THE SEMI-WEEKLY JMEWS-HERAJLD, FLATTSMO UTH NEB., AUGUST 7, 1897. V. 3 I 1 Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest oi all in leavening strength. Latest United States Government Food Report. CITY AND COUNTY. WEDNESDAY Noxt Monday is payday here for the 1!. & M. f.;ori;e Freer is enjoying a short va cation from his labors as express mes Bernror. Grant Tw is is hero from Kansas City Maying with his father, Charles Twisa. Robert Mettcer, hale and hearty as ho was 60 years ago, was in town visit ing friends and attending to business yesterday. Chas. Clifford of Louisville and Mr. Pllug, one of tho base ball players from th tt town, made The NkVS a pleasant call totlay. City Cet k Kerr is quite swell in his now quarters at Snyder's jewelry store, which aro decidedly nice. lie ouht to have a good fireproof safe for the city's records, however, before his oflice c:in tie considered complete. Tho Knights and Ladies of Security will five a social ntttic lo.sidenco of It. F. D.sir, at the poor fariu, eveiiing,'Aurius' (!. First con n'yai uf will start from Smith !fc I'.n ih.-Il-'s drujr h!.iie :il 7 o'clock; others fullnw boon :. f i r. lCiumtl trip !." cent-i l-o cream ami '.ik( lt ct'iils Tlio pn'lic iseoialially inviti'ii. Col. C-o. 15. Pickett, an old news paper man. will start a newspaiwr at Greenwood shortly, lit bo called tho Record. Col. Picket is a brother of tho It. & M. agent lu re, and is a moo. estimable gentleman whose success i assured. Greenwood is in luk, ard we trust will show a liberal disposi tion toward a valuable adjunct to their town. THURSDAY. O. M. Streight of South Omaha,late of South Hend, was in town today. General Superintendent Calvert of . the li. & M-, was in town on business today. Geot go Edgerton was very sick 3res terday, but was well enough to got out today. C. S. Sampson, one of tho assistant auditors of the 11. & M. at Omaha, was in the city today. Miss Lcueda Colbert of Wabash, came in this morning for a visit with Misses Ada and Nellie Hay. County Commissioner Falter is laid up with a bad case of ivy poisoning. His face is badly swoilrn, but he was reported somo bettor today. Frank Nicman is home again, sound and well. fie speaks in highest terms of tho authorities at Die asylum, and of Iheir kind treatment of patients. Or. Marshall, tiraitaute Dentist; Or. Marshall, fine gold work. Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain crowns. Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work Dr. Marshall, teeth without plates. Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fillings. Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates. Dr. Marshall, perfect fitting plates, Dr. Marshall, all work warranted. All the latest appliances for first class dental work. "Last summer one of our grand children was sick with a severe bowel trouble," says Mrs. E. G. Gregory, of Frederickstown, Mo. "Our doctor's remedy had failed, then we tried Chainborlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which gave very speedy relief." For sale by all drug. gists. Dangerous Drinking Water. Death lurks in impure Water. It breeds dieases often in epidemic form. The first symptom islooseness of the bowels. These diseases are checked by taking Folay's Colic Cure. Smith & Par mole. You may hunt tho world over and you will not find another medicine equal to Chamberlain's Colic, Cho'.era and Diarrhoea Ilcmedy for bowel complaints. It is pleasant, safe and reliable. For sale by all druggists. are soft, so bones in the harden, and eral substances." When these are absent we bone-tissue, which shows itself head-sweats, and later, if not deformities.' Such a baby needs lime for oil for its fat-starved body. Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophosphites of lime and soda will give its little body the needed fat in an easy form. Scott & Bowne.New York. All DrujsUtt. 50c and Si. A Lovely Wedding. J. M. W. Twitchell, of this city, was married at 7:30 last evening to Miss Olivo Maria Harto of Omaha, at tho cosy horoo of Mr. and Mrs. D. S Guild in this city, IliV. Q. D. Burgos t ofli- ciating. The Guild resideuce was most taste fully decorated with plants and flow ers. The front parlor, where the wedding " occurred, was decorated with that representative of west ern estheticism, the fluffy flow ered golden rod. A beautiful atch of golden rod blossoms was plnccd over the door from where the bridal party entered, and tho alcove, whore the fateful ceremony was said. wa3 festooned with write bunting and yellow flowers. The dining room was cheery and bright with floral orna ments, the intention of a symphony in green and white being nicely carried out. The mandolin club was stationed in the hall and discoursed the sweetest of music to the delectation of a select coterie of the friends of the bride and of the host and hostess, who had been invited to witness the interesting eye tit. Miss Ulrich of Omaha pre sided at the piano and played the wedding march. The wedding party, consisting of the bride and groom;Miss Durkeo of Omaha, maid of honor; Miss Fricke ol Omaha, bridesmaid; Charles How, best man, and George Guild, grooms man, were preceded into the parlor by two sweet