Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, September 18, 1897, Image 3

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Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of
all in leavening strength. Latest United States
Government Food Report.
T. W. Fautjlit of Murray is in the
ciy tod: y.
S. I Hollowny wont to Lincoln this
morning for h three tiny visit at the
Mrs. 13. Klson and -on of Plattsmouth
are vieitiug Mrs. V. S. Scott. Lin
con New9.
Mrs. L E. Skinner and children aro
visiting in the city, and will return
home on Friday.
Auntie Rock word and Mrs. M. L.
White left.forj Ashland thii morning,
where they will visit for several days.
Fred Longenhagen is limping
mound around on one foot today in
consequence of a .serious cut on the
other una
Myrtle Smith departed forlier home
in Lincoln this morning, after n
week's visit with tho family of her
uncle, Cfiet Smith.
Miss Mollie Baliance returned to
her homo in Germantown, Neb., this
morning aftor a visit here of several
days with relatives.
Tom Patterson recently traded
residence propeity with J. W. TJen-
dee, and today is moving into his uew
property on North Sixth street.
A of stone jumped the tmrk in
the D. & M. yards last evening, and
the wrecking crew consumed several
hours ii: getting it on the r ills again.
Mr. and Mrs. Kerr and their three
girls, Henry Marten and II. J.
Streight were passengers fir Lincoln
this morning to attend the reunion.
Mrs. R. F Dean was given a special
premium of a driving bridle at tho
Elmwood fair. The premium whs to
the best single driver,- driven by a
Col. Tibell remembered TnE News
printers this morning with a large
basket of the finest cranes we have
seen. The colonel received an ur-
cront. i nvitiitirtn fn o'i 1 1 nrrnfn
Cornelius Patrick O'B-ien, aged
twenty-two,and DollieEtta Buchanan,
am d nineteen, both of Omaha, were
granted a license to wed by Judge
Spurlock this afternoon, and also
united in marriage by him.
The Woman's edition of Tnr. NEWS,
nov in course of preparation, promi
ses to ho a hummer. In addition to
the regular features of the paper will
be a number of special a: tides by the
most talented ladies in the city that
will bo of unusual interest. '
Frank Morgan's display at the
county fair, arranged by Henry
1 arisen, is a ve-y artistic one. It is a
representation of the - Klondyke
region, coupled with advice to get
your ovorcoats at Morgn's and is said
to be very irtistic.
Smith & Fuller, the contractors,
have their hands full of work these
days Tbey nave just completed a
spacious covered porch on two sides
of Bert Pollock's pleasant home, and
are now engaged in erecting a 16x10
addition to Mike Mauzy's home.
OL Gilson, Geo. Thomas and John
Harrington went to Omaha today to
place their sons in the deaf and dumb
institute there. Mr. Gilson's son ill
irraduaie this coming year. He has
learned the printer's trade whlTe at
tending tho institute. Geo. Thomas
eon, who is a bright little fellow of
fourteen, has attended the institute
since be was six years old.
A youth of convival tendencies got
'"pretty . well oiled" Sunday. He re
peated on Monday, and had warrants
sworn out against two s.iloon keepers,
charging them with keeping open on
Similar. When it came to a show
down, however, and on being con
frontod with the probability of hav
inir to shoulder a bill of co9.s. he
wBuk-pnud. and withdrew the com
Plattsmouth is acquiring quite
reoulalion as a fruit center. J. liar
perfect health, comfort, good -
Scott's Emulsion is the best fat-food baby can have, in
the easiest form. It supplies what he cannot get in his
ordinary food, and helps him
growth, For the growing ,
grown, new life.
Scott & Bowne. New York.
rington todiy shipped several hun
dred hasken of giMjri h from his vin
yard to Gillette, Wyo., and durit g
tho season, Henry Eikcnbary, Nelson
Jean and others ha ve shipped several
thousand baskets of grapes to the
Black Hills. Mr. Crawford has
shipped several crates of his cele
bra tod musk melons to the same local
Hy. Yesterda3' morning Mrs. David
Miller received a telegram from Vis
alla. Cal, containing tho sad news
that Harry Miller was dying in that
city. Later in the day a dispatch was
received saviner that he had died at
noon vesierdav. narry had many
friends in this city who with his fam
ily, will mourn his untimely demlpe
Ho was only twenty-one years of nee,
having1 attained bis majority a few
months ago. He was of a restless and
adventurous disposition, and had seen
, more of the United States in his short
, life than is given to most to see in a
long lifetime. He had been in Vis
alia n few months when stricken down
.with his fatal illness, typhoid fever.
The remains will be interred in Cali
fornia for the present.
Elmer Root and grandmother were
in Om-iba today.
Capt. Miles Standish is in town from
his Murray ranch today.
The Crabtrees are putting up a cozy
residence in Murray west of Jenkins'
Jacob Trietscb was in town today
with some fine sample neaches from
his homo orchard.
Dave Pitman of Murray Is back in
Indiana visiting his mother, who is
reported quite ill.
