Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, July 31, 1897, Image 3

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Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of
all in leavening strength. Latest United States
(iovernnieut Food Report.
A. "V. White went to Lincoln last
evening on business.
Wm. Deles Domic- is down from
Eliawooil today on legal business.
The populists will hold their pri
maries Friday evening' of thia week.
Joe L:tko And Wm. LSallance went to
Omalut on company business today.
Mrs. P. II. Stoimker went to Omaha
today for a visit with her daughter.
Mis.- 1 lor Urn f'armack accompanied
her friend, "MUs Neva Hons, to her
homo in Omaha this afternoon.
John Li Hittinger, tho Kt. Joe ed
itor, has been appointed consul at
Montreal, a very lucrative position.
Hlack berries have Iwcomo Blow sale
at 5 cunts per quart, and by the case
they have been sold for less than that.
Tho peneral manager of the Bur
lington was a guest nt the Riley for
dinner toduy and returned to Omaha
at 3:45.
The circus which is billed for this
town goes the next day to Nebrasku
City. It (.hows in Lincoln on Friday
this week.
Miss Stockalaer returned to her
home at lied Oak yesterday after a
pleasant visit with Misses May and
Clara Str et.
Claus I Jrekonfeld, tho Codar Creek
miller, is in town today looking after
his growing trade in tho celebrated
Cedar Creek flour.
Frank KalosceU had a scrap with
one of his neighbors yesterday and
was looking for an attorney to prose;
cute, hut up to the present writing
nothing seems to have boon done.
Andy Taylor writes friends here
that he is delighted with Oregon, and
that ho has gained twenty pounds
t-inco he went out there. lie doesn't
intimato any inclination to return to
Don't fail to arrange to attend the
Salem Chautauqua, which opens Sat- j
u rd ay evening, August 7. Or. T. De
Witt Tal mage will preach and lecture
thereiSunday and Mondu3', August 8
and 0 at 2:30 p. m.
An u;;ly fight occurred on the street
last evening in which some of the
bloods of the town were mixed up.
1 hey had a police airing this morn
ing, and as they say it is tho last of
fenso no names are given.
The little eight months old bady of
Mr. and Mrs. Vr. P. Acketman, died
at their home in Ilavelock, Monday
evening nt 5 o'clock. The funeral
was hold at tho family residence at 3
o'clock yesterday afternoon.
James Lough rid go, the bright ener
getic Ron of Wm. Lough ridge, will
open up a firbt-class blacksmith and
wagon shop at Wyoming, in Otoe
county, next week. James is a One
mechanic and will make a success of it.
Tho O. A. K. re-uuion is to bo held
in Lincoln this year, aud begins Sept.
13, continuing to the IS. A fine pro
gram has been arranged, which in
cludes some of tho most noted speak
ers in the country. It is the inten
tion of the managers to have the
largest re-union this year ever Leld
in the slate.
Colonel lien Decker has proven him
self a great enemy to the snake race.
The other day while wandering
through the forests just across the
river, he encountered two huge
rattlers. Den saw an opportunity to
test his "nerve," and he lost no time
in dispatching tbe reptiles and se
curing their rattles. He brought the
raltles to town today.
John Cagney waJan Omaha visitor
Misses May and Clara Street have
gone to Weeping -Water- for a fe
days' visit.
Roy Dodge departed this morning
for Kearnev and the Black IT it I s
i eral substances." , . :
When these are absent we have ''Rickets" a lack of
bone-tissue, which shows itself in delayed teething, profuse
head-sweats, and later, if not arrested, malformations and
Such a baby needs lime for its weak bones and cod-liver
oilfXor its fat-starved body.
Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophosphites
of lime and soda will give its little body the needed fat in
an easy form. . '
B turr you get ScttFt Emultim yon mmmt it mnd not m ckf tutttituH. '
Scott & Bowne, New York. All Dniiu. soc
country, on a few day outing.' ; - '.
Mrs. Sam Hinkle und her mother,
Mrs. Holmes, of Uavelock, visited
relatives in thia city yesterday.
Every court and usual haunt ofia
news items has been visited today in
vain. There's positively nothing new
in town.
Conrad Scblater, Percy and Mrs
Agnew, Mrs. Shryock ar.d Ming Sharp
all went to Louisville today to attend
tho funeral of Keinhold Peterson.
Miss Scharman of North Piatte re
turned home today after a pleasant
visit of b few days at Robert Sher
wood's. Robert, jr , accompanies her
as fas as Omaha.- - .f .-.'
