ion e a f? zW t"0l r ,- ri ' ;.i I Ti AT BTHE M l? Hess !rs ir- 1 J - IW1 3 M.RQL Ml 8 He -POPULAR m a h ti Boys' Saits $2.00 Glen's Woollen Shirts 45c Men's Blanket Lined Coats.Sl. 25 Men's Heavy Work's Shoes.Sl. 00 j Men's Working Pants $1.00 Children's Suits 1.15 j Men's Fleece Lined Und'wr.. 45c Boys' Blanket Lined Coats.. 1.00 Men's Buckle Art' Ov' Shoes 75 j Boys' Pants 75 Children's Cape Overcoats.. 1.50 I ' Men's Sanitary Underwear.. 75c Men's Lined Glove-' 45 Boys' Fine Shoes 1.25 Men's Cardigan Jacket .. .. 75 Boys' Overcoats 1.75 Boys' Shirts and Drawers ... 25c Men's Woollen Socks ....... 15 Boys' Woollen Jackets . . -.. 25 Boys' Woollen Hose,. 10 .j Men's Overcoats 2.00 Men's LongUlster Overcoats 3. 25 GREATEST MONEY SAVING SAL,E EVER MELD IN CASS COUNTY. DNT FIISS IT i THINK OP IT! OVER SEVENTY STYLES OF s. D 1 TO SELECT FROM AT fEARLMAN'S. LOW IS THIS... Elegant Mahogany Table only $2.35 i ' o larger assortment to be found in tlie st.ite. He is bound to suit you if you want a Stove, Parlor Suite, Bedroom Suite, Easy Chair, OR AY1HIG IN 0 HE PKYS SPOT : CASH And Has no Competitor in ..LOW PRICES.. I. Pearlman. OPP. COURT HOUSE, PLHTTSMOUTH, ME3. Coins! n. t DR. HtCHft'S viola mu R?raovc5 r i erkfcs. Pimples, LlTtr- Aii !cr., BiacKh sunburn nl Trn. Bud re stores taa sicia t its origi nal freshness, r r-3ueiE: r ler aud hejillhy rum !.';u pit xinn. Superior to an iu.v - -' prpiriitions and perfLftl barmlc At ell drugsisU, or maiiea ior 5 Oc'ts. facua lor cin ulur VIOIA 8K!N SOAP I. .itrriT l-conirri: mm tflln portfTin wp, uoquhk..1 fr lhe toilet, .ntt witbuat ft ri.l for th Dnrvrt. AH.iutelv pur. ani dlkic7 Btedl ewd. Uni,ti.!k Price 25 Cent. The Q. C. BITTNER CO., Toledo, O. NEW : flDVE.RTUSftM&NT&. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM ClMoue. aud Wautitlr. th I Promote, a mzurimnk fTowlh. Iiever Fails to Beatore Oray Hair to lt Youthful Color. Curet ermip d nin ft hair laUiog. 8"g.apd 1 at PrriTiitt, nor sums sens ; - i l , CITY AND COUNTY. WEUXESUAV Capt Bennett, who has been iaitl no with tile grip f r several days id much belter and hopes '-o he down tv.'n in :i d ly or two. He.' t Mavtield is "Ottin? m:t U l.t-al paper at Denver tailed the Trad ; Journal, wh'Ch shows a g'-owing p:i- tronago that rnc-aos dollars owner. V. J II fier, though f x,.- from well, was able, to come lo town this nttrriirg, When the prim mi'iisU r, ivtlKd doitb, catches Ilesser it will hve to do so on the jump. G orge Tnomas haoled tr.e first load i of ico harvested this year It was nine i inches thick and of good qu ility. We did no? suppose ice l half that thh k- ne-s could be found on ihj tiver. S. E. liall & S"ti finished j.nitinr in a nice furnace for the new U. P. church at Murray yesterday. This will be one of th.; bst ib .ncho in the i county and is a credit to the to-vr . j enjoyintf tnemse4ves 1 .st cvonin- , coasting aown iiirn scnool tun. A i; coo s ea was n o ', ,-r. t t., a.l appearances ino t-ie;ntn m a-im biiijj Usheied in in a m- st eni-vab'.e mm ner. I In a letter to the editor from Fred ' Mozer at Rattle Crook, Neb , 1 v "S a big crop was ra:s up ti e e this silenir Mo cumc over this morn year and the people are proso-rou. jin(y anJ tof.k v.-ilkins back to G'.en- bnow to tho depth of ten inches cu-; ered the ground and raui-h corn was unfathered in the field. j Sheriff-Elect Wheeler and Mr. Mc- Bride of Nehawka, who will he his J dnntv. wero in town today. Mr. Mc- Bride expects to fecupy the rooms over the iail where .laiio:- llolloway at, A l.ouil Al l-llllaiiri p-esent rei-i ;cs, aud Mr. WheK-r wiit j Tho Wt,:c Comply co.npat.y play, b iaid at th.; IVtkii.s hon e, his la i.i y !t.u ilkli -Fl,r a M:llicn,,: "as the at remnir.ingon the farm. : traj:i ,n :.t the White la,t evening. George Faitei at tiie aovanoeda e . h.. p;ay is an iute resting Cuhau i o- of eijrhly-ti ve years ai.d ten moi t j-, . psed to the other weild Tue.