Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, March 13, 1897, Image 2

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... BY THE . . .
One Year, in advance, ....
Six Months
iwt Week, - - -
Single Copies,
One Year, in advance,- . . .
Six Months,
$5 00
2 50
Of any Cass County Paper.
Lincoln said a great many goo d
things that are worth repeating, and
this is one of them: "If ever thia free
people, if this government itself, is
ever entirely demoralized, it will come
from this incessant human wriggle and
struggle for office, which is but a way
to live without work."
The effort to make any thing a legal
newspaper that bore the name, failed
iu the house yesterday, and the pre
sent satisfactory and fair law will con
tinue on the statute books. A paper
must have 200 bonafide subscribes for
fifty-two weeks before it can have
standing as a legal newsp iper.
The Douglas county ballots were
sent to Lincoln yesterday to be counted
on the amendment proposition along
with the rest of the counties. Attorney
Churchill's cheap bluff did not count
for much, and he might have saved
his grand stand play which only
served to disgust honest republicans.
A GENTLEMAN by the name of
Stevenson arrived at Bloomington,
Ills., the other day with his family
where a few years ago he was a pro
minent resident. Me had been for
gotten during his absence and but few
of his old acquaintances recognized
him, and the general opinion pre
vailed that be was dead, but he was
only Cleveland's vice president, who
emerged from obscurity on the 4th
day of March.
The flippant manner in which some
newspapers refer - to the shameful
crimes of Moore and Bartley is neither
smart nor funny and is not calculateu
to breed respect for the laws oi our
land. These men should be made to
feel that the enormity of their crime
is such that it will be a warning to
others not to attempt such a lino of
rascality and thus the state may bo
saved such humiliating evidence of
total depravity.
The State Journal is getting more
free advertising out of the scheme of
inviting opinions as to whether or not
they should print the result of the
"physical contest" at Carson, than
could have been secured by auj' other
means. During the time they are
getting the opinions of the people on
the question they are probably per
fecting arrangements to get a full re
port of the "mill" which will be
highly appreciated by their patrons.
PLATTSMOUHTU has one of the
most economical and conservative
school boards in the state. While the
strictest economy has prevailed, the
efficiency of the schools has been
fully maintained. If the taxpayers
want this sort of an administration,
and we believe they do, Messrs. D. B.
Smith and Dr. Cook should be re-elected
to succeed themselves on the board.
and if we mistake not the temper of
this tax-ridden community, we be
lieve they will Do returned with little
if any opposition.
As the board of county commission
ers adjourned some days ago to meet
March 16, the letting of contract last
evening for extensive repairs on the
old jail by two members of the board
will Hardly bind the county. The
commissioners have the same right as
any other taxpayer to oppose or favor
the new jail project, but when peti
tions are in circulation which they
will have to act upon a haste to ex
pend money on the old hulk might
turn out very ill advised.
The senate, by a tie vote tho lieutenant-governor
casting the deciding
ballot refused to investigate . the
charge of D. E. Thompson about the
lobby having control of that honorable
body. It looks like "D. E. T." at
this writing had made a mistake in
not purchasing the proffered "inHoo
enco," as the measure specially
aimed at his gas interests is now cer
tain to pass the senate, though it is
an infamous measure, allowing the
city council to saddle a half million
debt onto the city without leaving it
to a vote of the taxpayers, as the pres
ent law requires.
t The condition of the official boud of
the treasurer of the state of Nebraska
is something that concerns every citi
zen. If it is true as believed that Gover
nor Holcomb has been a party to the
approval of what is virtually a straw
bond, the fact should be definitely as
certained at an early date, says the
Kearney Hub. Treasurer Weserve's
predecessor gave a bond for two mil
lion dollars, whereas his own repre
sentf only one million, if the Ilub has
been correctly informed, while the
greater portion of even this reduced
surety is said to be practically valu
less. This state has had enough of
treasury troubles, hence the adminis
tration should while engaged in the
task of betting to rights and enforcing
the law again 8 1 the retiring treasurer,
be just as strict in dealing with the
new one. This is not a pariy matter,
but Is a question of public concern.
