THE SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS-HERALD, PLATTSMOUTH NEB., OCTOBER 9, 1897. 3 V Absolutely Pure. A cieam ( tartar baking; powder. Highest o: all ill leavening strength. Latest United States Government 1-ood Report. , ! l CITY AND COUNTY. WEDSKSDAY O. W. lden and wifo of Maysville, Mo., are vis'.ting the Illacks and other relatives. Capt. D vid McCaig came in from his Klin wood ranch this morninir, bale and he rty as over. Miss Maggie Chi istio of Alliance is in ihpi city on a visit with hor sifter, Mrs. Georee Lehnhoff. scar Ailen, candidate for recorder on' the ftr-in ticket, has been in town for two or thiee days fixing up his fences Mrs. D. S. Guild and son arrived home today after a most pleasant visit of several days with friends in North Dakota. The county c mmissioaors today drew a list of names from which the jury for the November term of court will bo selected. Mrs. Agnew's htndsome cottage on North Third street i nearing com pletion, and w ill be ready for occu pancy in a few days. Mrs. J. C. EiKenbary and daughter, Anna, leturntd on Monday night from a visit to.J. M. Keberts' family ne:sr City Terry (S. D.)News. John Wesley Phil pott a-.d Nancy ' Z-iUa Haslan, aged twenty-three and twenty-ona respectively, were mar ried today by Judge Spurlock. IJoth are residents of this county. The preliminary wo-k for moving the old freight depot on the west side of the D. & M. tracks further north w:is being- done toda3 by a corps of inrvovnrn fi-nrn T.inioln. Thi will be a great convenience to the public and is made i:one Too soon. Mi. Planck, an experienced drug gift arrived in town last evening and has taken charge of the Iledbloom drug loi c fo -Mr. H. Dr. Baughu ''will run a store of his own at ISene dict, out, near York. A. D. Taylor mid wife were guesis of the Hotel Plattsmouth last night, havinir returned from an extended visit in Oregon. Andy speaks highly of tho country and its productlons.bul he finds after looking around that Cass county is good enough for him. The tinost hund-mado single har ness we ever siw was finished yester d y by U. S. llorton at Gorder's. He put in nearly a month's time on the harness, which is very handsome and is valued : t ?!-. Mr. llorton shows by his work that ho is master of his trade. 1 lie lirs-t killing frost of the season was depc sited last night, though the air w:i so ory, much vegetation re mains britrht as midsummer. October 0 is rather late for a ft; at frost. Nash ville, Ttnn., claims to have had two killing frosts in s-uto of its long dis tance to the south of o-. Wheat continued on the upgrade today and closed nearly a cent higher while corn performed the same meri lorii'in service. If a gradual upward tendency is nriint.iinetl for h short j tin.e tmtil corn roaches the 2eont mirk, a barrel . f money will b re quired to handle the Cnss county product. Tho runaway boys were arrested and thrown in jiil nt Nebraska City, where for a tirst dose they got a hard one. The 3heriff brought them home this morning and the parental roof tree was to them a gladdening sight. They claimed they only wanted to go to Nebraska City and would have re turntd. Allen I teeson has one of the cosiest homes aHut the town. His comforta ble bouso is located in protected glen, free from the 1:0. th winds in winter, and in summer his premises are a real garden of fruits ar.d Hewers. His grapes, apples, cherries, etc., are extra nice, as we c;;n testify from a personal inspection. The many friends in this city f nothing lost Scott's Emulsion makes cod-liver oil taking1 next thing1 to a pleasure You hardly taste it. The stom ach knovs nothing1 about it it does not trouble you theie. You feel it first in the strength that it brings: it shows in the color of the cheek, the rounding of the anglss. tli3 smoothing of the wrinkles. It is cod-liver oil digested for you, slipping as easily into the blood and losing itself there as rain-drops lose themselves in the ocean. What a satisfactory thing this is to hide the odious taste of cod-liver oil, evade the tax on the stomach, take health by surprise. There is no secret of what it is made of the fish-fat tasts is lost, but nothing is lost but the taste. Perhaps your druggist has a substitute for Scott's Emulsion, isn't the standard all others trj to equal the best for you to bujj o cents and $1.09 SCOTT Chemists - Morgan Brown will Le p1c:it-ed :.o learn of t'"t'em n's mrrise, which occur- this evennjr.Vi ontf Lincoln's mort u-tunable tumi? ladies. Quito h number of Morgan's Phiitsmouth f ie-id j uroi-yed t Lincoln this mornir" and will witness Ihe intei etin; ceremonies. TllK News ex tend conjrraiulatioTS and be' wishes. TIICUSDAY. (J. S. Polk vr-.ts called to Lincoln this !ie n"fin on leg'al bits-ines-. We. Slonekinjr was In town todty. lie is a resident of the Indian terri tory . Mrs. Louise Sampson returned to her home at Napoaee, Nebraska, i this morning;. The Nebraska City papers say that j j JeDnt cf Plattsmouth WflS down . there yestei-dny. n t- . . . k f .a o '- o r rpnnvft- C n ris l e iif.i