Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, October 20, 1897, Image 2

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The Semi Weekly News-Herald
... BY THB . . .
One Year, in advance $5 00
Six Months. 2 50
ne Week, 10
Single Copies, 5
One Year, in advance, .... tl 00
Six Months, 50
Of any Cass County Paper.
Mb. Bryan avoid an expression of
opinion Wltae subject of greenbacks.
He should tell where he stands on Mr.
Bland's proposition to issue green
backs redeemable in nothing Ex.
Every man on the republican ticket
is a credit and honor to the county.
Voters are trying no' doubtful exper
iments when they re-elect these splen
did officials who have done their full
John Leyda's side-show will get its
ticket on the official ballot, but there
will not be enough of them ever get
in the ballot box to pay for the trouble
the gang has been to in fixing up the
Reports from out in the county
are of the most cheering nature fur
republican candidates. AH tbe dirt
and villainy known to unscrupulous
tricksters will be resorted t by the
fusiouists but it will r.ot elect a man on
their ticnet.
Lead and zinc mining in Missouri
under the Dingley bill is having a
great boom, and the zinc centers, Jop
lin being one of them, are experienc
ing a substantial growth that would
teach anyone but a Missourian the
folly of supporting a fteo trade party
GUYROMEO is beiug roundly cen
sured by members of his party, for
returning tbe dollars worth of stamps
to Chairman Hungate, as tbe idea of
returning anything of value, is un
democratic. Tbe motto, "get what
you can, and hang onto what you
get," is supposed to be sacred in d.;ra
ocratio circles.
Spain has two revolutions on its
hands, and, strange as it may seem to
Americans, tbe one in the Philippine
Islands is the greater. These islands
have a population of over 8,000,000,
nearly twice as large as Cuba, and
one city, Manilla, has 300,000 inbabi
tants. Poor old Spain seems totter
ing on the ruins of its former great
Mike Morkissky has a remarkably
poor memory. He swore be could not
remember who attended tbe demo
cratic side-show the first of the
week, but he was certain fifty-eight
men were present and tooK part
in the proceedings. Mike said be
sent out letters to bring the men in,
but he could not remember any that
were piesent until the names were
suggested to him by attorneys.
A fair sample of the truthfulness
of the Journal may be Doted in the
statement that Berge could not get off
from his position as teacher on ac
count of the republican school board
refusing to allow him to do so. The
board is John Connaly, Dr. Mtidding
and' G. V. Pickwell. Connaly is a
prominent demi crat aod Dr. Madding
is a iusioo populist, as every one
knows. As a reliable purveyor of po
litical news the Journal amojnts to
Tub republican ticket in this
county has one great advantage, as
the better you know tbe candidates,
the better you like them. Their
every official act will bear the closest
inspection. Tbeir record. show them
deserving of public confidence, and
they will not be turned down at the
behest of ward politicians who wish
to get the same grasp on the county
treasury that they have had on the
city treasury for the last year to tbe
serious loss of our tax pa per a One
object lesson ought to be sufficient
Henry George, tbe single taxer
and communist, is put forward in
New York as the Bryan candidate for
mayor. Bryan seems to endorse his
candidacy with all its foolish isms,and
the farmers of Nebraska need not be
surprised at any time to see Bryan
come out as the champion of the idea
that all taxes should be paid by the
land and that personalty should bear
no expense of government. To Ne
braska farmers, this theory is infam
ous, but in the money centers where
the bulk of the people are renters, it
is quite popular. Bryan's endorse
ment of George shows his kindly
feeling for this dangerous and un
American theory.
Warner of Ohio who succeeds to
the cast-off shoes of John McLean as
the cheap dollar candidate for the
senate, has issued his challenge to
Mark Hanna to meet him on the
stump and debate the silver question.
But Mark is too experienced a busi
ness man to invest good money in a
last year's crow's uest. The silver
question is even deader in Obio than
it is in Nebraska. Kunnel Warner
will have to debate it with himself.
