Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, June 26, 1897, Image 4

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Second Anniversary Exercises
the L. M. L. A-
A Large Audience In Attendance At the
Hall, And Kery Nomber On the Pro
gram BrcelTed With Hearty Applae
t r-m-m And Cake Served After
the Conclusion Of the Program.
The members of the Loyal Mystic
Lac-ion of America maintained their
reputation as entertainers last even
ing at their second anniversary exer
cises in White's hall, which was com
fortably filled ' with an appreciative
The impromptu song by Mr. Eigen-
broadt. extolling the beauties of the I
t k n St 4
order, was received with storms of
...i.,... Thorn is more eood
terial to the square inch in Mr. Eigen-1
broadt than he ever before received
credit for.
Rev. W. J. Howard of Glenwood,
la., delivered a short address for the
good of the order, he being district
deDutv for the order in the western
part of Iowa.
Ida Pearlman sang a vocal solo very
sweetly, and was enthusiastically ap- j
The song, Mary of Argyle," was
well-rendered bv Mrs. H. W. Fitt of
Omaha. A single performance is suf
ficient to demonstrate the fact that
she has studied because of love for the
art. Her ease in sustaining tones is
noteworthy, and freedom from osten
tation very commendable. She grac
iously responded to an encore
The recitation of "The Brave Cabin
Boy" by Miss Nettie Waybright
called forth the applause it merited.
while Dr. Humphrey also found him
self under a pressing request for a
second solo on the flute.
Edna and May Petersen sang "In
the Starlight." These little girls
have sweet voices, and show careful
training and great taste for music,and.
with Charlie Petersen, played a trio
on the piano which pleased the audi
ence very much.
The duett, ,k4Larboard Watch," sung
by Messrs. Ebinger and Lutz, was
rendered with great taste, and later
Mr. Ebiuger sang "The Idol of My
Heart," which was well received.
Prof. Beck rendered a violin solo in
hta tiann.1 ntaoelnv manna and rtia
string orchestra deserves high praise
both for the taste displayed by the
various members and the manner in
which they played their parts
Ice cream and cake was served to all
in the G. A. R. hall adjoining, which
was enjoyed for its special delicacy.
The committee desires to express
their sincere thanks to those who
were instrumental in making their
entertainment a success, and particu
larly to the High school band, who
played several pieces to a delighted
Wedded Forty-Two Tear.
Forty-two years ago yesterday in
the Buckeye state, Allen Beeson and
Miss Eliza F. McDonald were married.
They afterwards moved to Iowa,and
seventeen years ago they moved to this
county, where Mr. Beeson has built
up an enviable reputation as a lawyer,
Last evening several of the neighbors
and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Beeson
called at their cosy home in the
north-west part of the city and en
joyed a most pleasant social evening,
Mr. Beeson related happenings of the
early days replete with interest and ef
course told a few stories as he some
times does. Nice refreshments were
served and a deughtiul evening waB
spent. The News, in common with
their multitude of friends, wishes Mr,
and Mrs. Beeson many more happy
anniversaries of their wedding day.
Doing, m Grand Work.
Rev. Fred Warren, formerly of this
city, is now doing evangelical work in
Thayer county, and in speaking of
him and his work, the Hebron Jour
nal says:
"We hare been having revival
meetings at Liberty for the past two
weeks. Elder Warren ol JNuckols
county, as evangelist, who is a very
flnent and interesting speaker, has
been doing a grand work for the Lord,
Last Sunday Elder Warren baptized
twenty converts, and Wednesday of
this week six more. The meetings
are something marvelous. People at
tend them from distant points in the
county, and so interesting are they
tuti ine you d ir men leave coin ouax-
ness and pleasure to attend."
In a letter to relatives in this city
Fred states that when he completes
his meeting at that place he has calls
to conduct three more meetings in
different parts of the county.
- 1
Free Pills.
Send your address to H. E. Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a free sample
box of Dr. King's New Life Pill. A
trial will convince you of their merits.
