Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, April 14, 1897, Image 3

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li'k M Jw fc. VB Vf!n
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder. Hipliest of
all in kavcniiiK strength. Latest United States
( jovcrnmctit Food Keport.
Byron Chirk was in Omrih!' on loprnl
bnisnpss this lnorniiijr.
Although the sun hines, it is wi it
ten th next day it rained.
A. II. Birslinell, one of Casa county's
most nieces-f ul It'iH-hers, is in town
Merven of Nebraska City anil his
brother, James, of Union, nro in town
Miss EI!a IiutTner went to Council
I 1 utls today for a visit with her :tunt,
Mrs. Keed.
The river reached its highest point
this morning, 11 feet and 3.10. and
6ince noon it ha.-i been falling.
Miss Jeanette ilulanco went to
Council lllulTs this afternoon to spend
Sunday with friends in that city.
C. S. Manchester and wifo went to
Ijtneoln aain today to havo another
operation lerformed on their little
boy's eyo.
Miss Nellie O'Kourke and brother
arrived in town from Kansas City last
evening and expect to reside in Om
aha hereafter.
Superintendent MclJuh went over
to (lcnwooil li st evening, where ho
was called to act. as judo in an orator
ical contebt.
Mrs. lion liasecineicr of Glendale
has pone to Alliance with the hops of
benefitting' her health which has been
very poor for some time.
A. J. Cota, chief of the air brake de
p:u ttnent of the O. mechanic.", is in town
today, and, it is s:vid, Sid Wheeler
will have charge of air brakes here
after on the D. & M.
Henry Snyder, the well-known far
mer, sustained a broken leg in a run
away out near Captain Wiles' place
at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Ho was
taken out home and Dp. Cummins was
Sheriff Ilollowny's type writer was
thrown to the tloor by a boy, sitting
on the edge of the table. He sent the
machine to Omaha and jotit returned
today at an expense of 1S, which is
rather a costly fall.
Abraham Hathaway, at tlio ad
vanced age of eighty-four ye irs, died
at his Lite tiouie near Union yestorday
and was buried at eleven o'clock this
forenoon at Murray. The deceased
was an early set!er in this county
and leaves a j.'reat many friends and
relatives in iiiat pi.i t of Cass county.
Henry Heinpi-1, assist int superin
tendent of the stile fisheries, went to
South Bend ttiis morning. Henrv
knows more about baked cattish than
he does ah :ul lili fa-ning, but ho i&a
better man for the position than any
of his competitors, and will soon learn
the "modus operandi" of tish propa
gation. Louis It. Lighten ot Omaha was in
the city today, looking after the boat
vwhich was caught near Hoek IJlutTs
:aud tied up for the winter. The old
igentlemaJ who o.vned the boat has
wince died aud Mr. Lighten, who is a
Hv.'phew of II. C. McMaken, is looking
1ler the matter for the family, who
are in indigent circumstances.
M.ike Warga got. boozy, or woozy.
and concluded his mother-in-law was
a detriment to bis happiness, and ho
proceeded to make life miserable for
her last evening. The police took
him to jail, nnd he had a hearing be
fore Judge Archer tnis morning,
which resulted in a linn of $10 and
costs. Warga will board out the ubove
.amount with Jailor Hollo way.
.Mrs, Uyron Clark and Mrs. C. A.
Rnwis entertained the following ladies
at tea last evening: Mcsdames D. I.
and II. Heinsheimer, J. II. and A.
Howe, Powell and liosbyshell, all of
GlenwooJ. and mcsdames Agnew, S.
II. Atwood and Stoulenborough of this
city. Mr. and Mrs. Chirks beautiful
home w::s thrown open for the enter
tainment of her yuests and a moJ de
lightful evening is reported.
Mis II. D. Travis 3 pent iLe day io
Georgo vjopeiand was a visitor hi
th's city Sunday.
Fred Gorder came in vesierdnv for
p visit with relatives.
Oswald (ruthraan was a b'isinefs
j visitor to Omaha this morning.
I'aul Siizmin and brother, Franjf,
visiUd at OmahLi and Gibson vestcr-
Hanker Neitzel of Murdoek visited
over Sunday in the vicinity of Piatt?
Senator Hearing, Dr. K. AV. Cook
aud Henry Gorinsr. were Lincoln pis
eengers this morning.
Arch Adams came down frcm Have
lock Saturday evening and spent Sun
day with friends in the city.
Mike Warga arranged his fin;-, and
is ou!. in the open .air again hearing
the birds sing an.l enjoying life.
Mis. S II. Ilultish and son, of Wa
bash, came in Saturday for a visit
with Mrs. V. II. Hearing for a fear
Kd Dodd's twins are clippers. They
are only a week old. but it takes a
quart of rnild a day for pifli one of
Andy Kroehler was in town yester
day from Havelock. Ho departed to
day for a six weeks' stay at Hot
Springs, Ark.
An old gentleman named Cramer,
who died at the home of Eli Jones,
seven miles from town, was buried to
day. He was a member of the Volun
teer army.
We neglected a full reoort of the
Turners' meeting Saturday eveninjr
and Sunday. Thirty-six we iv present
p.nd a good time was had. Tin; local
lodge hero expects to r-ise money
enough to Fend the c. ass' to Si. Louis.
Spraeuc's cir cus, consisting of three
wagons and a few people, passed
through town in trie rain today bound
for Glenwood, where tho '-biggest
show on earth" is expected to hold
forth to the delight of the Glenwood
ites. liiiret IVii Culture.
Wo must abandon the tiench
method of Planting sweet pens. The
trench method was u.-cd to secure
deep planting, an 3 the bubstitute for
deep planting is firming the soiL
Since tho trench method apparently
causes tho biitht, wo mtifet stop it.
