Semi EWS. VOL. V. NO. 113. THK NES. Establshed NotAWU 1 Consolidated Jan. 1. 18!. THE UEUALD, Established April 10, iSfti. J PLATTSMOUTH, NEB., OCTOBER 20, 1897, W1SE3 iio OUR CITY SCHOOLS. The Knrollment for the First Month Shown an IuTra-e Over Lt Y?ir. The o'ny school closed tho first month of the school year ye. t-rday, and lhs aft month has boon a re markable o. e in many ways. At no time during last yes-r, did the u; ils approach su h a degree of excellence in the matter of indu trious work and deportment, s has been tho case thus far this ear, and indications point to a still higher bturd.trd of eo,.duct. A FEW FACTS THAT HURT. The "Reform" Laud toiuiuiHBionrr' ii' Kf form" Methods Shown up Folly. LINCOLN, Neb.. Oct. -18 And now a word about Lund Com to ssioner W lfe and his laud m.-inipulat oua. lie was the state treasurer in Ib'JJ. Jii that campaign ho maiu vigorous pro tects against the free pass sjstem. lie said a pass was a bribe, and that no slate otlicial cou.u. nda upon free transjorlalion and at the saiuo time do iustice between the people and the corporations. lie was a candidate for ti ..,-;,.v.i m.u i.,ri h gLute ollice atrain in lbli-, and lie , .1 . ,i- . ,' laeaiu canvassed tne state with the n attendance than at th.s time last , w anti a doClriQa wh'ch he year, the enrollment at he er.d of haJ talked two vears before. In the fn 81 month lnt-t J ear being 1,-, against 1,110 at present. Another i emai kab.e and admirable feature of the it st month bm been he was again a candidate for a st'ite otlice, making tho same anti-pass speeches, and was elected. The liist official act of Laud Commissioner Wolfe was to load tiirase:f witn ail the the ri'tfuiarily of attendance whicn is annual passes he could procure lor f i.. ,.nr. in increas- himself, and lorn the div that his . . , . k rnha otUcial administration began up to the i. gtneeRicun.-y of ihe schools. Ibe pre8ent time he ha3 beeD a medium ler centage of attendance the first trough which free pisses have been month of ini-t ve:ir was V-., while I extorted from the railroads and dis- .1 tin- Wibuted io the populists without Lll in 1111 III L il 111 I l-HVIIVU . tt - - . . . - tne of 4K 6. Thero were twet ty-three casta of t a rd in. si the first month of la.-t year, whilo this year there h;s be. n' hut two. ve cases of this kind, making the percentage of punctuality this month 59.S. limit. Mr. Wolfe is a farmer, and as a candidate on the ticket of tho farmer' party he made special promises as to what he would do if he ever became a member of the stale boat d of ti ant-oot- tation. Ho would reduce tho rates That was right in his lino. In his sp.echt she used to rtsad off long statj- The seating c i pacity of the schools menls of'tabulatcd figures proving the h:,s boon m.teriallv incrca-cd tmd by pnjus'ioe oi tne prevailing tales, anu . . i.i.. ..uor he would regulate all these things. acwrciui aujUMiit. nu r. Now it transpjre9 thttt Farmer we have thus far boon liblo to avoid I Woife was no more 6incero in the half sessions entirely, in spite of his pledges to the f irmer voters of the the iiereased aUendance, and in ad- farmers party than were tho other instead of attending to his business at the state house, is full of eulogies for Lund Commissioner Wolfe, and he is bending out literature under state house posttge urpiag the tixpayersto rally once more for reform. In hun dreds of cases under this auction scheme inaugurated by "Uncle Jake" new leases on well improved farms went without bidders, and on the books the land is still marked vacant. It means that the man who occupied a farm like this had such standing in his community that no one cared to b.d on h's lease, and by tacit consent he is a'llowei to hold on without lease or title of any sort except occupancy lie has canceled the leases on nearly 8(10. (MM) acres and released 80,000 acres. For e .eh t ;n acres caneeled he has re leased one. Well informed men in .he western part of the state Fay that at lenet :K).u00 of this $400,000 bacK tent could have been collected this summer. Archard, one of the pop county treasury examineis under the slate auditor, not satisfied with the $3,000 per annum which he eets from