K . tl it
. I lit-
kWuty oaU uaih. -i. io - n J i.Ujv,
tion that can bo urged is the unneces
sary expense that would be rgcn
aered. A man who defaulted tv.enty
j ears ago and against whom no cutu-
plaint has been lodged is free fr:m
prosecution now uo m:Uter what might
bo found. If the legislature wants to
do something sensible let the statute
of limitations with reference to de
faulters aud embezzlers of public
money be repealed so that a prosecu
tion could be maintained i.t ;.r y time
when the facts were known Then let
thc-m make these crimes pun
ishable with penitentiary for life.
W ipe out the pardoning power of the
governor, which is an infamous pre
rogative that 6hould never have been
given, and put a limit to eouti.-iuanoe
so that trials may be speedily con
cluded. This sort of program will do
more good than all the blackmailing
investigations of ancient history that
can be resorted to. We do not object
to a thorough knowledge of what h;is
been done in the past, but we do ob
ject to an appropriation of $10,000
made for the sole purpose f celling
up populist political capital.
TnOMAS E. Watson, in the New
York World, writes a very flat'.uiing
criticism of President McKiUiey aud
calls his cabinet a strong one, but he
worries through twocolumus trying to
Drove th:it the cabinet is a plutocratic
combine with no regard or love for
the common people, so to
Tommy's heart. It is a bad atate of
mind when a fellow thinKs the other
people are knaves and that he is the
only honest man in the country, but
with four years of prosperity we hope
to see Tommy come out greatly im
proved, mentally.
What is there a man won't do for
money? This question is jinpiiasi.tu
by the t eport that ex-Senator John J.
Ingalls has gone to Carton, Nevada,
to report the prize tight for the New
York Morning Journal. A college
graduate, a lawyer, an oiator and
statesman who has held the office wiih
credit, next to the presidency, is about
to engage in reporting prize fights for
a newspaper. What a prostitution of
brains and culture for p-jlf, and dirty
pelf at that.
EIGHTY of the representatives of
foreign governments called oti Secre
tary Sherman yesterdnj. I&jpi esenlit
tives of every civilized nation on the
globe were there and must have made
au interesting ussenibly to look up.o:.
It is also said that the secretary, who
is a French scholar, wns able to con
verse with every member, as no mn
is expected to represent a eountyry
unless he can speak French, which is
the diplomatic language of the world.
A PliETTV fair indication of the
policy to be pursued toward Cuba by
M .-Kinley . may be inferred from the
fact that Consul General Lee h .s been
asked to remain at his post. There
will be no successor appointed for the
present, and his efforts in behalf of
American citizens will receive a, very
different support than w is given by
Cleveland and the beneQci iries of tho
Mo: a claim.
W. II. Alexandei:, representing
the Omaha Smelting works, is in
Washington trying to get a low duty
on lead ore in the interest of the Om
aha firm. This is the same outfit
that was so active in fighting republi
cans last ful! and it looks as though
they were not especially eutitied lo
any shading of the protectivd ta' iff
principle for their benefit.
Philosopher Makvin. who pre
sides over the destinies of the G ge
County Democrat, treats 'Gene Moore
very leniently with reference to his
defalcation. Be says that if Moore
had turned the money into the state
treasury, Bartley would have gotten
away with it, and so long as it had to
be stolen 'Gene was more entitled to
it than Bartley.
Senator Farkell. who slugged
the Crete editor, apologized to the
senate jesterday for his act of dis
courtesy to that honorable body. Don't
wait, though, until the editor apologi
zes to anyone, but glance at his as
bestos lined editorial in this week's
The newly-appointed private secret
tary to Senator Hanna is a brother of
Mrs. Willard Kimball of the univer
sity school of music of this city.
William E. Curtis prints the follow
ing in the Chicago Record concern
ing tho emoluments of the fortunate
young man: "Senator Hanna has ap
pointed as his private secretary Mr.
S. A. Perkins, who was president of
the republican college leatruo a few
years ago, and during the last cam
paign acted as assistant to Secretary
Osborn of the national committee at
the New York headquarters. Mr.
Perkins has been in charge of the
national committee headquarters here
siace January 1 and has made many
irieode. Mr. Hanna treats him with
great generosity, and will erive him
his entire salary as senator in addition
lo his regular allowance of $100 a
month on the senate pay rolls, which
will make his -full compensation $6,200
a year. There is probably no other
private secretary in the couutrv who
receives so large a salai v." State
The town of Auburn is laid up with
the mumps.
