Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, November 24, 1897, Image 1

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THK NE'S. Establsbed Nov.&lWL I
THE a Eli ALU, Established April 10. iS64. f
Consolidated Jan. 1, 1895.
A OL. VI. NO. 5.
Peter Curtis Discovered In a Dying
Lira I'uc-onnrlonn In a. Fanfare for Twi-nty-four
Hour I limble to Toll Who
lliit Ax.allauta Were llelelved to lie
the Work of Trump Other IntereHt
In Not vs.
Union, Neb. Nov, 19. Special to
THE New- Peter Curtis, a young
farm baud, was discovered in an un
conscious ondition this afternoon in
a pasture belonging to Thos. Wolf.
His hauls were tied, he was securely
trtgired. and there was a deep wound
on tho back of his hoi d. He had also
b.;en struck in the face, and both eyes
ware swelled shut He was brought
ti this i ltv. Riid is utill i" an uncon
scious condition with nil l! p:os;ect
of recovery.
The oung in in had been "here
Thursday evening and made some
small purchases, including a cap and
two b xes of shells. He loft heie, as
far as cuu be loan ed, afcout H:".t, say
ing that he was going out to the home
of Thos. Wolf to spend the nitrht.
This was the 1 isl s -en of him until
late this afternoon.
He was discovered by .1- H. IJ.ium,
who h.d gone into tiio pan lure after
some horses. He immediately got
help ard brought tne unconscious
ma. here, where two doctors have
been working over him since.
It is known that ynung Curtis had
in the neighborhood of $" when he
left here, and bis pookots were empty
wheD found. It i- b-lieved that he
was followed by tramps, of whom
there were several in town, who
forced him to wak u: tho little d aw
where he was found. and where they
beat him into unconsciousness, tied
his bands with tlio cord otT hi own
hat, gagged him with his own hand
kerchief and left him to die.
The body had been lying where
found fjr naily twenty-four hours,
and the exposure has as much to do
with the young man's sorious condi
tion as the wounds inflicted.
Six suspicious characters, who have
been hanging around to-vn, h.ive been
placed under arrest and will be held
until a thorough in vt aiiiation can be
The sheriff was telephoned zor
about 5 o'clock and arrived here a lit
tle after 7, and is making a thorough
in vesiigaiion.
Union, Saturday, N'uv. 20. l'eter
Curtis, the voun linn brought to this
city yesterday, is still unconscious,
with slim prospects of recovery. His
parents, who live about six m les
south of Ilock UiutTs, arrived las
night and are caring for him as we
as possible.
An inspection of the scene of the at
tempted murder shows the tracks o;
at least two people, and signs of
violent strugg.e. When dis-coverea.
his hat was tying beside a pool of
blood, about twenty yards from the
body, and it is supposed that he
partially regainei consciousness some
lime yesterday and managed to move
that far before he again fainted.
A more thorough investigation late
today of the pasture whe.e the body
was found, was made by the friends of
the unfortunate lad, and footprints
were discoveied leading out of the
pasture which showed a patch on the
sole of the right foot.
A man was placed under arrest in
Nebraska City who wore such a shoe,
and will be held uutil the matter can
be must thoroughly looked into.
John Andrnon Itohhecl of VI 3
John Anderson, an employe of the
Burlington shops, who has been board
ing at t'10 Ho'el Plattsntouth and
rooming with a young man giving the
name of Ilooertson, who was working
01 the dump across the river. They
retired as usual Saturday mjrht, b it
sometime during tho nijrht Riert-
son t-ilently aiose. took
pocket of Anderson's t
silently stole away. Ho h is n t been
heard from since and it is presumed
that he will not return.
hy IIik
In the .Milt of it LhikI of Kverlasl lug Ice
They Have Iteen Digging t'p
i'oMMll I'alma. Ktc.
Press di-p-tlchcs from New VorU an
nounce that one Kir appt-a ed in
court dressed in black frock cat, yel
low waistcoat, striped black and white
troupers and patent leather tiiivs, the
uppers of which matched the trousers.
And yet the dispatches staid his of
fense was a mystery.
going on an extended holiday trin to
some of h'.s dominion? dni-int: the win
ter. Private advices indicate thai he
has engaged Judge Cunningham it.
Scott to run things at St. Petersburg
during his absence, bui private, ad
vices are sometimes unreliable. Ex.
