n a 11 n n n n r. II f fl rt inns rumiis tuyj. Gives a Vivid Description of the Man Who Robbed Him. Clam. Tramp Committed the Deed Tbe Boy'a Description of Hli A.sall ant Correpond Eiactly With That of the Man Being- Held at Nebraska City other New Notes. The anxious watchers at the bedside of young Peter Curtis at Union were rewarded yesterday by the lad's re turn to consciousness. Everything now indicate a speedy recovery. Early this evening: the injured boy felt well enough to give the following account of the most brutal holdup that has occurred in this section for some years. The boy says he left town alone. When he had gone a short distance he was overtaken by a tramp, who threw his arms around his neck af fectionately and said that as he was going that way they would walk to gether. About half a mile out the tramp broke a limb off a peach tree and made a club About half a mile further on be threw the club away. Tbe boy asked what be intended do ing with it, and the tramp replied that he might need it to kill does. When they got within twenty yards of the house where the lad intended staying all night he turned to leave the stranger and remarked that he was going to stay here all night. The tramp grabbed him by the throat and told him to give up his money. Cur tis did so and then the tramp throt tled him and threatened to kill him if he told about the matter. Evidently the tramp was afraid to leave him, so he bound bis bands behind and dragged him off into the field about 200 yards. The boy said the tramp struck him and that was the last he knew. Curtis' description of the man cor responds exactly with the first man apprehended at Nebraska City. The boy's story was proven true by parties finding the club and everything as he described. Deputies have gone to Ne braska City after the prisoner and will have Curtis identify him. If be proves to be the guilty party he will be brought here and tried at this term of court Sheriff Hollo way departed on the 4 o'clock M. P. train to get the man who is being held at Nebraska City. HAMMOND IS DEMENTED. From Some Letter the Sheriff Finds That lie lias a Brother In Creston. Tha fellow arrested Monday turns out to be demented. Deputy Sheriff Holloway went through his letters and found that the fellow was an ad vance agent of Fitzsimmons' Kinetcs- cop.. He also learned that the fellow stopped one night at the Perkins house, paid his bill and was all right. His face was bruised when he was found wanderiog in the cut on Third street. Hammond's letters also indi cating that he had a brother in Cres ton, he was written to, and he wired today that be would be here after bis brother on the hrst train. Experienced a Snowstorm. The dispatches say that a blinding snowstorm prevailed all day yester day at Chamberlain, S. D. Th ee inches of snow is reported at Huron, S. D. Silver Creek and western Ne braska also felt the effect of an all-day snowstorm. In Minnesota a regular blizzard raged, with the thermometer at tea below zero. bo far as Nebraska is concerned, the storm seems to have blown over, and genial sunshine has melted the boreal blasts that threatened, and a day as perfect as could be wished for is the result. Neatly Surprised. Elder Dungan, the Christian minis ter, was neatly eurpri.-da by about eighty of his parishorers and friends Wednesday evening, who called in a body at the parsonage. They brought baskets of eatables and a nice supper was served. An easy chair and a beautiful clock were presented as tes timonials of the high esteem in which the minister i held. Judge Archer made the presentation speech. and the evening was made brief by pleasant social converse. -The Time Extended. Dovey's have extended the time if their special sale of 10 cent muslin at til cents to Saturday evening, Novem ber 27. This will be the last chance to buy Lonsdale musfin atsuch a price and the public will do well to buy a good 6upply at once. Goods of all kinds are higher, and such a bargain as this live firm offers has already been taken advantage of by quite a crowd of people. Progress of the Halght Case. The Haight case has monopolized the attention of district court all day. It is being closely contested, and much time is taken up in discussing the tech nali ties relating to the ad mission of testimony. Something to Depend On. Mr. James Jones, of the drug firm of Jones & Son, Cowden, I1L, in speak ing of Dr. King's New Discovery, says that last winter h'"s wife was attacked with la grippe, and her case grew so serious that physicians atCowden and Pana could do nothing for her. It seemed to develop into hasty con sumption. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in store, and selling lots of it, he took ' a bolte home, and to the surprise of all 6he began to get better Irom first dose, and half dozen dollar bottles cured her found and well. Dr. Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds is guaran teed to do this good worn. Try it. Free trial bottles at F. G. Fricke'. drug store, o Plret's New Odor Golden Daisy Is sweet, refined and lasting. GRANNY'S 41 Y ARBS. Bhe dosed the boy with calomel. Then gave him catnip tea. And yet he didn 't feel quite well. - He had the grip, you see. She gave him tansy, boneset, squills, Bubbed tallow on hia cheat And fed him lots of blue mass pills. Which quickly did the rest. By this time John could not (,yst up. And as he lay in bed . She drenched him from a quassia cup Till he was nearly dead. And when at last the doctor came And fetched poor Johnny round Folks said, 'Twa9 granny, all the same. Kept him above the ground. " J. I Heaton in "Quilting Bee." 'THANK YOU.' It Is tbe Small Courtesies That Make Life Worth Living. "On every hand one hears of the neg lect to say "Thank yon,'" writes Ed ward W. Bok on "The Saying of 'Thank You,'" in The Ladies Home Journal. "I wonder sometimes if some people really know how little of what comes to them is their due and right and how much of what comes to them is by fa vor and courtesy. The vast majority of things winch come to ns come by pure favor, by courtesy. And we should rec ognize thia No act of kindness, how ever slight, should go unnoticed. A 'Thank you is a simple thing to say. It requires but a few moments to write it, but it often means much. It means ev erything sometimes to the person re it. It means a renewed faith in human nature in some cases. A word of thanks is never lost, never wasted. If it sometimes seems to be lost upon the person to whom it is directed, its expression has not been lost upon some one else who has heard it. It ia certain ly not lost upon ourselves. The most of us are quick enough to thank some one who does us 'great service But the small courtesy, just as great as the large service in reality, we overlook. It doesn't seem worth while to give thanks for small things. And yet what would we be today and where would some ol ns be but for the small courtesies of life? They are what make life worth living. "It is all very well to have the last Thursday of each November set apart as a day of Thanksgiving, but it would be far better if a great many of us car ried the spirit of the day into all the other days. Perhaps if we did so we might have more mercies to be thank ful for on Thanksgiving day. Do not let the spirit of thanks stop with night fall on Thanksgiving day. Let us ex tend it to all the other days of tbe year, to the people whose lives touch ours. When we receive a favor at the handf of any one, no matter how small it may be, let us say the words, "Thank you. ' If they should be written, let us write them. Let us not delay them, but take advantage of the instant when our heart is touched. Let there be more 'Thank yous said by everybody thousands oi them. And the world will be a better, brighter and happier place to live in because of them." Manic and Health. Music, if we are to believe ancient historians, has produced some very ex traordinary effects. The fierceness oi Achilles was allayed by playing on thf harp; Damon, with the same instru ment, quieted wild and drunken youths, and Asclepiades in a similar mannei brought back seditious multitudes tc temper and reason. Tbe coiybantes and effeminate priests of Cybele were incit ed bymusio to cut their own flesh. Pin dar addressed his harp thus: "Thou quenchest the raging thunder I" Music is also reported to have been efficacious in removing dangerous diseases. Miran dola observes, in explanation of its be ing appropriated to such an end, thai music moves the spirits to act upon tht soul as medicine does the soul by the body. Theophrastus, in his essay ou "Enthusiasm," reports many cures up on this principle The Thebans used the pipe for the cure of many disorders, and Zenocrates is said to have cured several madmen. The bite of the taran tula is said to have been cured by music, and the Phrygian pipe was recommend ed by many of the ancient fathers as an antidote to sciatica. We could enumer ate many other instances of the estima tion, amounting, as it would seem, tc palpable superstition, in which music was held among the ancients, but the above may be considered"" sufficient New York Ledger. A Democratic King. The king of Sweden arranges his time to the best advantage After an early breakfast with the queen he gives audi ence to public officials and Swedish, Norwegian and also foreign ministers as well as reviewing