Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, November 27, 1897, Image 1

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    Xeb Farmer
THE NE3. Established Nov. 5.1691.
THE HERALD, Established April 10. 364- f
Consolidated Jan. 1, lsf5.
VOL. VI. NO. 6.
Secretary Porter Cets Himself In a
Very Close Place
He Oprut the Nralrd Klertlon Keturna
Hectare the Law Now In Kffect Is
No (JooU-Send the Returns Hack to
the County Clerks to Have Error
LINCOLN, Neb., Nov. 23. The sec
retary of state ia still thio week as be
was lust week the most conspicuous be
fore the public of all the officials at
the slate bouse.
Last week the secretary got himself
into an awkward situation by opening
the sealed returns of the late election,
When the newspaper reporters ques
tioned the secretary as to the unlaw
ful acts and pointed out to him the
law which prohibits anyone nut the
canvassing board from opening and
examining these returns, the secre
tary declared, "That law is no good.
It is obsolete like a good many other
ws. We can't havo reform unless
we have reform."
The proposition that reform con
sists in setting aside law and that the
olHcers who are charged with enforc
ing the election laws should openly
vio'ato them and should whenever
they see fit, declare them "obsolete"
and "no good," was so startling that
Secretary Porter by the assistance of
some of the othpr etate house officials
was able at last to realize dimly that
he had got himself very close to a
hornet's nest.
It is absolutely impossible for Sec
retary Porter to comprehend fully the
complications that would have arisen
by bts acts if this were a close election
so that these returns would bo chal
lenged in a couit of law when they
came at last to tho canvassing board.
He has sent back the icturns of some
thirty or forty countiesfor the correc
tion of errors which he pretends to
have discovered, although he has no
more right to pass upon tho correct
ness of these returns than has the
janitor who sweeps tho office for the
carri r who handles the mails be
twe n the pobtofflce and the stite
The question now ari.-es, what shape
will theso returns be in when they
get back from the counties to which
they have been sent for correction?
Who will make the co; rections whicn
this law breaking secretary has or
dered to be made? Will the county
clerks do it? They have no right to
change a niDgle figure, letter or syl
lable of these returns except in the
presence and by direction of the
county boards"". which made the re
turns in the first place,.
It, will not avail for theso law
breakers when their acis are chal
lenged to ;cry out "Down with the
courts and down with injunctions."
Such anarchistic talK may bo catchy
among nervous people Who do not slop
to consider, tut there is in this Ne
braskacoramunity a deep seated law
abiding sentiment which is and always
will be strong enough to dominate the
state when it is fully aroused, and
this element of our society is not yet
ready to tear down courts, to set aside
the election laws, and to have them
declared "no giod" and "obsolete" by
a swaggering secretary of state whose
prior businesB experience was limited
to a dismal failure in the management
of an eighty-acre weed grown farm in
Merrick county, where pigs rooted at
will around the neglected treeless
hoiLe, while the owner, loaded with
unwilling transportation which he
had wioung from the corporations, was
chasing the country over in search
of oBice as a reformer. There
was a time, not long ago, and it maj
not yet be fully pasted, when ignorant,
bluffy, swaggering, loud talking men
with the audacity and inpudonce or
Secertary Porter, having light regard
for law, could make themselves popu
lar with the masses by reason of these
Sery characteristics. The confidence
of the people h .d een abused. Their
prideinlhe state had chansed into
contempt for public officials and fur
law, and being themselves in straight
ened circumstances where they
dreaded the operation of law some of
them cried out D o the constitu
tion, D n the conrts and down
with law and legal technicalities."
But the people are P'jing off their
debts. They are becoming the owners
of unmortgaged homes and property.
As these conditions enlarge, tho sen
timent for law and order wi.l grow.
Thev will learn to detect the perlav-
nriDr. flattering:, farmer friend, who
rails against the corporations while
,; r.wWot nre bulTinT with I ee
passes and meal tickets, and tho reo
pie will demand, for the public hor.ors
which thev bestow, and for the sal
aries which they pay, that the public
officials shall respect the law, respect
the reforms which- they have pro
mised and bring with them into public
office such qualifications as will make
the law and those who enforce it re
spectable. giving the people a state
eovernment which will not occariou
constant humiliation and apology.