Mrs. Jane rotten of Murray is in
from tho west visiting her brother.
Jos. Lloyd and family.
Col Sherman is getting along nicely
at Nebraska City with his work in the
Imperial Mystic Legion.
Geo. Weidmann, jr., went to Omaha
this morning to take a position at the
Hotel Dellone during fair week.
J. V. Thomas, E. R. Todd and son.
T. E. Todd, were passengers for Lin
coln this morning to attend the re
A lodge of the Royal Tribe of Jos
eph was organized at Murray last
night with about twenty-five charter
Mrs. C. S. Forbes and Mrs. Ed. B ir-
Btow went to Lincoln this morning
and will spendithe rest of the week at
the reunion.
Miss Margaret Davis and Lou Smith
departed for Lincoln this morning,
where they will pursue their studies
at the state university.
I.F. Foster of Union,.Tames Walker,
Dr. Gil more of Murray and Chas. Ban
ning or Xehawka were prominent
people in town today.
Charles F. Heath, representing C.
1. Hood & Co., of Lowell, Mass., is in
the city looking after some business
matters for that firm.
Miss Nellie Gleason and J&hn Nie-
haus were united in marriaero today
by Judge Spurlook at the homo of Mr.
and Mrs. Sam'l Richardson.
Everybody is waiting for tho
woman s edition of the EVENING
News to be published October I. It
will be a souvenir woith preserving.
John and Wm. Tighe were in from
Man ley yesterday shaking hands with
their numerous Plattsmouth friends
and looking after some business mat
Mrs. W. G. Keefer and children re
turned today from an extended visit
with relatives in southern Illin is.
She will go to South Omaha soon wto
Yestetday was Womans' day at the
G. A. R. reunion at Lincoln, and
roan v of the brightest women in the
state were present and took part in
the exercises.
Mr. Crawford has sent some of his
choicest muskmelons to customers in
the Black Hills counirv. Five crates
were sent up recently to a firm which
bud sampled them before.
The morning train from the t ast
has been over an hour late every day
recently. It is difficult to get through
the maze of east bound freights that
are now running. It looks as though
the B. Sc M. ' would have to finish the
long talked of double track through
Iowa pretty soon in order to handle
the immense business that is now
rushing over its lines.
Frank Alschuler, is home from Chi
cago, where he spool a week in eelect
ing an elegant line of clothing for the
Klein clothing store here, which will
soon arrive Long experience and
personal acquaintance in the city en
ables tnis iirm w m .ko tne Dcst se
lections for the least money. .
health signal.
The. baby's mission, . its
work in life, is errowth. To
that little bundle of love,
half trick, half , dream, every
added ounce of flesh means
added happiness and com
fort. Fat is the signal of
nature, baby-beauty.
over the weak places to perfect
child it is growth. For the full
All Druggists.
5oc and $r.
It's all right to let the
little girls have an early
introduction to
It will not only make their clothes clean but when in late years the cares
of the household come they will know best how to meet them. There
are a great many women who have learned a lesson of economy and
cleanliness by the use of Santa Clans. Sold everywhere. Made only by
The N. K. Fairbank
Mrs. Wm. Herold and daughter,
Dora, returned home yesterday from
a summer visit on the Pacific coast,
much of the time being spent up at
Portland and Seattle. They saw the
Klondike fever at its night up there,
where excitement was running high.
They report a delightful trip.
The long desired cold wave put in
an appearance last night near mid
night, when the thermometer must
have fallen thirty degrees in less than
an hour. The rain fell at a rapid rate,
and the government gauge shows a
fall of one inch and eight-tenths,
enough to be very beneficial. The
cold wave started in the Black Hills
yesterday morning, when the ther
mometer fell forty degrees in two
hours and a heavy frott was expected
this morning. 'It is to be hoped that
the hot weather is entirely over at
last, and a season of comparative com
fort has been ushered in.
A Grand Opportunity.
There are today thousands of young
people on the farms and in the vil
lages who are tied down by lack of
education to work they heartily dis
like. Are you one of them, my friend?
If so, the Grand Island Business and
Normal College can put you on the
road to success if you are ambitious
and willing to study. It makes no
difference how backward you are pro
vided you are plucky and mean busi
ness. We teach everything necessary
for a successful start in life. If you
are short of money we will accept a
good note without interest for tuition
or if necessary we will furnish every
thing tuition, board, and books and
give you time to graduate and pay
for same afLer wards. Business, Nor-
smal and Shorthand courses. Board
$1.50 per week. Established 12 yeare.
College Record sent free or cata
logue for 6 cents in stamps. This
is your chance of a lifetime. Will
you let it slip by. Address,
A. M. Hargis, President,
Grand Island, Neb.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed bids will be received by the
secretary of the Board of Education
for city of Plattsmouth till noon of
October 4, 1897, for supplying said
board with fifteen cords of well sea
soned cottonwood or lynn wood, to be
delivered in fots of one cord or more
to the several ' ward buildings in t-aid
school district as directed by the
secretary, all of such wood to be
straight body wood. Also to supply
said board. with twenty cords of good
drv straight body oak or hickory
wood to be delivered at the High
school building when directed by the
secretary of the board. Tho board re
serves the right to reject all bids.
