Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, February 19, 1898, Image 3

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homk of 1'at Kuan is visitkd
a youth h i. 1il'iijlak.
Frig ! tniril Awn; ll-for onilM In If Hit
Work I'lrHHunt lllrthflwy I'arty In
Honor of Ktta Twlu.
This n o itintr iiViout 5) o'clock u bur
glar out. nil iho dome of 1'at Kui,ori
Ainru.o rtriot, between fourth and
I' nth, n lid carried of" a gold watch,
1Tl fill ! I 1ft f W.14 WI'O II t.i .llli4t t.hl
w .
fcjfnn by Mr-. McCallan, a
near no hhor, but no particular tu-
lontiiin wun paid to the oceuraneo fit
tho timo.
The bin jlar muni havo been fright
euod ii way r-efore he (inihhed hiavoik
as thre were Hsfj.3 and a lady's fold
watch in a diawer near the one from
which the other watch was taken
As yet tho oflicors havo no clue as to
ttio whereabouts of tho intruder, but
tho lady who saw nim enter tho Ktjan
residence hat furnished a very goud
description of him. Ho is described
as of bhort built, rather heavy sot;
woro a oair of cordurov pants and a
blnck hat; and was about nineteen
years of ao
A lilrthday I'arty.
A larpo number of the young friends
of Mit-s Etta Twiss gathered at tiio
homo of that young lady last evening
to celebrate her twelfth" birthday an
niversary. Miss Jutiie McElwain,
her Sunday school teacher, assisted in
onterlainiug tho little folks. After
spending a short time there very
pleasantly, tho crowd journeyod in a
body to tho Methodist church to lis
ten to ihe revival services. Following
is a list of those who made up the
jolly crowd:
Itosalia Hall, Delia Johnson, Etta
Twiss, Mable l'oisall, Maggie War
ren, Lydia Perry, Minnie McKay,
Jennie Stultz, May Larson, Anna
O'Neill, lloanna Iiarvey, Earl Kuh
ney, Joe Perry, Itoy Boyd, Fred Sum
mers, Ted Wiles, Harley Weldi.Eddie
Oliver, Ray Chriswi&ser, Ed Larson
and Freddie Stultz.
"1'ulse of Now York."
"Built to Amuse" is the catch line
of this season's version of the "Pulse
of New York," which comes to the
opera house Saturday night, February
19. The old play has always beeD a
great favorite with the American
theatre patror.8, annd this, its seventh
consecutive year promises to be as
great a hit as was its first. To keep
abreast with tho demands of the times
tho entire play has been liberally
enameled, and the second act, "The
Bowery Dive," is entirely devoted to
high-class vaudeville features. In
this 1&CI twelve specialties are pre
sented, prominent being Wm. A.
Lang, the singing arid dancing com
edian, last year principal comedian of
Ilanlon's "Suoerba," Stella Mayhew,
mimic and story teller; the wonderful
Thompson Tots, Lillian, 5 years, Etel,
3 years; Madge Maitland, phenomenal
lady baritone singer; II. V. Bond,
Hay Rube; Edgar Way and Bernyce
Stanhope, comedy sketch artists;
Gotham quartet and others.
Warga Offended.
John Warga, it seems, was pre
sented a valentine at the shops by
Frank Slavicek yesterday, and under
the picture was written that it looked
like the man who stole the lumber.
Warga was insulted and ewore out a
warrant for Slavicek's arrest, charg
ing him with disturbing the peace.
He was arrested and taken before
Judge Archer this morning, who,
after hearing the statements, threw
the case out of court. The only peace
disturbed, apparently, was Warga's
peace of mind. The whole ehow was
a laughable farco for the usual police
crowd, which seemed to enjoy it im
mensely. An Interesting: Sermon.
The large and attentive audience
which gathered at the Methodist
church last night to hear Rev. A. H.
Lemon's discourse on "The Love of
God" was well paid for the effort. The
speaker received marked attention
from those present, and was much en
couraged by the show of interest
taken. The solo by Prof. Travis was
a special feature of the service and as
usual was enjoyed by ail. The sub
ject tonight is ("Morality and Christ
ianity." All are cordially invited to
Initiation of New Members.
The A. O. U. folks were out last
night not by scores, but by hundreds
to witness the initiation of eighty-nine
new members, which took place at the
Fitzgerald hail. Deputy Grand Mas
tor Workman O. J. Vandyke was pre
sent and gave an interesting lecture.
The state medical examiner, Dr.
Ralph, of Omaha, was also present.
Over one hundred names "were pre
sented, but owing to informalities in
the papers but eignty-nine were initi
ated. This number was divided up
among the four lodges in this city.
Mr. Ward L. Smith, of Frederick
stown, Mo., was troubled with chronic
diarrhoea for over thirty years. He
had become fully satisfied that It was
o ily a question of a short time until
be would have to give up. He had
been treated by some of the best phy
sicians in Europe and America bit
got no permanent relief. Oue day he
picked up a newsptper and chanced
to read an advertisement of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. He got a bottle of it, the
first dose helped him and its continued
use cured him. For sale by all druer
gists. Card of Thanks.
Wo desire to thank the many
friends wtio were so kind and helpful
during the illness and at 'the death of
our beloved wife and irother.
D. L. jAiinio and Family.
Li A. Moore wns nn Omaha vinitor
I)nr Jtihfiaon wunt to l omotit this
morni rig.
Autrunt, Cot-dor h::l business ii tho
metropolis today.
Mrs. Street icturriod hoim? frrm
I ted Oak this morning.
K. I.,. J all fc Hon will put a now tin
, roof ou the j iil as scon tiie weather
I ..... ... ...
jieok JMvia housc-bolcl cooils ar-
rive(J , U)(J cjl Uli molIJ in,, fnim
James Newell returned to his work
for th- M. I'. at Wichita, Kus , this
Mrs. I). C. Morgan and little da ugh
ter were passengers for Lincoln this
S. II. Fisher, who h is been beriously
ill for boveral weeks, is reported as
improving nicely.