Still if be is in desperate need of a
living issue to fight the Ohio cam
paign with, we will cheerfully lend
him Joe Bartley and 'Gene Moore and
see what he can make of 'em. They
are tolerably shop-worn in Nebraska
already. State Journal.
The Lincoln Call furnishes an ex
planation of tho cauee c-f Governor
Holcomb's negligence in calling ex
Treasurer Bartley to book at the end
of his first term wheu he fouud him to
be owing the state a large sum of
money. This explanation, comes just
now, w hen the fact of the governor's
suit against Hartley's bondsmeu in
delinquency is emphasized by tbe
progress at Omiha:
"At Ihe time Governor Ilolcouib
took his seat for tbe first time, Hartley
commenced his recond term- The
governor's pri vale . sewfufary , tJenton
Maret, was at the tinsted in a
little bank at KddtaMra&e "one
defunct." This hmffcrVr in 8,e
straits for raonuy and brith Governor
Holcomb and Secretary "Maret went to
Bartley and asked for the use of state
money to tide over the affalisoftbe
bank. Bartley turned " around to his
desk, signi d a check for . $5,(M 0 and
handed it to Maret.1' . - v
County Clkrk Robertson, urder
the proof, was unable to see his way
clear in excluding the so-called tilver
ticket from the official ballot, and he did
exact'y right. The Attorneys were not
sanguine of success, but they desired
to m ike the leaders show their hands
and in this they were eminently suc
cessful. Tho testimony,' as shown by
their own witnesses, disclosed the
fact that the first convention at
Weeping Water wjis a fizzle, and that
the one held in this city a few days
ago was behii.d closed doors with a
sentry on guard who allowed no one to
pass except those known to be in sym
pathy with tbe trick. Mike Morrissey,
who sent out the rot ices, could not
name 6ix silver republicans who were
present, but ho did name some
p. orainent democrats Frank Morgan,
democratic fetale central committee
man, and others of like prominence, who
were present at the so-called conven
tio'i. The whole affair was no.hing
more than a democratic side show, in
the interest of democracy with the
idea that a ticket headed silver re
publican might deceive some one and
increase their vote. Such despicable
methods deserve overwhelming de
feat at the polls, and fully shows the
desperate straits tbe fusionists are in
Men were in tho ball who say there
was not ten free .silver republicans
present, but they were unwilling to
go on the stind and make a c'.enn
breast of the whole farcical proceed
ing. Enough was gathered, however,
from Monissey's testimony to show
tbe rottenness of the inside working?
of this reform (?) aggregation.
The population of Ireland in 18-15
was 8,295,0(1. The remarkab'e de
ere: se since that I'me is shown by tbe
official figures of last year, which
shows the population at that time to
have been 4,560,378. The excess of
births last year over deaths was 31,941,
but this gain is more than wiped out
by the 38,995 who sought homes in
foreign climes.
The offer of a New York syndicate
to fund the state debt of Missouri,
amounting to $4,900,000, at an inter
est rate of 3 per cent, ought to be an
object lesson to tbe moss backs con
cerning the abundance of money when
ever conditions a-e right and the se
curity is good. If an actual money
famine existed no offers of this kind
would be received from any sourco.
State Journal.
The greatest editor in tbe pet son of
Charles A. Dana of the New York
Sun, since the death ofGreely, passed
to tbe other world yesterday and bis
place at the present time can not be
filled. His son will continue the
newspaper on its present lines, but the
elegant personality of iho elder P.ina
will be missed.
The Journal is treading on danger
ous ground in making personal at
tacks on Treasurer Elkenb:iry, and if
we tee any mote of it we will 'p int
some fusion jedigreea that will make
the syndicate editors s rry they gjxike
A. It. Eikenbary's majority in this
county is certain to be over 500 and be
needs no defense, but fairness and
common decency will not permit us to
keep still when eo much could bo said
on the other side.