. xnese puis are easy in action and are
particularly effective in the cure of
constipation and Sick Headache. For
Malaria and Liver troubles they have
been proved invaluable. They are
guaranteed to be perfectly free from
every deleteriaus substance and to be
purely vegetable. They do not weaken
by their action, but by giving tone to
stomach and bowels greatly invigor
ate tne system, tteguiar size 250, per
box. Sold by F.G.Fricke, druggist. 4
Great Shirt Bargain at Harold's.
Twenty-five dozen Men's Fancy
Bosom Madras Percale and Soft Body
nuts worm irom 40 cents to i.ju
your choice for 49 cents. This beats
the recent "hat" bargain,
Uncle Harrison Smith, residing this
. aide of Rock Bluffs, says be lives to
near Plattsmouth for his own good.
Neighbors to the south of him enjoyed
a good rain but his crops are still in
need of moisture.
Log Rolling.
The Modern Woodmen are arrang
ing for a big picnic at Patterson's
park on Saturday, July 8.
C. A. Marshall. Dentist.
Subscribe for The News.
Eat Mrs. Morning's ' home-made
Fresh t-wberries every mormnp
at Weckbach & Co.
Insure in the German American.
Fred Ebinger, Agent.
R. B. Windham is enjoying a visit
from bis father this week.
Merchants lunch every day from
9 to 11 o'clock at Donate, in Stadel-
man block.
Girl wanted to do general house
work. Enquire at residence 01 J. Al.
You will find the most complete
etock, and the best bargains at Ebd
BLOOM'S Drug Store.
I Choice home-made bread, also rye,
ma-land Halt risincr bread, at Bennett &
Tutt's, or Mrs. E. J. Cooper's.
We don't sell at cost,but we are giv
ing great bargains. Call and investi
gate. Hedbloom, the druggist.
Louis Ottnat is prepared to do. first-
class carriage painting. None but first
class jobs wanted. South Sixth street.
Guy Loder, of Greenwood, and Miss
Jennie Maston, of Kansas, took out a
permit to wed at Lincoln, yesterday.
District oourt will convene Saturday
morning and during the day. Judge
Ramsey expects to adjourn sine die
for the term.
Any responsible party wishing to
adopt a little girl 4 years old may
apply to the county commissioners for
Jim Sage's record smasher, and
Byron Clark's time annihilator, ought
to join in a speedy bout at the fair
grounds. The two horses if driven by
their owners would draw a good crowd.
W. J. Bryan is making barrels of
money by speaking at chautaugua as
semblies. He spoke yesterday at
Carthage, Mo., where quite a demon-'
stration waa made in his honor.
M. N. Griffith, a former resident of
this city, where he is well known, his
wife being a daughter of Dr. Shipman,
is the delighted father of a new girl
that arrived at bis house in Omaha
the first of the week.
Croup and whooping cough are
childhood's terrors; but like pneu
monia, bronchitis,, i.nd other throat
and lung troubles, can be quickly
cured by using One Minute Cough
Cure. F. G. Fricke & Co.
There's no better flour made than
Feisel's "Plansifter," manufactured
in this city. Ask your grocer for it,
and thereby get the best and sup
port a home industry at the same time,
which builds up the town.
Not only acute lung troubles, which
may prove fatal in a few days, but old
chronic coughs and throat troubles
may receive immediate relief and be
permanently cured by One Minute
Cough Cure. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Whenia cold is contracted, cure it
at once at once. One Minute Cough
Cure will set youon the road to re
covery in a minute. It will cure pneu
monia, bronchitis, croup and all forms
of lung and throat troubles. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
It should be made a matter of public
knowledge that DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve will speedily cure piles of
the longest standing. It is the house-
bold favorite for burns, scalds, cuts,
bruises and sores of all kinds. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
When the spring time comes, "gen
tle Annie," like all other sensible
persons, will cleanse the liver and re
novate the system with DeWitt's
Little Early Risers, famous little pills
for the stomach all the year round.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
The Epworth League of this city
will hold its business and social meet
ing this evening, June 25, at the
pleasant home of Mrs. Laura Peter
sen on West Main street. All young
people whether members or not are
cordially invited to attend this meet
Ernest Boehmer, uncle of Mrs. Louis
Dose, residing at Norfolk, Neb., and
Fred Engelkmeier, residing out near
Louisville, start tonight at 5:30 for
Baltimore, from which port they will
sail for Bremen June 80 on the
steamer Willehead for their old home
in Germany.