Miss Lou Smath, of Lincoln, spent
tho Charter Day vacation visiting her
parents in this city.
Tno city is having its crossings
cleaned today a proceeding which
everybody is in favor of.
The M. W. A. band boys are becom
ing export musiciaiis. They hold
their regular practice meetings every
week in tho Guthmann building.
Robert Sherwood received a large
stock of rubbers yesterday. Evidently
tho mud which has been go provailent
is a good thing for tho shoe stores.
John Warga this morning llled a
comp!aint in police court against
Frank Lavairick for disturbing the
peace and using profane language.
C. E. Ctabill has purchased a house
out in Mercervill, and as soon aj the
etructuro has been thoroughly over
hauled,! will movo his family into it.
The B. & M. h is mado a slight
change in the working time of its
employes. Tho men now havo an hour
for noon and work until 5:30 in the
W. S. Purdy is reported to bo in a
very serious condition, ho having suf
fered another relapse. His son,
Charles, from Alliance has been sum
moned homo.
Franc B?.llance went up to II 4 vo lock
this afternoon, where he will partici
pate in a minstrel performance which
tho Havelock boys are going to give
there tonight.
Young men who are desirous of be
coming noted capitalists of Nebraska
should not hesitate in making ar
rangements to go to Klondyke Feb
ruary 22 at White's hall.
Mrs. Frank Kaloscek was down to
the police judge's ollice last evening
and told the judge another tale of woe.
This timo she claimed some of her
neighbors have been mistrsating her,
calling her names, etc. Tho judge
promised to send an otlicei over there
to look into the matter.
E. S. Beaver, representing alamo
Pittsburg firm, w,.s in the city today
in tho interest of his house. Mr.
Beaver was a resident of Plattsmouth
some thirty-five years ajjo, when ho
was employed by Toole, Hanna & Co.,
a firm which has since done much to
ward the upbuilding of Kansas City.
L. G. Todd is in the city on business
Mrs. Lafe O'Neill was an Omaha
visitor today.
Hon. John F. Polk of Greenwood is
a Plattsmouth visitor today.
Mrs. J. G. Riehey went to Omaha
today for a visit with friends in that
City Attorney Charles Grimes de
parted today for Lincoln on legal busi
ness. P. F. Huber of Louisville, and his
sister from Omaha were in the city cn
business today.
Henry Goos made a commercial
tour down to Union today and sold a
few cases of shoes.
Henry Donat is moving down from
Havelock today with his family and
will once more make his home in this
Judge Ramsey adjourned court
in Otoe county yesterday until next
Wednesday, and is at home in this
city again.
Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Tcdd will have
charge of tho exchange Saturday.
Ladies on the eouth side will please
Mrs. Abe Rupely continues very low
with consumption. Her mother is
with her, and it is thought she cannot
lust longer than today.
Hans Goos has been installed as
manager of Mark White's saloon, and
Herman Klietsch informs us that he
has no interest in the deal.
A representative of the Rock Island
and of the Denver & Rio Grande is in
town today to see J. C. Petersen and
others who expect to go to Klondike
Twenty-two men working on the
river rip rap work got la3-ed off yes
terday. As there is about four weeks'
more work to do, they will doubtless
go to work again soon.
Henry Anderson, a prominent resi
dent of Cedar Creek, is thinking of
moving here and going into the sa
loon business. He returned home
this afternoon and will return Friday.
B. N. Loverin and wife, well known
in this city where they used to reside,
have a new gitl at their home in
Kearney. This is tho first increase in
the family for sixteen years, and B. N.
is overwhelmed with congratulations.
The Sons of Veterans in Omaha
held a great banquet at the Hotel
Mercer in that city last evening. The
menu was a most creditable ono nnd
all went to show thnt tho now pro
prietor, F. J. CoatcH, was strictly in
tho push.
Mrs. Alford, who ts d to reside
hero with her and is now a
residdit of Nehit'A'kn, lodaj' got word
of tho allowaiK'o of her widow's pen
sion claim of $S per month with $2 ad
ditional for each minor child. This
will help her out nicely.
Col. Charles Graves of Union lias
b -en out of the editorial harness for
about a year, but he can't stand pros
parity and will probably start up tho
Ledger again in a few weeks. If a
gold curt; were iiirtitut d for the news'
paper habit it ciuild do a good bu-i
tmi-s, as tint U iseae seems as incurable
as any maiady we know of.
"Pulse of New York" at White's
opera house next .Saturday evening
t-hoiihl b) well palroniz d, as it is ono
of the best shows on the road. Wm
A. Lang, formerly with ilanlon's
"Supcrba, is with this company and
will introduce some of his songs and
dances. The Gotham ouartet also
travel with this troupe. Seo them.
Hoar them.
Colonel Wordring has left the wil
low mat crowd to others and "rone to
Central City, where work has been
begun on tho new H. & M. bridge
across the Platte at that town. Over
1900 feet of the bank on the east side
has been covered with this matting
and tons of stone has boen dumped in
on it 10 more perfectly protect the
bank. Tho I?. & M. will ba in good
shape this year for high water.
Colonel Charles How, armed with a
grip as large 11 s a Saratoga trunk,
meandered toward tho depot today
wearing a look that betokened great
responsibilities. On enquiry we
learned that the president had wired
him to go to Havanna as a submarine
expert and investigate tho cause of
the explosion on the Maine. Charley's
first thought was to charter a balloon
and go at once to tho scene, but ho
finally concluded to await the arrival
of a train, and will follow the popular
Burlington route as far as his pass will
carry him.
A Nut for I. t. Todd.
Editok of The News: The friends
of free sifver and groebaeks say that
a silver dollar or gieenback is legal
tender, and will pay as great a debt as
a gold dollar ; therefore why not have
more silver and greenback dollars?
