Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, March 10, 1897, Image 4

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City Fathers Dispose of the Usual
Grist of Business.
The Fir oy Want to Know What the
Council Will Io With Them in the
t uture Employes of the Klectrlc
Light Company Will et No More Free
Coal Other Notes of the Meeting.
The regular meeting of the city
council was held la9t night with j.U
members present except Heisel of the
Second. City Clerk Kerr read the
minutes of the previous minutes which
were approved.
A communication was read from
President Fitt of the fire depart
merit askiner what disposition
the council expected to make of them
He stated that the department had not
elected officers for the reason that
they were desirous of learning of the
council's actions in the matter. It
was suggested that the department be
referred to the ordinance which was
recently passed governing it in the
A communication signed by about
everv merchant on Main street was
read by the clerk asking the council
to pass an ordinance imposing
heavier license on transients selling
goods in the city. At the present
time the license is $20 per year. The
merchants signing the petition wanted
to increase it to $300. Upon motion
of Miller the matter wes referred to
the license committee
The report of the chief of police
showed the arrest of one man and his
subsequent acquittal.
The report of the city treasurer
showed a balance on hand March 1 of
The claims committee returned the
following claims against the city:
A Smith, drayage 5 19
J V Egenberger, wood 3 50
L Kil3ow, hauling dogs 3 3u
P I Hansen, salary 40 00
ohn Fitzpatnck. same SO
ohn Murray, same - , ( 00
'ublic library, rent 33 Ou
Ebersole Sc Sans, bolts 1 50
E Kildow 3 45
H E Hillis. court costs.. 34
John 1). jourdon, same 7 CO
Gas & Electric Light Co.. lease 233
Charles Grimes, expenses 2?
Matthew Gering, same 34 75
Upon motion the report was adopted
and the clerk instructed to draw war
rants for the various amounts.
Barwick made a kick on paying
13.50 per cord for wood and also wanted
to know why so much wood was pur
chased. The latter was satisfactorily
explained and it was decided to look up
a new market for future purchases.
Wheu the claims of the employes of
the electric light works were read
Wbita made a motion that the claims
be allowed less the coal whicii they
had used, slating the men had been
using company coal. This brought
up quite a heated discussion. It ap
pears that under the old management
the men were furnished fuel free and
as nothing was said about the matter
when the city took charge of the
plant they expected the same privi
leges. White's motion was amended
by striking out the portion requiri g
the men to pay for the coal that h
been used, but requiring them to p y
for it in the future. The motion as
amended carried.
There was another big batch of
claims against the city for fighting
the Burlington fire. They were all
referred to the claims committee ex
cept that of John Kildow which, upon
roll call, was ordered paid.
Sidewalk resolutions were presented
by Parmele and Miller and the same
ordered built.
The ordinance regulating the man
agement and rates to be charged by
the Gaa and Electric Light company
came up for its third reading, and
after some amendments, was adopted.
An ordinance providing a penalty
for breakiug telephone, telegraph or
electric wires or polls or destroying
any public property was ordered read
second and third times and placed on
its final passage. The maximum fine
is $25 and the minimum fine $-5.
Cummins of the Third thought the
scale of prices on burying deceased
canines was too high, especially dur
ing the present time when Chief Fitz
patrick was laying so many of them
low. Other members of the council
agreed- with Mr. Cummins and the
price was reduced 50 per cent, the
price now being 25 cents per dog.
The council's attention was called to
the condition of the streets at Sixth
and Pearl, where there is a big jump
on of the pavement. The chief of
police was ordered to fill in the place
with rock.
Cummins thought it would be a
good ' idea to hare .the ordinance
printed in book form in order that
members could find what had been
mm a mm mm ma mm mm mm' m m
done in the past. Slater and Miller
thought this a needless expense at the
present time. Mayor Gutsche thought
the matter t-hould be looked into and
appointed as a committee to investi
gate it White, Miller and Sattler.
White made a motion to have, the
treets Hushed while the mud was soft.
This motion met considerable opposi
tion, but upon the call of the roll the
motion prevailed.
These being no other business be
fore the council, upou motion or
Sattler, the meeting adjourned.