Count Tolstoi, at out whose health
disquieting reports rescind this
country some time since, h is com
pletely recovered. Next spring he
intends to undertake a journey of
I). C, Nov.
tl.T from the Two Smithsonian sceintists, Charles
ousers, and as ! Sehuenert and David White, have
just returned from the wilds ol West
Greenland, bringing back valuable
colleciious. In a region of everlasting
ice find snow they have been exploring
luxuriant tropical forests. Far to the
north of the Arctic Circle they have
studying a Cora, consisting of palms,
tree ferns and other plants, belonging
properly to tho neighborhood cf the
equator. These fo: ests, however, and
land, in Spitsbergen, in Melville
Island and in Grinntll Land, where
Greely discovered a fossil forest within
eight degteea of the pole, the stumps
of the trees still standing. The smne
flora Las been found on the Aleutian
Islands and in the basin of the Yukon,
where it is associated with manj
veins of impure coal. It seems not
unlikely that these coal dept. sits will
be draw n upn some day to work the
gold mines of the Yukon region. It
is very interesting to observe that
plants aFsociated with this Alaskan
coal are the same as those whose
fossil remains are associated with the
coal measures of the north and north
west United States. It ought to be
understood that rone cf the species
found fessil in Greenland are living
A FARMER HELD IIP BY TWO WOMEN ! mzmmnmmmismsmumm
And Is Relieved of Some $600 In
Cold Cash.
Two Inmate of the Feeble Minded lu
st Itute itt Heat rice Escape and IVon
ltr Around I'ntil Picket! I'p by the
I'olice Politicians of Beatrice Pay a
Wager by Giving a Banquet,
Hay Springs, Neb., Nov. 21. A
bold holdup occurred early this even
ing about live miles southwest of here.
The bandits were two women and one
man, mounted on horses. The victim
was Mr. Klinglesmidt, a farmer from
Wyoming. He had sold out recently
today anywhere in the world; they aieand by wagon was on his way over-
represented at present merely oy ai- land to St. Joseph. Mo., with some
lied forms. The lurther one goes
back in ceolocie times', the lets the
tho trees and varied forms of plant piants resemble modern ones.
The flora of Greenland today is of an
Alpino character. Mora accurately
Hie winca compose
ingly ancient. In
them are exceed-
fact. they disap
peared from t!iB face of tne earth
several million ears ago, and only
their fossil remains are found buried
in tne strata or the rocks. It was
these remains that Messrs. Schuchert
and White wont to investigate. They
wanted to tiet specimens for the Na-
speaking, the plants of the Alps,
which are stranded, aj it were, on is
lands of cold in the midst of a warm
region, resemble those of Greenland.
The plants of modern Greenland are
dwarf plants mostly. Some of these
artic forms have crawled down as far
tional Museum, and other objects of a as the coast of Maine, just ts the eider
geological nature were in view.
Greenland whs once upon a time a
tropical country. That is proved
absolutely by the remains of au ex
tensive tiopicl llora which are found
there. Where now a sheet of solid
about two
duration, in tne j ll
course of which he will visit the great ! t-itn and
e over a milo thick- covers moun-
valley, aud mighty frozen
Plenty of siork.
In in interview Edward Cudahy. of
the Cudahy Packing company of Om
aha, asserted thai theio are more
cattle and hogs being fed in Nebraska
than ever before, says a Lincoln dis
patch, lie s:is that next ye:ir more
tine cattle and hogs will bo sent out of
Nebraska to the Chicago and Omaha
markets than the cattle men of the
west ever dreiimi d of, aud he makes
his calculations from figures which
he has received from every ptecinct
in the state of Nebraska during the
last two months.
Mr. Cudaiiy exp-cls h greater in
crease in the sheep market of this
sjason than in cattle nnd hogs. He
estimates that d,MK),00 sheep are be
ing fed in Nebraska right now. That
is 30.000 above the average. Most of
these sheep :vo in large bunches and
are being well taken care of. '1 hey
sent into Neb aska because the win
ters are milder ana tne loss conse
quently lighter.
Citizenitblp Meeting
The Union Citizenship meeting at
the Presbyterian chuch last night
was well attended, the seats being all
occupied aud a number of extra seats
also filled. Dr. Baird nJ Rev.