In o der to have silver and gieenback
dollars as good as gold dollars, they
must bo convertaLlo into gold dollars
at the option of the holder. Tho gov
ernment is now llo.iting them with
gold, but it is a.l it can do to float what
are now in circulation. Suppose they
pass the free silver bill, how would
thev lloal tiio avalanche of silver dol
lars that would pour into circulation.
The gold now in circulation as legal
tender would bo w ithdiawn and held
as a commodity and bought and sold
as such. We should have silver tuon
ometalitm, and silver dollars would
be constancy growing cheaper. It
would derange ail homo ar;d foreign
commerce and end in a financial rev
olution. J. F. I).
f liiirlingrtoii Koute California Kxcti rsions
Cheap, quick, comfortable. Leave
Plattsmouth 3:4o p. m., every Thurs
day in clean, modern, not crowded
tourist sleepers. No transfers; ears
run right through to San Francisco
and Los Angeles over the Scenic
Route through Denver and Salt Like
City. Cars are carpeted; upholstered
in rattan; havo spring seats and backs
and are provided with curtains, bed
ding, towels, soap, etc. Uniformed
porters and experienced excursion
conductors accompany each excursion,
relieving passengers of all bother
about baggage, pointing out objects
of interest and in many other ways
helping to make the overland trip a
delightful ex perience. Second class
tickets are honored. Berths $5.
For folder giving full information,
call at nearest Burlington Route
ticket office, or write to J. Francis
Gen. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb,
February Kxcursious.
Opportunities for visiting the south
during this month, via the Louisville
& Nashville railroad, are as follows:
Home-seeker's excursions on first
and third Tuesday at about one fare
for the round trip.
Florida Chautauqua at DeFuniak
Springs begins en the 14lh inst. Splen
did programme, beautiful place, low
Mardi Gras at Mobile and New Or
leans on 22d. Tickets at half rates.
For full particulars, write to C. P.
Atmore, General Passenger Agent,
Louisville, Ky., Geo. B. Horner, D.
P. A., St. Louis, Mo.
Homeseekers Kxcursons.
Homeeekers excursion tickets will
bo sold on January 4 and 8, February
1 and 15, March 1 and 15. via Missouri
Pacific railway to all points in Arkan
sas, Texts, Louisiana, Indian Terri
tory, Oklahoma, Arizona and New
Mexico, at rate of one fare plus $2
For particulars call at M. P. office.
C. F. Stoutkxijououoh, Agt.
For Sale.
A six-year-old iron gray mare,
weight about 1,400 and very gentle.
Also a two-year-old mulo eolt, and
twenty-five head of May pitrs.
Mi:s. K. E. (Joodm in,
On Louisville road, eight miles we
of Plattsmouth.
Foley's Honey and Tar.
Cough Syrup wherovejr introduced is
considei ed the iifLstyfMeasant and ef
fective remedy fo;aX throat and lung
complaints. It is iCie only prominent
cough remedy that contains no
opiates and that can safely be given
to children. Smith & Parmelo.
It I'uys to Get the IJest.
W. E and C. II Crabill are deliver
ing the best of milk to their customers
in nil parts of tho city. Try our sys
tem of bottle delivery.
In Letter In III Nlnt r, Mr. Smiipxori
;ivM Kuiu m1uiII 1 11 for null Ion
In Kegard to TliMt Country.
Tho following letter was written by
VY. L. Sampson to his sister, Mrs.
Burkcl, in this city. J
Dawson Crrr.Northwo-t Territory,
Dec. 5, 1S07. I thought I would write
you today, us there is talk of a mail
going outs ion. I am well mid hearty
and have an appetite like a gristmill,
f have writtjn you seveial letters
since I arrived here, and sent them
by parties going out over the ice.
but they will bo a long timo getting
there, if they ever do, so thought 1
would write again. I arrived here
October 15, had not a cent in my
pocket and was nearly frozen. 1 put
up my tent and went to look lor a
cabin to keep our grub in, and found
that cabins were worth from $500 to
$1,500 apiece rent being from $40 to
$80 per month so tho oniy thing we
could do was to buiid ore. Bai her and
myself went at it, and it was five
weeks before tho structure was com
pleted all this time the thermometer
was ranging at from 40 to (0 degrees
below zero. Ttie night before Thanks
giving it was 00 below and we were
ibout to freezo, when the opera house
took liie at 2 a. m. and wo rushed to
the fire. That is all which saved us
from freezing.
On Thanksgiving day wo moved in
to our new quarters, and since then
have been as snug as a bug in a ru
This is a great country, and there is
no question but what it is the richest
mining camp the world has ever seen
If a man can't make a stake here he
can't anywhere. It is a common
thing to see men ne'lir.g their claims
for from $5,000 to $150,000. Three
claims sold yesterday for $300,000
Every thing is staked in this district,
but there are plenty of opportunities
for us to get all the claims we want
between now and spring. I don'
want to locate before January 1, as I
will have to begin work in nine
months and if I havo to go out in the
spring I could not get back in time.
Grub of all kinds is scarce and very
high. Flour is worth $75 per fifty
pounds; beans $2 por pound; wood $40
per cord, and it co-ts $5 per hour for
the use of a horse and there are a
huge number of horses here, too. A
man with a dog team can make $100
per day freighting supplies up to the
mines. A ten 111 of e.ght dogs can
pull 20(10 pounds more than a span of
horses. They are ki.iing hundreds
of miroso ai d carriboo and bringing
them in here, and still it is worth
$1.50 per pout d F.eef is $1 a poend,
so you see it costs tomething to live
here A man wituout Lis own grub
cn nnot yet a day's wi rk. So Barker
aiid myself were among the fortunate
ones and went right to work. We
have plenty of everything. They
w m to force everyone out if here and
keep anyone frrm coming that they This is a hard country at pres
ent. We have about fi ur hours' day
light and the sun shines three-fourths
of an hour, and the latter part of this
month it dosen't shine at all.
1 lorgot to tell you about the win
dow we put in our cabin when we got
the cabin ready for tho window.