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
Subscribe for The News.
Farm loans T. II . Pollock.
Dry wood for sale at A. H. Weck
bach's. Insure in the German American.
Fred Ebinger, Agent. '
Deputy Oil Inspector William Daily
was a Plattsmouth visitor todny.
Mrs. M. A. Street is in the eastern
markets, buying her spring stock of
C. H. Quereau of the Burlington de
parted today on a business trip to St.
Paul, Minn.
Ed Fitzgerald was able to be on the
streets today after a ten days' attack
of la grippe.
Wanted At once. A girl for gen
eral housework. Mrs. Ti. Geinger,
510 Vine street.
A. L. Coleman came over from lied
Oak yesterday and is visiting his par
ents in this city.
Do not miss seeing those beautiful
pictures at the Presbyterian church
Thursday evening.
Nothing belter than Pillsbury's in
the flour line. Try a sack. Zuck
weiler & Lutz agents.
Trainmaster Carter of the Burlin-
ton was looking after company busi
ness in Plattsmouth today.
Jake Breckenfeld is taking a lajr off
from his duties at the R. & M. 6hops
today on account of illness.
II. H. Goos and his brother Pete re
turned at noon today from a pleasant
day's visit in the country.
A good girl might secure work in
the country at $2 per week if she will
call at TnE News office soon.
Do not fail to hear Mrs. Keyson
describe the picture at the Presby
terian church Thursday evening.
Fill the church Thursday evening,
that there may be money to hang
some good pictures in our schools.
The ladies of the Missionary society
are requested to meet at the Womans'
exchange, Wednesday at 3 o'clock
p. m.
Special services will be held at St.
Lukes church every Wednesday and
Friday evening at 7:80, until Holy
Only 10 and 15 cents to see the
stereopticon pictures of the "Christ
Child in the Art" at the Presbyterian
The M. W. W. will be entertained
by Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Dearing at
the home of Mrs. Dearing, Thursday
afternoon at 2 o'clock.
If you want a first-class piano or
organ at your own price, call at
Pettce's Music Store. All the new
songs as they come out.
The I), of II. lodge will give a dance
Wednesday evening, March 10.
Dance tickets 50 .'ents; admission 15
cents. Don't forget the date.
You will find, a full liDe of Mrs
Crawford's pickles at Zuckweiler &
Lutz's. There are none nicer. Try
them and you will use no others.
Cartet weaving carefully and
promptly done call at residence first
door west of the High school.
Mrs. C. Barb.
Mrs. Paul Gering arrived home at
3:45 this afternoon from her extended
visit to Europe. Mr. Gering met her
at tjedar Falls, la., and returned with
One minute is all the time necessary
to decide from personal experience
that One Minute Cough Cure does
what its name implies. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
Mis9 Ella Horn got a telegram from
her relatives at Plainview, Neb., yes
terday, calling her home at once on
account of sickness. She departed on
the M. P. this morning.
Sheriff Holloway received notice
from Weeping Water today to the ef
fect that a horse had been stolen from
J. M. Carter. The animal is described
a being a roan, about six years old.
Sweet potatoes for seed. Best
varieties in large quantities at $1.65
to. $1.75 per barrel. Leave orders
early at T. J. "Thomas' meat market
before stock is gone. J. W. Thomas
Plain and fancy sewing and dress
making of all kirdi promptly at
tended to, and satisfaction guaranteed,
at the dressmaking parlors of Miss
Anna Critehfield, 807 Pearl street,
The finest imported wines in the
state, and the purest liquors, together
with the premium Anheuser-Bus-h
beer, are always obtainable at the
"Casino" Plattsmouth's leading
j saloon, opposite the court house.
C. E. Wescott received a letter
from E. J. Witte today stating that
he would graduate at a Chicago col
lege May 5, after which he would take
charge of a church. His many friends
in this city nro glad to hear of his
Remember the leadine o-cent cigars
in this market is "Wurl Bros." and
the "Cabinet." Otto Wurl, the
manufacturer, is building up a great
reputation for these goods out in the
st!ite as well as at home. Try them.