K.dor Youlzy will occupy the pulpit
both morning and evening Sunday at
tbe Christian church in Murray, and
Elder Hall will preach at the Chris
tian church hero. ; t j . ; j
Two departments of the B. & M.
shops here have not gone on ten hour
time, but they are expected to do so
soon, as the ten hour schedule was
put on at Ilavelock and McCook. .. '
Frank Taylor, a rubber salesman
who is known from Chicago to the
coast as the man who turns in the big
gest orders and also the largest ex
pense account of anyone on the road,
is registered at the Hi ley today.
The ball game announced for to
morrow between the Union and Piatts
moulh teams has been postponed until
next Tuesday afternoon, owing to
Plattsmouth's battery, the . Franz
brothers, being unable to participate
- Prank J. Morgan took the band
boys' measurements yesterday ' for
their new suits, which he will have
made as speedily as possible and in
good style. The M. W. A. band has
grown until the town' is justly proud
of it. '
The eclipse of the sun this morning
which looked to be about three-fourths
total, was q jite generally noticed by
people on the streets.; Had it been j
total and lasted all day, the people
would have taken more interest in the
The weather, today seems to fully
equal the worst we had during the
recent hot wave. Prof. Wilson of the
weather bureau seems to be a noviee
at the business, and if not onto his
job. Rain is brullj' needed and the
outlook for a corn crop in oid Cass is
at present writing anything but flat
tering. r
The government has a lot of old
cannon and shells that have been cast
aside for nower patterns which will be
given to (J. A. R. organizations on ap
plication, the only cost being the
freight. The boys here should get a
cannon and keep it for an ornament
and memento when they pet a hall : of
their own.
Will lie Here Soon.
Hummel, Hamilton & Co. 's show
will exhibit at Plattsmouth, Thurs
day, August 5. While this is a new
name and new show to the people of
the northwest, it is gaining fame and
reputation at each place i exhibits
and is declared by the press every
where as furnishing more and better
amusement for popular prices than
was ever conceived of. This show ex
hibited at LaC rosso and the papers ol
that city are unstinted in their praises.
Prom the parade to every act in tho
three rings and on the hippodrome
track, the entire exhibition is pro
nounced by the LaCrosse papers to be
of the very highest order of merit, and
extensive in characte. Over 50 acts
aro given. The horses are a bpocial
The Hummel & Hamilton circus is
especially strong in riders. The list
of equestrains is headed by the fam
ous William Sells, acknowledged to
be tho greatest living bareback rider
today in the world, and also includes
Mr. Wm. Dutton, Mr. Frank Miller,
Mr. James McEiroy, Master James
Dutton, Miss ' Mollie ; Murray, Miss
Eflie Dutton and' Miss Kittle Davene,
all of whom stand foremost in the
ranks of equestrians and equestrien
nes. ' , "
This show is" managed and directed
by Mr. Sells, and this fact is suffi
cient to guarantee tho exceptionally
brilliant strength of its riding as well
as every other detail of its extensive
program. Two exhibits will given at
2 and 8 o'clock, the doors opening one
hour earlier. ' ' ' ' " -s-
"Last summer one of our. grand
children was sick with h severe bowel
trouble," says Mrs. E. G. Gregory, of
Frederickslown, Mo. "Our doctor's
remedy nad failed, then we tried
Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy, which gave very
speedy relief." For sale by all "drug
gists. -
Hedbloom, the druggist, says busi
ness is picking up. no sells every
thing at popular prices. , -
baby bones
are soft, so soft they scarce can be called
bones in the earlier years ; gradually they
harden, and furnish the frame which sup
ports the growing body. The hardening
comes from what chemists! term " the min-
mmjtt a--.. ijkij i syn t ma. m mjtj&t.m
f t
i Sold everywhere."
The Hi K. Fa.rbanh
A Hare Treat In Store. l .
On Thursday, August 5, Hummel,
Hamilton & Co.'s new colossal shows
will exhibit in Plattsmouth. This is
a new show in this' section, but it has
already earned for itself the name and
reputation that insures to it liberal
patronago wherever it may go. Its
active manager and director is Mr.