little cuoids in the per son of Master David Guild, wearing white trousers and waist, and Miss Helen Clark, also dressed in white. After tho impressive ceremony had been spoken and congratulations ten dered, all repaired to the dining roon, where a sumptuous repast wai served. The groom has resided in this city for over a year, being employed in the H. & M. store house. Tho bride, a most' estimable lady, is from Cor rection ville, fa, though she has made her home in Omaha for several years. Tho honored guests were Messrs. and Mesdames Uyrou Clark, S. 11. At wood, C. F. Stoutenborough, R li White, Dr. T. 1. Livingston and some parlies from Omaha whose names we did not learn. The bride and groom went to their nicely furnished home in the Fourth ward, where they will be at home to their friends after August 10. The News extends he.irty congratu lations and best wishes. Reason Why Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy . ia the Bent. 1. Because it affords almost instant relief in case of pain in the storrach, colie and cholera morbus. 2. Because it is tho only remedy that never fails in the most severe cases of dysentery and diarrhoea. 3. Bocause it is the only remedy that wifl cure chronic diarrhoea. 4. Because it is the only remedy that will prevent bilious colic 5. Bocause it is the only remedy that will cure epidemical dysentery. G. Because it is tho only remedy that can always be depended upon in cases of cholera infantum. 7. Bocauso it is the most prompt and most reliable medicine in uso for bowel complaints. 8. Because it produces no bad re sults. 9. Becauso it is pleasant and safe to take. 10. Becauso it has saved the lives of more peoplo than amy other medi cine in the world. The 23 and 50c stzos for sale by all druggists. Work on the Armour I'lant. D. J. Simpson, who is in charge of the Armour construction work, has returned from a trip to Chicago, where he went toconfer with J. O?deo Armour and other officials of the com pany. It is thought that Mr. Armour wili bo out here in a day or two to look over the ground and noto the progress of the work. .'Another steam shovel arrived yesterday. This makes four shovels on the ground. One. of the shovels is now working in the north part of the tract, excavating for cellars. The others are digging away at tho bank near Q street. Bee. When Yon Take Your Yaratlon The most necessary articles to have with you (after your pocket book) is a bottld of Foley's Colic Cure. It is an absolute prevention or cure of all derangements of tho bowels caused by a change of water. You are likely to need it. Smith & Parmele. You Can Iepeni On It That Foley's Colic Cure is an instan roiiet for colic, summer complaint cholera morbus. diarrhoei,bloody flux chronic diarrhoea, cholera infantum oiuous cone, painters' colic and all bowel complaint. Smith & Parmele baby bones soft they scarce can be called earlier years ; gradually they furnish the frame which sup ports the growing body. The hardening comes from what chemists term " the min have " Rickets " a lack of in delayed teething, profuse arrested, malformations and its weak bones and cod-liver 4 ,i$hm&J& iAMTA OAU. Sold everywhere. The N. K. Fairbanh DEFEATED ONCE MORE. llleneoe Base Hall Team Were Unable to Find the Ball Score 17 to O. Striking evidence of how easy it is for good men to go wrong was found yesterday at tho ball park when the alleged ball tossers from Blenco, la., crossed bats with Tom Farmelo's gints. This paper desires tho public to un derstand that it has noother intention than to teil the plain, honest, every day truth about this travesty upon the national game, and therefor it contents itself with saying that the game was the worst that ever. Uauk and rotten cannot describe tho field ing of the visitors, who seem unable to see the ball even wheu it looked like a balloon and their miserable at tempts to hit excited great laughter from the multitude. Shafer peali-d his great deed of the day be fore and came near making the only hit of the game, as he and Turner alone connected with tho siihere. Turner, however, got the best of it. is his hit was a doublo, but it didn't wiu him a ining. i iicre win oe no etails published as to how the exc- utiou took place it were better not. Louisville made three runs in the first, two of them earned, live in the second, three earned, and one in the sixth earned. In the eighth Blcncoe attempted to break all previous records in the fielding line and bunched a largo, rosy complexioned collection of errors which yielded eiht unearned runs All this was iard on Mr. llooney, who twirled the globe for tho hawkoyes, but it happened thus just the same. To particularize as to the playing of tho visitors would be folly. They were all ft but Shafer, and Turner in particu- ar made a gallant fight for first place. Shafer won out by a r.eck, making some errors that scorned almost im possible. It was the concensus of opinion in the crowd that Mr. Sh -fer had a very off day. Turner suffered a great fall down from his work of the day before when ho pitched winning ball in tho face of certain defeat. Yes terday he was part and parcel of the defeat itself. Deur played fairly good ball for