-d '.y i after a brief illne.-s. He had r -ulo'l in this county tw-,nt. -s-ven yens, of late had made hi- home with his sou, Henry. Ho was a graau-.aiher of oi.r county commissione r. .J. P. bal er. i m i .. ; l i , i , : !.,,. ,,. i.i-i ;i t ies Tl e -iinuin-' nf J udtre ll'iBDsev u 'Si li rg d tlie linv . sioiiuii. ppu.aues ii.e liif,!!!,, en J J'.. , yesterdav afternoon or all exevot thof-e er gaged in tint trial of the c.t-e , !l of Thoinp-O'i vs. M. P. railwiv whic j trives o-omise of lasiing two or throe i days more. Nexi week wi 1 be given up entirely toeqaity cases. Toe Uci.- et by the last of next week will be pretty well cleaned up. TUVKsDAT. Beautiful art calendars at Le hoht ff-. Attorney E 1 Joary of Elm wood i-- n' tending district court t d;iy. vMrs. C. Sholtz, wife of the Sixth fit-eel feed merchant, is lying- very low with typhoid fever. came in from Germantown last evening to visit ov r the holidays with reia'ives in this city. John Tighe of Man icy, and daugh ter, Mary, are in town today, the for mer having been called as a nitnes in district court. Ii. N. Dovey received by express to day a lino Shetland pony for his oldest boy. It was jet black nd soon drew a crowd of admirers. A fountain pen wouid m: k. a sub stunted, useful and sensible p esei.t. We have the "Waterman Ideal,"' the best p?n in the world. Lehnlioa's. J. I. Unruh sen' a big bill of furni ture to a man at Dunbar today who had p-iceil goods al! around ar.d f. ued where the best bargains were to boh.-.d Kid dolls, china d lis, drums, hobby horse.-, wagons, ho ses, sleds, tO"l chests, cradles, doll buj?gies and thous ands of other thing for children, all at LehnhotT's. Peter B .tes is lix'ng an up-to-dr.te show window for lledblouii's phar macy. Dr. Plane, li.e minger, is a hustler and projses to h-ve every- minir nrsi-ci.i.-s. A number ff ctsos nf diphtheri a are reprted intherity. Tho littl dnup h ter of Elmer Monroe, who has been Buffering from that disease, is sni.l t be in a fair way lo recovery. J. E. Fen is and wife of Lincoln tire stopping at the Perkins IIous-, Mrs. Ferris is the trance ire laim v 1 o he'd forth at G. A. It. h. l 1 ;i st evening. Owing to the hud w other and the 6how next dior. the c -i w I wa- small, Mrs. Andrew Fu !go of Covington, a., ws in town loday on her way home, after an ahsence of three months visiting her pirents at Cedar Creek. lier pt tber, Mrs. Geo. Sayles, acompaiied her this far pn her journey. John Hali, the Elm wood jury maiT" has made moics of f --ends since h' came to town, but if ih boys ever tell how he interviewed the holy spirit-u-ilit and al'out (".is smoking cigar ettes, when he j:-t- t;.)ine it may yet him into trouble. Dovey's delivery :-.m bitched to a 'sled, with young Buckles as driver, took a lively i un down the street to day and as they t imed the corner, the sled struci the curb and was over turned, throwing th boy out with considerable 'o"ce. lie held to the j lines and finally eo".- thj team stopped without-sriou damage. Sheriff Kollcway Arrests a Aan Who Is Wanted at Glenvvocd. ' W bvn Arre.-tt-d th JIan Had t!ie Chain i in Hi Fodsrssion Mills Comity urand J Jury Will Undoubtedly In. lift the Fel- to the' lun of ( I.nrcrny Crif man Ke I env-rn. j From Wednesday's Daily. S lerili llolloway arre?tea ii irry i k:iis la.-t ciu'hi. and placed hitn in j-il. TLoarieL was made upon in formation fn i:i (lieu wood. A few days ao Wilkin nas with a crowd of fellow in a i.dni rl hall in irleuwood uiiel they, vverj ail pretty well loaded with Iov.a wLLeky. As they became . . . l nl i iiiji'i; hilarious a general scuiue was ii.eluled in atiu at Llieiaiis.i one nieia ber of the p.a ty cumo out minus his wat ;h uud h ii:. Susplcicn pointed to W ilk Ins, but no definite proof was ootaicd uutil yeateiUny moininjr, whoa it was learned that the mis'-n,' t walcn hau won pui in tuun in ti ui-ju- wo,d b u ncr sLop fL,r W. In the mean time Wilkiis catne to this city ana was8 aj)1rircil4lJ. having a n.d lime The Miiis county rraud juiy was just . : i i wii.uing up lis sfsMOii anu me case ti:Mi:!.t. b fi.rti that b dv wh. re .in'i..;, Ti: n.