Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, December 08, 1897, Image 3

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Aw Eteaant Mahogany
Table only
No larger assortment to be
found in the state. He is bound
to suit you if you want a
Parlor Suite,
Bedroom Suite,
Easy Chair,
And Has no
Competitor in
. Pearlman,
ComplBxicn Pressrved
Remove!" Precks, Pimple.
Liver - Mole?, HUc!;hecis,
Sunhurn nrnl Ten, cul r.'-
ernp. 0 vlrln ?. - rvrtfi-
nn I frMhnessi. nrrucice t t-JZ
clesr and liealthy cam .?Or.
prt-panitions ni perftly bnrmloss At Ml
druKgists,or mailed for 50 ts. Send for tin ulur
VlOt-A CK!H SOAP li ivji-.M: m
kin purifTln soap. HBqufclt for lh toilet. wuhoot ft
nral for th urTT. .O.iMiul-! !"" nJ !.-li. ately UK-tII
tiari. Atdru5i.t Price 25 Cents.
The Q. C BITTNER CO., Toledo, O.
Umifir CiiDUloUlno
Our stock la complete In all Hues 1 we
iv vive our friends to look It over. Wt wll
.it ;e.vur to please you. Call and see us.
'Successors to i.. ...ry Hoeck.)
I'l TTS.vnlTTH. - NEL
f AfitCER'S
5v t mLmt . lrmutlltC 111, OUIi
Promt a luxuriant rrowth.
Mn fails to Restore Gray
iiair 10 its loutblul color.
CURl aralp d inars Jl hair t&UUJg.
g t. and tvatnt
ii sits,
i its
no Hup
1 .
Miss Mrt-.d Foxweil is homo fam
Union to i-it her h nu-fat uer.Cri'e-.
Mm. C. S. Decker h i-n jrone to Fo--tanelle,
ia., for a few tl uV visit with
reiuti vea.
Judge Crites of ChaiiruD is in tne
city visiting his father, iin iscjitte
seriously il'.
Mr. and Mrs. Fi-Bzor and M'-s Mc
intosh of Hrnv CreeK, Wis., rc
tu lud home today afier a. visit with
Mi 3. 1. S. ltimit y stud older rela
tives in this city. ,f
J. J. O'Sbny. Hie ote armel vag
rant who wis run in bj the ji lire iu
this fiiy acmpei'f wu'ls ar, -n.e
nar 'osinjr his life in C:uiici' I 1 u tl"-
yestord ; bv falling between two
motor ears. Ilo w.- at
the time.
Charles Senile is recover! ro from a
few ifnj'.-.' ii. disposition.
L. G. Todd was in tLe ci'.v today and
made THE NEWS a pie saut c ill
Jiirnes Patterson, jr , departed fo.'
Hastings last evt 11. uy o:f business.
Giandpa Criios n'craeJ slit; btly
improved today and hio ft iuuus feel
much encouraged.
Sam Ilolloway was elected enmandrr
of McConiha Post, G. A. It., Saturday
overling, a position he will till to a
P.yroa Clark, W. D. Jones, Frank
Morgan and Tom P.'.tterson, wont out
today to try their prowess as quail
S. H. Fisher is reported danyei ously
ill at his home neir Charles Cutnnii'is
flis friends arc very much alarmed ;.i
his condition.
Jehu H. Hal. itnd (if rg iL.ei, two
genial roombtvs of t!ie regular jury
panel, remained in town ovit Sun
day, the train service i"in-r so bid
they did not try 10 reach tit ni .
John Hebbins, forn.oi K of tii s oily.
j has charge of the Ilavo'.oelv depart;
j ment 0 the Lincoln Cail, which he is
' making a sni-ce-s of. We are gl:oi to
note his growth and improvement ri a
j line that he tills with a zeal that al
i waj-s brings success.
Every available sleigh in the oit
! wns brought into ia qaisition yostenlav
and many parties f mriy young peo
ple, and some old one--, too, took ad
vantage of the first fall of snow. The
country roads heiiur smoo'h m-fore
the snow, made fire sleighing.
"May Edwards,'' the siarua ii bred
mare of August GcrJer, is a high
stepper, as John Girdei- di-covcrcc
last evening when he tried to a-s her
with "Old IV. II. Mr. nor-tou was driv-
ing "May."' and. to .Tov,'.' groat, dis-comlitu-,
h-; lcai i.uii t;.ii h was oik
of the spe -diest ea js in 'own.
II. C. McMakeu, w. 1 -M froiu
the Hia k IT il i si mci:: s "go is
confined to his bed vet as the result of ,
a severe injury su-tained from com ins- I
in contact with a k iek ing hi oticho. f
We had : bout e-ihc. oiled It-id ver: i-e
and ft- whi! e he was, wbci we,
learned of h;s b-u.g boused u; at;
A horse b-1 .ng ig .0 .t c 1 si :t
oftownbro e 1: i . I . ' . .1
Tenth and Gold street: !S..iiw day wet. -ing.
When it finally t xii icat. itscli
from its dangerous post" on, tre pco
animal liniped about as if it had
broken leg. Th 3 prO er at ".hoi iti- - '
should see that this bridge is repaired j
before more serious accidents occur.