William Sells, whose life-loog experi
ence in the circus profession is a guar
antee to the public of. the quality aud
magnitude of the performance put
forth by thisexhibition. Everywhere
this season it hUs met with excellent
patronage through the states of Ohio,
Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minn
esota and Iowa. ' ' ' - "
The Detroit Free Press says: "Hum
mel, Hamilton & Cot's circus is a good
one, nnd baa demons rated, that a com
pletely equipped first-class circus can
be given at' popular prices. And not
the ordinary small affair, so familiar
in past season, either, but a regular
throe-ring ciicusand hippodrome with
a first-class menagerio included.
"The circus drew immense and well
pleased crowds at -tho show grounds
on Hudson and Grand River avenue
yesterday, both afternoon and night."
The Detroit Evening News: "About
six thousand people visited Hummel,
Hamilton & Co.'s show last night and
wero well entertained. Tho" circus ia
given in three rings with a big dis
play of imported novelties and the
vast stretch of canvas is entirely oc
cupied with u ret work of rigging and
apparatus used in the aerial perform
ances." The Winona Herald pronounces this
tho best fchow that hiws ever visited
Winona, and all the Dubuque dailies
are unanimous in praises of its merit
and extensive character.
A Train For Weeping Water.
Leadinsr democrats have secured
signatures to a guarantee, so that the
matter of train service on the M. P.
to Weeping Water next Monday for
the fusion convention is now assured.
The hour of leaving here will be
givon later, and the train will le;ive
Weeping Water for return aa Boon rs
the convention adjourns. It is ex
pected that fully 200 will go over to
Weeping Water on that day from this
Silver Republican Convention.
A mass convention of the t-ilver re
publicans of Cass county .is hereby
sallnd to meet at Weeping Water on
the 2nd, day of August 18!7, for the
Durpcsc of perfecting an organization
of tho silver republican party in Cass
county, to nominate a county ticket
and to elect delegates to the state
convention to be held in Lincoln Sep
tember 1.
All republicans who believe in the
cause of free coinage of silver at the
ratio of 1G to 1 without the aid or con
sent of any other nation and in the
prosperity of tbe masses and produc
ers instead of tho pawnbroker, bond
holder and stock jobber, are earnestly
requested to be present.
M. Moukissf.Y,
. Committeeman for Cass county.
Cough Relieved at Once
And every bit of rolief is a part of a
cure that will stay a cure. Use Hal
lard's Horehound Syrup and note how
quickly you are cured and how well
3'ou feel nf lor ward. SpeciGc also for
whooping cough and croup. John
Coffin, Kirwin, Kans., says: "When I
began . to use Ballard's Horehound
Syrup for consumption thevrioctor had
said that I would die in a few duys.
Am now upand around. Have no mora
oain in chest or lungs. " Price 25 and
50 Cts. No benefit, no pay. Sold by P.
G. Fricke & Co.
There Is a Class of l'eople
Who are injured by the use of coffee.
Recently there has been placed in all
the grocery stores a new preparation
callc'l CJniino-O. made of pure gr.ii:s,
that t.-tkes ihe p'.aco of rofTeo. The
most tJcliculo. fiomacn receive it
witliou'. Usttess and but few ran ti ll
it fi'oin coffee. H does i,n. n,-! i.tct'i
as much. Cliildicn m.-.y diiuk it with
gi'vnt iN-iietii. 15 fls. ).ml 2 ri. jr-t
dackagi'. Try it. Ask fo 'dr.iin O.
Dr. Marshall. 4irfuat- Urutixl. '
Dr. .Marshall., tine gold work.
Dr. Marshall, irold and (K)iielain
Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work
Dr. Marshall, teeth wi: limit plates.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of tiilings.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates.
Dr. Marshall, 'perfect fitting plates.
Dr. Marshall, all work warranted.
All the latest annliance? for Orl
nlass dental work.
Don't Stop II tin!
He has a bad attack of colic ai d is
making for Smith . & Parmelo's drug
store after a bottle of Foley's Colic
Cure. 25c and 50c.
jwjoy - jy.
the satisfaction
obtained from
ordinary soap
I and only: half the expense
and bother. ; That's why &
thousands of thoughtful, m
thrifty women use Santa k
Claus Soap. -They have
learned by practical, thorough
..tests that for washday or every- f
day use there is no soap in the $
world that nearly equals
Made only by
Company, - Chicago.
' ' 1 CorumlssioiierV Froceeilinsrs.
Plattsmouth, July 20. Board met
pursuant to adjournment. Present, J.
P. Palter, J. C. Hayes and Geo. W
young : county commissioners, nd
James Robertson, county clerk. Min
utes of the last session road and ap
proved, when the following business
was transacted in regular form.
j j , GENERAL. FUND. , .