Sweet, peas do best in a heavy soil,
and you can get very nearly the
same effect, if your soil is light, by
firming it. Plant, if possible, in your
vegetable garden, wbeie the soil has
been deepened and enriched in past
seasons:. And if where your row
comes it nas been newly npudeJ,
tread it down considerably before
planting. This treading will hollow
out the place for your row about
right and it will thus collect rooioi-
urr, ana ly- its couipnetness will hold
it. In this hollow scratch th lines
for jour seed one inch deep, covering
it only one inch, and linn the ground
above the teed. When the seeds
come up tlo not tut la an earth
alout them for at lenst, six weeks
Every time you hoe, firm Ihe ground
compactly about them, and don't let
moles loosen it up. Vines that come
uu in the well-trod path do not have
the blight. This method upolies to
light soil in which the blight is
troublesome. In the case of heavy
soil it settles soon of its-elf, and the
surface of it must, of course, he kept
from baking, in either ease, alter
the buds begin to appear, put on a
light mulching to shade tho ground.
Uev. V. T. Ilutchins.
The l.iver Keeps l'eople 'Well.
When the Liver is sluggish ail other
orgaus are involved. You suiter from
Constipation, B iliieusness, Jaundice,
Headache, Indigistion, Pain in Hack,
Chills and Loss of Energy. You will
never ki ow how promptly these
troubles can bo cured uniil you use
llei bine. It cures quickly when other
remedies utterly fail. Regulates the
Liver, Puriiies-the Blood. Ilerbino is
a Harmless Vegetable llemedy that
gives iiew life and energy almost from
tho first dose. Price 7-7 cents Free
trial bottle at F. G. Frieke & Co:
White Washing
Two years ago II J. Warren, a
druggist at Pleasant Brook, N. Y.,
bought, a small supply of Chamber
lain's Cough llemedy. He sums up
ihe result as follows: "At that time
goods were unknown in this section;
today Chamberlain's Cough llemedy
is a household word.' It is the same
in hundreds of communities. Where
ever tho good qualities if Chamber
lain's Cough llemedy become known,
the people will have nothing else. For
sale by all druggists.
DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure.
Ftc&sant. quick results, safe to use.
with '
J3UM -- m-LL.
5 JS&VT TL 77
tp mfn'"?2' 2
o All trashing is not white washing, fetfp,:;' t iiCif tial
Tlmf Kaf ll-lT-ilr tinf tk-Viat, ooan irl 1 -I "' ' :i ' si & JV-iVI-t 3f4
tin;1' -r-.1:;
Til ?i? wi'Hi:
? clothes, always proves that they f 't1 SYf- cVS'iJ
are strangers to Santa Clans Soap.
Sold everywnere. Made
O Try it
Gradually Acquiring Information Concern
ing Methods of Collecting a Bill.
"When we moved into the cotmtry,"
said Mr. Chan goof air, "I almost won
dered at the aLsoluto confidence of the
boss of the moving party. It was a long
haul, two or three vans, and the bill a
matter of $40 or $50, Lut they moved
everything out of the vans into the bonso
clean bt-fore the boss driver presented
the bill. I wondered what they would
do if somebody should say then that he
would call at the oOe and settle or
something of that sort. But, then, 1 .
knew I was going to py; t' it: !
been perfectly safe to get tho. stnlT in '
and collect the bill afterward cf rue, and
I made up my miud that they wtra
kecii men, who knew people v lien they
met them, whom they could trust and ;
whom not.
" Well, after Borne years we moved .
back. Same concern moved us in, but
they didn't know as at the office any '
more than if they had never heard of
ns. Arrived in the city, the men with
the vans it was a diti't rout crew from
that that took ns cut began logging in
tho things just us the men that moved
ns ont had done hi the country. .Nobody
said anything alout pay, and I wondered
again w hat would happen if they got
the stuff all in and then the owner
didn't pay. Bnt they kept on hnstlinp;
the things in just as if they felt perfectly
easy and secure about that.
"After awhile tho stuff was pretty
much all in practically all bnt the
piano and I wondered why they hadn't
brought that in before, because I had
seen it loaded, and I knew it was one of
the last things loaded on at the very
rear end of one of the vans. So I went
out to see, and there was the piano,
right where I had seen it when it was
put aboard, at the extreme rear end of
the van, while all the stuff in front had
been taken ont, carried around the end
of the piano and ou into tho house. In
front of it the van was empty.
"Passing through the hall, I met the
head driver, the boss of the party, and
he, just casually meeting me in that
way in the hall, handed over the bill for
the moving, and I paid it on tho spot.
Then, everything else having been
moved in, the whole gang tallied on te
the piano aud walked it riyht into the
"Of course it may have only just hap
pened that the piano wasn't moved in
until I had paid the bill, hut this didn't
give me quite such a flattering opinion
of myself as the other way had, but it
more than confirmed my original opin
ion of the shrewdness and ability of the
van folks. They made few mistakes and
took even fewer risks. ' ' New York
Iho NeiKhborTino off Xpigliljors.
Talking about neighbors people gen
erally do, yon know quite a good story
turned tip the other day. Whether oi
not it is true must be left to the reader,
but certainly it not inaptly illustrates a
rather too common weakness of these
frequently too distant near ones.
An old lady who had recently moved
into a fashionable locality with lie r two
daughters was somewhat aggrieved at
her distinguished neighbors not calling.
In truth, only seven of them did so
one to inquire as to the character of a
former servant and the either six to se
cure subscriptions for various charitable
Under sneh circumstances the de
lights of social life were somewhat enr
taileel. Wliethe r or not this went to the
old laely's heart cannot be said, but cer
tain it is that iu a few short weeks she
was deael. The neighbors flocked to tho
funeral. The rooms were croweled. All
was pity, love ami sympathy. In the
middle ef it all the eld laely sat up anel
said it lid her good to see so many kind
faces about, while the two daughters
handed around coffe e and ices, the guests
finally departing in tho funeral car
riages. Brooklyn Life."
nw an On 1 Fareo" a Train.