1! nber went down to get a sash and
they wanted $75 for a single eash, so I
sent him back with a gunny sack, and
he swiped a sack full of pop bottles
aud I made a frame and put them in
and corked between the necks, and
now we have tho finest "pop bottle"
window you ever saw. Our cabin is
as warm as toast and we are very
comfortable. One good thing about
this country the wind doesn't blow at
all. I haven't felt tho cold any more
here than in Nebraska when the wind
was blowing. But old-timers say the
winter here is the best season of the
vear, the summer very hot and the
mosquitoes awful bad.
A person could not be more com
pletely shut out of the world and civi
lization than they are here. It is five
months since I leftTacoma and I have
not heard v word from the outside.
Well T expect to make a stake here
and if I come out this year it will be
for supplies and will go right
b ick again. Will have you meet me
at Tacoma when I come out,as I won't
have timo to go easr this time. Re
member me to all inquiring friends.
Love to all the folks. Hoping to hear
from you soon I am your affectionate"
brother, W, L. Sampson.
From the Clerk of the Circuit Court.
Pernandina, Fla., Feb. 2S, 1S9G.
llu. Geokge Suhrek, Druggist.City.
Dear George: Please send a bottle
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I
would not feel easy if I knew there
was none of this valuable Remedy in
the house. I have given it a fair test
and consider it one of the very best
remedies for croup that I have ever
found. One dose has always been
sufficient, although I use it freely.
Any cold my children contract yields
vry readily to this medicine. I can
conscientiously recommend it for
croup and colds in children.
Yours respectfully, Geo. M Wolff.
Sold by all druggist.
Many I'eople Cannot Drink
ColTee at night. It spoils their sleep.
You can drink Grain-O when you
please and sleep like a top. For
Grain-O does not stimulate; it nour
ishes, cheers and feeds. Yet it looks
and tastes like the best coffee. For
nervous persons, young people and
children, Grain-O is tho perfect drink.
Made from Dure grains. Get a pack
ago from your grocer today. Try it in
place of coffee. 15 and 2oc.
Did You Milk Your iirwln O TtiU Wy?
Hero aro tho latest direction; Use
ono tablespoonful of Grain-O to two
cups of cold water. Mix tho Graln-O
with half an egg and add tho water.
(Bo suro to measure.) After the
water gets to tho boiling point let
boil for fifteen to twenty minutes. Uso
cream and sugar to suit tho tate. If
you havo not cream use hot milk.
A lady said: "Tho first timo I
diank Crain-O I did not like it, but
after using it for ten days and forming
tho habit, nothing would induce mo
to go back t'j colTee." This is the ex
po ienca of all. If you will follow di
rections, measure it every time and
make it the same, and try it for ten
days, you will not go back to coffee.
( ryHtul SpriiiK Hairy.
Milk, as pure as gold from tho
"Klondike," delivered to any part of
the city. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Your patronage solicited.
Leave orders at Nkws oflicc, or at
Bennett & Tutt's grocery store.
S. II. FisilHli, i'rop
Dr. Marshall, Graduate Deuttat.
Dr. Marshall, fino gold work.
Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain
Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work
Dr. Marshall, teeth without platos.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fillings.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates.
Dr. Marshall, perfect fitting plates
Dr. Marshall, all work warranted.
All tho latest aoolianees for first
class dental work.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures in ono to
three days. Its action upon the sys
tem is remarkable and mysterious. It
removes at onco the causo and the
disease immediately disappears. The
first doso . greatly benefits, 75 cents
sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists.
Ituekleu's Arnica Salve.
The best salvo in the world for cuts,
burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe
ver sores, tetter, chappepthands, chil
blains, corns, and all skin eruptions,
and positively cures piles, or no Day
required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded,
Pyice 25 cents per box. For sale by
F. G. Fricke.
You should know that Foley's Honey
and Tar is absolutely tlia best remedy
for all diseases of the Tlrf'oat, Chest or
Luncrs. Dealers arc' authorized to
guarantee it to ive satisfaction in all
cases, Dmitri V 1'armeie.
Trade Marks
JA Designs
rCVtf Copyrights &c.
Anyone aendlnt? a Bketeh antl description roar
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention is probably patentable. Communica
tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents
Bent free. Oldest aireney for securing patents.
Patents taken tnrouirh Munn & Co. receive
special notice, without charge. In the
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I.areest cir
culation of any scientific journal. Terms, f .1 a
year: four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers.
MUNN & Co.36,Broada"- New YorJr
Branch Office, 625 F St, Washington, D. C.
Gsmp'sxion Ffessrved
Rmovo" Freckles, Pimples,
Liver- fooies, Miackheads,
Sunburn ami Tan, nnd re
stores the skin to its origi-
freshness, proilueicg 8 rfi
ckMr oii'l hoiiUhy com iCfZiX.
r.lexion. Simerior toall faces -
prei-m.itions nnd T",riv'lly harmless At all
druggists, or mailed for 50cts. Send for circular.
VIOLA SKIN SOAP I nimplr IncomparaMo as a
skin purifvini Soap, um-quulcd for llie toilet, mini without a for Ih-- iiursi-ry. Al.solut'-W pure and delicately medi
ated. At druecisn. Price 2 5 Cenlg.
TheG. C. BJTTNER CO., Toledo, O.
St. Joseph
Kansas City
St. Louis and all
points East and
San Francisco
All points west.
No 1. Den ver express 11:18 pni
.o o. umcasro ex Dress 1:41 am
No-U. Local express, daily, St Joe,
Kansas, t-t Louis, ail points
south 9:40 m
No 4. Local exD, daily, Burlington,
Chicago, all points east.... 10:24 am
No 10. Local exp, daily except Sun
day uuD am
No 8. Local exp. dally except Sun
day. Pacinc Junction 12:60 Dm
No30. Freight, daily except Sunday
Pacinc Junction z:M pm
No 2. Vestibuled exp, daily. Bur
lington, Chicago and all
points east 5:30 Dm
No 13 stub from Junction to i'latts-
rnoutn 6:1a Dm
No 1. Local exp, daily. St Joe. Kan
sas vjity. i-t Louis. Unlcaeo
all Doints east and south..