Ths new method of lighting dark
interiors by means of prisms is arous
ing much interest in Chicngo, where
u , i i - .i b! lo i a
.. ' ., - i-. f 'i irtili-.t.iii
' I s n ; . . - t il -
dc-iloctetl :mJ muitioiied until it will
distribute a soft, clear Jj.ylight into
almost any Kind of apartment. The
first cost is of cuU!8i much greater
than where ordinary glass is used, bu!
the ultimate economy is very great".
Architects aie saying that the new
use of the prism will revolutionize the
lighting of modern buildings. It will
not oniy be a saving to bu.-ine.-s men,
but :i boom to all their (.mjilojes and
customers. The substitution of day
light for gas and electricity will bene
fit everybody -except tho oculists and
the sellers of artificial illumination.
State Jouanal.
Senator F.irrell of Merrick county
and Editor Bow i by of Crete had a dis
graceful list fight in the senat-3 cham
ber yestei day. Quite an excitement
was created and the ciowd of ladies
pret-ent bnujhj the done at a. lively
gait. One of the men is a pop and the
other a democrat, and the altercation
grew out of some criticisms the editor
mad1 on the senaler. From what we
could learn each deserved a good pom
meling as having more mouth than
brains and a better nose for other
peoples' business affairs than their
own.- Unfortunately the mill was
stopped before either of the combat
ants had received serious injury.
Tho editor of a neighboring country
paper thus gives in his exper
"S.nnebody is writing for the papers
that appies eaten ju?t before retiring
are a gieat help to digestion. We
tried it and about 12 o'clock we
dreamed that a liory dragon with a
pea g:oen tail and eyes as big as a
soup plate was carving us with a
meat saw and a sword. We ti uiliy
awoke to liud our good wife fanning
us with a bed slat and trying to get
the baby out of the c al scuttle,
where we had put it to keep the
i dragon Irom gel'.irg it. lani , tue
apples. Give us prunes."'
"I'd rather "bo Wright'"
The wizard of the Platte assumed a
tragic attitude.
"I'd rather be Wright than be
Bowl by or Clary '."
S:iyii;g which, lie see ued a afe
popitioi behind a bell-boy :iid wit-
I nesso: the batlie aU'.r oil. !!.ry.
1 What fun it must have been toeo'.he
1 Ie;.'islaiU! e go through the Ak-Sar-!
Ben initiation. VYlKit so-isnis of lucr-
ri merit would h ive he-en occasioned by
tho dtiring tight-! opo; act done by
Wenring, or tue iWigara falls scone
in which Fritz too the part of lead
ing lady. But the clim:tx of hilarity
inu-t have been reached when
Wooater finote the festive Sir Wii
helcn thrice in the teeth for butting
him too hard. O, m inima! Bixbv.
In the l.oly Jlomlrt of -M ;ti ri uiony.
Iii the pleasant parlors of the Per
kinshouse at 11 o'clock tod. ty Judge G.
M.Spurlock united in marriage Mr. C,
M. Seybert and Miss Lena Spiagur.
I he contracting panics :wo l oth
woil nd favorably known, hav
ing uvea in uuss county Pince
childhood. The groom is the son of
Jhcou Seybert, u highly respected
farmer of Mt. Pleasant precinct,
while tho bride is the daughter of
(iotlieb Sprague, residirg near Louis
ville. The happy young couple will
begin married life uiuier most favo
able circumstances, the groom having
pui eh .sed what is known as the Cooky
farm in Mt. Pleasant precinct, where
they will begin hour-ekecpircg. THE
NiiWS joins with their host of friends
in wishing them suce.-s a;:d iappl
Couiiort to Cuutoriiiii.
Every Thursday afternoon, a tourist
sb-eping car for Salt Lake City. San
Francisco and Los Angeles leaves
t'laitsmouth via the Burlington
It is carpeted; upholstered in rat
ta::; has spring seats and b cks and is
provided with curtains, bedding,
towels, soap. elc. An experienced
excursion conductor and a uniformed
Pullman porter accompany it tnrmigh
to the Pacific Coast.