Owls flio hv common consent ad-
judged to be birds of ill omen, but En-
giucer JseU liariierr. or tne banta ie
says he happens tc that the'y ar
anything but that Mid tells the follow
ing story to prove his assertions:
One morning as the east bound over
lanelwas pulling through the mountains
west of here, Burnett's engine doing
the work, a big hem lieuked owl dash
ed ngainst the front window of the cab
with such force as to break the win
dow, the birel itself dropping dead at
tho engineer's feet. Though Harnett ia
not, generally speaking, a superstitious
man, this seemed so singular ;ui occur
rence that he sttjppi d the train and sent
a brakeman ahead to see if the way was
clear. Strange to relate, the brakeman
soon returned, reporting a landslide
aeres tho track in the mountain pas?
abeut 100 yards ahead. Hands were
sent at once to clear the track, and in
removing tho ile i.ris they found another
owl, no doubt mate to the first, ce.ugiit
in the crotch of an uprooted tree, crush
ed to elegit h in tiie fall.
Bame tt had both owls stuffed, and
the two now artc-m his cab, always in
suring him good Irak, ho says Phila
delphia Times.
Card of Tiutnks
Mr. Vestal and children wish to ex
tend their heartfelt thanks to the
many kind friends and neighbors for
the many acts of kindness shown us
during the sickness and death of cur
dear wife and mother, and especially
thank them for the beautiful flowers.
Mr. II. L. Vestal,
Mils. Jennie PalMeteu,
Mks. Beli.k Baijiutt.
Mi;s Beiitha Riciiaijds.
Alfiilfa Serd.
A No. 1 alfalfa seed for sale cheap
at A. fl. Week bach's grocery stq;"e.
i'ailitrci's Snow Liniment
is a remedy that would be in everv
home if all knew what thousands in
all parts of the continent have le .rned.
Those who havo used ordinary lini
ments are amazed at what Snow Lini
ment does nnd the rapidity with which
it does it. Cures Lame B .ck, .Hheu
matisiu. Neuralgia, Serenoss, Bruises,
Slrnins Muscular Pains anywhere.
Equally good for Animals. 11. K.
Morse, Traveling Salesmau, Galves
ton, Texas, frays: "Two buttles of
Ballard's Snow Liniment- cured me of
llheumatisin eif three months stand
ing." When buying remember Snow
Liniment has nej substitute. Price
,"j0 cents. Sold bv F. G. Frieke k'c Co.
Sonn't hiii;' Kxtrit Nice.
V. m. Neville & Co., has just re
ceived from Pahst Brewing Ce., Mil
waukee Wisconsin, a new brand of
beer called, "Deppel braue" (double
strength) always on draught. C ill
and try it. It speaks for itself. s
C'vtlur triik Hour.
Everybody keeps it and everybody
eats it. no orie abuses it, and everv
body u-e it. Saves you a lot of bother
so elon'l buy no other.
C. SPKr.cKi.i;s, the Mkicr.
Writing LradtTD I "or t'i& Loudnn Times.
I dined with Mr. Waiter and his sou
in Printing Ile.use square ft 3 o'clock
and found that I was oxpvc'.d to write
an article there and then em one of the
subjects of the day 1 prorcsb d my in
ability, not suppeiiinrj myse-Jf capable of
doing such a thing in less than a week.
This was poohpotihcd. I tried, found i
possible and found so that I was ex
peeteel to repeat the process" next day
same hour, same dinner, shea t eimver.-'a
tiou after dinner, tlv-n the subject wa.
announced, anel I was left alone till tea
time, whe'ii Mr. Walter appeareei, reaei
aloud what I had done, with criticisms
and, after correct ion, carikel ell tho pa
per to the printer. When the aiticle wew
finished, the same process was repeated,
and when I was disbnreiened of the
whole article I went he me to bed. Grad
ually it appf ard ihat I was expected
(exceptis excipiendis) to do this ever
evening. Letters of Fiedcrick Lord
Blackf erd.
Iating What We Kn?.-w Notliiag About.
There is nothing so delicious aa the
first coelfish caught oft' tho 'Seonsei
ehore. You ne-ve r have them as wo do.
Wo eat the "tongues and semiids, " and
one eloes not know what codfish is until
they have tasted these. Then tho "in
wards" are sold at 23 cents a quart.
What they are I will not explain. But
fried in crumbs, there id nothing more
palatable. "Britches" aad 4 chittliugs"
are tho names given to tne eUlieivnt va
rieties found muler the more general
term of "inwards." "Nantucket Cor.
Spriugfie Id Republican.
Probate Notice.
In the county court of Cass count v. Nebraska.
In the luaitor oi the estate ot Ella J. NlcC'ormack,
W. S. Mcf'iinn;u:k, Thomas I'.. McCorniack-.
John ir. Mce'ormack, llarloni 1. McConnack. E. Hoover. J . 1.. M ceJonnack ami all olhet
prisons i:i;ercste l in said matter are hereby uo-
I'.lie.i that on the -Mill day ot Mau h. ls:i7, li.T.