-m-f m-:i julri iieefl tu indict . .w . v-w. ,-,,n,. ,.f ,,..,.! .iK.inr n.-nntv , , ,, , jlc.ta fuP trial in district court. "ilkii s t;aj s-jveral visits to latt?iuo r.lh and is qu;to well known here. He had the cha:n m his porses- Li.. ;h. n!tr Ifnl:nu-;u- made 5 he 'arrest. j i . . . ! main :o, eo:itaiis many st.riiing at.d aTiu - i -g siiua'ions and war- i i- liu - hlv niove-d bv our tneaiie-goei s. Manager ,ad? may well foci proud of his stall of artists, as each is worthy j,f hioa.lioii. Betwee.i acts the j.udienco was cine.-t.iiaea with roihe irorres. cicveiar.u oei.ig j.ronounceu : l foaliu-o of the ! V.'i.t.e tbo company was wea pi ti - uize.; ere:.i:.g, it is hut proptr i I. t. i-i.iio that n," n:s h:a tdi.lf it. : "My Wi.e's iiaob ii.u, suouiu be t-Vtii I et-e-r utu-i;ued. ti.itl Taken on Too Much K. C C;i.-sman, the youuer feliow wno was crazy Monday evening ana Mn;i"!ied things up ut his house, irot hctier afier the family disturber, wLieii ho h;a imbibed, uied out, and tho p. dice jude usst-s-ed a liiie i.gair.nt him for being drunk and ois o'dei iy. IJe said ho got his whisi y at Eouisvilie, which must have been about tho wildest vaiicty that, ever i; ureu dewn a vicums tnrt at, or i: u U Ins reason loose to let demoas Utiiti curuivul on his brain. A Novrl Aui'Iiou. The bazaar ; lol parlor auction at the re-idor.ce (f Mrs. Agnew yosierdav, jiider the auspices of tho IVe-b let Aid si e'e v, wns an idt.a rofe. in its jo,,c -pi!ou. b'jt admirably nianag iti X-.:d very enjoyable. Tames loaded with articles, useful and ornamental, were arranged through the spacious rooms a:;d nume'ous articles were dis posed of at private sale. Mrs. Travis acted ti;e pirt of auctioneer i,d mirably, and the bidding was spirited a .el mi's', aoi'jsiug. Cidlee and waleis were sirwd during the aft or noon and tho ladies realized a ra.-o sum for the church. .V Oufir (? 1)Mii-iu. Tiieie l.- a medicine proiirie tors i o not claim to have discovered some hitherto unknown ingredient, or thai it is a c ure ill. Th is honest med icine only claims to cure certain dis cuses, and that its ingredients are re: oy nized by tho most skilled phy sieiai.s as b-'iig the be.-t for Kidtey and Bi:;dder diseases. It is Foley's Ivielnev Cuic. tjmith & Parmele. trow to I'rtvint I'lieoinoiila. At th.s t itiio of the year a cold is very onsUy to contracted, anil if left to;un its co'.rro without the aid of s 11 e . eli.tb'e cough moc;ieia j is liable to resu'. t in that dre-.d d sca-e, pneu monia. We know of no better remedy to cu-e a r ;ugh or cold than l.'i.aiu berh.i! 's Cough lline ly. We have u?od ii o-iitp exit nsive'v nnd it h'ls :il ways triveo t-nUra s.'itisfaetioris Oi.a a'.., lad. Tcr. Chief. This is luu only remedy thrit is known to tiii :v crtain preventive of . ptie uao r.i 1. Among tho many thous ands who fi:;v i i!s)!Li it for- colds und la grip: c, w.', have never yet learned of a single hnvinj resuitc l in neu rno Prrsons who have weak luntrs o.