the visitors, but was weak at the For Louisville Clement in particular played fine ball and Fred Irwin pitched great ball The re mainder of the team put up the bet t fielding game seen here in many, moons. Their record would have been clean but for an excusable error of Adams'. Rough ground was responsible for the only error of the team. The Bleneoe team is composed of as nice, gentlemanly piayers as evei trod tho diamond aod in this respect they left the city with the good will of all their acquaintances. To class them as ball players of the Parmele-Louisville aggregation would be manifestly unfair. They aro a little too ama teurish yet, butj,hey are young. Turner and Shafer showed that they had plaved, but the rest . They expressed themselves as satisfied with their treatment and pleased with the umpire. The tcore: LOUISVILLE. A.B. K. B.H. P.O. A. E. 5 4 : 1 4 0 5 110 9 0 5 3 2 7 1 0 6 1 2 2 6 0 4 2 1 12 0 0 5 3 12 0 1 4 1 11 0 0 5 1-2 0 0 0 5 112 0 0 44 17 ' 14 27 20 1 Clement, s. s... F. Irwin Jones, c C.Irwin, ;tb Keihart, 11) Adams, lib frluR, ni... Fetz. II - Totals.. BI.ENCOE. A.B. ', a . a R. i B.H. P.O. . A. E. u 0 14 2 0 0 4 1 2 II 1 3 a 5 0 1 2 1 4 0 (I 0 1 tl 0 4 4 1 O 0 3 1 U 0 0 0 1 o o o n o 0 0 1 o o t i ii Kooney.p...... .- Bob Brown, c. .. Shaler -b Turner, s. s T Brown. It) IJeur. 3b c Patterson, If T Brown, m Kilcy. rl ioos, r .. Totals. 2! l-ouisille ;t I. It 0 0 1 0 8 1" Blencue (I i u O U W 0 O - U Karii-J iuus. luiuisvillett Two bacliits. I"ar-iiieli-. Tunic-. 1 iirot ,a hit. Clt-nirnt. Mulcii uses, Clement L't Attains .:. Irwin. Kcliiait J-anni . I ili-u 2. I-" trw.ii. Bast.-s on ball:-, ot: Kooni-v tiuclc out b. Irwin 7. by I'.mra.-y :! Pas.-etl ii.ills. I viir a. Vilt .ilt hc-. l.,Hey -JL. :ciili.c liilt. A dan:;., Jues. i line-i . ."." I iiii.n,- I'a.lvr it N Itallartf'H Snow Iiiiim-ni iaii ivimilv ill.-.!, .would Ihj iu every homo if :ill Knew what ttu-t:imls in all parts ot I he -onlin nl h:. ve e ri:-l. Those who -tiav. n-ed -rdinnrv lini ments aro :.ui..zeil ni ul.ut Snow Lini meut does an t iho i iipidity with which it dot-s it Cures L'lino It ck. Rheu matism, Neuralgia, Sarene, llrui-o-, Strains Museul.-ir Pains anywhere. Equally gii-'d fo Anirmils. li K. Morv Traveling Salesman, vis ton. JiJii, riyn: "Two buttles tA ttnHnrd'a Swiw Liniment eored moot Rheumatism of three month s stand ing." When buying reuiem ber Snow Liniment hns no substitute. Prico 50 cents. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. I Double! TfflTTTiT?T5Tffi, Srrr satisfaction 'wh obtained from ordinary soap a and only half the expense and bother. That's -why thousands of thoughtful, & uinuy women use csama Claus Soap. They have learned by practical, thorough tests that for washday or every day use there is no soap in the world that nearly equals 1 1 Made only by Company, - Chicago. SPECIAL MARKET LETTER The following market letter :- is fur Qished us by McLaix Bitos. & Co., Commission Merchants, llialto Build ing, Chicago: The miners' strike, which continues with unabated vigor, is still the chief disquieting factor in the business world, and although it lias as yet but moderately disturbed commercial and industrial affairs, its indetinite contin uance will disturb the supply and de mand relations of so many of the pro ducts of industry that a sympathetic influence will be manifest along all the streams of commercial hie. The fact that the great railway lines have suf ficient coal supplies to enable them to coiHinue uninterrupted traffic for some time to corne has doubtless prevented a manifestation of the strike influence in the stock market, and lias enabled the bull party to fairly well maintain values. The market, however, shows a halt ing tendency and is subject to other unfavorable inlluences, which, unless they are arrested, will become potent as Jiear arguments. The most import ant of these is tho inability of man agers to maintain tariff rates, notwith standing Iheir strenuous efforts in thai direction; another is the sudden revival of gold exports on a liberal scale, the outward movement week aggre gating 700,000. While the interest in stocks is wan ing wheat is becoming an object of universal attention, because of supply and demand relations, and its inherent speculative possibilities. From all sec tions of Korth America corm reports of gratifying yields or encouraging prospects, save on limited areas in the northwest, where the rainfall has been too abundant for the welfare of low land wheat, while from all portions of Europe complaints of crop failure, or damage to some extent, are heard, as suring an excellent demand for Amer ican wheat, and an active and interest ing market. While the estimates of foreign dam age may be exaggerated, there is evi dently substantial grounds for belief in an under-average crop, and that. with the absence" of India and Argen tina as competitors until their new cio is ready for market next spring. and the possibility that they may then have no surplus to self, presentsa sit uation fraught with great possibilities in the future. Jkcrbfthm estimates the European de liciencv at 222.800,000 bu, divided as follows, viz: France, 56,000,000 bu; Bui gai ia, Servia and Turkey, 52,000,000 bu; Hussia, 48,000,000 bu; Italy, 32,000,000 bu; Austria-IIungarv. 