McCorniack tiled in said court a duly authenti
cated copy of the will of the said Ella J. .McCor
niack. together with the probate thereof, oy the
probate court of Marion county, Iowa, torjetlier
; with his petition alleging among other tilings
that Ella J. McCorniack u;ed on the L".Uh dav ol
'October. IM.". leaving a last uiil ami testa
! meat and possessed ol real estate situateJ in the
: county oi Cass ami state ot Nebraska, valu.'j at
' ..oo. and that the aloe named com'.itute a'.l
1 the persons interested in the estate ot s:i:d dc
J ceus d. and pra ing that paid s i I ma he pro
I bated, allowed, l.le ! and recorded and iha ad
! ministration be grained thereunder ia th,-.
state, i ou are hereby notified that if yon fail i
appear at said court on the bith day ot April. A
I lsi'7, at ti o'clock a. m., to conte.-t tlie probate
ol said will, the court may a.iow and probate
said will and jrratit admifis; ration with the wih
anne!ed of ta;d;te to Eila E. llo ..vtr.or some
otlier suitable person, and proceed to a set' le
nient thereof.
Witness my hand an 1 the seal of said count
court at riattsniotith, Nebraska, this, the -.'i-th day
ot March, A. 1) 1M'7.
itv.l ) C;kok;e M . Sreui ock.
e;ounty udj;e.
toast bread
and keep it dry. There'll be no danger of its molding.
But moisten the bread with water, and see the result,
in a short time it is covered with mold. It is just so
with consumption. Its germs will not grow in the
lungs unb-; everything is suitable to them. Weak
ness, poor blood, loss of appetite, coughs and colds
often prepare the ground for the development of the
germs of consumption. To destroy germ-life the sys
tem must be kept in a well-nourished condition. Do
not lose flesh Take Scott's Emulsion,
with hypophosphites, as , '
a preventive. It furnishes the reinforcements neces
sary for the body to conquer in the easiest possible
form. The oil is in a state quickly taken up and" rap
idly transformed into the organs and tissues.
When you ask lor Scott'a Emulsion and youi druggist gives
you a salmon-colored package with the picture of a man and
itsn on It you can trust that man with your prescriptions I
ffocentand$i.o SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York
A Story of Ilt-aconsflnlI.
Lorrl Beaconsficlii was in theory a
female Buffraaist. Eat his flirtation was
of a very plattmic character, for, al
though he had often the power to nive
practical efiVct to his pious opinion, he
took care ne-ver to do so. Once the cpno-
sition leaders were very anxions to find
out what course he intended to pursue in
regard to a certain mutter. They turned
loose upon him a well known political
beauty, the talked and talked, he gazed
and gazed. At length she asked him.
He pressed her band, looked unutterable
admiration anel observed, "Pretty dar
ling!" I remember how my admiration
for Lord Beacousfieltl rose when I first
bearel this tale. Loudon Truth.
Full Kent-lit.
Watts Let's walk along until n cax
overtakes us.
Potts No. Let's walk the otlier way
until a car mee ts us. We v. il cut eh it
sooner, we go down i- : j aa
quick, and w( get more ;'. mi
money. Jndianapo! is ,T -v
Children Cry for
Pitciher's Castoric
Having sold my stationery and news
business 1 urn anxious to elo.-ie up all
accounts. I'urties knowing' them
selves indebted t me on account of
stationery store will plesse call at
Hotel Kile v. W. W. Coatks.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That is what it was tnade ior.
I'cnce malting;.
"I r.m afraid," sai l the irascible fa
ther, "that tho boy feels very unkineily
towartl me."
"Diel you reprove iiim?"
"Yes, and the result is Unit I haven't
seen him foi two cr three days."
"I guess joa could be friends quiekly
enough if you would only make senus
advances. "
"Weil, I h;ite to jive in, Lnt I sup
pose I may as well. Hand mo my check
book, aud I'll make an advance of $20
to start with. " Washington Star.
Mrs. A. Inveen, residing1 at 720
Henry street, Alton, Ills., sulTered
with sciatic rheumatism for fiver
eight months. She tlocUired for it
nearly the whole of . this iirae,
using various remedies recom
mended bv friends, and w
by the physicians, but, receive a ne i
lief. She then ued one sa.d a half
bottles of Chamberlain's rain B ilm,
which afiVcted n. complete cure. This
is published at her request, :.s she
wants others simih.ilv iilliicted to
cent sizes for sale I'.yail druggets.
Legal Notice.
To whom it may enncorn:
Yon arc hereby tiuti!;oii that on July 12. !!".
the toll" wins' described real t-s ate, situated in
J-outh I lend, Cass county. Nebraska, .Lot
tour (4i block thirteen K'i in the village of South
Uend, Cass county, Nebraska, was sold at private
tax sale by the treasurer ol said county tor the
delinquent taxes due thereon or the eats 11
and back years, to the directors of school dis
trict number In'ty-scven t."7l, who received a cer
tificate of tax sale therefor and who are the
present owners ami tioiders thereof. The lime ol
redemption ot said tax sale will i-xj.ire on the
l:.'tli day 1 July, 1HST.
(Signed) 1ik ec roKS School Hist. No. r7.
i'.y Jacob A. Caiu, lnecioi.
Piobate Notice.
In the County court of Cass county, Nebraska.
In t he matter ot the estate ol l'eter Khuireus.
Mary C. Schwa'i (nee Klaurers). Nicholas
Klauieus. John Kiauiens, Catherine Kl. miens,
Andrew Kl iureiis. Nicholas Klaureus, uaidian
of Andre.v Kiauiens. a minor, and ad peisuns in
terested in said matter are hereby notified that
ou the l'iih day ot March, l-'.'T. Nicholas
Klaurens tiled a petition in said county court,
pravinfr that his tinal administration accounts
tiled herein be settled and allowed: that distribu
tion of the residue ot said estate be made to the
per-ons entitled thereto: tliat an accDiinihiir in.iv
be had between the heirs ot this estate ami that
assignment of the real estate be made. Vim are
further notilied that if you tail to anpe ir before
said court tin the lf'tli day of April. I.V.'T, at in
o'cloc k a. m., and con est said petition, tiie court
tnaygiant the prayer of said petition ami make
?t:ch other and further orders, allowances and
decrees as to this court may seem proper, to the
end that ail matters may bo finally settled and
Witness niv hand and seal of said county
court at i'l.ittsmouth, Nebraska, this, the "Uth
day ot March. A. 11. lWi;.
