Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, January 19, 1898, Image 1

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VOL. VI. NO. 21.
nil'- r.HiiiDinni-u .uv.inu. nnnRnllrlfif nrt J.n. 1 IM'IV
THE IIKUALU, KntabliHUed April lO.iHCt "
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Talk About Diamonds
Their brilliant glitter ecarco
outrivals tho polish you con put
on a MurzlufTshoe. Good leather;
well-tanned leather, that's tho
rea.-on. It uot'9 more ihun shino
it wonra, it fits, it "feels pood"
whether you walk acre tie
strfetor across tie continent.
It's a shiner, a stayer, a sootier.
Con id money? Of course not
as much as you'd think, though.
Cut one on and give its tongue a
chance to talk. You'll do tho
1. 1 king aftc- you've worn a pair
and we'll sell a lot more.
ioscpi lctxcr,
North Side Main Street.
Large Supply of all the
Including the Famous
Missouri. Illinois,
Jackson Hill and
Canon City Lump,
Always on band Also a quantity of
cheaper Grades of NUT CO A I.. We also
keep oil hand ail kinds of Wood. All or
ders promptly tle'.iveied. Leave orders
at grocery store of A. II. W'eckb'ach & Co.
That Village In a Fever of Excite
ment Over the Discovery.
While Workmen V-re K'iikhK'! O'BKh'ff
a Well Tliey Kun AcroMH Mow of
Oil or IV troletini A Mont Enjoyable
SurprUe I'rty Oihr IiilrMiiifj
Word reaches us today that Kim
wood is building air castles of immense
proportions over tho discovery of oil
or petroleum in a well on the farm of
Chris. Engelking, near tho depot
south of that town.
Mr. Engelking's farm joins the cor
poration on tho south, and it seems a
few days ago ho had a well dug near a
draw on a patch of ground where the
grass refused to grow, and which was j
supposed to bo full of alkali. Tho
well was completed at a depth of forty
feet, and while boring the well the
smell of petroleum was. noticeable.
Since its completion tho oil sepes
up through tho bottom and makes
quite a scum on the water. Several
bottles of it have been scour d and
sent to Omaha and othor places for
testing. That it is a good quality ot
oil there is no doubt, but as to the
quantity nothing is known.
Men from Omana are aheady on tho
ground securing oil leases, anct pros
pecting will doubtless betrin in a few
days by boring test wells to sand
ock and learn how much of the oil is
stored in the regions below. The town
people are greatly excited over the
flattering prospect, and ere long we
may see Elmwotd as tho manufactur
ing mart of Nebraska.
We only hope tho first indications
may prove all that the most enthu
siastic could hope for. As the work
protrrosses the readers of TllK News
will have the benefit of the first reports.
IllHtUlllttlOII Of M1I-TH.
I). ofK. Hud of Promise lodgo No.
10, installed its oflicers Saturday even
ing. Mis. S. II. Fisher, tho district
deputy was tho installing officer, as
sisted by Past Grand, Mrs. Stultz
Mrs. C. II. I'etersen, Miss Laura
Twiss and Mrs. I. C. Peterson. After
tho ceremoiiies. a nico luncheon was
served and a pleasant time was had
Tho officers installed were:
Noble Grand Mrs. J. M. Leek.
Vice Grand Mrs. Jennie Wells.
Secretary Mrs. Alice Corey.
Treasurer Miss Lizio Kroehler.
Warden Mrs. J. C. I'etersen.
Conductor Mrs. L. C. Anderson.
House Furnishings.
Our stock la complete In all lines : we
In vite our friends to look It over. W. wll
nuileavor to please you. Call and see us.
(Successors to Uetry Boeck. )
..GO TO..
The Filling of
Is the most important work of a good
drug store. The very lives of a com
munity depend upon tho care and in
tegrity of the man who fills its pre
scriptions. We use only 1he very best
and freshest drugs, and exercise most
painstaking care to prev-.nt the pos
sibility of error.
Were Thoroughly Surprised.
Yesterday was a red letter day at
the home of Frank Boyd, it being his
fortieth and his wife's forty -fourth
birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs.
Boyd were thinking little about the
event, but their daughter, Estella,
assisted by neighbors, had the matter
in mind, and they got up a surprise
that will not soon be forgotten by Mr.
and Mrs. Uoyd.
Over forty of their most intimate
friends and neighbors came in on
them unannounced last evening with
well filled baskets and a very enjoya
ble evening for all was had. Vocal
and instrumental music with conver
sation and splendid refreshments
helped to make the hours fly quickly
oy. Tho guest- departed at a late
hour after wishing the host and hos
tess many more enjoyable anniver
saries. A SucceHKful Ma&querade.
The Sokol masque ball Saturday
evening was quite an alTair and the
management deserves congratulations.