his office, connived with the land com missioner and got throe improved farms in York county away from the men who had improved them and ex. pected to purchase tinder the old con tract The effect of all this school land reform is to lose to the state at least $.'500,000, which could have been collected this year, and to put every man in jeopardy who had improved and expected to buy his home. There's more of this to come out later. When it is all told "Uncle Jak.e" will have all he wants to do explaining himself without capturing the state university j Notice of Sale. In the district court of Cass connty. Nebraska. In the matter ol the estate ol Joshua Lynn, de ceased. Notice is h-rebv given that in pursuance of an brderof Basils. Kanisey, judife ol the district court ol Cass county, Nebraska, maue on the ..... .... , . . , - i . i. i.. ... imn aay 01 uciooer, n. u. the real estate hereinafter described, there will be sold at the south lront door of the court house in Flattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska, on the Oth day of November. A. I). lHyr. at 1 JO p. m. at public vendue to the highest bidder lor cash the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot six, in block one, except thirty feet oft the east side: lot seven. In block one. except twenty feet and the undivided one-half of two and jjne half feet orf the east side: the undivided half of lot eight and all of lot eleven, both in block one; lots two and seventeen in block two; lot thirteen in block four; lot twelve in block lour, excepting thirty-four feet off the went side; lots hfteeu and sixteen, in one-half block eight, in Lynn's sec ond addition to the village of Union. Nebraska: lots eight, nine, sixteen, seventeen and eighteen in block six, in Lynn's first addition to the vil lage of Union, in Cass county. Nebraska: lots lifteen. sixteen, seventeen and eighteeu in block nine, in Lynn's second addition to the village of Union. Cass county. Nebraska: lots one ana two in block nine, in Carter's addition to the city ol Weeping Water, in Cass county. Nebraska. Also commencing sixtv leet west of the north west corner ol block eight, in the v.l'age of Union. Cass county. Nebraska, running thence west three hundred and twenty-three leet. thence south two hundred and sixty-hve feet, t Hence east three hundred and twenty-three feet, thence north two hundred and sixty-tive feet to the place of beginning. Also commencing four hundred and twenty seven feet west of the northwest corner of block eight, in the village of Union. Cass county, Ne braska, running thence west two iiuuureu and ninetv feet, thence 111 a southeast! v direction along a line parallel to the center of the right of way ot the M. I', railway company ana nny icet distant therefrom, four hundred and fifty feet. thence east one hundred feet at right angles to the center line of the right of way of the M. 1. railway company, thence in a southeasterly di rection and Darellel with the center line of said right of way two hundred and twr irty-three feet, theuce east fifteen feet, thence north live hun dred and eighty feet to the place of beginning. Also beginning at the one-eighth section cor- ner on the south side of the southeast quarter of I . I -raj, " " " M m New Goods Just Received. ? COMPL6TR LING OF F iH Dry Goods, Dress P Goods, and Notions Blankets, Woolen U nderwear , and everything usually found in afirst-class ;y IH Dry Goods store will be found at M IsOWGr Street. Hi m m dilion have been able to Since he has been in of Hpb ha han hptrarAil hi r:irtv unon whi le sessions to tho 200 pupils in the every vital iKint. IJut the laud cum- High school and eighth grade, who missioner, with that adroitness pecu- were compelled to remain at home liar to professional reformers, while , ,, 1 , , . . Tr betraying his party uton the icforms one half of each day last year. In- which he pronged, in order to covet less the attendance should inc ease up hi3 betrayals and keep his uarae much faster than Urual, we shall pro- favorably before the people, procured bablv bo able io ..void h:.lf sessions a law o be passed by the last legis- ' , A,. , . lature which gave him power to cancel entirely this year. Tho expense of lfae t.ontract9 etweea the state and its oper.