I have seen an illfavored and friend
less dog with tail between his legs,
yelping through the weeds of a va
cant lot, dodging tin cans and brick
-ats. Into this alley and that, while
the big noys roared with laughter at
the spectacle. 1 meet men every day
here in Lincoln who practice their
witticisms on the secretary and regard
his fantastic caper as a good joke on
the state. 1 admit that his actions
would be funny it his position did not
render them serious. I admit that
there is strong provocation for jokes
and laughter to 6ee the awkward sec
retary dodging the t-ewspaper report
el s, explaining one day, "That law
haint no good," explaining the next
day that ''It was the deputy atd the
clerks who opened the sealed returns,"
explaining the next day. "It dou't
make no difference no how, 'cause
you fellers, you republicans doue the
same thing," and then at last, after
tampering with the returns ftom
nearly every county, admitting that
he reckoned ho hadn't ort to dono it.
"An' if there's goin' to be so much
shootin' off and rag chawin' about it.
I won't open up no more of 'em."
It m iy bo funny to see a dog pelted
with tin cans. It may bo laughable
to put a bull into a china store and to
see him 6mash the wares, while the
storekeeper prods him with a pitch
fork. But it is expenoive eutettain
ment when a secretary of state in
dulges his itching curiosity by opening
sealed retums contra-y to law and
then amuses the public with his dodg
ing explanations.
It was by just such men as Secretary
Porter, and by just such lawless acts
as nis ana eucn methods as were
adopted last winter in tno recount
fraud that Mississippi, Arkansas and
other southern sta'es, over thirty
years ago went into a sj'stem of elec
tion frauds from which they have not
yet recovered and which still hans
over their communities like a pestil
ence. No man wants to settle or live in a
state where ballots and election re
turns are ta tnpered with and whore
the law is flippantly set aide by the
highest officials in the state.
J. W. Johnson.
Was a Professional Kurglar, ut His I-ove
for Liquor tjarcrrd Him.
Tqe colored man ia the county jail
who plead guilty to avoid the pub
licity of a trial on the cbage of break
ing into the Missour Pacific depot, and
who drew a prize in tho form a year's
sentence to the penitentiary, seems to
have been a bold, bad man.
The Missouri Pacific detective and
Chief Fitzpatriok have ut rave'.ed
quite a bit of his personal history. He
usually eive his name as Harris. His
chief rendezvous bus been Cincinnati
and along the Ohio river. It is said
that he is thirty-two ye--rs of ago and
that he has served sixteen years in
different penitentiaries. Harris is
a member of a gang now operating in
the west and he admits that the inten
tion was to blow open tl.e snfo in the
Missouri Pacific depot, but be was too
drunk and his pals got frightened
away and left him to his fate. Greg
ory, One of his partnoi s, was caught
and landed in jail and Detective De
Long is trying to have tho overalls
which he wears identi5ed as a part of
the goods stolen from the car at Louis
ville recently. Sufficient evidence
may be obtained to send Gregory over
the road and from all accounts it
would be a lucky thing if it could be
done, us be is undoubtedly a desperate
The jail will be carefully guarded
as these men no doubt havo confed
erates on the out side who would help
them to esc tpe.
The Missouri Pacific car robbers at
Omaha, who escaped fiom tho j-iil at
that place last eight, according to
Harris' own statement, is part or his
Was Largely Attended and Highly In
joyed by the Crowd.
The Presbyterian church was
thrtnged Tuesday eve .ing by music
and flower-loving people of our city
who assemb ed to listen to the tine
program and aduiiie the beautiful
Howeison exhitiiion.
The opening num'ier, a piano solo
by Mrs. Merges, was executed in a
faultless manner and w;is a most bril
liant com position.
Miss Terry ar.d Mis. Campbell sang
two duetts that showed most perfect
and artistic training, while the soio
numbers of both ladies were enthui
asticaUv encored Mis-t Teiry'sfine
and perfectly trained voice was heard
to the best advantage in the bouulilui
solo, "Softly Sighs the Voice o? Kven
ing," while Mrs. Cam pi ell's, "Oh
that we two wore Maying." brought
out her lovely contralto voice to the
great delight of the au'ii-ni-?.