The voters will bear in mind that
A. N. Sullivan appeared as attorney
for John Leyda's so-called silver re
publicans before County Clerk Robert
son, and that the only cases Leyda
ever had in court Sullivan was his
assistant. The close relation of tiese
two men justifies the belief that Sulli
van wou d continue in the role of ad
viser and would mike Leyda's de
cisions for him, if he by accident.
should ever be elected to the position
of county judge. This would be a
nice state of affairs, indeed, yet is ex
actly what Leyda's election would
mean, but to the credit of Cass county's
voters we are glad to know that Mr.
Leyda's chances of becoming county
judge are so remote as to "be scarce
worthy of mention.
The voters are disgusted with John
Leyda's free silver republican (?) farce
wherein a cheap effort , is made to de
ceive them by printing such a ticket
on the billot. The inside workings of
this new democratic side-show only
makes its work seem ridiculous by the
crudity of its methods. As a sample,
the county clerk's records show that
one M. D.vis was secretary of the sil
ver republican convention, yet only
last week this same man Davis was
certified up by Frank Morgan, as the
democratic nominee for assessor in the
Third ward. Davis is a silver-republican
one day and si democrat the next.
Oh, its a great lay-out, butbu public
will not be buncoed by such cheap
work, and the met) bo stoop to such,
methods will be overwhelmingly de
feated, i -
Young Weaver of FalU City is
doint; trojan tcrvice for the fusionists
with an eye on tho congressional nora
inUion. Our f i iends Col. Kroehler
and Col. Mathow Ge.iog will find
Weaver a hard man to down when the
ro 1 is called at tho next fusion con
gressional convention in this district.
Two weeks from tomorrow the
voters will speak their preference for
county officers. Tbe e is no question
but what the present efficient, honest
and obliging incumbents of the sev
eral offices will be returned. They
have fully e irned tho honor and the
public will see tbat they get it.
Wm. Wheeler and John Leyda are
the bell wethers o i tho free silver re
publican ticket. Simon pure demo
crats ouht to tee tbat they are
allowed to gel all their votes from the
silver lepublican ranks, since they
choose to run on that ticket.
The fusionists are on the run. They
no longer have any hopes of electing
more than one or two men on their
ticket, and ttie managers are willing
to stoop to anything that will help
the fiiuored caididates. The populist
members of tbe fusion combine will
be turned down without any compunc
tion and stand no roo e show of an
election than a rabbit.
A team belonging to Superintendent
Farley of Platisinouth. gave an exhi
bition of their speed yesterday morn
ing. They were hitched to a spank
ing now buggy and they started from
a school house two miles north of
town and ran until they reached the
livery barn. The horses got in tho
barn, but the buggy stopped outside
with one wheel fcinshed up.
ho:-se bad his leg cut, no further dam
age. His team is a beautiful span of
bays. Greenwood Uecord.
If Mr. Meserve is the par.igon of
honesty and viituo that he has been
described, he will not a'low another
day to pass before ho does something
to strengthen his bond, and mako it
strong as pr ofs of holy writ. He will
not wait for a mild hint from the gov
ernor, or for the action of an investi
gating committee; he will chivalrously
mount the high horse tf spotless in
tegrity, and snow th it he is worthy of
all the good things tint have heen
said of him. The eyes .f an expect
ant people are ujjon Mr. Meservo.
Beatrice Express.
If the re-election of Mayor Taggnit
of Indianapolis has any political sig
nificance, tho silver people are wel
come to gel all of the comfort they
can out of it. Tho mayor conducted
his campaign on local nsuos and did
not allow the Chicago plat'orm to
come into discussion at r.ny stage of
tho canvass Ex.
Constable Swanback recieved a tele
phone message last. Saturday from the
Sheriff of Saunders county, at Wahoo,
to look out for three men with two
teams. They were wanted for steal
ing an overcoat in that place. Mr
Swanback caught tho men and found
the coat. They plead innocence, that
they did not know how the overcoat
got among their baggire, but they
had to pay the costs which amounted
to ?4, and were relieved from custody.