- h:. o reason to fe.rr an attack of pr.euitictiai. should keep the remedy nt h i'.id. Ti e 'Jo ar.d oO cent sizes for sale "ov nil druggist. for iiieuuiiitism line: Nourai '1a rttdieailv cures in one to three days. Its r;ction upon the sys tem is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at. once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The fi st dose greatly henefits, 75 cents sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggistc IN THE COURTS. lli.stru-t Ciurt. Dertha McCarthy v s. Jose p. i Mc (,'arthy. C. 15. & tj. r irnisht d ai-d answered thja they OA'cd def.mlant SSLoJ, which amount was orde ed pa'd into court to bo npulied o-i p! iin tiff's judgment against de.'eiidjiit. Ilamburger Co. vs. William Noviile, sale of property conli'ine.l and d-.ed ordered. Catherine Kro'.ek vs. J iiti K o'e: decree of divorce granted. American S ivinffs & Loan itss.icia t:on vs. Au'ju l Uacli. et al. Sale of properly oou'irmed and deed ordend. Ellis T. Hartley, the tax man , re cured judgment Tn di.-t ict court here last week ajra:n-t Mary, wijow of the late John Fi ziei the sun of (i 0. The M. I'. ease is -till on tria'. and bids fair to continue for two or three days more. The jurors ergngid in the 1- ng drawn out trh.l of Thompson vs. the Alissuuri Pacific railway are Messrs. iru Searle. Lestor, Adam Kurtz, J. M. Dove, Jaint-s Uarker, A. E. Toid, Wiu. Kose, fr., Henry Boeck, Arthur i-iiiliviiu, tau llich ardsou, Fraak II. Wili.'U ai d tieorge Bue'.l. A uluitlie lT-r. ri)i ion . Editor Mur: ir-on of Wo"tliin!;ton, Ind., "Sun," writes: "Yiui liae a val u.ibie I'l est fi p. ion in Electrie Bit ters, and I can cbeerfui-y reconimend tl for Constipation and Sieii lleauaeoe and as a ge-ne:'; ! system tonic i l has no equal." Mrs. Annie Steh e, -liij C'lttaje Grove Ave., Chicago, was ail run dutt n, ooa.ii not eat no:' digest food, bail a hai kaciie which iiever le t he-r and felt til ed and weary, bill MX bottles of Eioct:ic liilte. s restored her heal th !Uld renewed strong t h. Prices o') con's a nd 1. (Jt a I F. G. Fricke's drug t-tofe. t noire llolKlay It III H. 'lhe B. & M. will sell tickets U.c. J--2r, 31, ISU7, and January 1. IS'.f.S. wi.nin a Uistanc-i of 1.00 !'o enc fare for the round trip Minimum Soiling rate, ;YJ cents, linal lim-t for return, .January 4. Hates on the Bur lington system cast -of the Missouri river wi.l be one and one thi'u I"'- the round trip with same dates ;.nd i k Mir,. 11 .. .il.oi-o t.'v. .- A 1 ! i i -ii in - ' ' i-iosas hwiv.T.nm-ui ai,u .,t. j.o i the r le wii; bt i-n- far: the round F-r fu ti e - informal! ti c il. at trip in iieeL ojnei. U . L Pll KKTT. Ag lit. 1 1 II ii t t in- - ; . Wilel) suTorin;; T -em ;i severe Ciild : i ( J yojr lh-o-il ai;i itoors le d sore, aiico a t.o-e o' " i'oiey's Ijoney .;l.l a'a". uneti i al . s. .fe i, s v i ;-e tt o:iec re-! it ve l, a .'.arm e'u. .i.iii i i ti.e parts i ;Tee;cM v i i e -x p:--:eueeii ii'm o i vvi . say: 'ee s so gout!. It has 1 1. :!. " It is g;ia-anteed. S iiiUi P.; 1. 1st of l.elt. rs. Hcmnining uncalled for at the post oiiice at Phittsmouiih Dec lo. Ih'.)7: Kvjiiu . J II i'ich, Muiui Kcud. Edna Yie-ime-ir. Lri.- When falling for any ol the above letters please say "advertised.'" W. K. Fox, P. M. After heaiing some friends totitii.u nily praising.' tJhamborhiiti'ss Colic, Cooler t and Diarrhoea Hcmedy. Cur tis FlecK of Anaheim. Cali ornia, pur chased a buttle of it for his own use and is now as enthusiastic over its wonderful work as anyone can be. The 2 rnd 50 cent sizes for sale by ail druggists. Don't be j'eisuailed into buying liniments without reputation or merit Chnmlihrlain's Pain Ba'm c s s no mere, and its merits have been proven by a test of m my years. Such ktters as the following, from L. (J. Bioley, Hueneme, Cab, are constantly being received: "lhe best remedy for piin I have ever used is Chamberlain's Pain Rilra, and I s y so after having used it in my family far several years." It cures rheumatism, iame back, sprains and swellings. Fo- sale by all il 1 uggist Dr. MarMlmll, (IrHOuttr !- tint. Dr. Marshall, fine gold work. Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain crowns. Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work Dr. Marshall, teeth without plates. Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fiiiirius. IV. Marshall, alt kinds of plates. Dr. Marshall, perfect lilting piales. Dr. Marshall, all work warranted. All the latest armliances for first cltiss dentr.l work. J"re l or s.iia. Tin cheapest printing pre-s in the tale, in fair conditio', will prii.t n;i . . . 1 . . : l- . . : eJont column 10110, uanu power. Add ess SEWS oflic1, Piiiitsaioulh, Neb. rr Unit -i n acre fi rm. About 1 Jo icrts in cultiv.-ti n. A IU aoro bear: ng reach and aoplo orchard, the balance in pa-tuic. A go. d sio k ve 1 .nd two smite-. Will rent the whr.lo at $2.75 per t'.cre for one or more years. Joski-h SiiEKA.Uock BluiT, Neb. I'lyuioth Iloeks. Some choice, full-blooded Ply moth Rock Roosters for saie o0 cents each. Address Mrs. L. II. Young. Nthawka For new holiday goods go to Ger ing's, the latest, nicest assortment to select from in the city. BELDING BROS. & Co., Silk Manufacturers, Mess. Jas. S. Kirk fc Co., Chicago, IlU. Centlemex: , We have eiven your "White Cloud" soao a thoroueh test in washing pieces of linen embroidered with our "New Process" Wash Embroidery Silks and find it : entirely satisfactory. We take pleasure in recom mending it as a superior article for laundering fine : . . embroidery. Yours truly, (Signed) Beldino Bros. & Co. Referingf to the above, we deem it important to state that this letter was entirely unsolicited by us. White Cloud Soap now has the highest authority as its endorser as being superior for fine laundry work. . For the bath and toilet it iteo ranks, first as a pure white floating soap. JAS. S. -.tuhjiSmU 1039. rtcr,- rrrr-r A New Creation.. The demand has always been, The Best Goods for the Least Money. We can show you the best goods that can be pur chased at very LOW PRICES. Call and see our with silver mountings. A beautiful medall ion given with cash purchase over $5 until January 1. . M'BLWAIN, THE JEWELER. COUCHS. ASTHMA. Oo not neglect a Coach Foley's Honey and .r Cold, ea delays are of- TariKiiarantdtoeive en ditceeroua. Foley's prompt relief ta all cast Honey and Tar i3i. of Asthma. Do not elms .leasant, male nnd fmrr this with othermedicino cure.Containnooi,iutu that hn failed to Btve ind is guaranteed. 7oa relief. K CONSUMPTION. LA CRIPPE. Foley's Honey end If you have hud the Grti Tar does not hold out you probrtbly need a re- fnUe hopes in advanced liuhle medicine like Fo- staRes,buteIaitnstoi;ive ley's Honey and Tar relief in the very wornt to heal your lunps anil cne, and in early ntoees top tho raokinfi cout:!' to effect a cure. incidental tothitf dlseam . J 1 1 CROUP. PNEUMONIA. 1 Thonsnnds of infnnt Or. J. C. Bishop, of Ab- 1 and children die jeariy new, Mich., nau: "I hare I of Croup, erery one of used Foley's Honey hese innocents could and Tar in thrco Tery uave been eaved had Fo- severe cases of Pneamo- I ley's Honey and Tor nia the past month, with j ooen eiven them in time. jgood results." a i II I - Fo - Sa'.e bv SMITH Fancy Groceries. Choice Canned Go ods,j These are Leaders at White's Grocery Store (THE OLD RELIABLE.) A s. arrived. eci stock of D'-y (JroJs n iha If you wan? lhe best fo.' you F. S. WHITE, Upper Main Street. Plaltsmonfh, Neb. Take 1IT the Horns. The undersigned is now ready with a good portable chute and tools, to re move the weapons of horned c it tie at 10 cents p.?r head for a herd of cattle, 25 cents for a single animal. It never gets to cei:d to oehern cattle. Any time after fly-time, until the first weei: in April is t'na t ight time. Af ter that it is too late. If those who wish to have such wiv k done will ad dress me nt Uoek El utTs, Neb., they will b ; promptly answered. S. L FuitLoN;. Hflajit Hre Iningfrons Many of your friends, or peop'.o wtiom you know of have eon'racied consumption, pneumonia or olhe" fatal diseases by neglect of a simple cold or cough. Ft ey's Honey and Tar a safe, sure