-.ting tho schools per capita of thousands of tenants, which had leased pupils enrolled will be about $9.50 per the scnocl lnds with a view to im- impil for the vcu. shout the as provement and tub.-equent pu-chase, J . . ,. Qtsm which was their right under the old last je tr. 1 he same estimate for Iftw The public i familiar with tbo other cities in the state runs from ?16 grandstand play wh ch Commissioner to $18 per pupil. 0ing to better Wo:fe has made to this state in the last financial conditions, the pupils are few months in handling these public ,, - ... , , , . . r, lands. Wolfe, though a farmer by pro- well supplied with books, much belter fe88ion,is a shrewd advertUer. When than last year. be had procured this law, and got Since the adoution of tne new High ready to make his reform flourishes, school course of studv. our High ne caueu in tne newspaper reporters anu gave mem a showing outline oi n:s nlans. For weeks, through these oub- lirst in the s'atc, and the rr.anner ln I lie interviews he kept himself in tne which tho woik isb-mg cirried on I public eye, pretending that be was saving a great deal of money to the state, and was rendering the farming community valuable Services. And exceeds our highest exspectation. It is earnestly desired th;st the par ents ci ni inue to cn-operale with the schools by seeing that the pupils at tend regularly as they have during the past month, and thereby enable the schools to satisfactorily complete the vear so ausniciouslv begun. Par ents are also cordially invited to visit the schools as ollen as opportunity now that Mr. Wolfe has had his inning and this aavt-rtising through the press itisonly fair to enquire just what has been ils effect upon ihe pub.ic pocket and ution the farming commu nity which is interested in the school lands. To understand th i situation as it was when Laud Commissioner Wolfe CURIOUS Cl'LLINOS. In China to saiute a person by tak ing off 4he hat is considered an insult. In some European countries there is a firm belief among the peasantry that a dream of walnuts will be fol'owed by misfortune. During the war of the Spanish succession the English army in Spain was commanded by a Frenchman and the French army by an Englishman. In certain parts of China the young women wear their hair in a long, sin gle plait, with which is intertwined a strand of bright scarlet thread, which denotr s them to bo marriageable. Among the obscure tribes of the Ma'ay archipelago when a young girl di-s her eyes are cut out and those of cals subctitued, the idea being that in tho next world she will be Iiei'er nb'e to see. - IM-OKMATIOX ANU OTIMON-. affoids, and to communicato their ob- commerced his reform at the bigin- servations to the superintendent. ning of the year, we snould bear in J. G. McHuoil, Superintendent. mind that from 1M)0 to tho present year the occupants of school lands as nv iirought niu. Hack. tenants under the state, weie no more Two residents of Mcl'aul, Iowa, able, by reason of drouths and hard named A. M. Baker and G. C. Harail- times, to pay their annual rentals to i. ,..... iki, ,rw,. inr w no-i n r the state than were other tenant farm I 9 VsiatJJ I II WJ17 u-vaa,4 '"ir o Sir Edwin Arnold was married in London yesterday to a Japanese wo man whom he had educated in Eng land. The scholar- and literary gen tleman of wealth seems to possess fads as inexcusable and unexplsinable as those of other people. Beati ice f orghum. owing to a spirit of localpride,hasgrown to populai there as to have taken the place of milk at the family table, and is so'.d at the - . - . - . i - . : 1 . . . . . i..i.' . ,i..,i.. in,iin "",u, l" '"h saloons to uie exclusion oeer. it is a Hitu mnu 1CTu,i:-iir.iuw,u,.,.vuuu .u . f ho, crong and lOW .... , ...... thavieinitvof Md'auiandwhonvehli ri. "ih9 t.nt, ., nhlo to t?reai imrg to sianu up lor uome in n.. .a l.vinir llniriit uml h i a - I n. v nnd it WH4 llil' ilntv r.f t h( stlltrt I d UStrieS. dence as "Rock Bluffs. Cass county." 10 DU? thni US and to k.ep them He crossed the ferry bolow this city ll .'""u,"?"1. ""fIra? " .1 Walt Mason has discovered a way - 1 nuuiu uc note Lll l(i v. u 19 wuaiiioi. , . .1 ti . mnn Ini1 l i; . v. 1 . 