855 pm
No 5. Local exp, daily, Omaha, Lin
coln, Denver and Interme
diate stations
7:32 am
8.50 am
No 85. Local freight, daily. Omaha.
No 2'.). Local freight, daily, ex Sun
day, Cedar Cree. .Louis
ville, South bend
7:37 am
2:22 pm
3:43 pm
4:00 pm
4-59 pm
No 7. Fast mail, daily, Omaha and
No 3. Vestibuled exp, daily, Den
ver and all points in Colo
rado, Utah and California,
Grand Island, Black Hills.
Montana and Pacific N. W
No 9. Local exp, daily except Su -
aay. ujuisviiie. Asuland,
Wahoo, Schuyler
No 11. Local exp, dally except Sun
day, uuiatiu and Lincoln..
No 17. Local express, Sunday only.
Sleeping, dining and reclining chair cars
seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold
md bazcu-e checked to any Doint In the
United States or Canada.
For Information, time tables, maps and
tickets call or write to
V. L. PICKETT. Agent,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
J. FKANCES. Gen. Pass. Agt,,
Omaha. Neb.
M. f. TIMK CAltu,
No. 1
..I:.'0 a. tn.
. ..1L51 a. cn
. . ..-1.04 p. in
.10:43 p. m.
.... 7.36 a nr.
. ..4:04 p.m.
No. 9
No. 1-1, local freight
No. 3
Nn, U2, local freignt
No. ia
4 Notice of Sale.
In the district court of Can county, Nclimska.
Henry Kilccnbar v. ct a), j
vs. I
'1 he f?iti-n li.uik i,( j
I'luKsnioutli.Ncb.. it mI. I
Notice ! hereby given llmt 11 u It-r nn 1 lv ii
luc ( the decree ul the 1 1'iixii able ll.isll .
Ramsey, nd;e ol the di-trn I mint, ni:nl iijxm
January L'Hih, A. !.
in a suit lx-iiduii: in
the district court ol (.'ass comity. Ncbi.i-ka.
wherein lleniy i.ikt'iiliary et al, is plaint ill, ami
The Citizens liank ol Plattsuiouth, Nebraska,
et al. defendants, and which decree unified and
directed the receiver of the haul bank, under-
signed, to publish (or thiitv las. and iIu-iim-II
Hie real estate heiemafter desi riln-d. i hat pin
suant tu said order the undersiL'iie 1 reii-iv i will
on the L'lst day ol Match, A I ..fl'- at 10 o'i lock
a. ni, at the south door ol the couit Immi-.c hi the
city of I lattMiiouth.l'ass ci mity. Ni-bia-ka. ntlei
lor sale the (olhuMiii; desi i ibed land. The
northwest quaitcr NWJol sei -turn eij-hti-eii
(N. the southwest quaitcr W'i ol section
seven I 7 I. the west haiMU'.l ol the southeast
quarter (Sk'4l ol section seven 7. the noitli
east quaitcr M'.'l of the southeast qu.iitei
I -"T.'x section seven 1 J, the noithwi-st quaitei
I NU U I of the southwest quarter M
tioti eight all in township eleven
1 I Ol MM
1 1 I nor I li
range fourteen III. in
( a s count v. ,c
biaka, being a part ol the assets of
said Citizens liank. .Sutucit to
Ileus ami incuuibrance. At said sale liulswill he
received either lor cash, or not less tlian r:.tiln
conditioned that the pimhase pi ice .sli.ill lie ap
I -1 it. t uiii ui(.:ai nil. I (I at in i 1. 1 mis now en 1 1 1 it'll
dlMdeuds. the Inuhest ol whuli bids on li
class w ill be reported to the com I lor diieclions.
wriicn oi said Hid , will be accepted.
Dated this loth day ol l-'cbiuary. IH'.'S.
(-HAKl.k.s C. I'akmi I I..
As Receiver of The Citizens Bank ol 1'lalts
mouth, Nebraska.
Byron Clark. Attorney.
.Notice of riiltlicution.
John M. Kiser, Plaintiff
John Kiser. John V.
Aniick and i. aura A.
Ainick, his wile, and
Ksther S. Heller, de
fendants. i he defendants, John Kiser. John V . Aniick
and I. aura A. Aniick, his wile, and r.slher .V
Heller, will take notice that on the .'Inl day ol
February, lMfS, John M. Kiser, plaintilt, tiled his
petition in the district court of Cass count v. Ne
braska, against John Kiser, John W Aniick and
Laura A. Aniick. his wile, and Ksther S. Heller,
the object and prayer of which ate to have a
certain quitclaim deed which was made by John
reiser, ucicmiaui in this suit, who had no title
right or authority whatsoever, and delivered ti
Ksther S. Heller, defendant in this suit, on tin
following described real estate, tw-wit:
llc'L'miiiiiir at a iiomt r':n tw.-i.i v-iln....
t A ... 1.1 . . '
ieei wesi o ine south - easi corner
of lot number eight (K), block number sixty hvo
(i.)) in the city ol V eepm Water, Cass county.
ieoraska, ana running thence north sixty-live
(i5) feet, thence west twentv-one (lilt feet. thence
south sixty-live (5) feet, and thence east twenty-
one (1 feet, to the point ol begining, set aside
and declared null and void, and the cloud upon
the title of plaintirt. caused thereby removed, and
ior iiiagmein lor costs in this suit, and lor such
other reiiel as justice and equity may reptnre
1 ou are required to answer this petition on or
Deiore trie -isi aay oi March, iwim.
Dated February 7. iny,s. John M. Kisi r.
By M. S, Briggs, his attorney.
Notice of Hearing' of the Citizens Itimk.