J P Falter, sal and exp '.$21 50
J C Hayes, same .T"0 25
U'W Young, same 21 GO
Stephens Litho Co., mdse to co. 12 25
.1 Kopia, mdse to poor 8 00
P i' Sheldon, same 5 00
P Holmes, team to coin 3 77
E P l'orry, hauling wood 50
L A Bctts, bdg pauner 10 00
(. Housewortn, exp 5 11
Frank & Ridgewny, lumber $49 09
J R Sheeley & Co., bridges. . .$1,114.92
Resignation of Wm. Kirk. J.P. South
Hend precinct, was received and ac
cepted, to take effect AugU9t 1, 1897.
Druggist report of H. V. McDonald.
Murdock, was received and approved.
The following resolution was unani
mously passed by the board:
Whekkas, It appears that judg
ment was rendered Juno 28, A. D.
1897, in . the district court of Cas
county. Nebraska, enjoining tbe city
of Plaltsmoulh and Cass county from
collecting - taxes from tho Chicago,
Uurlington Ns Quincy railroad com
pany on material stored on depot
irroundd and right of way at the city
Plattsmouth, in said county, and that
tho said city of Plattsmouth will re
ceive u greater portion of the taxes if
collected, and that The council of said
city of Plattsmouth on June 12. 1897,
passed a resolution directing that no
appeal should be made from said deci
sion, a certified copy of which resolu
tion is now befort the board of county
commissioners, and if said suit is ap
pealed to the supreme court by the
county alone it will have to bear the
expense without corresponding bene
fits, and that it would be inequitable
and unjust to cirry on s;iid suit at the
expense of the county alone where the
city would receive tho greatest bene
fits. Therefore, be it
Resolved, That the county take no
appeal from said decision, and that
this resolution be certified to the
county attorney by tbe clerk of the
Hoard adjournrd to meet August 3.
James Koheutson,
County Cle'-k.
Reasons Why Chamberlain's Collc.Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy
is the HcrU
1. Because it affords almost instant
rolief in case of pain in the stoirach,
colic and cholera morbus.
2. Because it is the only remedy
that never fails in the most severe
casus of dysentery and diarrhoea.
3. Because it is the only remedy
that will cure chronic diarrhoea.
4. Because it is tbe only remedy
that will prevent bilious colic.
5. Because it is the only remedj'
that will cure epidemical dysentery.
6. Because it is the only remedy
that can always be depended upon in
cases of cholera infantum.
7. Because it is the. most prompt
and most reliable medicine in use for
bowel complaints.
8. ISecauso it produces no bad re
sults. 9. Because it Is pleasant and safe
to take.
10. Because it has saved tho live9
of more people than any other motii
cinc in the world.
Tho 25 and 50o u-zos for sale by all
The Rout itemedy For liheumatism .
(From the Fairliaven, N. V., Register.)
Mr. James Rowland, of this village,
states that for twenty-five jycars his
wife has been a sufferer from rheum
atism. A few nights ago she was in
such pain that she was nearly crazy
She sent Mr. Rowland for tho doctor,
but he had read of Chamberlain's
Pain Balm and instead of going for
tho physician"he went to thestoroand
secured a bottle of it. His wife did
n it i.pprovo of Mr. Rowland's purchase
ii!i tl, but nevertheless aj plio I tbe
l.aim thoroughly nnd in an hour's
time was ablo lo go to 6leep. Sba now
r. -plies it whenever she feel an ache
().- :i l.uin and Limi th.-.t. i r. :ilw:ivs
gives re lief. He 9:iys Mtm no jicdi-
oino which she Uua usetl over ilia her
as much rood. Tho 25 and ftOeent
izes for eu'e by nil druggists.
When You Take Your Vacation
the most necessary nrticio in have
with you (after your pocket book) is n
bfittlo of Foley' Colic Cure. It is nn
absolute prevention or cure of : du
rangements of tho l-owels caused by a
change of water. You are likelv to
need it.
You-may hunt the worid over nnd
you will not lind another medicine
equal to Chnmberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea - Remedy for bowel
complaints. It is pleasant, safe arid
reliable. For sale by all druggists.