1 ; l to make reiiijion niuru uiuiuiar. no down the other side of the river as tion, for republicans understood that will have the ministers, deacons and .i i. . I it would be disastrous to crowd Ihese elders all elected by popular vote 11 ii i 1- r :i ill m 1 1 1' 11 lit: m ;in I'll rv n u i and ci'aul, where up, anu me county there could bo nothing cainil hv ro oruerea mm nrousnt o;ick iicih auu inioving them from the lands and driv turned over to the sheriff. After I ins them from the state. The land aome inquiry it developed that he had uld not have been re-lei.sed. There ... . , T I was no demand for land. Now, t:teru a brotner-in-iaw. ny me nn ui j. b, dlirin(, lhMe jeRll , ln. B. Hawlcy working in the shops, who debtedness to the state, against these tT..rAd to ofl that he was returned to leasees of $I50,00;. How to collect I.,, hnma in Tfrw.Lr ti 1 1 fT 2 n ,1 h ws this indebtedness was the problem ,. , , I which should have been in tho mind accorumg.y lurneu over to u.u of Commissioner Wolfo when he en Hewitt s moiner lives at ivock niuus, 1 tered upon his ora.:e. However, un- and is well able to take care of him, der this new la ho cancels and but was away from home yesterday, I throws away this $460,000 without any and he took advantage f her ab- attempt tor collest it. This $400,000 is sence to wander away. I a total loss. . With a flout ish of trump tenants when they had i o money, and lwjco a year 'which would keep a cam paijin on mo-t of tho time, and com- mo a every day pout cs would in us become stain and unproli table. Col. Mason is a philanthropist as well as philosopher. IT w T. Frank Wiles come tothink cf it, Frank is so bashful we will not men. I tion it till later on. range thirteen, in Cass county Nebraska, for his son. Letters are coming from section twenty-three, in township ten. north of all over the state asking the governor to clear himself of the ltansom charjros and to require a new bond from Treasurer Mcserve. J. W. Johnson tv. thence running north sixteen hundred and hfty feet, thence west nine hundred and ninety feet, theuce south six hundred and sixty fect, thence west one hundred feet, thence south nine hun dred and ninety feet to the south line of the southeast quarter of section twenty-three, in township ten. north ot range thirteen, in Cass county. Nebraska, thence east ten hundred and ninety feet to the place ot beginning. To be sold in parcelu as above described, or subdivisions thereof, as may be to the best in terests of said estate. bald sale to remain open one hour. Uated October 1'J. A. L). 1X17. Geokoe N. LaKi:e, Administrator. Byron Clark and C. A. Kawls, Attorneys, Also a Full Line of Standard and Fancy j Groceries, Queensware and p Stoneware. We pay no rents, or expensive clerk m M hire and give our customers the bene- jU 1 fit of Low prices. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an exertion Issued by Geo. F. Ilouaeworth, clerk of the uistrict court, within and for Cass county.ebraska.and to me directed, 1 wiil on the tf'ih day of Nov, A 1) 1,"!'7. at 11 o clock a, in. of itaid day at the south door of the court house in the city of I'lattstnoutn. In said county, sell at nubile auction, to the highest bldUer for cash, the following lands and teneinents. to-wit: The west hall of the nort-ieust quarter of section is, town 11, range in, the southeast quarter of section 13, town 11. range 9; the east halt ol the southwest quarter ol section l.i, town 11. range V; the north half of the southw st quarter of section 1H. tjwn It, range 10; and the north half of the southwest quarter of section IS, town 11, ranee 10, all in Cass county. Nebraska. together with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of V. tr, and H. K. Waldron, defend ants, to satisfy a judgement of said court re covered by liank of Kagle. plaintiti, against said detendants. l'lattsinouth, Ne'.).. Oct. in, A. I). lH'.C UARVtV IIOI.LOWAV. Sheriff. Cusscoiinty, Nebraska. (Seal) Probate Notice. In county court. Cass county, Nebraska. ln the matter of the guardiaship ot Adolf Koscu baum. To whom it may concern- All persons inter ested arc hereby notified that oil the 14th day of October. 