Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, October 13, 1897, Image 3

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Absolutely Pure.
A cteam of tartar baking powder. Highest O
atl in leavening strength. Latest L'nitrd States 1
Government i-ood Report.
Harry Adair lias quit the shops and
will husk -rn.
Mr. .John Rutherford w. s an Om
aha visitor today-
W. (1. Kt'B if of Smith Omaha was
in tiwn Wilny on business.
Mcleiioir Socni.iuliden was attending
to business in Omaha today.
K. V. Fitt made a busintt-s trip to
Lincoln today forlbe IJ. V M.
-A. II. Week bach go h to Alii tnee
'inn rrrw to purchns potatoes.
J. l Ilins-liaw and family ppent
Sund ay with relative-? in Lincoln.
Edwin Jcarv,thc Klmwood attorney.
is -in Hhe city tulay on leal business.
A steam heated loom with board
ami bath, il ." cv week at the Kilcy.
f. idles' underwear and hosiery at
i.m ti in every day and night at the
Get. is' underwear aid hosiery at
miction every day and night at the
Dar Johnsui returned from a few
days" business trp to Kansas City this
The Wou ati'd club is in regular
session this nfteimon at their room in
K. ot 1. hall.
Hyioi t'lark went to Lincoln this
morning to attend t mailers before
t he su preme court.
fouie Thomas returned home this
morning from a pleasant at the
Nashville exposition.
(lOoJwin is horn ; ag.tiii. Now bar
gains will be riven every afternoon
and nigh, at the Wonder.
Air lo nemei-jr a d s-n.i, Henry, two
hubstinlial farmers fr ra near Mur
doek, were in ihe city t day.
M is Oliver :ir..1 i is Mi-Viiker
departed this morning fo a two day's
visit with friends in Omaha.
Michael George Kitue and Kate L
Kirkpatriok, both of Nehawka, were
granted a license to wed today.
Tne King's Daughters will g-ve a
Halloween social at White's opera
house the evening of October I!0.
S. I. Holloway returned last night
from Snith liei.u, whither ho went
Saturday on .i pap :r-si;rving expedi
Otto Wi.rl made a business tri p to
Havelock this morning where his ci-
g irs are justly lopul ir with the shop
Thy D ana, a wood l.a-o burner for
$10. '1 he Minervia, i2 It will pay
you to ex iimne ill "e stove-. t'i:ite.s
A C.
We h ive to sell goo is or starve,
llun t f.til 1o atletid tlie unci ion s, lies
-very d and night this weeK at the
1. not fail to hear Miss Liwe, the
fatuous harpist, with the Mi ndi-hl-ohn
quartette. .t the Cosmos show Oc
tober '22.
F. S. While returned to Lincoln
this merging to attend to his duties
ds bail itT in the U. S. court row in
session there.
Dr. ischiUlknerht is out on the
street ansin, after being lai.l up for
some lime as the insult of a runaway
while visiting in Misssouri.
The lYesby teriaii Indies' Aid so
ciety will meet with Mrs. Travis
Tuesday nfternoo i at 2 o'clock. Husi-nes-i
of importance.
p Mrs. Sieve I'urker, aflei a pleasant
. - . -.1 l . 1 . Tl
visit wiiii ner parents, I cier i errj
and wife, return d to her- home near
S.rward this morning.
John Cagney has quit the Hotel
ILlione to :. crept a more urofi table
posit it n with the Cudahy Packing
company Jit Sutb Omaha.
Among the list of th os attending
tha P. Iv O. convention we noticed the
names of Miss Alma Waterman and
Mrs. Lillian farm e-e of this citv.
Tm be-t i;n we have seen
Scott's Emulsion makes col-liver oil taking next
tiling to a pleasure You hardly taste it. The stom
ach knows nothing" -about it it il es not trouble you
theie. You feel it first in the strength that it brings:
it shows in the eotor of the cheek, the rounding- of the
anglas. tha smoothing1 of the wrinkles.
It is cod-liver oil digested for you, slipping as easily
intothe blood and losing itself there as rain-drops lose
themselves in the ocean.
What a satisfactory thing this is to hide the odious
taste of cod-liver oil, evade the tax on the stomach,
take health by surprise.
There is no secret of what it is made of the fish-fat
taste is lost, but nothing is lost but the taste.
Perhaps your druggist has a
isn t tbt standard all others try
o cenU and $.
tliiayenris the one to be presented
by the Knights and L idica f Security
at Wu'e mati'o h ill tomorrow niglit.
In I riday'o N. vs appeared a dis
criplion of : sclf-rr-gulaiing ir tight
st ve. S ilnrday Co nes' hardware
store s Id two of them, one $10 nd a
larger tize for $12.
The ra'n which begat failinj: early
Suntiay mo- ni:ig and continu 0 all day
wis not heavy, tho .oveinment gu.ige
only hhnwinj' ono-half- i t eh of wt(r
this mm n"ng, but it d d grett pood.
Tl e county begin w rk this morn
ii'ff on the new b idtro ucross the
creek on (iiunile .triet. The htruc
turo will tea ve: v mbstantial one, of
iron, and will cot in the noigbhor-ho-
d of 1, 100.
From the Times.
Mrs. George Kroehler spent Satur
day and Sunday in Plattsmouth.
C. A. Print, was called to Chalco,
Neb., yesterday to repair a gasoline
engine used in pumping water for the
Bert Holmes has moved hi house
hold goods to Lincoln, Mrs. Holmes
living with her mother whilo He rt is
out on the road firing.