Greenwood Record.
Reports from he country districts
are that the populist speakers are un
able to bring forward a single one of
the arguments with which they m ide
the welkin ring so vigorou-ly last fall.
They h:ive only Joe Ilirtlcy to talk
about, :md the fear that soino one will
riso up from the audience und ask
about tho governor's connection with
the ex -treasurer, make-t that su'ij et
one to ba avoided like a pestilence.
The Burlington people are com
plaining of the shortage ofc.irs these
days. Yesterday a rc-piesenlative ro-
marked Unit T.O.) were depi.mdcd
on the sy-tem in ex ess of the supply.
Much corn, and other roads are un
able to lend any assistance, as they
too are crowded. Cars are piled up
in great grain centres awaiting un
loading and as lorn; s they airj kept
in the yards the roads w 11 suffe .
State Journal.
The Bartley matter is not t ilked of
so much in popocratic circles since
Elolcouob's relations to the defaulter
have been exploited. Bartley and
Holcomb may not both go down the
same year, but both are discredited
befoie the people of this state.
Senator Goi man is Another demo
crat like John R. McLean, of Ohio,
who wants to lot go ard give some
other democrat his chances for United
State senator. The silverites seem to
be weakening all over the country.
Nobody has been hoaid to hint for
the past two months that William
McKlnley made any mistake last fall
when be remarked that he thought it
better to open the mills to American
labor than the mints to the world's
silver. Ex.
Ex-Senator Paddock, who has been
a prominent figure in Nebraska poli
tics for forty years, died Sunday of
heart disease. The funeral will be
held at Omaha on Thursday; and will,
no doubt, be one of the l.-irgest ever
held in the state.
The Princess Bernadotte, ' crown
princess of Sweden, who as an intrigu
ing maid of bonor captivated the heir
to tho throne, i9 almost intemperately
addicted to tbe delights of a full
fledged cigar, a penchant wnich is
said to be shared by the queen of Sax
ony and the Grand Duchess of Baden.
The Builington system employs 30,.
000 peop'e, which figured on the basis
of five to the family means that this
corporation supports directly 150,000
inhabitants of the states through
which it p isse.
C. A . Richey's new tesidence is al
most completed and is one of the pret
tiest little cottages in the town.
Louisville Courier.
It is said that more than half, the
reigning monarchs of Europe are
troubled with defective eyesight.
Amoiiir Ihoi-e who wear glasses in pri
vate are Queen Victoria, the king of
Denmark, the czar, the quacn regents
of Spain und Holland, nearly every
member of the house of Hapsburg and
the Prince of Wales.
It is coining to ne quite a favorite
thing for Mr. Bryan to build "straw
men" and then knock them down in
the presence of largo audiences, in
his wild endeavor to create an impres
sion that he is both great and wise
lie has grown into a habit of mistat
ing facts and then addressing the ar
guments to the people from these
false premises. It shows very clearly
how hard put he is to maintain him
self befoie the public and th t his
downfall is coming twift and sure.
Keen eyes of New York customs in
specters foand in the false bottom of I
trunk the other day 10,000 glass optics
smuggled from Switzerland.
Tom Par mele left yesterday for the
extreme western p rt of the state on
a throe week's vacation and will put
in his lime hunting. The Courier
wishes him a pleasant trip. Louis
ville Courier.
A. J. Weaver, the orator of Muddy
creek, is making a terrific campaign
for free coinage to empty benches in
southeast part of the state. Mr.
Weaver has the gift of fluency and
the courage ot his convictions. He
runs like an eight-day clock steadily.
perserveringly; while the world
grows older. Rumor s:iys he is not
working for present profit, but is
treading the pathway that leads to
glory beyond. His ej'e is fixed upon
the capitol at Washington. Bixby.
The London district messenger
service has decided to equip all its
boys with bicycle ekittes, and those of
them who have had their pejal ex
tremities winged with wheels have
created quite a stir in the Brilish
metropolis, speeding along the streets.