E. W. Cook,
Secretary Board of Education.
'My boy came home from school
one day with his hand badly lacerated
and bleeding, and suffering great
pain," says Mr, E. J. Schall, with
Meyer Bros.' Drug Co., St. Louis,
Mo. "I dressed the wound, and ap
plied Chamberlain's Pain B.ilm freely.
All pain ceased, and in a remarkably
short time if healed without leaving
a scar. For wounds, sprains, swell
ings and rheumatism I know of no
medicine or prescription equal to it.
I consider it a household necessity."
The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by all
List of Letters.
Remaining uncalled for at the post-
office at Plattsmouth, Sept. 15. 1897
Brakeman. C. F. Hardinjr, C. A.
Kamsy, John
When calling for any of the above
letters please say "advertised.'
W. K. Fox, P. M.
It Hits the pot.
When suffering from a severe cold
and your throat and lungs feel nore.
tawo a doe of
Foley's Honey
and Tar., when
be at once re-
the soreiirs Wil
li eved. a warm
grateful feeling and healing of the
p:irw aneciea win oe experienced and
you will say: It feels so good. It hits
the spot." It is guaranteed. Smith
Si Piii mele.
Rheumatism Cured In m Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism und
Neuralgia radically cures in one io
three days. Its action upon the sys
tem is remarkable and mysterious. It
removes at onco the cause and the
disease immediately disappears. The
first doso greatly benefits, 75 cents
sol d by F. G. Fricke & Co.. drugyittts
A Care for Billons Colic.
Resource, Screven Co.,Ga. I have
been subject to attacks of bilious colic
for several years. Chamberlain's
Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea- Remedy
is the only sure relief. It acts like a
charm. One dose of it givos relief
when all other remedies fail. G. D.
Sharp. For sale by all druggists. .
Company, - Chicago.
A Singular . Elopement by Man
Woman 68 and 73 Years of Age.
Dakota City, Neb., Sept. 15.
Dakota county, it is claimed, has
joined with the county of Nemaha in
furnishing a first class elopement of
parties who are certainly old enough
to know better. A few days since
County Judge Ryan recesved tho fol
lowing letter, dated Sept. 7, and
signed by N. E. Furlough:
South Auburn. Neb., Sept. 7
Judge Ryan Sir: Would you be kind
enough to inform me whether thu-e
was a divorce granted to Hezekiah
Way. (or H Hiatt) as that is the name
he passed himself off for here. He in
duced my mother to sell her property
here and meet him in Sioux City,
Iowa. She shipped her goods to Du
buque, Iowa., and has been gone over
three weeks and have not henrd
from her. I have written to different
places and find he has a wife and fam
ily living ten miles from Jackson, Neb.
She gets her mail from Waterbury,
Neb. The man weiehs over 200
pounds ana has a full, dark beard, is
about sixty-five or sixty-eight years
old. His loft ear is half gone. He
claimed to be wealthy. Mother is an
old woman (seventy-two years). She
took some money with her. If he has
no divorce I think they are living to
gether as man and wife somewhere.
If you can give me nny informntion
about him I wish you would kindlj' do
so by return mail and ablige
Mns. N. E. Furlough.
Judge Ryan answered tho lady by
informing her no divorce had b-en
granted H. Way in this cojniy.
Mr. Way is an old settler of this
county, coming here in 1871, and lo
cating in the west part of the county,
where he has resided until recently,
when he seperated from his family
and went to South Sioux City, where
ho had boen boarding at the Hotel
Heath. About three weeks ago ho
left there and hus not made his ap
pearance hereabouts since. He b:is a
wife and nine children, being mar
ried to Miss Sarah M. Davidson in
Cass county. Nebraska, before coming
here in 1871. His wife lesides with
her sons, who are well-to-do und
highlyrebo ected farmers.
doing Down Hill.
from Kid
ney Diseases
feci a gradual
but steady loss of
strength and vital
ity. They should
lose no time in trying
Foley's Kidney Cure, a
Guaranteed Preparation.
Smith & Parmele.
Dr. Marshall, Graduate Dentist.
Dr. Marshall, fine gold work.
Dr. Marshall, gold and porce Iain
Dr. Marshall, crown and bridgo work
Dr. Marshsil, teeth without plate...
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of hi lings.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates.
Dr. Marshall, perfect fitting plate?
Dr. Marshall, all work warrantee.
All the latest annua uces for lii'S?
class dental work.
. Try Allen's oot-Kase,
A powder to bo shaken into the
shoes. At this season your , feet feel
swollen and hot, ana get tired easily.
If you havo smarting feet or tight
shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools
the feet and makes walking oasy.
Cures and prevents tvwollou and sweat
ing feet, blisters and callous t-pois.
Relieves corns and bunions of all pain
and gives ret and com fori.. Try it to
day. Sold by all druggist and shoe
stores for 25 cent. Trial packneres
PR EM Address, Allen S. Olmsted, le
Roy, N. Y.