Campbell both delivered interest ng
addresses. Dr. Baird appealed for
more Christian fellowship and a
g re iter interest in the church and
church work among business men.
Rev. Campbell also urged the busi
. ness m-n of the city to greater inter
est in the work of the church, and im
pressed upon h.s hearers the advis
cities of the Oid and New wor.ds ap
parently, therefore, planning to v;su
this country. It is also sii J that, he
has finished two s:.ort novels drawn
from Ihe life of tho Russian siris'o-
cracv and from that of tin ue is mlrv.
The success of the republi'-a?) ticket
in Thurston county shows the salutary
effect of having the Indians u-ider
proper mlluem es. X he new agent
there is a republican. Fremont
Some of the grand flJ bulwarks of
tho oM.-timo democniev, who have
been true to the tattered ensign of
the partv through all its trials and
tribulations, have at - st d - i ted. and
have gone over in a s'uamef iced way,
to the new democracy, which is fot a
democracy at all, says Wa t Mnso:i.
The name is all that it has. and that
was stolon. The old line democrats
h;ite to be called anything but demo
crats, and hence they go over to the
enemy, but they wi 1 not stay there
tig, Ithey believe in sound money,
as the.s'certairt.y d. they muHsoone.
or later join the republican partv.
which is the only organization that
champions the great cause. The old
line democrats have always had great
contempt for the newer democrats,
and, if they herd with them, they
must naturally foel a contempt for
it is said that tne cznrof Kus-i i is
"We have all heard,"' writes a citi
zen of Kearne3' to The Jom-nil, ' of
the era"' published all around in the
eastern papers of the fellov in Ne
braska who lost a three hundred dol
lar diamond shin stud gather-in 2 corn.
But coming down th-3 street today I
siw, in an old ramshackle wagon jro-
ing out to some farmer's home, a beau
tiful, all-brass bedstead, bought. I sup
pose, all on account of the famir.u in
India." State Journal.
The News meniir n- w th rere.
that Uncle Tom will not bo here S u-
urday evening, as previously nr.- i
nouoced, the date having been can
celed. However, the in inaer chee
our drooping spirits by iissinii.g us
that the company will be hi re some
time next month.
The Cinderella in exery home isiLe
mother, and the prime will never
come t rescue her, f r the reason
that she made . a mistake at the bc
sinning of the story hy marrvintj the
man she supposed to bo on.-. l-ls..
Thrashiug the Blind .ii-s.
This recipe for t:erpetual motion
comes from California Take a mur
derer. Mix with one goid ciiminal
lawyer. Convict murdeier. Pats
sentence of death. Api;e-il io supreme
court. Get a remittitur, writ" of re
plevin, order to show probable cause.
ouster le main, callar-and-liamos, or
some etuer. leg ! padhn k on the eher-
iff to prevent h.u.giu-. Arue it to a
finish. Have day of execution set
again. Take anotiii-r i.p,;tal. Get
another dofuuny Jrom the supreme
rivers called glaciers. maKe their way
to the sea and batch icebergs, theie
wan in earlier days a vei dure-ciad
wildeincss of luxuriant vegetatioti.
Together with the palms and tree
ftjrns, 'here were trees related to the
giant sequoias of our own westcoisl;
aiso, representatives of the "gingko,'r
the sacred tree of Japai. , arid of the
Eucalyptus famiy, wo cii today is
rcsttioleJ to Australia. Climbing
vn es f -stooned the trunks of these
in. naichs of au ancient forest with
diuperus of foliage, while close to
the ground grew tho-e curious dwarl
trees called "cycads,' somewhat re
sembtirg pa'tnsin miniature, in the
inid.-t of a tangled undergrowth of
ferns and other Ilowetless plants that
cai p.-icd the densely wooded areas.
Tlie tiiidi;;LT of tho Oldest, hardvvooc
p itiit yet kuoii in the world was pei-
iiaos two most latoiesting discovery
of the expedition. It was a species of
pjplar, and the tree giew dur.n
the ej.oea already described, when
Greeuiani was covered with tropica;
forests. Jl his was tho early part of
liii.t age which geologials call: Ihe
cretaceous that is to say, not less in
a!i probability than d,Ub0,0u0 years
ao. Tho later cretaceous llora of the
Noursuak region, as proved by the
fessils, must have emoraced many
hardwood trees which were of the
same generation as tbi so which flour
ished at the same period along the
east coast of North America from
Cup3 Cod southward and a. "wind into
the gulf slates. They included rep
resentatives of the tulip tree, the pop
lar, the iLiunoiia, tho willow, the
eucaly plus uud the sassafras. Appar
ently, at that time the c.imate of
Greenland wus much like that of tne
gulf states toaay.