Elmer Monroe, George Mapes and
Fred McCauley shouldered their guns
this Hfternoon and will endeavor to
"slaughter" a few of the ducks which
are reported in such large qualities
along the Platte and Missouri rivers.
The Knights and Ladies of Security
will hold a "Shingle" social at the
home of M. A. Dickson on Winter
stcen hill, Thursday evening, March
II. Refreshments will be served, and
a food time is assured. All are in
It is surprising whr.t a "wee bit of a
thins-" can accomplish. Sick head
ache, constiration, dyspepsia, scur
stomach, dizziness, are quickly ban
ished by De Witt's Little Early Risers.
Small Pill. Best Pill. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
Don't allow the lungs to be impaired
by the continuous irritation of a
cough. It is easier to prevent con
sumption than to cure it. One Min
ute Cough Cure taken early will ward
off any fatal lung trouble. F. G
Fricke & Co.
Onions are said to be very high
priced this spring. If Uncle Ed
Todd had his crop of two years ago it
would make a plutocrat of him, and
he would get so high toned he might
forget his friends. Prosperity must
not be given in too large doses.
If you have ever seen a child in the
agony of croup, you can appreciate
the gratitude of the mothers who
know that One Minute Cough Cure
relieves their little ones as quickly as
it is administered. Many homes in
this cilv are never without it. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
They are so small that the most
sensitive persons take theui, they are
so effective that the most obstiuate
cases of constipation, headache and
tornid liver vield to tliem. that is
why DeWitt's Little Early Risers are
known us the famous little pills. F
G. Fricke & Co.
Many cases of "grippe" have iately
been cured by One Minute Cough
Cure. This preparation seems espe
cially adapted to the euro of this dis
ease. It acts quickly thus preventing
se rious complications and bad effects
in which this disease often leaves the
oatient. F. G. Fricke & Co.
At lurner hall Saturday evening.
March 13, Seppert Thaler's Tyrolean
Quartette and Warble: 9 will appear in
their world-renowned Tyrolean songs.
Echo tolos on the zither, Vienna ard
Bavarian couplets, guitar and piano
solos, Bavarian and Swiss songs and
dances will also be on the program.
Herry Kneller and wife of Colorado
City were in town today visiting old
friends. They had been in Omaha
attending the funeral of Mrs.
Wheeler, mother of Mrs. Kneller, who
died last Friday. Mrs. Wheeler will
al9o be remembered as a former resi
dent for several years of this city.
Attorney II. Kosler of Niobrara was
in town today. Mr. Koster is making
an attempt to secure the pardon cf
Hale Perrine, who was sentenced to
the penitentiary from b.ire last Aug
ust. The boy 'a mother is said to be
lying cn her death bed at Niobrara
and the boy is also near death's door,
being afflicted with consumption.
P. B. Murphy, well known hero
where he resided for years before re
moving to Omaha, is agent for the
Mutual Life Insurance company of
New York, and as evidence of his suc
cessful work he was presented a prize
silver cup by the president of the in
surance company last week for having
written more policies during the year
than any other agent in Iowa or Ne
braska. Torturing, itching, scaly skin erup
tions, burns and scalds are soothed at
onco and promptly healed by De
ran -a v
Witt's Witch Hnzel Salve, the best
known cure for piles. F. G. Fricke &
Mrs. D. A. Campbell of Lincoln and
Miss Ella Clark of this city have been
iu Omaha lor trie last toree weeks
taking daily lessons in voice culture
from Miss Terry. Miss Clark returned
home today.
The Plattsmouth Turnverein society
has arranged to give a first-class con
cert in their newiy decorated hall
rext Saturday evening, March VS. It
is a German company and Is said to bu
one of the best on the road and are
now filling an engagement in Omaha.
Following the concert a dance will be
given, the music for which will be
furnished by members ol the concert
The News is in receipt of a copy of
the report of the state fishers from
Superintendent . J. O Brien. In
the course of the report the superin
tendent tells about taking 8.000 fish
lrom the Platte slougtis, up near La
Piatte, with which fact News readers
are quite familiar, and states that he
was compelled to do this on account of
low water. This is the principal fish
ing point for Plattsmouth people and
they did not relish the actions of the
superintendent very much, as these
sloughs have never been known to be
short of water and fish would always
do well there.
