. I). putv.
Hvioii Claik. Attorney lor Keteiver.
Probate Notice.
In county com t, Cass county, Nebraska In
the mailer of ihe esiate ol l iuilia Wurl. de
Ceased lleilha Lang,-, Heniuh Mittclstadl.
arl U nhelm Mittelstadt. ltcin
h.irdt Wuil. Kuhanl Wuil Augustc Malleus
and all other persons iuteieste.f in said matter
are hciehy noiuied that on theltnl day ol Jan
uary, A. I). IK'H. a petition was llled in said
(oiiit allegnig. among other things, that Kmilia
Wuil die.l on the Mli day ol I teceiuber, A.I).
ls'.O. Ic-.iMiig a last will and testament and po-se-sed
ol teal ami pi isomd estate and thai tho
above named constitute all the pel suns inteieslrd
Millie e-lale ol s.ild rleieased. and praying tor
the plop ate ol said will and lot adm iuisti at ion of
said estate. on ai e hei eby not ilied t ha t I f you to appeal ntsaid coint on tin: a;,t d4y of
J.niu.iiv A. i. 1-iiM. ;,t ii , , k a m , to contest
ihe pinnate o said wi.l, Ihe (otnt may allow and
pioliale said will and gi.iut adm hum rat ion ol
s.i.'l et.ile to II, - ii r Malleus and lohn fiulterv.
oi some oihei -.unable pcison, and proceed lo a
settienu ill llieieol.
W .Uie.s my hand and ihe seal ol s:.i,l e.,,,i.
couit ai riall-iii.uith. Nebiaska, this the :tid day
id J. iniiai y Is'.ik.
I-eai 1 (ii i(,ir M. Srim.oi k.
County ludo.
Notice is hereby tjiveti that Ihe Annual Meet
ing ol the Mockholdeis ol the Hurling, on tc
Missouri river railroad company in Nebraska
will be held in the oilice ol the company in
I'lattsiiiouih, Neb., on Thursday, February SI,
I'.', at VI o'clock, m.
The meeting will be held for the election of
nine (in directors, to serve during the ensuing
year, and lor the tiansactioii ol such other busi
ness as may legally come before it.
Omaha, January 17, lsim.
W.J. I.aii, Secretary.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue! ol an order of sale issued by (jeorge
I Houseworth, del k ol the disti let coin t, within
and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, i will on the l:ih day ol March, A.
Ii., I Kim, at II o'clock a. in. ol said day at the
south door of the court house in the city of I'latts
iiiouih. in said county, sell at public auction, to
the highest bidder lor cash, the following real
estate, to-wit:
Lots one and two I and -, in block eleven
11 J, in Cai lei s addition to the city ol Weep
ing Watei, Cass county, Nebiaska, together with
theprivieges and appin tenances thereunto be
longing in ni any w ise appurtaiuing. Ihe same
b-ing levied upon and taken as the. property of
Alice . Spen y, et al, delendants. to satislv a
judgment ol said court recovered by Francis N,
Gibson, plaintiil, against said defendants.
i'lattsniouth. Neb., 1-eb. Ill, A. D. IMls..
W. 1 ). WllKhl.KK,
sheriff. Cass Couutv. Nebraska.
By J. I. -Mc Bride, lrputy.
I'-, ll. oolcy. Attorney lor l'rancis N. Gibson.
Legal .Notice.
In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska,
John Johnson, jr., uy his guar-
uian, r-njaii i'.. i lumps,
Zeiua M. Skinner and hus
band, George J. Skinne,'. J
Defendants will take notice that upon the llth
day ol December, A. D. lnU7, the plaintiil hied
Ins petition in the district court of Cass county.
Nebraska, the oiiject and prayer o which was to
set aside a deed from plaintiff to defendant.
Verua M. Skinner, which pretended to convev to
her lot two (i in block sixty-three ('ill) in the
city of Weeping Water, Cass county, Nebraska,
and to set aside and annul said deed and the
record thereof, as it appears in book HI. page
(till) of the deed record ol Cass countv. Nebraska.
and for an accounting of rents collected bv said
defendant and to revest the title of said lot in
And for further equitable relief you are re
quired to answer said petition on or before the
SMh day of March, A. D. 1M.