Miss Myrtle Coon whs heard for the
first time in PiattMuouUi, but ra;t
with an enthusiastic reception well
merited. Little"! Miss Morges was a
revelation in her quant recitations
and received g: eat applause, which
was wel. deserved. Mr. C. F. Tucker
of Glenwood, performed the difficult
part of accompai: st in a most pleas
ing manner.
1 ;ie chrysanthemum' m do a boun
tiful show and so'd we 1, an l taken a
a whole, it was a most artistic and de
lightful entertainment.
List of Letters.
Remaining uncalled for at the post-
office at Plaltsmoulh, Nov. 2f, 1S7:
Burtwe.ll. A Carroll, f ouis
Gray. C E Kinsey. Miss Fin ma
Kashall, Geo Lord. John
McGuire. Wni Shafer. Y H
Smith, Wai A
When calling for any oi the above
letters please say "advertised."
W. K. Fox, P. M
Examination of Witnesses For the
Defense Has Been Begun.
-tate Thus Far Has Presented a Strong:
Case Unfortunate 1'eter Curtis' Con
dition Kenialns Unchanged, And It
Is Yet Uncertain Whether or Not the
Young Alan Will Keoover.
From Wednesday's Daily.
Tho trial of Charles Haight drags
slowly along. The state rested at 3
p. m. today after the examination of
ten witnesses. It is generally con
ceded that a strong case has been
made against the defendant and more
interest will be taken by the public in
what can be said in defense of the rash
act which took away a human life.
Tho physicians yesterday testified
that the death of William Haight re
sulted from the wound on the head,
wbero he was struck by the plane and
the cross-examin;itien divulged noth
ing different. The only sensational
testimony was that of Robert Hender
son who was in jail and heard Mat
Geiiug talking to Charles Haight.
Henderson swore that Mat asked
Haight if he intended to kill the old
man when be struck him, and Haight
responded that he did. Mat then
coached iiiio not to say that it would
hurt his case, etc. He mentioned
several matters that did Haight no Gering tried to shake Hender
son on cross-examination, but without
Court will adjourn this evening over
Thanksgiving until Friday morning,
so that the case will probably go to
the jury on Saturday uight.
His Condition Kemains Alout the Same
as Last Reported.
Sheriff IJolloway saw Peter Curtis
at the hotel in Union last evening,
where he is staying. The boy is still
unconscious and sleeps a great deal of
the time. While the sheriff was
there the boy jelled out to his father,
"You g d s of a 1 , give me
back that S-5.10 you took of me or I'll
kill you!"' As this is the exact sum
stolen from him, as near as can be
learned, it seems to be on his mind,
and his talk shows that his head is
fir from clear.
Parties from Union today reported
no change from yesterday, so that no
one cut tell with any degree of cer
tainty whether he will live or not.
Heath of Koliert Yan Cleave.
From Wednesday's Daily.
Robert Van Cleave, well-known in
this county, where he was married to
Emma eldest daughter of W. J. Hes
ser, about fifteen years ago, died at
bis h me in Lincoln yesterday morn
ing of heart trouble. He leaves a
loving wife and a little boy about
eleven years of age to mourn his de
mise. The funeral will occur under the
auspices of the G. A. R. at L'ncoin to
morrow at 2 p. m. Mrs. Hesser and
her daui.'hte:-, Mrs. AlbarL Churchill,
went to Lincoln last evening.
Referring to Mr. VanCleave's death,
the State Jou -nal says: "Mr. Van
Cleave was at home all evening. He
retired early, but remained awake
talking to his wife all uisrht, telling
her continually that he was goicg to
"About 3 o'clock he arose, dressed
himself and com plained of cramps in
the stoniach. A neighbor was called
in and Mr. VuuCleave to'd him that
he expected to die. The neighbor
tried to cheer him up, but iis. words
were unavailing. The neighbor then
went to his own home and telphoned
.or a physician. W hen he arrived Mr.
Van Cleave was dead, having expired
in a chair. City Physician Finney
declined to issue a death certificate
because he was un: b e to tell of what
the man died. Coroner Holyoke was
called and arrangements wercmado
for a post mortem examination.
