n The Seml-Weeklu NewsHera!d PLATTSMOUTH. NKB. BRIEFLY TOLD. C. A. Marshall, Dentist. Eat Mrs. Morning's home-made bread. Ice cream at South Park tonight. 10 cents. Go to South' Park church tonight for a good time. Fresh rawberries every morning at Weckb&ch & Co. For a few days Mrs. A. Knee will do her hair chain work extra cheap. Merchants' lunch every day from 9 to 11 o'clock at Donat's, in Stadel man block. Herbert, son of Recorder Hay, went to Havelock this morning to begin work in the shops there. Henry Steinhauer boasts over the arrival of a nine-pound girl up at his house Saturday morning. Choice home-made bread, also rye, and salt rising bread, at Bennett & Tutt's, or Mrs. E. J. Cooper's. Only a few miles east of us a heavy rain is reported to have fe.llen last night.' Our turn ought surely to come pretty soon. for the stomach all the year round. F. G. Fricke & Co. Dar Johnson, the tax collector, got a telegram from his brother, who re sides In Kansas City, conveying the Bad intelligence that his 14 year old son was drowned in the Missouri river at that place Sunday, and the body was not recovered. Hastings enjoyed a big rain last night making the ground wet, the far mers could not plow corn today. Lat est report? from Nehawka county says the season has been too wet there for the low bottom land, on wjich a full J crop will not be raised this year Sam Waugh has gone to Minnesota on a fishing expedition and Captian Bennett will start tomorrow to join him. CapL Bennett will rest and re cuperate near the cool lakes and en joy himself, having earned a vacation by close application to his business. The Epworth League of this city will hold its business and social meet ing Friday evening, June 25, at the pleasant home of Mrs. Laura Peter sen on West Main street. All young people whether members or not are cordially invited to attend this meet ing. A ltock Island daily paper received recently at this office, in giving a re port of the county teachers institute, prints a very strong eulogistic reso lution of Prof. W. N. Halaey, who, it that The many friends of John Cagney will be glad to know that he is im- I seems, is about to depart from proving rapidly and will soon be all city after having been very successful right again. ia their public schools. Col. McMeachin of Nebraska City The busiuess men are trying to se- departed today for South Omaha cure the W.J. Bryan for a free ferry where he will institute a lodge of the Royal Tribe of Joseph. Lost A green flannel cape, trimmed in black silk, last Thursday. The finder will be rewarded by leaving same at The News office. Uncle John Duke was offered 120 for bis zebra and if it displays its heels in his face again, be will give it away in order to get rid of it quick. You will be well served by the la dies at the ice cream social at the South Park church tonight- This is to help in the mission work at that point. Some nice switches for sale at Dovey's,, and orders for all kinds of hair work promptly attended to. I will be here only a short time. Mrs. A. H. Knee. Some parties whose names we were unable to learn ' had a runaway and complete smash up of a buggy on Chi cago Avenue last evening, but it seems no one was hurt. We now give bargains in wall paper mixed paints, oils, lead, and paint brushes, and popular prices on every thing we have in our store. Hed bloom, the Druggist. Elder Youtzy announced at the Christian church last Sunday that he had accepted a call to Fremont and on August 1 he would move to that town. It is not known who will take his place here. Mere. There is no doubt but that the free ferry two years ago was worth thousands of dollars to this city and we hope that satisfactory terms may be made with the owners of this boat so that a free ferry cat) be. put in at once. At agejof thirty, by abstaining from the use of one five cent cigar each day and Investing this saving in a policy issued by the Northern Life associa tion, you can purchase two thousand dollars in protection for your wife and babies. Jas. H. Thrasher. Agent. 