THE SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS-HERALD, PLATTSMOUTH NEB., OCTOBER 23, 1897. Absolutely Pure. A drain of tartar baking powder. Highest o all in leavening strength. Latest United States ' Government rood Report. CITY AND COUNTY. WEDNESDAY Mrs. James llobeilaon is reported as heiotr quite sick. Mrs. Mullis departed this morning for a visit with relatives out in York county. Z. V. Cole of Mynard was in the city loday and mado this office a pleas ant call. J. U. (iilters, representing1 J. I. Ci?e Co. at Lincoln, was in town today on business. Join) llobbinp, jr., n-turned t IJi: coln this morning, whete he is em ployed on the Lincoln Call. Mimes laltiu McMakmi and Lottie Cutscho departed this tiiorninr for a visit with friends in Omaha. It. C Kerr wont to Lincoln this moriiintr to attend the meeting of the g-raud loit'j of Odd h Hows. I. . Iv Car nes got a day off yesterday and went to Lincoln to attend meeting of the pr.ind encampment of Odd Fel low:). "There'll bo a hot time" when jou start a lie in one of our Radiant Homo h:i!-e burners. No. r size, V. V. Coates & Co. II. J. Streijrht nnd wife ware Lin coln passengers this morning, where the former is a delegate to the st'ito lodge i f the I. O. O. F. The commissioners will go to Greenwood in the morning to inspect the work done in that city by the 13. &. M. in working out its road tax. The Haveloek Times reprints en tirely the article iibout tl.e 1$. & M. shops here, which appealed in the woman's edition of THE KVENIXO News. The new iron bridpe on (ri-atiiie street is nearing completion, and is a very commodious and sightly struc ture, having a separate walk for pedestrians I. S. P. Weeks, civil engineer for the 15. & M. at Lincoln, was in town today arranging to begin work on the big fill at the bridge, which it isjsaid will cost over $30, 00 Quinton Ilinshaw and wf enrne in this morning for a farewell visit with their son, John F..and other relatives, ihey having spent several rinys at Lincoln and (Greenwood. Rtd-hot stove polish. 10 cent per box. The Ideal polish will brighten up the nickel, 3t conU per ran. Sample bottles free at Coates' hard ware. Dr. V. A. Marshall jtnd wife, and Sam Marshall are still at Burlington where Mr. Marshall's father and mother are both very low with typhoid fever, thoir chances for ro c tvery being very remote. The monster eagle presented to lien llemide for his museum the other day, turned out to be mortally wounded, and died the next day. Uncle lien will have it mounted and placed with bis other curiosities. A marriage license was issued vos- lerday to John Venson Wyatt, aged twenty-eight, and Orlena Opal lsyers. Kged sixteen, lioth parties are rest dents of UecK Bluffs and are well known and popu'ar young people of that vicinity. Mrs Ro'-ert Trrop went out t 'rete this morning on account of the serious illi. ess of the little son of her nieje, vbo-e hnsbiind died a few 111011 1 lis ago. Mrs. C . hncinmn makes her home .here and has not been teaching fo several i.'av . n ac count of the illness of the litlie boy. JimSiewarl was arrested about 1 o'clock this moi uing.iii company with bis jajf, and placed injnil. Ho came bdfoio Judge Aicher- at 10 o'clock this tin ruing and drew a priz-i of $1 and costs, amounting in all to$.10. which he Mill board out. This make? the seventh j.iil sentence fo.- Ssewurt in the last two years, all of them for drun kenne s. Three men giving thoir names ns Charge Ilill, George Brown and Fred Fuller were picked up by the po ice vet -iday. Tin v we:o Socked up over ii it.' tit and this morning wei e given at change t leave town, which they very suddenly. Hill gave his birth place :a Rock Bluffs, and his occupa tion as farmer, but he is very evi dently "on the tramp. L'ceno to wed w;;s i-sued to Wil- ham tlcnt v rave, and M ss t cena Gish, both of Rock Bluffs. Both of known here, having lived in this city 1 Kr acro for one or ,nore ya'5 for years, where they have host of JosETII SHEItA, Rock Bluff, Neb friends. The gioom is a son of Cal Graves, and is an energetic and in dustrious joung man, now farming for himself in the vicinity of Rock Bluffs. THUUSDAY. George Sheldon is in Nehawka today. town from oothin Scott's Emulsion makes cod-liver oil taking1 next thing-to a pleasure ou r.iuj-2 lnjititij; iuuui it it ires not trouDie you theie. You feel it first in the strength that it brings: it shows in the ?olor of the cheek, the rounding- of the angles.-tli3 smoothmg oi the wnnlues. It is cod-liver oil digested for you, slipping- as easilv into the blood and losing- itself there as rain-drops lose themselves in the ocean. What a satisfactory thing this is to hide the odious taste ot cod-liver oil, evade the tax on the stomach take health by surprise. There is no secret of what it is made of the fish-fat taste ia lost, but nothing is ?".k.aAs y.our. dru&?ist has a gm , m sunaard all others try o cents and ti.o SCOTT ChemUu - Father Carney was an Om iha pas sengo. ibis morning. Mi- Lizzie C rsuns came in t'as inoriuj from Omaha. Mrs. Wolcott. of Weening Water. w is in t'wn yesterday. J. V. Eenberer s the happy father cf a uicj now girl t-t his house. S. E. Crabt ee sold bis farm to II. Spangler last week for 7,800 eor.6it iug of 16J acres. Tom; r ow is ti e last day in which nomination of judgis and clerks of lection may bo filed. Mrs. Sri. V. Pitcher returned t h r hoin.' at li Springs this morn ing alter a few days' vis.t her.j with relatives. We will m k-a r auction of $5 on i the best b iso burner made tbo Ua-1 diaiit for one ceK only. W. I W. Cates & Co. A plensmt party w.19 held last evo- ning at tho country resinence oi m Todd, which