1117, Joseph W. Johnson, guardian, tiled a petition in said court praying that his hnal guardianship account filed I'. rt'iu-epteinber 5!H, 1U7. be allowed: that lie be drscluiriied and re leased from his trust. You are notified that if you fail to-appear be to re said court on the 10th day ot November, A. I . IM', at V o clock a. in and contest said petition, the court may grant the prayer of said petition and make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees as to this court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said guardianship may be finally sett lea ana aetermiuea. Witness my hand and the seal of said court, at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this, the lMh day of Oc tober, A. U. 1M7. UKORGE 31. SPl'RLOCK, County Judge. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an execution issued by George F. Houseworth. cleik ol the district court within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di rected, I will on the th day of November, A. I). ISH7. at 11 o'clock a. m. ot said day at the south door of the court house in the city of Platts mouth, in said county sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate, to-wit: The southwest quarter of section II, township 11, range 13 (subject to the M. P. right-of way. containing about ft I'J-lnti acres:) and the west half ot the north half of the northwest quarter of section 11. township 11, range 13, all in Cass county. Nebraska, together witn the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining, l lie same neing levieu upon and taken as the Droncrtv of I. A. Young and 1'. M. Young, defendants, to satisfy a judgment ot said court recovered bv C J. .Martin, plaintl.t aeainst said defendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. octoDer iv. a. ii. i-;-. HARVEY HOLl.OWAV, Sheriff, Cass County. Nebraska, Klectric Bitten. Electric Hitters is a medicine suited for aay season, but perhaps more gen ets and much newspaper advertising era' ly needed when the languid, ex hausted feeiing prevails, when the and sluggish and the the land commissioner has succeeded Surprised John Sherwood. . -. . . . . - t r . , 1 vkA ado vvinanam. james wau.y.aiva :i1: i Goodwin. Hoss Barrtow, John Car- i.r,00 as bonuses. He has . thrown ver is torpid mack Victor Thomas, VictorSher wood, away IGJ,000, a large part of which need of a tonic and alterative is felt. A prompt use of this medicine has often abated long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act more surely in counteracting and free ing the system from the malarial poison. Headache, Indigestion, Con- WANTS. (Special notice under this head will be charged for at the rate of H cent per word each insertion.) Glen Hearing, Howard uearing, rr"u'" UUY, ' V, , . i , c, , j I IUCICU1 UU3 CUllCt tCU lV,Ol'U CIU I1BW tamest W Ul, eme oueriHJU, ,B!U1 H n:.nnU th Iomo-o on Bertha Lloyd.Maggie Warren, Bertha 79 acres, throws away S4G0,0t;0 due the Cnrraack. Hilda Hawkinson. Anna school lund of the state, collects in tt..i.:. i i.-a. nnA Mo.. piwi H ie u of t h i s 1 0,800, and cal 1 a th is busi . . , tT , . Iness. Had one man in forty paid up jLiUlu JjfeK anu uraeo ttawKins com- hij ,.,.-, nn thi -i.r..d 1 posed a iolly crowd that surprised amount would have equalled all the stipation, Dizziness, yield to Electric John Sherwood with a visit at his I bonus money. Had 30 per cent of the I Hitters. Fifty cents and $1 bottles at . Thnrsri. i-.,ino- o1 leaseholdnrs retained their farms p. G. Fricke'a drug store. 1 . , I and paid regular rent in the future aney oarrieu ua.ei, ' C",IU,CT' tlieamountwould over balance that A Qaetr Sweetheart and with the rolreshments, music ana 1 which will bo leceived on the new Drs. Chapman and Arts this after games a delijhtful evening was spent, leases This reform land com mis DOOn removed a broken hat nin from Khenmatum Cored iu . i)y. costly an experiment as the reform I Herb Crow's side, says a dispatch from A few weeks ago tho editor wae I governor's approval of Hartley's Hastings in this morningrs papers. taken with a very severo cold that I worthless bond. But from an exami- The pin entered his