ana pleasant coiiiih medicine would have sHved them. It is guaranteed. Smith et Parmele. Tlie cold wave whie.i canio un hct aided from the northwest yester day sent the mercury down to seven below zero th:s morning. The sun has temperedthe atmosphere until j what threatened to become a blizzard h.aa happily pawed ovr JAS. S. KIRK & CO., Soap Manufacturers. TO KIRK rSt CO.. r new line of Glassware et PA RMELK. at3st styles for Fall amt Wint jus' money give us a trial. Do not forget that you will need mince meat, sweet cider, plum pud ding, olives, pickles, ches-nut, celery and in fact anything that contributes towards making a first-cl;ss Christmas dinner. Bennett .t Tult will supply you LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS sheriffs Sale Bv virtue of an orrW nf ;. aud for Cass county, Nebraska, ami to me dl- 1 ' , .. 0 clock a' 1,1 sid day at 'lie soutf door of the court house in the city of Plat t, V.2U hVVn ,,d.P?uni". at public auction, to estaeto-wit: "r . . . lor cah. the loilow ing 1 ing reai l-i'i in .I,! , six in block twenty-niiie Nebraska VJ ,yK' 1 ''""'. county. Nebraska, together with the privileges and ai- SS,nC,U,t or8iu anywise tn l l g- SHn,e bt-'" levi upon and str dor r Pr"lrl' 't Pt-U r h Hansen, adm in-'r-dor.tjeorge 1'. Weidman, tmnia Wfidnrn. Willie '"T'!l ?j ", "".cs.A,..el?a M. Ulnch. hiJi 1;. ""'-'ibacher. Ciaudius F. ?chaeii: hc';ll"y F. hcnellbacher. Margnret i e I H-ev n -r' J -Schnelibache'r an,! ?"ey,R j rav'S- defendants, to ?atisiv a judg b,f, I ?S,id COUr.t e.ered by John il. IVtti . atnu t. Nixon. Diaintil!, agaaiii s.tirl cleft-m lants. Flattsnioutu. Neb.. Doceml er 14. A. !.. 197. Harvey Hoi.i.ovvav. Sheriff. Cass county. Nebraska. Probate Notice. In county court. Cass countv. Nebraska. In : the matter of the estate of Henry Stoll. de-J caased. Jai ob, Phillip. Fred, Charles and Wil-l liam St. ill. tlie unknown lieir of Adam Stall, Maty Met 11 vim .c.xi Catliarine Lear, the last tlnee named beii.K ihia deceased. Klizabeth Mchar.nid. I .each. Martini l.ana H.;t-rv, K-na 'I hiero:f. Ko-anna Maurer. Louisa Kipii.c. tlie iiiiKin urn lieirs ol Henry'i, and all o!iie-i pe-r-ous iuteie-ted will take notice-thai Ko-anna l.iurer has tiled a petition in s.od conn a.ui;iiivr aiming other things tli the la-t will and tei.iinetit ol Henry Stoll. de-cea-ed, tiis iid inttt' t to i nitiate on the Villi day ol J a' y. Is i ; i h.ii a laiinis'r.itioii was granted to his widow, who is now deceased, and that ad niiiiisiraiio i d said estate is incoii.plete. I'eti Hoin r ;isk that II. M .nidchseii be appointed idniHiio.itoi nail will annexe ! to coniplete the ration ol tins e- tate. on are notified ii ton l.ii! to apnear at s;iid coin I on the 7th lav ot I Vc nil., r. '. 1 . I!. at o'clock p. m.. and contest said petition, the court will appoint it. M .onn .ilmm 'i some other suitable person, .r wiih win in.nexed and proecedi to a sett , ineiit ol sai.lesia'e. tnes Hi", hand and the seal ot said court, at riattMiiotilh. .e hta-ka. this, the l-'t.'i day d .Novelnlier, A. l.l-iil. I Stalj tihimiiE M . ?iixi.nt. t'uiilit Jut'k. l'mhale Notice. In lhe coiititv court of l ass county. Xcbiatka. In iik' iii.lUo ol theestale- ol Mary Kieckniann, .le'i'eiie.l. Inn y Kieckiiiiiiin. 1 liana Kietkmann and a i uihei' persons Intel ested in said matter are heitln uotilie l that nil the Hrd day ol lle cember. Is'.'., a petition was tiled in said couit. aiksony. aiming other thiuiis, that Mary Kieck in. mil died on the It ill day ot May, PW, IcaTiuK no last will and testament and possessed ol rights in action of unknown and uncertain value, i:id the above named Constitute all the per sons inteieste'tl ill the estate of said deceased, and pi.iy iir lor adnniiisi ral ion thereof. Vou are hcreiiy liot.iud lliat it vou fail to appear at aid court on the liiti day of January, A. II. lt9o, at -o'clock p. in. and) contest said petition, the court will appoint Mnton 1). 