AU tho tjviueuco seems to poitt lo
the conuiusiun that climates all over
the world in that ancient epoch were
pretty much tho same. The same
plants grew content poraiu ously in
ireenlai.d and in California, in Spitz
bergen and in Virgina. 'ihere was a
uniformity of vegetation in all parts
jtii i n cai iu. iuuuu) eaii sj ju-v
why this was, tiiough teyeral tb.eor.e-!
have been udvunced to account for ii.
Oub theory is that the atmosphere
those diiVo was heavily charged wild
watery vajo.', so that warmth was
readiiy distributed through it, and the
sun's rays did not have a chance to
strike the earth uninterrupted, mak
ing differences iii climate by' the de
gree of their slant. " In the course 'of
lime the atmosphere thinned grad
ually, and then' there came to be
climatic variations marking a series
of zones around the globe.
Eventually arrived tho tertiary
epoch, which was the last great
geological period before that in which
we Jive, which is the quaternary. It
was at the beginning of tnat age that
iiiamtiiai- lirst made their appearance
eu ttieeaitu, so far as known. No
tetiK.iiis of teritiary mammals, how-
I ever, have Oeea uncovered in Grten
; ;-i.u, thjumi the mammoth, the maslo
i u '. v. u j v rliinocorou and olmr
duck is occasionally teen as far south
as Cape Cod. They consist cf mosses,
a few ferns, birches, two or three
species of wil.ows, etc. The expedi
tion found poppte-i, crowberrfea and
blueberries in Greenland. The rocks
aud hillsides were bare of vegetation,
except in wet places along stre tmsand
on sunny and protected terraces. A
purple flower, related to the primrose,
foi nis patches in boggy -Places thai
can bo seen for mil s . '..
Wit li ens Not
State Will Have a
fore Summoned.
New York, Nov. 21. Martin Thorn
will tomorrow be placed on trial for
the second time for the murder of
Guldensuppe. Thorn nnl Mrs. Nack
will both sippear on the stand. An
important witness not subpoenaed in
the ti:st trial will ba Constantino
Keehn, a barber, who vorkt.d bi side
Thorn fo- nearly a year. Upon ii ?
testimony the state will base his arge
m -nt that it was Thorn and not Mrs.
Nack who planned and committed the
crime. Thorn's testimony will be
equal to a plea of being tin nccs-ory
after the fact. His part of the mur
der, he will decHre, was merely to Mrs. Nack in disposing of tho
ghastly remains and protecting her
by silence, claiming that the woman
did-iH murder..
$0(10 on his person. He first encount
ered two woman riding horseback.
Both had veils over their faces, but
did not look suspicious. To his sur
prise, tin order was given of hands np
with four revolvers pointed at him.
He obeyed without any attempt at re-
sistince. 1'iesently he received a
blow from behind, causinsr him to fall
from the wagon. He was then beaten
into insen&ioiiity hy a man who was
in hiding behind a haystack close by.
When Mr. Klinglesmidt regained his
senst 8 the money was missing, and he
saw the lobbers riding at great speed
in a westeilv direction.
Fount! Wandering the Streets.
Beatrice, Neb., Nov. 22. Three
low grade inmates of '.he institute for
feeble minded were found wandering
about the city late Inst night by the
police and were taken caie of at the
police station until this morning.
when they were returned to the insti
tution. The management is being
severely ci iticised for allowing such
a thing to occur. The boys would
Vrobabiy have r.erished had they not
ween laKeo in. une ol tho ooys is
from Omaha.
In and inspect the best selected stock
of Silverware in the city before you
buy? We know you will not regret
it if you do. Every piece is new and
of the latest design. We also carry a
fine stock of everything to be found
in a first class Jewelry establishment.
There is no possible chance of getting
old and undesirable goods, as every
thing is up to date.
Every piece of goods and every
repair fully guaranteed. You run no
risks. Watch repairing a specialty.
Warm Weathrr Fur 1'axtureH.
