THE .SEMI-WEEKLY iNEYVS-riEiiALD, PLAiUbMOU Til xSKR, AUGUST 11, ibk7. 3 - -y Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest United States (iovei iimcnt Food Report. CITY AND COUNTY. SATL'KOAY. iJoinfe Coii.ilund was down from fI;iv-lock on business tod:iy. A. H. Wockbtich s:iilel for homo August f on ih5 Fuerst Bismarck. Mrt. It. J. Way i viaitinp- hop ilaurhier at ! leu wood fur a few dis. C'harloK lt.ibbit, one of Cass county's most btu,cesfiil;tncliei,s, wi:s in town ioslenlii.v- Mis .le.-sio Toiltl of Union came up yttMil;iy for :i visit with relalivo ami friends. Sitlteen will uront-h in the Metno dist church tomorrow, initli inorninjr and i;v?ninj;. c. A brother of our Superintemlen Mellu-h has been enr'aped to teach the Avoea Hchool. rii mor Colo was in town tod ay en joy in a vacation from It is labors a9 ti reman for a few days. F. A. Murphy and son returned homo last evening, after an extended visit with his father in Denver. Ilohert White is the proudest lv in town, over the present of a very hni.d Morne saddle liore from his father. iHi.isRiuiz mm mot nor, ouy, iim Marysville, Mo, ar in the rity visit lnti Mts. IVrry and family. Mrs. ll 'rllm Kiehards, daughter of II. I... Vestal, departed this morning for a month's visit nt Ceda- Ripidy, Neb. Willard Wise and the printeisarc showing the cigar makers how base ball should be played as wo go to press. John Crabill had a dead sure thing on the shell frame, but it only eost him $4 to see how eay a stiro thing can be beaten V. D. Jones' carryall will take peo ple out to Tom Wiles' Tuesday eve ning, Aug. 10, to tho Mission Bind social. So him. Mis. Wm. Foster of Nehawka, a helpless invalid for months without money, was taken to the poor farm the first of tho week. Mrs. Jue Neeley enjoyetl a visit to day from her sister,Miss Mulford,and her brother's wife, Mrs. Walter Mul ford, of Springfield, Neb. Edward A. Kester and Artie May Handy of liock Bluffs took out a per mit Thursday to wed, and doubtless ere this have been made one. John Pol in will likely tako Jake Kolerts' pi nee on the merchants police force. John will mako a first-clues man for the place and will attend closely to butiness. Carl T. Secly, tho up-to-date editor and proprietor of tho Madison Chron ielo, is visiting Davo Miller and family today, and made Tun News a brief, but welcome c.ill. Tho portly mayor of Norfolk, in the jerson of Carroll Walker, came in last evening for a visit with his father. Perry Walker, and other relatives. He was accompanied by Miss Hattie Walker of Chicago. Tho female base ball club, which played at Nebraska City last Sunday defeated Col. Iluebner's nine on a score of nearly two to one. P. 1) Bates of this city witnessed tho game and ho says the girls put up a good ga me. Managers ilovey and Walling of the Bleneoo base ball team went to Omaha today .to witness tho second game played between the Blencocs and University nine. In yesterday's game the Blencoe club were winners by a good tally. Mrs. Leota Harris, a i esident of thi city for several years whore she was known by her stago namoof "Cricket," is reported to have committed suicide in Dnver recently by taking poison. Her mother, Mrs. NelT, moved to Denver to be with her, and her death most be a sad blow to her.' Ilev. S. C. Green, pastor of the First Baptist church at Blair, Neb , wiil harden, and comes from eral substances.' When these are absent we bone-tissue, which shows itself head-sweats, and later, if not, deformities. Such a baby needs lime for oil for its fat-starved body. Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophosphites of lime and soda will give its little body, the, needed fat in an easy form. . .- fie $wrt you elt Sc?trt mmltUn,JUm ymt wmt it nd mt m cA tuhttitntt. . t Scott & Bowne, New York. All Druggists, joe and Si. preach in the Methodist church, to-1 morrow, Sunday, Aug. 7, both morn ing and evening. Sig, as be is famil iarly known in Plattsmouth, has won ft-tsh iaurels as a speaker since he left and a t e4 is In store for all who attend tomorrow's service-. The Knights and Ladies of Security had a royal time out at Dean's, west of town, last evening. Several carry alls were required to hall the crowd out, and a more enjoyable evening than was had, could not well be imag ined. There was music and conversa tion and choice refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Dean proved great enter tainers, and earned the hearty thanks of the crowd. Superintendent Farley, with two carrynlls,took his Sunday school class of young ladies up to Fort Crook Thursday for an outing, and a most delightful time is reported. Prof. Farley was king bee, he being tho only man in the crowd except the drivers, and must have had some thing of a jolly timo himself. The trip across the ferry, and up and about the fort is certainly an inter esting one to make at any timo when tho weather is not too warm. MONDAY. Alva Campbell was a IJn coin pas senger today. Henry Weidman visited friends in Oaiaha Suuday. Mrs. Wood by, the colored preacher, is in tho city today. J. A. Marshall went to Lincoln on business this afternoon. The B. & M. pay-car came in this moruingon its monthly visit. We regret to nolo that Frank J. Morgan