1 'oik oi some other suitable person adiniiiistiatur, and pioceedtoa settlement of said estate. imess my hand and the seal of said court, at Platt-mouth. Nchiaska. lias, the th day of De eembe;. A. I J. lsyr. (Seal) (I-.flRl.E M. tiriRLOCK, County Judg. Mieriff's Sale. Hy vrtuenf anexeciitinn lssuod by Gf, I-', lloust wori li. c.erii of tho uistrict court, within una for tlass county. Nebruska.and to mo tliroeteu, I will on HioHd day ol Jan, A li. ls'.is. at 11 o'clock a in. of said day at the sou tn door of t he court iiouse in the city f 1'iatt.suniiiin. in sum county, soil at uubllo unci ion. to the highest bidder for canli. tba foilowinir inn is and teneu.enls. to-wit: Tlie west half ot the northeast quarter of section Is. -town 11, range lo, the southeast miarier ot section lit, town 11, ranee 9; the east bait ui the southwest quarter ot section la, town II, rane ; tlie east ha t ol the soulhw st Quarter ol section IK. t.iwn II, range 111; and th north hall ot the southwest quarter oi section IS, town 1J, rane in. ah in Laiio county, iseuratiica, together wan iht privileges and appurtenance thereunto belonging or iu auywi-e appertaining, lluisanie belief levied upon and taken as th property of 1J. 1". and H. K. Waldron, defend ants, to s.iti.-ly a judKeinent ol said court re covered by Hank of Ligle, piainlilt, against said Ue'leiiuanti . I'laitojiiouth. Neb , Nov. W). A. I. lsK7. llAiiver H011.0WAV. Sheriff, t'ass ciiinty. Nebraska. iihenfTs Sale. By virtue of an .-aecution issued by George K. i iniiscwoi ih. cieik oi tiie district court withm and tor Lass county. Nebraska, and to me di rected, I will 011 the lird day ol lanuary, A. D. isy i f 1! o'clock a. iu. ol said day at tiie south door . ! ti.t! court Iiouse in tlie city ol PlatU 1110111: ; -aid county sell at jmblic auction, to the bidder tor cash, tlie lollowing real estate, lo-w it: hi ts I i and II' in block 1 10. lots 15. 4.5. and in block 111 the ciiy of I'lattsuiouth; lot J and rl the 1 a t hail oi .1 and lots 7. s. ii, 1(1. 1 1 and 1-'. iu j block II, in liuke-'s addition to the city ol Platts f :i: .tit ti. I ass enmity. .Nebraska, together with t '. b-- pi iv i .c'ites and appurtenances thei eumo be- l; i.j; or in anywise appuiiaiuiiiK. j ne same levied 1:11011 and taken as the nrooertv ol -.Vi..iiini ii. Sii.der m.d John Shafcr, ilelendanti. to -ati.sfy a jii lynient of said couit recoveied by Cit.ii'ie-s X'.. I'ainie.e. receiser for Citiens bank ol 1'iaitsfi, ov th. Nebraska, plamtilt said agaiua ilele'ii iallls. i' Nebiaska. Nov. :m. A. I).. 117. llAKVI.V IIOLLOWAV. Slit-lift Cass County. Nebraska. Sheriff's Sale. v ii '. no 0! an order of sale issued by (leorge f; I'jo ii-e a . an. c U-rn el the district court, wittni) aiic lot '.ass county. Nebraska, and to Mie df reettd. I v. ill on the- Uid day ol January. A Ii.. lfc'.'s. in 11 o'c oek a. 111. ol said day at the sou th loir o! :he eoui I hou-e ja the city of 1'latts moiitli. in s.nd ei.uinv . sell at puobc auction, to the highest In lder lor eiisii. the Jollowing Mai estate, lo-w It : i t oii.ineiiv niK at tne ; jj E.011 ;4.i. low 11 rai.ite I 1 viL1 1 1 1 11 n tueiice 1101 ih at J tiifce south It1' lods: tl t oii.ineiiv 1 u K at the southwest cuiu.. o' sec- n, east 01 me not r. m-. in tod-: thence east SO rods; e lilfLC SOUIII ' imi. iiieiiee. ,.e--. " w - i.i.w . ..1 ii.iniHHM" rmitiiiiiiiiL' hiteen acresof t. ....... Kll tiitbe -' ' ' . w r. i.iud . lAlsilots 2 and 3 in section 1. township 11 rn-irai, riiice 1 1 east t l the tltu I. M. excepting 7 an 1 ;MU0 ac res, desciibed as lollows: even and IU iml iitiis mi the south side of a lot ot land described as lollows: Beiiiuiiing at the quarter ecliim corner on the west side ol section 4. town ship II. ranc i 1 . east oi the fit h V. M.. thence north in .I1..111S. rhence southeast Tl chains to a point iiite-rc-'-iiiiB a line through the center ol section . thence west to the place of begumm and containing l" and let n il acres. 