and inspecting troops, and so forth. Friday is occupied by a council meeting, and Tuesday morning is given to the public. As "fa ther of his people, " he sees even the poorest peasant and most unknown be ing in his kingdom who wishes to speak with him and gives audience alone, u third person being present The even ings and indeed the best part of the night King Oscar gives up to his liter ary pursuits. His poems and romances are now well known for their artistic excellence. Meteors. Some time ago people on the Rams- gate cliffs, England, saw what was thought to be two rockets fired by a ship in distress on the Goodwins. The lifeboat went to the rescue and ascer tained from the lightship men that the lights observed from the shore were not rockets, but falling meteors. Married men who are obliged to get up in the middle of the night with the baby should study the value of the bi cycle as a means of indoor travel. Boxbury Gazette All birds when perched on trees oi bushes serve as weathercocks, as they invariably arrange themselves with their beads to tbe wind. Republican Is Elected. Chicago, Nov. 23. At the special election held today in the Sixth congressional-district for a successor to Edward D. Coolte, deceased. Henry S. Boutell, the renublican candidate, was elected over Vincent H. Perkins, his democratic competitor, by S4 votes, the total vole being: Bo :e '. 10,204. Perkins 9,364. Landren, pnu tist, received 228, and Davis, prouiui lionist, 103 votes. Fish Commissioner Oberfelder is dis tributing fish at Sidney and other western points. BRIEFLY TOLD. C. A. Marshal, Den: s:. A'thaplioro at Gerng fc Co's. Piso Cure al GerUg & Co's. For fire insurance see Thrasher. Chamberlain's Reuedlea at Gering & Co's. A. Knott, of Louisville, is in tbe city today. Dr. Elster. Waterman block, for painless dentistry. All lovers of first-class cigars, smoke Wurl's "Gut Heil" Mrs. J. A. Hassemeier is in tha city from Louisville today. Crabill, the practical jeweler, will repair your watch correctly and promptly. Eastman kodaks. Cartridge system, "you press the button, we do the rest. " $4 to $25, at Lehnhoff's. Herman Streitweiser goes to Omaha Monday where he will begin work for the M. P. at their shops. Charley Rhode returned to Leaven worth, Kan., yesterday, after a pleas ant visit with relatives and friends. Leave orders for fruit cakes, maca roons, and B:il duff's farcous ice cream at Smith & Parme'.e's, Plattsmouth. We still seil lead peacils at 1 cent each, and the very best matches at 1 cent Der box of 200. Gering & Co. Quite a number of Plattsmouth's foot bull enthusiasts witnessed the Nebraska-Iowa game at Council Bluffs yesterday. ; Dr. Wilkiuson, specialist eye, ear nose and throat, will be at Dr. Livings ton's office, Plattsmojth, Monday, No vembor 29. P. F. Huber, one of Louisville's leading merchants, was in the city to day on business, and made The News a pleasant visit. There will be an oyster supper at the Rock Bluffs church on tbe even- iog of December 4, to which every body is invited. Small pill, safe pill, best pill, De Witt's Little Early R.sers cure bili ousness, constipation, s:ek headache. F. G. Fricke & Co, Have you seen the wonderful 'bar gain Gering & Co. are offering on tab lets. Your choice of any tubletjin their window for 5 centd Now is the time to buy splendid styles of Ma?on & Hamlin organs cheap. Call at Pettee's and examine qualities and price?. Bennett & Tutt will have olive, chow-cbow, sweet and sour pickles in buli(, also fresh celery, lettuco and parsley fo. Thanksgiving. If you want to keep up with the times, call at Peitee's and select some of the new songs of which he has a quantity of the best selected. The "Daylight" gas lamp is far ahead of any other and a third cheaper. Best months to tit any lamp, 331 cents each. Lebnhoff Bros., sole agents. ' Those whiskers which B. Cecil Juck has blocked out may pass in (his country, but in South America it would be just cause for a revolution. "Have you ever tred canned siiuer krstut, clam chowder, baked beans in tomatoe sauce? If not, get a can fit Bei.nett & 1 ult's. They are all niee. Ballttrd's Uorehound Syrup is the beat known remedy for Consumption, Colds, and all Throat and Chest Troubles. Every boitle is guaranteed. 2-5 and 50c. .Rev. W. H. Baird preached a very able Thanksgiving sermon at tbe M. E. church union services yesterday which has received m jch commenda tory mention. Lihnhoff Bro yesterday placed the new "Daylight" gas lamps in the bus iness houses of John Mumni and H. Spies. These gentlemen have now the best lighted rooms in town. John Sweitzer is back again after sevn-al weks emoloyment in the Omaha smelting works, where he w is dangerously poisoned by breathing ar senic fumes from the smelter. Patronize borne industry by smok ing home cigars. Gering & Co. sell, Pepperberg's Buds. Wurl'a Gut Heil, Spies' Exquisitos, Stamn'd Diamond King, and other home cigars. There is no need of little children boiuer tortured by scald head, eczema and skin eruptions. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve gives instant relief and cures perraently. F. G. F icke & Co. You can't afford to nek your life by allowing a cold to develop into pneu monia or consumption. Instant relief and a certain cure are afforded by One Minute Cough Cure. F. G. Fricke & Co. Disfigurement for life by bums or scalds may be avoided by u-iug De Witt's Witch Haz.jl Salve", the great remedy for piles and for all kinds of sores and skin troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co. J. F. Htnhaw and wif? Wijnt to Lin coln Wednesday afternoon ",o utte-jd the wedding of the'-, cousin, M:s. Bertha Reaga n, wiij married Ui a prominent business man of Heiena, Mont Miss Alexander is turning out some handsome dresses this fall, she g re careful and prompt iu tent '.on io : work intrusted to her c:.re. and Po I cits your patronage. Room SO, over Herold's store. The Knight9 and Ladies of Securitv will give a dance social Tuesday eve, November 30 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin, corner of Vine and 4th streets. Everybody invited, come and have a geod time i There's no better flour made than BeiselV Planslfter," manufactured in this city. Ask 70'jr grocer for it, and thereby get the best and sup port a home industry at tho same time. which builds up the town. Gregory, the partner of Harris who broke into the M. .P. depot, was ar raigned before Judge Archer today and plead not guilty. He will have a bearing as soon as the county attor ney gets through in district court. W. G. Keefer is in town today box ing up his household goods prepara tory to shipment to South Omaha where he expects to reoide in the fu ture. The family has been boarding in Omaha until the present time. The Woman's club will hold its regular meeting at tho club rooms Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The meeting will be in charge of the Household Economics department and every member should be present. Ballard's Horehound Syrup is not a mixture of stomach destroying drugs, but is a scientifically prepared remedy that cures coughs and colds and all other lung troubles. Its action is quick, prompt and positive. 25c. and 50c. J. S. Matthews today received no tice from the pension department of the allowance of a pension to Arch Mathews, which dates back from Feb ruary 21, 1884. The amount is not large, but it will be permanent, and of groat value to the fortunate recipient. It is not what a manufacturer says about his own medicine that cures a patient, but what the medicine does Ballard's Horehound Syrup does'the work and does it well. It cures coughs and colds in a day. Its heal ing, soothing and quieting. 25c and 50c Wurl Bros. "Gut Heil" ia taking the lead as a choice 5-cent cigar. It is made of the finest American tobacco grown from Havanna seed, and fully deserves tbe high rank it has taken If you have not tried this cigar do so at once and you will be convinced of its superiority. Warning: Persons who 6uffer from coughs and colds should heod the wanings of danger and save them seives suffering and fatal results by us ing One Minute Cough Cure. It is an infallible remedy for coughs, colds, croup and all throat aucLlung troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co J. M. Thirswent, of Grosbcck, Tex., says that when he has a spell 01 in digestion, and ,'ie:s nad and sluggist, he takes two of DeWitt's Liltie Early Risers at night, and be is nil right tbe next morning. Many thousand of others do the same thing. Do vou? F. G. Fricke & Co. L. A. Moore was called to Lincoln today to do some fancy floral decorat ing at one of the best residences, where Mrs. Campbell gives a musical recital. As a decorator. Mr. Moore has no su porior in the state, and the Lincoln people will see they have been fortu nate in their selection. J. C. Berry, one of the best known citizens of Spencer, Mo., testifies that he cured h'm-self of tbe worst kind of piles by using a few boxes of DeWitt's Witch H:izel Salve. lie bad been troubled with piles lor over thirty years and had used many different Kinds of so-called cures, but DeWitt's was the one that did the work and he will verify this stalerrent if anyone wishes to write him. F. G. Fricke & Co. Burlington Route Calif ornia Excursions Cheap, quick, comfortable. Leave Plattsmouth 3:43 p. m., every Thurs day in clean, modern, not crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers; cars run right through to San Francisco and Los Angeles over the Scenic Route through Denver and Salt Lake City. Cars are carpeted; upholstered in rattan; have spring seats and backs and are provided with curtains, bed ding, towels, soap, etc. Uniformed porters and experienced excursion conductors accompany each excursion, relieving passengers of all bother about baggage, pointing out objects of interest and in many other ways helpiug to make the overland trip de.ightful experience. Second class tickets are honored. Berths $0. For folder giving fnll information, call at nearest Burlington Route ticket office, or write to J. Francis, Gen. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb fijiuolh Rocks. Some choice, full-blooded Plymoth Rock Roosters for 6ale 50 cents each. Address Mrs. L. H. Young. Nehawka. The IlirkV 1898 Almanac and Paper. We are informed that the lS98al manac of Prof. Irl R. Hicks is now reaciy, and judging from its past his tory, it will not be nimy weeks in finding its way into homes and offices all over America. It is much larger and finer than any previous issue. It contains 116 pages, is splendidly printed and illustrated on fine book paper, having the finest portrait ever given of Prof. Hicks. It can no longer he denied that the publicatioas of Pruf. Hicks have become a necessity 10 the family and- commercial life of this country. His journal. Word and Works, aside from its storm, weather and astronomical features, has taken rank with the best litera-v, scientific 3 . . ana lamuy magizines of the age. Do not believe hearsay and reooi ts. S Hicks' almanac and psper for your- seu. you will then know why they are, so porjular. They are educators of tho millions, and unrivaled sare- gU3rds to property and human life. T ; . maiier or simple record that iiof. Hicks has foretold for man v years all great storms, floods, drouths and tornadoes, even the recent terri ble drouth over all tbe country. Tbe almanac alone is 25 cents a copy. The paoer is $1 a year with the almanac as a premium. Send to aWoRD and Works Pub. Co., . LocuBt St., St. Louis, Mo. Must Settle. Everyone knowing himself indebted to Dr. W. A. Humphrey, is requested t'l If -L - ... w can at coca ana settle. fTTTTTTinnwHnnwTTnnnnnTTTTTTHTfTT''' fc 3' WAN 4, iUUii Uiiiiii liAiAiil UAliAil 11 mill auiin 3 (SDeclal notices under this huii win t charged for at the rata of cant oar word eaoh insertion.) BOARD IMO. ANTED A few boarders at the corner of Sixth and Uranlte sts. Mrs. G. W. Us bora FOB RENT. FOR RENT A g-ood five-room cottage with I it.. c ; n I T f 1 u,:T FOR RENT Four, five and six room houses, and four acres of land. R. B. Windham. MISCELLANEOUS. I ANTED Active, sober and trustworthy man 1 to travel through this section, salary Sou a month, oavable weekly, and exoenses: solendid opportunity. Address SHEFP company, 1UC0 Chestnut street, rnuaaeipnia. ra. w ANTED Wood :!! be taken on subscrip tion at thertews omce. THE THANKSGIVI.NU TURKEY. Miss Joannette Palmer of Lincoln visited over Thanksgiving at O. C, Dovey's. Sam Patterson and wife, of Lincoln, spent Thanksgiving in this city with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. White enter tained the Misses Osburo and Hanson of Glenwood. Mr. and ivlra S.E.Hall entertained a large party of relatives and friends, at a sumptuous dinner. Carl Fricke came down from the state university to eat Thanksgiving turkey with his parents. Rush Fellows and family of Omaha spent Thanksgiving with the former's sister, Mrs. Wells, in this city. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wescott enter tained C S. Polk und Miss Myrtie Keefer at Thanksgiving dinner. Mrs. b. i. White entertained a large company of Mr. White's rela tives and friends at a C o'clock dinner yesterday. William Reed Duoroy, Miss Edna Eaton, Miss Bedford, Cliff and Hilt Wescott were guests of Mr. and Mrs, S. A. Davis at dinner. Mrs. Maggie Jackson and daughter, Beth, enjoyed Thanksgiving festivi ties with the former's parents, Mr and Mrs. H. J. istreight. George Copeland and family, of Havelock, were royally feasted and entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Hunter in this city yesterday. Mrs. George Dovey entertained Professor McHugh, Judge Spurlock, Misses Wright and Shepherd and sev eral other Plattsmouth friends at dinner yesterday. Miss Amelia and Matilda Vallery and Mrs. T. P. Livingston departed Wednesday evening for Chicago, where they spent Tbanksgiviog day with their sister, Mrs. Higgenson. Col. Robert Druesdow came down from Omaha yesterday and ate turkey with Plattsmouth friends. Uob was attending to a