was attended by a num ber of young people from this city. The many friends of Mrs. Kess'er will lie glad to know that she is gre tly improved today and hopes for her early recovery are now entertained. Mrs. M. M. Swearingen and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Biiek Swiaringcn returned last evening from a visit in Kansas City, and several points in Kans is. Mrs. R. B. Carlyle and two little daughters departed Ibis afternoon for Albany, III., where she will visit her cousin, Mrs. Druery, and family for some time. Mrs. George Weidman hs a t.ight blooming cereus which took a strange turn the other day and blossoncd forth in the morning. The petals of the wax-like flower oponing out in the liffht like any other flower. Mrs. liabcock, a reader of rare ability, made many friends and ad mirers last night by her undoubted talent for character delineation and aramalic reading. Denver Mu9ic and Drama. Mrs. Babeock will give a reading for the Presbyterian church Thursday, November 11. Joe Llod has a peach tree that seems to have been touched by the McKinley wave. It bore a nice crop of fruit which ripened eai ly. then tho loaves fell otf and soon after it was a was a rurtt-s of blam and now it is loaded with a second crop of peaches which would ripen if the frost could be kept off. Successful results in s'ove making are indicated by the sales and the number of imitations. The Beck with Round Oak has the largest sale of any heating stove in this country. and it has the greatest number of im itations ever known in the history or stove making. It is t-till growing. You know the reason. It is the beat. See the name on the leg. Coates, A gt. The News contained the enoneou information yesterday that Uncle lien Hempel s eagle had died, and this was the means of giving Miss Hollo- W8j-, the deputy sheriff, a bad scare. Relying1 on the usual truthfulness of all matter appearing in The News, she essayed to pat the supposed dead bird on the head, when be rose up on his hind feet and nnnoupced that he was very much alive. ISurllngton Koute California Kxcurslons Cheap, quick, comfortable. Lave Plattsmouth 3:43 p. m., every Thurs day in clean, modern, not crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers; cars run right through to San Francisco and Los Angeles over the Scenic Route through Denver and Salt L ike City. Cars are carpeted; upholstered in rattan; have Bpr ng seats and backs and are provided with curtaius, bed ding, towels, soap, etc. Uniformed porters anil experienced excursion conauctors accompany each excursion. rolieving pu&songers of all bother about baggage, pointing out objects of interest and in many other ways helping to make the overland trip a delightful ex perien-co. Second class tickets are honored. Berths $o. For folder giving fnll information, call at nearest Burlington Route ticket office, or write to J. Francis, Gen. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb Attrntluu A. . V. W. Members of Plattsmou'h lodge, No. 8. are reau. stedio meet at 7:3J this evening to make arr.intenionts t' at ten i the fiine al of li- ollier .1. ines Ritchie, who will be b-ought here from Slu ridan, Wyo., for burit.1. Members of sister lodges aro invited to attend. Jas. W. Bauwh k, Rec. Ciias. Hell, M. W. Death of J a men ltltchle. J. lines ltitchii?, assUtant master me chanic of the B. & M. at She. i. Ian, Wyoming, diedlast night. The remains will be brough here for intenmn where AL;. Ritchie resided lor n num noroixears. tie had le -it in poor j health for some time. Fur Kent J! t)aere farm. About 125 ncrcs in CllliVi'ti' n. A 10 acr heHrintr nn.-icti and apple orchard, the b.ilauco in . pasture. sDrinr-. A goca slock wo; I and two Will rent the whole at $2.7 I Lint of Letters. Remaining uncalled for at tho post office at Plattsmouth, Oct. 20, 1897: Mead, W. S. Schleicher, Arthur K hen calling for any of the above letters please say .-.d vertised." W. K. Fox, P. M hanllv taste it. The stom lost but the taste. substitult for Scott's Emulsion. try to equal toe pest tor you to equal tbt best for you to buyt All Dragglst & BOWNE - New York lost mm clots ssAP! knows it is without an equal. The N. K. Falrbank Company. - Chicago. Proposals Foi: Fkesii .Beef and Mutton. Hi adquarters Depart ment of the Pla t Office Chief Com missary of Subfi-tance, Omaha Neb., October 11, 1H!)7. Sealed proposals in triplica'e, nccrmjanied by written guarantee b. nds, in duplicate, will be received at this office, until 11 o'clock a. in., contral standard time, Novem ber 11. 1SD7, at which time and place they will be opened in presence of bid ders, for furnishing such quantities of resh beef and muton for issues ns may be required by the Subsistance Department," U. S. Army, at Omaha, Nebraska, Forts Crook, Robinson and Niobrara. Nebraska, and Ft rts D. A. lussell, and Washakie and Camp Pilot Butte, Wyoming, and rort Mead, S. D., during the period com mencing January 1, 1898, and ending une 30. 