is reported quite sick tod.vy. Mrs. Ilasemeier, of Louisville, vis ited her daughter, tho wife of County Clerk Robertson, last week. Ezra W. Crabill, of the B. & M. blacksmith shop, has gone to Hillings, Mont., for a few days outing. A littlo shower foil hero at an early hour this morning, but not enough to bo of permanent good to growing crops. Wm. Chalfant and John Klaurens. two of the solid far mors from " Liberty precinct, were in town Snturda3T on business. Everj department of tho B. & M. shops in thiscit3'is working ten hours per day. The McKinley wave is get ting in its work. Mrs. Woodby, the colored proacher, will occupy the pulpit at Mt. Olive Baptist church Tuesday evening. Everybody invited. Fred Taskoy came in todnj' from Schuyler, where he now resides. Ho has arranged matters with his credi tors, and everything is entirely. satis- factorj'. Fritz Wolf, who has been employed n the U. & M. shops here, has been ransforrcd to the machine shops at Havelock, und he left for that place this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sherwood lost their only child, a boy one year old Saturday night from nrain fever. The funeral took place from the M. E. church this afternoon. Will Clement and wifo returned home this morning from a visit at Central City. During Wills absence, James Newell held the job of day operator at the 11. & M. depot. O. M. Streight moved his family down -from South Bend today, and Billy Schmidtmann, who occupied his house, stored bis goods and will try boarding a while at the City Hotel. Ilomembor tho old settlers' re-union will be held at Union this week, the dates being Aug. 11 and 12. The pro gram is by far the boat over arranged, and an enjoyable day is assured those who attend: Dr. lied bloom, the druggist, de parted Saturday evening for Chicago, where ho expects to purchase a large line of druggists' sundries and re cuperate his stock of drugs. He will get some bargains which his patrons can have the advantage of. Roy McElwain received a postal card from Ernest Pfeiffer.from Venice, or as they say in Italy, Venozio; last week which may bo seen in the store window. One side has a picture of a beautiful building, and looks very dif ferent from an American postal card. .Mrs. Dr. Latta and daughter, Mrs. Ladd of Lincoln, came in this morn ing for a visit with Mrs. A. W. White and family and other relatives in this part of tho county. Joshua Gapen and wife joined them here and a family dinner at A. W. White's was enjoyed. "Quack" Hark Ins' star nino played a practice gamo with the clerks at the ball park yesterday, resulting in a score of 21 to 12 in favor of the clerks The battery for the clerks was Goos and McElwain; for lh stars, Butler baby bones are soft, so soft- they scarce can be called bones in the earlier years; gradually they furnish the frame which sup ports the growing body. The hardening what chemists term " the min have " Rickets " a lack of in delayed teething, profuse arrested, malformations and its weak bones and cod-liver .ilLlll. Double I i i jpir, -i?T 3ssr . Wife Mmhrr& ml AMIR a feSkV mm cla Sold everywhere. The N. K. Falrbanh and Tidd pitched and Ilarkins and Martin were the catchers. It was a wnrm game. Carroll Walker, after a pleasant visit with his father and other rela tives, icturnrd this morning to his home at Norfolk. Carroll looks ex actly like his father, only bo is much stouter, being quito fleshy. IIo was raised in this county, but has not made a long--visit here for several years. Tho McKinney boys secured the contract from the M. P. to mow their j . . i it.. threo north sections in wi's county on their right or way. It is quite a jon and will require several days with two mowers and a scythe. This mow ing of right of wnj- is done in accord ance with a .new law passed last winter. Jesso Mathews died, leaving his farm to his widow so iong as she should remain single. Mrs. Mathews got married again, aud the heirs are seeking toJay to get possession of the land. Tho case is being hoard in county court, H. D. Travis and Wm. Deles appear for the. widow, and D. O. Uwver for tho heirs. KeanonK Why l'hiu!erlainn Colic, I'holeri and Diarrhoea Kemedy U the I lent. 1. Because it affords almost instant relief in case of pain in tho storrach, colic and cholera morbus. 2. Because it is the only remedy that never fails in the most severe cases of dysentery and diarrhoea. 3. Because it is the only remedy that will cure chronic diarrhoea. 4. Because it is the only remedy that will prevent bilious colic 6. Because it is tho only remedy that will cure epidemical dysentery. 6. Because it is the only remedy that can always bo depended upon in cases of cholera infantum. 7. Because it is the most prompt and most reliable medicine in use for bowel complaints. 8. Because it produces no had ro sults. 9. Because it is pleasant and safe to take. 10. Because it has saved the lives of more people than any other raoui- cine in the world. The 25 and 50o sizes for sale by all druggists. Dr. Marshall, Graduate Dentist. Dr. Marshall, fine gold work. Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain crowns. Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work Dr. Marshall, teoth without plates. Dr. Marshall, all kinds of Oilings. Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates. Dr. Marshall, perfect fitting plates. Dr. Marshall, all work warranted. All the latest aonliancos for first class dentp.l work. When You Take Y'onr Vacation Tho most necessary articles to have with you (after your pocket book) is a botlld of Foley's Colic Cure. It is an absoluto prevention or cure of all derangoments of the bowels caused by a change of water. You are likely to need it. Smith & Parmele. "Last summer one of our grand children was sick with a severe bowel trouble," says Mrs. E. G. Gregory, of Frederickstown, Mo. "Our doctor's remedy had failed, then wo tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which gavo very speedy relief." For sale by nil drug gists. Card of Thanks. To the many friends who so kindly assisted us during the illnes and at the funeral of our darling, wo desire to publicly express onf sincere thanks. Nels. Uawkinson and Wifk. ' Y'ou Can Depend On It That Foley's Colic Cute is an instant relief for colic, summer complaint, cholera mot bus. diarrhea i,blio ly flux, chronic diarrhoea, cholera inf.mlum, bilious v lie. pointers' dlic and oil bowel complaint. Smith & Piirmele. Dangerous Prinking Water.' Death lurK.- in impii r Wi.ter, It bre'.'d.. d teases oft-jn in ep'd-raie fyrm. The first r-ymptom isloosr-ness of the bowols. Theso discuses arc checked by taking Foley's C-Iic Cure. Smith & Parmele You may hunt f ie world over and you will not lind another medicine equal to Chnmborlain's Colic, Cho'.era and Diarrhoea Remedy fur bowel complaints. It is pleasant, - safe and reliable. For sale by all druggists Mr, C L. H us b roue k, a druggist at Mendon, Mich., says all of the food testimonials th:it have been publishcdj by tho inaoufaciu:e:s cf Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy culd bo duplicated in that own. For Bale by all drnggists. I t, i obtained from ordinary soap M and only half the expense and bother. .That's why thousands of thoughtful, thrifty -women use Santa i Claus Soap. They have EJ tests that for washday or every day use there is no soap in the world that nearly equals Made only by Company, - Chicago. "A PRISONER OF WAR " Kxtenalve preparations Itelnjj Made For the Home-Talent l'luy. The cast for tho war drama, "A Prisoner of War," has been prac tically completed, and, to our idea, it would have been a difficult matter to have gathered together a more able and artistic company to present this fine piece, as each' member has been selected to fill his or her part in con- ! sideration for their special fitness for thJ ch.iraetor. We think that all will wilh us wfcen lney read the " fuuOViing: Major-fiencral Stamberg (commanding U. S. lorcesi Mr. tiustave Fitt Col. Charles 1'rescott (of the "th Massachu setts) tiny Livingston I.icut. Gordon llayne (a prisoner ol war) I lave McEntce Thomas Henry Beau (special for Leslies ).. Charles Nelson lirigade Surgeon Fielding T. Frank Wiles Uncle Kufus (a faithful slave) Lee Atwood Sargeant liinton Koy Dodge A-sistaut Surgeon Hathaway F. H. Kobeits Captain Woodford Fred McCauley Corporal of the Guard Kalph White Orderly Sargeant George Tartscch Rachel McCreery i-eah Nelson Susan McCreery Miss Keefer Euphemia McC'reery The entertiinment will be given under the auspices of the P. E. O. so ciety, in favor of which management nothing need bo said, as anything taken up by them is always a success. Mr. Nelson, the professional stage manager, is directing the piece, and tho first rehearsal was held at White's hall on Friday evening last. The two railroad companies have been seen in reference to giving reduced rates from the surrounding towns into Plattsmouth, and extensive ar rangements have already been made to advertise the performance as noth ing else has ever been advertised in this city and surrounding country. Altogether everything points to an unparlledJ succors in this most novel entertainment, which is a far greater undertaking for those concerned, than any other entertainment in which our home talent have taken pert before. A Grand Opportunity. There are today thousands of young people on 'the farms and in the vil lages who are tied down by Tack of education to work they heartily dis like. Aro you one of them, ray friend? If so, the Grand Island Business and Normal College can put you on the read to success if vou are ambitious 'd wUUng lo stuay. It makes no difference how backward you are pro i vided you -are plucky ind mean busi- ness. We teach everything necessary for a successful start in life. If you are siiort of money wo will accept a good note without interest for tuition or if necessary we will furnish every thing tuition, board, and books and give you time to graduate and pay for same afterwards. Business, Nor mal and Shorthand courses. Board $1.50 per week. Established 12 years. College Record sent free. or cata logue for 6 cents in stamps. Thie is your chance of a lifetime. Will you let It slip by. Addiess, A. M. Haruis, President, Grand Island, Neb. The llcst Kemedy For Rheumatism. (From the Fairhaven, N. Y., Register.) Mr. Jame Rowland, of this village, states that for twenty-five fyears his wifo bus been a sufferer from rheum