412 Main Street. Mrs. Shumaker was reported in a dying condition last night and as a special and humane request was made to have her son Claud brought to her the sheriff complied. The boy remain ed two hours and was returned to jail about 4 o'clock this morning. His mother was some better and today she is no worse and will probably recover. TnE News learns that the dancing party on the W. J. Bryan was a select affair and no beer was drank there at all. The only trouble was, that some men who were not invited came on to the boat and were politely imformed that their company was not wanted. THE News reporter was imposed up on in printing trie statement given yesterday. The prize winner now is "Wurl Bros.' " famous 5-cent cigar, which An Enjoyable Birthday Dinner. Mrs. N. H. Isbell enjoyed the com Danv of friends at a birthday dinner yesterdav, but she neglected to tell News reporter who happened to meet her, whether she waB 22 or 24 years old, consequently we have no rieht to say. An elaborate dinner was served,and some of the cake baked by Mrs. Dean was fit for the queen jubilee dinner as we can testify from sampleing the same. Among the guests present were Messrs. and Mesdames H. D, Travis, Jesse L. Root, R. F. Dean and Mrs. Isbell 'a Darents. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Beeson. The News hopes manv more pleasant anniversaries may be equally enjoyed. L. M. L. A. Entertalnmet. Plattsmouth council No. 123, Loyal Mystic Legion of America, intends to give one of their popular entertain ments in theRockwood hnll on Thurs day evening, June 24, at 8 p. m. A splendid program is being prepared and everybody who attends is sure to be satisfied that they will receive the full value for their money. Ice cream and cake will be served in the adjoin ing G. A. R. ball after musical pro gramme is completed. The cost of en tertainment and refreshments are in eluded in the admission price of 25 cents. - The following program will be ren dered: Music High School Band Song Liederkrantz Violin Solo Prof. W. Beck Vocal Solo Mrs. V. H. Kitt (Omaha) Recitation. Nettie Way bright Duett Edna and May Petersen Address Rev. Howard (Ulenwood) Vocal Solo Tillie Vallery Cornet Solo A. D. Eigenbroadt Vocal Solo Ida Pearlnian F'ute Solo Dr. Humphrey Vocal Solo F. Ebinger Trio Edna. May and t.has. Petersen String Orchestra Prof. Beck's Class Music High School Band A Mew Mebraakw Assembly. A lovely prospectus in white and green announces the program of the Nebraska Epworth Assembly which will bold its initial session at Lin coln Park, Lincoln, Aug. 3-10. The platform promises a rich intellectual treat to alt who attend. Among the distinguished lecturers, we note the names of Rev. Sam Jones of Georgia; Rev. A.J. Palmer of New York; Bis hop W. X. Ninde of Detroit; Rev. Drs. Schell and Berry of Chicago, and others. The music il features are elaborate, including Prof. Wil lard Kimball, musical director; the Telyn male quartette; Erne Wilcox Marsh, cornetist; the Hagenow string quartette, and the celebrated Slayton Jubilee Singers are to be present for six days. All railroads make half fare rates to Lincoln during the assembly. Send your address to L. O." Jones, the president, Lincoln, Nebraska, for program and full particulars. hn.a nn annul nn thn murlrot Tt hu An ice cream social will be given at forffed it8 way to the front against keen competition and is now one of the best sellers in eastern Nebraska, because it is made from the finest to bacco, carefully selected. The "Porto Reco" is our best 10-cent cigar. Re member Otto Wurl, Manufacturer. The best 5-cent cigar in this market, in the opinion of good judges, is the "Star Banner," made of high grade tobacco genuine summatra wrapper. Ouly two saloons carry this fine.cigar Fred Egenberger arid Mark White. It is high-priced for saloon trade, but these two firms want the best. Re member to call for the "Star Ban ner" cigar, and you get the full worth of your money. Some young men with neither de cency nor brains are in the habit. of going swimming in the pool of water near the B. & M. track at Bethlehem, and when the passenger trains passes they walk out on the bank in perfect nudity. The Mills county authorities should teach them a few lessons in civilization by a jail diet for a few weeks. The B. & M. folks will go af ter them in earnest if it occurs again. 