1S9S. Proposals will also be eceived until 10 o'clock a. m. moun tain standard timo, and opened at the posts of Forts Niobrara, Robinson, D. A. Rut-sell, Washakie, Meade and Camp Pilot Butte, by the respective post commissaries of such posts, each commissary recei ving proposals for his own post only. Proposals will also be received stating tho price at which the bidder will deliver fresh beef.or mutton c f the character stated in the spec'fications and to be delivered'of temperature not greater than 50 de grees tahrenneit. run lniormation furnished on application bete or to commissary at any post authorized to open proposals. Govern men 1 1 eser ves right to reject any or a'l proposals, or nypartofand p opossil. Envelopes contain ng projiosals should he marked Proposals for Fresh Beef and Mut ton," and addressed to undersigned or commissary at post authorized v re ceive proposals. FliANK E. Nyk, Major and C -S. A Sad Case. A Plattsmouthian visited the state penitentiary yesterday and saw Ben well at work in the cooper shop where he has become quite an expert. Two ndians confined for murder were alpo at work in the cooper shop hooping barrels. To make an Indian wo: k is worse than punishment than hanging. Nine women are in- the penitentiary. a majority of whom aro colored. One man sent their four years ago for life has never spoken a word since his in carceration and he has not had to work. It soems a vigilance committee n one of the western counties caused i the death of his wife, and he i-ingled out a man that he thought was the , leader, and killed him. He was tried and found guiity nnd sent to the pen for life. The authorities seem to' have sympathy for him and he is often ' lariated out in the open lawn for ex-. ercio. Fire In the Third Vr.l. Tho hcuse boionging to Joshua Murray in the Third w.-njd, near J. N. Summers' reMdrtiice, caught lire lom a defective fluo this nuriiintr and would have beeu destroyed hud it not been for W. C. Tippens nnd other members of the fire department who were quickly on the ground with the hoe c.u t. Considerable damage was done. which will he fully coveiod by the in surance. The Bent Keiiieily For llheuDiatln. (From the Fairhaven. N. V., Register.) Mr. James Rowland, of this village tates that for twenty-tTd years his wife has been a sufferer from rheum atism. A few nights ni'O she was in such pain that she was nearly crazy. She sent Mr. Rowi md for the doctor, but he had read of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and instead of going for the physician ho went to the store and secured a bottle of it. His wife did not approve of Mr. Rowland's purchase at first, but nevertheless applied the Balm thoroughly and in an hour's time was able to go to sleep. She now applies it whenever she feels an ache or a pain and finds that it always erives relief. He says that no medi cine which she had used ever did her I as much good. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by t.ll druggists. A Little blow." Senator Mutz, chairman cf tho leg islative investigating committee, ar rived here today n nd will look through the books at the institute for the blind. He was accompanied bv Mr. Wise. It is thought they wi.l he" here for several days. Nebi aska t'ity News. The News is a IriCe slow, as Messrs. Mutz nnd Wise have be. n rju.-u tred at the blind institute for t lea:-1 U-n d;ty-. It Hits the Spot. When suffering from a severe cold and your throat and lungs feel sore. tarco a i!o-e or lolev's Ht'Cev and Tar. when the serenes wil sieved, a warm ie at once re- grateful feoliny and healing rf the p .ns affected will be expe it-need ai.d von will Pay: "It feels so good. It hi's the8pot." It is guaranteed. Smith & P&rmele. Served I Him "You can take that soap right back and change $ it for Santa Claus Soap. I would not use any other kind." Every woman who has 9 Sold everywhere. Made only by Caught Illtu Here. A. IL Smith, proprietor of the hotel Smith at Union and also marshal of that place, arrived in thecity last eve ning on tho 7:20 t-ain in search of a man by the n tme of Mason who had ltft him in the lurch for a week's board. Shortly after Mr. Smith's ar rival here tho gentleman he was look ing for drove into tho city, and leav ing his team at Erazier's livery barn proceeded to a restaurant for supper, and while therj was coraered by the Union marshal and compelled to put up and look pleasant for his board bill, as well as a bill held by the Union liv eryman for keep ng his team. Ne braska City Press. Wilt Clear the Docket. During the September term of the district cou t Judge B. S. Ramsey tried and disposed of seven criminal cases, twenty-two from the law and twenty-eight from the equity docket. This wipes out one hall the cases on the dockot and is.the largest number of cases ever disposed of by any judge at one term of the district court ever held in this county. Judge Ramsey means to clean up tho docket if possi ble, and in this he meets with the heai ty approval of all. This district has never had a more able, energetic or fairer man on the bench than Judge B.S.Ramsey. This is the universal verdict of everyone. Nebra&ka City News. Dr. Marshall, Uradoale Dentin! . Dr. Marshall, fine gold work. Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain crowns. Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work Dr. Marshall, toeth without plates. Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fillings. Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates. Dr. Marshall, perfect fitting plates. Dr. Marshall, all work warranted. All the latest annliances for first class dental work. It May Save Your Life. A dose or two of Foley's Honey and Tar will prevent an attajk of pneu monia, grip or severe cold if taken in time. Cures coughs, colds, croup, LaGrippe, hoarseness, difficult breath ing, whooping cough, incipient con sumption, asthma or bronchitis. Gives positive relief in advanced staeros of consumption, asthma or bronchitis. Guaranteed. Thase who beiiovo chronic diar rhtk-A to be incurable should read what Mr. P. K. Grisham.of Gaais Miles, La has to sav on the subject, viz: 4 have benii a sufferer from chionic diarrhoea cvor since tho war and have tried all kinds of medicines for it. At last I found a remedy that effected a cure imd that was Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar;T.ui Remedy." This medicine can always be depended upon for colic, cholera morbus, dvsentrv and ui.irrbii'a. It is pleasant to take and never fails to effect a cuie. 25 and 50 cent size for sale by all druggists. Lontlondale Short hornn at Auction. At the homo firm, xeven miles northeast of Auburn and five miles northwest of Brownville, Nemiba county, Nebraska, on Monday, Novem ber 8, 1897, will be sold without re serve forty Bates and Scutch To ped Shorthorn cattle, cocsis-t'ng of thirty cows and heifers, and t n bu Is; ten cows with Ciilves at foot; the property of John Bath. Lunch at noon. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock sharp. Par ties coming by train will be conveyed from Talmafre house, Auburn, to and from tho farm free,also to nnd fr m li & M. train, Brownville. Rheumatism Cured in a Daj. A fevr weeks ago the edttor wae taken with a very severe cold that caused him to be in a most miserabfe condition. It was undoubted'y a bad case of Ia gnppe, and recognizing it as dangerous ha took immediate steps to bring about a speedy cure, From the advertisement of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy and the many cood recommendations included therein, we concluded to make a first trial of the medicine. To si-j- that it was satisfactory in its resu t-. is put it vry mildlv, indted. It acted like niiigic and tho rrsu'.t was a speedy and permanent cur . We have no hesi tancv in recommending this excellent Cough Remedy to anyone afflicted wiin accurh or cold in any form. The Banner of Liberty. Liberty town.Mary lai d. T ho 2.") nn.l .i0 cent sizes fo sale by all drog.ur.ts. Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and T l . neuralgia radically euros in one to three day 8. Its action uoon the sys tem is remarkable and mysterious, ll removes at once the cause nnd the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly bone tils, 75 cents sold by b J. Fricko & Co., druggists Right HE WAS HOMESICK. SO HE WAS EASILY LURED THE MEXICAN LINE. ACROSS How an Amateur Detective Outwitted an Embezzler Posing; as a Forger In Exile Who Knew of a Rich Deposit of Ore That Ilad Never Been Reported. "I never was in Mexico but once, and then I went as an amateur detective, " said the mining expert. "It happened l5a iT-oxr. A fVi,, I.. t;tt- I "-"- " ...v.... .... x m.iuui had his confidential clerk to whom ho had given an opportunity by trusting him fully skip with $10,000. He knew wbero he was, just over the border from Sau Diego. But ho was safe, for ho kept religiously on the wrray side of the line. Several detectives h;wl been sent dowu there to lure him over, but in someway be had detectnl tho detect ive in them, for they often acquire a professional air iu spite of their best efforts to tho contrary. "I knew that my only chance would be to go and live there as a fugitive from justice myself and so secure his entire coufidouco. I decided to bo a forger. I took up my abode in the wretched little town and iu about 24 hours was so s;ick of it that I was on the point of throwing up tho whole s; heme and going back. But my friend had done mo many a favor in business, and in decency I owed him some return. Oi courso I did not make tho Klick mail's acquaintance. I was determined he should make mine. He held off for sev eral days, evidently thinking I was a detective and expecting me to make, as they bad alwaya done, approaches tc him. But I kept away, as if 1 were sus picious of him. The fellow was dread fully homesick, a : 1 I don't wonder, in that place. He usod to go out on tht desert and look at tho stars and stripet across the border and wish ho dared gc back, lie evidently bewail to think he was worse imprisoned than if he had been iu some p uiteutiary. "Finally one day he ventured to ad dress me. I replied very coldly to hif salutation, which only made him the moro.anxious to know me. He b:-f.:a!i tc inquire into my business and fin I out what I had come for. I g ivehim no spe cial satisfaction until one day I said that I had come frir :i change of air. With tht same kind of air in the United States f few miles away this was, of course, ab surd, and ho concluded, ns I intruded he should, thr.t I was th:ro for tho same reasoii he was, but I pile I hini v irh ut questions. Finally, in his impatience he burst out with: " 'What's the use of keeping up thif pretense longer? I know and you know that wo are both on the same errand down hero. It is true, as you say, wt n't livo over there' pointing to ward the country ov. r the h rder. 'Let' own up r.r.u nave n wi n tne larco. So wo confessed to each other, lu tell ing mo r.ll nlmnt his crime, which 1 knew clready, n::d 1 telliivr hi.n alJ about my imaginary iniquity "That was as far ns wo got foi awhile, but it did him yood For it left him free to talk lie was very home sick, and we both ackncv.-ledgid that it would bo plea: :mter to siv. our selves tin and serve out our tem;s than to stav there t he re-t of our lives. 