atism. A few nights ago she was in such pain that she was nearly crazj. She sent Mr. Rowland for tho drictor. but ho had read of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and instead of going for the physician he went to the store and secured a lotlle of it. His wifo did not approve of Mr. Rowland's purchase tit first, but nevertheless, nrpliel the Balm thoroughly and in an hour's timo was able to go to sleep. She now applies it whenever she feels an ache or a pain and finds that it always gives relief. lie says "that no medi oine which she baa used ever did her as much good. The 25- and 50 cent izes for s-i'.o by ail druggists. Clgarimakers Win. Tho cigarmakers demonstrated onco more that they were hall players by defeating the printers to tho tune of 7 to 1 Saturday afternoon. Tho feat ures t-f the game was the third base nni K of Willard Wise and the b-ise 'sHding"of Col. Ki kliain, and nlso the tine work o i lirt b. se ofllitam G- o.-ge Robine, with whoo iissm::i co the cigar makers wore enabled to i c cumulate their rev n runs. National Encampment !., A. K. At the time of the Naiionai En campment of tho G. A. R. the Bur lington route w.ll sell r. uud trip tickets to Buffalo, at less than the regular one-way rate. G. A. II. t-D.;cial train with through sleepei s for Buffalo leaves Omaha at 5 p. m. August 21. Berths rusr ej and special advertising mUier fur nished on request. See nearest Bur lington route .agent or wiito;J. Francis, G. P. At, Omaha, Neb. Resolution of Condolence. The following resolutions were adopted by the Svea Lodge No. 297, A. O. U. VV: Whereas, It hbs pleased the Su prime . Architect of the Universe, to remove from the family of Brother Ant:n Carlson and wife, there be loved child. Resolved, By Svea Lodge No. 2!)7, A. O. U. W., that while wo bow with humble submission to the Will of the Most High, wedo not the lessmourn with our brother and family, for the loss of tho tender flower that h:;d just budded to be plucked, and gathered by Him who naid, "Hinder not littlo children from coming to mo, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven." Ilesolved. That these resolutions be entered upon the members of this lodge, and that a copy of them be sent to the family so deeply bent In sorrow. P. C. Pktkksox, ClIAS. llYDltKKU, Gust. Johnson. Committee. Dr. Talmage at Salem Chautauqua. Dr. T. DeWitt Talmage will preach and lecture at the Salem Chautauqua, Sunday, August 8, and Monday. Aug ust J). Rev. Sam Small will bo pres ent during the entire assembly and will deliver two sermons and several new 4ectures. The Slay ton Jubilee singers, who have been received with unbounded favor wherever they ap peared, wiil give daily concerts Aug 9 and 15. Three evenings will be de voted to tho marvelous moving pic tures. Senator Allen, Mrs. Helen M. Gougar and a host of orator, lectur ers, musicians and mirth-makers will help make the Chautauqua a success. Half rates via the Burlington route August 7 toll. Bur'ington trains land passengers withing three minutes walk of the Chautauqua grounds, which aro the coolest and thadiest in the stato. A l'xinful Accident. John Koka, while watching the ball game yesterday at tho park, met with quite a serious accident. It seems he was standing near the bat tor, when ;i bat slipped fiom tho bat tel's hand ai.d 6truck Koka.witb great force on his forehead. IIo was knocked s.ense!os and remained un conscious for half an hour. H. was taken i in medial el y to a physician, who says the tkull was fractured, and a cut to the bono was suffered, which required several stitches. He is re ported better today, and will no doubt get along all linht. Greater care should be used at the ball ground by not allowing people to crowd up so close to the home plate. l'robably Fatal Accident. E'aole, Neb., Aug 6. Special to The News Thursday afternoon the ten -year-old boy of Anson Burdick met with a shocking accident. The littlo fellow was engr.ged in leading the horses from the barn to the water ing trough when one suddenly whirled about,' kicking the boy on the forehead, crushing the skull two and or.e-half inches in leneth and ex posing the brain so that a portion came out. The attending physician gives but little encouragement for re covery of the boy. This portion of Cass county has been blessed by three-days' rain this week which surely ensures the corn crop. which bad been damaged but little by the dry winds. Eo Sam. KheumatiHui Cured in a Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in one to three days. Its action upon the sys tem is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at onco the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents Sold by F. G. Frieko Ss Co., druggist p Excursion to Hot .Springs, S. !., Tuesday, Aug. H.$17. 