(jiroRiin M. SrrKi.ocK,
Scall County Jud?;e.
Legal Notice.
To I'hilip Stoll, (ieortje I.ehr. Cieorce I.elu, jr.,
A. S. l.ohr. his wife, tirst name unknown. Charles
I.ehr. Minnie if. I.elir, William . i.ehr. M.-.rtha
I. . Ca-e, James Case. Charles Stoll. Mrs. Stoll.
his w ife, iirnt name unknown, Catherine I.each,
John Leach, noil resident defendants: You and
each d you are hereby notilied that on January
II. tssjr.TUiis T. 'Hartley, as plaint ih. bean an
ai turn aeaiiist you and other tleleiivlants ia the
district court oi Cass county, Nebraska, to f. ire
close a certain tax sale certificate and all taxes
paid theri'tindei , on lot 2. beini the southwest
(piarter and a part of the northwest iniarter ot the
northeast quarter: lot t: bein;; the southeast
quarter and a part of the northeast qu-irter of the
northwest quarter, and the northeast quarter of
the southwest quarter, all in section ;i", town 1:1,
north of range in said count y. nunilieied tliC,
issued to the piaiiitiif on Novemiier 7, ts'.'i. pur
suant to a sale oi said land for delinquent taxes.
1'lamlill prays for decree of foreclosure aud sa'e
of aid land to satisfy tho liens thereon, and lor
general relief. You are required to an- wer plain
tnt's petition on or befoie Annl'i. 1SVT.
Li T. llAK'ii.iiv. !".a';:U.ft.
I; v I. H. tlattield. his Attorney. "
SherilTs Sale.
In the district court in aud for Cas county, Ne braska.
( Alexander II. Robertson.
J trustee of the estate ol i
Klla . Uavis.ueceaseil, An- Jh.c. ' tl." i:;7.
Michael (I'Tlonohoe, et al. )
S treated Yx iiLVKAS, ill the above entitled action penuui
in tiie uistrici couri in aiui ioi ch ohiiiu, -e-liraska.
for the foreclosure of a mortsaue upon
the iodow inir described real estate, iUiated in
j the county ol Cass and state ot Nebraska, to-vvit-
Lots i. . ., -I. . ami ti. in tooi k -; lots 4. ,i ami u.r.i
block -!'. all in the city of i'la'tsaioir.h : lots I, s.
in. II aud l'A in block fl. beii.K ti c muilii one
halt ol said bl.ick.i: and lots !.: a:,d ?"..iu block
in White's add.tion to the city oi i'laiisrtioutii. to
gether with the hereditaments and appurtenances
lhir.:min bj M t i i t i t it uli.t
know what CUi-ed her. Tht' ." arid .() i i, " AleMinder, II. Roberts. n.
i trustee, plainti:! did. u tne tu day ol latr.tHry.
I ls'.o'i. obt.iiu a decree d forecl-is-'fle and sale ::
! said above des: ribed reale-tat . and
En"lisu Spavin Liniment removesal I nntr.s. An order 1 1 sa.e as pio id-d ms.t: !
llard Soft orCalloeiseu Lui,,s and j r pra" eidler'ai.e,':
Dlemi.hes from Horses, lT.ood Spavins, jt'i 'ZuSi
Curbs, SnlilllS, S'.Vleney, iUi'g-r.OllO, 1 I will, on the --HU day ol Apr:). s:.7, at the front
t...., r. - . t i ti . i south door ol the coiintv court house in the city ot
Stliles, Sprains, nil to woolen 1 uroats, ilausmouUi. Cass county, Nebiaska. at tiie hour
.il it u n ... said dav. sen sau aeoie oe.-ci:oe i
li Sit, M in aVryi
C. C. PARMELE, Receiver.
Highest cash price paid for wheat, and the
best flour ever m?vde in Nebraska given in
Custom work specially cared for. Give
the new management a trial and you will
buy no other flour.
Ask Your Dealer ?or Cedar Creek Flour.
Notice to Creditors
Stat e or N"i iskaska. )
-r "T v ifi
' ecCSKA1- U-i.H::;!;.i(lrfj9iVf.H'enii IK
ti tlio niaiter T,f tho est n to of Aim a 5in-, l.JirJ'li.$S3
Notieo is bei-L'by v'lven that tbeoiai:!;? in 1 ' WKi ,1" ,f ""'" 11 " " v-asti noeordlntt in ell
demands .f all iiorun- nw.u-t Ai;n.i ; r.-ct . i s; ,..-veot trmismlion of blood
honev. floeotied. into of said ooutu aod : ,! ' - s. .1 m' s.-m, a.-ute and clironle
state, w ill bo reeeivt d, and ! i lei r-. u rf. ii,snre of tho lunula and
just eel by Iho county totut at tho court i ',,0, 1 '''":,. lt Uli.'tuiisil.isiii. 1 n-
liou- at fialts.noiitli, on tin- st ,, u v ..f , h ;i a i Ion of t ho lilad.l er. lsases of the
November, A. 1) l-si,", at lio'. 'oeK i n" t bo '" .om. is and muscles. Sypiiiletle In
forfiiootl. And that ix months f r.,m :, nl v in '! ' J"-""rv.v rof u li ii many forms
after the Sth e.ay of M v, A. 11. 1-.i. 1 1 tlhii'",l! u.'mj and n huuui-e.t othor farms of
time limited for creditor- ef said uoe ,s-d i'".'-'' ' M" 'le : iro.-t ly or Indirectly
to present their eluina for us inuialioii and . V' Vl",n:,c. '''"'"u I'o son for which tlio
alloWiinco ' I c b m ii s I ne i : -n Saety 1 a blot A is a
Uiven under ii.t hand and mvi! thisTdh d;:y 1 s:ir'" ' v 1 ' 1 11 ' t lHl is safo Lierm Killer,
of April. A. I). IS'.'T. ; ' t '"o i . ti : oi ti t i rioo hardly possible, hence
bl-'CillC.F -r(.liI l CK i i iu-, ii m'.ili ten sum tiouuies renui
C',"f l.i ''e f-iliy. Sialic i u'ly here, seaicu 1: six
1 L1.'T-1- ' boxes fi ?. "o dieil a ivico free. JACK-
-:.: M I'.iiitw J, t:o Ciiica.'o, 111., or our
; a i ' lit. I . L. Htu ccr.