nun, ure mui .v. . - lor, has his machine out at Mynard doing1 a good business. A medicine fakir 01 the street last night drew a big crowd and exchanged his nostrums for considerable pood coin. W. F. Gillespie nd wife of Mynard, have gone to the St Louis fair. They are expected home Friday of this week. Mrs. Robt. Geinger and children went out to Havelock this morning on a week's visit with her sister, Mrs. ltinkin. C. May iind wife of Morton, Ills., are in the tvty the guests of George Hay and family, Mrs. May being a sister of Mr. Hay. George Hay was down today and seems to be regaining his strength rapidly. His friends will be glad to learn of the complete restoration of his health. Mrs. Cruthers and little daughter arrived in town this morning from St. Paul for a visit with Jack Pearce and family, other friends and old time neighbors. Sheriff Holloway was out serving papers near Eight Mile Grove today He did not have time to take in the Charley Gaebel sale with the other candidates. A large foi co of men and teams are at work in the II. & M. yards grading for two new tracks, nnd raak inc ready for the removal of the freight depot up near the street Judse R-imsey has granted an al ternative writ of mandamus, en peti tion of relator Stull, directed to the road overseer northwest of town, in structing: hint to open the.'laid cut road through Patterson's pastuie, o make a showing why. Iturlington Rout t alifornit Kxcnroions Cheap, quick, comfortable. Lavo Plattsmouth lS:t3 p. in., every Thurs day in clean, modern.' not crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers; cars run right through to San Francisco and Los Angeles over the Scenic Iloute through Denver and Salt L ike Citv. Cars are carpeted; unhoistered in rattan; have sprinsr seats and bucks ana are provided with curtains, 1 ted ding, towels, mm;i, etc. Uniformed porters and experienced excursion conductors accompany each excursion. relieving pissongers of all bother about baggage, pointing out objects of interest and in many other ways helping to make the overland trip a delightful ex perience. Second class tickets are honored, lierths $5. For folder giving full information, call at nearest Burlington Route ticket oflice, or write to J. Francis, Gen. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. Governor Holcomb and staff leave today for the Nashville exposition. where they participate in Nebraska day exercises. Friday has been set aside for Nebraska day. The follow ing persons will accompany the jjov ernor to Nashville in a special via the Mi..ouri Pacific. W. J. Bryan, Adj -Gen. P. II Barry, Greeley; Brig. Gen. C. J. Bil's, Pair bury; Col. It. K. GilTen, Col. P. A Miller, Lincoln; Col. John G. Maher, Chadron;Col. Walter Moise, Omaha; Col. Kmil Hanson, Archer; Col. Char les Bryan, Liucoln;Maj. G. L. Piitch- ett, Pairbury: Capt. J. G. Painter Broken lljw; Lieut. Frank D. Eiger Lincoln. Several others inc.uding Senator W. .V. Allen. Judge William Neville of North Platte and Joseph VV. Edgerton and J. M. Whittaker of the state house legation, will accmu pany the governor's staff. It lilts the Spot. When suffering from a severe cold and vour throat and lunes feel sore. tane a Uo-e of Foley's Honey and Tar. when be at once re- the serenes wil lieved, a warm grateful feeling aud healing of the parts affected will be exoerienced and you will say: "It feels so good. It hits tne spot. it is guaranteed. Smith & Pxirmele. All Druggists & BOWNE New York pi)0ceiroit8i ill ' RArT' AWEACLAU knows it is without an equal . The N. K. Falrbank Company, - Chicago, g Robinson Return. George H. Itobertson, the Union Pucilie rate clerk who mysterously dis appeared from Omaha some two months ago and whoso whereabouts have long been anxiously sought by his family and ft iends, has returned. Sonse days ago a letter was received from him by his brother, who went to Michigan and brought him back home today. He claims that he can remember scarcely anythiog about leaving home, where he has been or what he ba9 done since. He s;iys, however, that he hns been at work most of the time since he left Omaha and was at work when his brother went after him. It was only a few dnys since that he awoke to a realization that he was away from home, at which time he imme diately wrote bis brother. He also says that it was worry over his work that unbalanced his mind. The World-Herald reports over 10,000 people present at the B van meeting in this city, and sends the lying report broadcast over the coun try. The Journal here whose con science never keeps the editorial corps awake could not find the nerve to s;iy that there was over 5,000, but as a matter of fact the actual crowd present, counting dogs and every thing, was not over 2,000. This spirit of misreprentation seems to be an un avoidable fault of popocracy which never crets within a mile of the truth. The same crowd taid last fall Bryan was invincible and wouid be elected president beyond cavil. They also said wheat would be worth but 2'i cents a bushel this fall, if McKii.ley were elected. They are