1 v :! rrv j "a Large 2Cumbr of Doli W.r. l?lpot o lor Clxrl.tm-. CtftTti Pl mouth Jouru.l Cb nauU-M-rl.ge of Jerry Frthlog-Olher ew. of the ay. The doll carnival jriven by the la dies of St. Mary's Guild of the Ep so pat church, proved a great tuccess. titu rtarnnnn and eveninrr lb hall - was thronged with visitors who gath ered about the different booths malt ing purchases for the holidays. The doll booth where scores of dolls, daintily dressed were displayed, was the center of attraction and we are informed every doll was deposed of. The candy booth, where a nice line of home nndo candies were kept on sale, was presided oyer by Mrs. T. P. Livinsht' n, assisted by Mrs. C. A. Vallery i.nd the Missea Claire Drum mond, Dora Fricke and Minnie White. This booth was also well patronized, and added much to the evening's re ceipts. A very pretty booth, at which fancy j work of all kinds was shown, was in charge of Mrs. F. IL Wilson, who w::b assisted by Mrs. Grace Miller and tl.e Misges Harriett McMaken, Mattie Carmack and Lottie Gutsche. Mrs. W.L. Pickett presided at the tea booth, where refieshments were served. She was ast-isted by Mrs. Swearingen, Mrs. Uenry Tartsch and the Misses Dora Ilerold, Lou Burgess and Ma-garet Shepherd. Misses Maud Eiton and Nellie Leonard dispensed popcorn, and the grab-bag was in charge of Misses Mabel White and Vcrna Leonard. The Christmas tree and scripture cake were in charge of the Mist-es Clara Green, Florence White and Lulu LeisL The different booths were made quite attractive and the crowd io at tendance seemed well pleaded. It is stated as a result of the ladies' efforts over $100 will be cleared for the bene fit of the church. Journal Changes Hands. George B. Mann purchased the Journal plant about a year ago at Sheriff's sale for $400. On yesterday- he sold it to Bart Kirkham and Frank Green for $900 $430 cash and $450 in one year. Geo-ge seem to be the only newspaperman in town who can really say he has m.de any money Kirkham & Green have been running the paper on a lease for some time so there will te no change except in ownership. Marriage of Jerry Farthing. Jerry Farming brought a new-made br.de to town last evening, he having married the lady at South Omaha yesterday. We did not learn her name, but she was here sme time ago representing the Cudahy Packing company, as an agent for their soau. Mr. and Mrs Farthing expect to re s de in this city. Tbompaou-Mitaoari I'mciOc Case. District court h-ts been engaged all day in the trial of the Thompson Missouri Pacific case. The defense will get through with their witnesses today. The jury w?s takeu in a body up in the M. P. depot this afternoon to look at a car similar to the one which killeJ Thompson, it is thought hy this 3 who have heard the Usu mony that the plaintiff will get hut a small judgment if anything. CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS For gentlemen. Fine assortment nd lowe&t prices at Herold's. Her Sixty. Third Hirtnday. Mis. Levi Golding was surprised by a largre crowd of her lady friends yes terday afternoon, who called to help her celebrate her 63rd birthday anni versary. They brought well-filled baskets and a nice lunch was served. They also left a nice present as a tes timonial of the high regard in which Mrs. Golding was held. Hncklen'a Arnica Halve. The best salve in the world for cuts, burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe ver sores, tetter, chappep hands, chil blains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed, to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Pyice 2o'cents per box. For bale by P. G. Fricke. UNDERWEAR BARGAINS At Herold's. Better buy underwear than pay doctor bills. You'll find no such values elsewhere unless you dive down much deeper in your pocket. Maid of Honor Contest. Following is the vote on the Maid of Honor contest to date: Antonia Kessler 4.799 Dora Fricke 4,ta Maud Mauzy VMO Maud Eaton. 