Superintendent McIIugh States There Is
No Danger In Sending: Pupils to School.
In conversation with a News re
porter todny Superintendent Mc-,
Hugh of the High schorl stated that)
there was no danger whatever in
sending children to scboo!, as all the '
school buildings in the city had been j
thoroughly fumigated. He also stated '
that some fear had been expressed by
parents on account of the close proxi-j
miiy of the Barr home to the High i
school building. The Barr family)
who reside across the street from the
school building is not the one whose
children have been afflicted with
diphtheria. Ho wishes The News
to state .that the danger is over and
that he would like to seethe pupils re
turn to their studies.
The famiiy of D. K. Barr has re
covered from its attack of diphtheria.
Entertained Their Friends.
Misses Tillie Ohms and Anna Weid
mann entertained a number of their
friends Saturday evening at the for
mer's home. The evening was spent
in playing games, after which a very
nice supper was served.
Those present were Messrs. and
Mesdames Martin, Ohm, Ebinger;
Misses Cora Fry, Lena Ohm, Mollie
Martin, Mamie Koehnke, Marie Swo
boda, Tillie Ohm, Anna Weidman;
Messrs. Will Guthmann, Charles
Ohm. Joe Peters, Will Rener, George
Koehnke, Otto and Emil Wurl.
Will Entertain Their Friends.
The German Presbyterian Frauen
verein will give au entertainment at
White's hall Tuesday evening, March
9, at which the following program
will be rendered:
Selection of music Lena Shroeder
Solo .Tillie Vallery
Recitation Lulu Leek
Selection, flute and piano
Or. Humphrey and Antonia Kessler
Song "The Sunshine'' Ida Pearlman
Piano solo Mary Kuntsmann
Recitation Anna Wohltarth
Song "Listen to the Wood Bird's ong"....
Edna and May Petersen
German quartet
Messrs. Lutz, Drucker, Draga, Ebinger
Piano solo Ida Pearlman
" as Leben vie am Summer Tag"
Mary and Market ha Ratz
?olo ....Clara Street
Piano trio Edna, May and Chas. Petersen
Selection '. Rose Hyers
Duet Lena Shroeder. Antonia Kessler
Solo Fred Ebinger
Admission 15 cents; supper free.
Everybody is cordially invited to at
tend. A fancy quilt will be given
away after the entertainment.
Mrs. G. H. Lonoenhaoex,
Mrs. H. Zuckweiler,
Mrs. I. Pearlman.
Mrs. F. H. Steimker,
IP a
17 141
Chester's Compound Extract of Celery
to good as any other preparation of the kind on the market, and stand
ready to refund your money If it doeB not benefit you as much as any other
Celery Compound you ever used. Indicated in generel debility, lossofoappe
tite, nervousness, eleeplessne83,etc.
A Great Nerre Tonic and System Renovator.
It Makes Weak People Strong.
u 11 n
Horses For Pasture.
Splendid pasturage for 300 head of
horses in the Loupe valley can be ob
tained by seeing George Edson. This
is a good opportunity to get your
horses and colts through the summer
very cheap. The stock will be taken
from here and returned, and the en
tire cost for the 6eason is only $3 per
head. Address Geo. Edson, Platts
mouth, or leave word at W. D. Jones'
livery barn.
Subscribe for The News.
m the M ACT Cf CHI WT O !
Line of fancy, tastefully decorated
Chinaware in numerous Patterns,
ol late importation, may be found
at the store of
Also everything to be desired in the
way of Choice Groceries and Canucd
Goods. Our prices are always right; com j
in and inspect what we have and ccmparo
with others. Clark is headquarters for
The Best in Groceries.
Pure DriiQS,
Wall Paper an
DruQQists' Sundries
FOR the Holiday trade they have hund
reds of articles useful and ornamental
that will make elegant presents. They
have recently added a Confectionery De
partment and carry a complete line of
Lowney's goods, which are considered
t he finest in the world. It will pay you to
trade at
(Special notices under this head will be
charged for at the rate of H cent per word
each Insertion.)