The pay-car, that brilliant orna
ment which shines on everybody here
for one brief.hour each month, arrived
3-esterdny evening ai.d paid olT the
In driving overland from Ph.tts
inouth, IL W. Hyers was'' surprised
to notice the excellent condition of
the fall wheat, despite tho very dry
weather we have been having.
Gin Hyers has a brand new horse
and the animal is a little the finest in
these parts. It is only a. colt, but a
blooded roadster and may yet be heard
from on the race track.
Archie Adams, jr., started on horse
back to Plattsmouth Sunday, and
when near Waverly the horse tor k a
header which caused his collar bone
to be broken. He walked home think
ing all the while that he didn't want
to go to Plattsmouth anyway.
lion. IL V. Hyers and daughter,
llosa, of Plattsmouth, drove up from
there Wednesday and visited the
county fair Thursday. Mr. Hyeishad
his patent automatic watering trough
on exhibition and it took with high
favor among tho farmers.
While on engine No. 4 at Anselmo,
Neb , last Saturday, Fireman I v.
Holmes received a broken leg in an
attempt to dump the ashes without
the aid of the proper machinery. He
rctu-ned to his home here Tuesday.
Tho engine on which the accident oc
curred was the first one built In these
Rheumatism Cared in a Day.
A few weeks ago the editor w.ig
taken with a very severe cold .that
caused him to be in a moit miserablo
condition. It was undoubted'y a bad
case of la gtippe, and recognizing it
as dangerous he took immediate
steps to bring about a speedy cure.
From the advertisement of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy ard the many
good recommendations included
therein, we concluded to make a first
trial of the medicine. To say that it
was satisfactory in its result-, is put
it very mildly, indeed. It acted like
magic and the result was a speedy and
permanent cure. We have no hesi
tancy in recommending ibis excellent
Cough Remedy to anyone unTicled
with a cough o;- cold in any form. The
Manner of Liberty, Li berty town, Mary -lai.d.
Tho "." an-1 oO cent fop
sale by all druggists.
IturliiiRloii Koute fulif orniu l-'.xnirMion
Cheap, quick, comfortable. Liave
Plattsmouth 3:43 p. m., every Thurs
day in clean, modern, not crowded
tourist sleepers. No transfers; cars
run right through to San Francisco
and Los Angeles over tho Scenic
Route through Denver and Salt L ike
City. Cars are carpeted; upholstered
in rattan; have spring t-eats and backs
and aro provided with curtains, bed
ding, towels, soan, etc. Uniformed
prrteis and experienced excursion
conductors accompany each excursion,
relieving passengers o' all bother
abiut baggage, pointing out objects
oi ltneresi anu in many otner ways
helping to make tho overland trip
delightful ex pcrience. Second class
tickets are honored. Uorths
For folder giving full information
call at nearest Burlington Route
ticket ottice, or write to J. Francis
Gen. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb
It Hits the Spot.
When suffering from a severe cold
and vour throat and lungs feel sore
taxu a do-e of
Foley's Honey
and Tar. when
be al once re-
the serenes wli
lie red, a warm
grateful feeling
healing f the
parts affected w ill be ex tie ienced and
you wjllsay: ' It feels so good. It hits
ine spot,. I', is guaranteed. Smith
& Parmele.
substitute for Scott's Emulsion,
to equal the best for jou to buy t
All DruzrUts
New York
S knows it is without an equal.
9 mm mm .
The IM. I. rairoanK company, - unicngui
K. & K of S. Entertainment.
The program which the Knights
and Ladies of Security will give to the
public Tuesday evening, October 12,
should induce nn attendance that
would fill Waterman's hall to its
limit. It is the ambition of those hav
ing the entertainment in charge to
show Plattsmouth people what they
have to be proud of. It is not a money
making scheme, the ruling motive be
ii.g to furnish an entertainment of the
highest order, composed of Platts
mouth talent, hence the nominal
charge of 1j cents admission to simply
cover ex oenses. THE bkws oespeaKs i
I I . '
for the promoters of the program, an
. . . . i
exort ssion or the highes-t appreciation
of tho talent engaged, and which are
rendering their services without
recompense, by a large attendance.
It is needless for TliK News to make
personal mention of each person upon
tho urogram, as the public is already
quite familiar with their talents, but
have never before had the privilege
of hearing so great a variety on one
Mitts Slie ICh.viiioihI.
Sadie Raymond and her excellent
company tested tho cap icily of ihe
Grand last night. The pi ay was
"Daisy, the Missouri Girl," and was
presented in im excellent manner.
Fred and Sadie Raymond are both
stars of the first magnitude and would
grace the stage of any theatre in the
world. Their specialties were encored
time after time. The company a3 a
whole was far superior to any that
has virited us this season and compat i
son to other shows would not do them
justice. Ottumwa (la.) Daily Repub
lican y.
The al ove troupe will uppenr at
White's opera house on Thursday
evening, Oetobe IL
In .ItiBtice Court.
In Judge Archer's court today tho
case of Wells vs. Jenkins, wherein
the fo mer seeks to replevin seven
hogs, was continued till November
10 at K a. m. The case of Elson
against Urantner, in which the former
seeks to garnishee the latter's wages.
will be heard tomorrow morning at 10
o ClOCK.
Uuckleii's Arnica Salve.