214 Tinsie Smith ift4 Nettie Way bright 153 Harriet McMaicen. 154 4 SAMPLE LINES Of Christmas Handkerchief, Mufflers, ladies and gents1 Neck-ties, Stamped goods. Tidies and Mitts at Heroid's that will be sold at exact wholesale cost. . Sauta Hans at Gertogs. Gerings are openi? up the fine-t line -f holiday lxxKs for children ever Sten in this city, 'lhtir assort in nt i- lacgy :inl r-t le::l m th j ery besl. Dou'i buy. ;Tfsen; ( hi.dren to break tii -n.i d-. m.-Oi when you can get useful oks very cl cap nt Ger iugs. Call a-U cv tta-rn. Some Uood Milcb Cows. A. M. Holmes, residing at corner of Ni 'th and Chicago avenue, h :s a few good milch cows for sale. ' Enquire there, or at farm near R ck Bluffs. SENSIBLE GIFTS Tnat will go to thousands of homes at prices figured down to th lowest ootca of economy at Herold's. BRIEFLY TCLD. - n s: 'r iff-. : r - . See Coaitos' line oi ketea. Wurl Brca. "Gut Hall" cigar.. For tiro insurance set Thrasher. T y Wuil F--- "Gut Heil" cigars. Mandolin: . Gu.tars and Violins at P. O. I'ook store. Dr. Elter, Watermnu block, fyr painless dentistry. Feather boas are selling at half p ke at Tucker Sisters'. The blind musicians at the Mttho- dist church this evening. Just the thing for Christmas nickeled nut picks, 2 cents a set. Oo lies & Co. The cutest thing out is the p;itent perfection mandolin picks, for sale by Jaiues Pettee. A treat is in store for those who at tend the concert at the Metnodist church this evening June Bifck came in fmm his labors at S"uth Omaha today to remain till after the ho id iys. Cipt. Bennett we are glad to note was able to be down town today after a two week's illne?s. All kinds of stove repairs furnished for your broken or burned out stoves by Streight & Sattler. For new holiday goods go to Ger ing's, the latest, nicest aortment to 8;et from in the city. Klondyke for-wealth, but Bennett & Tutt's for all kinds of holiday goods and something good to eat. Bennett & Tutt will have holly. mistletoe and evergreen wreathing and Christmas tries for the holiday trade. National club skates 50 cents a pair; same nickled, $1. Winslow's skate, $1.50; "Keen Skipper, " $3, at Coates' hai dware. Ilenry Weidman at the postoffice book store has the choicest line of con fections in the city. Call on Henry for Xmas candies. All the latest songs may be found at Fence's. Buy some nice new music for your sweetheart. Nothing would please her mo:e. Don t buy holiday gords untn you have looked over the laMtiful line at Got-'ng's Theybavo something to Miit every t iste. Now is the timi to buy suK-ndid styles ot jia-on x tl .mm rguns them . Call nt I tide's and examine qti -lilies and pri e. A fu'l l'no i f st mred linens drrss-tr s-a f-, !--ard ckv rs a. d covers f: r v i ivs amy hv :.jnd at Tu' k. r- 111.'. n t . Biy a lto;-: . , ...... love'.y Ch risl ui t.- ciais for o .. iuh:u'' t-w- t hei't. m do l.y o;:o Wuri. They would delight a c n;o p-cj . If you w.inL to kfj) up withtKo tiun s, call M Pclti 's antj j-e tc some of the new sougs of wr ich he has a quantity of the best selected. The low farmers began crossing the river on the ice yesterd y which is now over ten inches thick and is growing thicker very rapidlj'. Hard coal at present prices is cheaper than wood, the latter having rained from $3 per cord to $3.50 nd $3.7-5 for hickory and body oak. The must com ph te window shade on tf e market is at Strciuht & SaltlerV. L twers from the top and ri-es fpi ra the botto'ii. C -ll and see them. All kinds of