The following market letter is fur
uit,be, us by McLain Bros. & Co.,
Commission Merchants, Itialto Build
ing, Chicago:
The passing of the tariff bill and the
subsidence of the Turk have removed
twoelementsof uncertainty which have
for a long time disturbed business and
tinancinl circles, leaving nothing in the
way of a sensational character to re
tard the return of conditions under
which natural causes will once more
beioise operative, excenc thp rrunr
miners' strike, which, although its
speedy termination has frequently been
...... ..:.) . . -.-.
i'iumii-oicu, nun continues wiiii un
abated vigor, and promises to become
an element of solicitious anxiety before
it ends.
The stock and bond market has re
sponded to the changed conditions and
brokers repent a gratifying improve
ment in business. The railway share
market lias been stimulated by addi
tional crop reports, operators in Wall
street evidently believing that the only
thing necessary to assure increased
dividends is abundant crops. Remun
erative freight earnings, however, are
dependent as much on the price ol
tained lor grain as on the quantity pro
duced, and in order to maintain stable
prices for stocks paying prices for grain
must obtain.
As the successful issue of stock spal
lation depends upon the course of the
griii n markets, the latter olTer better
Inducements than the former and
should be objects of greater interest to
business men and producers, especially
throughout the great west. The neces
sity of maintaining fair prices for the
products of the farm in order to assure
returns on railway stocks and londs
will appeal to the judgment of, and en
list the support of powerful operators
having large pecuniary interests in
railway securities and assure their
active co-operation in any bull cam
paign that promises success.
There are significant signs of such
support to our wheat market, and it
has been vigorous enough to rally it
from every important reaction and
confuse the more aggressive bears.
Ihe bull campaign has been aided by
natural causes and has been managed
so adroitly that the closing week of the
July option finds the trade divided in
opinion as to whether or not there has
pxisted any organized bull contingent.
The steady depletion of stocks, the re
ports of European damage and the
tardiness of the movement of new
wheat have been sufficient causes to
warrant an advance without the as
sistance of anyone contemplating a
squeeze, and both bulls and bears are
undecided as to the final termination
of the July deal. The closing days of
the month are awaited with anxiety by
some and curiosity by many.
Speculatively the market remains in
about the state it has been for some
lime, the bears becoming aggressive
whenever it appears weak and running
to cover as soon as any strength de
velops. The majority of bulls accept
profits whenever there are evidences of
reactionary breaks, and the market is
kept fairly well evened up; this policy
prevents any runaway advance on ac
count of a rush to cover by a large
short interest, or a disastrous break on
the competitive selling of longs on stop
orders or exhausted margins.
Domestic crop news are ail that could
be desired, save from portions of the
northwest, where the rainfall has been
greater than was beneficial. There,
have been reports of damage by chinch,
bugs over limited areas in a few local
ities. Foreign markets have been irregular,
Liverpool showing a tendency to ad
vance promptly with ours, whereas
Continental prices have ruled weak,
Paris being disposed to decline. Th&
apathy there is probably due to the;
official French crop report on condition
July 15. which fails to corroborate the
sensational claims so frequently reit
erated. The report gives the condition
of winter wheat as good in 27 depart
ments, fair in 37, possible in 12, and:
middling in S; spring wheat very good;
in 2 departments, good in 16, . fair in
24, possible iu 7, and middling in 1.
Advices from Canada state that un
less caught by frost the wheat yield of'
that country, including Manitoba, will
furnish an exportable surplus 15,000,0uO
lo 20,000,000 bn greater than last year.
The movement of wheat at the south
tvest is being retarded because of the
stacking of the grain by farmers, who
anticipate better prices. Tbe fact that
they are bid much more for their wheat
I ban they expected before harvest in
duces them to hoard their crop.
Threshing has been delayed in the
southeast and in the Mississippi valley
by rain.
Corn is again attracting attention
and may at any time become excited
and active in consequence of supply
and demand relations and the specula
tive state of the market. There is un
doubtedly a very liberal short interest
and several large long lines. Consid
erable corn lias been sold to arrive,
but moves slowly on account of diffi
culty in obtaining ears. There is evi
dently less disposition among western
dealers to sell, anil farmers are dis
posed to hold back reserves until the
iew crop is assured. The export de
mand continues urgent and any mate
rial abatement of the movement from
the west would alarm shorts and in
augurate a bull market. Export con
tracts and freight engagements cannot
be filled by sales for future delivery.
The visible supply of grain in the
United States and Canada shows th
fol lowing changes fot the week: Wheal,
increased 708,000 bu, corn 1,049,000 bu,.
nd oats decreased 35:2 nno bu.