The host salve in tho world for cuts.
burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, lo
ver sores, tetter, chappep h.-nds, chil
blains, corns, ai'd all skin eruptions.
anu c..,es v, j
require:!. It is guaranteed to MV.
perfect satlsf el ion or money relutnlcil
" !
'v !
Py ice 'J-" cents per box. For snle
F. G. Fricke.
ContrlliutorH to Woman's Edition
The following Indies were contribu
tors to trie woman a edition oi
Thk Even ixc News.
Mrs. Alice Davis.
Mrs. Margaret Kttord.
Mrs. Henry llerol l.
M rs. Hnwland.
Mrs. Kaidmaii
Mrs. Isabel Kicliey.
M rs. purlock.
Mrs. Wm. Slater.
Mrs. Ida Snyder
Mrs. J. N. Wise.
Mrs. V. K. Wescott.
Miss l-ou burgess.
Miss Carrie (ireusel
Miss Olive (iass
Miss Maud Mauy.
Miss Alice Wilson,
Mrs. I hos. W iles,
Mrs I.C. F.ikenbary
Mr-. K. (. Fricke.
Mrs. Mary Houseworth.
Mrs. Thomas Pollock,
Mrs.Ktta Searle Hendee
Mrs Kebecca Kennedy,
Mrs Oella Kirkpatrick.
Mrs. Nellie Wingo.
Mrs. Jacob Vallery.
Mrs. A. C. W right
Mrs. I.izie Wyant
Miss M arista Carney.
Miss Lizzie Eikenbary
Miss Ella Kennedy
Miss Mary Kirkpatrick,
Miss Maria Swoboda
Miss Carrie Holloway.
I'earl Steam I.aunlry.
U. F. Goodman has his new laundry
fully equipped with litest devices,
now in running order, and asks a
share of your patronage. His work is
his best advertisement, and if you try
the new laundry there wi.l be no
longer any excuse for sendingogoods
away. Nothing too good for our
patrons is our motto. Work called
for and delivered.
Croup OuU-kly Cored.
Mountain Glex, Ark. Our child
ren were suffering with croup when
we leceivtd a botilo of CLaml erlain's
Cough Homed y It afforded almost
instant relief. F. A. TliOliNTON.
This eclebr:itei remedy is ft r sale by
.! rugijists
Cunt County I;.try.
ii i.. I,.... ... ,
v I'cm iihs u-aui i nargo
of the Cifi County IViiry : ml will be
pleased to serve his old cu.t.;iiu-i s anil
a! so ot hers d. :sirir.g pure milt. I le
will also furnish ere a in and but ter
milk whea denied Yetir p trori.-: i;e
is solicited.
I or Kent
2' 0 acre farm. About 12
ut 12- i cr s in
boti ring peach
eultiy.-ti n. A 10 acre
and apple orchard, Ihe b
pasture A goi d slock ve 1
lance in j
and two;
spi itig-". Will reut the w liule at $2.75
per ::cio for ono or more years.
JOSEPH SHEUA.Uock lit u IT, Neb.
i Choice I'eai-lies
j For S tie Mm bushels of peaches at j
a ii farm four miles west of Murray.
Roi'.EKT VOl'NO.
Sem i-Wee k 1 y Xe ws II Kit ALD $ 1
per year.
"You can take that soap 5
right back and change
it for Santa Claus Soap.
I would not use any
other kind." .
Every woman who has g
ever used
Sold everywhere. Made only by
Only Secret Society C'omponel
of Women.
tWomau's Edition EvE.vixo News.)
The only secret society composed
entirely of wome", and organized and
managed by them alone,is that known
as the P. E. O. society. It had its
birth in Januarj', 1SG!I, when seven
young ladies, students in the Iowa
Wesleyan university at Mt. Pleasant,
Iowa, conceived the idea of forming a
secret society exclusively for women.
At first it was just a college society,
T . . . . :.. ...v nfl-l. i I ! II n All
urn, us vugtuaiuis f1"""--
wisely than perhaps they realized.
for the order has become so extended
. . .
that there is not a state in the union
that dees not claim a member, and
many state i have active, prosperous
chapters, while Iowa. Nebraska ;:na
Missouri each have grand chapters,
which hold toeir meetings annually,
and tha supreme grand chapters
meets biennially.
Chapter "F" of the P. K. O. sister
hood, was organized in Plattsmouth,
Neb., Sewtembar 7, 18SJ, with a char
ter menioership of eight, consisting
of the following well known ladies:
Mesdamos R. R. Windham, J. M.
Patterson, Geo. Dovey, J. I. Young,
P. A. Campbell, G. F. Houseworth,
Misses Dora lierold and Minnie
The membership has inci eased un
til fifty names now appear upon the
roster. Since the organization of the
chapter, death has deprived it if two
moat worthy sisters. Chapter "F"
P. E O. of Nebraska has an active
membership of thirty.
The literary work in which the so
ciety engages, is shared by their
friends. A thorough course in Ger
man, French and English history and
literature has been made possible for
the lady friends of ihe order, who
have wished to av;il themselves of
that privilege. During this course of
6tudy, they have founa that 'he pub
lic library has need of a reference
department, and have presented to
that institution the beginning of a
good "Reference Library," small in
its beginning, but the society hopes to
soon be able to enlarge it.
Tho badge worn bv the raerub irs of
this sisterhood, is a five point star.
with P. M O. in black enamel noon it
There in no other star that sparkies
'.with rojpy jeweK joined Jl8
it is with the five great links of Faith,
Love, I 'urity, Justice and Truth, the
subline principles upon which P. E. O.