jewelry, clocks and wiitch.'s prompt'y repii-eJ. A.l work warranted. J. W. Crabill, first dior woct of Waterman block, l'iattmouth. Miss Allie Hutchison, niece of Mrs. C. II. Parmele, was married at the home of her mother at Memphis.Neb., December 1 5, to Mr. Samuel J. Walker. The postoftice book store has a splen did assortment of Xmas novelties, toilet sets, cuff and collar boxes, neck tie cases, albums, glass medallions, etc. A beautiful new 'Radiant Home" base-burner, $36, also one we carried over from last year for $22. Call and compare with others prices. W. W. Coates & Co. Gerings have the most useful line of holiday goods to be found in the city. Boar this in mind when in search of something that will make a nice proven t. Tbo entertainment this evening at the Methodist church is given by the bast talent of the Institute for the Blind at Nebraska City.. Admission 25 and 15 cents. The T.J. Sokol society is making great preparations for their sixth annual mask ball to ba given at their hall Saturday evening, Janua'y 15, 18'iS. Everybody is invited. Patron'Z3 home industry by smok ing home cigars. Gering & Co. sell, PepperbergV Buds. Wurl'e Gut Ueil, Spies' Exquisites. Stumn'd Diamond King, and other hi me cigars. --Thatrark f i wn tiete n ii 1 rid breath y on h e i.-i the nu.iu:igis caused by a .otie liver. S mc medicines te. . v. for n while; oihers f j -H f.w J.:y-. :u Her' cures. The" artists from the institu'e for the .blind a-. Nenraski C ly arrived in thicity tbis morning and everything is in readiness lor the concert which will be given at the MechodUt church tonight. The Vive Camera fop p.ile nt the P. O. bookstore is a fine instrument There are now in use in Piattrmouth over fifty Vives evidence that they possess merit. Examine the Vives before purchasing.' There's no better flour made than He.iseiV Plansifter," manufactured in this city. Ask your grocer for it. best and sup- : port .i homo ifi iiwii-y at the sarro time, .! "!'.: Ui i. n. j T-toi) liver t .;(J? .ioo- fiLto do j h:ty? i' o. (i nt e- M ; ts C ill for I :. ,.. A few ii- so . f Il, b:ne a.y save ycu a spall of s!tknes. Hrbine is th ouir perfect liver medicine It curs Cnilis ana Fever. 75o. Do not forget that you will i.eed mince meat, swe-t cider, plum pud ding, olives, pickles, chowch..w, celery and in fact anything that conti ibutei towards making a tirst-chifs Cbritm;iS dinner. Bennett t Tutt will supply you. Prosperity cniro q-ii:ko-t ' li e m:m !;v.'" .s :r l to 1 c"i;uiU'Hi. De'V lii's LL E.-iv JJis-erei a; imiii'i.'' ;: t ( .U fo- cons '.iptitim b!!io';s- -, . " -'. i ni.d u sioai- ncti a ,d live t:o s r. Ij. i ricue & Co. Gering &Ci. hive the finest r.;,m th ever old. It hi.s all the 1 :test con veniences and only needs to be si.en io recogniz; its suijeriority tver all others. No holiday gift would be more acceptable to many than a nice mera. Miss Al ie Hughes, Norfolk, Va., was frightfully burned on the face anu neck. P.iin was insiantlv relieved by De Will's U .zo. S vivo, which healed the injury without leaving a sea-. U is the famous pile remedy. F. G. Fricke &, Co. Lownie's chocolates and bonbons are the fin st in the wo .d. They have taken tlio first prit s in l'aris in com- p-tilion with the fintst French con fections. Gering a is the only store where a iine of Lownie's famous goods are cirri d. .1. A. Pel kins, of Antiquity, O., was for thirtyyears needlessly tortuied by physicians lor tlie cure oi eczema, in was quickly cured by uing DeWit.iV Witch Hazel SuiVi1- il;o famous healii'g salve for piles und skin d.reises. F. G Fricke. & Co. Mrs. M. B. Ford, Ruddell's, 111., suffered for eight years from dyspepsia and chronic conslip ition and was finally cured by useinir DcWili's Little Early Ri?er.