15 for the round trio from Plattsmouth. Tickets good to return until Sept. 2 The hottest month of tho year is still to come, Spend it in tho Black Hills. Bathe in the mammoth plunge bath at Hot Springs, seo leautiful Sylvan lake, make the side trip to Spearfish and you will return home with the know ledge that nowhere could you have had a pleasanter holiday. For full information, call at B. & M. ticket office. - rcreiiflmiMrtirVUiUqiw are the most powerful, safe prompt and liable of this kind in the market. The oniiiial and only genuine woman's salva tion. Ask your drugnist if he don't keen them. Write direct to us und wo will send It direct upon reeoiptof prlee, 11, sealed, by mall prepaid. Medical ndvice free. JACK SON MEDICAL GO., Chicago. III., or our aitent. I. L. Snyder. willdoif use-4 as a wash according to dl reetlor.s; prevent transmission of blood diseases, skin diseases, acute and chronic ulcers, strict ure, fissure of the hands and feet. Eczema. TettT. Salt Rheumatism. In tlaniation of the Itladd er. Diseases of the bones, joints and muscles, Svpulletle In sanity. Scurvy. Scrofula in many forms. The above and a hundred other forms of disease are traceable directly or-ln'i Irectly to Syphilitic Blooa Po'son for which the Dr. Jackson's English Snety Tablets is a sure pre veutivn. nnd is nsafn Germ Killer, rendoring contiuion hardly possible, hence Its value. If neatected suh troubles resul fatally. .Mailed miy where, pe.ileo. fl; six boxes for 15. Medical advice free. JACK SON MEDICAL CO.. Chicago. III., or our agent. I. L. Snj eer. 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE. V TRADE MARKS, connueniiau viaest. wrencj inr aecunnK patent. in Amenuk . ts uhtv a n uinniruiD omee. Patents taken throuich Uuns & Co. recelw apecial notice iu the . SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully Illustrated, largest circulation of any scientific Journal, weekly. terms 3.0O a year: l.40 six months. tpctatHn copies and 11AMD Book on Patents sent free. Adore MUNN A CO.. 361 Bread war. Hew Yarku AnTone nenmng a rtetcn and description may quIcklT ascertain, fre, whether an tiiYentinn ia LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of aa order ot sale issued by George F. Houseworth, cleik of thedistrict court within and for Cass county,- Nebraska, and to me di rected, 1 will on the 24th day of July, A. I. 1MTT, at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day at trie Miuth door of the court house in the city ol I'latts mouth, in said county sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate, to-wit: Commencing fifty-two aud one-liaif feet eaNt of the south-east corner of lot uifmber tueiity-six (") m section eighteen (If) in township twelve (1-) north, of range fourteen til) in Cass county, Nebraska, running thence nor h one hundred and thirty-rive feet; thence east lilty-two and one half feet; thence south one hundred and thirty five feet; thence west fifty-two and one-half feet to the place of ucgining all in Cass county. Neb raska, together with the privileges audappur.- euances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. The same being levied upon aud taken as the property of Mary A. Miller and Harry I.. Miller defendants to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by Charles O. Parmele as receiver of the Citizens Hank, of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, plaintitt against said defendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. June 23. A. D.. Harvey Hoi i.owav. Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska. Legal Notice. Notice to redeem and of expiration of tiiue.of re demption. 1 o wlioiu it may concern: Notice is hereby given that on the 4th dav of November. IHCt. the lulluwing described real estate situated in Cass county, state ol Ne braska, was legally sold for taxes as stated below to George P. tilazier of Chelsea, Michigan, to wit: south-west quarter in section nine, town ten, range nine east. At time ul purchase ol said lauds lor taxes, they were taxed or specially assessed in the name ol V. 3. smith and now ap pear by latest tax books or hies in the ollice of the treasurer of said county to last taxed or specially assessed in the name ol V. S. i-in i I h . also" north hail ol north-east quarter in section lourteen. town eleven, rauire nine. east. At time of purchase ol saui lands for taxes, they were taxed or specially assessed in the name ol M. and 1-. Larson, and now appear bv latest tax books or tiles in the ollice oi the treasurer ot said county to be last taxed or specially assessed in the name ol M. aud L. Larson. The above descriptions of lauds were sold at public sale by the treasurer of said county tor the delinquent taxes due thereon lor the year 1H1H. The taxes on certain lauds described in one or more certifi cates ol said purchase became delinquent tor the tax levied tor the y ar i on tne norm Mall ol the north-cast Quarter of section fourteen, town eleven, range nine, east, and for the year IS'Xt and MH on the south-west quarter ol section nine. town ten, range nine, cast, which was also paid by the aforesaid George P. Glazier and receipts duly attached to the proper certificate and thereby became and is a part ol the original claim of the certificate whereiu it is described. Vou are hereby notitied that the time ol redemption of the above mentioned- tax certificates will expire on the 4th day ot November, 1W7, and be subject to proceedings of law made and provided by the legal statutes Ol ixeorasna auu action 10 recover bv ioreclosure of above lien or liens, the amount due thereon, together with attorney's fees will bv commenced, liatea July