"Mr. VanCieave cume to Nebraska
in 1S79. He became a mail currier on
July 1, liio, ami continued in the ser
vice o" the government for seven
years, ending his service on April 26
:' the; present year. He was a niera-
e; of Farr;igut post, G. A. R. He
earned $3,01)0 insurance in the Car
rier's frHternal organization. He
leaves a wife and little son.
"City Physician Finnpy conduote j
aiot morttiiK-M ii.ratum of the re
in. ins of Mr. Van Cleave yesterdav
:ifte:no u and found that ne had died
of fattv de veneration of l ie heart, n
en e ritrtit side mz itrecteJ. ii e
ph., - i , says i.e coiiUi..on of M'.
Van t. t . was roch th:t his dentil
niiijh. i . be-Mi e-xpee ted hourly iad
it ne- a iv i own.
Nilrk YetrraiiK. Attention!
O j Wednesday nr.d Ttiorsdav. De
cember S null 1S'.)7, there will be a
reunion of a'l N?bras; t veterans at
Ashland, Neb., at which time and
place you are aii earnestly requested
to meet and enjoy a c ai and busi
ness reunion with old couiraJs. Good
speakers wiU bi ii. attendance. Other
veterans are cordially invited.
John Q. Gts, Secretary.
Jt Hits the spot.
When suffering from a severe cold
and your thro
laKe a co-e c
and Tar. wi ne
at ore?
irr;ite''u! 'iVe.
and u;i?s feel sore,
; Foley's Honey
the serenes wil'
I '.eved, a warm
mm heat rg rf the
parts "tfTeeleei w . he ex re -;enred and
you wi.l say: "Ii. fee'.s so good, Ii hns
ihe st-" It is guaranteed. Saiith
& P&rmele.
Sad Uownfall of a Once Prominent Resi
' dent of This County.
The following dispatch from Butte,
Mont., recently appeared in tho Den
ver News:
"The sheriff and city marshal are
telegraphing all over the country to
discover the whereabouts of one B. A.
Gibson, the lawyer and ex-banker of
Lincoln, Neb., and later of Denver and
Salt Lake. He is wanted here for a
swindle oerpetrated on Colonel Em
met Callahan, an attorney of this city,
by which he was defrauded out of $160.
"Gibson came to Butte a month or
six weeks ago, and through mutual
friends met Colonel Callahan. Gibson
was hard up financially, and about
two weeks ago he offered to sell
Colonel Callahan 300 volumes of the
American law reports for $390. He
said the books belonged to R. A.
Givens of Salt Like. Mr. Callahan
was suspicious of the bargain on ac
count of the cheapness of the books,
but finally said he would take one set
for $150. A few days later a telegram
came from Salt Lake signed Mrs. R.
A. Givens, stating the books would
be shipped last Monday.
"On Wednesday Gibson presented
Colonel Callahan with a bill of lading
issued by the Short Line at Salt Lake
for a box weiehing 29-5 pounds. He
also had a letter from the alleged
Givens authorizing him to collect the
$150 for the books. On account, of
Gibson's representations that he was
hard up and needed the money. Col
onel Calahan paid the money on the
strength of the bill of lading.
"A few hours later Gibson left for
Denver on a scalper's ticket, without
paying his bill at the McDermott
hotel. Lat eveniuar Mr. Callahan
received his box from Salt Lake, and
upon opening it found th .t it con
tained not the 100 volumes of law
books, but eight 6acks of corn meal
and a big red apple. The box was
marked from R. A. Givens, Salt Lake.
"The colonel was furious, and today
he put the matter in the hands of the
sheriff, who is trying to locate Gibson
for the purpose of bringing him back
to Butte to answer to a charge of
swindling, for it is supposed he had
a confederate in Salt Lake."
It is said that wild horses have in
fested the northern part of Arizona
to such an extent that it has been
asked of the authorities that they may
be legally slaughtered. That vicinity
has been overrun with several large
bands, hundreds in number, un-
branded by anyone. They have
rapidly increased in r.umber,and have
becomo wild and fierce. The matter
has been referred to the live stock
There are but fourteen en veiopo fac
tories in the United States, and one of
these is located in Omaha, but it is
said a tempting bonus has been offered
by an Illinois town and that the Om
aha factory will probably move east
ward a little nearer the paper supply.
and nearer the center of demand.