-, the ft mo is liitle pills for ali stoui tch and liver troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co. You are invito d by the me ru burs of the library bona ni:d the Woman's club to atteud the Christmas book ie ception, lit the library Monday even ing, December JIO. If y u have no book you v.i.h to part with, bring a Christmas donation. N Ther- is no remedy qu :1 to Herb'ne for the t;ue of c 'lis i'vioi, &-i:k hendat-iie, n '. ir- !-t:on. ver ig", io-s of memory, unv tain apoi'it , U'nc-t u bleep or sk " .-.i-t ton-. If you wunt a perfect 'Oa e j l' e 1'ver, 'leron e will roi dis cpo nt yoj. Mr. S rK. boy to u. , 1 u-ing O io i-l tin. quick -t ;. fo t'ul.l'-, :i lui g t -l ub.e-. M- . '!. -r 1 ! v-, '.M . - n rv; to. I p bad 1 cot in a bot! of . it i'u e c . n t 1 In i.' 1 1 ou riu-K .v i r r : .t raige. - L'HVf Ui) 'rum e on- O.. my to. ." It -s mi -. I t ai.d g. I'... i n - ' I . G .-'1 i 'r. ..- rl.i ii r 1' It i - o -,y ea-y ! r . : e r j I- - u.-v O i i i i a d j i-i as U HO; it ft I t l-;ij . U'l'. h iiiii h . ! .s, I Ml 81 d 111! 2 ... ii Ii t u is pniU'iioi a i.nd all th trout'les. It s i lc.i-ant to lake, .-ale to use and ture to cu e. F. IJ. 1-1 iel e & Co. Mrs". Jacob Vullery, jr., entertained the German Frauenverein very pleas antly yesterday afternoon. The mem bers and m iny invited guests onjoyvd Mrs. Vallery 's ho6pitalitv," and pai took of a elaborate luncheon. The ladies report a most enjoyable afternoon. Mrs. Tipton has gone on a wedding tour out to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Showalter, at David City. She considerately left her hub ind at home to keep house, vtry a inherent from young married folks who go together on trips of this kind and spend twice as much money as if only one went. Mrs. Tipton's plan is a good one, but it will not likely become popular. CLOAK BARGAINS At Herold's. All remaining stock goes at a great reduction. Burlington Itonte C'aliforula Excui-kIoiih Cheap, quick, comfortable. Leave Plattsmouth 3:43 p. m., every Thurs day in clean, roi dern, i;ot crowded tourist sleep re. Nj transfers; cars run riht through to San Francisco and Ls Angeles over the Scenic Route throuirh Denver and Salt L ike City. Cars an.-carpi led; upholstered in rattan; have t-pr nr teats and backs and nrv provided with curtains, bed ding, towel?, ro-.p, etc. U. if or iced porters and ex, rienced excursion conductors jicc- mpm y o ich excursion, relieving p is-.i net a ...i boilrtr about bacg.'it, p. i: tine fit ot..j.ct-j of interest ,d ii many other ways helping tu i-jkc the .vrl. r 1 trip a de.itrnlful ex r. c . a n el tickets aro h. no- v C. Ii ri" -o. For fol .;. t:vi.- f u. form;i.ii'n, ell a t ;r -l I.J-.rl! . i . Uuuie ntKti in -.r;t--- t- J . f r.i ch, Gt'n. Pitis'-rfif r A.' I, Ota: !.; Neb Tin r in . t I lot. c ..ee. i. cci.'lv t r trie ' r. t Li' iJ;. . .. th : Vik .-, -.: rr.o t 1 1 ie . w. h '.;t i-. te it r co." c. a-i inucii. Chi g'eni. Ix-neflt. : a I ' r on prai'i , . T. e V - :1 U o ! . : , C ITv r c b j cw c .' tell ' '' . O tyVQr J "r ,. r.l dr-. i itl 15 cu-, jind 2 cts. tier package. Tiy it Ask for GRAIN O and terebv ire', the CTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTf TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT I WANTS I aiilil tiP-iiiiiiiiniuuiuiiiiiiiuiiimu. Suecial notices uuuer this bead will be cbartreu for at the rate of M cent per word ach insertion.) FOB REST. POR REM A Rood nve-room cottage wiui g'jod cellar. Enquire of T. Frank Viie. AHRST-LLASS UKt.5.M 'XK.c.K itn gooa reconimeudations would Hire emplo merit it given at once r"or particulars call ac this office. SEWING All kinds o! plain ana iancv sewing. rlreK-niakinir renairillE