While neither ns expensively
niisneu nor as line to looic at as a
palace sleeper, it is jusi as good to
ride in. Second class tickets are
honored and the prce of a berth,
wide enough and big enough for two,
is only $.".
For a folder triving full p irticulars,
call at she nearest B. & M. R. II. R.
ticket office. Or, write to J. Francis,
Gju'1. Pass'r. Agent, Burlington
Route, Omaha, Neb.
I nprtci'dintcil OfTt-r To the Kick.
To all who desire medical services I
will furnish medicines for two months
treatment for only $l.o0; for three to
four months treatment, 82 "0. To
those who are not able to p;iy any
thing for medicines and will bring tne
a line from their pastor stating the
same, I v.iit furnish them medi
cines freo of charge. Never can the
afflicted e.vpjct such aa offer again.
What I have deno for those I have
treated here formerly and now is suf
ficient guarantee of perfect satisfac
tion in all cases. This offer holds
good lor a few days oniy.
Pit. W. M. Follett.
Established UusinesM for S;ile
As I desire to quit the blacksmith
ing business I offer for sale at a bar
gain my tools and material on Wash
ington avenue. I have a good trade,
but want to engage in other business.
I also have for sale new running gears
to a farm wagon. Parlies knowing
themselves indebted to me w;ll p!ease
call i-nd settle at ctico as I expect to
leave the city soon. T. B. Brown.
De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve
Cures Piles, coJUs. aura.
II o Saw for Himself "How tiio Other
Half Lives" at;I Learneil ThKt All Who
Ask For Iie'.p Arc Tot Humbugs The
Experience Siatle a New 3Iau of liiiru
, , , , . . eled alter the Fiench m-xigtiH, says The i
nd woman, who has devoted',, - , - .. ,. . i
, - - , j. Cbautauovniii. Oi:' f toe hiei difter
licr time for several years to ., . . t
. . rnces between the English and the,
One go
much of h
Via rrilit.f r.f litvrwa si,rn,irf tw vfrv
... o 0
poor people cf this city, succeeded in
- 1 1 , , i i
opemug tho e res, and likewise the pock-
f. , e . . , . , 5 ,
fH.iii.L- nf a fvmrvil rich ii!ir nnr ni inv
days ago. She solicited financial aid
from him, and doubtless would have
met with i brusque rebuff had it not
been that her position in society com
manded, po it? consideration. As it was,
the rich man essared to be patronizing
and said: ".My dear madam, I know
that you try to do good among theso
poor people, but I can assure you that
yonr efforts are practically wasted.
They take ycur money and such cloth
ing and food as you can give them aud
then chuckle over your gullibility."
"If I can induce a starving creature
to chuckle, I hvAl consider the time
and money well ppeut, " replied tho
woman, with a rnild tiugo of reproof.
"Oh, well, I pappose that jn aro
bound to keep on Masting ycur time,"
retorted the .rich cynic. After a brief
pause he continued, "If you will dem
onstrate to 1110 you can actually re
lieve distress with a dollar, I will give
it to you just as often as yon can dem
onstrate its n.;afulue3 iu that direc
tion." "Will you ccjio with me?" said the
woman thu-i challenged. Tho rich man
assented and accompanied his philan
thropic caller to her coupe. Loth enter
ed the conveyance and were driven to
the neighbori-cnd cf Eleventh avenue
and Fiftieth street. Tho coupe stopped
in front cf an unsightly tenement. In
silence tho man followed his companion
up two or thv e flights of stairs, and ho
socn was standing in a cheerless room
about 12 feet square. The floor and tho
walls were absolutely barren, and there
were not more than four pieces of furni
ture in sight. One was a small stove,
in which a scant fire was burning.