At the regular pro ichitig sovices '
at the Method -t church 1: st evening j
the boy pieacher, Marii Aldin. givt j
a very interesting discourse. Kev.
Campbell announced from the pulpit I
Ki 1 it tr.itciA rlctor'ili'i thi LV.fL' in
an indefinite time, oiu the city, anu
the pre 'ehing services at the Methtj
dist chu i-Q next suii'ii v will -. con
ducted by a minister h oui abruaa.
Kheamatitttn Cured in a ly.
A few week ago t::e ed. or w-.s
taken with a very severe cold that
caused him to be in a nio-t miserable
condition. It vv is undoubted'y a bad
case of la giippe, ::iid recognizing it j
as dangerous he took immediate
steps to bring about a speedy cure,
i-'riim the advertisement of Chambor-
r.o ? t'i':ii lienvuy urd the many
:ood d itions included
therein, we com' ud d to make i first
.-ialt f ,'ne medicine. To s 'y that il
vas satisfactory in ;ts icu t-, is put
it ve ry mi d y, indee i. It a - i like
m-igic and the 1 esu t was a speedy am
permanent cure
We have no hosi-1
tancv in reeommfnu.: g Ihn ex-ellent I
..... .v..
Uougn ticrn-juy to anyone uin.e:eu
vrth a cough or cold in a-iy form. Toe
Ii 1 n ie o Liberty, Liberty town, Mary
land. The II") aui od cent sizes for
sale by all druggists.
List of I.ettert.
Kemaining uncalled for at the pf st
ofhee at Plattsmont n, Dec. 1, 1S;7:
Kien, Miss Ida I.iiinon. Kaiph
When calling for any 01 the anove
letteis please say "advertised.
W. K. Fox, P. M.
'lake Otr in littrns.
Ti:e i ndei'siirrjCd is o v ready with
a good o e lah e chute ;tu 1 1 to to re-
UOVt? t 1 t'l
' cent- . o f
L'-j et- ns or 1 .-.
gets to c u 0 '
i m" a;" er fly t 11
week " A : i: is
tr i on 1 : is .o
wish to itv- -ue. 1
f 1.0 noj cattle ai
r 1 he r x of cattle,
- .tiimuL It never
Mt:n cattle. Any
, until the fir.-t
; ieht time. Af-
. ff those wbo
hi i ilnne will ad-
dress me it liock Pluli
Noo., 1 Ley
wi.l be promptly iiii-v"effn.
s. L PfULilXIl
Ilelay are llmicmius
of your friei ds, or
M anv
whom you ur.ow 01 nave cons rue' t-u
j eonsun o. mn. pneumoi in o- otner
fatal oi--a-es iv ptglct simple
cold or cough, r'o eV Hum-j ami Tit .- -uioves at once the cause and the
a safe, sure ami p'easani. cough disease immediately disappears. The
medicine would have saved tnr m. Ii fi st doso greatly benefits. 75 cent
is guaranteed. Smith & Parmele. sold by F. G. Fricke &, Co., druggists.
Curl's Relates Incidents of His Rd
cenl liuld-tip.
tlnms the I tend Tni'd to I'uurli
Kjrrs Oat With a Stick - Uauuil to
Hx tllui So lie ( uulil Sot '"squeal"
and Came Near Doing; It Oilier Nrnii
of tlie D.t .
Parties up from U..ion yesterday re
port lio.t young r'eterCui lis, who
was the victim of the cowardly tissauil
by a tramp, is stili on the meuri, but
is yet unable to come up and identify
tiie maa held here as a suspect. The
following frooi the Xebia.-ka City
News in relation to the ucfortun ate
young man will be read with interest:
'V. M. Clary, principal cf the Union
schools, WEtt here last eveninjr, and he
says it makes or.e's blood run cold to
hearjoung Pter Cuitis tell of the?
manner in wh;ch he w..s treated by
the tramp that sluirg- d, robbed and
g;fged him near that place arid left
hiui bound, gagged, und to ail appear
ances dead. A'ttr knocking the boy
down and bir.di -g Lis hands behind
him, the bay worked tbem loose
enough toennb.o him to bring them
over his, i.tid when his assailant
caruo back down on his breast
and began jibbing him in the eyes
with a stick, l.e was unable to ward oil
the most o,' the licks at.d his eyes are
stili a sight to behold, lor all about
them arc still the marks of the stick y the letup. While iu this act
the fellow remarked: lI will tix you
as I did a muu in Dakota, so that you
will r.ever fcjucal on me.'
"It is hoi'.-ible to listen 10 his tale
f the torture that he was made t'j un
dergo at the Lands of this liend iu hu
man form. The people in the vicinity
of Ui: it n .ire so wrought upov.rihe
sto-y of the hrutitl treatment as to. o
by tbe boy th t the tramp he.u at
Plattsmcaith as a susj.ect would Lav
but a short time to sny his prayers if
brought to Union and wn-! recognized
by t he bey.