Their large hall was crowded, many
of the best people in the city being
present. As an indication of the size
of the crowd, the receipts for the
evening reach the sum of $180.
The prizes were awarded as fol'o vi;
Miss Katie Jess, in the beautiful t
tume of a flower girl, got ladies' first
iv ize. a nice work box. Second prize.
- tf umbrella, was awarded Mr-.
- . :mnf cd-iumcd as a Klondike
widow, jonn juaiary, as a coiorea
iude, won the gents' first prize, a
-moking set, and An'on Bajeck a :i
boot black, drew second prize, a v K
Bajcck's band furnished the music.
and the dancing lasted until 4:30 in
the morning. Out of eleven annu'il
masquerade balls, this was the largest
the Sokol society ev-r had.
State of Ohio. City of Toledo, t
I.ucas County, 1
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that lie is the
senior partner of the tirm of F. J. Cheney & Co.,
doing business in the city of Toledo, county and
state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the
sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every
case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use
of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Frank J. Chf.xey.
Sworn to before nie and subscribed in ir '
presence this 16th day ot December, A. 1). 1M
(Seal) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and
acts directly on the blood and surfaces ot the
svstein. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CukXEY & Co., Trledo, O.
J3?"Sold by druggists, T"ic.
What do the Children Drink?
Don't give them tea or coffee. Have
you tried the new food drink called
GRAIN-O? It is delicious and nour
ishing and takes the place of coiT
The more Grain-O you give the child
ren the more health you distribute
through their systems. Grain-O is
made of pure grains, and when pro
perly prepared tastes like the choice
grades of coffee but costs about i as
much. All grocers sell it. 15c and 25c.
l'earl Steam Laundry.
B. F. Goodman has his new laundry
.fully equipped with latest devices,
: now in running order, and asks a
share of your patronasre. His work is
his best advertisement, and if you try
the new laundry there wi'l be no
longer any excuse for sending-goods
away. Nothing too good for our
patrons is our motto. Work called
for and delivered.
The Htt of the HeaHon.
A largo audienco greeted tho liruns
& Nina's specialty company at the
White last evening, and those present
were entertained with some of tho
b-st specialties that have been foen
hero for srnno time. Ihe ono act
drama. ".Drifting Apart," was civen
by artists who performed their part;
in tin excellent manner. Tho ttereopti
can views of Klondike were magnifi
cent and each picture was explained
by Mr. Uruns. Tho paper tearing act
was ono of most wonderful feats, and
ts well worth tho price of admission
alone. Nina, in her serperline dance.
was tho most wonderful pet forjnance
in that lino ev r seen in this city.
Smothered His i ih
Commissioner George Young has
spent a great deal of time in making
a fine fish pond which ho had stocked
with carp. The fish were doing nicely
until a few days ago when it was dis
covered that they were all dead.
Fine fish two feet in length may bo
seen all over the pond dead, lying uo
next to the ice. The cause of the
death of the fish is said to be the ice
and snow which shut out all air so
that they smothered. It is the cus
tom to cut air holes in the ice for
them, but this was neglected while
Mr. Young was here attending to
county business.
At the ICoytl.
The matinee at the Boyd "theatre
in Omaha Wednesday afternoon of
this week will no doubt be attended
bv a large crowd of Plattsmouth
people. It will afford a rare op
portunity to sea a great actor and
heir one of Shakespeare's plays
"Shyloek" by a company whose
repertoire is made up wholly of
Shakesperean plays. Walker White-
sides is leading man and Miss Leila
Wolstan is the leading lady, with a
brilliant support. It is seldom that
so good a play is seen in matinee, and
the train service being good, no one
need stay away, as they can get back
homo at G: 15 or 8.25.
After a Four Montlm' Stay In Thone
i'artn. Air. I)aM In lal to Oet
Hack to I'lattHiiiouth.
Try Uraiu-O! Try t.rain O!
Ask your grocer toda3' to siiow you
a package ot urain-u, tne new teoa
drink that takes the place of coffee
The children may drink it without in
iurv as well as tho adult. All who
try it, like it. Grain-O has that rich
brown seal of Moeha and Java, but it
is made from pure grains, and the
most delicate stomach receives it with
out distress. One-half the price of
coffee; 15 and 25c. per packago. Sold
by all grocers.
Stone Crushers Resume Work.
Nehawka, Neb.. Jan. 17. After
three weeks' idleness the stone crush
ers here began work on a contract for
crushed rock this morning. The lime
. Ins, which have been out of fire for
- nne time, were fired yesterday morn
ing, and will run for some time. Dur
ing the fall months they have turned
out something like 15,000 barrels of
Turners' Annual Itall.
T le Turnverein will give their an
m; squerade ball at their hall on
- evening of February 12. Cash
prizes will bo awarded the first and
s-icond best gentlemen eucostume.