sayioir now that the fusion ticket or a part of it will get a majority in this coui ty. Their propho- ics are ail alike, wo th- le?s. absolutely worthless. KheniiiatMm Cured In a Lay. A fevr weeks ago the editor was taken with a very severe cold that caused him to be in a mo-t miserable condition. It was undoubtedly a bad case of la gtippe, and reeognizintr it as dangerous ho took immediate steps to bring about a speedy cure. From the advertisement of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy ard the many good recommendations included therein, wo concluded to make a first trial of the medicine. To say that it was satisfactory iu its results, is put- it very mildly, indeed. It acted like magic and the result was a speedy aud permanent cure. We have no hesi tancy in recommending this excellent Couh Remedy to anyone afflicted with a cough or cold in any form. The Banner of Liberty,Liberty town, Mary land. The 2o and 50 cent sizes for sale by all druggists. The Stanley brothers, William and Wallace H., who were arreted by Sheriff Uubeilo some days since Tor burglariziug R Htuiau's jewelry siore at P.ilmvra, and Chas. Dormi.n, jr.'s oat bin, wore tken before Judge Ramsey this afternoon and on enter ing a plea of guilty were given th-ee years each.- This is quick work, for they have not been in jail ten oays. and to Sheriff Huberlo alone belongs the credit for their capture and con viction. Nebraska City News. Sheriff Huberlo and Jack Pari went eight miles south and one mile cast of the city last night and un earthed tome more of the goods stolen by the tramps from the Mis souri Pacifie depot at. Talmage last week. Tho officers have now recov ered about t-ll of the goods stolen and have more than sufficient evidence to send the whole outfit to the peniten tiary. Nebraska City News. Ilt of Ittert. . Remaining uncalled for at the post office at Plattsmouth, Oct. 0. 1897: Uolston. Borth. R Tukham. I' K Harks. Kcv. Porter, LK Kobinson, f J B Shafer, V H Woods, Young, IIB When calling for any of the above letters iilease say ad vertised.' W. K. Fox, P. M "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in ono to three days, its action u-hu the sys' tem is remarkable and mysterious. I removes nr. once the caufo and the disease immediately disappears. The fits-, diM greatly benefits. T-i cents b.ol by V. '. Fricke &. C., m:srist7i Filed m Complaint. K-irnest Ritow filed a complaint this morning before Judge Archer against Jnmes Jenkins of Murray charging the "latter with assault and batte-y. Constable Jack Denson went out after the defendant this afternoon Semi-Weekly News-Uebald per year. Served 9 Htm Right I 5 "You can take that soap g right back and change it for Santa Claus Soap, j I would not use any g other kind." g Every woman who has ever used - Sold everywhere. Made only by WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY. The Only Representative of the Metho dist Denomination In Nebraska. (Woman's Edition Eve.visg News.) The Nebraska Wesleyan University, situated at University Place, a suburb of Lincoln, represents the Methodist educational interests of the state. Ac cording to a plan of agreement it is the only institution of the kind that is maintained by the denomination with in the state. The faculty consists of twenty pro fessors and instructors, who direct ihe work in the college of liberal arts, the conservatory of music, the school of elocution and oratory, the school of art, the normal school aud academy. The college of liberal arts oftQrs both undergraduate and graduate in struction in arts, philosophy, science, letters and pedagogy. The under graduate work requires twenty-six courses for graduation. The conservatory of music Lei 5 zig conservatory system. The Woman's Educational Council have voted ai'00. 000 build in s- for the conservatory, which it is confidently expected will be erected within a year. The Emerson system is used in the school of elocution and oratory. The course occupies two years and is arranged to meet the needs of all. The school of art offers a three years' course, also an advanced course of one year for candidate for a dec-ee. The ; normal school offers an ele mentary ecu 'se ex tend ing ever npe: iod of four years,and fittingjthe student for a first grade county certificate, the ad vanced or college course also covei ine a period of four years, and in accord ance with a bill passed by the lust ieg is'ature is likely tobs named as -J--chool competent to bestow the state certi li en .e. The academy offes work in the clas.