1 society i9 founded.
Otto W'url, Manufacturer of Fine ('ixi-ft
uiitl Dealer In Tobaoro and Smok
er' Supplier.
Consumers of tobacco invari-.bly I e
come attached to some kind of a cigar,
and to continue in its use it is neces
sary th it the goods are uniform. This
has been a deeidedly hard year to get
good, uniform tobacco, even more so
than ordinary years. It is a well-
known fact that tho elements have an
important part to play in the uuifor
mity oi tne weed, t noso who deal in
imported tobacco have xperienced
not onty me gradual advance in
prices, but the absolute tcarcitv of
Havana and Sumatra.
Mr. Wurl is one of those far-sighted
men and ho took the precaution to
buy heavily, thus insuring uniformity
in his cigars. He employs only the
best of workmen and his "Gut Ileil"
and "Wurl Bros"are two brands of the
best 5-cent goods on the market
"Porto Reco"' is a 10-cent cijrar that
has a fine reputation'
Juror ft Ftr November Term.
The following "good and lawful"'
men have been summoned to act
juiois on tlie regu'ar panel .it the
next term of the district court, which
convenes on November 15:
i leury boeck.
Jas. barker.
ie i. liuell.
J. M. I ove.
J. Hull.
A. Kurtz,
C. MayHelJ.
O. tBden.
Wm. Kose.
I natulan oestor.
(;rat Creamer,
I "jf- ral,s'
j . I iv'inss'tou.
j Vl;0Khil'p.,t.
j r- Kichardson,
' Iri Searlw!""
j A. Tod.i.
C. Kivett.
A. Sullivan.
i ieo. Stoner.
Milt W .ili.
J. C. He ry, . no of the be-t known
j citizens i f Spencer, Mo., tsti li.-s
he cured hira,o;f 4 f the worst Ui
s that
ind of
piles by us:ng a few boxes or Do Witt's
Witch II;-.zel Salve. Ho had been
' troubled with pile
es lor i!Vjr thi tv
y.-aisnnd had used ma y different
kinds or s -o:. led curs, b-it DoWitt's
w;is ih- one that did iho wo k and he verify this flatcnent if anyone
wishes to writo him. K. J. Fricke
& to
Merchants lunch every day from
i) to II o'clock at Donat's, In Stadle
tuann block.
tine of the Moat Beautiful Church Kdl
Dcvk In the City.
j (Woman's Edition Evening News.)
J "Scarce steel the wind, that sweep his woodland
-j"" tracks.
The lark s perfume from the settler s axe.
h re, like a vision of the morning air.
His slight framed steeple marks the house of
'Ihe pioneers of Plutt mouth seem,
like their New England prototypes,
to have brought their religion
with them; for the infant city
could number its birthdays by its
church organizations, one being
added each yen-, with a single oinis-
i sion. till 8.x denominations were rep
resented. Alleit, the "axe" p ayed
but a small prt in the advance o' this
far west civiliz ttion. tnd the "steeple"
existed only as "a vision. "
This church was orjanizdd My 8, a building located about where
Hatt's meat m irket now stands, by
Rev. D. L. Hughes, with six.een
charter members, of whom three are
slill with us; Messrs. Thomas Mitchell,
J. N. Wise -and Mrs. Lucy Martin.
The first elders were A. Cat michael
and J. G. Hays. Services were after
wards held in a building on the lot
where Gering's sto.e now stands,
then in the school building on the
site of Fitzgerald b'.ock until tho re
moval to the first church building,
which was erected in 1S(.j. To J. N.
Wise and T. K. Hanna, aided 1 y a
noble bind of women, was largely due
the success of this enterprise. Father
Haroil: on of Iiellevue, missionary to
Indians, preach here several months.
Reverends Deinorest, Coalo and
Roberts weie stated supplies for brief
periods. D. W. Cameron, the first
sett'ed pastor was instilled in ISO!),
W. T. Rart'e in 1S72, and July 1S7" he
was succeeded by Dr. HiirJ, who is
still with us, his beinj much the
longest pastorate in tho sy nod.
Tho present chuich was erected in
1890, at an expense of about $15,000.
The pipe organ costing $1(160, was the
gift of the Ladies' Aid society.
The beautiful east window. ex res
sive of the affection of the rooplo for
Father Hays, the pioneer elder, whose
active services, liberal benefactions,
and earnest devotion to the church.
ended only with his life, is now his
memorial, he having been called to
his reward April '27, 1S'.2.
Kmlucrtl Kitten
to Kan is City
Mild St
For the Priest of Pallas parade and
Karnival Krewe the B."& M. will sell
round trip tickets Oct. d to VHh, for
one faro for the round trip, final limit
for return Oct. lOlh. For the St
Louis fair will sell round trip tickets
Oct. 3d to 8th, at one are, final limit
to return Oct. 11th.
W. Li. Pickett, Agent.
Tlie Kent ICeiuedy For Klieuiiiatisin.
(From the Fairhaven, N. V., Register.!
Mr. James Rowland, of t lis village
tales that for tweuty-tive years hi
wife has been a sufferer from rheum
atism. A few nights ago she was in
such pain that she was nearly crazy,
She sent Mr. Rowland for tho doctor,
but he had read of Chamberlain's
Pain Balm and instead of going for
tho physician he went to the store aud
secured a bottle of it. His wife did
not approve of Mr. Rowland's purchase
sit first, but nevertheless applied the
Balm thoroughly and in an hour's
time was able to go to sleep, tlhe now
applies it whenever she feels an ache
or a pain and finds that it always
gives relief. Ho says that no medi-
oino which she had used ever did her
as much good. The 5 and f() cent
sizes for sale by till druggists.