"The lad will hear the marks al. his
life. P is hard to believe that a hu-
1 man he'ng could r -jeti rrute.
irli a Yrr-.lict.
After a iwo dny's trial in county
coui t in the suit of I. Poarlman vs the
Peoples' ISuiiding & Lmin association
of Sy incuse, IC. Y., res 11 ted in
verdict t d ly f. r the plaintiff, w L
us allowed the enm of -flJSI. Tiiecase,
1 iss:id, wiii 1)' appeaied to thedis-
.c- cou. t.
Jl r .loll 11 Osxciiivop Di iiil.
I Tii Ili. ;i u i f i if .Int.ri Ik-iiMiL'Ai
d ed at her home t-outhoast of tor.
Thu.'sd-sy n.ght, Dii'etuner 1', 1.SH7, a
II:7 0. afier a lingering illness.
Funeral will .ceur from the new
Gj:ii:;r) Lutliciati church Sunday v-l !
p. ni I'l'ic-iius i 1 tlie family are in-
vilc-ii .-
-J .0 .ii.- vi'.le Courier.
Tii.'i: o init. y at Oliiow : has been
.ippliid .v.'.h ue.v ni.u'hiiitry and wi;
-. . : t in iu.- - . .ain.
Li'tue Schmidt, of Cloirwaler bas
been held trial on the charge t
seilinj li.iu r without a licence
Liucoelt peop e complain of an ex-
s of diunuenne-s in that t vu i;.
Tile of th i I that the -e re in.
- lb-ens in lie ,i n.
I wi b ;ys 11 nud Uu bn-.i ofLo
a flit r-'b'dt 1. t j w 1 - :
Tl. L . i :'
I '.) '. .-. s 1 ' j . In ; 1 '1
Tiie I loom!
- se v entll ye
Pawn e '
d Moni or ccmp e
t s w 1 .
1 . -i 1 u
"si or orgai.
- n.
. ii'g a lul-'ehouc
Tl e safe in the pos'oilice at Mddifor:
was c acked and -i0U taken therefrom
Juue Norris, who left Ponea and
went to Sp -Hiie, Wash., has returned
and located at Wayne
The S,0iM) bonds of the Broken How
school iis'rict have recently leen
so:d to Stuil It. -others of Omaha.
S. C. Kurnp of Seward aid fine and
i.-ts to the x mount of ?"( for th
loubtful pleasure of llirashiog one of
his neighbors.
A little child of Si nw S'.ojvell of
T.ixt n tell against a red hot stove
and suffered burns from which it died
in a few hours.
An Ove: t n farmer left & wt.gon
loaded with lumber in his yard when
he went lo bed, but when he i:ot up
tno next nioruiug both wn?on am
UimtK-r were .'ore
The station on the Fremont,Klkhorn
t-V Missouri Valley known ai Poster,
which l as been abandoned for ron.e
time past on account of lack of busi
ness, was reop me l December 1.
A boy r.ear loik tried to go with a
girl afler iier father hud tiled objee-
lioisana bo now knows just what is
meant by "punting," having been
"kicKed eft"' lor about lifteeo yards.
Max lluxniann of Grand Island
rai- ii live acres of mother beets this
year, which, noon te-t, proved to be
hisrh in q ianlity of i-ugar and qii ility.
Ho wul silo thso ami rep a it th :n in
the s; ri; g f,n sp-l.
A vi- y
O e ill. v la'.
o is :tec;dent occurred
. . k to t!.e I'ttlo baoe of
Simon stow H of Pax-
h-- : d tlie child in ji
' " w . k i.u. m in k
ii iL.ciiaii- is ear the
ai . .10 child worked
'i 1; k - c !i . and ft 11
i' -' i- - iai rue J .-
II. .' - :V-
'My stic Cure" for Rheumatism and
-Neuralgia rauicany cures in one to
ireeuay. its action upon the sys-
1 - is remarkable and mysterious. It
People Saved by Postmasters From the
Remit of Hanty Action.
"Tlie tears were streaming from her
eyes like spray from th Yerkes foun
tain," said a clerk 111 tuc inquiry di- j
vision of the postoffice. laughing at the '
memory of the stout, rlorid woman who
rushed in one hot afteru.ui with the
plaintive wail: 'Stop my letter. Give
me my letter to the old conurry!' j
"That letter," the man went on, J
"was dropped somewhere within the '
city limits and was mixed in with some
2.000,000 other letters, yet she wanted
us to get it for her quick seemed to i
think that I would lxiunce out of my i
chair like a rubber ball out of a tenuis ;
racket, snatch up that particular epis- ;
tie and come running back breathless j
and hand it to her Now. the facts are
SfstnppinTof lfftThe;
writer's hands unless it is important
that it should be doue It makes au 1
enormous amount of extra work. Hero
is a blank that must be filled out, .stat
ing the box in which the letter was
dropped, the time, the address and ' the
reason why the request for the recovery
is made. That reason sometimes dis
closes some very interesting and roman
tic facts; but, of coarse, most of the
letters are stopped lor the business
bouses about town. When we asked the
red faced Niobe what her reason was,
6he boohooed, 'Me un my man had
some troubles, an 1 wrote to my fader
for moneys to go home, but my man
an me have made up, an I would uot
have that letter go for a t'ousand dol
lar.' We got that letter for her
"There was another, a young woman
who rushed in hero during the opera
season, and when she had caught a little
breath she said she wanted a U tter sh?