-ictl, philosophical, scientific and normal courees, covering a 'period of four years. The total enrollment for last year was about five hundr. d. and will be greater this year. For information or c-italogut-s ad dress tho secretary of the faculty, Uni versity Place, Nebraska. Kwlurrd Kate to KunHHS City Louin. and St. For the Priest of Pallas parade and Karnival Krewe the B. & M. will sell round trip tickets Oct. 3rd to 9lh, for one fare for the round trip, final limit for return Oct. 10th. For the St. Louis fair will sell round trip tickets Oct 3d to 8th, at ono fare, final limit to return Oct. 11th. W. L. Pickett, Agent. The -Bicyclist's Best Friend a familiar name for UeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, always ready for emer gencies. While a specific for piles, it also instantly relieves and cures cuts, bruises, salt rheum, eczema and an aiiection3 of the skin. Jt never fails. F. G. Fricko & C. C-hh County lairy. R F. Dein has again taken charge of the Cass County Dairy and will be pleased to servo his old customers and also otners desiring pure milK. He will also furnish cream and butter milk when desired. Your patronage is solicited? There is no pain or discomfort when Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment is tsed. It relieves that itching in creased by scratching. It is prepared with scientific accuracy and profes sional knowledge, and is the kind that cures blind, Dieeoins, ntcning and protruding Piles, with no pain or loss of time. The Turners Hall. The turners will give a dance at their hall Saturday evening, Oct. 9 and each ticket will entitle holder to a drawing of some nice prizes. Good music and a good time. I'll rap 1 tut en to OiiiHhit. For the Star Pointer-Joe Patchen race meeting tbo R. & M. will sel round trip tickets October S, good for ri?trun October 9th V. L. Pickktt, Agent. For Rent 200 aero f.-.rm. About 12o acres in cultiv.ti n. A 10 acre bearing peach and apple orchard, the balance in patu-e. A good strwk we 1 and two spring-. Will rent the wnolo at 2.75 per acre for one or more years. JosKiMi SHKKA.Rock BlufT, Neb f'liolee IVachnt. for iaalo ,iu bushel of penchei a am farm four miles we-t of Murray, Roiskkt Yoi'Xti I'U'fliHt? Notice. Notice is hereby given that 1 -a ill applv to the board of county commissioners for license to sell Malt Spiritiion and vinous liquors iu the village of Cedar Creek, Cass county, Nebraska for the twelve months beginning October 1Z, 147. Andrew Anderson. e S SOAPi The Crete tSotd Fields. Cuktk, Neb., Oct. 6 John H. Gruben, who went to ht. Louis some three weeks ago with a car load of dirt f r rn the MulT farm to have the same smelted and . assayed, re turned last evening very much 'ated over tho results of the trip. The dirt run between 16 and 17 worth of bullion per ton, ' aceordiug to the assay'sts at the Su Louis Refining company. Considerable delay was caused in smeltiug on account of a lack of water aod Mr. Gruben was compelled to leavo before all was i utj through, about five tons left to smelt. He brought with him a small chunk of the bullion as a sample, which he prizes highly. As soon as a report is tectived from the remaining fi o tons of dirt and an accurate t-taivment obtained from the entire car load, work will begin in earnest and a large smelter put up. Many of the doubting ones who were inclined to ridicule the idea at first, have now changed and think the dirt to be good paying properly. Mr. Gruben's report has occasioned quite a flurry of excite ment and everyone iswaoxiously await ing future developments. Surprised llrotlier Venner- Tuesday was W. H. Vennefs birth day, but he thought little of the event and in the evening at his usual hour he began to undress for the nisrht, just at this moment a knock was heard at the door which he answered, and to his utter discomfiture the whole neighborhood seemed represented, and the people were not slow in get ting in the house. Mr. Venner was chagrinnea when ho thought of his bar f-aet and the crowd which laughed heartily at his expense- He was al lowed to arrange his toilet and listen to tho songs and speaking of those present, a neat program having been arranged. A nice supper was served later on, and a delightful evening was spent. Among the guests presant were the following gentlemen and their families: Robt Propst, W. B. Por ter, jr., Z. W.Cole, Sil: s Long, Olin Cole and Ransom Cole. It win a genial crowd . th it would have a good time any wne:e, ana Mr. v ennei is In luck to have such neighbors. The I?ett lteiuedy For KlieuiiiH.1 ism. (From the Fairhavcn, N. Y., Register.) Mr. James Rowland, of t its village tales that for tweutv-flve years his wife has been a sufferer from rheum atism. A few nights ago she was in such pain that she was nearly crazy Sho sent Mr. Rowland for the doctor, but he had read of Chamberlain's Pain Balm aud instead of going for the physician ho wont to the store and secured a bottle f it. His wifo did not approve of Mr .Rowland's purchase at hist, but nevertheless.applied the Calm thoroughly .nd in an hour' time was able to go to .-duep. i.'he now appiies it whenever she feels an ache a pain and finds thai it always elves 1 elief. Ho says' that no loedi- ino which she had used over did her as much good. Tho 2" and 50 cent sizes for eale by all druggists. Sounds Fishy. A little rat-terrier dor belonirin ' to Col. P. J. Hand, of this city, followed rabbit into a hole In the hillside about two weeks ago, and in digi'inir threw the dirt behind him, til ing up the passage way out, says the Ne braska City News. Then ho bog;ni to dig, trying to get out. i welve days he worked, feasting on tho rabbit be tween times. On the twelfth day he emerged from the hole, a mere shadow, but still full of grit. After several good meals ho was himself again. Or. Marshall, Graduate lien tint. Dr. Marshall, One gold work. Ur. Marshall, gold and porcelain crowns. Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work Dr. Marshall, teeth without plates. Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fillings. Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates. Dr. Marshall, perfect fitting plates. Dr. Marshall, all work warranted. All the latest aonliances for first :lass dental work. Working Woman Home Association. 21 S. Peoria St., Chicago, 111. f Jan. 11, lWMi. Our Working Woman's Home asso ciation used Foley's Honey and Tar six years ago, and are using it today. It has always been a favorite, for while its taste is not at all unpleasant its effects are very beneficial. It has never yet disappointed us. Wishing you all possible sucess, sincerely yours, " LAURA G. FlXON, Mgr. It May Save Your I.I re. A dose or two of Foley's Honey and Tar wilt prevent an attack of pneu monia, grip or severe cold if taken in time. Cures coug hs, colds, croup, LaGrippe, hoarseness, difficult breath ing, whooping cough, incipient con sumption, usthm-t or bronchitis. Gives positive relief in advanced stages of consumption, asthma or bronchitis. Guaranteed. A pain in the chest is nature's warn ing that pneumonia is threatened. Dampen a piece of Uannel with Cham berlain's Pain Halm and bind over the seat of pain, and another on the back between the shoulders, and prompt relief will follow. Sold by ail drug gists. Thnse who beiievo chronic diar rhea to be incurable should read what Mr. P. K. Griham.of Jaai s Miies,La., has to snv on the subject, viz: "I have been a iulTi ret from chronic diarrlm cvor since the war and have tried all kinds of medicines for it. At last I found a remedy that effected a cure :'i'd that was Chamberlain's Colic Cholera nnd Diar.htra Remedy." This medicine can always lie depended upon for colic, cholera morbus, dyscntry and uitrrbt-ea. It is pleasant to take and never fails to effect a cure." J2s and SO cent size for sale by all druggists. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS 1 Legal Notice. In the district court of Cass county. Nebraska. Iu the matter of the estate of Edmund H. Craw ford, deceased. , To Julia A. Crawford. George E. Crawford. Thomas I. Craw lord. Deborah I.ashbaujrh. alne A. Crawford, heirs of Edmund H. Crawford, de ceased: A. C. Adams, administrator ot the estate of Edmund If. Crawford, deceased, and ad other persons interested in said estate: The petit:oii r.f tjotti.eb Kocker.bach in the above matter having been tiled. in which he prays that the court enter an order directing all par ties interested in the wc:-t one-half iril of the southwest one-quarter l' ot section eighteen it ), township ten U. north ol range nine il'l, east iu Cass county. Nebraska, to show cause, if any, why the administrator of said estate should not execute and deliver to the petitioner a -rood and sufficient warranty deed tipn the payment of eleven hundred and hlty .1 loli.O ) dollars 111 pur-. suauceota contract entered into tielween tne petitioner and Edmund II. Craw h rd, deceased. 111 Ins lile time and Julia .a. t rawroru, ins wue. It is hereby ordered by me that cause be shown, if anv, by the Zini day of October, J'.I7. and that unoii ttie liitii dav of November. ls:i," at M o'clock a in. of said day a hearing will be hail on said petition, and anv objections winch may 01: liled against the cranting of the prayer therein. It is turther ordered that notice be given to ail parties interested by publication in the Semi Weekly News-Herald ot riattsnioiith, Nebraska, for six weeks successively prior to the date of hear ing as above ordered. U.ited this 11th day of September, 1!),. Basils. Kamskv, lmtiT,. ..I District l i,uit. C. S. l'olk and Mockctt 6: l"olk, attorneys for tiottlieb kockenbach. Legal Notice. John K. ( luinton anil Marv A. luinton, non resident, deteudants, will take notice that on the 7th day ot September. A. 1. !:. John H. fetti bone and Samuel E.Nixon, tiled their petition iu the district court of Cass count v. Nebraska. against the said Johu K. tjuinton and Mary A. Oumton. impleaded with Carl l. Oumtoii. ct. at.. tne ooject aud praver 01 tne sam petition, Dcin to "foreclose a tax lien claimed by plaiulitts against the northeast quarter of section l In it y one in town ten, range tnehe, in Cass county. Nebraska, foi the taxes for lKKi.J'O.:"!!. purchased by plaintiffs at public tax sale November tth,ls'i:; for 1, JiM.WS, paid bv plaintiffs .May 11th, 1MM: for 1W4, J4U,0r, paid by plaintiris May Kith, 1M.". for 1W.". paid by plaintiffs May 1st. 1!H; for IS'.'j, J37.73, paid by plaiutitts July 1st, 1XC7. and for interest on each of said payments at the rate ot at per cent per annum tor two years ironi November ilth. IS9.1. and for 111 ter cent annual interest thereafter, and an attorney's lien of in per cent on the total amount so lound due, ana that said land be sold to pay said sums and costs ot the action, and tor equitable relief. You are reuuiredto aunear and Dlead to, or an swer said petition on or before Monday, the Ihtn day ol October, A. IJ. istn. JOHN 11, fETTIBONK AMI SAMUEL f.. ?loN. By their attorneys,. Ueeson & Koot. Probate Notice. Id county court. Cass county, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Cincinnatus J. Cur- yea, deceased. Mrs. David Hite. lohn H. Curvea. William M. Curyea, Isabellc M. Curvea. George W. Curvea, Mrs. lulia Farr. Mrs. Kineline IJebolt and all other persons interested in said matter are here by notified that on the -1th day 01 :?epieinoer. 