The morning freight train ,,from
Creston to Omaha used , to carry a
great deal of tock, but now one eel
dom sees more than one or two oars
on that train. The South Omaha fel
lows Bhould wake up and not allow
Chicago and Kansas City to take busi
ness from their doors.
At age of abstaining from
the use of one five cent cigar each day
and investing this saving in a policy
issued by the Northern Life associa
tion, you can purchase two thousand
dollars in protection for your wife and
babies. Jas. H. Thrasher. Aeent.
412 Main Street.
Superintendent of Motivo Power D.
Hawksworth, wife, and son, Fred, re
turned this week from a visit at Old
Point Comfort, South Carolina, wnere
a meeting of motive power men from
all over the country was held.' They
enjoyed tne trip very much, and Mr.
Hawksworth seems greatly improved
from his sojourn on the coast.
W. D. Jones is grieving today over
the loss of one of his fine gray horses.
It breaks up his nice four-horse match
team, also his best hack team. The
animal seemed to have gotten some
thing in its throat about two weeks
ago. The best vetrinarian Id the
state was called in, but nothing could
be done, and the faithful servant died
last night. Mr. Jones is badly broken
up today over the loss, which he can
.not well replace.
A Million Dollar Packing Mouse to d
Erected at South Omaha at Once.
While several of the great packers
bae bouses in South Omaha, one of
the largest and wealthiest firms in the
United States has heretofore confined
his operations to Chicago and Kansas
City, that of P. D. Armour & Co.
Armour is called king of the packers.
He purchased nineteen acres of
ground, and it is said will build a
plant at once at a cost of one million
dollars, which will furnish employ
ment to 2,000 men. The bringing of
so much capital to Nebraska is a great
event for western people.
The location of this plant, however.
will be of greatest good on account of
the improvement it will make on the
market, with the increased demand
for Nebraska hogs and cattle.
Preliminary work has already be
gun, and ere long the McKinley wave
of prosperity will be so strong; that
the voice of the croaker ana malcon
tent will be hushed. .
The sugar factory, to cost with ma
chinery, a full half million dollars, is
also an assured fact for South Omaha,
which seems just now to be at' the
head of the procession.
Aa Excellent Hong Recital.
A large number of friends of the
Plattsmouth members of Miss Lillian
Terry's class in vocal music went to
Omaha yesterday to attend the recital
given in St. Mary's Avenue Congrega
tional church. Everyone in attend
ance'was highly pleased with the enter
tainment, and especially with the pro
gress the Plattsmouth tne rubers had
made, the rendition of their parts be
ing the equal of any on the program.
The members of tho class from this
city are: Miss Clara Street, Miss
Klla Clark, Miss Dora Swearingen and
Mrs. T. P. Livingston. Mrs. J. K.
Keithley of Weeping Water is also a
member and performed her part in a
creditable manner last night. There
were twenty-eight numbers on the pro
erram. tne whole beincr listened to
with the utmost interest.
Pot a Stop to rain.
Rheumatism, Neuralgia and other
painful afflictions are now as easily
cured as they were once hard to cure.
Science has learned what pain is and
Ballard's Snow Liniment is the result
Cures strains, cuts, bruises stiff joints
and contracted muscles. Penetrates to
the very bone and relieves almost
from tho moment it touches. When a
liniment is needed, you owe it to your
self to get the best. The dealer is
authorized to guarantee this one.
Price 50 Cents. Sold by F. G. Fricke
& Co
Or Interest to Ladles.