Cheap Rates to Kjutftaa City. .
The M. P. Ry. will 'sell tickets at
one faro for the round trn to Kansas
City on account of carnival and
Priests of Pallas parade, October 3 to
9 inclusive, good t return till Octo
ber 10. For further particular en
quire of C. F. Stoutenborough, agent.
. Try Gralu-Ot Try Grala-O! "
Ask your grocer today to show you
a package of Grain-O, the new food
drink that takos the place of coffee
Tho childreu may driuk it without in
jury an well as lh udult. All who try
it, liko it Grain-O ha3 that rich
seal brown of Mocha or Java, but it is
mado from pure grain, und tho most
dolicate stomach receives it without
distress, i the price of coffee. 15c
and 25 cts. per package. Sold by all
grocers. . -
per year.
The following market letter Is for
niched us by McLain Bros. & Co.,
Commission Merchants, BJalto Build
ing, Chicago:
The stock market during the past
week has been active and irregular
the securities of grain carrying roads
taking the lead and maintaining their
position with grestter stability than
others less lavoivd; increased earnings
and the magnitude of the grain move
ment aie the chief governing factors,
and us trallic shows no signs of abate
ment, there are no special reasons for
anticipating any decrease in earnings
for some time to come.
The enhanced value of both railway
and industrial stocks, requiring a much
larger volume of money to carry iem,
and the freer movement of funds to
the country, is reflected in the sharp
decrease in bank reserves and a large
increase in loans, with but a nominal
increase in deposits. It has been stated
by accredited authorities thafi Europe
has during the past four months re
turned to America one bundled and
fifty to two hundred millions of dollars
in securities; wieii tiis amount is add
ed to the volume to be provided for at
enhanced values it affords the incen
tive for deruandiiKjf higher interest
rates, and suggests'toe possibility of a
wmer circulation or gold in the near
future. The fact that Europe parts
with American securities at a time
when manv of them promise a divi
dend for the first; time in several years,
is indicative of the unifcivorable state
of affairs abroad, which dailv become
more apparent.
Crop failures and other causes nave
no pronouncedly interrunted Europe's
trade with India that there is an un
welcome decrease in the demand for
manufactured goods, and some dis
turbance in financial affairs. America
is particularly interested in the wel
fare of .Europe s toilers this vear. be
cause of the shortage in foreign crops,
and the abundance of her own, the
surplus from which can be sold abroad
at high prices unless consumption is
decreased through' the poverty of pros
pective buyers. How much the con
sumption will be reduced on account
of higher prices and the want of
employment by a large number of con
sumers is problematical, but it will
doubtless be considerable, for, without
unusual industrial depression in .Eu
rope last year, the decrease on account
of a moderate advance in prices, ac
cording to Mr. Broomhall, amounted
to one and one-half per cent.
Our wheat market continues irregu
lar and nervous, the tenor of the news
being reflected quickly in its fluctua
tions. It responded sharply to the re
cent unconfirmed reports of a contem
plated reduction in the French duties,
and Odessa advices that Austrians
were liberal purchasers of Russian
wheat; and declined as quickly when
the French news was denied, and for
eigners were reported as reselling in
American markets.
With domestic receipts steadily in
creasing Mid home-grown foreign
wheat available for immediate use,
there are no substantial reasons for
anticipating an urgent foreign demand
before present contracts are nearly ful
filled, unless the movement from Rus
sia sharply decreases, for, with the
prospective American exports and lib
eral Russian shipments in sight sup
plies will gradually increase; American
shipments being assured, those from
Russia will determine the price, and as
that government fosters agriculture
and assists its farmers even to the ex
tent of loaning them money to carry
reserves through periods of depression,
and gives only such crop information
as it deems advisable, the only guide
to the true situation there is its ex
ports; these, according to the weekly
returns, have been increasing, and un
til they show a tendency to materially
decrease, the reports of no exportable
surplus will not do to rely upon.
Domesticcropnews indicates a larger
winter wheat crop than has been re
ported, and that the springwheat yield
at the Northwest will be large, but
under early estimates, with the quality
uneven and unsatisfactory. The gov
ernment report, which suggests a yield
of but 4(54,000.000 bu of winter and
spring wheat, being about 75,000,000 bu
below the most conservative estimate
of any recognized private authority,
was accorded scant courtesy and ex
erted no influence on the market,
which, despite the stringency which
the report-if correct would indicate,
declined sharply on much less import
ant news.