d de
Netiee Ut ( rc(ll!rs.
Sl'.'TK OF Nl.llRAsKA, (
County i.t Crt-s. "?""- '
In the matter of the estate of Mat tin M.i!
det eased.
Notice is hereby given that the claim a
inanrts ol all persons against iaiiiu Mahonev,
deceased, late ot Said County and state, v. id I e
received, examined and adjusted l. v the cotinn
court at tiie court house in ria'tsiii.Hitii. on .::.;
sth day of N ovem'oer, A. 1 . Is. ;, ai in i t!ot k. i.i
the forenoon. And that six moiitiis Imtii at..'
alter the M h day ,rf"May. A. 1 . 1 -i'7. is ihe I .!
iimiteil for credit'.rs ot saul (ie- e.ised to p.-.-:o.
t lieir c laiuis for am inat ion aiji ao i'.
e.iven under mv hand and se..i this ath day .)
April. A. l. ls'.'i,
I Seal (.ie.iKi.K M. Sri im m k.
C .i.i-n I .. :
Sheriffs Sale
I!y ii t tie of an older of sale i-sr.ed bv li.-r.
!". I ;ousew;:rti:, clerk ol Jl-ti:Ct C'Mirt;:',
for e'.a- s ci eant v, Nebraska, a'ld to pie d-re.'le !.
w il on the sth day ol .i.iv. A. i . ;c
o'cioci. a. m. of said ( ti;e s'i:tri do ir ol l
COlllt llOU-e ill tilt.- City ol t'latlsil,ol;: f.
C'n:tity, st:il nt pub'ic ;:r.t ;:i!i, t. ttu- li,:':ie--; i':
der for ca-h. the loiiow in.:; iu.:l t--t;.ie to-i .1: j i
we.-t hail o the northwest (pooler "I m: ;.o:i!
town id, rantfe !. east, in (,'.:.; -1 x-:i,.t . . i oi.e-i-.
tofetltcr ttitii llic privilege- aatl ..ppiirietriin..
I buret in to or in a e e aopn t.: i;i in
1 tie .-.ame beinu: levied tllioil a ii 1 t .i seii te
piope-tyol l.l.cosia Kn'.ir, e: at.. !e:.!!--l:,:,l-. i
-alislv a jiion-.eiit i.l said i .err rec .eiei 1.
Joins .-until, pi.iii,t:t;. ano ea'..;:ei V,.t.eji t.
ecu t.-r ol Ihe last wi'i'and iestaiiftn ..1 be
Black, decea-ed. auainst -'aid .ie.-.-i:i-ii -.
1 : ai t sin. u t i..N ci i A pi i'.. . . i . ).:;?.
I I a k v i.v i i . o i . '.v . v.
Slie.;:!. e . c.i.Klv, .el ia.-;' 1.
V "- : Ql-'fCLV,
il-T, "r o JORSIVEF? CLT'ED.
::, ii iriy o. y- by ;i tn n perfected scientific
le.i.iidta ' e-.n Mil f :t;l unless th case Is
1 v.i. i . bun -:n :ii i. You feel improved the
t'--s: ii t y : fe id ! cticiit every day: anon
! '.o'a v on s .i kin 2 anions Men In body,
.'-il l ami 1 e 'it. Jlr.iins ; I:tl losse:s ended,
every o:-.ii -icio to h ipjiv tnarrU'd life re
i i, NiTVf- T ie.-, wili. euerey, brain
;.e,. !-. v . i.e.'i f ,i lo-- an- ri'stini'U," If mi
' t I i -. 1 1 ii o s resuit fiitiilly.
"'ii. .- i. v irei. Mai o l everwhere.
U I i ' 1 1 S I .-! be,, -.; !,,! f JACKSON
.:.:' i, i ' . . t b -es ii II'., or ourue,ent
I.. i
re- I
Coughs, etc. Save i-oU iy use eif r.e
bottle. W:trrantcel thf nicst wotidt-r-ful
BieraisU Cure ever known, tkiiti by
F. G. Fricke & Co., drui-hr, piau&-inouth.
"ew ltlaekKiniiliiiiK 1 Inn.
William Ailtn t f ihis city Lnvino
purchased ti e bl; cUcmith siieip of T.
B. IJrown on Wahicfitem avenue,
wishes to stat j lj ihode neeilin any
work in that line that ho is- prepared
to give them the htai ol servico at tho
right kind of u.-ices. Mr. J. Q.
Churchill, a bick-nii:h of wi o ex
perience, is in Mr. Allen's emp.oy.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Cures Piles. Scalds. Burns.
ro.-ii fst.ite at intlnic auction to the litRhest l.-i-J
der for cash, to satisfy said decree, costs an-i v
cruintr co-ts and interest. .... .