"hooking on" behind cabs and dodg
iue the vehicles on the thoroughfare?.
The laige area of smooth paved
streets makes the scheme practicable,
and tbe m in-igement of the messon
ger service is said to be much pleased
with the results thus far obtained.
All animals, domestic ones included
become restless before a storm. Cats
and dogs scratch and move about,
while their fur looks less bright and
glossy than usual. It is always a sure
sign of rain when hoi sea and cattle
scratch their necks and sniff the air.
Noting the fact that Henry George
is "preaching ciisemated centralize
tion and iron clad paternalism and
calling it Jeffersoniun democracy,"
Henry Waterman feels called upon to
make a few remarks. "Does he,"
asks Henry, "does he take us for a
generation of lunatics, or simply poor.
plain, damned fools?" Ex.
Nebracka at Springfield
Tbe great state of Illinois held its
fair at Springfield' the capital of the
state, ana from the many reports made
by thoe who attended, the groat cen
tral ait-action to almost every one
seemed to be the magnificent display
made in the agricultural building
with Nebraska agricultural pioduct
The extent, variety and ar
tistic t rrangeraent of the entire ex
hibit was something wonderful, an
eye op ner to the old grangers of the
sucker stale. Many of these people
aro sincere iu the belief that no state
in the union can compete with the
great stale of Illinois in tbe produc
tion of almost all kinds of agricultural
products, so when told to go seo the
Nebraska exhibit, it was "pooh, Ne
braska can't show us anything worth
looking at." After teeing it with
their own eyas they doubted if it were
genuine. uneir eyes and mouths
opened with wonder aud astonishment.
They gzcd on two wall spaces of 150
feet square made especially attractive
with grain decorations. On one wall,
on the central figur an arch is in
scribed in large plain letters a quota
tion from tbe Good Book, in Genesis,
which says: ."While the earth remain-
eth, seed time and harvest shall not
fail.'' At the base of the arch 156
sacks of different kinds of wheat, oats
and rye form a double row. This ex
ceeds in volume and quality the entire
individual and county exhibits com
bined on the grounds. The grain
in the sicks is of surpiising excel
lence Nebraska's best. Every sack
has attached to it a card with name
and address of grower attached. The
largest yield of wheat, fifty-five bush
els to the acre, was grown by Henry
Behrens of Ciete; the largest yield of
oats came from the farm of K. G.
Swansnn of Holdrege, and was ninety-
eight bushels to the acre, and the
greatest barley yield was forty bush
els to the acre, and was grown by E.
fc.. Good of Holdrege. On the wall.
over the sacks of grain, on a panel in
large letters and figuies is briefly told
the story of Nebraska's prosperity as
Bushels corn
Bushels wheat "
. 4U.0UU.UIU
. 10,(UU,U00
Pounds beet sugar
Number of hoes.. ,
Number of cattle
Value dairy products $fl.0UU.UX)
When people read and viewed the
proofs tf the above statements they
roust certainly go away with different
An Elegant Stock of Wall
Paper For the Fall Trade
We usually buy enough ;n the spring to last
the year through, but our sales were so
much larger than heretofore that we were
compelled to add an additional stock to
supply our customers' needs for the fall
papering, which, by the way, is the best
time to paper and paint. We handle the
famous Mound City.Mixed Paints "Horse
Shoe" Brand.
impressions and a better understand
ing of Nebraska's ossibilities and op
portunities. x
The corn and vegetable exhibit is in
keeping with all else, and the excel
lent fruit, its keeping and nbundance,
raises the question with many
whether Nebraska is not a belter fruit
state than Illinois.
Especial care was made to empha
size and bring out tbe ulfalfa and beet
sugar exhibit, for this is all new to
the Illinois farmer and sight seer, and
are distinctively Nebraska products,
over which she led at this state fair.