1W, tieorge V. Curyea, administrator with will annexed herein, by his attorney, C. S. l'olk, filed a petition in said county court, praying that his final administration account be allowed and that he be discharged and released from his trust as administrator with will annexed, and that if you fail to appear betoiesaid co-.rt on the -t h dav of Seoteinber. A. I). lx'.7. at 10 o'clock a. 111. and contest said petitfon, the court may grant the prayer of said petition, and make such other and turther orders, allowances and decrees as to this court may seem proper, to tne end that all mat ters pertaining to said estate may De tinany set tied aud determined. Witness mv hand and the seal of said court, at I'lattsinoiith. Nebraska, this, the Vth day 01 Sep tember, A. I. 197. ljeal' County Judge. Sheriff's Sale. j Bv virtue of an order of sale issued by George F. llouseworth, clerk ot the district court, within and for Cass county, Nebraska, ami to me di rected. I will on the rinth day ot September, A. 1., 1S7. at II o'clock a. 111. of said day at the south door of the court house iu 1 he city of fiatts mouth. in said county, sell at public auction, to the higheat bidder lor cash, the following real estate to-wit: L.ot three CM in block four (ti in ( ("Neil's addi tion to the eity of Plattsmoulli, Cass county. Ne braska, together with the 1 rivileges and appur tenances thereuuto belonging or in 1 nvwise ap pertaining. The same ocuig levied upon and taken as the property of David O'liiicn audvite, I lanora ( 1TJ1 ten. defendant . to salisiv a judg ment recovered by Charles C I'aniule, as re ceiver ot the Citizens' bank ot riatt-nioiitli Ne braska, plaintitt against said dclcndani. I'lattsnioiith, Neuraska, August -I, A. H is;.?. Hauvkv IIiiixoiva'.. Sheriff. Cmss county, Nebras .a. Byron Clark and C. A. Kawis. Att rncis Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of saie issued by Jem ,:c I''. llouseworth." clerk ol district couit within ami for Cass count y, Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will on the -'nd day of October A. I . ix'.', at II o'clock a. m. ol said day, at the south door o! the court house iu tfic city of riattsmoutii, in said county, sell at public auction, to the highest hid der for cash, the following real estate to-wit: 1 he west twenty-five feet ot ilie east forty-six leel of lots uuinber edeight , M I ;nint-i ! and ten ia ot block number d tliirty-on -U iu the city ol IMattsmouth. Cass county, Ne'.naska. more par ticularly described as follows to-wit: Commenc ing at a point JI feet west of the southeast col lier ot lot S iu said block; running thence west -" leet: thence north to the north line ot lot 1 i; thence running cast & feet: thence south across said lots M, Stand It) to the point ot beginning, accordii.g to the plat aud official record in and lor said county and state, together with the privileges and ap purtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. Ihe same being levied upon and taken as the property ol August Bacli and Mina Bach, defendants, to satisfy a judgment cf said court recovered by the American Savings and Loan Association, l'laintitt, against August Bach et al., defendants. I'lattsnioiith, Nebraska. August :tl A. I.. l.SS7. Harvev Hollow a v. Sheriff, Cass countv. Nebraska. Legal Notice. In the district court, Cass county, Nebraska Jacob Reiser. Plaintiff. I vs. j Christian Metzger, the un- known heirs ot Seldon N. I Merriam, deceased, and the I unknown heirs ot Lydia j Merriam, deceased: Kuth Merrian, the unknown heirs of William D. Merriam, de ceased; Art E. Alexander, and the unknown heirs of of Abijah Harris, deceased. Defendants. To the unknown heirs of Seldon N. Merriam, deceased, and the unknown heirs of Lydia Mer riam. dcceased:Kuth Merriam. the unknowu h irs of William I). Merriam, deceased: Art F.. Alex ander, and the unknown heirs of Abijah Harris, deceased: You are hereby notified that Jacob Keiser filed a petition in the district court of Cass county, Nebraska, on the -1st day of August, lsH7, against you and Christian Metzger, the object and prayer of,which are to quiet the title in the plaintiff to the following described real estate: Lot five, in the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter ot section twenty: and the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, and the soutli half of the southeast quarter aud lot seven, all in section twenty, township twelve, range eleven, east of the sixth principle meridian, in Cass county. Ne braska, and to declare that the foregoing named defendants have no estate or interest whatever in or to the above described land, and that plain tiffs title therein be decreed to be good and valid. And that at the date of the execution ol the deed made by Christian Metzger to Frederick Metzger, to-wit on the "J.Mh dav of September. 