FkeMoxt, Neb., Nov. 21. The
warm weather of the last mouth fol
lowing the Octot er rains has bene
fitted pastut es considerably. Iu some
places the b' ue trrass started up the
aine as in tho tprirtr The number
t she") ted in the vicinity exceeds
that ol any pievious season. It is es
timated that over 8(1,000 sheep will be
Utened on Dediie county corn and
bay this winter. The number of cat
tle being fed is difficuU. to estimate.
but fiom the catt!e feeding mortgages
tiled it is probable 20 per cent over the
iiuini.t r ,"eu last year.
The M. P. pay-car visited this p ace
Sunday morning.
W. Ii. Murray and J. 1-1 Morgan
bought and shipped four cars of apples
ttiis fall.
The elevator at this place has been
sold. Charles Henjren will run it
herea f ter.
Corn is vieldintr from thirty to
forty bushels per acre around here
ome of the farmers ara done husiiing
'J he United Brethren folks are hav
ing their church building repaired
in the way of a new root and some
W. A. Swearingen, our agent and
postmaster, has moved his family to
Plittsmouth. where their little son
will go to school.
Mynard will corlainly be a peace
able community berealter we now
nave a justice of the peace and a con
stable. If any of the boys get into a
scrap, W. F. Gi'iispie will escort them
before his honor. Justice Porter.
. , . . . . r.
rTIM l-'V carry the largest mid ino.-t corapioio line in oass county. 4. crj-
it new. TLo v i,nv e .s:i fo.- our -ri ods and crive their custo-
i . 1 1 . . ... . - 1 : . . t
mors ttie imviltllRSa 01 11 .ii.uums. eiuupieie. 11110 tit inuiiou t;wwu3
il vavs in stool:. Tho only place in t ie city where you can get all kinds of
esh Cheese, ( all and see us.
ItaiMjiiet Ht Ileal ric e.
Ukatkick, Neb., Nov. 21. The sec
ond annual banquet and exchange of
ourtesics, which about 100 republi
cans and democrats agreed upon as a
wager upon the election, was held bj-
ncui last night at tho Paddock hotel.
where covers were laid for nearly the
full memb irship of the ci ub. An ex-
eilent menu was served. The speech-
making continued until late. W. W.
Duncan acted as toast master.
A, H. WECKBACH & ., Waterman Blk.
A Short Talk..
...Is all we expect to make. . Just want
to mention the f apt that we have just received
a beautiful line of Sterling Silver Novelties.
All other lines are complete and prices were
never lower. It's a pleasure for us to show
sroods. You are welcome.
Watch repairing a specialty.
Witter Supply Nearly Ex haunted
Foist Scott, Kan., Nov. 21. Save
for one r two artesian wells this city
is without water. The continued ef
forts of twenty men, who for two dajs
and ni-jhls have been dynamiting the
Marmatoa river bed for water to sup
ply the city, have failed, and last
night the water company's pump
house began drawing wind and the
entire city supply was shut off. This
condition is unprecedented, and un
less the men who are still at work
with dynamite and powder can bring
water down from four miles above in
a short time man3' mills and factories
will bo forced to shut down
The rainfall for the last month or
so has been to light to afford relief
Zuckueiler & Lutz
court. Fight that to a standstill. Re
peat the process hs o-ten as desired,
and if the people don't hang the law
yer, and the murdeiv r doesn't die of
old age power can lie generated in un
limited quantities for an unlimited
liui - Chicago Journal.
Uucklen'ff Acnua J-i.i.e.
The best s tlv.i in trie world 'or cu:
burns, sores, ulcers, suit rheum, fe- that were
vir sores, tetter, ch.n nea h .n.i- i-!u!-: '- d cypress of
- . s ;je oiigii:g to that epecu
in . y bave existed tLere. The expedi
tion found ihe region sibout Noursoi k
very r chin the lemainsol tertiary
t:es a., d oilier pbnas. lnaddition to
the willow,, poplar, sassa
fras and mi;-oolia, there were chest
nut trees, oaks, hickories, birches
j beeches, other common kinds of hard
' woo l tre s ol modern lyp.s, including
neariy related ta the
cuii- Jn l.'i"o ui 100 souioern stales
blains, corns, nrd ;ll skin
and positively cures ii -
required. Ii is tua anted to eiv
at ilitvof a more libeml mtmnafe of . perfect satisfaction or mor ey relunoed.
the home merchants and less running ! CO,?5.CDt3 pt r bX- For eale bv
to Omaha to purchase goods. I 'TiCKe.
