W: KIM ERAJLB MR NEW?, Establshed Nov. 5.1891. 'consolidated l..i HE I1EUALL), Established April 10. 1864. fUOn9llaalea Jan' 1S95- PLATTSMOUTH, NEB., JUNE 26, 1897. VOL. V. NO. 81. Semi lEWS V i f HARTLEY FOUND GUILTY. Jury In the Hartley Case Urlngs In Ver tli t Of tiutlty of Kml-lment. 'i h Bat ticy jury re.tched a verdict at K):,5 o'clock yesterday morning, after heiug nl niuee 5:30 p. ra. Mon day. Tho verdict found iho defend ant guilty, wa charged in the third count of vho information, of convert ing money of tho statu lo his own use as nn individual while holding the office of btnto treasurer, trie amount of t.he om!iezz,;lment lelng Cxed at Sirl,fe81.4'i. Nuurly twenty minutes was con sumed in notifying the defendant and h ia attorneys iind getting them into court. After the verdict was read by clerk I'Yank the jury was polled at the request of defendant's attorneys, and each member of the jury, as his name wa. called, answered "ves" to the question, "Is this and was it your ver dict?" Tho defendant has three days with in which to file a motion for a new trial, and the hearing on this motion will undoubtedly be had before court udiourns for the term.- In case the motion is overruled sentonce will be passed, and this will unquestionably he followed bv an appeal to the supreme court with a request that the defendant be released on bond, pend ing the decision of the supreme court. Three For Acquittal. It was learned that on the fi'st bal lot after the jury retired Monday night the jury stood nine to three, the three being for acquittal. It is stated on good authority that the three men who voted for acquittal were John W. Stiles. Charles Tompsett and Christ Stieyer. The last ballot yesterday morning, before a verdict was reached stood eleven to one, the man who held out being Christ Steiger, who is re ported to have said he would stand out lor acquittal until hades froze over. Tho amount of money which Hartley is convicted of embezzling is probably reached by giving Bartlett credit for tho $.VI,imm) which ho claimed to have checked into the general fund from his private account in the Omaha Na tional Bank. The amount of money he was accused of embezzling was $20I,S4.0o and it appears that a slight error was made in the computation, making the figures in the "cents" column "4o" instead of "05." Hartley Uoen to Jail. After the verdict of the jury had been entered in tho record Judge Baker issued an order releasing Bart ley's boni for his appearance in eourt and remanded him to jail to await sentence. This proceeding was some thing of a surprise to the defendant and his attorneys and they promptly tool; an exception to the order of the court, but Hartley was turned over to Sheriff McDonald and about noun he was taken to the county jail and plac ed under the charge of the county jailer. SAVAGELY BITTEN BY A DOG. Pearl Welly, One of ''The News" Carrier Hoy. Beverly Injured. Yesterday evening, Pearl Weld, the 10 jear-o!d eoi of Mr. Weldy, the electric light man, started out with a bundle of evening papers which he carries in tho 5th ward. Dave Young was driving out that way and the boy was given a ride. On arriving near the McConkcy place, tho boy got out to start on his round, when ha was set up u by the black cur dog belonging to Mr. MeConkey and was seriously bitten. The vicious animal grabbed the buy alvo tho kueo on the back part of his limbs and sunk his teeth deep into the flesh, in one placo tear ing out and devouring a large piece. Both limbs were torribly lacerated and the boy would unquestionably have been killed had not Mr. Young looked hack ajd hurried to tne Bcene in time lo b3at liie blood thirsty brute off. lie loaded tho boy into the wag on, took h'm homo, and Dr. S child tnocht was called who soon had the wounOs nicely di eased. Mr. Weldy went after tne dog and it was soon found and was dispatched with the consent of Mr. McConke3r. The 1'olire Kept Huny. - The police had a joyous time last night. Two specials were sworn in, and as a result of their industry, five distu'-bers ef the peace were gathered in. Johu Carnts was arrested on a charge of disturbing the peace. He was tried, found guilty and fined $5 and costs, amounting to SI 3. 