185s, the defendant. Christian Metzger. was an unmarried mau, and that on the loth day of Oc tober, lxVs. the said Abijah Harris was an un married man . You are required to answer sa'd petition on or before the 4th day ol October, lWi. or the allega tions therein will be taken as true against you. Dated this 24th day of August. 117. Jacob, . By C. S. l'olk, his attorney. . L,cgal Notice. In the district court of Css county, Nebraska. Katherine Beck, l'laintitt. i vs. ! C5eorge Beck. Defendant. 1 To tieorue A. Beck: You are hereby notified that Katharine Beck hied a petition in the district court of Cass county, Nebraska, on the 21st day of August, Im7, against you, the object ami prayer of which are to secure a divorce from the bonds of matri mony, upon the ground that you have grossly, wantonly aud cruelly failed, neglected and re fused to support or contribute to the support of plaintitt without any cause or provocation on the part of plaintitt. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 4th day of October, IfitT, or tho allega tions therein will be taken as true rgainst you. Dated this Ith day of August. Is7. Kaihakink Bi: k. By C. S. Folk, her Attorney. Probate Notice. 4 il county court, ("ass county. Nebraska, tti the matter of the estate of Caroline Carter. !; ceased. All persons inteiested in said matter are hereby notified that on the i:!th day ot Sept. I!i7, Lena V. Crawford tiled a petition in said court alleging among other things that Caroline Carter died on the 1Mb dav of April A. D., 1V.. leaving no last will and testament, and possessed of personal estate ot the value of about 7oj.(Hi. and that she is the only h -ir at law of said de ceased, and praviug for administration of said estate. You are hereby notified tiiat it vou fail to appear on the nth day ol October, 1'.'. at 'z o clock p. m.. aud contest said petition, the court will appoint I.ena Y. Crawford, or some other suitable person, administratrix, and proceed to a settlement of said estate. Witness my hand and the sen! of s;iid court at IMattsmouth, Ne brrska, this tlicll.:, ) i i f September A.D. .lHWT. (Seal) ii-.t..-ua-. M Spi rlock, C. unty judft. Legal Notice. To Henjamin A. tiuVon. Mary C tiibson, Ed ward Hangs, trustee, Bradford Savings Bank & Trust Co.. William C. Crippen, George Leslie and John VV. Mitchell, non-resident defendants: ou and each wf you aie hereby notified that John H . i'eltibotie anil Samuel K. Nixon on the ISth day ol .-epteniber. A. i, IMC, filed their petition iu the dimct court ol Cass county, Nebraska, against you, impleaded with Guerdon B. Crip pen. ct rfl. the object and prayer of which are to have decree of saul court foreclosing a tax lieu agi'iist tiactiuiial lot IT 111 northeast quarter of uorthnet ijuarter, section three in town ten, range tieeu, Cass couutv. Nebrar-ka. for ta.v purchase bv said plaintitt-against said land for ears l.j, lsy.'. lh! t and IS;..', as follows: IW' f'.iiU. aid November a. ltM; lMia. S.W, paid November 5. I!: Ift4. 1-VIC. paid May 1(1, 1S5, and l.r iyi.", ;.ls. paid May I. ISHi. with S) per cent annual interest ou each of said payments from November lfW. to Novemb. r ."1. 1M, and 111 pt-r t ent annual interest on each ol said pay ments thereatter.nnd hi per cent attorney tees on the total totnid due, and costs of suit and for sale of said property to satisfy such judgment aud equitable telief. V ou are reuuned to answer said petition on or before Monday, the first day of November. A. I. l.":C - lollN If. 1" K TTIBoNK AMlStMl IL h. NlXO. Legal Notice. To Amanda . Shepherd, non-resident defend ing 011 aie heit'tiv notified that William L. Shepherd commenced an action against vou on tne iftli day ul September, lX'JT. 111 the district court of Cass county. Nebraska, the object and praver of which are 10 secure an absolute divorce horn ou, and ais 1 a decree barrimr vou from all rights in the property, real and personal, belong ing to said plaintitt, and locate in either the states of Indiana or Nebraska. The crounds for divorce are that you committed adultery in De- inber, is'tf, with one J. Gordon. Vim are retiuired to answer said neti'ion fin or before Monday, the 1st day of November, IXV7. W11.1.1AM l . shepherd. Notice to Credtors. Statu uf Nlhkaska, ) ,., , Couutv ot Cass. .uw,iij ..uun. In the mutter of the estate of Samuel A. Ilolorook, deeoasud. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the e.xeeutor of said estate, before in e. County Judge of Cass county, Nebraska, at the ocunty court room In l int tsmout h in said county, on toe tiay in Afni, . u. tsws. at z ociorit p. in.. lor tne uiiroose of nresentlug their Claims for examination, adjustment and al lowance. Six months uru allowed for tha creditors of said deceased to present their claims had one year for thn executor to settle said estate, from the ird day ot Oc tober, 18s7. I his notice shall at) near In the Semi- Weekly News-Herald for four weeks successively . prior to the iird day of Oo- uooer ism(. Witness rny hand and seal of said county court at I'lattsn'outli, Nebruska, this J7th day or -"eplenioer. t-iWi. K.,ii IjKORliE H. SPl'RLOCK, '--' County Judge. l-egal Nut ice. To I.eah V. Buchanan and Robert 1. Glazier. non-resident, deteudants: V ou and each of you are hereby notified that on the 2sth day of September. A. I. IHM7, Samuel W auiti as executor of the last w ill and testament of John Black, deceased, commenced an action in the district court of Cass county, Nebraska, against you, impleaded with Leonard C. W. Murray, et al. the object aud prayer of which action is to foreclose a mortgage on, and sell the northwest quarter section :to, in town 12, range l;t, Cass county, Nebraska, and the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of said section: said sale to satisfy the amount due on said mortgage. $r.'n 7.i with eight per cent interest aud costs ot suit: said mortgage, aud the uote it was given to secure, being ol date February 2. lhSM, and due February Ji, f".C. F.quitable relief is also prayed and that the defendants bo required to answer setting up an v rights thev mv have in said land, or be barred from asserting any such rights. You are required to ausuer said petition on or before Monday, November S, 1MI7, or said petition will betaken as confessed and a decree entered accordingly. SaMI-KI. VVAUtill, As executor of the last will and testament of John Black, deceased. AA4-4Lj . 80 YEARS' r" f EXPERIENOf. D TRADE MARKS. liun COPYRICHTS Anrone ppnrttng a nketeh and description may quickly ascertain, free, whether an invention la prohnbly patentable. Communications atiiotly confidential. Oldest agency for securing patent in America. We have a Watthington omce. Patent taken through Munn & Co. receive special uotice iu t he SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully illustrated. lnneat circulation of anv scientific journal, weekly, terms $3.00 a Tear H. SO nix months. Specimen copies and 1L&MD Hook on 1'atk.vts sent free. AddreM MUNN A CO., 361 Broadway. New Yrk. Gamnlon Preserved or. HlEa'S VIOL ma rw 91 8 9 -kail U Remove? Fc.-c";les, Pimpfea, Liver - jVio'es, Blackheads, rreii rut ions nivl perfectly harmless. At all drnggisi.s.oriii.iilcd forSOcts. Scndforcirrular. VIOLA SK!M SOAP l InwrnparahU u a shin purifving Srtjp. en-iuhjfl for lb toilet, and wilbwtt a rival li..f th" iur.Tr. prtr ami oWlioatfl attt entKl. ' druit. Price 25 Contt. The Q. C. BITTINER CO., Toledo, O. TIME TABLE PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. Lincoln Omaha Helena Portland San Francisco All points west. Chicago St. Joseph Kansas City St. Louis and all points East and South. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWSl No2X Local express, daily, St Joe, Kansas. St Louis, all points south 0:40 to No 4. Local exD, dally, Burlington. Chicago, all points east.... 10:24 am Noli). Local exp. dally except Suu- d u y 11:55 km Nof Local exp, daily except Sun day. I'ucitic J unction 12:28 piu No 30. Trel.-fit, da. i.y except Sunday 1'iicitiv Junction 2:50 put No 2. Yoslibuled exp. daily. Bur lington, ctitc.i.o una an points east.. .-. RutO put No. 1 stun Junction to l'lfttts- inoutti 6:15 pm No 1-. Local xp, daily. St Joe, Kan gas City. St Louis. Clilcatco all points east and south.. No 5. Local ep, daily, Omaha.Lin coln. Denver aud interme diate stations No 85. Local freignt, daily, Omaha. 8-Jij put 7:32 Hui M ani No Local Ireiuht. datiy, ex Sun day, Cedar Cree. Louis vine, Soutli Bend So 7. Fust luuil, dally, Oinaba and Lincoln No 3. Vestiliuled exp, dally, Den ver and nil points in Colo rado, ( tan and California, t.rand Island. Black Hills. Montana and I'ucitic N. W 717 am 2:22 pm 3:43 put No 9. Local exp, daily except Su - u.ty. Loulsviilo. Ashland, Wahoo, SclniykT No II. Local exp, dally exevpt Sun day, Omaha and Lincoln.. No 17. Local ex press, Sunday only, omiiha No 7.5. 1-reijtht. daii.v. Louisville... 4:(X pm 5-27 pm 5:27 pm S:05 pm Sleeping, dining and reclining chair oar iseuts f reel on through trains. Tickets sold nnd ij:ii::-'a'r cheeked to any point Id the t"niU-d States or Canada. 1 or inforn.-itiou. tiuie tables, maps aud tickets otitl or write to W. L. PICKETT. Agent. Plattsmouth, Neb. !. KUANCF.S. Gen. I'.ism. AL. Omaha. Nob. It. . TIMK CAUI). TIlMVt 'H1IM5 NIlltTII, No. l."i I st freight."... No. No. 121, I mt.1 freight.... ... .5.10 a.iu . . . 1LS1 a. in . . . .4.04 u. in Tit AIMS) iilKU flOCTH. No. 132 Fast froignt.. N'n, i, local frelgot. No. 10 , .10.52. p. u .... 7.5 a. ut . ..4.04 u n Sunburn iw. i T:;n, aad re- t stotT-s tf? KKin li us ongi- 1 .fifyS nr.l vrnducir fAii'm nlc tioii. SiiiiiTior to nil tiiocv - '