had addressed to Peoria. Ills There
were some $ o opera tickets in it that she
wanted to use that night She had had
a letter written to her family, and.
thinking there might be a potsTipt to
add. had not sealed it She bought hei
seats to 'Tannhauser' and left the win
dow with her purse, her letter and her
tickets in her hand. The open envelope
was so inviting a place for the tickets
that 6he thought she would carry them
there, but just as soon as she saw a let
ter box it was like a red rag to a bull
Sho sealed ths envelope and posted it,
tickets and all, and it was hours before
she remembered what the had done and
then came down to us for help We got
her tickets too.
"Young women who have 'reconsid
ered' a proposal or who regret a hasty
note, like tha men. blushingly confide
their troubles to us, and we have pre
vented more than one broken heart.
"Sometimes the letters have left oui
hands and tra have to telegraph to catch
them, which is dune at the person's ex
pense We bave more than once cabled
to Berlin and St. Petersburg to hear! ofl
a billet doux or some request from an
impatient and petulant sou for a cheek.
A scion of a noble German house came
in hero to implore us to prevent the de
livery of a demand for money, written,
I fancy, iu a tone that, in the light ol
recent remittances, would endanger bis
inheritance There is some mighty iir
teresting reading among the blanks re
questing letters stopped, all of which
are sent 011 to Washington. " Chicagc
Inter Ocean
The Changing Leaves.
It is one of the marvels of trees that
every species bears its own mark in
every part, root and branch, bark and
leaf, as well as fruit. A wise elder told
us the other day the species of oak from
which au acorn came by the fine tracery
on the acorn's cup Such a riot of col
ors and tints there is in the lallinp
leaves that one might think the colors
are accidental, but the keynote of coloi
is constant in any species, with only ex
ceptional variations.
Rie mistress of a manse in the Vir
ginia valley once went into the woods
and selected her young trees by theii
colors, and those colors they still wave
in each returning fall. The birches are
a golden yellow, while the oaks vary
through yellow orange to a reddish
brown. The red maple sheds at the last
a dark red leaf and the tulip tree a light
yellow The hawthorn and the poison
oak are violet, while the sumac and the
wild vines take on a flaming scarlet
Soil will make some variations, and a
dry season will almost take the coloi
and beauty altogether away. Rich
mond Central Presbyterian.
" New Products of Wood.
It is not generally known that over (10
per cent ofwood may he converted into
liquid. The strongest hydraulic pressure
would not squeeze one-half of 1 percent
of moisture from dry wood, but by put
ting the same material into an iron re
tort and converting it into charcoal by
means of heat the gases and smoke, to
the extent of fully 03 per cent of thf
weight of the wood, may be condensed
into a liquid called pyrol igneous acid,
and from it are obtained wood alcohol,
acetate of lime and wood tars. A cord
of wood weighing 4,000 pounds produces
about 2,G"iO pouudsof pyroligueous acid
and 7 CO pounds of charcoal. The pvro
ligneous acid from one cord of wood
produces 9 gallons of 82 per cent crude
wood alcohol, 200 pounds of acetate of
lime and about 25 gallons of tar, besides
35 bushels of charcoal. After the pyro
ligueous acid is neutralized with lime
the wood alcohol is distilled off, the
lime holding the acetic acid in solution
After the separation of the wood spirit
the remaining liquid is boiled down in
open pans to a sugar, which is dried,
and becomes the acetate of lime 01 com
merce. Acetate of lime is used for mak
ing acetic acid. Fully three-fifths of all
the wood alcohol and acetate of lime
produced in the world are made in the
United States. Fully 15,000 acres per
year are cleared for this purpose. Wood
alcohol affords a perfect substitute for
grain alcohol for manufacturing and
mechanical purposes and at less than
one-third the cost. It is used principally
as a solvent in the making of shellac
varnish, iu making celluloid, photo
graphic paper, etc. It makes many
beautiful dye tints. It is antiseptic and
much used for liniments and for skin
rubbing in bathhouses. New York
Married men who are obliged to get
up in the middle of the night with the
baby snould etudy the value of the bi
cycle as a means of indoor travel.
Roxbury Gazette.
All birds when perched 00 trees 01
bushes serve as weathercocks, as tl.ey
invariably arrange themselves , witl
their heads to the wind.
Silk Manufacturers,
Mesa. Jets. S. Kirk & Co.,
ChictKjo, Ills.
We have given your "White Cloud" soap a thorough
test in washing pieces of linen embroidered with our
"New Process" Wash Embroidery Silks and lind It
entirely satisfactory. We take pleasure, in recom
mending it as a superior article for laundering line
Yours truly,
(Signed) Helping Uros. A, Co.
Refering to the above, we
that this letter was entirely unsolicited by us. White Cloud
Soap now has the highest authority as its endorser as being
superior for fine laundry work. For the bath and toilet it
' , .
aiso rani;s nrsc as a pure wnite
F?t:biisrd 1839.