70. He was sent to jail, but about midnight concluded to pay his fine and was re leased. Kit Birdcall and Gid Archer were found guiity and assessed $10 and costs each, amounting to $15.30. Their fine was klittlo larger on account of obs t r o pc ro u jC4 i d u c t . - Cliff Beiiier and Ross Little pleaded guilty nd wera given t5 and costs each, amounting to 10.30, which they -" will board out. Kenred Again.' In the Ingwerson-Harshman case, tried by C'liapiuaa while on the bench, an appeal was tnken to his allow ance of $75 to A. N. Sullivan and the supremo court again reversed the noted jurUt. If any of Chapman's decision are found to be correct, we will call atteation to the fact. IN HLMORT OF JOSEPH FLANS BURGH By his comrade, C. W. Green. At rest, at rest in peace with God, One comrade more beneath the sod: From labor called to heavenly rest, lie now will be with Christ a guest. At rest, sweet rest, with God in peace. Where all is well and joys increase; Our comrade's gone from mortal sight To gain the throng of saints in light. At rest, at rest from every foe A It in to earth that augured woe; From company "H" and native heath He mustered out to wear a wreath. At rest, at rest for evermore. From battle strife and trials sjre; He's called away from earthly ties To join the friends up in the skis. At rest, at rest from years of pain. That's crystalized in sweet refrain; His foul did rise and soar away And left behind the mortal clay. A t rest, at rest for evermore. To be with one just gone before: To walk the streets all paved with gold And clasp the hand with saints enrolled. At rest, at rest the body lies. 'Till Christ shall come and bid it rise; And with the blest we'll meet again. With garments washed of every stain. WOMAN ASSAILED BY AN EAGLE. An Aged Lady Near Council Bluffs Has a Desperate Encounter. Word came from Honey Creek, near Council Bluffs yesterday, says the Omaha Bee, that Mrs. Martenson, nearly 70 yean old, had a desperate encounter with an immense eagle, and received injuries that her friends fear will prove fatal. Mrs. Martenson was working in her garden about the middle of the afternoon end was in a 6tooping posture at her work When the eagle swooped down and fastened its talons in her back, and spread its broad wings in a desperate effort to carry her off bodily. The woman shrieked with pain and fright, and be gan a desperate fight with the hugh bird.; The eagle showed no disposi tion to release its hold, although the woman hit it a number of blows with her hoe by striking backward over her shoulders. The blows only seemed to madden it, and it buried its beak repeatedly in the flesh of her neck and face. She finally -succeeded in deliv ering a blow with ber hoe that struck the big bird on the Deck and partially stunned it and the eagle flew away. Mrs. Martenson fell to the ground in a dead faint, and remained there un til she was found sometime after by members of the family. Tha eagle has been seen in the vi cinity a Dumber of times. Several farmers have gone gunning for the bird, but have never been able to get within rifle range of it. Those who have seen it say i.t is a golden eagle, the largest of the family of the king of birds, that cla'ins no particular spot on earth as its home, but mi grates from one country to another. Another explanation of its presence in this vicinity is the theory that it has escaped from captivity somewhere and being hungry made a mistake in picking out an adult human being in stead some of the farm stock upon which it had been feeding, and had not discovered the difference until it had fastened its talons in Mrs. Mor ten son's back. An Interesting: Service. We attended the festival of corpus Christ! at the Catholic Bohemian church, of Plattsmouth, Sunday last. Entering the jhurch we found the in side beautifully decorated with branch es a', forest trees, in fact it reminded us of being in a forest grove. The altar was loaded from top to bottom with rare pot flowers ; and beautiful roses and nowers oi ait description, a veritable flower garden, and about fifty burning candles mixed among the flowers made a eight to behold Precisely at 10 o'clock the Catholic society headed by the Bohemian band marched from their hall to the church High mass was celebrated by the Rev. Borr, who also preached an excellent sermon. The church choir with Miss J and a as organist, excelled them selves After mass the procession formed, some forty young girls with little baskets full of flowers headed the procession strewing the flowers all over the church. They were fol lowed by the St. Agnes and St. Mary society of young ladies. After this Rev. Borr dressed in Benediction robes carrying the remonstrance with the blessed sacriment enclosed by eight altar boys dressed in their surplices of black and white. Next inline came the Saint James, Saint John, and the Catholic workmen societies with their beautiful banners and dressed in their regalias. The procession marched through the isles of the church, the bell ringing, the organ accompanied by half a dozen brass instruments and some twenty singers joined in the singing of "Tandum Ergo," the bene diction nynm. It was a solemn and a I ?rand scece which had to bo foen to be appreciated. After benediction tho services closod and the societies marched to their halt, the band lend ing. The church was crowded to over flowing with worshipers, standing room could not be obtained. List of Letters. Remaining uncalled for at tho post office at Plattsmouth, June 10, 1897: Ethers Henry. Hepner E., Jones C. I).. Lacy L. V. Manley J. P.. Switzer Juhn. Smith George S., Snyder Dora. Advertised list, June 23. 