Corn coiiiiniies the favorite specula
tive commodity of the public, and the
volume of trade in it is large. Weather
conditions have been the chief factor
of strength, aud while reports of dam
age from climatic causes are conflict
ing, the "country" quite generally ad
heres to the claim of disappointment
when husking begins. If the future of
this cereal depended wholly on the
growing crop the price would doubtless
quickly rise; but there are other fac
tors which render the task of lifting it
at present a difficult one, the great
quantity of old corn on hand being the
greatest barrier, for it furnishes im
mediate supplies in unprecedented vol
ume and, with the advance already sus
tained, checks the Eastern demand
which for so long absorbed all
offerings because of its cheapness. An
other adverse influence is the weakness
developing in hog products on account
of yellow fever, which, if it becomes
epidemic, will not only affect pro
visions, but win disturb tne mar
ket for all other commodities. The
government report, indicating a yield
of 1,880,000.000 bu. is as much above
other estimates as it is under on wheat.
the most reliable private guesses being
about 1,750,000,000 bu. As the official
estimate is based upon data secured be
fore tne recent period of excessive heat.
the discrepancy may be due wholly to
tne changed conditions upon which tne
private estimates are based.
The visible supply of grain in the
United States and Canada shows the
following chances for the past week:
Wheat increased 949,000 bu, corn in
creased 2,44 i, 000 bu and oats icreased
458.000 bu.
Owing to ove -crowding and bad
ventilation, the air ofihe scboolioom
is often close and impure, and teach
era and pupils frequently suffer from
lun and thro-tt troubles. To all such
w would say, try Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. For coughs, colds,
weak lungs and bronchial troubles no
other remedy can compare with it
Says A. C. Freed, superintendent of
Bchools, Prairie Depot, Ohio: "Hav
ing some knowledge of the efficacy of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, I have
no hesitation in recommending it to
all who suffer from coughs, lung
troubles, etc." For sale by all drug
At 8 arag store, a m
cure for all kidney complaints, ner
vous exhaustion and fema'e weakness.
It Is Foley' Kidney Cure.' Smith &
Subscribe for The News.
L.' N'o .c .
in tlic dii-tr.ct court of Cajs county. Nebraska,
in the matter ot the estate of Kdir.und 11. Craw
ford, deceased.
'io ju la A i 'rswforJ. Geir-:: K. Crwf.rd
Thomas J. CraufurJ. Deborah Laslibau rh. S.ilile
A. Crawford, heirs of Edmund H. Crawford, de
ceased: A. C. Adams, administrator of the eMate
of Edmund H. Crawioid. deceased, and ad other
persons interested in said estate:
i lie petition of l.ottl.cb Kockenbach in the
above matter having been tiled. in which he prays
that the court enter an order directing all par
ties interested in the west one-half Oi ot the
southwest one-quarter I'il ol section eighteen
1m. townshiu ten tloi. north of lanee nine (ft.
Last in Cass county. Nebraska, to show cause, il
auy, why the administrator of said estate should
not execute and deliver to the petitioner a good
and sufficient warranty deed upon the payment ol
eleven hundred and fifty $llf ;i.0j) dollar iu pur
suance of a contract entered into between the
petitioner and Edmund it- Crawford, deceased,
in his lite time and Julia A. Crawlurd. his wife,
it is hereby ordered by me that cause be shown,
if any, by the Srd day of October, 1WT, and that
upon the 15th day of November. IH-i7. at lb
O'clock a in. of said day a hearing will be had on
said petition, and any objections which may be
tiled against the granting of the prayer therein.
it is further ordered that notice be given to all
parties interested by publication in the Stmi
Veekly News-Herald ot Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
for six weeks successively prior to the date ot hear
ing as above ordered.
Dated this 11th day of September, 1W.
UasilS. Kamsev,
Judge ol District Court.
C. S. Polk and Mockett it Polk, attor.-eys for
Gottlieb Kockenbach.
Legal Notice.
John K. (Juinton and Mary A. CJuinton, non
resident, detendants, will take notice that ou the
Tth day ot riepiember, A. I. 18yT. John H. Petti
boae aad S.uuul 1-. Nlxou. iiled their petition iu
the district co;irt of Cass county. Nebraska,
against the said Johu K. CJuiuton and Mary A.
Ouinton. iuiDleaded with Carl It. Ouinton. et. al..
the object and praver of the said petition, being
to foreclose a tux I en claimed by plaiiititts
against the northeast quarter ol section tlnrty
one in towu ten. ranee twelve, in Cass countv.
Nebraska, foi the taxes for 1SUJ.140J0, purchased
bv DlaintirTs at nublic tax sale November;f:
foi !,!. paid bv plaintiffs May 11th. 1M;
l . . . . ....... -II I t , i I. im...
lor ircrt, ytu.UD, paia uy piaiuiius may jinn, toe,
for 115. fcfcJ.ttl. paid by plaintiffs May 1st, 145:
for lHi i. 47.73. naid bv nlaiutitts lulv 1st. I1'
and for interest on each of said payments at the
rate of 20 per cent per annum for two years from
November Cth. 193, and for 10 per cent annual
interest thereafter, and an attorney's lien of 10
tier n-nt on the total amount so found due. and
that said land be sold to pay said sums and costs
ol the action, and tor equitable reuet.
Ynn ar to annear and Dlead ti. or an
swer said petition on or before Monday, the
ISth day of Ociober. A. I). 18H7.
Jotix 11. Pettibone and ?-amuel E. Nixon,
By their attorney?. Beeson & Root.