A middle. v.;iv rjan lav hclpl. ss en a
cot, and knee ling by him were :i boy
and a girl eo raggedly clad that their
white skin was visible through mo
than one reuf. A few empty liishea an 1
cooking nten ;i!s lying ou the floor near
the stove told their r.iuta story of desti
tution. Tho pathetic- f with which
the three emaciated occupants of the
room tunui their glances upon tho vis
itors touched a Ion? dormant; chord of
tho rich man's heart. He involuntarily
thrust his fii-.gers into Lis vest pocket,
but his companion, laying a restraining
hand upon his arm, advanced to the
cot, and in a delicate aud sympathetic
manner questioned tho sir;!; man re.qaid-
ni himself ana his children, one es
plaincJ their needs had been called
to ber attention only a few hours be
fore. She toon ascertained that there
was urgent need of nourishment, aud,
bidding her cynical friend to accompa
ny tier, slio Hastened to tne nearest gro
cery. From lony' experience the od
woman knew just what to purchase for
temporary relief in a case of this kind,
and within a quarter of nn hour a bulky
basket was borne up to the desolate
room by the procer's boy. Speedily the
fire in tho little stovo begr.n to throw
out comforting heat, and by and by tho
grateful odors of cooking were diffcEed.-
Then, with the assurance of another
visit and riore (substantial aid, the dis
peusers of good cheer left the poor fain.
ily to their unexpected enjoyment,
"Do you think that churit3' was well
bestowed?" asked the woman, as tho
coupo bora them swiftly away from tho
tenement district,
"Yes, indeed, I do," replied the man,
with a auspicious tremor in his voice,
"Well, there is a list cf what I
bought, together with the prices," con
tinued th3 woman, handing a bit of
paper to her coaqinnicn. lie took it and
25 pounds coal 20
2 bundles kinuliu j.
Half pound tea l-"
2 loaves bread OS
2 pounds oatim-iil us
2 pounds bt f fur nrv 14
Half pound nujjur 05
Gallon kiTosi no o.l la
Measure potatucs i.i
1 ouart milk 04
Small ban s :k 0
1 box liu.tuhud 01
Total $1.00
Without a word tho rich man took a
dollar from his pocket book and handed
it to the good woman. The next da
she received irom mm a rhecu tor one
thousand times that amount. New
York Times.
One Trait of American Charaeter.
Thero is 0110 traic cf our national
cuaracter wnicn loreisuers c;iu never
comprehend, and that is our unshakable
faith in our ability to "come out all
right in tho end. " We stand idly and
more or less indifferently by and allow
a country to bo pushed to the verge cf a
financial "or political precipice under
the impulse of some kind of popular
craze or another, entirely conhdmt that
just before it slips over we can take
hold of it and pull it back. We have
done this again and again, and nothing
eeems to shake cur faith iu our ability
to repeat the operation whenever occa
sion arises. It costs us enormously, not
only in reputation, but also in money,
and retards our growth and progress in
a thousand ways, but nothing seems
likely to euro us cf the habit, unless it
be a great national calamity dno to our
failing in crisis to take alarm
quickly enon-h. Century.
l.oniion lIrilK.
Londou bride is courtructed cf
ite and is considered nwonz tho lincst
Bpecioieu? of bridtto architecture. The
present structure v.-as cotnnir-ncrd in
1824 aud compMe.! ii seven, r
a cost of over .A ; (.':--
lloiiif --k M l-:xeursio?
For tho above occasion the 1J. M.
will sell tickets on February lf!.,
March tl, lt, Apiii G, May 4
and IS for one f:ire for the round trip
plus 52 to points m the follov.itiir ten i-
tory: Ivelr:'tka, Kansas, Colorado,
South Dakoti, Wyoming, Arizr.uo.
Arlwinsas, Ir.d hinXurritory, Louisiana,
New Mexico, Oklahoira and Tex. is.
The mlrjiiimutii charge will cot he
less i-han $7.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That is w hat it was made lor.
fRnch army and navy, j
England' Traditioual Enemy Not Behind
Hr In Armament. j
The French navy ranks next to that .
of England iu numbers, while in effi-
ciency and lighting qualities the French ;
ships are fully equal to their English
rivals. In fart, in naval architecture the
' piciich e:.lly tC: k the
' f fC, English tvpi'S C-f
lead, and many i
d'.iin were mod- '
I French armored s5; ps today is iu the j
' - , 1 X , , I
j disposition of the armor and the eonse-
' , , ,. ... .