IJ. im'i. Geo. 1 . Glazier. Probate Notice. In the countv court. Cass county, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Simeon I. deceased. Klizabeth Long. Abraham Long. Silas Lonu, Rowin Watson Long, Grant Irwin Wclenkamp, Albert Abraham Wetenkamp and all other per sons interested in said matter are hereby notified that on the 10th day ol July, Kowin Watson Long hied a petition in said court alleging among other things that Simeon I. Long died on thelftthday ol June, A 1), 1MT, leaving no last will and testament and possessed of real and per sonal estate of. the reasonable value ol f l.uxt, and that the above named constitute all the per sons interested in said matter, and praying lor administration thereof. Vou are hereby notified that it you fail to appear at said court on the 3rd day of August, l!'.i7, at 9 o'clock a in. and contest said petition, the court will appoint Silas Long or some other suitable person administrator, and proceed to a settlement of said estate. Witness my hand and the seal ot said court, at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this, the 13th day of July A. I)., l!97. GEOKtiE M. Spuklock. (Seal) County Jue. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an execution issued by George F. Houseworth, clerk of the district court within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di rected. I will on the 31st day of July, A.- D. 1HV7. at II o'clock a. m. of said day at the south door of the court house in Plattsmouth, in said county, sell at public auction, to the highest bid- acr lor casn. me ionowing real estate iirwii: Lots 11 and l.'J (except that part deeded to Om aha Southern Railway company) and lots 1U aud 20. all in Orchard Hill addition. to the city ol Plattsmouth, and the south hall of lot -1 in the north-west Quarter ol the south-east Quarter ol section 1 , town-hip 1-, range 14, all in Cass county, Nebraska, together with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. The same being levied unon anrt taken as the rjroDertv of W'illiam Neville. Defendant, to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by the Hamburger company, plaintiffs, against Michael McGuirc and William Neville.delendants. Plattsmouth.Nebraska, June 23, A. D. 1W7. Harvey Hoi.loway, Sheriff. Cass countv, Nebraska. Ktferee's Sale. By virtue of an order of the district court of Cass county. Nebraska, made in the case of Ida M. Adams, plaintiff, vs. Isabella Forsyth, Jacob Forsyth. A. C. Adams and Max LeKoy Keefer. defendants, then and there pending, on the 11th day of June A. I)., 1'7, and directed to the un dersigned as rclerees in partition in said suit, commanding us to sell the north one half of the southwest quarter ot section twenty-six (t! and the northeast quarter of section twenty-seven -7i all in township ten (lit) rangenine east of the Cth P. M., in Cass county, Nebraska; we will sell said property on the 7th dav ol August, A. L)., lt7 at the south front door of the court house at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, at eleven (11) o'clock a. m. of said day, said sale to remaiiopeu one hour. Said property being sold as the property of Ida M. Adams, Isabella Forsyth and Max I.e Koy Keefer. Said land will be sold at said time anil place to the highest bidder, either for cash or lor one-fourth cash down and the balance in three equal payments, payable in one, two and threa years respectively, from date ot sale, de ferred payments to bear H per ceut interest and to be secured by a first mortgage on said land. Samuel WESTLAKK. IIenky Snoke. Jk., John J. Adams, Keferees. - Mockett & Polk, Attorneys. Notice of Sale. In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of David V. Miller, deceased. NTitice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of Basil S. Kamsey, judge ol the district court of Cass county, Nebraska, made on the Hth day of February lWT.for the sale of thereal estate hereinafter described, there will be sold at tha south front door of the court house iu Cass county. Nebraska, on the 7th day ol August. 1S'.7, at 11 o'clock a. in. of said day. at public ven due for cash, the following described real estate, to-wit: The south one-half of lot live in the south-west quarter of the south-east quar ter of section twenty (20), town ship twelve tl2), range nine ql, east of the sixth P. Al. containing five acres; the south one-hall of the southeast quarter and the south twenty acres of the north one-ha If of the southeast quarter, iu section thirty-three f:l3J, township twelve I2. range nine (V). east oi the 6th P M.. all in Uass county, Nebraska. This sale is made subject to two certain mortgages upon said premises. Said sale shall remain open one hour. Dated this 6th day of July. 1H-..7. Mason E. Mii.lfk, Administrator of the estate ol David W. Miller, deceased. C.S. Polk. Attorney for Estate. Probate Notice. In county court, Cass county, Nebraska." In the matter of the estate of Samuel A. Hoi-' brook, deceased. Mrs. Fannie Appleton Lowell. Mrs. Julia II. Additon and all other persons interested in said matter are hereby notitied that on the 1 1th day of July, 1!'7, K. B. Windham hied in said court a duly authenticated copy of the last will oi the said Samuel A. Ilolbrook. together with the pro bate thereof, by the probate court ol Cumberland county. Maine, together with his petition, alleg ing among other things that Samuel A. Ilol brook died on the 2-lth day of August. A. D. In'.;, leaving a last will and testament and possessed of real estate situated in the county of Cass and state of Nebraska, valued at !,UK), and that the above named constitute all the persons interested in the estate of said deceased, and praying that said w.ll may be probated, allowed, tiled and re corded and that administration be granted there under in tnis state. 