In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska.
i lenry i-iKcnuar y el ai,
Citizens Bank of Flatts-
mouth, Nebraska, et al. I
To all persons interested, are herebv notified
that they are required by an order of the district
court to show cause by 2 o'clock v. m. on Feb
ruary 1-, A. D. 1HW, why a proposed compromise
should not be made by the receiver with John
Kiwatkowska upon his mortgage and note on
the southeast quarter (S. li. 'l ol section live (5
township sixteen (lrt), north of range Il3i, west ol
the sixth l M., Mierman county, Nebraska.
Charles C I'AkMhl.K, Receiver.
By his attorney, Byron Clark.
Notice of Hearing.
To all persons interested:
In the District court of Cass county, Nebraska
Henry Kikenbary, et al,
vs. '
Citizens bank of Flatts- (
mouth, al. I
Now upon thisL'Hth day of lanuarv A. D . ISHK.
this cause came upon the petition ol Receiver lor
an order to credit claims airainst the bank upon
dividends owned uy claimants and it appearing
to the court that a notice should be nivc-ii ol
such hearing.
It is hereby ordered that the Receiver publish
this order in The Jemi-Weekly News-Herald for
ten (ll)i days, and this petition is assigned for
hearing upon February 1, A. 1). IM'H, at -J o clock
p. m. at the office of the clerk of the district court
at which time all persons interested are reciuired
to show cause. If any, why an order should not be
entered directing the receiver to on-set claims al
lowed against the bank upon debts owimr bv
claimants as ol the date wlien said bank passu-.
into the hands ol a receiver.
Bash. S. Ramsey,
Judge of the I listrict Cour t.
Byron Clark, Attorney for Receiver.
Sheriff's Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of sale issued bv (ioorie
F, Houseworth, clerk of the district com t. vv uli m
and tor Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I will on the 1:2th day of March. A. I.
lfi8. at 10 o clock a. m. ol said day at the south
door of the court house in the citv of I latt-nioiilh.
in said county, sell at public auction, to the Inch
est bidder for cash, the following real estate to w it:
l-ots til teen tlni and twenty CJoi. in section seven
(7). township twelve (1 ). north of ranire fourteen
(14), in Cass county. Ncbiaska. together with the
privileges and appertenances thereunto belong
ing or in anywise appurtaining. 1 he same be-
iiiir levied upon and taken as the iirnncitv ol
John Reuland and w ife. Lena Keuland, and lames
M. Fatterson, defendants, to satisfy a judgment
of said court recovered by Charles C. I'armele,
as receiver ol the Citizens bank of Flattsmouth,
Nebraska, plaintitt against said defendants.
Plattsmouth, ISebraska, Feb. 1, A. J . lwm.
W. U. Whkki.kk,
Sheriff, Cass County. Nebraska.
Probate Notice.
In the county court of Cass county, Nebraska
In the niater of the estate of Ann and Martin
Mahonev. (incompetent). George W. Meeker.
administrator of the estate of Anna Mahoney,
George W. Meeker, adminintrator of the estate
of Martin Mahoney, John Mahonev, Magg e Mo-
nan, james rvianoney, 1 nomas Mahonev, Julia
L.-1.1 A I I. I. , l. . . ' x n
i -iuui , nuim iiiccAti, .HdLA .tiauouey, ..enie
Mahonev and Nina Mahonev. also Cornelius
Mahoney, Julia Mahoney, Mary Mahoney. Grace
ivianoney and Arthur Mahoney. intants, and
Mrs. Mahonev. mother of said infants, and all
other persons interested are herebv notified that
A. O. l.oder, guardian of said incompetents, has
nied herein nis petition ior nnal settlement, and
that on January 2!l, lsyn. he filed herein his final
report, as said guardian. Fetitioner nravs that
an order ol court may be made fixing a time for
hearing and for examination of the final report
and accounts oi his guardianship and for allow
ance thereof. You are notihed that if you fail to
appear before said court on the 25th day of
February. A. D. ls9H, at 2 o'clock p. m.. and con
test saia petition. ine court niav grant the nraver
of said petion and make such other and further
orders, allowances and decrees as to the court
may seem proper, to the end that all matters
pertaining to said guardianship may be finally
settled and determined.
Witness my hand and the seal of said court.
Plattsmouth Nebraska, this the 1st day of
Is hrn a rv A II XsUy l,i.'nu:L- l sdi-l i r.r-v I
(seal) County Judge
Probate Notice.
In the county court of Cass connty, Nebraska.
In the matter of the guardianship of Terrace C.,
and sopnia ai. Fienuings, minor heirs ol Henry
J. Hennings, deceased.
To Rosa Hennings. widow of said Henrv T
Hennings, mother and natural guardian of said
minors, to Rosa Hennings, legal guardian of said
minors, to lerracec Hennings and Sophia M.
Hennings, minors, and to ail other persons in
terested, notice is hereby given that lohn A. Hen
nings, Jacob Tritsch and Chailes C. Henninp-s
on the 7th day of August, 181f7,fi!ed herein their pe-
mioii, alleging iiihi iney are Donusmen ol Kosa
Hennings, legal guardian herein.and amonir other
things that the said Rosa Hennings, legal guar
dian, has absolutely failed -to comply with any
of her duties as required by the statute to be done
and placed of record. Fetitioners pray that said
Kosa Hennings, guardian, be cited to appear and
file inventory and report of herdoings with vouch
ers and that petitioners be released from all lur
ther liability as such bondsmen and be discharged
as such bondsmen and that she be required
to obtain other bondsmen in the place of
the petitioners. Vou are notified that a
hearing on said petition, inventory and
report of Rosa Hennings as guardian and
tiie filing of objections thereto, wih be had in
said court on the 1st day ot March. A. I). lS,at
11 o'clock a. m.. and that if you fail to appear
and contest said petition the court mav grant
the praver of said petition and make such mhi-r
final orders as may be necessary in the premises.
Witness my hand and the seal of said court
at Flattsmouth. Nebraska, this 1st day of
February, A. D. lrt'8.
(Seal) George M. Spcrlock.