Dr. Marshall, Graduate Dentist.
Dr. Marshall, fine gold work.
Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain
Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge worli
Dr. Marshall, teeth without plates.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fillings.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates.
Dr. Marshall, perfect fitting plates.
Dr. Marshall, all work warranted.
All the latest aowliances for first
class dentr.l work.
Working Woman's Home Assix-iat ion .
21 S. Peoria St , Chicago, III.,
Jan. 11, lS!"i. S
Our Working Woman's Home asso
ciation used Foley's Honey and Tar
six years ago, and are using it today.
It has always teen a favorite, for
while its taste is not at all unpleasant
its effects are very beneficial. It has
never yet disappointed us Wishing
you all possible sucess, sincerely
yours, LAURA CI. FlXON, Mgr.
It May Save Your Life.
A dose or two of Foley's Honey aud
Tar will prevent an attajk of pneu
monia, grip or severe cold if taken
in lime. Cures coughs, colds, croup,
La(irippe,hoarseness, difficult breath
ing, who- ping cough, incipient con
sumption, asthma or bronchitis,
(iives positive relief iu advanced
staees of consumption, asthma or
bronoh itis. Cua ran teed
A p.-tin in the chest is nature's warn
ing that pneumonia is threatened.
Dampen a piece of flannel with Cham
berlain's Pain Ualtn and bind over tho
seat of pain, and anulher on the back
between the shoulders, and prompt
relief will follow. Sold by all dtug
gists. Thase who bt- icvo chronic diar
rhiea to be incurable should read what
Mr. P. K. Grisham.of limes Miies.Iyi.,
has to sav on the subject, viz: "I
have been a sufferer from chronic
diarrhce i evor since the wr and have
tried all kinds of medicines for it. At
last I found a remedy that effected a
cure and that was Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea
Ilemedy." This medicine can always
be depended upon for colic, cholera
morbus, dysentry and uiarrhta. It
is pleasant to take and never fails to
effect a cure. 25 and 0 cent size for
sale by all druggists.
Legal Notice.
In the district court of Cass county. Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Edmund H. Craw
ford, deceased.
To Julia A. Crawford, George E. Crawford
Thomas I. Crawford. Heborah LashbauRh. Sallie
A. Cra ford, heirs of Edmund H. Crawford, de
ceased: A. C. Adams, administrator of the estate
of Edmund H. Crawtord. deceased, and ad other
persons interested in said estate:
The petition of (iottlieb Rockenbach in the
above matter haviug been tiled. in which he prays
that the court enter an order directing all par
ties interested in the west one-half t'j of the
southwest one-quarter ('' ot section eighteen
O ). township ten tint, north ot range nine ('.
east in Cass county. Nebraska, to show- cause, il
any, why the administrator of said estate should
not execute and deliver to the petitioner a good
and sufficient warranty deed upon the payment of
eleven hundred aud hfty dollars in pur
suance of a contract entered into between the
petitioner and Edmund H. Crawfi rd, deceased,
in his lile time arid Julia A. Crawford, his wile.
It is hereby ordered bv nie that cause be shown.
if anv. bv the Zlrd day of October. 1'.7. and that
upon tlie 15th day ol November, l'.ir. at 10
o clock a in. of said day a hearing will be had on
said petition, and any objections which may be
nieu against the granting ol tlie prayer therein.
It is further ordered that notice be given to all
parties interested by publication in the Semi
Weekly News-Herald ol i'lattsmouth, Nebraska,
for six weeks successively prior to ttiedate of hear
ing as above ordered.
Dated this 11th day of September. Ii7.
Basil S. KAMshV,
Judge ot District Court.
. S. I'olk and Mockett S: folk, attorneys tor
(iottlieb Rockenbach.
Legal Notice.
John R. Ouinton and Marv A. Ouintou. non
resident, delendauts. will take notice that on the
th day ot September. A. I. tsi7. lohn 11. i'etti-
bone aud Samuel E. Nixon, tiled their petition in
the district court of Cass county. Nebraska.
against the said John R. Ouinton and Mary A.
Ouinton. impleaded with Carl It. Ouinton. et. al..
the object and praver of the said petition, being
to foreclose a tax lieu claimed by plaiutitts
against the northeast quarter of section thfrty
otieintown ten, range tele, in Cass county.
Nebraska, toi the taxes lor lSi'J.HUKi. purchased
by plaintiffs at public tax sale November;
for l!t;J. fiH.its, paid bv plaiutitts May 11th, lm:
for IM!tt. (4n.ll.i, paid by plaiutitts May tilth, 1:
for 1HM.-, :.!. paid by plaiutitts May 1st. is.n:
for lMiU. 37.7:t. paid by plaintitts Julv 1st. 1WT.
and for interest on each of said payments at the
rate of 20 per cent per annum for two years from
November lith. is&i, and lor Hi per cent annual
interest thereafter, and an attorney's lien of HI
per cent on the total amount so found due, and
that said land be sold to pay said sums and costs
ot the action, and tor equitable relict.
You are required to appear and plead to. or an
swer said petition on or belore Monday, the
imii day ot October. A. 1. Iar.