7 the residence of Wilber Cole, south of town, Wednesday evening for the benefit of the Y. P. C. U. Everybody is cordially invited to come and have a good time. The tribe of Macabees who came to this town over a year ago from some town in Iowa have departed for Lyons, la., and the officers are not wearing . crepe on their hats on account of their leave-taking. Jus Lillie completed a nice new barn laBt week on his farm south of town, and on Friday evening it was duly christened with a dance. Twenty five couple were present and a jolly timei 8 reported. Unconditional surrender is the only terms those famous little pills known , as De Witt's Little Early Risers will make with constipation, eick headache and stomach troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co. Colonel C. Augustus How was not engaged shoveling snow at the store house this morning, as was reported on the street. We correct the rumor in order that the young man may not appear in a false light. Croup and w hooping cough are childhood's terrors; but like pneu monia, bronchitis, and other throat and lung troubles, can be quickly cured by using One Minute Cough Cure. F. G. Fricke & Co. There's no better flour made than Heisel's "PlanBifter," manufactured in this city. Ask your grocer for it, and thereby get the best and sup port a home industry at the same time, which builds up the town. Not only acute lung troubles, which may prove fatal in a few days, but old chronic coughs and throat troubles may receive immediate relief and be permanently cured by One Minute Cough Cure. F. G. Fricke & Co. W. T. Moore, of Eldorado Springs, one of the live towns in south-western Missouri, was in the city today and made The News a pleasant call. Mr. Moore is a radical republican and says there are lots of the same kind in old Missouri. Choice Home-Made Bread. For nice, sweet, light, Graham, Rye, Boston Brown or Salt Rising Bread, also Cakes, Cookies, Doughnuts, eti., give us your orders and same will be delivered at your home or you will find a good supply at Hatt's market. Mrs. Morning. JOE & FRANK. THE PEOPLE'S 8, III. Surprise Is often shown on the faces of people who see an up-to-date gentleman ar rayed in one of our new, stylish, spring suits. He feels like asking the sty lish and fortunate wearer where he got it. We wish he would, for he would find that dressy and stylish suits in Plattsmouth are bought of Joe & Frank. Our all Wool Cheviot suits at $5 and 6 are models of perfection. For $10 we can give you your selection from twenty-five different style of 6uits made from the choicst fabrics, perfect fitting and made in the height of fashion. We have just received our first shipment of Straw Hats, and can fit any sized head from the smallest to the extra large. A peep in our window will asHure you that we are The Hatters of Plattsmouth. JOE & FRANK WATERMAN CORNER. The Casino Saloon WHERE you can get TnE FAMOUS ANHEUSER-BUSCH BOTTLED BEER BY THE CASE. Pure Imported Wines and Whiskies, and that queen of all medi cines Malt-Nutrine. A f We've Got 'Em.. THE FINEST LINE OF Oioo Infant's, Misses', Youth's and Boys' NO e M EU6R SHOWN B6F0R6. They are Right in Price, Style and Fit. Solid leather. Misses' Lace Chocolates from $1.10 ud. m m ! -r - . . .- misses uuuon ftianoffanv. DlncK trimmed, a. h.vint.v i i .... ... i ' . j'-" juauogany si ray now bi n LM..S are eaeh-tiM Our Misses -retiiis. Ladies' Oxfords All colors and toes from $1.10 to $2. 