County Judge
Legal Notice.
In the District court of Cass county, Nebraska.
Myrtle Rutherford. )
vs. y
Walter Rutherford,
Defendant. J
Walter Rutherford, defendant, will take notice
that on the 'Mxh day of January, 18.h, Myrtie
Rutherford, plaintiff herein, hied her petition in
the district court of Cass county, Nebraska,
against said defendant, ttie object and prayer of
w hich are to obtain a divorce from said defen
dant, upon the grounds of willful abandonment
and for a failure to support the plaintirt for more
than two years last past, and for the custody of
her minor child, Clara Flizatieth Rutherford,
aged foui years, aud to quiet the title in and to
the plaintirt s estate.
Vou are hereby required to answer said petition
on ur brli.ri th- Tl h d;iv ol Man h, l'.H,
I alel, thin I lie .liiiidiv of January, HM.
M 1 m 1 1 i Human cumd,
lly CI1111. I.. Iiiavi' alt mi f. r tl t lot iff ,
NherlfTH Sale.
lly vl rtue of an onb-r o salo Issue I by Geo. I'.
1 1 on se m ot t h. i Ink ol the district court, within
inid foi Cass county, Ncbiaska, mid to me ill
lei ted, I will on the '.'nth day ol Man h. A. J,
I lit I o'i lot k p tn. ol said day at the south door
of t lie coin t house In the Ity ol I'lMltMiiouth. in
i haul ( omit v, sell at public aiiitluu. In the high
est liKl li-r lor cash, the loiiowliiK leal estate, to
w t: Lot I I I, in block 1 1 . ill Miles' addition t
the city ol I Lit t siiiout h. ( ass county, Nebraska,
tt'Ki'ther with the privileges and appurtenance
tln-ietiiito belong ui or ill anywise uppci tailillitf .
I lie same beiii levied upon and taken aa tho
pmpeity ol John Sw oboda, defendant, t aittlafy
a judgment olsaid limit lecoveied by Ciiailea (,.
J'ariuele, as rei i iver ol the Ituen bank of
I'iattsinuut h, Nrl.i.iska, plaintitl against laid do
leiidaut riattsiiiuuth, Nebraska, 1eb. 12. A.l. fHUH.
W . I). U Mant ra,
Slieiiif, ( ass (.ounty, Nebiaaka.
lly J. 1 Mi III ide. I "entity.
I! ion C'l.ii k. Attorney lor Receiver.
The west lull ol the lioilhcast guaiter o4
sci lion is, town II, lange III, the southeast
(iiat tei ol set t ion III, town II, lanfc tl;tlirat
ball ol the southwest (piaitcr ol set thin 13, tims
II, lange 11; the east hull ol the IioltliWi at
qii.uti i ol set lion h, t iwn II, range III; ami the
nor th ha II ol the sou th west qnai ter ol e lion IH,
town II, i.inee In, all in Caas county, Nehiaaka,
together with the ptivilegeM anil appurtenance
thi'ieiinto beloniMiig or in any wise aptiei taiiiina.
The same being lev led upon ami taken a the
jnopei t y ol r. I', and II. K. Waldron, delenil
ants, to satisly a judgement oi saiil court re-
coveted by liank ol r.agle, plaintilt, against Ian
diii'Mil, nits.
I'lul tHiuoiitli, Nob . Jan. 5. A. U. IHIIM. -IIakvicv
IIoi i.owat,
Siierltr. Cuhm county, Nebraska.
Lot three 111 the niirthweit uuartar of
the southeast nuaitcr of ne l ion 2. town
1". range 11, In Cass county, Nebraska, to
gether with the privilege and appurtenances
thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining.
i ne same being levied upon and taken an the
ptopeity ol II. A. Ijibsoii, ill lend. int. to Hatl(y a
judgment of said couit recovered bv lohn N.
Cai tel. ilaintill against said defendant.
rialthiiiotith. Ncbiaska, January Mli A. D. 1HUB,
IIakvi V lllll I HWAV,
Sheiill, C ass County, Nebraska,
Probate Notice.
In County couit. Cass count v. Nebraska. In
the matter ol the estate ol lunilia VY'url. de
ceased, lieitha I.ange. Ileum h M Itlelstadl. .
Curl Mittei-tadl. ilhelin Mittelsladt, Bern
hardt Wuil, Richaid U in I Auuuste Malleus
and all ol her pet sons interested in said matter.
are heteby notified that ou the Hid day of Jan-
ii.ii V. A. I). I a petition was llled In Haul
couit alleging, among other things, that I'.milia
wuil died on the Nh day ol December, A. 1.
1'.'7. leaving a last will mid testament and tio-
scsscd ol leal ami iieisonal estate and that Ilia
above named constitute all the peisong interested
in the estate ol said deceased, and praying tor
the Piobale of said will aud lor adiiiinistiatioii of
said estate. You are heieby notihed that if you
fail to ajipcar at said couit ou the &'th day of
January A. 1 ). IHH, at II o'clock a in , to contest
the probate ol said will, the court may allow and
probate said will ami grant administration of
said estate to Henry Maitens and lohn Buttery,
or some other suitable peisoii, and proceed to a
settlement thereof.
Witness my hand and the seal of said countr
couit at I'laltsiniiutli. Nebraska, this the Hid day
ol January 1"'.'H.
lealj ( ji:inc.ii M. Sl-lKl.oc K,
County (ude.
I'rohate Notice.
Ill the County court of Cass countv. Nebraxka.
In the matter ol the estate ol Marv Kieckniauii.
deceased. Hem y Rieckmann, I.iiiina Kleckiuann
and ad other pel sous interested in said matter
are heieby untitled that ou the "Hth day of
Jaiiuai y, Im'.m, a ietitiou was filed in said court,
alleging, among other things, that Mary Kieck
n i n li u died on the it Hh day ol May, 1HUO, leaving
no last will aud testament and ponsessed ol
tights in ai lion of unknown and uncertain value,
and that the above named constitute all the pei-
noiis iineiesicd in the estate ol said deceased,
and M.i Viol: lor administration thereof. Vou
aie hereby untitled that it vou fall to appear lit
said court ou theZlst day of February, A I). Itf.H.
at H o'cloi k a. in. and contest said petition. Ihe
court will appoint Milton I). Folk or some other
suitable person administrator, aud proceed to a
settlement of said estate.