Frobtte Notice.
t:i cnuntv cour Casj countv. Nebraska.
In the matter of th; estate of Cincinnatus J. C'ur-
v-a. deceased
Mrs. David Hite, John H- Curyea. William M.
Curyea, Isabelle M . Curyea, George V. Curyea,
Mrs. lulia Parr. Mrs. Emeline Debolt and all
other persons interested in said matter are here-
. . ... . . . . . i i . i
ny nounca mat on me tin aay oi actiicmuci,
lsJT, George W. Curyea, administrator with will
annexed herein, by his attorney. O. S. Polk, filed
a petition in said county court, praying that his
final administration account be allowed and that
he be discharged and released from his trust as
administrator with will aunexed, and that if you
fail to annear beloie said coi.rt on the :25th dav
of September. A. L). 18J7. at 10 o'clock a. in. and
content said netitfnn. the court mav errant the
Draver of said Detition. and make such other and
further orders, allowances and decrees as to this
conrt mav seem Droter. to the end that all mat
ters pertaining to said estate may be finally set-
tied and determined.
Witness niv hand and the seal of said court, at
.riatistuouin, meoraska, in is, tne nn uay oi jcp
tember. A. 1). 1X97.
t;ea" County Judge.
Sheriff's Sale.
lir virtue of an order of sale issued by George
P. Houseworta. clerk ot the district court, witnin
and lor Cass county, Nebraska, ana to me ai-
rrrtnl. I will an Hie Z.'ilh dav ol scDieniBer. A
Sj., 18OT. at 11 o'clock a. ni. of said day at the
smith floor ni the court house iuthecitv of Platts
mouth. in said county, sell at public auction, to
the higheat bidder fur cash, the fojlowing real
estate to-wit:
lot three (31 in block lour (4) m U'INcirs addi
tion to tlx- ritv nf Plattsmouth. Cass countv. Ne
braska, together itn tne Lnvneges auu appui
tenances thereunto belonging or iu anywise ap
rwrtaini.ncr i'Iib same- oc i ue levied upon and
taken as the property of David O'Brien and wile,
nieut recovered 'by Charles C. Parmele, as re
ceiver ot the Citizens' bank of Plattsmouth Ne-
a-t t nnra k n un rifHinniiiiix. in ri l 13 1 a uue
liruslfa nlaintirt mrainst said defendants
i'lattsmoutn. iNcurasKa. aukusiji, t. ij
Uauvkv Hollowav,
Sheriff. Cnsscounty. Nebraska.
Uyroa Clark and C. A. Kawls, Attorneys.
Jiolice of Sale Uuder Chattel Morttrase
v.-ttw-o ic firihv p-iven that bv virtue of a
chattel mortgage, dated ou the IHth day of Feb
rorv a i ixk7 anrl dulv hied iu the orhce of
county clerk of Cass county. Nebraska, ou the
20th day of February. A. I). 1T. and executed
by William Neville to maia j. i-iuooi m 9ci.ue
the Davmeut of the sum of $-J5.S..r0, and upoa
-which there is now due the sum of nO with
ten per cent interest thereon Irom ine imn aay 01
February. A D. 1X97, default having been made
in the navuieut of said sum and no suit or other
tirnrfpHlnix hnvintr been instituted to recover
said debt or any part thereof, therefore 1 will sell
the property therein descriDeu. viz: vine oar nx
ture consisting of counter, back bar. partition
and all other articles pertaining to the business;
stock ot wines, liquors, beer, and cigars, con
tained in store room on east half of lot five (n),
hlfu-lc thirtv-lour iiUi. Plattsmouth. Nebraska, or
that part of said stock now remaining on hand. at
public auction at aoove aescrioeu store iouui m
the citv of Plattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska,
on the auth day of September. A D. lfi. at
1 o clock p. m. 01 said aay.
Dated August w. A u, iwi.
MaiA A. Crouch, Mortgagee.
Byroa Clark and V. A. Kawls. Attorneys.
Legal Notice.
In the district court. Cass county. Nebraska.
Jacob keiser. Plaintiff,
vs. I
Christian Metzger, the un- j
known neirs ot seidon i.
Merriam. deceased, and the I
unknown heirs of L.ydia
Merriam. deceased: Kuth
Merrian, the unknown heirs
of William D. Merriam. de
ceased; Art E. Alexander,
and the unknown heirs of
of Abijah Harris, deceased.
To the unknown heirs of eldon N. Merriam.
d. ceased, and the unknown heirs of Lydia Mer
rinm, deceased;Kuth Merriam.the unknown heirs
of, illiam D. Merriam, deceased; Art E. Alex
wader, and the unknown heirs of Abijah Harris,
deceased: ' -. ,
You are hereby notified that Jacob Keiser rueo
Detition in the district court of Cass county.