1 luted l'lattsmouth, ,eo..M:rc!i i '. A. IV l-e.
SlieriiT, Ca-s county. Nebraska.
Confrdon & l'arish, Attoriiejs.
Notice to Crtdtors.
State or Nkukaska, I fs.
Cass County. f
In tiie matter of the estate of Mary E. Sear.e, di--deceased.
Notice is herebv given that the claims and (re
mands of all persons against Mary i-.. Seane.
deceased, late of said county and state, will be re
ceived, examined and adjusted by the county
court at the court house in l lattsniouth, on the
1 5th dav oi October. A. D, 1V.L. at i o ciolk m ine
: forenoon. And that six months from and after
the :lid day ot April. A. L).. ls'.7. Is the time
limited for creditors ol said deceased to piesent
their claims ior examination and allowance.
1 Given tinder my hand aad seal this fth day of
, March. A. U. li7.
,c George M. SrcRLex K.
Seal County Judge.
Harper's Magcziitc
I-ICIK)N: ' I he Mi.rtiati." the t .to: Ii)
l);t ii;iurier. the eafictiy e.vpectv;l sticccsror to
"Trilby," be;;uu in ficiobtr t.i:i!i iir, 1 -., v, i: i:
iUui tratiois tii ni the author's drawings. A n.-w
ti.i'.ei by t'rai'ik K. St-.-c!-:!-'.:! - etee;!i-:i:, s.
Twentieth Century Renaissance full ol 1 v.!ie".r
ous siiLivilions mid characiei e-.t!ea;'.y i ": T -. i - t . 'ale. i.
"A l'.iii L'f I'atient Lovers.' hv V.'i.iian: Iert.
Ilov.cils. Utlicr striking lioveieltes by A -net a. it
authors. Shoit slones :y V.uik 'i'v.ain. Thon.:.
Nelson I'age. Richard liar . . .,.
Wister, John Kendrick I' Ii::h j'.'c'w.i-i
Stuart, Octave 'i'haiiet. Maij ".. Wie-ii,;, iotd
other tiopular wi iters.
SCll-.'NCK: tory of the Pi . ref ot 'c:-.-in:e
during the N itietee'.il h Cent i:i y, a seties ol a
ders by I 'r. Henry Smith iliianis. vuroieuienled
by cont ribut ions on sriecial tui jucs by eNpei:
scientists. Articles on the reiaii a:s oi cioioe..
psychological munifeslati-ms to s :..!. -u y !.,
ilr. Andrew Wilson.
AMhKICAN FEA ! CKKS: "Ti e M .-.i ; . .!
enla," a series by Charles 1'. l.ftur. i: ,s', ..-i.d.'i
iliustrated the result of a recent vi- it to I'lte...
undertaken for ! 1 A K l'KK'S MAti lNi". ! -.-ico
is preeininentiy a 5iivcr-pn.(lticii!!! ciiu'iv.
ar.U its monetary operations rest emoeiv on
Silver ba.-is. OwitiK' to the keen di.--cu-',.-i..n ct
certain economic problems in conuei tiuii vk;th is
sues o! urgent iin;)ot tauce in Anu-i.caii politic;-,,
these papers, will command (seoerat at letiii-ai.
"Aineiican Historical i'aper.-.' oy Vvoodtow '. ..
son, Joliii i'iich Miu .M.isiur. and I rue-: l,n;..:-.
Ihe line story oi "--iieiidau's" by tica. i...
A. i'or.-.ytn. C., in ot llo.-eil's " l'ei'--in.:i
Kemi.iisceiices' ol eminent Aniet leans.
A I-Kit: A AND 1 ill. i:.Sl: "U u;le"s Man's
Africa, ': a f;:liy illustrated series, ol papeis 0
I'ouituey liijrelww, the result of personal l'M-ri.t-tions
during a recent trip to All icu. CoventiK the
who'.e held ot Luropeau eploitatioii i,l ti; it
country, illustrated articles by Mepheii iJon-;.!
oe the transformations it-.m;. on in "i'.a-icrn Li
beria.'' recently visited by the laitie.i. "!;'.in
t;arian Sketches."" written and diat.n by p. li..;i
knison Miuth. The iuli story ot the
Coronation ol the Czar, by Kuduird llai iei;:
Davis, illustrated by K. Catoti o.idvl:ie, wl.o
was comiiKssioned b IJueeu '.l!;-!',i to j ,..nt
picture ot the cetcn.ouy.
Newseapers are not to copy- tin.- :id- er-.'- en eu!
v. iitiout the express ordei cu lluij i ei tiros.'
Jl.lKl'PKS JIAliAZ! N 5 :
For one year f 4 51
l'osta-e Tree to aii sabsi in the t 'lilt .!
Stiites. C'liiiara auvi ivie-.ico.
Al liess HARPUtt & BtiOl HiifeS.
P. o. Box SZQ, N. Y. City-
Harper's Weekly
IX lc-97
W ah the end of l-'.n; i i A K ." LlCS WM.KJ.Y
wiilhavj lived f.itty years, ill that time it has
participated with all ihe zeal and poer at its
CominatiJ in the ereat poiiticai event- of ihe
inost iiiteiestfn.e; and inipottanl pi:iiod in tiie
hist !'' t l the counti y, and it has spie id be! re
lis readers tiie nci'omp'i-iniient.- of science, at'.s.
atid ietieis ,.r tlr: in.-tiit.ti m tiie hi. man n.,11 1
ami the aiiie'iioretioii ot leini.ui ce!e.i.;io,,s and ol
iiiannei s.