W ilness my hand aud the seal of said court, at
I'lattsinouth. Nebraska, this, the illst ilnv of
Januai y, A. 1). 1UH,
' Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meet
ing ol the stockholders ol the Burlington &
Missouri river railroad cumuanv in Nebraska
will be held in the ollice oi the company in
i'lattsinouth. Neb., on Thursday, February 24.
IM'x, at 1- o clock, in.
Ihe meeting will be held for the election of
nine ('.) directors, to serve during the ensuing
vear. and ior the tiausaction of such other busi
ness as may legally come belore it.
Omaha, Janu iry 1 1, I:.
U.J. I.Anrj, Secretary.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued bv Oeoree
House-worth, clerk of the distnct court, within
and lor Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, 1 will ou the llith day of March. A.
D.. I'.', at II o'clock a. in. of said dav at th
south door of the court house in the city of I'latts-
mouin. in said countv. sell at public auction, tn
the highest bidder for cash, the followinir real
estate, to-wit:
Lots one and two I I and 21. in liloek rh-vi-n
1 1 j, in Carter's addition to the city of Weep
ing W atei. Cass county, Nebraska, together with
the privileges and appurtenances thereunto be
longing or in an yw ise apiiurtaining. 'Ihe same
b mg levied upon and taken as the' property of
Alice . hperry. et al. defendants, to satisfv a
judgment of said court recovered by Francis N.
(jibson, iilaintitl. agamst said defendants.
I'lattsinouth, Neb., Feb. 10, A. U . l'JH.
MieriK. Cass Cuuulv. Ni-braska
By J. D. Mcliride, 1 'eputy.
j.. ii. t ouicy. Attorney lor Francis N. Gibson.
Sheriff' Sale.
By virtue of an execution issued hv (
F. Houseworth. cler k of the district ronrf iviilon
aud lor Cass county. Nebraska, and to rne di
rected, I will on the loth day of February, A. D.
ISM. at 11 o'clock a. m. of said dav at th
door of the court house in the city of Flatts-
moum, in saiu county sen at public auction, to
the highest bidder for cash, the following real
estate, to-wit:
Ihe southwest quarter of section 11. town II.
range l:t. except and 12-FiU acres, beintr Omaha
Southern Railroad right-of-way; the southeast
quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 12,
t wn 11, range 13. except one acre ol cemetery;
beginning at the north side of section 11. town 11.
range l.i, at a point on the west side of the Om
aha Southern Railroad right-of-way, where said
rignt-oi-way crosses the north line of said sec
tion, thence running west UM feet to the north
west corner of the northwest quarter of section
11, thence south along the section line to the
southwest corner of the northwest Quarter.
thence east H4o feet to the Omaha Southern
Railroad right-of-way, thence north a little to the
west along said railroad right-of-way to the
place of starting, containing 41 and 13-33 acres
more or less, it being that part of the northwest
quarter oi section 11, town 11. range 13, lying
west ot the Omaha railroad right-oi-wav. all in
privileges and appurtenan ces thereunto belong
: . - - . ' . ... .
Cass county, Nebraska, together with the
mg or iu an wise appurtaining. 1 lie same being
levied upon and taken as the property of F. M .
i oung aii'i u. n.. oung. et al.. detenrlai tn- n
satisfy a judgment of said court recovered hv i:
J. Martin, plaintiff , against said defendants.
riattsmontn, Nebraska. January 4th, A.D. 1898.
Sheriff, Cass County, Nebraska.
Legal Notice.
In the district court of Cass country, Nebraska.
iienry r-ntcnoary, et ai. i
Citizens bank of Flatts- f
mouth. Nebraska. J
Notice of hearing on petition of stockholders
and depositors to sell real and personal assets.
Now upon thfs 2iud day ol January A. D.
S'.iH, this cause came on for hearing upon the
petitions for an order to sell part ofthe assets
of said bank, as petitioned for by stockholders
Henry Kikenbary, et al., by the depositors D
O. Dwyer. et al., by the receivers Charles O.
Farmele. Frank J. Morgan and N. H. Meeker.
And it appears to the court that a hearing
should be had thereon, it is hereby ordered that
a hearing upon said several petitions be-bad and
the time for such heading be on Saturday. lan
uary z'.t. A. D., Iw, at Z o'clock p. m.. or as soon
therealter as the same can be neard, at which
time all persons interested must show cause. If
any, why the prayer of the several petitions
should not be granted.
It is further ordered that a copy of this order
be pub.ished in the Semi-Weeklv News-Herald
for two publications prior to said date. In wit
ness w hereof I have hereunto set my hand this
ir-'nd day of January, A D. lnlo.
Basils. Ramsey, Judge.
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska. .
Cass County. )ss In County Court
In the matter ol the estate of Emilia WurL de
ceased Notice is hereby given that the creditors of
said deceased will meet the executor of said es
tate, before me, county judge of Cass county
Nebraska, at the county court room in Platts
mouth in said county, on the M day of Auirunt
A. D.. 1K.H. at o'clock p. m.. for tfie purpose ol
presenting their claims lor examination, adjust
ment and allowance. Six months are allowed
for creditors of said deceased to present thir
claims and one year for the executors to settle
said estate, from the 21st day of February lb&s
lhis notice shall be published in the Smi
Week.y News-Herald for four weeks success
ive. v. priorto the 21st dav of t.hnn. iwi.u
Witness my hand and seal of said county coi.rt
at Flattsmouth, Nebraska, this 26th day of lan-
day of Jan-
uary, l&-
George M. Splrloci,
County Judft.