right side just be caused him to be in a most miserable on of the t tho rtate low tho ribs nnd rcmaind imbedded condition. It was undoubted'y a bad new ieas)es Were secured bv old in his flesh from last Sunday evening HISCF.LLANKOIS. ANTED Active, sober and trustworthy man to travel through this section. Salary $."il a month, payable weekly, and expenses: splendid w opportunity. Address iHhrr company. Uliesuiut street. P luladclphia, l a. ltKU Call and See For Yourself. m 1I1 EGlflLSflLE SI. 25 School Shoes $1.25 mm We Have Just Received - 500- PAIRS 5QQ Crushing Out Competition Is what Fetzor's handsome, ele gaat shces are doiu. They are so comfortable, fctylbh and ele gant in appt arance, besides be ing durablo nnd low priced, thai no one else in Plattsmouth cr.n compete with them. They have a handsome stock of boys' school shrcs that just tho trick for school da v. . Joseph lctxcr. North Side Main Street. I 4 4 4 t 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 The Casino Saloon WIIKKE YOC CAN GET THK FAMOUS ANHEUSER-BUSCH BOTTLED BEER BY THE CASE. l'ue Imported Wines and Whiskies nnd that queen of all modi cine Malt-Nu trine. A MISTAKE All sizos, all Solid. Well Made Shoes,' with NO PAPER, which will go AT LESS than mnnufactnrers' prices. We sell nothiug but Shoes, GOOD SHOP'S, and give our whole undivided attention to SHOES, and by s doing we study QUALITY hence your potketbook. We don't havo to give you pencils to induce you to buy our Shoes. We make tho PRICE RIGHT,which makes the pencil giv ing scheme a very small and insignificant misleading inducement. Call and bee the BARGAINS partially displayed on our counters and you will be made happy. Open every evening liii we get tired. No more 8 o'clock closing. Look before you Buy Ard you won't get stuck either on a paintrd seat or inferior liquors, ' wliteftraT'ti f tw n ollai'cd- as baxgaina by unprincipled concerns. Phil Thierolf don't want you to patronize them once, they want jour purchases to lie a sample of the quality you will alwavs fiad in their store. If you want to be just to yourself, examine our wines and liquors beiore' going elsewhere. You will thank us for this tip. ROBERT SHERWOOD FOOT MILLINER. Plattsmouth, Neb. PHIL THIEROLF, Proprietor. TIME TABLE PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. HI Fancy Groceries. Choice Canned Goods. Lincoln , Omaha Helena Portland San Francisco All points west. Chicago St. Joseph Kansas City St. Louis and all points East and South. These are Leaders at COR SALE A first mortgage of $S.tHI on a I Cass county farm. Enquire of F K. fiuth man at the Perkins house. Plattsmouth, Neb. case of la giippe, and recognizing it j leaseholders. These school land ten-1 unli. this afternoon hrt took immediat I onnnin r in O lanrl rlnal no 1 ltn a. steps to bring about a speedy - tho wound until this morning, when From the advertisement of Chamber- j rorm lK)litics. Each one of them had I "e fell some pain. The doctors do not Iain's Coush Kcimdy ard the many a friendly neighbor to bid in the land J apprehend any serious trouble to the KKAL ESTATE. location. water. Price, $". Two bift lots. Price. $.'. Chicken house. THREE ACRES All in fruit. Splendid house and outbuildings. Near shops. Price. $.". Several other splendid bargains in city property. ONE HUNDRED and sixty acre farm, well im proved, splendid land, close to Plattsmouth. $."0 per acre. recommerd itious included I and them trant-fer the leise to him. , .i. k.c 1 uoes a larini-r woo ums a tenant, iu xnereir., wt iut uulu l. m.. trood . I arrears for roi t:ti cancel the old lease. trial of the medicine. To sny that it forsrivo thQ old debt, and then re-lease was satisfactory in its iesult, is put- the land to the same party 't Or does it very mildly, indeed. It acted like he not rather hold the tenant to the . , . ,....-., 4rulljff ! old cont-act and then ns fast as pos inagtc and the 1 csu.t was a speedy anu rent monejy ar permauent cure We have no best- in the land coti missioner has tancy in letommnding this excellent represented t hi ough bis advertising Cou"h Remedy to anyone afflicted in the press that he has saved money . . " , , . , m mh. to the state The land commissioner is with a cough or cold in any form. The 0 bu3inegs agent of lno slale u is llanner of Liberty, Liberty town, Mary- his business to collect the money due lai d. Tl.o and 50 coiit sizes for the state, not to caucel the debt. It sale by all drugi.