Rheumatism Cared in a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures in one to
throe days. Its action upon the sys
tem is xemarkabie and mysterious. It
removes at once the cause nnd the
disease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatlv benefits. 75 cents
Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co.. druggists
Mr. C. L. Hasbrouck, a drusreist nt
Men don, Mich., says all . of the good
testimonials th:.t have bcui published
by. the manufacturer f Chr-mber-lain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Re medy could be u unlicated in that
twn. For sale bv nil drnggi9tp.
AtiTone sending a rtetrh snd description may
ooicktr ascertain, free, whether an invention is
probably patentable. Communications strictly
confidential. Oldest aeenej forsecurine patent
In America. We he a Washington oOice.
Patents taken through Hiun A Co. receive
special notice In me
fcemntlftillT tllnnrrated.
largest circulation
any scintine journal, weekly, terms $3.0U a
f LiO slz months. Specimen copies and 1
4 ka YEARS 1
Tear i x
souk u.i mmm iree. .aauress
361 Brawr. Mew Yark.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order ot sale issued by George
F. Houseworth. clerk of thedistrict court within
and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, 1 will on the 21th day of July. A. I.
Iy7, at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south
door of the court house in the city of 1'latts
mouth. in said county sell at public auction, to
the highest bidder for cash, the toilowiug real
estate, to-wit:
Commencing fifty-two and one-half feet ea.t of
the south-east corner of lot number twenty-six
Ctf) in section eighteen () in township twelve
l- north, oi range lourtcen (14) in Cass county.
Nebraska, running thence nor h one hundred
and thirty-hve leet; thence cast hfty-two and one
half feet; thence south one hundred and thirty
hve feet; thence west hfty-two and one-half feet tn
the place ot begining ail in Cass county, Neb
raska, together with the privileges and appurt
enances thereunto belonging or in anywise
appertaining. The same being lev ied upon and
taken as the property of Mary A. Miller aud
Harry L. Miller delendants to satisfy a judgment
of said court recovered by Charles C I'arinele as
receiver of the Citizens liank, of I'lattsmouth,
Nebraska, plaintitt against said defendants.
I'lattsmouth. Nebraska.lune i. A. I).. 1W7,
ILarvky IIoi.i-owav.
Sheriff Cass County. Nebraska.
Legal Notice.
Notice to redeem aud of expiration of tiuie.ol re
demption. To w hont it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that on the 4th day of
November, 1M5, the following described real
estate situated in Cass county, state of Ne
braska, was legally sold for taxes as stated below
to tieorge r. Glazier of Chelsea. Michigan, to
wit: South-west quarter in section nine, town
ten, range nine east. At time oi purchase ot
said lands lor taxes, they were taxed or specially
assessed in the name of YV. !-. Simtli and now ap
pear by latest tax books or tiles in the oltice of
the treasurer ot said county to last taxed or
specially assessed in the name of V. S. mith,
also' north half of north-east quarter in section
fourteen, town eleven, range nine, east. At
time of purchase of said lands lor taxes, they
were taxed or specially assessed in the name ol
M. and 1- Larson, and now appear by latest tax
books or Jiles iu the olhce ol the treasurer ot
said county to be last taxed or specially assessed
in the name ot M.and L. Larson. Tlie alwve
descriptions ot lands were sold at public sale by
the treasurer of said comity tor the delinquent
taxes due thereon lor the year lsl4. The taxes
on certain lands described in one or more certifi
cates of said purchase became delinquent for the
tax levied lor the y. ar lHli on the north half of
the north-cast quarter of section fourteen, town
eleveu. range nine, east, and for the year 1N5 and
lKtO, on the south-west quarter of section nine,
town ten, range nine, east, which was also paid
by the aforesaid tieorge 1. Glazier and receipts
duly attached to the proper certificate and
thereby became and is a part of the original
claim of the certificate wherein it is described. Vou
are hereby notified that the time of redemption of
the above mentioned tax certificates will expire
on the 4th day of November, 1M'7. and be subject
to proceedings of law made aud provided by the
legal statutes of Nebraska and action to recover
by foreclosure of above lien or liens, the amount
due thereon, together with attorney's fees will
be commenced. Dated July 12, 1M7.
. . - Geo. V. Glazier.
Probate Notice.
In the county court, Cass county. Nebraska..