I have taken the agency for the La
dies Taylor Dress Cutter. It is taught
in a very short time. Ladies who live
in the country are requested to call
and learn. It cuts French Darts and
Eaton Jackets. Terms reasonable.
Parlors over Herold's store.
Cora M. Alexander.
Children's Underwear.
25 cents a dozen, all sizes. 407
dozen of children's gauze underwear,
worth 60 cents a dozen, for 25 cents
a dozen at Wm. IIerold & SON.
Personal The gentleman who an
noyed the congregation last Sunday
by continually coughing will find in
stant relief by use One Minute Cough
Cure, a speedy and harmless remedy
for throat and lung troubles. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Sewing Machine Supplies.
W.L. Street has purchased the Sin
ger Sewing Machine supplies of Mr
Trillity, and will keep a full line.
next door to M. S. Briggs' barber
shop, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Icet Icel Icel
H. C McMaken & Son are now
prepared to deliver mice, clear ice to
any part of the city.
Board of Equalization.
Notice of the sitting of the city council of Platts
mouth. Nebraska, as a board of canalization.
Notice is hereby given that the city council of
Plattsmouth. Nebraska, will sit as a board of
equalization at the council chambers in the city
ot Plattsmouth, Nebraska, upon the 14th dayot
July, A D, 1897, at b o'clock p m of said day, for
the purpose of equalizing the following assess
ments lor sidewalks, repairs thereof and other
special assessments upon the following abutting
tors in saia ciiy, io-wii:
Lots 3, 4. 5. 0 and 7, block 11, Thompson addi
tion, $15 34,
Lot 1. block 95; lot 1. block 9, White's addition
9 45.
Lot 6, block 8. $3 27,
Lots 1 and 2, block 40, Young and Hays addi
tion, $7 33.
Lot 1. block 12, $10 18.
Lot 13. block 47, $13 80.
Lots 5 and S. block 23. Sit 85.
Lots 1. 2. 3, and 4, block 34, Young and Hays
auuiuou. cm.
Lot 8. block 138. $4 77,
Lot 7, block 40. $4 37.
Lots 3 and 4. block 109, $4 28,
- Lot Block 3. Thompson addition. S31 54
Abutting lot owners will take notice and hie
any objections they may have to said assessments
with the city clerk of the city of Plattsmouth.
Nebraska, on or before Tuesday, uly 6, Al)
Dated this 14th day of June. A D 1897.
John A Gutsche, Mayor.
Attest: B C Kerr.City Cleric
Estimate of Expenses,
Notice is hereby eiven that the Mtimninrf .
penses of the City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, lor
me iisim year uwuiuiug aionaay, August . A
D. 1897. are as follows:
r or expense ot mayor and council . .. . $
For expense of city clerk and city treas
urer ..
For expense of city attorney
For expense of printing
For expense of boarding prisoners
For expense of streets and grading
For expense of tire hydrant rental
For expense ot gas and electric light....
For expense of hre and water
For expense of Incidentals -
For exDense ot Darks
650 00
600 00
250 00
200 00
100 00
250 00
4.250 00
2.MJU 00
200 00
400 (10
225 00
For expense of interest on B & M bonds 2,261 50
For expense of interest on Kearton
bonds....... 1.846 47
For expense of interest on High school
bonds 4.245 00
For expense of storm water sewer bonds 3,250 00
For expense of interest on intersection
paving bonds 600 00
For expense of interest on Omaha
Southern bonds 2,400 00
Total, including interest... $28,147 97
There has been received into the city treasury
of the city of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, the follow
ing sums from all sources during the year ending
June 1, 1S97, to-wit: . .
From county treasurer.-?. . .7.' $ 23 076 56
From business tax (clerk) $28 (treas- '
urer) $3.323.43 . 1 eaS o 35. 33
From secretary school board school
fund. ............... .... 10680 47
From licenses-$3.000. fines $59.75. 3.059 75
Prom district paving No. 1.... "? 109 16
From district paving No. 1.... " "339 70
From county fund (clerk)... 128 90
From dog fund (clerk) '.. 13 50
From gas light Co. (clerk) V.'.'.'.Y. 2.892 01
- Total receipts .". Jlo.esf 3
TP,aJed and PPro" this 14th day of Tune, A.
aV?7". n n v J0"? A. Gutsche. Mayor.