.Nebraska, on the 21st day of August, 1S97, against
roil and Christian Metzeer. the oblect and pr iver
of.which are to quiet the title in the plaintiff to
uie lollowing descnued real estate: loi nvc. iu
xhe northeast Quarter of tae northwest Quarter of
section twenty; and the southeast quarter of the
southwest quarter, ana tne soutn nan ine
mtnthnast nnarter and lot seven, all in section
twenty, township twelve, range eleven, easi 01 me
sixth nrincinle meridian, in Cass couuty. Ne
. . f .1
braska, and uvdeciare tht the f eiioing named
defendants have ni est..e t r in:crest whatever
in or to the abovu ci.'scrii.od land, and that plain-
f. s titie therein be decreed t' no crod and
valid. And that at the date ot the i xe utiou 01
the deed made by Christian MtUiii-r t Frederick
aletzger, to-wit ou the J-h day ol .-cpteiuoer
la5S. t he defendant. t-liristiau Net.xrei. as an
unmarried man. and tf. at o the Iwf.h day of Oc
tobei, I&jis li.e said Abijah ii.urio was an un
Minrried man.
Yon arfi rMuirci! to answer sa d petition on or
before the 4t!i day ! October. IS;r7. .r life allega
tions therein will bo takeu as true ac 11 n-l you.
Dated thi-i 4lh cay of August. 3-K'.
By C. S. Polk, his attorney
Legal Notice.
in the district court of Cess county. Nebraska..
Katherine Beck. Plaintiff. )
vs. f
George Beck, Defendant. )
l'o George A. Beck:
' You are hereby notified that Katharine Beck
led a petition in the district court of Cass
county. Nebraska, on the 21st day of August.
1N97. against you, the object and prayer of which
are to secure a divorce from the bonds of matri
mony, upon the ground that you have grossly,
wantonly and cruelly failed, neglected and re
fused to support or contribute to the support of
plaintiff without any cause or provocation on the
part ot plaintiff.
You are required to answer said petition on or
before the 4th day of October, lS'Jj. or the allega
tions therein will be taken as true against you.
Dated this 24th day of August. IM7.
. Katharine Beck,
By C. S. Polk, her Attorney.
Probate Notice.
In county court. Cass county, Nebraska, In
the matter of the estate of
ceased. All persons interested in said matter
are hereby notified that on the 13th day of Sept.
1897, Lena V. Crawford hied a petition in said
court alleging among other things that Caroline
Carter died on the loth day of April A. D.. Ii7,
leaving no last will and testament, and possessed
of personal estate of the value of about J.iX),
anH that hf th inlv. heir at law nf said rlfv
I ceased, and praving for administration ol said
estate. You are hereby notified tha. if you fail to
arincar on the nth dav ot October. lv. at 2
o clock p. m.. and contest said petition, the court
will appoint Lena V. Crawford, or some other
suitable person, administratrix, and proceed to
a settlement oi said estate. Witness my hand
and the seal of said court at Plattsmouth. Ne
brrska, this the 14th dav of September A. D..1W7.
Seal George M. Spurlock.
- . County Judge.
Shir!fTs Sale.
By virtue ui .. . . -.o.i i-
.0.1 is?- ucd by r'
re K.
Houscworth.clci -.1 m.i ... trici court
iu. in and
for Cass cunt-.. Nebraska and to r-v
lirected. 1
will on the 11 daj vi S i-i A. i..l7,at 1 o'clock
ni. of said day at ttic south door ol the court
house in the rity of Plattsmouth. in sat r-otmty.
II at pub ic auction, to trie rnghc-t UMcr lor
.li. the following real estate to-wit: The south
one-tourth ot the northwest one-four h of the
southeast quarter of section 11. towu ii. range 13,
Iso the southwest Quarter ol the nortneast quar
ter of the southeast quarter of section 11. towu
li. r..nee 13. in Cass county, Nebraska, togetner
with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto
belonging or in anywise appertaining. The same
being levied upon and takeu as tne pr perty oi
John P. Jorie, defendant, to satisfy a judgment
of said court recovered bv Sloan Commission
Company, plaintilt against said defendant.
I'lattsmoutn. rtebrasta. Aiigust.sra u m.
Harvey Hollowav,
Sheritf. Cass county. Nebraska.
Notice to Creditor.
State of Nebraska.
Cass County. J"
In the matter of the estate of Simeon 1. Long,
Notice is hereby given that the creditors of
said deceased will meet the administrator of said
estate, belore me, county judge ol Cass county.
Nebraska, at the county court room in natts
mouth in said county, on the 4th day of Septem
ber. A. I). 17, on the 4th day of November.
IK)7. and on the 4th day of March. Ittftt, at V
o'clock a m., each day for the purpose of pre
senting their c.ainis for examination, adjustment
and allowance. Six months are allowed for the
creditors ot said deceased to present their claims
and one year for the administrator to settle said
estate, from the 4th day of September. iHV7.
x ins iimac Mian ue puuusneu in ine cicim-.
Weekly News-Herald for lour weeks successively
prior to the 4th day of September, 1KU7.
Witness my hand and seal of said county
court at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this lUth day
of Auguust, IHjtf.
,5- ,. (jEORcit M. SPURLOCK.
l3ca" County JuJge.