Also beiutiful prizes to the ladies.
This is the eleventh annual mas
querade given by the Turners, and no
expense will be sp-ired to make it one
of the most enjoyaoie ever given.
Homeseekers' Kxeursons.
Homeseekers excursion tickets will
be S'ld on Janu i'-y 4 and 8, February
1 and 15, March 1 and 15, via Missouri
Pacific railway to all points in Arkan
sas, Texas, Louisiana, Indian Terri
tory, Oklahoma, Arizona and New
Mexico, at rate of one fare plus $2.
For particulars call at M. P. office.
C. F. Stoutkn no rough, Agt.
jjy ;" r i Tr'"
Wright's Condensed Smoke
for Smoking all Meats. Im
parts a delicious flavor. Keeps
Meat Sweet and free from In-
smoke 250 pounds. Sold by all to cure a colo in one day
Druggists. Made by fc. . Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
Oysters and Lunch.
Oysters in every style, and nice
lunch at Holloways. in Fitzgerald
block Sahl's old stand.
WRIGHT & Co., Ulysses, Neb.
For Sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
fails to cure. 5c.
Cass County Dairy.
J. F. Deui has again taken charge
o" the Cass County Dairy and will be
pleased to serve his old customers and
also others desiring pure milK. He
will also furnish cream and butter
milk when desired. Your patronage
is solicited.
Crjsial iiiiii;s Dairy.
Milk, as pure as gold from the
"Kioi.dike,"' delivered to any part of
the city. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Your patronage solicited.
Leave orders at News offii e, or at
Bennett & Tutt's g -oce' y store.
S. II. FiH EK, Prop.
Annual Meeting:.
The annual meetirg of the Platts
mouth Brick & Terra Cottn Manufac
turing Co. will be held at tho office of
T II Pollock on Friday, January 23,
1S',)S, at 7:30 p. m.
T. II. Pollock, Sec'y.
Cheap Kates to Omaha.
The B. & M. will sell tickets to Om
aha on account of tne ice carnival,
January IS and 19, good for return
January 20, for GO cents for the round
trip. W. L. Pickett, Agent.
Anvono who has harbored a desire
to leave Nebraska and go to tho "sun
ny" south could very quickly and ef
foctually have that desiro dispelled
by a conversation with Charles Dabb
who returned yesterday from Mem
phis, Tenn.
Mr. Dabb 6tates that in the portions
of ths south which ho visited it will
not compare with Nebraska in any
way. "When you hear people talk
abaut the beautiful sunshine of tho
south," remarked Mr. Dabb, "you
can put them down as base prevarica
tors, or they have never visited that
portion of the south lying along tho
Mississippi river. It rains about half
of tho time, and the other half tho air
seems heavy aud full of moisture. You
do not find the pure, fresh air which
Nebraska is noted for. The leading.
ind in fact the only industry in Mem
phis is cotton. Another feature of
tho south which looked very strange
to mj was that in nearly every line of
business the work was done by colored
men. They are willing to work for
low wages and it virtually shuts a
white man out. About all tho lower
class of colored men want is to earn
enough money to keep them in whisky
or candy. It will to ono or tho
other, sure. The colored people seem
to have a terrible yearning for candy.
have seem them go into a store and
buy two or three pounds and stand on
the corner and eat it."
Mr. Dabb states that the warmest
citv election he ever saw was held in
Memphis the first of the present
month. "Republicans do not go to
the trouble to put up candidates for
municipal offices," said he, "but there
are two tactions in the democratic
party and harmony is not to be seen
in large chunks hovering over the
city. The Harrison club of Chicago,
with a fine band, went down to Mem
phis to assist one faction, and fighting,
utting and shooting predominated
for two or three days prior to the
election. To be eligible to vote in
Memphis ono must have a poll-tax
receipt, so it is iargely owing to
which candidate can buy the largest
number of poll-tax receipts who will
be elected. The vote was very small,
as would naturally be supposed.
"While it would not be fair tojudge
the entire south by the portion I saw,
I am willing to guess at the conditions
in other parts and line up with others
who have seen the 'sunny' south and
stand up for Nebraska."
Continue to Flock
to see
With Blizzards Yet to Come
Felt Boots
German Sox
By watchfulness on our part we made
an extra good deal on
.. jLuIlei- JUoot?-..
Children's first quality, (J
fleece lined N2
Misson' first qual;ty, p-v
llooee lined
Ladies' first quality,
floeco lined
Youth's first quality,
lloeco lined
His Offices Thronged
From Morning Un
til Night.
.p mm mmw&mmmi wm mww w wwimwmwwM mm
Hard and Soft Coal.
John Waterman is sole agent for
tho famous Mendota soft coal. Also
carries the best grades of hard coal,
wood, lumber, laths, shingles, lime,
cement, etc. If you are going to
build, it will pay you iosee Water
man. Office at the rear of Water
man block- on Fifth street.