1 ou arc hereby notified : hat il you fail to appear at said court on the 115 h Jay of August, A. I. x!7, at 2 o'clock p. in. to con test the probate of said will, the courtmay a'low and probate said will and grant administration to William L. Lowell, or some other suitable person, and proceed to a settlement thereof. Witness my hand aud the seal of : aid court at Plattsmouih. Nebraska, this, the Ith dav of July. A. D. 1W7. - . -Gf.oroe M. Sri'RLcx:K. LSeal County Jude. N .tica o'Crvu'-ton State ok Nkuiiaska. . County of Cass. " In the matter of the estat. deceased. in Coi:m Couit. oi iu.-;iii.ia Thomas, Notice is hereby siventhnt the creditor- of raid deceased will meet the admiiii Ir.iti.r with wiil anncavcd ol said es:ate. before me. County ludge of Cass c.jutily, Nebraska, at the county. Co.tri room in Plattsmouth in said county, o.i the id day ol August. A. t . 1.-W. .-n the -. I d . . I ic tober.llSli7.aud on the i3d day of 1-cbniaiv.l. " llo'clock a in each d.ij for ihe purpose of pic.-cii.-iug their claims for examination.-adjumct and allowance, bix mouttu are a l.irtcJ lor t.icciedi tors of said deceased to present the r claims and one year for the admi:tistra'ot with will .mnexed to settle said estate, from the ZirA day ol Aug ust. lh7. This notice shall be published in the Semi Weekly Ners-Herald ior four wecki successively, prior to the 2 id day of Augus-t. 1KOT. Witness my hand and seal of saul county Court of C-EOIICS. County J. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an execution Issued bv George K. Houseworth, clerk of district court within aild for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the isth day of August A, I .'ll o'clock a. ni. of said day, at the south door ol the court house in the city of Plattsmouth, in said county, sell at public auction, to the highest bid der for cash, the following real estate to-wit: The west hail of the north-east quarter of sec tion IS. town II. range 10. The south-east quar ter of section i:l. town II. range U. also the east half of the south-west quarter of section I t. town 11, range 9. all in Cass couutv. Nebraska, to gether with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto beiouging or in anywise appertaining. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Harvey R. Waldron. defendant, to satisfy a judgment ol said court recovered by the Bank of Eagle, plaintiff, against P. K. aud II. R. aldron, defendants. Plattsmouth. Nebraska. July 27lh A. I).. 1(W. Hakvev Holi.owav, Sheriff, Cass countv, Nebraska. C. S. Poi.K, Attorney for Plaintiff. v- Probate Notice. Iu county court, Cass county, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate ol William V. Conn, de ceased. Sarah Jane Clapp, Elizabeth A. Abbott, William M. Conn, Sena James, and all other persons interested in said matter, are hereby notified that on the lrith day of July A. I). 1S'7, John K. Polk tiled a petition in said county court praying that his final administration account tiled herein be settled and allowed and that he be discharged from his trust as administrator, and that if you fail to appear belore said court ) on ine mm nay oi August, IKij. at o clock, a. in. and conlest said petition, the couit may grant ! the prayer ol said petition and make such other j and further orders, allowances and decrees as to this court may seem proper, to the end that all ; matters pertaining to saiil estate may be liually j settled and determined. , Witness my hand and the seal of said ! com tat Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this, the "iith dav j of July, A. 1 J. lf-V7. ! (Seal) Geokcb M. Sri'Ki.ocK. j County Judge. ! Sheriff's Sale. i Uy virtue of an execution issued by George K. ' llouseworth.clerk of thedistrict court. within and fort.'ass county. Nebraska, and to me directed. I will on the 11 day ot Sept. A. I)., II o'clock . a in. of said day at the south door ol the court I house in the city of Plattsmouth. in said county, j sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for . cash, the following real estate to-wit: The south one-fourth of the northwest one fourth of tho southeast quarter of section II, town 1-.'