25. It is useless to waste space on ou- Men's Ox-Bloods and Chocolates From $2.85 ud. See the 111 w';l dn Ilia SAY, BO S, como and boo our OX-BLOOIS and tell your Ma about them. They are Iwa-ities and wear like an anvil. We don't say you Hi-e imbecile because you don't buy our shoes, but all we ask of you is to drop in and eeo our ".Sum mer novelties. Fine line infant's soft soles, Repairing a specialty fa Robert FOOT MILLINER. Sherwood, One Door West Weckbach's. thu Fijsisnixa TOUCH. Family Health, Yes, the health and strength of tne very nation itself denencs on the quauiy oi tne groceries it eats. Tnare is uo nourishment, no health, in poor! groceries; very often there is sick ness. Careful housekeepers buy their groceries from A. 11. weckbach & Uo. rhey know he keens only the pure. the wholesome that no adulterated poods ever enter or leave his door. They know that unless groceries are absolutely first-class they cannot pos sibly be cheap. A lud3 is well dressed only when every detail iri carefully at tended to. There is no more important than hats. Our n:its are kI way at tractive, 'letter to purchase where the lino is first-class and extensive. Our stock compromises the best shunee onlv and thev are marked to the right price, etc. Hammocks t Hammock ! . A large, strong, well-made Mexican sea grass hammock; strong enough to hold two persons 75 cents. These come in white and colors and are very cheap at the price. Others up to $4. Lehnhoff Brotheks. A. H. WECKBACH S CO. WATERMAN BLOCK. Personal The gentleman who an noyed the congregation last Sunday by continually coughing will find in stant relief by use One Minute Cough Cure, a speedy and harmless remedy for throat and lung troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co. , Royal Tribe of Joseph. Plattsmouth Lodge No. 11, Royal Tribe of Joseph, met at Odd Fellows hall, Monday evening, June 21. Fol lowing officers were chosen and in stalled for current year: W. H. Dearing, Acting Past Pat riarch. Frank J. Morgan. Worthy Patriarch Rev. F. A. Campbell. Priest. D. B. Ebersole, Vice Patriarch. Frank L. Cummins, Scribe. Robert Sherwood, Treasurer. E. A. Smith, Escort. Cbas. Schulz, Inner Guard. J. V. Sans, " " A. W. Campbell, Outer Guard. George Hall, " 44 Trustees: John Hall, Frank Boyd, Henry Ofe. The iniatory team was present with E. E. McMacken, Past Patriarch, were R W. Kelly, A. W. Munu, of Neb raska City; M. A. Thomas. Burton Ice! Ice! Ice! 1 1. u. AlcMaken & boo are now pre pared to deliver nice, clear ice to any part of the city. Board of Equalization. Notice of the sitting of the city council of Platts mouth. Nebraska, as a board ol euualization. Notice is hereby given that the city council ol Plattsmouth, Nebraska, will sit as a board oi equalization at the council chambers in the city ot Plattsmouth. Nebraska, upon the 14th day ol July, A 1), 1897, at 8 o'clock p m of said day. for the purpose ot equalizing the following assess ments for sidewalks, repairs thereof and other special assessments upon the following abutting lots in said city, to-wit: Lots 3, 4. 5. 6 and 7, block 11, Thompson addi tion, 1D Ori, Lot 1, block 95; lot 1. block 9, White's addition. Lot 6. block 86. S3 27. Lots 1 and 2. block 40, Young and Hays addi tion, $Y 33, Lot 1, block 12, $10 18, Lot 13. block 47. $13 80, Lots & and 0, block 22, ll 85. Lots 1. 2. 3, and 4, block 34, Young and Hays HUUlllUD HmO , Lot 8, block 138. 4 77. Lot 7. block 40. $4 37. Lots 3 and 4, block 169. $4 28, Lot Block 3, Thompson addition. $31 54. Abutting lot owners will take notice and hie any objections they may have to said assessments witn tne city clerk ot the city ol Plattsmouth. Nebraska, on or before Tuesday, July CAD 1!7. Dated this 14th day of June. A D 1897. John A Gutsche, Mayor; Attest: B C Kerr.City Clerk. Estimate of Expenses. Notice Is hereby given that the estimated ex penses of the City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, for tne nscai year Degmning Monday. August 9, A u. is i, are as ioiiows: r or expense ot mayor and council $ 650 00 ror expense oi city cieric and city treas urer For expense of city attorney For expense of printing For