WANTED An 80-acre farm. Can pay f l.SJO
cash and balance in one or two years. En
quire of M. S. Briggs.
FOR SALE A good single top buggy very
cheap. Enquire of George Johnson, or at the
bank of Cass county!
JOR RENT A good six room house. Inquire
Ol jaincs ncium.
P)R RENT 15 acres of land one nine ana a
half south of city. Enquire at Ed Fitz
g raid's barn.
riERSOi!AL-To the ladies of Plattsmouth
I Madames Marti and Sullivan, the popular and
reliable Omaha modistes, make i specialty of
work for out of town customers. Style, fit and
roasnnihlp nrices euaranteed. Promptness and
satisfactory work a specialty. Dressmaking par
lors rooms 509-610-511 Brown block, sixteenth and
Douglas streets, Omaha, Nebra ka. our pat
ronage solicited.
Proclamation of City Election.
I, John A. Gutsche, by the authority vested in
nie as mayor of the city of Plattsmouth. Nebras
ka, do hereby call an election to be heid in said
city of Plattsmouth on Tuesday, April 6. A. L.
1897. for the purpose of electing the following
,i . l: . A .
City Omccis 1U llic icim u jl.u,
One councilman from the First ward.
One councilman from the Second ward.
One councilman from the Third ward.
One councilman from the Fourth ward.
fx ; 1 frnm V ESf.h .A
There shall also be elected for the term of three
yTwo members of the school board for school
1 . . H - a
aistntl lu. t.
The polls at said election shall be opened at
nine ya) O ciock in me iuicuiiuu .uu iciu.ih
until seven 7l o'clock in the evening and shall be
located as follows: .
First ward Corner room in Perkins house.
Second ward Turner hall.
Third ward W. D. Jones' livery barn.
Fourth ward-Christian Wohilarth s store.
Fifth ward A. Bach's store.
Done this 1st day of March. A. I). 1HW7.
uone mis is. j A ;uTSCHE Mayor.
Attest B. C. Kerr, City Clerk.
ip mm e 1 e
rn rs
...T" ... i . I?!! iJ?
MMiiiiiltii.Ml .mniiin .... , , ...... , , ,.i
BlackvelPs Genuine
You will find one coupon Inside each 2 oonc ba and 'wo coupons tnsld e-b 4 ounce bag
Buy bag, read the coupon and see how to get your tbttro of JilO.OOO In presents.
g j -
T. Sfi
4 g r'J) cti jj
On Winter Goods to save the trouble
of moving.
HANS H. GOOS, Proprietor.
Best $i Per Day House in the State
Thoroughly cleaned and refurnished. A niito tablo and pleasant
rooms. Bar in hotoi stocked with pure Liquors and
Cif'ai's. Corner Third and Main-tits.
Paid up Capital
Offers the very bust facilities for the
prompt transaction of
STOCKS, bonds, gold. Koverement and Iock j
securities oouzht and sold. Deposits re
ceired and Interest allowed on the cert 0- j
cates. Drafts drawn, avatlaold In :iny
part of the U. and all the prltiii.;e j
towns of Europe. 'Jollectl ns rnuutt ;ind I
promptly remitted. Highest mur'f.ei j
price paid for county w.irrants, ..ate,
and -ounty bonds. I
I.N Itovey. l. I a w lt- !.
. U'MUirti, K. F VViiltf, 'i. K. !.
ieo. lov-y, l"re. .". iianlr, i
II. N. HurrT -.
Leading Liveryman.
The best of rigs furnished at all hours and his
prices are always reasonaoie. i ne mosi
convenient boarding stable for far
mers in the city.
is the
very best
House Furnishings,
Our '-tock 1m complete In all llnri anfl wo .
:i v'An ciir friends to look It over. W wll j
fri i. ;inr tc pl-iis you. C"nl! and u.
i5-irfi--sor- t. Henry Buepk.)
;. V:"i ;- .i it ' i ; NI'Ta
Tcetn Extracted Without Pain
All Dental operations performed in the
k-it pos b : manner by the latest scien- '
tihe methodi. A guarantee with all work.
House and Sign Faiiitiij