little business down this way and as is his custom, be had a good time. Z. Waterman and family, oi Crete, L. Waterman and family, of Omaha, and John Waterman and family, oi this city, partook of a sumptuous Thanksgiving dinner yesterday with Mrs. Levings and family in this city, Mrs. L. being a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Waterman. R. B. Windham gave an elaborate family Thanksgiving dinner at the Riley yesterday where a special bill of-fare, containing all the delicacies of the season, was gotten up. His guests were the Pattersons, T. H Pollock and family, and the Wind ham family, making thirty in all. Sassafras at Gering & Co's. Work mt tha Armour Sit. Although yesterday was a holiday and stormy besides, work at the Ar mour site progressed as usual, says the Bee. Two pile d rivers were kept at work on tbe foundations for the north wall of the hog killing house, As fast as the piles were driven work men sawed them off the right height and made everything ready for the placing of the cap stones. The tren cbes for the foundation for the beef cooling and beef killing houses have been completed and yesterday quite a force was engaged building the cement foundations. The beef cooling house will be 200 feet square and will be nine stories high, which will ad join it on the west, will be 150x175 feet, and tbe same height. Besides foundation walls six and eight feet wide, of solid cement, these buildings will rest on cement piers six feet square. Considerable material was being un loaded yesterday, including several cars of structural iron and & number of cars of broken stone. Contractor Gould said yesterday afternoon that when bricklaying was resumed again a large forco would be put to work, as it was the intention to commence on several buildings at the same time Met With a Painful Accident. Otto Sprieck, son of GottlieoSprick. one of Louisville precinct's subdtan tial farmer.-, met with quite a painful accident Thursday, says the Louis ville Courier. He was assisting in mowing away hay in tbe barn and go' tbe thumb on h!s right, hand caugbi in the pully, crushing tbe bone and lacerating the band in a frightful manner. He came to town ana ur. Hollister dressed it and has hopes of saving the thumb. rostponed. The Ladies' Missionary society, to have met Friday of this week, has been postponed until further notice. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Uromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. New Goods 7 COMPL6TE LIN OR Underwear, and everythingusually found in afirst-class Dry Goods store will be found at Lower nfi Street. Also a Full Line of Standard and Fancy Groceries, Queensware and Stoneware. We pay no rents, orexpensive clerk hire and give our customers the bene fit of Low prices. m Call and See mi SPECIAL. SALE "57 SGmOOL shoes 500 PAIRS JUST RECEIVED All sizes, all Solid. Well Made Snoe, with NO PAPEIl. wVc'i will go AT LEiS tnan mnnufactnrer-s' prices. We sell no: uii: bJt Shoes, GOOD SHOES, end give our whole undivided .-ilifiitio i 10 SHOES, and by so doing we study QUALITY hence your pocket book. We don't have to give you pencils to induce you to buy our Shoes. Wj make the PRICE aiGHT.wbich makes the jiem il giv ing scheme a very small and insinilicnut misleading induce m-nt. Call and see the BARGAINS partially displayed on our counter and you will be made happy. Open every evening til; we ge t lired. No more 8 o'clock closing. ROBERT SHERWOOD f FOOT MILLINER. Plattsmonlli, Neb. j Fancy Groceries. Choice Canned Goods. These are White's Grocery Store (THE OLD RELIABLE.) A select stock of Dry GooJs in the arrived. If yru want the bast fo- your F. S. WHITE, Upper Main Street. W. i SV.ii Oldest : Liveryman, '-L&S2i&a, 618 MAIN STREET. STILL IN BUSINESS. BEST rigs for Weddings, Funerals or Plea-sure Parties etc. Hark o--.V'-a attended to prom otly. Terms reasonable. Cash preferred. C.illJ m.J c ' rtte. Telephone 76. PI. B. W. D. Jones auctioneer all kinds of good airf f-tr t. fc disposed of Just Received. Dry Goods, Dress Goods,and Notions Blankets, Woolen For Yourself. Leaders at latest 9tyles for Fall and Winter ,u-t money give us a iri 1!. Plaf'sfifoufli. Neb. D. JONES... Cass Cotiity'vS A Thanksgiving: Engagement Is sure to follow many of the Thanks giving feaf-ts sjer,t with your sweethe irt "while'reveling in love music and luxur ious ffastin. After he has saiJ the thrilling come around and ex amine our tup-rb stock of engagement rings. VVeto:ive a dazzling array of ail kinds of precious stones set in beautiful designs and efects and when Vhe" knows it is fiom Snyder's it will be doubly prized. SNYDER & CO., Jewelers and Opticians, Cor. Sixth and Mala Sts.