It I'ays to Get the 15est.
W. E and C. E. Crabill are deliver
ing the best 01 milk to their customers
in nil parts of the city. Try our sys
tem of bottle delivery.
A Choice Brand.
The Clover Leaf brand of flour on
sale by F. S. White and manufactured
by the new Weeping Water Milling
company is extra nice. Call at White's
and leave your order for a sack of it
and after trial you will use no other
Try Wurl Bros'. "Gut Heil" cigars
Special notices under this head will be
chariie'i for at the rate of H cent per word
each insertion.)
Fancy Groceries.
Choice Canned Goods.
Many on the Highroad to
These are Leaders at
White's Grocery Store
Thanks to His Science
and Skill.
A select stock of Dry Goods 11 tho latest styles for Fall and Wintoi just
arrived. If you want the best for vour raonev ''ive us a trial.
Now is the time to commence. All
treated for deafness continue to hear,
The fame of the wonder worker has
certainly spread far and wide, for the
sick and ofllicted are coming from all
over the country to consult this won
derful specialist. The doctor does
not cure all diseases, and turns away
daily many who come to see him. He
has made a life-long study of chronic
diseases, such as Rheumatism, Paraly
sis. Deafness, Catarrh, Female Trou-
Upper Main Street. Plattsmouth, Neb.
The Best Is
Good Enottirh..
And that is whatyou will find atthe Hed-
bles, Dyspepsia, Liver and Kidney w W1UU,M 1 naiuiouy. i-ociai attciuiuil i
Disorders, old sores and skin Dis- f paid to the p rescri pti on d e partm en t, and
eases, u un his new ad vanced memoc: y the store havinsf recentlvbeen restocked
of treating these cases, he succeeds Mr . . . . .....
when others fail. The doctor be-1? Wlth purecirugs, and having in charge a
ueves in keeping up with the times, If competent pharmacist, you are running:
and while others remain in the same 9 nO risk
old rut, he keeps progressing and ad-
9 We also have a full stock of Paints
J and artists' materials: Tube Paints,
a Bronzes of all kinds, Brushes, Gold Leaf
him will do well to f and Powder, Varnishes, Crayons in black
1 per month. Enquire ol J. C Peter.son.
OR KENT Six-room house in good repair,
centrailv located, per month. Enuuire of
.1- V. 1'eterson.
IOK SALE A house, to be moved away,
quire of T. 11. 1'oilock.
;OK SALE A family carriage, as giod as
new, at ha'i price. Enquire of J. C. Petersen-
fr Acre f irm one-ha.f m:!e from Mynard.
lUvl Splendid land. Good buildings. Price
S.hi per acre.
fCA Acre farm, four miles west of Mynard.
1UU Nine room house. Good land, lUiming
water. Price flu per acre.
A neat H-room cottage: good location; cistern
and city water. S4il.
Acres; all in fruit. Splmdid six-room cottage.
Nears'iops. Price
4 Room house and good barn. Two large lots.
Cfi Acre farm. Otoe county. Good land and
O" good buildings. Price :t,ou.
OTS of bargains in citv property and acre
A tracts. T. 11. POLLOCK,
Real Estate. Loans and Insurance.
Over First National bank, Pia tsmouth. Neb.
SEWI NG All kinds of plain and fancy sewing,
dressmaking, repairing ot gents' and boys'
othes done at me rooms ot Mrs. Orilia Sher-
r-ii. over Coates' hardware store, -IIS Main
FOUND Some money,
cali at News office.
Owner will please
ANTED A goo 1 ,-irl for general housework.
pr week. Enquire at the News office.
W ANTED Active, sober and trustworthy man
to travel through this section. Salary S.V) a
mon h. paya'o'e weekly, and expenses: splendid
opportunity. Address SHEPP company, 1U2U
Chestnut street. Philadelphia, Pa.
vancing, hence his wonderful success.
If you are sick and cannot get relief
elsewhere call on the doctor and he
will give vou relief immediately. All
who wish to s
call early. No charge for consulta
The treatment is medicine and skill
He treats all forms of chronic diseases
Office hours from D a. m. to 5 p. m.
Jan. 22 positively the
last day in Plattsmouth.
and all the shades, artists soatulas
Y -
9 Plaques and Tiles for decorations.
An examination of our stock will
? prove that the goods and prices are both
correct. Give us a call.
iftodDloom Pharmacy,
rpHEY carry the largest and most, complete line in Cass .'county. QEvery
thing fresh and new. They pay cash for our goods and give their cuato
mors the advantage of special discounts. A complete line of canned goods
always in stock. The only place in the city where you can get all kinds of
fresh Cheese. Call and see us.
A. H. WECKBACH & E., Waterman Blk.