In the matter of the estate of Simeon 1. Long,
t.lizabeth Long, Abraham Long, Silas Long,
Kowin Watson Long, Grant Irwm Wetenkamp,
Albert Abraham Wetenkamp and all other per
sons interested in said matter are hereby notilied
that on the loth day of July, 1M7. Kowin Watson
Long hied a petition in, said court alleging
among other things that Simeon I. Long died on
the 15th day of June, A U, lxi7, leaving no last
will and testament aud possessed of real and per
sonal estate of the reasonable value of ilx.WHi,
and that the above named constitute all the per
sons interested in said matter, and praying for
administration thereof. You are hereby notified
that if you fail to appear at said court on the 3rd
day of August. 1M'7, at 9 o'clock a in. and contest
said petition, the court will appoint Silas Long or
some other suitable person administrator, and
proceed to a settlement of said estate.
Witness my hand and the seal ot said court, at
Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this, the 13th day of
July A. I., lsfl". , GkokubM. Si-uklock,
(Seal) County Judge.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an execution ' Issued' by George
F. Houseworth clerk of the district court within
and for Cass cauuty, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I will on the 31st day of July, A. L.
It!i7, at 11 o'clock a. m, of said day at the south
door of the court house in Plattsmouth, iu said
county, sell at public auction, to the highest bid
der for cash, the following real estate to-wit:
Lots 11 and 12 (except that part deeded to Om
aha Southern Railway company) and lots 19 aud
. all in Orchard Hill the city of
Plattsmouth. and the south halt of kt in the
north-west quarter of the south-east quarter of
section H. township 1-. range 14. all in Cass
county. Nebraska, together with the privileges
and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in
anywise appertaining. The same being levied
upon and taken as the property of William
Neville. Defendant, to satisfy a judgment of said
court recovered by the Hamburger company,
plaintiffs, against Michael McGuire and William
Plattsniouth.JSebraska. June 25, A. I). IW.
Harvey Hoi.loway,
Sheriff. Cass county, Nebraska.
lleferec's Sale.
By virtue of an order of the district court of
Cass county. Nebraska, made inithe case of Ida
M. Adams, plaintiff, vs. Isabella KorHyth, Jacob
rorsytn, a. k. naams ana max i.civoy rveeier,
defendants, then and there pending, on the 14th
day of June A. D.. 1817. and directed to the un-
dt-rsiirtied as referees in Dartition in said suit.
commanding us to sell the north one half of the
southwest quarter ot section twenty-six CM) and
the northeast quarter of section twenty-seven C-"7
all in township ten (10) range nine ('.) east nf the
bth F. M.. in Cass county. IScbraska. we will sell
said Droncrtv on the 7th dav of August. A. D.
1'.7 at the south Iront door of the court house at
Plattsmouth. Nebraska, at eleven (11) o'clock
a. in. of said day, said sale to remain open one
hour. Said property Deing sold as tne property
of Ida M. Adams. Isabella rorsyth and Max I.e
koy Keefer. Said land will be sold at said time
and place to the highest bidder, cither for cash
or for one-fourth cash down and the balance in
three equal payments, payable iu one. tno and
three years respectively, from date of sale, d
fer'ed payments to bear 8 per cent interest "nd
to be secured by a tirst m jrtgage on said lana.
Samuel Wkstlake,
Henry Snoke, Jr..
John (J. Ai.ams.
Mockctt & Polk. Attorneys.
Notice of Sale. .
In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska
In the matter of the estate of David W. Wilier
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an
order of liasil S. Ramsey, judge of the district
court of Cass county, Nebraska, made on the tit h
day of February l!C.for the sale of thereal estate
hereinafter described, there will be sold at tha
south front door of the court house in Cass
county, Nebraska, on the 7th day of August, I K7,
at 11 o clock a. ni. ot said day, at public ven
due for cash, the following described real estate.
to-wit: 1 he south one-half of lot five ('.. in the
south-west quarter of the south-east quar
ter ol section twenty ('). town
ship twelve (12), range nine q, east of the sixth
P. M. containing five acres: the south one-half of
the southeast quarter and the south twenty acres
olthe north one- halt ot the southeast quarter, in
section thirty-three 33), township twelve 1 12).
range nine 9, east of the fith P. M., all in Cass
county, Nebraska. This sale is made subject to
twocertain mortgages upon said premises.
Said sale shall remain open one hour.
Dated this 6th day of July, lN(-7.
Mason E.
Administrator of the estate ol David W. Miller,
C.S. Polk. Attorney for Estate.
Probate Notice.