1897. When calling for any of the above letters please say "advertised." W. K. Fox, P. M. If vou want to buy or dl Platts mouth property, seeT. H. Pollock. Cyclone In Kansas. Kansas City, June 24. A special to the Star from Salina, Kan., says: News has just reached here of a terri fic cyclone which passed fifteen miles northwest of this city about 10:30 o'clock last night. As far as beard from three are dead and a number dangerously injured. The dead are: Mrs. Anna Geesy,aged 34;Nola Geesy, aged 13, and Ida Geesy, aged 9. Four members of this family are also hurt. Geesy was away from home. The remainder of the family had re tired, and when the storm struck they made for the cave. Before thev had gotten out of the house, however, the tornado had destroyed it. The work of destruction was not known till morning, when neighbors found the dead and injured members of the family lying about in the debris. The three dead were found about fifty feet west of the house and near them the baby, alive, but buried to her waist in dirt. The other three were found some distance west of the house. A 2 x 4 scantlirg was driven through one of Mrs. Geesy's legs. The bodies were removed to the house of Mrs. Dean, the mother of Mrs. Geesy. At Mrs. Story's, a half mile east of the Geesy place,the family were sleep ing in a stone basement with a frame unright part The framework was blown away and the timber blown onto the family below, but none of them were killed. The stonework was uninjured. At. G. W. Morris' the kitchen was torn down and a grove of trees leveled to the ground. The track of the storm was narrow, but very winding. It tore down three sides of the Geesy pasture fence without passing through the middle of it. After leaving here it divided, part going west and part go ing north. There are rumors of other casualties, but particulars are meager. Texas Buffalo Herd Relocated. San Antonio, Tex.,June 22. Ebon R. Berdowe, a sheep man of Piesido tOinty, arrived here today and said that two of bis herders have discov ered the herd of wild buffaloes that has been reported from time to time during the past four years to be feed ing in almost impenetrable valleys bordering on the Rio Grande. He states that the herd is now in the ex treme southern part of Buchel county and that it numbers between Beventy and eighty bead, including Beveral calves. This herd was first discovered four years ago by a Mexican ranchman, as reported in the "Globe Democrate" at the time, and has been seen by a num ber of different persons since then. Two years ago Dr. J. B. Taylor, a wealthy stockman, organized an expe- j dition to go after the buffaloes and round them up and place them in cap tivity on his ranch in Tom Green county. Just as all arrangements were completed and the expedition about to start Dr. Taylor met with an accident which resulted in his death, and the project was dropped. Now that the herd has been seen and lo cated again, it is likely that another party will be made up to capture the animals. Robinson-Kent. Tred O. Robinson, one oi the best of Plattsmouth's boys was married today at 3:30 p. m. in the parlors of the Hotel Plattsmouth io Miss Mollie Kent, Rev. H. B. Burgess officiating. Miss Kent was an attache at the Riley hotel for years, and is fully de serving of a kind husband. The newly wedded pair departed on tho evening train for Omaha and in a few days they will return and settle down in Plattsmouth. The News extends hearty congratulations and best wishes. Coaghft Relieved at Once And every bit of relief is a part of a cure that will stay a cure. Use Bal lard's Horehound Syrup and note how quickly you are cured and how well you feel afterward. Specific also for whooping cough and croup. John Coffin, Kirwin, Kans., says: "When. I began to use Ballard's Horehound Syrup for consumption the doctor had said that I would die in a few days. Am now upand around. Have do mora pain in chest or lungs." Price 25 and 60 Cts. No benefit, no pay. Sold by F, G. Fricke & Co. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts. burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe ver sores, tetter, chappep hands, chil blains, corns, and all skin eruptions. and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Pyice 25 cents per box. For - pale by F. G. Fricke. Choice Home-Made Bread. For nice, sweet, light, Graham,Rye Boston Brown or Salt Rising Bread also Cakes, Cookies, Doughnuts, et give us your orders and same will be delivered at your home or you will find a good supply at Hatt's market, Mrs. MoRNiwa. Thirty years is a long time to Sght so painful a trouble as piles, but Jacob Mitchell, of Unionville, P.., struggled that long before he tried DeWitt Witch Hazel Salve, which quickly and permanently cured him. It is equally effective in eczema and all skin affections. F. G. Fricke & Co. Subscribe for tha News. INFORMATION AND OPINIONS. The light rains which eastern Ne braska has been receiving lately serve to greatly encourage the farmers, and it is now thought that fair crops will bo harvested. A singular thing is that all parts of the 6tate except the extreme eastern iortion received fre quent and copious rains wniio tne farmers of eastern Nebraska were sweating and praying for rain other parts of tho state wore receiving an abundance of moi6tura Although the rtuns receiveih in these parts 1 8.V3 been very light, yet the - indication? are that more will follow. Frank Dili, of Curtis, wa9 bitten by a tarantula while handling a bunch of bananas, lie experienced no serious results. A'.abnma has lost its giant, who was seven feet two incnes tan. it is con siderately stated that he bad a dread of snake bite.' and used the antidote too freely i.! anticipation. The True Remedy.. W. M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa, III., Chief," says: "We won't keep house without Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, cough and colds. Ex perimented - with many others, but ever got the true remedy until we used Dr. King's New Discovery. No other remedy can take its place in our home, as in it we have a certain and sure cure for coughs, colds. Whooping cough, etc." It is idle to experiment with other remedies, even if they are urged on you as just as good as Dr. King's New Discovery. They are not so good, because this remedy has a record of cures and be sides is guaranteed. Tt never fails to satisfy. Trial bottles free at F. G. Frleke's drg store. 4 Ths LUrr Keeps People Well. When the Liver is sluggish all other organs are involved. You suffer from Constipation, Billiousnese, Jaundice, Headache, Indigisn, Pain in Back, Chills and Loss of Energy. You will never know how promptly these troubles can be cured until you use Herbine. It cures quickly when other remedies utterly fail. Regulates the Liver, Purifies the Blood. Herbine is Harmless Vegetable Remedy that gives new life and energy almost from the first dose. Price 75 cents. Free trial bottle at F. G. Fricke & Co. Letter From a Dealer. Hotel Delmonico, Siienandoaii, Ta., June 1, 1S97. Mr. Julins Pepper borg, PlatUaiouth, Nob j Dear Sir: Your express package of 500 Buds ci gars received, and will say this much for them: They sell better two- to one than any other 5 cent cigar I handle, and have customers who come three blocks for them' The only word can say against them is they hurt my 10-cont trade. Respectfully yours. H. A. Meek. See original of this letter at Tep- perberg's office. . SlOO Reward UIOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science ha been able to cure in all its stares, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure the only positive cure known to tne meaicai fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken inmrnaiiv. acung uiret-uy upon the blood and mucous surfaces ol the sys tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, ana giving tne patient strength dy uuiiu ing up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much taith in its curative powers inai tney oner une Hundred Dollars for anv case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address. . F.J. he ney & Co., ToIedo.O. t-Sold by Druggists. 75c. Notice to Public. Hereafter all orders for coal or wood maybe left at A. H. Week bach & Co's. grocery store. All orders will receive prompt attention. A full line of different kinds of coal kept constantly on hand. MELCniOR Soknnichsen. - Choice Cherries, Choice ripecherrieB will be delivered to any part of the city in half bushel lots or more if desired by leaving orders at F. S. White's. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an execution issued by George '. Ilouseworth. clerk of the district court within and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me di rected. I will on the 31st day of July, A. D. 1897. at 11 o clock a. m. ol said day at the south door of the court house in Plattsmouth. in said county, sell at public auction, to the highest bid der tor cash, the toliowmg real estate to-wit: Lots It and 12 (except that part deeded to Om aha Southern Railway company) and lots 19 and 30. all in Orchard Hill addition. to the citv of Plattsmouth. and the soutb halt of lot 21 in the north-west quarter of the south-east quarter of section 19. town.ship 12. range 14. all in Cass county. Nebraska, together with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of William Neville. Defendant, to satisfy a judgment oi said court recovered by the Hamburger company. laintifls. against Michael McdU're and V llliam eville. defendants. Flattsmouth.Nebraska. June 25. A. D. 1897. Harvey Holi.oway. Sheriff, Cass county. Nebraska. o o o o o o o o o o o by Dr. LIVER AND O Is the tcxntAv vori nrrri. of O cases. It relieves promptly and works a permanent cure. ron SALE cvcnvwHCRc at t.oo per ottlb THE Dm. J. H. MeLEAN MEDICINE CO., Sr. Louis. Mo. oooooooooooooooooooooooo SPECIAL MARKET LETTER Tho following market letter is : ur uished us by McLaik Bros. & Co., Commission Merchants, ltialto Build ing, Chicago Financial circles during the past week have been undisturbed by any thing of a sensational character, and there are but few indications of dis quieting incidents to check the increas ing demand for all classes of remuner ative securities. There are good rea sons for anticipating a renewal of gold shipments in moderate volume, and some fears that railway rate wars now being waged may eventually develop unprofitable antagonism between the great trunk lines. These elements of weakness have thus far been accorded but little consideration in speculative transactions, the more hopeful features of the situation having dominated the stock market. The persistent claims of promising crop conditions along the lines of the great western and noi l li western rojids. which are nn re optimistic than either government or private informal ion. has contributed to the improvement iu bus iness in Wall, street, and imparted greater coiifidenoH in the future ol the general securitv list. The recent drenching which almost the entire, grain belt of ihe country has received allays all fears of crop Iam;ie for the present, and unless storms become de structively frequent, crop advices will doubtless lcom, more flattering: for the rainfall Iras not only afforded need ed moisture, but has. by its abundance, materially checked the propagation of insect life, and reduced the possibility of damage from that cause to the min imum. The wheat situation has undergone but little change, eil Iter at home or abroad, s far as the near future is concerned; stocks continue to decrease rapidly, and will undoubtedly lie com paratively small by the time the new crop is in liberal supply. The glowing grain has been greatly benefited by recent rains, and Hie out look for a bounteous spring wheat har vest is Uattermg. Reports from winter wheat sections, especially in Illinois and Missouri, indicate a "much larger yield than has heretofore seemed pos sible, and a few cars of new wheat have been received at some of the primary markets. The demand for old wheat for mill ing purposes is fairly liberal on soft spots, but abates as soon as any ad vance in price is demanded. Many mills are idle, awaiting the advent of the new crop, and as the consumption of Hour goes steadily on, the milling demand when it begins will probably absorb a large proportion of the eat liei receipts. Foreigii advices reiterate the claims of damage in Bulgaria and Boiimania. and state that reserves in these coun tries and in the interior of Russia are small. European markets do not re flect any great apprehension of inabil ity to secure adequate supplies, eithei for present or future consumption, and their apathy tends to discredit the re ports of serious damage in the Danu bian countries. Speculation is daily drifting into the September future, although there is great interest manifest in the course ol the July option, which at times has seemed to be subject to manipulation. There is but little, however, to warrant the assumption, and the erratic coursu of the market is not unnatural when the paucity of supjtlies, as compared with the volume of trade, and the per sistence with which the claims of a ' squeeze" are pressed, are considered. So far as the general trade is concerned, the course of July wheat will soon be come more an object of curiosity than of interest, except as it may sympa thetically affect the more deferred fu tures. When this "bogie" is out of the w ay and the trade directs its attention to the new crop futures, the market will doubtless broaden and once mort bp subject to the influence of natural causes. Weather conditions which have lieen so beneficial to growing wheat hav also benefited the growing corn, espe cially