The Wesleyan University of Lin
coln lined up with the Ottawa, Kt.n.,
University football artists yesterday
and a hot game ensued which i esulted
in a score of 24 to 12, in favor of the
I3ushnel& Seacrest,after owning the
Auburn Post for about six weeks, sold
it out to the farmer proprietors, Sto
weil & Kent, who are again at the
The Maid of Honor.
Tiik News will open a voting con
test in a few days to see who the rea'.
maid of honor to Queen Polaris shall
be. Our preferred candidates art
Oswald Guthman and Mat Gering, and
we shall expect a hot time in the o o
town when their friends gai, awak
ened to the importance of the posi
tion. Oswald is not so uimble on his
feet as Mat, and cannot wa'tz so welL
but he will stand on the "records'"
and can make some good points that
the valiant Mathew can't touch.
While our individual sympathies in
the race are with Oswald, we shall see
that the content is strictly fair, and if
the people want to see Mathew shine
as maid of honor to tho Queen of the
Aurora Bereallis, all they have to
do is vote their sentiments.
SlOO Reward 100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in all lib
stages, and that is Catarrn. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure known to the medical
lraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directiy
upon the blood and mucous surfaces ot the sys
tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the
disease, aud giving the patient stiength by build
ing up the constitution and assisting nature in
doing its work. The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers that they otter One
Hum! red Dollars for any case that it tails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials.
Address. F. I. HtNEV iCo.. Toledo. O.
! r-sf-solU by Druggists J"c
vld People.
O d people who require medicine to
emulate the bowels and kidneys will
Snd the true remedy in Electric Bit
ters. This medicine does not fetimu-
late ana contains no whiksoy nor
other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic
and alterative. It acts tnUdlr on the
stomach and oowe1-, adding - enmh
and giving tone to the organ, thereby
aiding nature ia the performance of
the functions. Electric Bitters is an
excellent appetizer and aids digestion.
Old people find it just exactly what
they need. Price. 50 cents and $1 pe-
bottle at F. G. Fricke'a drug store. 5
A Oreat Natural Curiosity.
A perfect face of a delicate Jewish
cast was discovered iu a small ston
about as large around as a 10 cent piece
found lying on the railroad grade near
Junction City, Ore. Not only are the
brow, hair, beard aud beautiful aquiliue
nose perfectly shaped aud distinct on
the stone, but the neck and shouldors
are vignetted off into the dedicate agate
like tracery of the' ba'ckj.-round as it
would have been done by an artist.
Not only is the face as delicately beau
tiful in line as one stamped upon a
Greek coin of the reign of Alexander,
but in this stone are reproduced the col
ors of life. The . face is white, with a
blending of flesh tones, growing deeper
in the shadows of the neck aud shoul
ders. The hair in the dark shadow at
the back is a rich auburn, just the color
associated most often with the ascetic
Jewish tytie to which the whole face
belongs. It is perhaps the strangest part
of this extraordinary coincidence of
forms that each feature, from the cav
ernous eye and delicate hollowed cheek
to the high, narrow brow and wavy
auburn hair, is in accord with a famil
iar type of the Christ. In this respect
tho Oregon stone is infinitely superior
as a work of nature's art to the "Stone
Man of Sorrows," about which a book
was published iu London. This head,
in a stone a little larger than the recent
discovery, was picked up at Oberam
mergau as a niero casual memento of the
spot, because of its associations with tho
passion play, and eight years afterward,
being held in a certain position, was
seen to reveal tho face that was some
what sentimentally supposed to resem
ble the face of Christ. Boston Tran
script. If Water Nerer Froze.
The whole economy of nature would
undergo a startling change if water
never frozo. The world's climates would
be revolutionized. The icebound polar
seas would cease to exercise their chill
ing influences, aud consequently the
currents of the ocean might either cease
or be turued aside in different direc
tions Thus the gulf stream would seek oth
er shores than those of Britain, and the
climate there might be subject to the
extremes of heat and cold noticeable in
other countries of the same latitude.