expense of boarding prisoners For expense of streets and grading Special Sale . All this week on trimmed hats at heavy I A! . you win end wine as good as a reaucxion in prices as we wish to reduce our IS lJ'Z ?r 21 stock. Over one hundred to selectfrom if you smooth path of health with astonish- Call earlv. KPmPmhpr th nlnne ng rapidity. It is not expensive, but I we charge enough for it to be sure it As Good as a Horse is pure. II you go below tnis price you are buying very little grape juice and quite a good deal of bard alcohol. It is the purity in a wine that strengthens beware of imitations. Come here. TUCKER SISTERS - North Side MainOStreet. : Plattsmouth. 4 High Art Shoes. t J i 4 4 t What lady does not know that the most conspicuous, the most important, and the most attractive part of dress are neat fittnig, artistic shoes. Without such shoes the whole effect of other dress is spoiled. Only at Fetzer's can 6uch shoes be bad, shoes that, attract, impress, and show the wearer's taste. They coat you no more, pernaps less, than even the slip-shod troods some people are seen to wear. PHIL THIEROLF, Proprietor. NEW : flDVERTIS&AENTS. . PARKER'S CINCER TONIC Aatot Lung Trouble, Debility, dtatrewlnc tomsea end icmaie ua, mna is nocea tor making Turaa wben all otl treatment tails, every mother and invalid bonld have it. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM CIsUMes and beantifie the hsjfc Promotes s hiuriant rrowth. I Kww Tails 1o SMtore Orayl Cuias scalp dimm Jt hair taUinsC JOcand S1.W at Drunrtm IINDERCORNS The oolv Sore Cm for wfiw. atop, au pain, atasss waiting say. tne. aturufgiaa. A Stove For The Million i a, 4 4 L- JrSJ i Josepi lctzcr. North Side Main Street. 4 i 4 4 4 4 4 H On a red hot Rootbeer 5 stands be- i and the dis tressine fects of the heat. mwA The Poor, the Rich, all buy it, and I. PEARL- f MAN, the Sole Agent in this city, sells it. if We refer to the Insurance Gasoline Stove -a e heat. ' x- ( Rooftbeee .A WONDERFUL IMPROVEMENT ON JUJOf II KUS. (JivFour- as safeHS a-wootT6tove. If you will call we will5rrr teen sold in one month, and each purchaser delighted. Life Insurance THE GOO 00 2lK 00 1U0 00 250 00 4.250 00 Ass'n, Whena cold is contracted, cure it at once at once. One Minute Cough Cure will set you on the road to re covery in a minute. It will cure pneu monia, bronchitis, croup and all forms of lucg and throat troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co. It should be made a matter of public knowledge that DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will speedily cure piles of the longest standing. It is the house hold favorite for burns, scalds, cuts, bruises and sores of all kinds. F. G. Fricke & Co. When the spring time comes, "gen tle Annie," like all other sensible - persona, will cleanse the liver and re nnrata the svstem with DeWitt's Mrii(: tt .in .r.r t, ..." I ror expense ol tire hydrant rental ..ui. .i, uuswuor, .cxvean, omitn. For expense ol eas and electric liirht.. and Werner, of Union, presented the t-orexpenseoit?reaPllwater xuooul . . , . , , " no I or expense of incidentals 400 tio ucgrca OTurn auu lutruuuceu lue WurK I r ur expense 01 paries o- (m to Quite a number of our hl oltiana EJ "JSL-.n,f on B& . 2.i so ii wtoik ui interest on rv ear ton The lodge starts with a large and 1? boBd,--vr: : l.sne 4- , . v .. . ,uu For expense of interest on High school select membership and will meet the I bonds 4.2-15 00 flrBt and third Mnndv An!n. f t1 55 Pe ?! Vrm rter sewer honds 3. Bankers' Life OF DES MOINES. IOWA, & & Gives Insurance at Cost, i Monday evenings of each month in Odd Fellows Hall. Mr. McMeachin, of Nebraska City, did splendid work in instituting the lodge as he was careful to take none but representative citizens of good phys ical condition thus looking after the social as well as insurance or beneflcal points of the order. A ladies chapter 1b under way and will be organized in a few days. The I'snst Fourth of Jnlj- Rates Will be offered by the Burlington Route July 3, 4 and 5 between stations For expense of interest on intersection paving bonds 600 00 ror expense ot interest on Omaha Southern bonds 2,400 00 Total, Including interest $,4J7 97 There has been received into the ritv ro,i. r ... . ...u.m.u, .,cuin, me ioiiow ing sums from all sources during the year eudimr June 1. ISM. to-wit: K From county treasurer 23,076 56 -:i. i treas urer) SJ.323.43 o -, - - - - - J oa.w. UVMIU) SCnOOI fund..... From licenses $3,000. fines $59.75."