Attest: B. O. Kerb, Citj Clerk.
S urprise
Is often shown on the faces of people
rayed in one of our new, stylish, spring
lish and fortunate wearer where he got
find thai dressy and stylish suits in
Our all Wool Cheviot 6uits at $5 and $0 tire models of perfection. For S10 we
can give you your selection from twenty-five different style of suits made
from the choicst fabrics, perfect Cttingr
We have just received our first shipment of Straw Hat?, and can fit any
sized head from the smallest to the extra large. A peep in our window will
assure you that we are The Hatters of
Family Health,
Yes, the health and strength of
tho very nation itself depends on the
quality of the groceries it eats. There
is no nourishment, no health, in poor
groceries; "very often there is sick
ness. Careful housekeepers buy their
groceries from A. H. Weckbach & Co.
They know he keeps only the pure,
the wholesome that no adulterated
goods ever enter or leave his door.
They know that unless groceries are
absolutely first-class they cannot pos
sibly be cheap.
High Art Shoes.
What lady does not know
that the most conspicuous, the
most important, and the most
attractive part of dress are neat
fitting, artistic shoes. Without
such shoes the whole effect of
other dress is spoiled. Only at
Fetzer's can such shoes be had,
shoes that attract, impress,
and show the wearer's taste.
They cost you no more, pernaps
less than even, the slip-shod
e-oods some people are seen to
Joseph Fetzer.
North Side Main Street.
Try Allen's Foot-Kase.
A powder to be shaken into the
shoes. At this season your feet feel
swollen and hot, and get tired easily.
If you have smarting feet or tight
shoes try Allan's Foot-Ease. It cools
the feet and manes walking easy.
Cures and prevents swollen aud
sweating feet, blisttrs and callous
spots. Relieves corns and bunions of
all pain and gives rest and comfort.
Try it today. Sold by all druggists
and shoe stores for 25c. Trial pack
age free. Address Allen S. Olmsted,
Le Roy, N. Y.
Unconditional surrender is the
only terms those famous little pills
known as Do Witt's LittleEarly
Risers will makewith-rjonstipation,
sick headache and stomach troubles.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Tho prize winner now is "Wurl
Bro9.' " famous 5-cent cigar, which
has no equal on the market. It has
forged its way to the front against
keen competition and is now one of
the best sellers in eastern Nebraska,
because it is made from the finest to
bacco, carefully selected. The "Porto
Reco" is our best 10-cent cigar. Re
member Otto Wurl. Manufacturer.
t 4
r ' IlK-Rflfll
who Bee an up-to-date gentleman ar
suits. lie feels like asking the sty
it. We wish he would, for he would
Plattsmouth are bought of -Joe & Frank
and made in thn height of fashion.
The Casino Saloon
I'ure Imported Wines and Whiskies,
and that queen of all medi
cines Malt-Nutrine.
Just a Sip
Will tell the whole story. A
taste is enough to distinguish the old
stock we carry from the cheap stuff
some people allow the sharp dealer
to palm off on them. Our stock of
wines and liquors is carefully selected
and we pride ourselves on the flavor
and general excellence of everythtug
we offer.
PHIL THIEROLF, Proprietor.
Jfcttei Long Troubles, Debility, distntalng stonaefc m&
tem.lilli, and la noted for miking nuts when all otluc
imiuy. ..-t t iinwiirr mnu mvaiKi Motua nave it.
Cleanee and beautifies t
Promote a luxuriant gn
Mover Tails to Hector
Cure tcaip dimaea it hair talii
ePcand 1j0U at DruipriaM
H.4 4t VMithfnl
HIMDERCORNS The only anra Curt for
Conu- Stop ail pain. Makes vaikuig cao. lc at Druggiau.
On a red hot
day Hires !