The second large wall is given over
mainly to thsso two product. Tbe
alfalfa is shown in its four cutting?,
and its remarkable giowth and pene
tration are shown by roots twenty-two
feet in length. This is all new, and
when seen for the first time 'eaves a
lasting impression. It is said tbat
every church diuing hall on the
grounds was supplied free of cost with
all the Nebraska sugar they ued for
the wt ek of the fair, and in nddi'ion
to this, 5,1)00 minaiure barrels were
handed out as souvenirs. Nebraska
Standi at the Until.
Aug J. Bognl. the lending drugit
of Shrevoport, L:t.,says: "Dr. King's
New Discovery is the only thine that
cures my cough, and it is the best sel
ler I have. J. F. Cam bell, merchant
of Safford, Ariz., writes: "Dr. King's
New Discovery is all tbat is claimed
for it; it never fulls, and is a sure cure
for Consumption, Coughs and Colds
I cannot say enough for its merits."
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, Coughs and Colds is uot an
experiment. It h is been tried for a
quarter of a century,.and todny stands
at tbe bend. It never disappoints.
Free trial bottles at F. J. Fricke's
drugstore. 1
Smallpox Pcourge. '
Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 15. Several
cases of smallpox buve developed in
this city witbin tho pust two weeks,
and as a result th board of health
held a meeting this morning, at which
it was decided to begin compulsory
vaccination throughout tho city, be
ginning tomoi row. It is not thought
here that the disease will ntsume an
epidemic, but to guard against its
spread tbe board, of health deemed it
wise to take this course.
St. ' Louts Kzpoaitlon.
On account of the above occasion
the B. & M. will sell tickets Septem
ber 16th, 21st, 23u, 28th 30th,
Oct. 5lh, 7lh, 12lh, 14th, 19th,
21st, at one aud one third fare for the
round trip, limit to return five days
from date of sale.
V. L. Pickett, Agent.
Croup Uulrttljr Cored.
Mountain Glen, Ark. Our child
ren were suffering with croup when
we received a botlle of Chamberlain's.
Cough Remedy. It afforded nlmost
instant relief. F. A. Thornton.
This celebrated remedy is for sale by
nil druggists
A Barratn In Potatoes.
Thee hundred bushels of home
grown potatoes, which I will close out
for 50 cents a bushel, rathar than
store them. Call soon.
J. C. Peterson.
Dr. J. H.
Has woven, in thousands
d to be the Peerless Remedy for this dreaded disease
A For sale everywhere. Price. Si.oo per bottle.
Silk Manufacturers,
Itess. Jos. S. Kirk A Co.,
Chicago, Ills.
We have Riven your "White Cloud" soap a thorough
test in washing pieces of linen embroidered with our
"New Process" Wash Embroidery Silks and tind it
entirely satisfactory. We take pleasure in recom
mending it as a superior article fur laundering tine
Yours truly,
(Signed) IIeldino liiios. & Co.
Refering to the above, we deem it important to state
that this letter was entirely unsolicited by us. White Cloud
Soap now has the highest authority as its endorser as being
superior for fine laundry work. For the bath and toilet it
also ranks first as a pure white floating- soap.
Established 1839. Chicago.
Largest soap manufacturers in the world.
' ' 20 biys a Fins Violin
a ..i,- ulfL
buys a Mandoline,
, IJirls- c Maple, Mahogany or Rose
w.xl Finish. Fully guaranteed.
C3 u;js An American Guitar,
guaranteed to stand. Steel
Miings, in Mahogany or Rose
wood finish.
; jO buys a $100 Organ.
in i bull Pianos 3 Oigans
?:it:.,s, little used, for $50, $G0, $80 to $100.
Writ fur CaUloffOM utd oar Urnu. FACTORY FBIGES.
A. HOSPE, JR., 1513 Douglas Street, OMAHA, NEB
Is the most dangerous of all
Kidney Diseases. Pains in the
1 Swelling of the Limbs or Ab
1 domen are the first symptoms
of cases and for many years,
Soap Manufacturers.