36,000,000 bu: Germany, 4.000.000 bu;, United King- iom. 2.(MK).0lH) bu; all other countries, 1.600.000 bu. The uneventful termination of the JiiiV wheat deal has freed our market : roin the corner liogie and left it once more to tho operation of natural condi- lious; there is an attempt being made to arouse tears or a September deal, which, however, is accorded but indif- lerent consideration by local traders; having failed to secure an advance in July of but little if any greater than natural causes would warrant, when conditions were more favorable for a squeeze than they possibly can become again in the near future, it is not like ly that the same people would essay a September coiner in our market and thereby invite the unloading on them of all the Xo. 2 spring wheat that could be possibly shipped here before October 1st .and then find themselves possessed of a lot of irregular wheat for which there is never more than a moderate exnort and millinir demand whenever the nio-e desirable grades are obtain able. Tne operations of a strong bull con tingent mav at times exert great innu ence in the market, but any attempt to force it far beyond its natural confines would he traught with too much dan ger. When the wheat raised is al ready for market, and the milling and export demand have the crop to draw upon t satisfactory prices are onered the market will become broad enough to render the operations of any one man or coterie of men inconsequential except perhaps as they may affect mo mentary Ihu-tnat ions. Conditions are s;h!i tliat operators for a rise or fall will have fwqnent opportunities for ex- i't ri-si g I heir judgment without con si I - r ; i g the attitude of any one else. Oi:r 'market still keeps pretty well fVi-Mi d up; there are apparently no I rge lines of short wheat out, and the mod' trailers are wary of big :.s.s s 1 he vountry" has not loaded up i tl i- advance, hence there is but I i ! i !i wb-iit pressing' for sale on the in i-:: v. - j us fnr the buying has been t -i i -1 - . i '. si mug bull operators and by i ii. m-1.-. I'uder Mich conditions any !; t it -I. clino must coine through . . H- Mire of cash offerings, or by u, i- -:sive short scllinsr than the . - I has et been subjected to. ii:i I ; v a tl- i .-li.le change has recently taken e i:i ilie :itiitudeof foreigners; for iiine Liverjiool led the advance ieCoiiliiienlal markets lagged, now !:.tter h ad while the former lags. t i 'i lonliimes to absorb the quiet nit rest ol inanv traders, who are A Af.ll i ton : in iron - prospects and the i. r carefully, realizing that anv '"'' may occur to blast the hopes : abundant yield would be the sig- ' a tnn.iway market. As the i element; of danger are insufli :. i.t moisture and hot winds, prices v;l . I. m.I.i less recover from all tempor- y e:u;s tint li the former is sunnlied t e crop is lievond the destructive !.i;-iiee oi me latter. i.e visible supply of grain in the ...led States and Canada shows the oUovviiigelianges for the week: Wheat iT'i-ie.-tseii i,&-:,uou ou, corn decreased - Li l.i .' st (iwroncal 1-Ta OOO Km waniea Jooa girl for general housework. Small family. Mrs. T. H. Pollock. CIRCUS NOTES. The reason Bert McElwain looks sleepy today, is becauso he got up at 3 o'clock this morning to eee the cir cus como in. The unloading of a circus ha9 won derful attractions for boys. This morning about 5 o'clock R. B. Wind ham thought he would waken his boys and let them go and fee the unload ing. He was surprised when he went to their room to find that there wasn't a boy in the house they having slipped out long before on their own account. Mossrs. AUhuler, Dovey and Wali ng, ot tho lilenco base Datl team, will remain in tne city to a ay and attend tho circus. For Kent Several small boys to act as escorts to the circus. ' Enquire at The News office. Are you going to the circus, Guy- romeo? Zounds no, methinks one circus a week is enough. The circus came in from Lincoln on the Missouri Pucitic aud pitched its tents on the B. & M. lots south of Main street, near the depot. The small boy is very much in evi dence around the herd of ponies today. Ringling Bros, circus is billed for Lincoln. Its chief attraction is tb only genuine white elephant over brought to America. Many farmers are in town today with their families to attend the cir cus. Ir. Talmaee at Salem Chaatanqaa. Dr. T. DeWitt Talmage will preach and lecture at the Salem Chautauqua, Sunday, August S, and Monday. Aug ust 9. ltev. Sam Small will bo pres ent during the entiro ussemniy and will deliver two sermons and several new lectures. The Slayton Jubilee singers, who have been received with unbounded favor wherever they ap peared, wiil give daily concerts Aug- 9 and 15. Three evenings will be de voted to tho marvelous moving pic tures. Senator Allen, Mr. Helen M. Gougar and a hrst of orator, lectur ers, mti.