orient design of the hull. Ei?l!is1i Ie-
f i
sigr.trs have striven to pro'eet tho men
woiking the guns, r,d to lo this they
have rodntcd the lenr-th cf the ruin's
armor. French ami naval :rchit(-cts, on
the other hand, have given litlle atlen- j
tion to the protcciien .t' men and a great i
deal to tho. pictt ;:.;; of the v.:t.r tine, i
Tlxrei'oie they ii-xeduccd the breadth
of the ship's, minor. j
It i.-; wcithy el note that France is j
the only great power which levh s a tax
cn cf her iti:;, as cither do
not enlist in tho stiuiuiii;- army or wh
enlist f-r sl.eiiir tciui than thieo
years. Only these v. lio aie chickiEy de
clared "iiui i cuniov.s" are exempt from a tax. It is payat e imnually as
long sis tiie liability to i--- rvice htts. and
the iTvenv.e lrcm t;is scum' amount:: to
about 50,000, 000 i'r;a- or "0,000,000,
officers cf the i r.
aim? re-
eeive a very thoio:-;:h rd;
different military ;-cl.ooU
of thes- (altl.ovifti; not ex
tiirT ) Stan.!? ihc L lyU ;:
Fai is, which ;: !::::.; Kit; j
altera co:n -t: e ex.:.
.':i- n at the
At the. lit ad
'IVo1.V 31 iii i-
: :.i:nu.aJly
a'ii ii. The
course occup-cn nir.e laon.hs ia tho year
for two ywi.
As it is ii.ipo.-sil ie to z: - -ttndor arras
for threi" ytar- tho utile r. i cotin
fivi: (d' r rviihs, the in--' i-. visles ti r
the fli.-i .'a.i'g:" c thr-rr.jgjily iiv;nei inc.u
at the i:d c-f t! e f-:.-t or si k e;.r ci
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Lrii.'g tli.v. n t he y ;.cu stu i.g'Ji -f tho
army to tin nv.:l.: r atir.ittiiiy i ttrir.iu
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,eT s
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1. r.:e a woin;;!!
fi" p l C :::e. At
Lvipe the i:ii:::i:-- skirts cf alarm
ing t.'irth ai'e :) nit-re. Ili-'govn readier
the juikle.s, i.iul tho cap ins s.-o to toe
head instead oi rest inj; .n a fi:.i;iework
as ill JjUi'S. i.'!" t:.!C :1 SS IU IjI Jt;. js
perhaps more peaceful, t it; is more
oojnir.rnjih'ce. ft no ii. r t' -ti'ies to pride f the p a ::iU l.trh'.r or hus
band v. Inch is sliovwt l-y "ic nv.i:;hc r cf
yards iu the shivts t .s wrmiau folk
and the vark cy f their c;;p, by the
riehi;is of li ir div. i ;t.s v eil as theii
Air-ays i'iay t'ai-;i.- rr .".loiit-y,
"En.'.'land i-s t; rnu d puritanical, "
sum a xNevr 1 r who lias liri-u in
Louden a good dc;.l, "hut English peo
ple who cc-n.-idcr th
MS l
ves v. ry prop
er go thii:;.:s st nieiiiiics which would
shock x--ops of st, siiiiihn- sort in this
country. F-r i-,st;:: ri , even ci ipyiiicn
often j.tay c;a;'..-: i. v r.inu.-y, i,nd w onicu
do wi as a mattir of course. I i:eer
played a rraine tit an Ftit lish house at
which there v. as not a sfaLe.
"The stake war, sn.'all if women were
arncuj? the phiyeis. a:;d possibly only a
few shilliii-d chai::jcd haiies, but it
never scented to cenr to aiiy English
people I mv met to phcy for fun. The
people weie of the middle class, which
is anything Lut fast.
"Fancy an American clergyman play
ing cards for money! lie w (.uid be con
sidered a bad lot by many if he played
cards even for fan. And certainly a
yourg woman who arr..:c from a curd
table with a dollar, more or lepn, of a
man's money iu her possession would
he roi:sid red fast, to say the least."
New Yoik Hun.
lieriii d TJiem.
is a Eath (T-.'eO ol(, and,
cf corn so, sci:ewl;;.t v.uacaaii.t d with
iiewfarghd tcm.sf f vhe, to s-.y the
least. Accordingly, when he espied a
nickel in the iot n.-tci-iac. ;it a feaside
resort hut summer l i.j cv.ri sity was
aroused, and h- thoi ped in -a uiilal.