By their attorneys, lieeson & Root.
Probate Notice.
In county court. Cass county. Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate ol Cincinnatus J. Cur
yea, deceased.
Mrs. Uavid Hite. lohn H. Curyea. W illiam M
Curyea, Isabelle M . Curyea. George W. Curyea,
Mrs. Julia I'arr. Mrs. Enieline IJebolt and all
other persons interested in said matter arc here
by notified that on the -Ith day ol repiemoer.
ISilT. ( ienrce W. Cur vea. adm iuist rator w it h w ill
annexed herein, by his attorney. C S. I'olk. tiled
a petition in said county court, praying that his
final administration account be allowed aud thai
he be discharged anil released trom his trust as
administrator with will annexed, and that if you
fail to appear beloi c said on the 'J.itli ilav
of September. A. I . l'.i. at HI o'clock a. in. aud
contest said petition, the court may grant the
prayer ol said petition, and make such other and
further orders, allowances and decrees as to this
court may seem proper, to the end that all mat
ters pertaining to said estate may be finally set
tled aud determined.
W itness inv hand and the seal of said court, at
lattsmouth. Nebraska, this, the 7th day ot Sep
tember. A. I . ixy7.
County J mlge.
MieiilT's Sale.
15y virtue of au order of sale issued by George
F. Houseworth, clerk ol the district court, within
and lor Cass comity, Nebraska, and to me di
rected. I will on the linth day ol September. A.
1 . is:',, at II o clock a. in ol said day at the
south door of the court house in t he city ol I'latts
mouth. in said county, sell at public auction, to
the highcat bidder lor cash, the billowing real
estate to-wit:
Lot three (M( in block lour (I in O Neil s addi
tion to the city ol I'lattsmouih. Cass coiiuiy. Ne
braska, together with the i rivileges and appur
tenances thereunto belonging or in uywise ap
pertaining. 'Ihe same being levied upon ami
taken as the property of David O linen and wjfe.
Ilanora O'Brien, delendant . to satisly a judg
ment recovered by Charles C I'armele, as re
ceiver ol the Citizens' bank ol riattsiimutli Ne
braska, plaintiff against said defendants.
I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, August-!. A. I) Is;i7.
Hakvky IIoi.i.owa v.
Sheriff. Cass county. NebrasKH.
Byron Clark and C. A. Rawls, Attorneys
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order ol sale issued bv George F.
Houseworth, clerk oi district court within and
lor Cass county. Nebraska, and tome directed. 1
will on the nd day ol October A. D. SH7. at II
o'clock a. m. ol said day, at the south door ol the
court house in the city ol I'lattsmouth, in said
county, sell at public auction, to the highest bid
der lor cash, the following real estate to-w it: 1 he
west twenty-five feet ol the east lorty-six feet
of lots number edeight i) :ninei 9) and ten 1 H1 of
block numbered thirty-one (:JI iu the city of
Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, more par
ticularly described as follows to-wit: Commenc
ing at a point -I feet west of the southeast corner
of lot S in said block: running thence wests feet;
thence north to the north line ot lot 11: thence
running east 2b feet: thence south across said lots
S, band 111 to the point of beginning, according to
the ulat and official record iu and for said county
and state, together with the privileges and ap
purtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise
appertaining. 'J he same being levied upon and
taken as the property of August Bach aud Mitia
Bach, defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said
court recovered by the American Savings and
Loan Association, 1'laintitt, against August Bach
et al.. defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska. August 31 A. D.. lsH7.
Harvey Holloway,
Sheriff, Cass county. Nebraska.
Legal Notice.
In the district court. Cass county, Nebraska.
Jacob Keiser. Plaintiff.
Christian Metzger, the tin- ;
known heirs ol Seklon N. j
Merriam, deceased, and the I
unknown heirs oi Lydia j
Merriam. deceased: Ruth !-
Merrian, the unknow n heirs J
oi William 1). j
ceased: Art E. Alexander, j
and the unknown heirs oi j
of Abijah Harris, deceased. 1
Defendants. j
To tlie unknown heirs of Seldon N. Merriam
deceased, and the unknown heirs ol Lvdia Mer
nam. deceased:Kuth Merriam.the unknown heirs
ol William D. Merriam. deceased: Art K. Alex
ander, and the unknown heirs oi Abiiah Harris.
Vou are hereby notified that Jacob Keiser tiled
a petition in the district court of Cass county,
Nebraska, on the -1st day of August, lV.r, against
you and Christian Metzger. the obiect and prayer
ol.which are to quiet the title in the plaintiti to
the following described real estate: Lot live, in
the northeast quarter ol the northwest quarter ol
sectiou twenty; and the southeast quarter of the
southwest quarter, aud the south half of the
southeast quarter and lot seven, all in section
twenty, tow nship twelve, range eleven, east ol the
sixth principle meridian, in Cass county. Ne
braska, and to declare that the foregoing named
defendants tiave no estate or interest whatever
in or to the above described land, and that plain
tit'.'s title therein be decreed to be good and
valid. And that at the date of the execution ot
the deed made by Christian Metzger to Frederick
.Metger, to-wit on the .ith dav ol September.
1X.V. the defendant. Christian Slet.ger. was an
unmarried man. and that on ttic tilth day ol Oc
tober, lstis, the said Harris was an un
married man.
ou are required to answer sa'd petition on or
ln-fore the 4th day of ( ictober, 1SV7. or the allega
tions therein will be taken as true against you.