What the WtKKI.V has been n. its ip iit a.,d, as these have been maniteste l p..e.e'
paby in Us eliiorial pae--. it will coutinae to be'
It is niiposn.b'e to anuoniice witii pi--risi-n ail
tita tiie Vi Tl'.KI.Y U id t L.ntaoi elm t;: the car
1-07. lt were as easy t i announce is about
to i-apoen in : he w oi id. '.. bat ti oii-.-p!', t.r trood
j'tA ei iinient ai e to I'-iwi'ii, nh.'.t ao:niLL
people i e to be ma'.le, v. hal is ie be tiie
5r" ir.VTMI'JiMS
h FO c.
- t , L.r, ir JO
j ?T.1 i-O ClAFK IM PE RIAL BLDfi. 2
f-i.D, DoiVt taltc ov.y sStibstitule
ivlih trie sc-rne mme but different h
?,?nrriiint- cn vhlch your druisT o
S.r.ukes Iwice an mucli
f : ,
'.C "'- - -ii '
-IV ii.-rin :s. At all
t ts. s.'ijfl jorcimulur.
;,, . (., ti , ,T-i f ,r ! ',,-' t"iH. .i:i't witb-'wit
. . . i i r r-.r- !!! delicately ntedl-
1 c O. C. CSTI'NUK CO., Toledo, ()
r-.r: rr .-T'rr-rr -TTy- wi'7fv' 1
fc;:s s
. 1 1-t be leost .im erf ti I. --ii fi uromptand
ti-s: 1- of tins kiiei in t!it ' marknt. The
o:e : n i n:l v i'l-ntiimi woman's salva-
i b.,-.. A -U 'in? d r . 1st if h? don't iieeo
lb,..,,, w r 1 1 d ire -t i i us and wo will send
i (..! u ..-,11 r- itiiiI df prn-e, I. sealed. iy
I ' 1 , I I I e 1 1 .
s-1 . :.!.. "i
a.vl.r. i.
' bi ll tot Viet! f rce.
, 1 t i )., Ctiic;i;:e. III.
', i y t" r.
or our
vr.--- "- ?
V '..-'. yjyijjuijLijUI
;. 'v TRADE KARK81
r V- ., -4 HESICNS,
Anrnne nrelin r skoteh rikI description may
qnielilv nfi-ertiiia. free, whether nn Invention is I'lUciiaele. t '(.niiminh-utionH ftrli-tly
coiiiiileiirir.l. oi.ieKt tice.uv f. irNfurimr putenta
in Ameiiea. We hnvj u Viihiiitcni otliee.
Patent t iki n tiir..ut.-U Munu Jt Co. reeeiTe
Bpecnd In the
ti5.f ifnt!'- l!'iiiratf.1, Hree-t rirenlntion of
(hr ven':;!'- iourmd. woi-kiv, term i.ll TCat;
jl.)i-.x Hv.iiili-. Speeiiiion copies Hint liANO
Ptioo. oN J'A I KNTs neiit lree. Address
HUNN &. CO.,
C.Cl ilruadnnv, New York..
r fiAll over tho world."
ei-.e 1
the ciiuttutioie; .-.trnie pef.veeu tiei .-pii .t- ..1 j
v:ir ;o..i pea, e. wi ,t 1., to ii;ipo-..-n in ihe ;.:r e:isi. j ",s tii be the slate of t.u. ;.e tv.e've iv.ou:t.s
in. nte. what ih'A n.atveis ol srie'.ee are :,j :.e j
1 e-' .' tied, or ik nat at t: to e : t'.e a- ;,:e v t 'net 1- ot
arts r.inl letters, lor loo Vv i.i . is. i A is in !!. a j
pie .ii ree.n;.! oi lib this. j
Cartoons vH continue to be a feature. ,
Serial Stories:. A -Nek i.n',ano st ,- by j
Mi-:, M.try 1; V. nknis. v ;.i ue.:.n m jieiujij. , I
taieota iiieek njn sii'i; aai.-t the
Sit l:'. i'. i.eie'.m. tile atUhor o! "i o U;" W-.i j
1 ;b w. A -eipiet to 1 lie I b :-,..- i (-1 tee I
S," bv .'ill. J inn i.en lutk i, ,ua ii.nsu.iic-l !
bv .01. ivter .ev..-ii. I
Mum t,hort Stories nK! : r:e..r in the t
Wbi'.KI.l Lhaii ii liar, oe.'.i p . Mljle topub::sil
l;t partifieiUs: ir V 11. Ilov.eii s "Life
and Letters irt-.e been iimons tae naet tli.iin.
iii'4 leatttres ol pe. mi lieu: l.ier.dnre: ."ir. j-.. .
.i..i l,ti and otiier.s wi;; coal r.i. ate o'.i-ervatlrins
uu what is g.iii.j on m " 1 Ins Jiuy 'oi..l; '
'.biinxr .sjiui t'' .il: remain lue i:io;i inipiii.ant
dep..iinv:it i f us kind m the country.
1 lie V KKKI.V t.i'i coiitiuue to pie-ent toil'
readers the worhl'a ni-vts m..-t liiieresim i
Anieritatib. to make impoitai.t ;idviim;es in b,j;a
the iiterHiy and aniaitc feaaoe -, and to ret.-.. 11
ior ii-ed the leadiiifi pee 1:1 the u.astr.tted
jeiirnai .sm ol the vv rid.
Ne.v; -prtj.eis ore not to copy this advert i.'emeiit
v i'.nout tne expn ss order ot Harper tki Ijios.'
For one year - -
- - - $4 00
Postage l-"ree to rdl subscribers in tiie Cnited
i-'.ates, Canada nnd Mexico.
P. O. Box 939, N. Y- City.
Either Lcck-Stitch
or ChaSn-Stitch.
Each th8 best of its kind.
Geo tho Latest Model. &
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That is what it was made fur.
rhysiciaii and Surgeon
C:t!!s'.y attended, either