ol Cents' and DOVs ciotlies done al tlie rooms ot Mrs. Orilla Sher man, over Coates' hardware store, io main street. WANTED Active, sober and trustworthy mai to travel through this section. ?aUrv ..i.mth nav aM. ueeklv. and exDenses: splendid ,).uoituiuty. Ad lress SHEfr" company, luft Ut.estnut street, rtaiaaeipuia, ra. BRAINS EQ0ALTO COURAGE. Tb Cat Rescued, bot the Stoat Woman Wm Not Satisfied. It was a damp day, but the crowd stood and watchtd the black cat aa it mewed plaintively and clung to the trailing vine three Btories above the street in front of a fcur atory brown stone dwelling. A long wire supported the vine, nearly reaching the roof. The cat, in a sportive mood evidently, had climbed the long vine and at the third story stopped, as if fright had paralyzed further efforts. Every minute it mewed, and its appeal for help collected a crowd. A large woman said: "Why don't some one climb up there and release that cat?" "Suppose you try it, madam, " chirped a dapper little man, who looked upon the affair as a joke. "Well, if I had your sniftll beft 1 would climb that vine. Men never do anything dangerous these days." "Oh, yen, they do, inadanil They catch cold, drink too much aud stay out late at their lodges." She gave the little man a look and ejaculated: "You think you are smart, don't you? You can talk, but you can't rescue even a cat." "You do uie wrong. Watch ine rescue that cat even at the iwril of being in sulted. Do not be frightened. I go, but I will return. " lie ran across the street as the large woman shouted, "He is go ing to climb!"' He rang the doorbell of the house, and when the servant girl appeared he ioiuted to the cat above. Tbo door closed, and a few minutes Jatt r a v indow in the third story opened, and the girl, reaching her arm out, caught the cat and took it in. The crowd cheeied, and tiie dapper man bowed, but the large woman said con temptuously : "Men have no courage. They get wo men to rescue cats." New York Com mercial. A Great Flay. "I can't afford," said the man ol moderate means, "to go to many places of amoscnieut, but I am admitted free to the play with the longest run oa rec ord, The Struggle of Life. " New York Sun. About the year B. C. 220 edible ser pents wero sold at a penny each in the Egyptian markets. Tiny were shipped to liome. Italian vipers were cheaper, costing about a half penny each. In Atfia the average number of inhab i.rutt per square mile is 48; in Africa, IC; in America, 8; in Australia, 1. .o:i-r. :i ' '.r.il v :. r :. " ' I ATI . a they cannot . i .i .i ; ,.t ir li i . a Mho'! i r i ... :. . .! i i urd r cure it t: :. :. : la t t:. t r..a reii;e lit-s lia.l's 1 ' tarrh C r b r.::r..a.i. a " ac,s rfirectlv on die .. j li.u ...us bi.rla'.es. llali's Catarrh t ure IS Ii i i q i cs metiicine. it was prescriDea Dy j..tr 'A iirr i.cit ptoii inns in this cuuiitry lor --.:rs 'i i-an-g .lar pie cription. It is com p I l ie ntsi luiius kiiO'au, Combined with Uic tc?i b i.'od ur',,,'3. acting ilirectiy on the mucous sur aces. The pertect combination of in-two .i.Rredicuts is what produces such Wtin-ca-rJu res a. t a Iu curing catarrh. Send for testi n.o..ia's. tree. F J. henev Si Co.. Props., To edu, O. Sold hy l.irunBists. price 75c. LOOK BEFORE YOU L.EAP! Come to see us before you buy Christmas goods. Marvelous collec tion of u-eful and sensible presents at Herold's. While .sj-e ling of ih-j a or aching ho. iJays, and the demand they ni:tke for presents, it was truthfully sug gested that Hounett & Tutt are offer ing one of the mot attractive and cheapest line of fancy and decorated cliinaware and lamps for the holiday trade that can be found in the city, and in addition tbeir fancy goods.their stt ck o