Rootbeer :
stands be
tween you
and the dis- ''
tressing ef
fects of the heat.
cools the blood,
tones the stom
ach, invigorates
the body, fully
satisfies the thirst. ,
A delicious, spark
ling, temperance
drink of the high
est medicinal value.
Hade only by
Ths Cbarlaa K. Hires Cs.t Phils.
A package makee 5 ralloss.
Doia every vaera.
Leading Liveryman.
The best of rigs furnished stall hours anJ his
prices are always reasonable. 'I he most
convenient boarding stable fur lar
mers in the city.
Take Notice.
All parties indebted to me will
please call at A. H. Weckbach &
Go's, store and make eettlemer.t as
soon as possible. Old accounts must
he squared up.
Melchior Soennichsen.
I r " X
Infant's, Misses',
They are Right in Price, Style and Fit.
MUbes' Lace Chocolates from $1.10 un. .Solid leather.
Misses Button Mahogany, black trimmed, a beauty, L7," up
Our Misses' Mahogany stray bow are ponch-a-iirens.
Ladies' Oxfords
All colors and toes from SI. 10 lo $2 1h.
' It is useless to waste space on on-
Men's Ox-Bloods
and Chocolates fiJS
From $2.85 up. See them weM do
SAY, ROYS, come und seo our OX-BLOODS and toll your
Ma about them. Thoy are beauties and wear like an anvil.
We don't say you tire imbecile because you don't buy our
shoes, but all we ask of you is to drop in and 8ee our Sum
mer novelties. Fine line Infant's soft soles. Repairing a
Robert Sherwood,
FOOT MILLINER. One Door West Weckbach's.
A lady is well dressed only when every detail is carefully at
tended to. There is no more important than hats. Oijr nats are always at
tractive. Better to purchase where the line is first-class and extensive.
Our stock compromises the best shapes only and they are marked to the
right price, etc.
Special Sale
All this week on trimmed hats at heavy
reduction in prices as we wish to reduce our
stock. Over one hundred to selectfrom if you
call early. Remember the place.
North Side MainQStreet.
A Stove For
The Poor, the Rich, all buy it, and I. PEARL-
MAN, theSole Agent in this city, sells it.
if We refer to the
Insurance Gasoline Stove
as safe as a wood stove. If you will call we will rrove it. eSFour
teen sold in one mooth, and each purchaser delighted.
Lower Main St,
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry
No. 40A Main Street.
Life Insurance
Bankers' Life Ass'n
Gives Insurance at Cost.
The payment of policies is backed by assets of
2.4UJ,G00.0U. Average Cost (or the past
ten years at the age of 35 is $7 54
per thousand. Other ages
in proportion.
Jas. Patterson, Jr., Special Agt.
Office In Bank of Cass County.
Some nice switches for sale at
Dovey's, and orders for all kinds of
hair work promptly attended to. I
will be here only a short time. Mrs.
A. H. Knee.
Got 'Em.
Youth's and Boys'
tho rest.
The Million
Opposite Court House.
(Special notice under this head will be
chargeo for hi themte of crnt par word
each Insertion.)
M 1st' K LI. A N KOl'H.
ANTED A girl t do general housework.
Apply at oilice ot K. B. Windham.
lOUNO Two keys. The owner can have same
by calling and paving ,l,r this notice.
LOST An envelope opener, silver blade with
agate handle. J he finder may leave same at
News office and will be duly rewarded.
FOK SALE A good milch cow, giving milk
now. For particulars call on W. 1). lones. at
livery stable on Main street.
FOK ALr. OK IKAPE -On account of
sickness I will rent, sell or tra.le mv hntl in
Union tor a small Diece of imrjmveil nrom-rtv
near Plattsmouth. suitable tor tin- rx.nlirv Just
ness. Address A. K. Smith, care Hotel Smith.
L nion, neo.
HORsES and cattle taken for choice blue-grass
and clover pasturing. Plenty oi running water.
Kates reduced to M per season oi hve months.
Apply to H. W. beaver on the premises near
Cullom or address Cedar Creek.