John Johnson, Jr.
By his guardian, Klijah K. Phillips.
By his attorneys, Byron Clark and C A. Kawls.
Dated February, Is, A. D. 'J7.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an execution issued by George
F. Houseworth, cieik of the district court within
and tor Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I will on the loth day ol February, A. D.
I. s'jx, at 11 o'clock a. rn. of said day at th j south
door of the court house in tfie city of Platts
rnouth, in said county sell at public auction, to
the highest bidder for cash, the following real
estate, to-wit:
I he southwest quarter of section 11, town 11,
range l;l, except and 1Z-1.,U acres, being Omaha
Southern Railroad right-of-way; the southeast
quarter of the northwest quarter of section 1,
town 11. range VA, except one acre of cemetery;
beginning ai tiie north side ol section 11, town II,
range l., at a point on the west side ol the Om
aha southern Railroad right-of-way, where said
right-of-way crosses the north line of said sec
tion, thence running west ZM feet to the north
west corner of the northwest quarter of section
II. thence south along the section line to the
southwest corner of the northwest quarter,
thence east feet to the Omaha Southern
Railroad right-of-way, thence north a little to the
west along said railroad right-of-way to the
place of starting, containing -H and Li-:J3 acres
more or less, it neing that part of the northwest
quarter of section 11, town II. range 13, lying
west of the Omaha rai.road right-ol-way, all in
Cass county, Nebraska, together with the
privileges and appurtenances thereunto belong
ing or in anwise J he same being
levi-d upon and ta.eii as the property of P.M.
i oui.K niiu i oui.g. el at. ueielldar ts
- j-, .i.L. incau
I J. .Mi t.n. . i ..ain .s ei.da..:.
kIt. . .. I... 1
oy .
1 l.ittsinoiioi. .t.ou3kd.j.iiiu .r 4tii. .i. .
Sherilf, Cass County, NeLra,ka
Legal Notice.
In the district court of Cass country, Nebraska
Henry tikenbary, et ai.
vs. !
Citizens bank of Platts- j"
mouth, Neuraska. J
Notice of hearing on petition of stockholder
and depositors to sell real ami personal assets.
Now upon thfs -'ud day of Jauuary A. U
D. this cause came on lor hearing upon the
petitions for an .order to se.i pari ol the assets
ol said bank, as petitioned for by stockholders
Henry Likenbary, et ai.. by the depositors D
O. Dwver et al., by the receivers Charles C.
Parmele. rrank J. Morgan and N. IL Meeker
And it appears to tie court that a hearing
should be had thereon, it is hereby ordered that
a hearing upon said several petitions be had and
tne tune for such heaJing be on Saturday. Jan
uary 2'J. A. D.. !.(,, at -i o'clock p. m.. or as soon
thereafter as the same can be heard, at which
time all persons interested must show cause if
any, why the prayer of the several petitio'ns
should not be granted.
It is further ordered that a copy of this order
be pub.ished in the Semi-Wcekfv News-Herald
tor two publications prior to said date. In wit
ness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this
-ud day of January, A D.
Basils. Ramsey, Judge.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale, issued bv Geo F.
Houseworth, clerk of the district court within
and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected. I will on the Kth day of March, A D
li! at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south
door of the courthouse in the city of Plattsrnouth
in said county, sell at public auction, to the
highest bidder for cash, the following real estate "
Lot four f j in block one 1 in Stiles' addition
to the city of i'lattsniouth. Cass county, Nebraska
together with the privileges and appertenances
thereunto belonging or in anyw ise appertaining;
the same being levied upon and taken as the pro
perty of John Swoboda. defendant, to satisfy a
judgment of said court recovered by Charles C
Parmele as receiver of the Citizens bank of
1 iattsmouth Cass county, Nebraska, plaintiff,
against said defendant and John Retter.
Plattsrnouth, Nebraska, February la A,D..1J98.
Wm. l. Whrf.lkr,
r t , Sheriff. Cass county. Nebraska.
Byron Clark, Attorney for piaintifi.
uj j. ii, aicunae, Ueputy.