Dated this ilth day oi August, ist'7.
Jacob Kmskk,
. By C S. I'olk. his attorney.
Legal Notice.
In the district court of Ckss county. Nebraska.
Katheriue Beck. Piaintitt. f
George Beck, Delendaut. S
To George A. Deck:
Vou are hereby notified that Katharine Deck
filed a petition in the district court of Cass
county. Nebraska, on the lst day oi August.
IM'i. against you, the object and praver of which
are to secure a divorce from the bonds of matri
mony, upon the ground that you have grossly,
wantonly and cruelly failed, neglected and re
fused to support or contribute to the support of
plaintiff without any cause or provocation mi the
part ot plaintin.
Vou arc required to answer said petition on or
before the 4th day of October, is:i7, or the allega
tions therein will be taken as true against you.
Dated this I'lth day of August. ISH7.
Katharine Dkck.
By C. S. Polk, her Attorney.
Probate Notice.
fn county court. Cass county, Nebraska. In
the matter ol tlie estate ol Caroline Carter, de
ceased. All persons interested in said matter
arejiereby notified that on the 13th day ol Sept
1.17. Lena . Craw lord filed a petition iu said
court alleging among other things that Caroline
Carter died on the loth dav of April A. D.. 1M7.
leaving no last will and testameut, and possessed
ot personal estate ol the v tluc of about,
and that she is the only h;ir at law of said de
ceased, and praying lor administration of said
estate. Vou are hereby notified that if you fail to
appear on the Sth day ol October. 1S97. at 2
o clock p. in., and contest said petition, the court
will appoint Lena V. Crawlord, or some other
suitable person, administratrix, and proceed to
a settlement oi said estate. Witness my hand
and the seal i f s.iid court at Plattsmouth. Ne
brrska. this the ill!. .I t . of September A,D..1S;.
-"al) .i !:. M SpcRLOCK.
Legal Not.ce.
To Benjamin A. Gibson, Marv C. Gibson, Ed
ward Bangs, trustee, Bradford Savings Bank fc
Trust Co, William C. Crippen. George Leslie
and John W. Mitchell, non-resident delendants:
on and each of you are hereby notified that John
H. I'ettibone and Samuel K. Nixon on the ISth
day ol September. A. i. IWT. tiled their petition
in the district court of Cass county, Nebraska,
against you, impleaded with Guerdon B. Crip
pen. et al. the object and prayer of which are to
have decree ol said coutt foreclosing a tax lieu
against Iractional lot 17 in northeast quarter of
northwest quarter, section three in town ten,
range eleven, Cass county. Nebraska, for tax
pui chase bv said plaintiff s'against said land lor
years IMI, lsvj. is; -1 and iX: ."t. as lollows: lttttt.
fa.Wf. aid November 5. IHW; ltt. 8.tW, paid
November "., lHtM; lft. $-VH7. paid May 10. It5.
and for 1H $7 IM. paid May 1. IMW. with ISI per
cent annual interest on each ol said payments
from iNovember a, 1S5H. to riovemorr o. ivo, ana
III per cent annual interest on each ol said pay
ments thereafter. ami 111 per cent attorney lees on
the total found due, and costs of suit and for sala
of said property to satisly such judgment and
equitable relief.
4 ou are required to answer said petition on or
before Monday, the tirst day of November. A. L.
Ioiin H. Pkttihonk andSami kl E. Nixon.
Legal Notice.
To Amanita I. Shepherd, non-resident defend
ant: Von are hereby notified that William U.
Shepherd commenced an -action against you on
the isth day of September. 1W7. iu the district
court ol Cass county. Nebraska, the object and
-rayer oi which ate to secure an absolute divorce
rom you, and aisi a decree barrimr vou from all
rights in the property, real and personal, belong
ing to said plaintiff, and locate in either tlie
stales ol Indiana or Nebraska. The sroundi lor
divorce are that you committed adultery iu De
cember. ISS'I. with one J. Gordon.
l ou are required to answer said neti'ion a or
before Monday, the 1st day ol November, 1SV7.
Will. 1AM L . SHKPHtrtli.
Notice to Crcdtors.
SlATK UK Nkhkaska. ) ... .
County of Cass. ss- ,n county court.
In tho mutter of the estate of Samuel A.
Hoibrook, deceased.
Notice is hereby irlven that tlia creditors
of said deceased will meet the executor of
said estate, before me. County Judge of
Cuss county, .Nebraska, at the county court
I'liotn in I'lHtlsmouih in said couutT.on the
SMli day ttf April. A. I). Isys. at 2 o'clock p.
in.. lor ine pumose of nreaentluz their
claims for examination, adjustment and al
lowance. Six months are ullowed for the
creditors of said deceased to present their
claims and one year for the executor to
settle said estate, from the trd day of Oc-
tolir, 18.ii.
Tins notice shall appear In the Semi
Wet; kly News-Herald for four weeka
successively, prior to the iird day of Oc
tober If7.
Wit ii ess my band and seal of said oouilr
court at i'lattsmouth, Nebraska, this 2itu
day of September, Isy7.
ieai Gl.OKl.E M. SrrRLocic.
County Judge.
Legal Notice.
To I.eah V. Buchanan ami Robert P. Glazier,
non-resident, defendants:
I ou and cat h ot you are hereby notified that
on the -Mli day of September. A. D. IM7. Samuel
W augh as executor ol the last will aud testameut
of John black, deceased, commenced an action in
the district court ot Cass county. Nebraska,
against you. impleaded with Leonard C. W.