The icebound rivers of the north, not
ably those of Russia and Siberia, would
be open for navigation, and Russia's
activity as a sea power and a commer
cial nation might alter the whole world
of commerce.
Canada would become another coun
try altogether. An immense tract of land
would be available for cultivating hardy
plants, and Greenland might be what
its name indicates. The absence of ice
bergs off the coasts of Newfoundland
and Iceland would result in a much
warmer climate in thosi islands, where
uow tho crops often fail.
Ice, too, plays au important part in
the economy of nature. Thus, if water
uever froze, snow, hail and hoar frost
would cease. The loosening of soils and
the disintegration of rocks by the frost ,
and many other now vital effects would"
bo lost. In short, the absence of ice
would bo on tho one hand au incalcul
able disaster, on the other hand a great
boon. Loudon Globe.
A Great Authority on Krolntlon.
There is u sketch of "A Great Natu
ralist," the late Edward Drinker Cope,
in The Ce-nmry It is written by Henry
Fairfield Osooru. Professor Osborn says :
His pioneer exploration came early in
the age of Darwinism, when missing
links not only iu tho human ancestry,
but in the greater chain of backboned
animals, were at the highest premium.
Thus he was fortunate in recording the
discovery in northwestern New Mexico
of by far the oldest quadrupeds known,
in finding among theso the most vener
able monkey, in describing to the world
huudreds of links in fact, whole chains
of descent between the most ancient
quadrupeds and what we please to call
the higher types, especially the horses,
camels, tapirs, dogs and cats. He labor
ed successfully to couuect the reptiles
with tho amphibians, and the latter
with the fishes, and vas as quick as a
flash to detect in the paper of another
author the oversight of some long
sought link which he had been await
ing. Thus in losing him we have lost
our ablest and most discerning critic.
No one has made such profuse aud over
whelming demonstration !of the actual
historical working of the laws of evolu
tion, his popular reputation perhaps
resting most widely upon hia practical
aud speculative studies in evolution.
A Day's Journey.
"A day's journey," as the expression
is used in the Scripture, means from
10 to 20 inilts. The "Sabbath day's
journey," frequently mentioned in the
Bible, was 2,000 paces, or about three
quarters of a mile. The Jews were for
bidden to travel farther than this dis
tance on their Sabbath, but of ten evaded
the prohibition by taking a small quan
tity of food aud burying it in the ground
at the required distance from their
homes, whereby this spot became tech
nically a habitation, and they could
proceed from it another Sabbath day's
journey on their way
Hard Cp.
Dad You are a regular rolling stone,
my sou. Did you know that a rolling
etone never gathers any moss?
Son Yes, but the rolling stone would
like to raise a little dust just now, dad,
for a change. Boston Courier.
Wifely Derotlons.
"Poor old Munnyrich! With one leg
in the grave. "
"Yes, but his young wife is pulling
valiantly at the other one. "Indian
apolis Journal.
On June 12, 1755, upward of 2,400
salmon were taken above the bridge in
the river Tyne and sold in Newcastle
at Id. and 1V4 d. per pound. "
Most of the canal barges ia the south
f England are worked by women.
Insure in the German American.
Fred Ebinger. Agent.
Pixel's Perfeet Purple Pansey Perfume
The latest fad. At all druggists.
In and inspect the best selected stock
of Silverware in the city before you
buy? We know you will not regret
it if you do. Every piece is new and
of the latest design. We also carry a
fine stock of everything to be found
in a first class Jewelry establishment.. K3
There is no possible chance of getting
old and undesirable goods, as every
thing is up to date.
Every piece of goods and every
repair fully guaranteed. You run no
risks. Watch repairing a specialty.
THEY carry tho largest and most omnlete line in Ciss county, i Every-thit-g
f esh and ne v. They pay in.s.i To our g ods and give their custo
mers the .-id vantage of ?pecial discount. A enmp eio line of canned goods
al'vays in sioc';. The only p'ace i-i t ie city where you can get all kinds of
T esh Cheese. Call and see us.
A Short Talk..
...Is all we expect to make. Just want
to mention the fact that we have just received
a beautiful line of Sterling Silver Novelties.
All other lines are complete and prices were
never lower. It's a pleasure for us to show
goods. You are welcome.
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