. range 13, also the southwest quarter ol the northeast quar 1 ter of the southeast quarter of section 11. town ; 12, range 13, in Cass county. Nebraska, together I with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. The same being levied upon and tak en as th. nroiwrtv ,,f John P. Jerpe. delendant, to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by Sloan Commission Company, plaintiff against said defendant. i-iausmotitli. isebraska, August 3rd A D..lMr7. Harvey Hoi. i.owav. Sheriff. Cass county, Nebraska. Legal Notice. In the County Court of Cass County, Nebraska. in ine inaner or me i-.stale ol lieniamin liriggs. vJLn.rfM.ii, uii reimoil the estate to the heirs, iMmv G. Arnold. to distribute assets ot mother and guardian ol Ernest Day ton. Inez tiertruvle. Harriett Hriggs and Pauline Kilton, Anna 1-rands Cranston Joseph 11. Butler, Henry G. Cranston, Charles Cranstiin Jane K. BrigRs. Ann ElizaS. one. Joseph G. Briggs, Nicholas A. liriggs. William W. Briggs, lulia 1. Urices. Annie P. White, Lucy Johnson Booth, William Thomas Kilton William II. Cranston, Harriet Eiiza Saunders Byron F. Perkins. tieorgc Arnold Kilton, George II. Perkins, arau j. naKer. James Adam Kilton, Wintield Scott Kilton. Albert H. Perkins, Stephen P. Tyler, Edward Tyler, Ainorosecverctt Kilton Byron b. f yler, Alice Tyler, Charles Arthur Kilton. Willian Henrv kilton. Laid 1 yler. Lyman Hayward Kilton George Tyler, AmosAldrich Kilton, Lillian A. Kogers. Ernest Dayton Kilton, John H. Cole, and all Inez Gertrude Kilton, other unknown heirs of Harriett liriggs Kilton, Benjamin G. liriggs, Pauline Brayton Kilton deceased. Katie I n dan Kilton. The a Viv;; named persons will take notice that on the :Ust day of August A. D., lct7, between the hours of 10 a. in. and 4 p. m. of said day, the depositions of William F. Kilton, Jane E. Briggs, Byron F. Perkins, Ann Francis Cranston and John H. Cole will be taken before competent authority at the office ot Henry J. Dubois, num ber IS College street in rooms 30 and 31 in the city ot Providence, in Providence County, in the state of Rhode Island for the purpose of proving the heirs of Benjamin G. Briggs, and for the dis tribution to them of the assets of said estate on the petition ot N. H. Briggs "and Wintield S. Briggs, et. al., tiled June 1ft', 1M5, and the petition ot John H. Becker as administrator, tiled Juiieif, A. D.. !f!7, aud the taking of said deposition will be adjourned from day to day until completed. This notice is published pursuant to an order made by this County Court July 30, 1M7. John H. Becker, As Administrator of the estate of Benjamin G. Briggs. deceased . By his attorneys, Byron Clark and C. A. Kawls. ' Legal Notice. In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska. In the matter ot the guardianship of Adolph Kosenbaum, insane. Notice to show cause w hy sale of real estate should not be confirmed. To Adolph Kosenbaum and all persons inter ested in the estate of Adolph Kosenbaum. insane: V ou and each of yu are hereby notified that upon the 2Mh day ol August. A. i). 1'.7. I will ap ply to Basil S. Kamsey. judge ol the district court of Cass county, Nebraska, at the otlice of the clerk oi thedistrict court ol Cass county, Ne braska, lor an order confirming the sale oi lots one. two and three, in block thirty, in Plaits mouth, Nebraska, to August Gordet. and the east half of lot one. in block thirty-three, in Plaltsmputh. Nebraska, to John V. Egenberger and Robert Troop. Said sales were made by a virtue ol a license duly issued to me by the judge of the district court of Cass county, Nebraska, on thcS'ith day ol May, A. D. l.-'.C. and by virtue of notice of said sale duly published and posted as shown by proofs on tile in said cause in the district court of Cass county, Nebraska. And you. and each of you are hereby notified to show cause, if any there be. bv the said 2ith day of August, why t-aid sales should not be con tinued. Dated this 4th day of August. A. D 1H!7. , I. V. Johnson. Guardian. Byron Clark aud C. A. Kawls, Attorneys. CoRiplsxiGii Preserved OR. HEBRA'S viola mtm Removes Freckle.-, Pimples, Liver - JWoles, LIck!ic ids. Sunburn nnd T..-I, i:'i(! re stores t!io skin it: oruri nal freshness, j:r.duel clcur urd hpiiithy corn ftf W-' iliion. Knncrior to nil hico pcrior preparations and perfectly Lurmlcss At all druggi.'-Ls, or mailed for SOcts. Send for circular. VIOLA SKIN SOAP li olmply IneoaparsMt a Rkto purifrinit Soup, cnfuijcl fr liitt toiUt, mud witboat a nvml fcr Uii' uuriwrT. Ah.tul')r pur aul delicately mcdl-efu-d. At dru.-Ki-ta. Price 2 5 Centi. Tho Q. C BITTNEK CO., Toledo, O. WEAKNESS W? rV ouiCKiv. 5 7 THOROUGHLY, FOREVER CURED C3) ENGLISH QUICrW- 5Ti DAY NERVE RESTORER . ju. . m-SMAN OUT OF MEp ) 6REATEN6USHREHED7 30lr DAY in thirty d iys by ;i new perfected scientists method that c:in tint fa'l unless the case Is beyond human ai. You feel improved tho first day; feel a benefit every dav: soon know yourself n ktii monj men In boily. rrlnil and heart. Urnins losses ctidcif. every obstacle to happy married life re moved, Nerv-.r f.jrec. will, oncr.'y. i'r !n power. w!imi fat in; ;ire restored. If nn ir'ecto I ff .t tr.oi'lcs rcrf.ilt t-l'v. Medical a. !..- fr--. Mni c verw li-rc. soiled f r ! X iW.C- I h ! . I . .1 I..- . -r on : cut MEDINA, i L. i iv i ' Bt.cAB or 'J3 at Plattsmouth, July, 1S'.7, (Seal) ft . -"7 . by TX TV V '-J L 1 I 111 B 'Z rrr-'ki' i. l, ' ci.r u-- r '"'lliOi-.a...-.,-, , e .lt. 'i- 11 ' It I-FORSAlE: CV ALL DOUOdiTS o 0 5 JACKSOH MEDICAL CO. CHICAGO ILL. l jj.N.B. Dorvl take any substitute $ 5 with the same name but different H spel I in-on which your druggist g Zmakes as much f. DLWARE Of IMITATIONS