Luck was cc lait g tlu? clergyman's way
that day, and, to his iuten-'o honor, ten
nice cigars roikd t;i:t of the machine iu
rcspiiise to the titiiiationsof it.s in t trior
as the nick; 1 liitt.u d thn ugh it. In fact,
the good mail watt m scand.ilited that he
took tlioso cigii-.-- asviiy ai:l lairiK l th-ju
one at a time. J:: lon Herald.
X'oie.-iirt I
According to '
Russia iii kun-j J:,
u j.irt2-.
II: n. F. Lav.-ley,
,s ;':i7,iOO,000 acres
coming- next with
f;f forests, fc?.w de:i
42,000,000. '-i. j-..:.j:v has 4.000,000,
Austria slightly over .,,t:C-,k M"0 aud the
British isles less than :j,t)C0,OU0.
There are &S
miles of di-fauce bo
ld Xev York irv.
ween Atlanta
A pound iivi ird'.-.T,ti. 5.- can
.1 to
";le less than half a ki.
I ron, Cripple Creek
After the big- tire in Crjpp'e Creek,
I took ; ve:y severe cold and tried
m:Dy remedies without help, tho cold
onlv becoming more settled. Af'er
iir-irig three smalt bottles of Chamber
lain's C'oujjh Keua dy, liolh the cough
and cold left me, tied in this high alti
tude it takes a meritorious cough
remedy to do any good. G. IJ. Hender-
on, editor Daily Adver'iser. , For
sale by al. drucgists.
De Witt's Colic & Cholera Cure.
Fleasant, quick results, safe tu use.
for Enfanto and Children.
mlllinpn cf rgrsaTn, Tfrsa't ns o Hpcah c-f it wifheat p-nos-li5.
It is r.Tiquestionaljly tha "host remedy foy Infact and Cliildreu
tlio world hail pvw hi; n tun. Tt ia harml. Children like It. It
pires ftm Lealtb. It -xHTl avo thpir Ht. In It Mothera have
scznol;ing which i nosolntely bJo and practically ywfoct an n.
chlida laeclto.xne.
Castorq deatroys Worm.
Castorir. aJlayaFeverishaog.
CrtstoriB yrtiventg vomiting Sonr Card.
Castorin, cbtm T)t"tt-"l--T and "Wind Collo.
Catoria relipvoa Tocthlag Tronhlps.
Castoria ccran Cor-stipation and Flatnleitcy.
CaoT:i anral'T", tr;a fleets of c arhonio acid ca or poisonon air.
Castorfn Aoan rto rcTftsg. movpibtpq, opig-n, or other narcotic property.
Castorla tw'-rm.?' -t""i fh' for-iircpfnlatan Ian f.toraach and howela
5tfialt:-.r r.--1
Castoria is put op ln2nr;??: fcftlga only. Ifc li not aold in hnlh.
IKm't allo-nr any orq c tell yen myting el-e on the pica or promine
th.t it is "jnt an good" and "will answer every pnrpo-io."
Eoe that yon g-et C-A-S-T-O-K-I-A.
Tha fac-similo
cittgatore of
Children Cry for
Ball I
. Mil a
Has a larger stock than ever which must be
sold and he has made prices that will sell the
taa gm. cm p?, B mmm
Nothing is nicer than an Easy Chair, an ele
gant Picture; or a convenient Writing Desk.
Pearlman has them to give away or next
thing to it.
He has the sole agency for the best Stove
on earth, the
in all sizes and designs.. No other house in
Cass countycarries half so large a stock and
none can compete on prices,;as he"pays cash
for his soods.
to call and see our splendid stock and get
prices. No trouble to show good. Remem
ber the place.
Opp. Court House. -
iVhen Baby was sick, vl -aTc ln-r Ca.-tfnria.
V.lieu sho Zioa a C3ulI, slio crieU for Castoria.
U"hea she became .Vws, she clun to Castoria.
iVtea she had rtJilWreu, she gavel'aeiu Gviloria
iAM y&M li m rim
is nn every
H H 1
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Itlieii!iiatim ( ored u n Iay.
; "Mystic Cure" for Ilheumati&.n and
-Wuialfri:; radically cures in one to
three days, its action upon the sys
)te:n is rem. u-kabio and mysterious. It
removes at onto the cause and tho
'disease immediately disappears. The
jtir.tdoso frreatly benefits, 75 cents.
Sold by F. (i. Frlcke & Co., druggists.