Murray, et al, the object and prayer of which
action is to foreclose a mortgage on, and sell the
northwest quarter section an. in town 12, range
I a, Cass county. Nebraska, and the northwest
quarter ol the southwest quarter ol said section:
said sale to satisfy the amount due on said
mortgage, $ I'.n '" with eight per cent interest aud
costs ol suit: said mortgage, and the note it was
given to secure, being ol tiate February i5. ISM,
anl due February 2ti. ISitt. Equitable rebel is
also prayed and that the delendants be required
to answer setting up any rights they my have iu
said land, or be barred from asserting anv such
rights. Vou are required to answer said petition
on or belore Monday, November X, lt7, or
said petition will betaken as confessed and a
decree entered accordingly.
As fxt-ciitor of the last will and testament of
John Black, deceased.
Probate Notice.
In ("ttiiitv ronrt. Cass county. Nebraska.
In ti. e matter ol the estate ot Calvin II. Par
lor. i-. deceased. Catharine II. farniele. Myrtle
P. Atwood. Nellie P. Agnew, Charles C i'armele.
Thomas E. Paimele and all other persons inter
ested in said matter arc hereby notified that ou
themii dav ot October, ist'7, a petition was niea
in said com t alleging among other things that
Calvin II. I'armele died on the day ot ,
A. D. isiir. leaving no last will and testament and
possessed ot real and personal estate and that
the above named Constitute all the persons inter
ested in the estate ol said deceased, and praying
I ir administration thereof. Vou are hereby not
i lied that if you fail to appear at said court on
the :Sd day of November. A. I). 197 at 10 o'clock
a. m.. and contest said petition, the court will
appoint Charles C Parmele. Samuel H. Atwood
and 'I homas E. Parmele, administrators, and
proceed to a settlement ol said estate.
Witness my hand and the; seal ol said court,
at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this, the Sth day ol
October, A. D.I.-SI7.
(SealJ Gforof. M. Spurloch.
County Judge.
Notice to Creditors.
Statk of Nf.bkaska.
Cass County. i
In the matter ol the estate of Caroline Carter.
Notice is hereby given that the claims and de
mands of all persons against Caroline Carter, de
ceased, late ot said county and state, will be re
ceived, examined and adjusted by the county
court, at the court house in Plattsmouth. on tint
th day ol May A. D . at 10 o'clock in the
loretioon. And that six months from aud after
the rith day oi November, A. I)., lsU7. is the time
limited lor creditors ol said deceased to present
their claims lor examination aud allowance.
( iiven under my hand and seal this fill dav of
October A. I). Is.i7.
,c Gf.okgf. M. Spcrlock.
oa" County Jude.
License Not lee.
Notice is hereby given that 1 will apply to the
board ol county commissioners lor license to sell
Malt Spirituous and vinous liquors in the village
of Cedar Creek. Cass county, Nebraska for trie
twelve months beginning October Vi. 197.
San Francisco
All points west.
St. Joseph
Kansas City
St. Louis and all
points East and
No '.M. Local express, daily, St Joe.
Kansas. St Louis, till points
No 4. Local ext). dally, Burlington,
Chicago, all points east.... 10:24 am
Nobl. Local exp, daily except Sun
day 11:33 am
No'.ii Local exp. daily exeept Sun
day. I'uc'tlo Junction li.-n piu
No :ib. freight, daily except Sunday
raeihc .1 unci ion
No '1. Vestibuled exp, dally. Bur
lington, Ciiica.o and all
ooints east
No. 1 stub from Junction to Piaits
tnoutb No I:;. Local exp, daily. St Joe.Kan
sas City. St Louis. Cblcatco
ail points east and south..
No " Local exp, Uaily.Oiiiaha, Lin
coln, Denver aud intormtt
diat.c stations
No s.". Local freight, daily, Oniaaa.
No -'' Loo: I freight, dally, ex Sun
day, Cedar t'reen, Louis
vine. Soul ti !:ood
No 7. Fast mail, daily. Omaha and
No :l. Vest I lulled exp, daily, Den
ver and all points in Colo
rado, I tali and California,
Grand Island, Dlaek Hills.
Montana and Pacific N. W.
No 9. Local exp, daily except Su -my.
Louisville. Ashland.
VValitx), fcliuyler
No II. Local ex p, daily except Sun
day, Omaha and Lincoln..
N't IT. express. Sunday only,
No T:i. I reii-'hl. daily. Louisville...
2:50 pin
5 .10 put
6:1") pm
8:23 pru
7012 am
S:M am
7:37 a la
2:22 pm
3:43 put
4:00 piu
5-27 pm
5:27 pm
8:05 put
Sleeping, dining and rocl.nlnir chair oar
iseals free) on through trains. Ticket sold
and bu-ga-e checked to any itoint In the
United Stales or Canada.
l-'or Information, time tables, maps and
tickets call or writo to
W. L. PICKETT. Agent,
Plaltamouth. Neb.
J. KIIANCLS. Gen. Pass. Ant..
Omaha. Neb.
M. P. Tl HE CA Kit.
THAISS ikll.Vfi KOIlTri.
No. li Fast freight 5.10 .ni
No. 0 1I.M a. it)
No. 121, local freight 4 4 p.ui
No. 1.U Fast freight 10.52. p.
No. 122, local freight
No. 10
7.36 a.
.04 p. in