in sections where the abundant rainfall was followed by hieh tempera ture; and where doubts and misgivings prevailed, on account of the retarding influence of unfavorable weather, hope and confidence have been restored. While the favorable weather change has improved the crop outlook, it has necessitated its more assidious working in order that it mav be freed from rap idly growing weeds, and will engage the attention of so many farmers that their inability to market the surplus of former crops will probably be man ifest in receipts at primary markets. So much of the corn in cribs at interior stations will not pay a nroGt at current quotations that anything that will check the movement from first hands will soon affect available supplies. The export demand which has notice ably fallen off. is still sufficient to make the clearances quite heavy when com pared with the movement of other years, and to create a ready market for current receipts. There has been a revival of speculative activity in this cereal which at times so absorbed the attention of traders that it commanded more consideration than wheat. Oats continue fealureless and are indebted to corn for w hat little anima tion the market for them possesses. The heavy receipts of hogs have gradually depressed the price of the product despite the substantial support, of interested longs. The visible supply of grain in thu United States and Canada shows the following charges for the week: Wheat decreased 2,0 13,1X10 bu. corn increased 747,000 bu and oats decreased 604 XM bu LIVER and KIDNEY Diseases are manifested $ Backache, Rheumatism, Loss of Appetite, Foul Tongue and Weakness o o o o J. U. LlcLEAU'S I0WEV MLU o o o flal service in mild or chronic Mot m Tax. . Tho London paper, quoted in yenter- 3 - ? . t i i. . i . : uny o iiuuruai, grn hiio K5Ui kupii" ' mony in the case of tin, that ha9 be come so monotonous iu the mouth of the profeseit nal free trade advocate. It called attention to the fact that the American workmen in our tin plate factories get 100 per cent higher pay than the workmen in the British es tablishments, and holds that the addi tional pay must be a "heavy tax on the American consumers. 'r However, as tinware has been uniformly cheaper in this country since the success of our tin plate mills under the McKinley act, juet where that heavy tax comes in is not apparent to the naked eye. That is what they said would be the case when the heavy tariff of $17 a ton was laid on steel rails more than twenty years ago. "That is a tax," said, the free traders, "of f 17 on every citizen who buys a ton of steels rails, for ever and ever." But instead of rising, the price fell until from up wards of 100 a ton it was only $17, the exact size of the first tariff. And it dropped afterwards down as low as $15. So the tariff on tin and steel rails wasn't a tax, so far as the American consumer was concerned. The same rule will be found to work in almost every branch of industry that has been protected, by a tariff. State Journal. - ' Charles Rom Father Dead. Philadelphia, Pa., June 21. Christopher K. Ross, the father of Charlie Ross, whose abduction on July 1, 1874, from his parents' home, be came a matter of world-wide interest. aDd still remains an unsolved mystery, died shortly after midnight this morn ing, in his seventy-fourth year, at his residonce in Germantown, after an illnebs of three weeks. Mr. Ross' death, while in a measure sudden, was not unexpected. lie was not known to have heart disease in any form un til three weeks ago yesterday, when he suffered the first attack of the fatal malady. The position of master warden was the only public office ever held by Mr. Ross. He was a republican in politics. but took no active interest in party affairs. He is survived by a widow. two sons and three daughters. It will be twenty-three years on July 1 since the commission of the crime which broke down the health and spirits of Christian K. Ross, and made his name a househeld word the country over. The abduction of Charlie Ross occurred ou July I, 1S74. While a vast majority of people have- long since believed that he is dead. there are many who still think he lives. The preponderence of evidence goes to 6how that the curly-haired boy whose abduction furnished the most sensational incident in the an nals of American crime met his death under the waves of North River while his abductors were eluding pursuit. And all for the greed of a ransom that would have been paid tenfold if the eager rush of the detectives for the reward had not compassed the boy's death, which was the only al ternative to the escape of the abduc tors. Charlie Ross and his brother were taken from their home in German- town