In county court, Cass county. Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Samuel A. Hol
brook. deceased.
Mrs. Fannie Appleton Lowell, Mrs iulia H.
Ad.liton and all other persons interested in said
matter are he eby notified that on the 14th day of
July. lt'7. R. B. Windham tiled iu said court a
ritilv authenticate.! ennv ol the last mill rf tin-
aid Samuel A. Holbrook. together with the pro
bate thereot. by the probate court ol Cumberland
county. Maine, together with his petition, alleg
ing among other things that Samuel A. Hol
brook died on the 24th day of August, A. I. IH9B.
leaving a last will and testament and possessed
of real estate situated in the county of Cass and
state of Nebraska, valued at tU.UH). and that the
above named constitute all the persons interested
in the estate of said deceased, and praying that
said will may be probated, allowed, hied and re
corded and that administration be granted there
under in misstate. 4 ou are hereby notified that
if vou fail to aDDcar at said court on the. II 1. .l-j.
of August. A. I. Iy7. at 2 o'clock p. m. to con
test the probate of said will, the court may a'low
and probate said will and grant administration
to William 1 Ixiwell. or some other suitable
person, and proceed to a settlement thereof.
W itness my hand and the seal of said court
at Plattsmouth. Ncl.rasLra tl.w vrtl. A-,-
of July. A. I. IS7.
George M. Spi'rlock.
ISeaiJ County Judge.
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska. )
County ol Cass. J '
In the matter of the estate
In County Court,
ol Susanna Thomas,
Notice is herein-
deceased will meet the administrator with will
annexed ot said estate, belore me. County Judge
of Cass cnunty. Nebraska, at the county court
room iu Plattsmouth ia said county, on the ild
day of August. A. I). lt7. on the 23d day of (lc
tobcr.18u7.and on the 21d dav ol t-Vhnia.v icm at
o'c'ock a.m. each day for the purpose of present
ing .. Linuin ii. r exaiiiinaiion.aaiusinieni ana
allowance. Six months are a'lowed for the credi
tors of said deceased to present their claims and
ope year for the admiuistra'or with will annexed
tile said estate, from the 23rd daj of Aurf-
' "all be published in -tile Semi-
'.'d for tour veeks successively,
. of August. 117...: .
r - -jijnl Coiiitvfimirf
at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this 27th day of
July. 1897,
Con George M.Sn-RLOCK,
tseal' County Judge.
Sheriff's Sale.
I3y virtue of an execution issued by George
F. Houseworth. cierk of district court within aud
for Casscountv. Nebraska, and to me directed, I
will on the 'JSth day of August A. D. 1W7, at 11
o'clock it. in. of said day, at the south door of the
court house in the city of I'lattsmouth, in said
county, sell at public auction, to the highest bid
der for cash, the following real estate to-wit:
The west hall of the north-east quarter of sec
tion 18, town 11. range 10. The South-east quar
ter of section 13, town It. range 9. also the east
half of the south-west quarter of section Hi. town
11. range 9. all in Cass county, Nebraska, to
gether with the privileges aud appurtenances
thereunto betouging or in anywise appertaining.
The same being levied upon and taken as the
property of Harvey K- Waldron, defendant, to
satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by the"
l.ank of Eagle, plaintiff, against P. F. and 11. K.
aldron, defendants.
I'lattsmouth, Nebraska. July 27th A. D . 1897.
Harvey Hoi.loway,
Sheriff. Cass county. Nebraska.
C. S. Piii.k, Attorney for Plaintiff.
Probate Notice.
In county court, Cass county, Nebraska. In
tho matter ol the estate of William W. Conn, de
ceased. arah Jane Clapp, F.lizabcth A. Abbott,
William M. Conn, Sena lames, and all other
persons interested in said matter, are hereby
notified that on the Ith day of July A. D. J-t7,
John F. i'o!k tiled a petition in said county court
praying that his final administration account
ti;cd herein be settled and allowed aud that he be
discharged Irom his trust as administrator,
and that if you fail to appear before said court
on the Pith day of August, 197, at 9 o'clock, a. m.
and contest said petition, the court may grant
the praver of said petition and make such other
and further orders, allowances and decrees as to
this court may seem proper, to the end that all
matters pertaining to said estate may be finally
settled and determined.
Witness my hand and the seal of said
court at I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, this, the i7th day
of July, A. D 1M7.
(Seal) Geokue M. Six' r lock.
County Judge.
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