."'.". From district paving No. 1 From district paving No. From county fund (clerk) " From doe fund (clerk). From gas light Co. (clerk) . not more than 200 mile apart. Tick- Little Early Risers, famous little pills eta good to return until July 6th. lO.flHO 47 3.05U 75 2, HIS 16 339 70 128 80 13 50 2,8S 01 ioiaireteipis 4565i 3a Passed and approved this 14th day of lane. A. ' johwa. outsche, Mayor. B. C. Kxkr, City Clerk. . D. 1SU7 Attest: The payment of policies is backed by assets of $J,4OO,000.0O. Average cost ior tne past ten years at the age of 35 is $7 54 per thousand. Other ages . in proportion. Jas. Patterson, Jr., Special Agt. Office la Bank of Cass County. Try Allen's Foot-Kwse. A powder to be shaken into the shoes. At this season your feet feel swollen and hot, and get tired easily. if you have smarting feet or tight shoes try Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools the feet and manes walking easy. Cures and prevents swollen and sweating- feet, blisters and callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and gives rest and comfort. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Trial pack age free. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. cools the blood, tones the stom ach, invigorates the body, fully satisfies the thirst. A delicious ,spark- ling, temperance drink of the high set medicinal value. Mad. .air by Tba CharlM K. Bins Ca., PhUa. A paetao BikM s taHMM. nwa .vary waiia. JAMES W.SAGE. . THE Leading Liveryman, The best of rigs furnished at all hours and his prices are always reasonable. '1 he most convenient boarding stable for far mers in the city. Take Notice. All parties indebted to me will please call at A. H. Weckbach & Co's. store and make settlement as soon as possible. Old accounts must be squared up. Melchioh Soennichsen. I. PEARLMAN, Lower Main St. Opposite Court House, WA N T vS.!? TwTiT (Special notices under this head will be charged for at the rate of cent per word each Insertion.) MISCKLLANKOtS. A LADY 40 or 45 years of age can secure a good home by calling at this oftice. One who will take an interest in children and make hersell at horre is desired. A lair renumeratiou will be paid . ifANTED A girl to do general housework. I Apply at ofhee ot K. a. indliam. FOUND. COUND--Two keys. The owner can have same by calling and paving for this notice. FOUND Lady's gold watch and chain. Ow- ner can recover same by calling and paying - ; for this notice. . JOHN M. CRHBILL FOB SALE. For sale A good milch cow. giving milk Watches, Clocks and Jewelry now. For particulars call on W. D. Jones, at livery stable on Main street. PROMPTLY KKPAIKKIJ, FScknesi wilt rent!seH or Vrade'my'ho'tel in Jill WORK GUA Rt FJTEED. Union tor a small piece of improved property ""'V mTlHTil I ULUi near Plattsmouth. suitable for the ponify busi- oess. Address A. R. Smith, care Hotel Smith. I union. Neb. ; YOUU WORK IS SOLICITED. t pasturage. tio 408 Main Street. HORSES and cattle taken lor choice blue grass and clover pasturing. Plenty of running water. Kates reduced to $4 per season of hve months, c c T f 1 Y1 y f fll TO' Apply to H. W. Beaver on the premises near I rl JTV IXI K Cufiom or address Cedar Creek. A-1 AIXVVW t t ? Some People Have Corns... And some have not. Most of us have. 1 1 you are troubled with corns hard or suit drop in and buy a bottle of our ..Corn Cure.. It will surely give you relief much more satisfactory relief than yuu can obtain by the use of a razor, and only 1 5 Cents a Bottle, ! GERING & CO.