-ts. was by means of this double shuffle act that J. II. Elmisten. chairman of ojiur sppr ntsiumj. the populist state commitiea, flim- The ladies of the Presbyterian flammed the statu out ot four and one- 1 church at Murray will give an oyster half yenrs7 rent on some land In Uaw .nnnsrkVirlnvm'r.nin w,.i o. -, I foo couotv and still holds the land r , -i - -i " - young man from tho wound, which is suppocd to have been intlic'.e 1 by his sweetheart. A Live Kepubltcan Kmblem. Uncle Btsn Hempel now numbers a live eagle among his museum curiosi ties. It is one of two that were shot, crippltd and captured yesterday by Allen Slagel, living about ten miles south of here. The eagle is a large one, measuring seven feet from tip to tipcf wings, and Mr. Hempel hopes to keep it alive. If it dies, however, he will have it stuffed and mounted and place It in his museum with h other curiosities. tiie residence of Win Murray Subscribe for The Semi-Weekly I'ninmiuinnr VVrI fn ralis th is refn-m. . . . I UUHUI . .. v..v ltoyal east ol'm, Tr-dmUtrtn narndinn- himself at I Evcrytjodj invited. 'the popt-list headquarters nowadays News Hf.UALIi-81 per yoar. land. Price. JC5.L1M. IfiHTY ACRE FARM Good buildings, fine COR RENT Ifid acre farm one and one-half I mile from Avoca. $t per acre, cash rent. ,T. 11. POLLOCK. Real Estate. Loans and Insurance. The Mammoth BLACK JACK White's Grocery Store (THE OLD RELIABLE.) piu A select stock of Dry (roods 111 the latest styles for r ail and W inter just arrived. If you wnnt the best for your money give us a trial. F. S. Upper Main Street. WHITE, The BEST EATING Which took First Premium at the State Fair has been pur chased by me and will make the fall season at my barn in Plattsmouth. In the World. Also everthing in a first-class Hardware store at Prices which are RIGHT. We manufacture the BEST AIR TIGHT HEATING STOVE . On the Market. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: No'-tk. Loea.1 express, daily, St Joe, Kansas, M 1,011 is. an points south 0:40 lit No . Local exD. dally, Burlington. Chicago, all points east.... iu:z am NolO. Local exp. dally except Sun day US5 am No'.'i Local exp, daily except Sun day. Pacific Junction 12.28 No :i0. Freight, daily exuent bund ay raciuo Junction -- pm No 2. Vestibuled exp, dally. Bur lington. Chicago and all Dumueait 5:30 pm No. 1 slu 11 from Junction to Platts- moutti No IJ. Local exp, daily, st Joe.Kan- ua City, frt L.ouis. unicaco Mil mil ni.s east and south.. 825 Dm No fx Locitl exp, daily, Oniaha,Lln- coln, lienver and interme diate st ations 7:32 am Nuo, Local frelifht, daily. Omaha. 8:50 aui No Z'.i. Local frcitcht. cluiiy, ex Sun day, Cedar tJreeK, Louis ville, Mouth iiena 7:37 am .No 7. Past mall, dally, Uiuaha ana Idncoln z:Z2 pm No 3. Veftibuled exp. dally. Hen- ver and all pointH in 0010 riiriik. I'tah and California. (irand Island, Black Hill. Montana nnd Pacific N. W. No a. Local exp.daily excepted - iay. Louisville. Ashland, r . A . t T . 1 v anoo, pcntiy ter FlattSmOttthy INCD. No It. Ixcalexp.daily except Sun- uay, vninnn ami Liiiruiu.. No 17. Local express, Sunday only, Omaha No Ti. Freight, dally, Louisville... Sleeping, dinlns and reclining chair oars seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and bagsu-'e checked to an7 oolnt ln the ITnited States or Canada. For Information, time tables, maps and tickets call or write to W. L. PICKETT. Agent, Plattsmouth, Neb. J. FRANCES. Gen. Pass. Agt.. Omaha. Neb. 3:43 pm im pm 4-59 pm 5:27 pin 9:05 pm The CHEAPEST STOVES S. B. HALL & SON, Jas. H.Sage. cT'5ai." South Sixth Street, - - Plattsmouth, Neb. rt. I-. 1 I.Ht; CAKU. ... TBA1NS OOINO NORTH, 1 4:.-u a. ni. No. 9 " L:1 a-m No. Ill, local frelKht V.ut TRAINS GOING SOOTH. No. 2 I' P- '" No. 12i4ocal frelKBt No. 10 An Eatruj. A black colt four years of age has strayed from my premises in Platts- j mouth, and any information auoui same left at Nkws office will be thank fully received. Fred Dri'CKER.