Iuirae?- soap ma'iural
Some Facts Which Prove Who Did
the Prevaricating.
Court Reporter Northeult Attaelie IIih
Affidavit Which KITeetually (Miielcliei
Mat iieriiin's Charges lioy Throws a
Snow I tit 1 1 ami Injures;iiieer l'al
iiir's Kyc.
Colonel Skei nr-in. in a card to the
piu.nal, waxes wroth because he
iaiuis the attorneys for the stale in
the Uaightcase attempted lo buila up
1 fa'.-e fabi ic of evidence based upon a
alsehood, by a;rting that a cirou Hi
atal ce related by one of the witnesses
occurred the day before (Sunday) to
deceive the jury, etc. The testimony
referred to was that of Dr. Brendei.
The crime was committed on Monday
nd Haighl's testimony showed whete
he was f 1 om ta' ly morninj- uniil the
crime was commuted, anu accoruing
to Haight's sworn stat Mnents he did
not see Dr Hrei.dei or. that day. That
is what one of the attorneys lor iUe
state saia in bis argument and tiering
aidhe garbled testimony and Sherman
as ho g.iioied testimony, oui 10
how who did pettifog and who did lie
auout the testimony we append the
ollowiug sworn ttulemeiitof the court
reporter, who sque ches Mr. Sherman
and Mr. Geiing very effectually:
The Stute of Nebraska.
riamtin. 1
vs. ,-
Charles K. Ilaiht, I
IJctenuaut, J
). Doctor, 1 will ask you if you saw
the defendant a short lime before iho
ttoubie, cryii g qui;e bitterly?
A. es, sir.
Q. 1 will ask vou to state, doctor,
what he said to vou at mat time:"
State objects to that.
O. Doctor, give the jury and a so
my friend Clark the appearance of
Charles H. llaight, the defendant.
t iling his general appearance at th
time vou saw mm in this distressea
A. I call to mind especially the
mo n!ng of the homicide?
O. Yes, that io the time te want it?
A. About t o'clock I was in my of-
lice, etc.
1. Marry Northcutt, reporter ol the
Second judical district of Nebraska,
do hereby certify that the above and
'oregiTing is a true copy 01 that por
tion of mv shorthand notes, taken
a Ihe atom aed foregoing entitled
cause, in the district court 01 'ass
ouuty, NebrasKa. at the Govern her.
A. D. term thereof.
llAKKY Noktiicutt, Reporter.
Malicious Mischief.
While li. & M. Engineer Si Palmer
was sitting in the cab of his engine,
which was running at a good rate.
yesterday, I red Julius, a boy residing
here, threw a snow-ball which brr.Ke
the window of the cab and. stri. ing
the enginee in the eye, injured him
Special A sron t Fly 11 u of the 1. tS: M.
was here today and filed a complaint
against tho boy, but the young man so
far has no been found.
A Valuable I reseripl itn
Editor Mivrison of Wothinirton,
hid., "S n, w.ites: " ou have a pi es.Ti 0:1 .n l. ceir.c ba
lers, ami ' cm race "ul y recommend
Tor Const ' pai'oa and SicK Headache
and as a gene ii system tonic 11 nas
no equal."" Mrs. Annie Slehie, ii2"
Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, was ail
run down, co ed not. eat nor digest
food, had a baekacho which never left
her an 1 felt tired and weary, nut six
bottles of Elect ic Hitters restored
her health and renewed her strength.
Prices 50 cents and 41. Get a boll e
it V. G. Frick j's diUiT store.
ICurlingtoii Koute Calif oiuia KxcursioiiH
Caeap, quick, comfortable. Leave
Pljittsmouth 8:43 p. m., eve:j' Thurs
day in cleau, modern, i.ol crowded
tourist sleepers. No transfers; cart-
run right through to San Francisco
and Los Angeles over the Scenic
Route through Denver and Sail Like
City. Cars are carpeted; uphoisleied
in rattan; bave spr'ny seats and bucks
and nr.- provided with curtains, bed-dino-
towels, so-.t), etc. Uniformed
p.rleis and experienced excursion
conductors aeeomp-ttiy each excursion.
relieving p..rsengeis o u t boih-r
rib ut bit .' gage, pointing out objects ii. many othe: ways
neiiiiag to make tho overlaml trip a
de iglltful eX ;'.!' (.'ia' 5 -'C til ci jss
tickets are h on ed. li-rth- .
Fo;- fo. -'-' r- V ;!M 'ui'1 inforifla'.ioit,
ni ncai'-.-t E Jiliigt'in Route
iicket otlice, O: w ite to J. Francis.
Gen. 1'assng'r AgoT. On'i!. Ne i
Mr-. Mary Bird, llai risbu'g. Pa., i
says, "My child is worth millions to
me; yet I would have lost her by croup
bad I not invented twenty five cents in
a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure."
It cures coughs, colds and aii throat
nd lung' troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Soap Manufacturers.
deem it important to state
noatingf F.oap.