-ieiana and mirth-makers will hoip niiilti" tho Cliaul iuqua ;t success, Half rules via Iho Isurlinston route August 7 to 1"). Buriington trains land passengers withing threo minutes walk of tho Ch..utauqua grounds. which nio the coolest and shadiest in the state. Rheumatism Cured In a Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in one to three days. Its action upon the sys tern is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents Sold by F. G. Pricko Ac Co.. druggists SHOO Itewarri WIOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure istlicoiilv positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internallv. acting directly unin the blood and mucous sunaces ot the sys tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, aud giving the patient strength by build ing up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One liunc-eu Hollars tor anv case that it tans to cure, send for list of testimonials. Address. F. I. hesey & Co.. Toledo. O. ESSold by Druggists, 75c will do If usf" as a wash according to dl rectiocs: prevent transmission of blood disease, skin diseases, acute and chronic ulcers, stricture, nssure or tne hanas and feet. Kczeniit. Tetter. Salt. Rheumatism. In fiamatlou of the Itladil er. Diseases of the bones. Joints and muscles, bypuiletlc In sanity, scurvy, Scrofula la many forms The above and a hundred other forms of disease are traceable directly or indirectly to Syphilitic Hlooo. Poison for which the Dr. Jackson's tngnsh taeiy laoiets is a sure preventive, and is asafn Uerin Killer. rendering contagion naraiy possioie, nenco its value. It negiecteu sucn irouuies res in fatally. Mailed anywhere, sealed 91: six boxes for $5. Medical adylce free. JACK SON MEDICAL CO., Chicago, 111., or our agent. I. Snyeer. WEAKNESS riiOROUGMLV IS DAY I 111 I w r ENGLISH QUICK NKVE RESTORER nkS&MAN OUT OF ME P ) GDFAT FNGI ISH DFMFnY 3 o nay yji ktm l.i ivjuii i ivii'il.l tn thirty days by anew perfected scientific) method that can not fall unless the case is bevond human aid. You feel Improved the first day: feel a benefit every day; soon know yourself a king among men in body, rrind and heart. Drains and losses ended, every obstacle to happy married Ilfo re moved. Nerve force, will, energy, brain power, when fulling are restored. If nn glected such troubles result fatally. Medical advico free. Mailed cverwhere, sealed for tl. Six boxes for V. JACKSON MF.l)ICALCO..Chloa-.-. II!., or oura,-ent L. sny.lor. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS iHlP-AH-Kuggl II 5 ntfcLHL'. luwt-jj fumbCtulb II tw J ilaO"LAt3C'it i ujo:Q rain cints lr "i -FCQSAL.E eV ALL DRUGGISTS OH C i JACKSON MEDICAL CO. CHICAGO ILL J ?.CO iO CLARK ST IMPERIAL B'LD'6. r uN.B. DorVt take any substitute 5 with the same nnme but different spe!linr5 on which your druggist o makes twice as much BEWARE Or IMITATIONS SO YEARS EXPERIENCE. Jfmm 4 4 k. TRADE MARKS DESIGNS, COPVRICHT8 Jte. BUM I p t Anyone (lending a rteth and description may Quickly ascertain, free, whether an Invention ia probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest avencj for securing patent In America. We have a Waffblwrton office. Patents taken through ftluno & Co. receive special notice Iu the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. beautifully Illustrated, lanrest circulation Of anv scientific Journal, weekly, terms 93M a rear; l0 six months. H peel in en copies and H MfT booit ON .Patents sent free. Address MUNN & CO., 361 BresutwBT, New Yark. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Sheriff's Sale By virtue of an order ot sale issued by George . Houseworth. cleik of thedistrict court within and for Cass countv, Nebraska, and to me di rected, I will on the 21th day of July, A. L). 1SU7, at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south door of the court house in the city of I'latts mouth, in said county sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate, to-wit: Commencing httv-two and one-halt teet east ot the south-cast corner of lot number twenty-six X) in section eiehteen (lsi in township twelve (1 north, ol range fourteen (11) in Cass county. Nebraska, running thence nor h one hundred and thirty-five feet; thence east fifty-two and one half feet; thence south one hundred and thirty live feet; thence west fifty-two and one-half feet to the place of begining all in Cass county. Neb raska, to tret her with the privileges and appurt enances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, ine same Deing icvica upon anu taken as the property of Mary A. Miller and Harnt L. Miller defendants to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by Charles U. l'arniele as receiver of the Citizens liank, o! riattsmoutn, Nebraska, plaintiff against said defendants. naiismoum, i-ueorasKa.juiie , t. u., Harvey Hollowav, -' Sherifi Cass County. Nebraska. Legal Notice. Notice to redeem and of expiration of time.of re demption, lo whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that on the -1th day of November, lti.", the following described real estate situated in Cass county, state oi rve braska, was legally sold for taxes as stated below, to George V. Glazier of Chelsea. Michigan, to wit: South-west quarter in section nine, town ten, range nine east. At time of purchase of said lands lor taxes, they were taxed or specially assessed in the name of W. S. Smith and now ap pear by latest tax books or hies in the