1 one or twico hinted that I was ready to dc 6a But ho wasn't, and 1 knew that n ordinarv inducement would get bin: where bo could b taken Put he had no opportunity of investing hi money and his cupidity naturally f ree l him to seo that r.o h:id made a very xor bar gain if all ho was to g 't out i f his ras cality was to sit and sjiend' it sb wly in that little hole of a Mexican town. "1 had already interested bi n with my stories of fortunes that hr.d Ut-n made in luckv mine investments, and told him I knew of ono rich d p.isit which I had never reported to any ue, intending to invest the amount f my forgery in its development if lcrald get some more to put with it 1 told him it was in an out of the way Lical ity iu southern Arizona, and that we could get there without detection if we would co on foot or burro buck ;uid avoid tho railroads. Finally ! con eluded that he was willing to t:i!. i the risk if I would and g. and look i.t the property. The rest was easy. I vrote at once for an officer to be rodv to head us off while crossing the Colorado river. We had traveled some distance without being challenged or exciting suspicion. I threw off my pretended apprehension, declared that wo were safe from all in terference and that we might as well take it easy. This proved contagious, and I saw that I would havo no difficul ty in getting him to the point I had designated to the officers. "We were riding slowly along in the hot sun of the desert when suddenly from behind a butto two men on horses shot out and rode swiftly toward ns ami were upon us almost ljefore wo had time to realize it. Although I had expected them, 1 confess I was taken by surprise it was done so quickly and success fully. Of courso they handcuffed me as well as hini. But before w had reached the railroad station they had released me, and he understood how he had lieen fooled. I expected he would burst out in curves and reproaches, especially when they confiscated what he had left of his stealings. But he didn't. In fact, it was so great a relief that he made no defense at the trial and took his sen tence with great iudifferenca I would hardly have been surprised if be had thanked nie for the favor he was so thoroughly Bick of exile." Chicago Times-Herald. Man's Superior Ability, "Itruess I ain't so coarse, said the patient animal. "Oh, I don't know," retorted Ba laam. "You could not make a man of yourself if you talked for a decade, and I can mako an ass of myself in five min utes' discourse. "-Indianapolis Journal. Working Woman's Home Annotation. 1 S. Peoria St , Chic-H 20. .III. r - Jan. 11, 1S9U. f Our Working Woman's Home asso ciation used Foley's Honey and Tar six years ago, and are using it today. It has always heen a favorite, for while its taste is not t all unpleasant its effects are very beneflcial, It has never yet disappointed us. Wishing you all possible sucess, sincerely yours LAUUA G. Fixon, Mgr. Subscribe for The Semi-Weekly NEW-IlEKALI 81 per year. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Legal Notice. In the district court of Cass county. Nebraska. In the matter ot the estate ot Edmund H. Craw ford, deceased. To Julia A. Crawford, George E. Crawford. Thomas I. Crawford. Deborah I-ashbaugh. Sallie A. Crawford, heirs of Edmund H. Crawford, de ceased; A. C. Adams, administrator ot the estate of Edmund H. Craw fold, deceased, and all other persons interested in said estate: '1 lie petition of Gottlieb Kockenbach in the above matter having been tiled. in which lie prays that the court enter an order directing all par ties interested iu the west oue-hali d) ot the j southwest one-quarter ii of section eichteen ! (I I. township ten lui, north of rant;e nine (Hi. j east in Cass county. Nebraska, to show cause, if any, why the administrator ol said estate should not execute and deliver to the petitioner a good and surticient warranty deed upon the payment o upon the payment ot eleven hundred and fifty i$11.Vi.M) dollars in pur suance ot a contract entered into between the petitioner and Kdmund li. Crawft rd, deceased. n tits ale time and Julia .V (.rawlora, nis wne. t is hereby ordered b me that cause be shown. i anv, by the :3rd day ol October. ls;T, and that UDon the i.ith dav ot November. l!i. at i o clock a in. of said day a hearing will be had on said petition, and any objections which may be tiled against the granting ol the prayer therein. it is further ordered that notice oe given to an larties interested by publication in the Semi Veeklv News-Herald ol Plattsmouth. Nebraska. or six weeks successively prior to tbedatc ot hear ng as above ordered. Dated this 11th day of September, 1SIT. Uasil t. Kamsky, ludee of Itistrict Court. C. S. Folk and Mockett & Folk, attorneys for Gottlieb Kockenbach. Legal Notice. lohn R. Ouiuton and Marv A. Ouiuton. non resident, delendants, will take notice that on the 7th day ot September, A. I. isyi. John ii. Fetti boueand Samuel K.Nixon, hied their petition in the district court ot Cass county. Nebraska, against the said John K. (Juinton and Mary A. ijuinton. impleaded with larl 1. (Juinton, et. al., the object aud prayer of the said petition, being to foreclose a tax lien claimed bv plaintitts against the northeast quarter of section thirty one in town ten, range twelve, in Cass county, Nebraska, foi the taxes for lsyA$t,-. purchased by plaintiffs at public tax sale November bth.iwt; for iSH3, $2s.9N, paid bv plaintiffs May 11th. 1M; for 14. 4u.05. paid by plaintiffs May loth, lKtt: for 1895, ;ti.W, paid by plaintiffs May 1st. 1SH0; for IK', J7.73. paid by plaintiffs July 1st, 1WT. and for interest ou each of said payments at the rate of id per cent per annum for two years from isoveniDer tith. ikw.i, and lor 10 per cent annual interest thereafter, and an attorney's lien of lo ner cent on the total amount so found due. aud that said land be sold to pay said sums aud costs ul the action, and lor equitable relief. i ou are required to appear and plead to, or an swer said petition on or betoie Monday, the 1Mb day of October. A. I. 1!7. Iohs H. Fettibone and Samuel K. Nixon. By their attorneys. Beeson & Koot. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an execution issued by George F.llousewrorth. clerk of the district court within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di rected, I will on the -tth day ofN'ovember, A. 1).. isy7. at 11 o clock a. in. of said day at the south door of the court house in Flattsmouth. in said county, sell at public auction, to the highest bid der for cash, the following real estate to-wit: 1'lie west halt of the southwest quarterol section township 11, range . in Cass county.Ivebraska, except lot 2. being one acre oft the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of said section ) together with the privileges aud appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise aj pertaining. 1 he same bing levied upon and taken as the Dropertv of T. r . Carnes. defendant, to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by Charles 1. llayworth, plaintin, against J. . oarues, l. v. Carnes and it. K, YValdron. defendants. Flattsmouth.Nebraska. Oct. 19, A. L). 197. Hakvky Holi.owav, Sheriff, Cass County, Nebraska. C. S. Folk, attorney for plaintiff. Legal Sot ice. In the district court ol Cass county, Nebraska Henry Eikeubary, et al. j Citizens Bank of Flatts- j .3. 1 mouth. Nebraska. I To the depositors and stockholders of the Citi zens bank.ol 1 lattsmouth, Nebraska, and all persons interested therein: Vou. each and all. are hereby notified that upon the ".25th day ol September. A, i. 1S97, I hied a petition i.t the district court oi Cass county, Nebraska, in said cause, praying lor a license to sell the northwest quarter 01 section eighteen (l), the southwe-t quarter of section seven (7), the west half of the southeast quarier of section seven (7i, the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section seven 1 7). and the northwest quarter ol the southwest quarterol section eight (Si. all in township eleven (II) north of range fourteen (111 in Cass county, .Ne braska: and also praying lor license to sell cer tain personal property of said bank, which per sonal property is fully set forth and described in said petition now on hie in said cause. And that under and by virtue ot an order 01 court issujd on the 9th day of October. A. 1. 1S97. a hearinc will be had uuou said petition at the office oi the clerk of the district court ot Cass county. Nebraska, on the Bth day of November, A. IJ. ifvi. at i o clock p. m. ot said dav or as soon thereafter as it can be heard, and each and allofvouaie hereby notified to show any there be, on or before said day why license should not issue as prayed authorizing the said receiver to sell said property as assets ol said bank. Chas. O. Farmki.e, Receiver ol the Citizens Bank, Byron Clark and C. A. Kaw ls, Attorneys. Notice to Creditors State of Nebraska, ) Cass County. S ss In the matter of the estate of Caroline Carter, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the claims and de mands of all persons against Caroline Carter, de ceased, late of said county and state, will be re ceived, examined and adjusted by the county court, at the court house in Flattsmouth. on the 9th day of May A. I). 1K9S. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. And that six months from and after therHh day ot November, A. I).. 197, is the time limited lor creditors ol said deceased to present their claims for examination and allowance. Given under my hand and seal this 9th dav of October A. U. 197. (Seal) George M. Spi'block. County Judge. Probate Notice. In county ronrt, Cass county, Nebraska. In the matter ot the estate ot Calvin II. Far mele. deceased, Catharine H. Farinele, Myrtle F. Atwood, Nellie F. Agnew. Charles C Farinele, Thomas E. Farmele and all other persons inter ested iu said matter are hereby notihed that on the fth day of October, 1K7, a petition was hied in said court alleging among other things that Calvin H. Farmele died ou the day of . A. I). IH97, leaving no last will and testament and possessed ot real and personal estate and that the above named constitute all the persons inter ested in the estate of said deceased, and pra ing tor administration thereof. Vou are hereby not ihed that if you fail to appear at said court on the ad day of November, A. O. lt97 at 10 o'clock a. 111. and contest said petition, the court will appoint Charles O. Farmele, Samuel it. Atwood aud Thomas E. Farmele, administrators, and proceed to a settlement ot said estate. Witness my hand and the seal ot said court, at Flattsmouth. Nebraska, this, the 9th day of October. A. IJ.l97. ISealJ (1EnRKEM.SpuRl.0rK. County Judge. Lrgal Notice. To Leah V. Buchanan and Kobert F. Glazier, non-resident, delendants: Vou and each ol ou are hereby notihed that on the 2Sth day of September. A. I). lf97, Samuel Waugh as executor oi the last will and testament of John black, deceased, commenced an action in the district court of CasS county, Nebraska, against you. impleaded with Leonard C. W. Murray, et al. the object and prayer of which action is to foreclose a mortgage on. and sell the northwest quarter section 30, in town li, range i.t. cass county. Nebraska, aud the northwest quarterol the southwest quarter of said section: said sale to satisfy the amount due on said mortgage, $121) .- with eight per cent interest and costs of suit: said mortgage, and the note it was given to secure, being ol date rebruary t. ihsm. and due February 'M, 1M9.V hquitable relief is also prayed and that the defendants be required to answer setting up any rights they my have iu said land, or be barred from asserting any such rights. Vou are required to answer said petition on or belore Monday. November K. 1U7. or said petition will betaken as conlessed and a decree entered accordingly. SAMUEL WAlir.ll. As executor of the last will and testament ol John Black, deceased. Notice to Credtors. State of Nehraska. ) , ,. ... County of Cass. $ M- -""'" -o-i. In the matter of thu estate nt Samui;! A llolbrook. deceased. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the executor of said estate, before me. County Judge of Cass county, Nebraska, at the e 11 nty court riMiui 111 1'iHt t sinou I li in said count! . on the lta day of April. A. I. lwis, nt i o'clix k p. in., tor tne purpose or prosntiui their caiii.s for examination, atljustmeut an.' al .owanee. Six months are allowed for the creditors ot said deceased to present their cl 111119 and 1 ne year for the etecuU r to settle snid est Ate from the 2:r.l day of Oc- 1000. is . This notice shall auuenr in the Smi Weekly News-Herald for four meki successively, prior to the itrd day of Oc totier 1x9 J. Witness my hand and seal of said county court ut I'latts uuth, .ebr.iskn. this 2,tli day of epteniber. 1k7. ISeilJ Oeorce M.Shklixk County Judj;e. Legal Notice. To Amanda L Shepherd, non-resident defend ant: Vou are hereby notified that William L" Miepherd Commenced an action again-t vou on the l"th day of September. IHU7. in the district court of Cass countv. Nebraska, the object and f prayer ot which are to secure an absolute divorce roru you, aud also a decree barring you from all ' f wny. real nd personal. be!o.r- K ??' j ! ' ,l: ''! .locte in either ti. states ot indiau. . l r.--a The grounds far divorce are that c. iu.: c! lrr i I j.-- cember, 184. with one j. I. ' ou are required to ansn ,-,d pelfisa m ar belore Monday, the 1st day ot .November. 07. William U. Sukpmna. Ltgal Notice. To I'enjamin A. Gibson. Mary C. Gibson, Ed ward Hangs, trustee. Bradford Savings Hank & trust Co. William C. Cnppen, George Leslie and John W. Mitchell, non-resident delendants: on and each of you are hereby notified that John ll. l ettibone and Samuel r. . isixon on the lath lay of .-eptember, A. i. IW, hied their petition in the district court of Cass county. Nebraska, against you. impleaded with Guerdon B. Crip- pen, t-t al. the object and prayer ot which are to have decree ol said couit loreclosiojr a tax lien against fractional lot 17 in northeast quarter ol northwest quarter, section three in town tea, range eleven, Cass county. Nebraska, lor tax purchase by said plaint iff s'against said land ltr years isy t, 1SV2. 1S-.4 and IS 5, Ss follows: 1KV2, $:.!. aid November a, l4; 1HK3, jjM.flu, paid November 5, 1MM; lf94. i-V7, paid May 10, 101)3, and tor l!t.i. $7. IS. paid May 1, 1X96. with 'M per cent annual interest on each oi said payments from November 5, 1H94. to Novemb r 5, 1MHI, and 10 per cent annual interest on each of said pay ments therealter.and lo per cent attorney lees on the total found due. and costs ol suit and lor sal ol said property to satisly such judgaieut and equitable reliel. i ou are required to answer said petition on or belore Monday, the Inst dav ot November. A. L. 1S-.I7. John 11. I'et i ibonk and Samuel E. Nixon. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue ot an order of sale Issued by George F. Houseworth. clerk ol the iliMtrw-r rnuri. within and lor Cass county. Nebraska, ami to me di rected. I will on the L1th day ot November, A. !.. 1S!7. at 11 o'clock a. m. of said dav at tha south door of the court house in the city of Flatts mouth. iu said county, sell at public auction, to the higheat bidder for cash, the following land and tenements to-wit: Lot three (3) in block one hundred thirty-four (i:4 in the city of Piattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska. according to the recorded platt thereof, together with the priviitges and appurtenances thereunto belong or in anywi.e appertaining. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Lmery E. Murray. Mrs. Murray, his wife, first real name unknown. Mrs. I. K. Johnson. hrst real name unknown. Matthew Goring. John Doe, et al, delendants, to satisty a judgment ol said court recovered by hllis T. Hartley, plaintiff against defendants. Flattsmouth. Nebraska. October 1. A. D., IHtfT. llAHVEY IIOI.I.OWAY, Sheriff, Cass county. Nebraska- Notice of Sale. In the district court of Cass county. Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Joshua Lynn, de ceased. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of Basil S. Kamsey, judge of the district court of Cass county, Nebraska, made on the ltith day of October, A. 1. 1SH7, for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described, there will be sold at the south front door of the court house in Flattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, on the i.'0th day of November, A. Ii. 1HV7, at 1:30 p. ni. at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, including the dower interest of the widow, Sarah Lynn, to-wit: Lot six, in block one, except thirty feet oft the east side: lot seven, in block one. except tweuty feet and the undivided one-hall of two and one hall leet ort the east side: the undivided hali of lot eight and all ot lot eleven, both in block one; lots two and seventeen in block two; lot thirteen in block lour; lot twelve in block lour, excepting ' thirty-lour loet oft the west side: lots fifteen and sixteen, iu one-half block eight, in Lynn's sec ond addition to the village of Union. Nebraska; lots eight, nine, sixteen, seventeen and eighteen iu block six, iu Lynn's hrst addition to the vil lage of Union, iu Cass county, Nebraska; lots hlteen, sixteen, seventeen and eighteen in block nine, in Lynn's second addition to the village ol Union, Cass county, Nebraska; lots one and two in block nine, in Carter's addition to the city oi Weeping Water, in Cass county, Nebraska. Also commencing sixty feet west of the north west corner of block eight, in the vil'age