Ilislnet Court.
R. W. Lemur. Mf Comb's 1 "ond-mr-n.
was in town today, but tie h-'ii ie tid
ings from the mi-sing m in. The
sheriff is putting in a gre-it d ai ot
time looking lor him.
.lodge Ramsey convened court thi
luorning. and spent tho forenoon
heat i iiir arguments on mot'oi.s. In the
afternoon the case which was ret for
trial before a jury, tiz.led, and ecu it
aijournei until mo'-ning, '.here being
no cases ready for trial
The jnn-rs all came 111 at : n re: dy
for bu-tiness.
Attorneys Ed Joary of Elm wood and
T. M. Wilson of Ashland, wore attend
ing court ton ay.
Tho sale of t he Joshua Lynn pro
perty at Union, is taking place at tlie
south door of tho court house lodav
and brings quite a crowd of larmers
up from that 'vicinity.
lr King's New Discovery for 1 onii in pi ion
This i tho t,e-l medicine in the
world for all form-; of Coughs nno
Colds, and for Consumption. Every
bottle is guaranteed. It will cu,-e and
not disappoint. Tl has no equal for
Whooping Cough, A-thuia, Hay
Fever, Pneumonia. 1; oncl.i i.-, La
Grippe, Colds in the Head and for
Consumption. It is sate fur nil age-,
pleasant to lake, and, above a. I. a
sure cure. I., is always wsl to take
Dr. King's Litth; L.f. Pii!-, :n con
nection with Dr King's New Discov
ery, as they reguiate and (on..- the
stomach and bowcis. We guarantee
perfect satisf ict o.i or return money.
Free trial bottles at F. G. I'ricke's
drug store. Regular size ) cents and
4il.uo. ti
What flo the Chilli reu Ilrluk ?
Don't give them tea or e IT Have
you tried the new food drink ca ice
GRAiN-O? It is delicious and : o ::
anr taiit s t::e j 1..J j e." e: ue. more G-ain-J you give iho c:i. . -reu
Ihe more healL.i y..u distr.hule
through i new systems. Grai::- is
inaJe of uao g,-;'i-s, and w.o-n o o-
periy prep ti-i-u tav.e- ..Ko tlx cl., xu
grades of col'ea ii cuts al.o'jt i ar1
niuch. Ail e : oi-e t's se . : it. ;." m il "k'.
To lt lintU. nt lax l ;yt is
1'LATTSMOl Til. Nov . IT. IS'.iT. All
parties that nre in arrears on their
real estate tax a'e rcq tier ted lo make
a settlement at once, as after tue
tirst day of December ail sin h real
estate will be sold.
Hoard will be in e-sioii fiom the
first day of Decern her for the purpose
of conti nr.i a g such saies;
o'.inlv Trea-u:'e:-.
Must St-ttie.
Everyone knowing himself iiidel.ted
t' Dr. V. A. llumjiarey, is requested
to call at o iCt and seii'.e.
The Nestor ol tiio Magazines.!
Has been in tl.o van of American
thought lor more than three quarters
of a century, ranking always witn the
oert and most ir.Huentiul periodicals
in the world.
It is tiie mouth piece of the men who
know most about tiie great topics on
wbich Ameiicaus require to be in
formed fiora month to month, iis c n
tributo s being the leaders i f tuought
and Hclion in every licid.
Those who would take counsel of the
hiht st know led go tin tire affairs of the
time, and learn what is to be said re
garding tbt-m by the reconized author
ities on both sides, must thei eft re read
the North American Review, the Nes
tor of the niagaziries.
This magazine has far more than
eighty years, within its well donned
lit es, stood al the bead cf monthly
publications. Chieago Re -oral.
The Review- may we'l be proud of
its t iohiy-two years, ft r tru y it may
jio said of it that "iie cabnoi wither
"or time staie its infinite variety.
Poriunate is the one who can si; down
:uid ftastupon the good things ftni-i-hed
by the best e .Tche s in
tho world. Grand Rapids lb n ocr.ti.
If a.y one name in miLrz:!ie iiterti
ture statais for wh ir, is : h' tt.' i i ve.
tbat n line is the Ne to Am -Mean Re
view, wbn u for more than e "htv
years has r iruilned .-.t '!;.- h-ad ,,f
monthly pei it.-iieais J ict,,ti Pt si.
Tho R' v'o'.v liil.-.i e: eh mmih
with articles which sl.ou al be lead I v
every true citizen. Oddfellows He
view, St. Paul.
lne Review has tlio-e fir tie
hetter class of tem'ers than nnv otlii r
nu 'ilieai ion nf this kind in the cnur-try
christian Advrcalc St. iouis.
50 Cents a Number; $5.00 a Year.
Now is the time to subscribe.
, ,
The North American Review,
IfT's Sale.
By valued i t .ui i-suetl by Go.