oliice of the treasurer ot said county to last taxed or specially assessed in the name of W. S. bmith, also' north half ot north-east quarter in section fourteen, town eleven, range nine, east. At time of purchase of said lauds for taxes, they were taxed or specially assessed in the name ot M. and L. Larson, and now appear by latest tax I books or hies in the office ot the treasurer ot said county to be last taxed or specially assessed ' in the name ol M. and L. Larson, The above descriptions of lands were sold at public sale by the treasurer of said county tor the delinquent taxes due thereon lor the year 18fl. The taxes I nn i-rtain lands described in one or more certih- 1 catesof said purchase became delinquent for the tax levied for the year lHytf on the north half of the north-east quarter of section fourteen, town eleven, range nine, east, and for the year 16115 and lfiyts, on tne soutn-wesi quarter vi secnou ume, town ten, range nine, east, which was also paid by the aforesaid George P. Glazier and receipts duly attached to the proper certificate and thereby became and is a part of the original claim of the certificate wherein it is described. Vou are hereby notified that the time ol redemption oi the above mentioned tax certificates will expire on the 4th day of November, 1HU7. and be subject to proceedings of law made and provided by the legal statutes of Nebraska and action to recover by foreclosure of above lien or liens, the amount due thereon, together with attorney's fees will be commenced. Dated July 12. I47. oto. f. o LAZIER. Probate Notice. I n iho rnnntv rnnrt. Cass countv. Nebraska. In the matter of the istate of Simeon 1. Long, deceased. i- hahi-ih I nns'. Abraham Long. Silas Long. Kowin Watson Long. Grant Irwin Wetenkainp. A Hurt Ahraham WeienkaniD and all other per sons interested in said matter are hereby notified that on the 10th day of July, 1W7. Kowin Watson Cong hied a petition m said court alleging among other things that Simeon I. Long died on the 15th day of June, A f). 1SK7. leaving no last will and testament and possessed of real and per sonal estate ot the reasonable value ol lH,iitK), and that the above named constitute all the per sons interested in said matter, and praying for administration thereof. Vou are hereby notified that il you tail to appear at said court on the 3rd dav ol August. 1SU7. at 9 o'clock a m. and contest said petition, the court will appoint Silas Long or some other suitauie person auiiimisiraiur, auu nrorff.rl In a fs!t t lenient of said estate. Witness my hand and the seal ot said court, at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this, the 13lh day of July A. !.. 197. GeoroeM. Spurlock. (Seal) County Judge, Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an execution issued by George R llniwfworlh. rli-rlc of the district court withiu and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me di rected. I will on the aist day oi juty, n. i twir n ii ,virwlr a m. of said day at the south dooroi the court house iu Plattsmouth. in said rminlv. sell at nublic auction, to the highest bid der for cash, the following real estate to-wit: Lots 11 and 12 (except that part deeded to Om aha Southern Railway company) and lots 19 aud 31. all in Orchard Hill the city of I'ljiiumr.iiili anil tli- south hall of lot 21 in the north-west quarter of the south-east quarter of crtu.n l i tnurn.liin VI. ranee 14. all in Cass countv. Nebraska, together with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. The same being levied of V YVUli.n kL.;!!.. I tnf -! r4 i t coticfv a imfirmnt of S3 id court recovered b lCvlUC I'LILlluniiv. V" ;M"ri v the tlamtLirk?cr company. plaintiffs, against Michael Mciiuire aud William Plattsmouth.Nebraska. June 25, A.-D. 17. Harvey Holloway, Sheriff. Cass countv, Nebraska. Referee's Sale. By virtue of an order of the district court of Cass county. Nebraska, made in the case of fda M. Adams, plaintiff, vs. Isabella Forsyth. Jacob Irorsyth, A. C. Adams and Max I-eKoy Reefer, defendants, then and there pending, on the 14th day of June A. I.. 1H97. and directed to the un dersigned as referees in partition in said suit, commanding us to sell the north one half of the southwest quarter ot section twenty-six (2r.i and the northeast quarter of section twenty-seven ('-) all in township ten (10) range nine (9) east ot the 6th P. M.. in Cass county. Nebraska, we will sell said property on the 7th dav of August. A. i).. 1MT7 at the south Iront door of the court house at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, at eleven (II) o'clock a. m. of said day, said sale to remain open one hour. Said property being sold as the propern of Ida M. Adams. Isabella Forsyth and Max Le Koy Reefer. Said land will be sold at said time and place to the highest bidder, either for cash or for one-fourth cash down and the balance in three equal payments, payable in one, two and three years respectively, from date of sale, de ferred payments to bear 8 per cent interest and to be secured by a first mortgage on said land. Samuel Westlake, Henry Snoke. Jr., John Q. Adams, Referees. Mockett & Polk, Attorneys. Kotice of Sale. In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of David V. M iller, deceased. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of Basil . Kanisey, judge of the district court of Cass county, Nebraska, made on the 6th day of February 1897, for the sale of thereal estate hereinafter described, there will be sold at tha south front door of the court house in Cass county, Nebraska, on the 7th day ol Augrust,ll7, at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day, at public ven due for cash, the following described real estate, to-wit: The south one-half of lot five 5i, in the south-west quarter ot the south-east quar ter of section twenty (20). town ship twelve (12). range nine qi, east of the sixth F. M. containing five acres: the south one-half of the southeast quarter and the south twenty acres of the north one-half of the southeast quarter, in section thirty-three 331. township twelve 12 J. range nine 9, east of the 6th P. M., all in Cass county, Nebraska. This sale is made subject to two certain mortgages upon said premises. Said sale shall remain open one hour. Dated this 6th day of July, 1HW. Mason E. Nf iller. Administrator of the estate ot David W. Miller. deceased. C.S. Folk. Attorney for Estate. Probate Notice. In county court, tJass county. Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Samuel A. IIol brook. deceased. Mrs. Fannie Applcton l.owe'1. Mrs Julia If. Additon and all other persons ntjrested iu said matter are hereby notiticd that on the 1 Ith dav of July, lMrj. K. B. vVindliam tiled iu said court a duly authenticated copy of the last will of the said Samuel A. Ilolbrook, together with the pro bate thereof, by the probate court ol Cumberland county. Maine, together with his petition, alleg ing among other things that Samuel A. Ilol brook diea on the 24th day of August, A. 1. ISill, leaving a last will and testament and possessed of real estate situated in the county ol Cass and state of Nebraska, valued at i'J.tXX), and that the above named constitute all the persons interested in the estate of said deceased, and praying that said w.ll may be probated, allowed, hied and re corded and that administration be granted there under in this slate. Vou are hereby notified !iat if vou fail to appear at said court on the l' li day of August, A. f. ISV7, at 'I o'clock p. in. to con test the probate of said will, the court mav a'low and probate said w ill and grant administration to V illiam I.. Lowell, or some other suitable person, and proceed to n settlement thereof Witness my hand and the seal of said court at I'lattsinouf li. Nebraska, tin-, the .th day of July. A. D. 1C. Gf.urce M Spt-RtorK. ISeal . Countv Judge. .o Creditors. State of Nehkaska. , ,- , r. . County of fas-.. SS' 1,1 ",y C""rt In the matter ol the estate ot Susanna Tlioni:i, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the creditor-: of said deceased will meet the a.liiiuil trator with will annexed of said es'atc. teloii' rrte. County Jmlsc of Cass county. Nehraska. at lie countv couri room in Flattsmoiith in aid county, on the -'H da ol August, A. IJ. INI?, on i'je LS I day ol llc tober.lHy7.and on the Sid day if Kebmai y.l H o'clock a m each day lor the Hy p se'ol present ing their claims f.r ctaniiii.Tiin,Sfju-,'!"e t and allowance. Six months are a lou.JJ lor the credi tors of said d-ceased to present claims am1 one year Kr the admniistra'or with wT".."' to settle said estate, from ilie LiJrd diS ust. 1S7. This notice shall be published irf - ' -Weekly News-Herald for lour weekt. prior to the ZV1 day of August. lm. rlv o July, isif7. (Seal) George M.Spurloo County J uuk.-. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an execution issued by George F. Houseworth, clerk of district court within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will on the th day of August A. f). 17, at 11 o'clock a. ni. of said day, at the south door of the court house in the city of I'lattsmouth, in said county, sell at public auction, to the highest bid der for cash, the following real estate to-wit: The west half of the north-east quarter of sec tion IS, town 1 1. range 1 1. 'J'hc south-east quar ter of section 13. town 11. range 9. also the east half of the south-west quarter of section IX town It, range 9. all in Cass countv, Nebraska, to gether with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Harvey K- Waldron, defendant, to satisly a judgment of said court recovered by the Hank of Eagle, plamtirt. against f. F and It. K. aldron, defendants. I'lattsmouth, Nebraska. July 27th A. D.. 1897. Harvey Hollowaw Sheriff, Cass countv. Nebraska. C. S. Polk, Attorney for Plaintiff. Probate Notice. In countv court. Cass county, Nebraska. fn the matter of the estate of William V. Conn, de ceased. Sarah Jane Clapp, Elizabeth A. Abbott, William M. Conn. Sena James, and all other persons interested in said matter, are hereby notified that un tl.e 16th day of July A. I). l.VT. John F. I'olk filed a petition in said county court praying that his final administration account tijed herein be settled and allowed and that he be discharged Iroin his trust as administrator, and that if you fail to appear before said court on the lrtth day of August, 1KI1. at 9 o'clock, a. ni. and contest said petition, the court may grant the prayer of said petition and make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees as to this court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled aud determined. Witness my hand and the seal of said court at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this, the 27th day of July. A. L 17. (Seal) George M. Spcrlock. County Judge. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an execution issued by George F. Houseworth.clerk of the district court, within and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me directed. 1 will on the 11 day of Aug. A. I)., 11 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south door of the court house in the city of Plattsmouth, in said county, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate to-wit: The south one-fourth of the northwest one-fourth of the southeast quarter of section 11. town 1', range 1:1, also the southwest quarter of the northeast quar ter of the southeast quarter of section 11. town i-:. r.inge i.i, in i,ass county. Nebraska, together with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. The same being levied upon and taken as the nronertv ol John P. Jerpe, detendant. to satisfy a judgment ot said court recovered by Sloan Commiysion Company, plaintiff against said defendant. i'lattsmouth, XSebraska, August 3rd A 1).. 1SU7. Harvey Hoi.i.oway. Sheriff. Cass county, Nebraska. Legal Notice. In the County Court of Cass County, Nebraska, in the matter ot the Kstate of Benjamin Briggs. deceased, on Petition to distribute assets of the estate to the heirs. AlmvG Arnold. mother and guardian of Krnest f)nyt in.lnoz tiertrude, Harriett Briggs and Pauline Bru)t.)ii Kiitou. Anna Francis Cranston Joseph H. Butler, Heury O. Cranston, Jane K. Briggs, Ann iMiza sioiie, Joseph li. Briggs, Nicholas A. I.riggs. William W. Briggs, luiia J. isriegs. Annie 1 . V lute. Lucy Johnson Brfoth. Charles Cranston, William 1 nomas Kilton William II. Cranston, Harriet Kliza Saunders Byron 1-". I'erkins.; (ieorge Arnold Kiitou. (ieorge 11. 1'erkius, Sarah J. Baker. Albeit If. IVrkius, James Adam Kilton, Stephen F. Tyler, inheld Scott iMlton. Kdward Tyler, AmbroseEvcrett Kilton Byron V. Tyler, Charles Arthur Kilton, Alice Tyler, Willian Henry kilton. Laid Tyler. Lyman Hayward Kilton (ieorge Tyler, Amos Aldrich Kilton. Lillian A. Rogers. Ernest Dayton Kilton, John 11. Cole, and all Inez Gertrude Kilton. other unknown heirs ol Harriett Briggs Kilton, Benjamin G. Briggs, Fauline I tray ton Kilton deceased. Katie Joidan Kilton, The uliuve named persons will take notice that on the :ilst day ol August A. !.. ISW7, between the hours ol 10 a m. and 4 p. m. of said day, the depositions of William F. Kilton, Jane E. Briggs, Byron F. Ferkins. Ann Francis Cranston and John H. Cole will be taken before competent authority at the olfice ot Henry J. Dubois, num ber IS College street in rooms ;tt) and 31 in the city of Frovidence, in Frovidence County, in the state of Khode Island for the purpose of proving the heirs of Benjamin C. Briggs, and for the dis tribution to them of the assets ot said estate on the petition of N. H. Briggs and Wmheld S. Briggs, et. al., filed June 2S. iy.S, aud the petition of John II. Becker as administrator. Hied June A. D.. K:7, and the taking of said deposition will be adjourned from day to day until completed. This notice is published pursuant to an order . maJe by this County Court July 30, ifJT. John II. Kkcker. As Administrator of the estate of Benjamin G. Briggs, deceased . By his attorneys, Byron Clark and C. A. Kawls. NEW : ADVERTISEMENTS. HAIW BALSARI rnwni ud beautifies the hair. l'roiii a lnxurint. Never .Jrai w ""Y-r Hair io us r - Cures wnlp dum hair lulling. I .1 J sJl H faSTTTii IB af I f 1 71 1 I lilfcfilll I" lr-"lMMrr are the most powerful, safe prompt anrl liable of this kind In the market. The orignal and only genuine woman's salva tion. Ask your druggist If he don't keep them. Write direct to us and we will send it direct upon receipt of price. It, sealed, by mail prepaid. Medical advice free, JACK SON MEDICAL CO., Chicago. III., or our agent, I. L, Snyder. Complexion Preserved DR. HESRA'S .Mil! A !fil AM f lULM Wl Removes Prtklss, Pimpl, Liver- .Coles, B!acfcl:c.-;ds, Sunbun and Tai, mid re stores fie sum to i--J onji- t -sara rml freshnesi. vro-luUr,; .?gJthh&Sl plexion. Sncrioi toall trot' - --f ' . preparation and perfectly hnrmlcss. At all drugKisis, or luiii led lor 5 Octs. Send for circular. VIOLA EKIM SOAP i trariy lnompraM kin purifiir. Wop, un-qtiwlrd for the loiM. ami without a nral for th-s noru-rr. AI.-oluli-l r"' "Bd --lleaiely medV cati. At iniit!,-iiM. Price 2 5 Cents. . . The G. C. B1TTNER CO., Toledo, O. ISURPASSING ALL OTHERS ."All over the world." 'o SIMPLE STRONG HLENT- - " SPEEDY Either Lock-SUtr-- or ChaIn-Stlt'CAKD- Each the best See the 1 "Cinuv at I'lattsniouth, NcL.. If. V iVSf 1 I aTB a . .5.10 a.m .ll.M a-rn ..4.U1 u. in rhcijcr wii' x, local freight TRAINS GOING SOUTH. No. 133 Fast f rolgnt No. li'J. local freight No. 10 . .10.52. p. m .... 7.35a,ui ....4 IU p. m It ' 4 ' - v I i i - si uuess my nana ana seal oi saiu cfu