confectioneries, fiuils, nuts, etc., ate out of sight. Just think of it, choice mixed nuts, candies, dates, raisins and figs, only 10 cents a pound, nd everything else proportionately cheap. This store is certainly the place to go to get your money's worth these hard times. TO H UH A COLD IN ON K l.Y Take Laxative Brotno QuinineTab.ets. Ail (iruiryists refund the money if it fails t cut. 2oe. Dr, Alfred Shipman, SPECIALIST. Eue, Ear and Glironlc DISEASES. Office 51 1 Main St , Leonard Bldg. Hours: 0 a. ni. ta ? p. m , .'unlays, 2 to 4 p.m. Spectacles and Eye Glasses Accnr itch f. e improv-.-d mdi.jd t'j Qisiai.-3 ircc. i. wered ter;d free by nev ard r.iii..ii i; a 1 ch i.ic ii.qiry promptly ai.s- l "liirm:!n r;r.rs with pleasure to thousands cfpa;ici.ts in .tb ... -.a i'LATTSMOl, 1 H, NeO . ! ct. '.. 131:7. It. clrp ii-tii l cir s.: 1 j,- aJl- .;i .ore you. met.'.i 4 tilling ases. ltie.prvscrit. u -n bi-t-cai ou in rouirl f. r m reuders botn ue ir ai.d .listatit viina perfect t. tf. Ebersole. 1 ECl'MsEH, Neb.. Nov. 2, 1897. I fully endorse Dr. Alfred Shopman's method of fi.tiriK glasses- The prescription.-bi-tacal C'l ICfcpfi lilted for Tlie. r.'nH.ra nit. uini -in rir- , tect in re erence to both near and distant objeew. 1 nave oecn pcisuuany acquainted wiin ur. bhipinxn fur mure than a quarter of a century; know h:m to be an honorable gentleman, po ssessed of a profound kn.ow.edge ol the human eye and the highest ikiU in fitting glasses to remedy its varied defects. W. L. UVKlAt. kutrof of Jokci n Coaaty, Nab. For Christmas Sterling Toilt Sts, Sealing Sets, Smoking Sets, Manicure Sets Chatelaine Bags, SILVERWARE, CUT 6 LASS AND FINE CHINAWARE. Call and see our line and get our prices, you can't help being1 suited with both. SNYDER & CO., JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS,- Corner MHn and Sixth Street. gmnwwmmwmmmmmmmmwmmmmHmmmng 1 Seasonable Bargains 1 1 ft Com iGte Line ot ali Kinds of flrctl.s and Sandals tor Ms Ladies and Children. CHLL HND INSPECT THf COODS I E. 6. DOVEY k S ST LEADING DRY GOODS MERCHANTS." We Have JusitEeceived . A Full Line of.. E ot CONSISTING OF Dinner Sets Chamber Sets And a full st. ck of White and Deco rated Granite.vare, If you need a Hanging : Lamp, BOUQUET LAMP, Or a lamp o' ny kind. jou will fir d i laiv '-8ortrter.t nt our store. Hjv in pa ch f .d a i f our w?i e ifo e t' ? . l ndi'vee wo c n m.-ike very e i.5i ble pr ec-s. lil 8 II THE GROCERS. Clerical frrmita. 1898. Clerrrymen and otheis entitled to elerieu p.-:-mit Hre respectfully re qus'ed to call at the Burlington ticket office and arrange about 1898 peraita. JW1 ChM, Pocket Book, Atomisers, Pungent io Cut Glasp, Ink Stands in Cu Glass, Fancy Vses, Fancy Ctocks, Bric-a-Brc, S'eln and Tankrds F n Dithee, -ALSO AN ELEGANT DISPLAY OF- For This Articles of Every-day Use at Low Prices... Good Cotton Iilankels 4H (l 39 2o 59 60 10 00 07 05 75 00 50 Outinj Flannels All Vik1 Drets Flannels, 14 yds wide, a'l colors AU Wool Dre-n Flanneln, 1 yd wide Good warm house slippers Lxdies' low Overshoes Children's F.eece Lined hose, all sizes, ye - jwiir Drei-s Form Cornets Heavy "Giant'' Calico, for winter the 10c kind now A pood Calico, just the thinp for comforts Caiico Wiaopers H innelette Wrappers All Wool Ingrain Carp.Ms, yd.... Now is the Time to Purchase.. SEE THE... HANDSOME DISPLAY -1 c SLIPPER SHERWOOD'S, est for the The News- PER We ofTer in addition to our complete as sortment of Watches. Jewelry and Dia monds, a ffreat variety of IVoz-cics. !!. Small Silver Novelti 1 Soectaclo Chicc, Gold Tena. Ht Pinn, Souveiiir Spoor f, etc. Week, bud Sec o r Assortment ol Lamps DlsD'aued in tn ' Grocerij. Linoleums, r uos, 0 1 Cloths. OF AT Money YEKR ON S Herald, X