F. linusi'iirl Ii, e cik o. ; ij .i.-u ct court,
wilimi anil ft.r ':tss eon 1 v . v r ,H,aniito
ii. e u ,i e.-te.i, 1 ili on in ... u y ut Jan, A
1). l-'.'s ill 11 o'clock a. ui. or suiu day at the
soucli uuor of ll court house in the city of
!'::;ttsn:o:.tu, in saiu county, sell at DUbllc
a i.ia, tc. n.c iti-hest littiuer for cau, tlie
i. mis autl leneuieuis. lo-wit:
i ;io cr. hall of the northe st quarter of
-- ; u i. luv.n Ii, range 10, the southeast
t,..'i;. i , i section 1. tou 11, range 9; the east
h:;:j ! ,! i. l.itcil quaner of sectiou 111, town
il. I. re . a-i fia t ot the southw st
ij.::.r-er" el set lion is. low.; il, range III; aud the
ci'i th hail .il tt.e sOTithwest quarter of section 18,
i..r. . I. : .m;4e t . al. in t ass county. Nebraska,
toneshc: wiii 'h.; r vneges and appurtenances
tlieteuiit't ' e ongiii or i.i anywise appertaining,
i ...,nc . eiu.- levied ..pen and taken as the
I i.. pc: t t.l r. F. and H. K. Waldron. defend-,ui'-.
e snii.' a judgement "I said cocrt re-
one lis h.iiik ut i'-afle, plaintitt, against said
dcV-i i. nil's.
I'i.i. Nen.. Nnv. :W, A. I) 1H!7.
II akvkv Hoi lowit,
i Mn rill Caffc- UDty, neDmska.
Sheriff's Sale.
Hv mi ok- ..I an execution issued by George
F. inni e.voi ill. t ici k of the district court within
aii'i tor u3 coiintv, Nebiaska, and lo me di
rected, 1 wul t.n ihe Hid dav of lanuary, A. I),
l-'.is. at 11 o'clock a. in. of raid day at the south
ciour i'l the court house in the c.ty of Flatts
inouih. in said county sell at public auction, to
the highest bidder lor cash, the following real
est? le. to-vt :f
l ets 1 1 and 12 iii block llo. lots 3. 4. S, and 6,
in hint k in the city of Piattsniouth; lot 2 and
tiie c:ct hall nt : aud lots 7. S. H, 10. II and 12, in
!...!. 1 1. in I hike's addition to tlie city of Platts
nioiuli, ( ass county, Nebraska, together with
tin- pi i vi H-ue-s ami ai pui tenances thereunto be
iuiyiiii; nr in anvuise appurtaitiing. Tlie same
!c:n iev led upon and taken as the property ol
uli.iiu II. whaler and John Slialci, delendauts,
to -.lii-iv it ic I l; i ici 1 1 nl said court recovered by
i li:o.e (.'. I'. nine e. receiver tor Citizens bant
ot l'i e e inmit li. .NetiiasKa. plaintitt said against
f'iatt-nioiith, Nebraska. Nov. :. A. I).. 1SSI7.
siient; I as.-, t ouiily, Nebraska.
. Sheriffs Sale.
l. t a ti.e ol an nrder of sale issued by George
F. I i.j'ir.e.v I'l'lh. clerk ot the district court, within
and i"i Cass county, Nebraska, and to nie di
re.aeii. I ui.i on the Hid day ol January, A.
Ii . i.-.'s. a- 11 ..'ciock a. in. of said day at the
-oitii. .i.n.i oi ;Ju court house in the city of Platts
inout' '. iii s.nd t ouuty. sell at public auction, to
the IniOi.'-t bi lder for cash, the following real
est. iic, i .'-u il :
( 'on. mem an i ;it the southwest corner of sec
tion .1 , l.o. n i, inline II, east of the rtth P. M.,
i iaiii:a;r tiirace mn ih :w roi; thence east SO rods:
thence roiaii .lu imls: thence west sO rods to the ot luoimne., containing til teen acresof
( Also lots and l in section 4, township II
mn Ii. r.eif 1 1 e.e-t of the litli P. M. excepting 7
.mi.!.; e n hi i es. (iesci ibed as follows: Seven and
HI I'm at i.-s on t ie out h side of a lot of land
lcsei in d as lo lleinuing at the quarter
-eci ion i oriiei on the west side ol section 4. town
step II. rauire 1 1, east of the "th P. M.. thence
moiui .i chains, thence southeast 72 chains to a
; lis;' iutcmctiiiK a line through the center of
M'lii.m 4, thenee west to the place ol beginning
and lontaii inn l.i aud Ittiitl acres, 'ihe total
,i,ii. ,i.i, i ot hum herein is one hundred and thirty
.ii.ii t;;-'nti, more or less.) Also the northeast
luartcrot the noitheat quarter of section 5,
town 11. 1 1. east ot the tit h P. M.. contain
a.i: 1 1 and l l(.m ai res, more or less. All of the
itiatve Ji'-i i.bed land in Cass county. Nebraska,
li ta t Ik it uah the privileges and appurtenance
:!n icuuto belonging or iu anywise appertaining.
1 lie same eenii; levied upon and taken as the
propel t y oil latiiel 1 1. I r. pur, et al, defendants
io satislv a judgment of said cmirt recovered by
Peter Filaig-on. p.aiutitt against said defend
ants. PiaitMi-.outh.. Nebraska. Nov. 30. A.I. 1S7.