1 he total amount ot land herein js one hundred and thirty and ill-. mi nn-.v or les Also me uoiiua.i quarter ot the nortiicst quarter of section 5, town 11. range It. east ol tkenth P. M.. contain ing Hand 1.) acres, mote or less. All ol the .ivjve described land in Cass county. Nebraska, together w ith the privileges and appurtenance" U.e-reuiito belonging or 111 anywise appertaiuitig. Tiie same being levied upon and taken as the property ol fiauiel I). Dr. per. et al, defendants lo s-nisfv a judgment ol said cmirt recovered by I'eler Kiliiisou. plaintiti said dclend- t ant i I'la't-mouth. Nebraska. .-ov..ii. .".i. ion. Hakov Hollowav, Sheriff. Cass County. Nebraska. .ShcrifT's Sale. 15y virtue of an 4rder ol sa.e issued by George F, Housewoi th. clei k of tiie district court, within and lor ( ass countv. iNebraska. and to me di rected, I will on the Stii day of January, A. I. l;i. a: 1 1 o'clock a. 111. ol satd day at the south duoi ot the court house in the city of I'lattsmouth, in said county, sell at public auction, to the high est bidder for cash. the lol owing real estate to-wit: i he northeast quarter ol section 13. township 1!, north oi range !'. iu Cass county. Nebraska, to gctiier with the privileges and appurtenance .hereunto belonging or in anywise appunaining. 1 he same being levied upon and taken as tiie property of Margaret W, X raver and 4ieorge 1 raver, et at. dcteudaiits, to satisfy a judgment ot said court recovered by the First National bank of Faiilield. la., plaintiffs, again-t said de- jndar.ts. Fiaa.siuoutii. Nebraska. 1 ee. T. A. D. P9.. HAKVtvHoLLOWAV, Sheritf. Cass County. Nebraska. ShcriiPs Sale. fem -tue of an execution issued by George 15 V vnrlli r irlf ti 1. ,1 ii rir t riiiirt within ecution issi af the disirii F.llosf ss countv. Nebraska, and to ni di ana wi u , on the th dav u lanuary. A. D. ; i i d,,ck a-,n-s-"1 cia' at the sout 5 ' a; .V fft house in Flattsniouth. in said dewrot the-C, pnblic auction, to lhe highest bid coanty.sell at he f00W.II1K reaj estate to-wit: tier lor caMi. X the souttiwest quartcrof section I he west ha. of y m c.&) Cl,ullty..ebraska, 8, township M. rav one acre ott tlie northwest (except lot .. b.-iv ves, qllarU.r 0j saij ;,ection quarter ol the sou oY defendar-t. t-t satisfy a property ot 1 . r C. rcCl,vereu by Charles 1J. lulginentofsa'.dci.urv TMfM J. v. Carnes, 1". V. Ifayvvortn plaintiii.. n,u. difen l.ints. Carney aiid II. K. v a.-l. j, 70 197 I'liittsni jutli. Nebias c '.. n'VE iloLMiWAT. Sheriff. Cassk'ntv. Nebraska. Notice to Crevdtors. STA1K OP NriiKASKA. f .vl ourt. l.'avs County. ) In the inarter of the- c-stat?"- Uluil li. Far- me e. derensed. Notion is hcieby given thsrt the creditors of sau di-'ease'd will inret tj.e administrator of said estate, belore me, county judge of C'a coiiiitv. Nebraska, at lhe co.iiity Court loom in F.aitsnmiilh 111 sa,d county, on the Ath day of DecciiilKir. A. 1). l -l'l. 011 lhe iii day ot 1-ebru-ai y. l :'s. and on tiie Sth ciay ol June, liS. at 2 o'ci'ock p. 111.. each day for the purpose of pre senting tlieir claims or examination, adjustment and allowance. Jiix months arc allowed lor the creditors of said .leceased to present their claims and one year for lhe administrators to settle said estate, trom the- tidi day of December. 1W7. I ins notice shail be published iu the Semi AVeetly Ne-ws-ilerald for tour weeks successiely, prior to the tith day of December, ImiiT. Witness mv hand and seal ?f said county court at Flattsniouth. Nebraska, this .h day of No vember, ls'.o. (seal George M. Spcrlock, Couuty Jajg-e. 0