ot Union. Cass county. Nebraska, runnintr thence west three hundred and twenty-three feet. thence south two hundred and sixty-five teet. thence east three hundred and twenty-three feet, thence noun two Hundred and sixty-live leet to the place ol beginning. Also commencing four hundred fnd twenty seven feet west of the northwest corner of block eight, iu the village ol Union. Cass county. Ne braska, running theuce west two hundred and ninety leet. thence in a southeasterly direction ah i.g a line parallel to the center of the right of wa ol the M. F. railway company and fifty feet dis..tut therefrom, four hundred and fifty feet, thence east one hundred feet at right angles to the center line ol the right of way of the M. F. railway company, thence in a southeasterly di rection and parellel with the center line of said right of way two hundred and twenty-three feet, thence east tilteen teet. thence north five hun dred aud eighty leet to the place of beginning. Also beginning at the one-eighth section cor ner on the south side ot the southeast quarter of section twenty-three, in township ten, north of range thirteen, in - Cass county, Nebraska, thence running north sixteen hundred and fifty feet, thence west nine hundred and ninety feet, thence south six hundred and sixty feet, theuce west one hundred feet, thence south nine hun dred aud ninety feet to the south line of the southeast quarter of section twenty-three, in township ten, north ol range thirteen, in Cass county, Nebraska, thence east ten hundred aud ni ietv feet to the place of beirinninz. 1 o be sold in parcelH as above described or subdivisions thereof, as may be to the best iu- terests of said estate. Said sale to remain open one hour. Uated October IU. A. I). 1H97. Geokge N. LaKue, Administrator Byron Clark and C. A. Kawls, Attorneys, Sheriffs Sale. Iiy virtue of an exertion Issued by Geo. F. House-worth, clerk of the district court, within and for (-'ass county. Nebraska.and to medlrected. 1 will on the oih day of Nov, A U IMC. at 11 ri clock a. ni. of said day at the south door of the court house in the city of Flatts'nout n. in said county, sell at DUbllo auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following lands and tenements, to-wit: The west halt ol the northeast quarter 01 section is, town 11, range 1(1. the southeast quarter ol section town 11, range V; the east hall ol the southwest quarier ol section 1:1, town 11. range 9; the north halt ot the south, st quarter of section IH, town 11, range 10; and the north halt ol the southwest quarter oi section IS, town 11, range 1(1. all in Cass county. Nebraska, together with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. I he same being levied upon and taken as the property of F. r, and H. K. Waldrou, defend ants, to satisfy a judgement of said court re covered by Hank ot tagle, plamtin, against said delendants. Flaltsmouth, Neb.. Oct. 19, A. D. 1HU7. liAKVKV HOI.L.OWAY. Sheriff. Cass county. Nebraska. Probate Notice. In county court, Cass county. Nebraska. Iu the matter ol the guardiaship ot Adolf Kosen bauin. To whom it may concern: All persons inter ested are hereby notihed that on the Hth day of October, 1SSI7, Joseph W. Johnson, guardian. hied a petition in said court praying that his tinal guardianship account hied herein September 2S, 117, be allowed: that he be discharged and re leased from his trust. Vou are notihed that if you fail to appear before said court on the 10th day ol November, A. 1. 117. at o'clock a. iu. and contest said petition, the court may grant the prayer ol said petition and make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees as to this court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said guardianship may be dually settled and determined. Witness my hand and the seal of said court, at Flattsmouth. Nebraska, this, the lMh day of Oc tober. A. I). lf7. I. (JEORCE M.SrURLOCK, ea" - County Judge. .sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an execution issued by Gearge F. Houseworth, cleik of the district court within and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me di rected. I will on the -ith day of November, A. L). 1S7, at 11 o'clock a. m. ol said day at the south door ol the court house in the city ol Flatts mouth. in said county sell at public auction, to the highest bidder lor cash, the following real estate, to-wit: The southwest quarter ot section II. township 11, range 13 (subject to the M. F. right-ol-'vay. containing about n l-J-lno acres:) and the west half ol the north half ol the northwest quarterol section 11. township 11. range 13, all in Cass county. Nebraska, together with the privileges and MDDurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. The same being levied upon anri tkf-n as the nr rooerty of U A. Voung and F. M. Voung, defendants, to satisfy a judgment ot said court recovered bv C. J. Martin, plaintiff auainct cniH t.ff-ndunts Flattsmouth. Nebraska. October 19. A. D. 1X97, Harvey Hollowav. Sheriff. Cass County. Nebraska. 50 YEARS EXPERIENOC DESIGNS, COPYRIGHTS to Anyone sending a nketoh and description may quickly ascertain, free, whether an Invention IS probntily patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest airency forBecurtng patent In America. We hae a Washington ofjlca. Patents taken through Muna A Co. reoelTSj special notice In the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. beautifully Illustrated, largest circulation of any scientific journal, weekly, terms $3.QU a reari (10 six moiit bs. ttpectmea copies and UAtfO Book on 1"atcxts sent free. Address MUNN St CO., 361 ttreadwar. New Ysrbu (MP V TRADE MARKS, "7