Sherifl, Cass County. Nebraska.
Sheriffs Sale.
Hv virtue of an execution issued by George
F. 1 lousev.oi i h. clerk ot the district court within
and l' i Urs coiinly, Nebraska, and to me di
rected. I will on the sth dav of January, A. D.,
is'.is, ;;t 1 1 o'clock a in. of said day at the south
l-.ioi ol tne court house in Piattsniouth. in said
coiintv, sell at public auction, to the highest bid
der orcah. the following real estate to-wit:
I i.e e-t hall of the southv.est quarterof section
S. township II. range V. in Cass county. Nebraska,
(except hit being one acre on the northwest
quarter of the southwest quarter of said section
prop tiv of 1". F. Cjrnes. defendant, to satisfy a
ju.f ,1 of said court recovered by Charles I).
Iln .' .:!:. p aintilt. against J. V. C'arnes, T. V.
Con. :..d 1 1. K, VValdron, defendants.
I'iansiiioiitii. Nebiaska, LJec, 7, A. L)., 1S97.
Hakvev Hollow ay,
lherilT. Cass county, Nebraska-
Notice to Credtors.
-TAI'K Of NEBRASKA. , . ,ty Court.
C ass 1 ounty. S
In the matter of the estate o! Calvin H. Par-
u:e e. deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the creditors of
-a:d deceased will meet the administrators of
s.od estate, before me. County judge of Cass
county. Nebraska, at the countv court room in
i'.attsiiK'Uih in said county, on the 6th day of
I leceinbei. A. I). IMC, on the 7th day of Febru
ary. Is'.is. and on the Sth day of June, lsys, at 2
o'clock p. in., each day for the purpose of pre
senting their claims for examination, adjustment
and allowance. Ms months arc allowed for the
credit. tis ut said deceased to present their claims
ioid one vear for the administrators to settle
said e-tate. tiom the lith day of December, 1H97.
1 his notice .-hail be published in the Semi
Wcckiy News-Herald fortour weeks successively,
pi ior to the nth dav ol December, 1S-J7.
W Mness m hand and seal ol said county court
at Piattstuouth. Nebiaska. this tth day of No
vember, is','7.
. , (il oKC.I-. M. SrURLOCK,
c tl' County Judge.
Probate Notice.
lutouutv court. Cass county. Nebraska. In
the n.. .iter ot tne estate of Henry Stoll, de-,1.1-cl.
Jacob I'hiiiip, Fred, Charles and Wil
li. un s-toii. the uiiktioun heirs of Adam Stoll,
Marv Mcttiyna and Catharine I-ear, the last
li aee named being now deceased, Elizabeth
Mi l-'.n .and. ( hiisiiuae Leach, Martha l.ana
llet rv, Mciia 'riiieroll, Kosanua Maurer. Louisa
Kipp e. tiie nuMio'.vu heirs ol Henry
i ca e si. anil all other persons inteiested will take
notice 'that Knsantia Maurer has hied a petition
in s, ci (unit alleging among other things th
the l.i'-i .il and testament ot Henry Stoll, de
eea I. was admitted to probate on the -Jllh day
.tji.iv. 1-i i: that administration was granted to
hi- v. iiko'. , v ho is now deceased, and that ad-miiii-ti
anon ot said estate is incomplete. Peti
tioiiei asks that H. M. Sannichsen be appointed
a. nu nisti alor with will annexcJ to complete tne
a im n -tiati n nl tin- e-tate. Vou are uot.ned
that it mi I. ni to appear at said court on the 7th
i!av 1. 1 December. A. D. 1SV7. at Z o'clock p. m.,
ami contest said petition, the court will appoint
li. M Sum chsen oi some othersuitable person,
adnimlstiat r with will annexed and proceed to
a sett, inert ol said estate.
a it -s mv hand and the seal of said court,
at l iail-ni 'iilh. Nebiaska. this, the lath day of
Novcn. 1. el. A. D.l-'.o.
S,cai ( tiaiKGK M. SrURLOCK.
County Judge,
Crockery.. A splendid iiu (ust received; slso the
most complete am4 ..vyaut line of Plain Decorated v.hinaware ever brought
to ihe city may be fount at the store of
First Door Fast of Court House
The Best in Groceries.
Trade Marks
" r r
Copyrights Ac.
Anyone oencllng a dketrb and flescrlptlon mar
miifkl ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention is pmhably patentable. Comrnanlea
tionitBtrictlrcoiindentlal. Handbook on Patents
Bent free, t lde aceney for securing patent.
Patents taken throutth Munn & Co. recetre
tprrial tt'itier, without ehiirge. In the
Scientific j-fmericatu
A hnrtome1y Illustrated weeklr. , Tnreat elr
dilution of any nclentltic Journal. Term. S3 four months, IL Sold by all newsdealers.
MUNN & Co.36,Bro'- New YorSr
Branch Office. 635 F 8t Washington, D. C.
I .
j tine Minute C ugh Cure cures
quickly. Thats what you want! f.
I G. Fricke & Co.