Sheritf's Sale. ,
By virtue of an execution issued by George
F. Houseworth, clerk of the district court within
and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, 1 will ou the lHth day of eptember, A. D.
1W7, at 11 o clock a. ni, ot said day at tne soutn
door of the court bouse iu Plattsmouth. in said
county, sell at public auction, to the highest bid
der lor cash, the following real estate to-wit:
The west halt of the southwest quarter of section
8, township II, range 9. in Cass county, Nebraska,
(except lot 2, being one acre ort the northwest
ouarter of the southwest Quarter ol said section
) together with the privileges and appurtenances
thereunto belonging or in anywise pertaining.
1 he same being levied upon and taken as the
property of T. F. Carries, defendant, to satisf y a
judgment of said court recovered by Charles 1.
Hayworth, plaintiff, against J. V. Carues. T. F.
Carnes and H. K, Waluron. defendants.
Flattsmouth.Nebraska. Aug.17, A. D. 1W7.
Harvey Holloway,
Sheriff, Cass County, Nebraska.
C. S. Polk, attorney for plaintiff.
Sheriffs Sale.
Bv virtue of an order ot sale issued by George
F. Houseworth. cleik of the district court within
aud for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I will on the -5th day ol September, A. li.
l.v.17. at 11 o'clock a. 111. ol said day at the soutn
door of the court house in the city of Platts
mouth, in said county sell at public auction, to
the highest bidder for cash, the following real
estate, to-wit:
Lots two (-) and three (J) in block two C-) In
John Fitzgerald's addition to the city of Platts
mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, together with the
privileges and appurtenances thereunto belong
ing or in anywise appertaining, ine same be
ing levied upon and take as the property of
James S. Pine and Amelia Pine, defendants, to
satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by
Calvin li. rarmele, plainti t against said detend
ants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. August 2. A. Ii. 1897.
Harvey Holloway,
Sheriff Cass County. Nebraska.
Byron Clark and C. A. Kawls. Attorneys.
Probate Notice.
In county court of Cass county, Nebraska.
In tho. matter of the estate 01 John bons, de
ceased. Henry M. Bons, Nellie Powel and all
other persons interested in said matter are here
by, notified that on the 31st day of July, 1897,
Henry M . Bous hied a petition in said countv
court alleging, among other things, that John
Bons died on the 12th day of July, A. D. 1H97,
leaving no last will and testament, and possessed
of real and personal estate lu said county of the
estimate value of $1,000.00, and that the above
named constitute all the persons interested in
the estate of said deceased, and praying for ad
ministration thereof. You are hereby notified
that if you fail to appear at said court on the 7th
day of September, 1S!17, at 11 o'clock a. m., and
contest said petition, the court will appoint
Henry M. Bons. or some other suitable person,
administrator, and proceed to a settlement of
said estate.
Witness my hand and the seal of said court,
at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this, the loth day of
August. A. D. 1S97.
seal J George M. Spurlock.
County Judge.
Byron Clark and C. A. Kawls, Attorneys.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an orderof sale Issued by Geo,
7. llnuaiwnrtli. clerk of the district court.
within and for Cass county. Nebraska.and to
me directed. I will on tho L'oth day of feept, A
D 1S97. at 11 o'clock a. m, of said day ut the
south door of the court house In the city of
Plattsmouth, In said county, sen at duoiio
auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the
following real estate, to-wit:
The west twenty fet of lot twelve (12) In
block twenty-nine. In the city of Platts
mouth. In Cass county. Nebraska, together
with the urivilees . and appurtenances
thereunt belonging or in anywise apper
taining; the s.tme being luvied upon and
taken as the property f Silas O. t.ecson. et
al. defendants to satisfy a Judgment recov
ered by James F. Toy. j lalnllff against said
defendants. . .
Plaltsmotith. Neb.. Aui. 24. A. D. IS97.
Sheriff. Cass county. Nebraska.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by George F.
Houseworth,; clerk of district court within and
for Cass countv. Nebraska, and to me directed. I
will on the 2nd day ol October A. D. 1HU7. at 11
o'clock a. in. ol said the south door of the
court house in the city of Plattsmouth, in said
county, sell at public auction, to the highest bid
der for cash, the following real estate to-wit: 1 he
west twenty-five feet of the east forty-six feet
of lots number edeight (H):ninel9) and ten 1 10J ot
block number d thirty-oua fat J in the city of
Plattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska, more par
ticularly described as follows to-wit: Commenc
ing at a point 21 feet west of the southeast corner
of lot 8 in said block; running thence west 23 leet;
thence north to the north line of lot 1 J; thence
running cast 2f feet: thence south across said lots
8, fcand 10 to the point of beginning, according to
the plat and official record in and for said county
and state, together with the privileges and ap
purtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise
appertaining. The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of August Bach and Mlna
Bach, defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said
court recovered by the American Savings and
Loan Association. Plaiutitt.against August Bach
et al , defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska. August 31 A. D.. 1897.
llARvtv Holloway,
Sheriff. Oass countv. Nebraska.
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