by two men in a wagon. Walter was abandoned by the men after they hud driven eight miles. Three days later a letter was received saying that tho child would not be returned with out a large ransom. Although a large reward was offered by the mayor for the restoration of the child and the arrest of the thieves, it was not until August 2 that a clue was obtained. im plicating William Mosher and Joseph Douglass. On the night of December 14 the house of Judge Van Brunt at Bayridge, N. J., was entered by Mosher and Douglass as burglars. Tho former was instantly Killed, and Douglass, who lived only two hours, confessed that he and Mosher stole Charlio Roes. The boy was never found, and the theory of the police was that he was murdered. St. John's School. The following program will be ren dered at commencement exercises this evening: Greeting Chorus Instrumental Trio Quickstep Harmistoun Trifles" Josehine M. Murphy Beautiful Roses March and Song "All Change Tends to Perfection'' Catherine P. llouk. Choru? Merry Little Frogs Westendorf Concert Kecital (musical accp.) "Bay liiliy" Fairy School Lady Mab and Her Kltin Hand "Waiting" Nellie J. fiuthmann Piano i)uit Airs from "11 Trovatorc" A Farce "The Glass Man"' Overture "Barber Seville" Rossini "Stepping Stones' Catherine E, McCollan S ng and Chorus "The Violet" "Out of School Life. Into Life's School ' Valedictory ....Anna M. Kuofiichek Conferring ot Diplomas Address Hon. Matt Gering Admission thirty-five cents. Chil dren ten cents. To Whom It Slay Concern. It has been circulated that when cx Treasurer Eikhoff went out of office that the county commissioners allowed him $400 more than was dun him. Such a report is false and if the person cir culating the same will step into the treasurer's office, he can convince himself of the facts. J. P. Palteu, J. C. Hayes, Geokge Young, County Commissioners. Cass Connty Dairy. It. F. Dein has again taken charge of the Cass County Dairy and will be pleased to serve his old customers and also others desiring pure mil. He will also furnish cream and butter milk when desired. Your patronage is solicited. " Some Time Ago F. G. Fricke & Co. tied high prices to the tail of a Dal loon and sent them flying to some other country. Other druggists looked at its departure with sorrow and long faces, but the peopla , smiled with unconcealed pleasure. Aa is pretty well known, F. G. Frlcka keeps the best stock of drugs in the city and sells them, a9 well as pre scrintions, at low prices, while for druggists' sundries, syringes, per fumery, soaps, brushes, and all drug gists' sundries he is simply unat touchable. F. G. FRICKE & CO., SOUTH SIXTH STREET. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. Paid up Capital 50,00 Offers the very best facilities for the pronipt transaction of STOCKS, bonds, gold, goverement and loci securities oouirht and sold. Deposits rt eel ved and Interest allowed on the oerto cates. Lraft8 drawn, available In any part of the U. S. and all the principle towns of Europe. Collections made and promptly remitted. Highest market price paid for county warrants, state and county bunds. DIRECTORS: II. N Oovey. D. Hawkiworth M. Wwngh, V. E. White, ft. E. Oovey Ueo. K. Dovey, Pres. S. Waagh, Cashier . H. N. Oovey. Aunt. Cashier. FURNITURE UNDERTAKING House Furnisuiugs, STOVES, RANGES. Our stock is complete In all lines and we Invite our friends to look it over. We wll endeavor to please you. Call and see us. STREIGHT C SATTLER. (Successors to i.ojury Boeok. ) PLATTSMOUTH. NKfc DR. ALFRED SHIPMAN, SPECIALIST Eye, Ear and Chronic Diseases. Spectacles and Eye Glasses Fitted by the New and Improved Method. Specific treatment for all Chronic aDd private diseases. All medi cine furnished, and a cure guar anteed. If your local doctor has failed to cure you, consult a phy sician of greater experience. Consultation at office, or by mall free. OFFICK 1411 Loctint Street, One Block South of M. I. Depot. t-Address Box 22, Plattsmouth, Neb. McLain Bros. & Co. COMMISSION RECEIVERS AND SHIPPERS Miaum CMicaao ! or Ton 211 RlALTO BUILDING, CHICAGO Grain and Provisions bought and sold for easn or for fntnre delivery on margins. Orders for Wheat executed in lots of 1,001 bu and upwards. Correspondence invited. Consignments ol Grain, Seedi and Hay solicited. Wben visiting Chicago call and see S. fl. Davis, Representative, Plattsmouth. Nebraska. ..Delicious is tho proper word to be used in connection with. .. . ..the meats we furnish. Our beef is not full of ligaments, ..so as to defy the knife and try the teeth. Proper selection of . . . . ..stock and correct "cutting up" explain the satisfaction which... . .our meats give. E, A. Oliver's Meat Market, Firth and Main Streets. :