Col. Thrasher
treaaury surplus
$500 on taxes for ou of bia clients.
added to the county
today by paying in
Take Laxative ltromo Quit. inn Tablets
All druggists refund tre money if i
fulls ta cure. 25c.
crupt ons, oicio aiso tever-ii species of
or no cav 1 palms, soma of which belonged to the
genu-. Flaboiiaria, which now survives
i i tropical and subtropical countries.
O." c iurse, the Greenland cliu.ate had
ue.'umj much cooler by this time,
; oat palms grow in ".r.titudes where
thero are light frosts now and the.i.'
j An arctic tertiary flora has been
I found all around the world in Ice-
IJerldes Agaiunt Shryoek.
Accident insurance cannot bp re
cover-ted in cases where people die
'rom an attack of heart disease, su
perindueed by an accident, il being
held that accident is the causo of
death. Such w..s tho rulintr of
Jude Mu-.iger of the federal court in
tho case of Ceiia V. Shryoek against
the National Accident association of
This was the contention of the de
fense in tho case
the time of the accident, StiryceK was
suffe: ing from heart trouble. Il lur
ther showed that the accident iu
which he nru -ed w is sucn a one &
would not ordinarily cause death, al
though it might have aggravated the
heart trouble so that death resulted.
Therefore tho contention was made
that under its contract it could not be
held liable.
Jadije Mur.ger ir.liaiaied that ho
wouiu hold with this position. The
plaintiff's attorneys therefore le
(juesied and were gt anted leave to I
withdraw a juror on account of'aui-!
pri-e and thus end the ease in order'
that they inijrht secure a continuance.
Uerman Theatre.
The Turners gave an entertainment
at their hall on Washington avenue
last evenir.g . There was a good pro
gram, the chief features of which wei c
a debate on the recent coal miners'
si-ike in Pennsylvania, Louis Oituot.
Paul Gerinir, Fred Kbinger, partici
pating, and a burlesque entitled "The
lierlin Hoboes." Oitnot, Ebinger and
two otheis taking the several parts.
There was a large attendance, and ti;e
Continuetodoaleadingbusinessin Fancy
and Staple Groceries. Because they carry
an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at
. c x.
owne.sof the artesian wens are sen- low prices. Everything good to eat ot oebi
ing their water and at the shutdown Quality. Call and try US.
Vl 111 O A HI pii'f; rK.-Ji.waQav tcaiotu
the price.
I.uetgert Case I'onin I'p Today
Chicago, Nov. 21. The Lue
case will be called for a second trial
at 10 o clock tomorrow morning in
Judge Horton's cout t. The ttate will
announce its readines to goon with the
trial at once, but it is very probable
that Attorney Phalen for the defense
twill -icL f . i -j nnnttnirmna tit a n n.i
showed that at , , . .
. ... of venue. Mr. Pnalen is still examining
ihe lo g re-ord in the case and desires
:i.o: e time to prepare for the
He ii. s not yet decided uron nis as
-a h e 11 t he case and may decide to
conduct the d-ifsnse alone.
fl Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets, Plattsmouth, Heb.
No! it is
Foley's Honey
Arretiteil fin Suspiiion.
Nkihiask a City, Neb., Nov. 21. A
ina'i who is suspected of bein? one of
the assailants of l'eter Curtis was ar
rested by Chief Faume last night.
Two p-icketkni ves were found on his
person. These were taken to Union
and shown to the boy's parents and
s me of his : ssociales, but no one
i-nid identify them. No other evi
dence of guilt attaches to the mac,
who htn the appearanea of beinj a
barinlts- tramp.
Otoe County Wheat Average.
Nkhuaska City, Neb., Nov. 21.
The acreage of the fall wheat in Oto-i
county is nearjy flouti'e th. t of last
je r. The plnnt is in splendid condi
tion. Good progress has been made
in corn huskiuy. The yield is fully up
to estimates on the crops of Nebraska
given recent y io the Bee.
program was much
enjoyed by tiiosa j Subscribe for
per week.
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not claimed that
and Tar will cure
P.r TxTRTTiv.PTTnNr or Asthma in ad-
vanced stages, it holds out no such
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relief in the very worst cases and in
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he News-Herald