Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, December 06, 1896, Image 1

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Keb Farmer
THE NES. Estabished Nov.5,lKSL i Consolidated Jan. 1 1h5
THE HERALD. Established AprlUO. iSGi. f unsoiiaatea Jan.
VOL. V. NO. 42.
Twenty Bills Introduced Covering
the Subject.
Some of Them Decidedly Kariiral. While
Others Would l'erhapn He a Good
Thins For the Masses No Oil Kooma
As Vet Pot In An Appearance Other
Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 'z. (Special to
The News). The desire of the
people for a reform of the pres
ent at.d old-time method of as
sessment for taxation is apparent
from the number of bills introduced to
correct this wrong, I think it safe to
say that twenty bills are on the files
of the two houses covering1 this sub
ject in some form or other. One of
these, which struck me as peculiar
and, perhaps, radical, is that which,
compels the. holders of all forms of se
curities to fite such instruments with
' the county c erks. whfcVe they shall
be taxed by the county commissioners,
and providing that no intrument
shall bo collectable which is not so
Hied Tor taxation. That such a meas
ure would result in largely increasing
the amount of personal property tax
is apparent on its face. Other bills
propose that properly shall be assessed
at its real cash value, and make it u
penal offense not to oo so. What will
be done is, of course, problematic.
The proposed Lincoln charter is,
next to the Omaha charier, the big
gest bill yet iutroduced. It is an anti
monopoly measure, and likely to pass.
It reduces the number of councilmen
from fourteen to 5ve,and gives the cily
the right to buy out the street railways,
the gas and electric light companies,
or to annul their charters on certain
conditions. It covers the ground of
local government very completely, but
is opposed, of course, by all the ele
ments that have ruled in this city for
Not many bills have as yet passed
both houses, but much work has been
done by the committees, and the pass
ing of bills will come faster later on.
Whatever else may be said of this
legislature, no '-oil' rooms have as
yet been opened in any of the commit
tee rooms, and thus far the atmos
phere has not been tinctured with
boodlism. Later on when the bills
affecting the stock yards at South
Omaha, the insurance preserves, the
express and telephone companies,
came up for consideration, no doubt a
lobby will appear how affectively
,' time will telL; In general both bodies
seem lobe made up of men who are
untrammeled and near nobody's collar.
They will doubtless make mistakes,
but they will not be serious ones.
When you know that a man is true at
heart and honest you can forgive his
errows of judgment, but if he is rotten
at heart you despise hini no mat
ter how smart he is. C. W. S.
lodge It a nine y of This City To I'reside at
the Trial.
A special to the State Journal from
Auburn says: "District court con
vened last evening at 7:30 for the
trial ol the Stull will case. Judge
Ramsey of Plattsmouth presiding. A
jury was empanelled and the opening
statement on behalf of contestants
and then court adjourned to 9 a. m.
today. Contestant William Stull of
Lincoln is represented by W. S. Sum
mers and C. C. Flan&burg of Lincoln,
and A. J. Burnham of this city. Pro
ponent Judge John S. Stuil is repre
sented by W. H. Kelliger and G. W.
Cornell of this city, and Judge E. W.
Thomas of Falls City. Attorneys for
both parties say it will take all week
to try the case. Tnere are 1,000 pages
of depositions to be read, most of
which are those of parties at the old
home in Illinois. The case promises
to be one of the hottest contests ever
had in this county."
Meeting of the Aid Society.
The ladies of the Presbyterian Aid
society were entertained by Mrs. John
Waterman at her home yesterday af
ternoon. This being the first business
meeting of the year, the election of
officers for the ensuing year was held,
which resulted as follows:
President Mrs. J. II. Waterman.
First Vice-Pres Mrs. J. T. Baird.
. Second Vice-Pres Mrs. F. E.White.
Secretary Mrs. Aenew.
Tucasurer Mm. P. E. RutTner.
After the business meeting was over.
an hour of social was en joyed, followed
by the serving of dainty refreshments
by the hostess. The society adjourned
to meet in two weeks with Mrs. David
Loudin's Jubilee Singer.
A large and appreciative audience
gathered at the Presbyterian church
last evening to hear the Fisk Jubilee
Singers. The concert was an artistic
success in every particular. Tho part
songo were fine, as well as the solos
Loudin was in good voice, and the
audience testified their appreciation
by numerous encores. The trio "Lift
Thine Eyes," from Elijah, was per
haps the gem of tne evening's enter
tainment, but it is difficult to discrimi
nate where all was so good.
t . I r i i .
iv is mio w buuuiu iney again
lsit Plattsmouth they vill be greeted
with a full bouse.
A Former Cass County Lady Telia About
the Home of the Blizard.
To the Editor of Thb News:
Inkster, N. I)., Jan. 29. The
Semi-Weekly News-Heuald from
Plattsmouth reached me last evening
and was read with eager interest, as
it always is being as a visitor from
the old home state telling me of its
welfare, its prosperity, the well-being
of its inhabitants and lastly its severe
ly cold weather with the ice on the
river ten inches thick and the men
with teams rushing out before 6'o'clock
in the morning with might and main
to gather in tho crystal cubes and
store them away in the ice houses ere
the sua'should beam out as it does in
Nebraska and reduce them to water
I wish I might tell you of a winter
in good earnest one that settled down
to business the latter part of October
with a sleet first, then wet snow which
seemed to freeze fast to the ground
and make good sleighing. The sleighs
were running merrily in the streets of
Grand Forks on the last day of Oc
tober. Then the Red river began
freezing over. I stood by the window
and watched what seemed to be little
circles of ice and snow eddying round
in the current getting larger and
larger and collecting in masses till at
last the river was entirely bridged
over, the weather becoming colder all
the time and the snow continued fall
ing until the whole surface was cov
ered ana all the country white the
cleanest, whitest snow I ever saw.
The ice men predicted an early har
vest of ice, but the heavy fall of snow
weighed the ice down so the water
rose over it and made snow-ice which
is not good. The only way out of the
difficulty was to clear away the snow,
cut out the snow-ice and make a clear
field and leave it to freeze over again.
In this way they get a good quality,
but the labor is more than double.
The first cutting was a little more
than two feet thick and very hard to
handle, but they take their time.
There is no danger of a thaw. We
have bright, pleasant days, but none
warm enough to spoil the ice. Ne
braska people could never imagine
the depth of snow hero. In Meinto,
Walsh county, the artist has made
photographs of several snow scenes.
One lady was photographed on top of
a drift thirty-five feet high, and some
men had their pictures taken sitting
on the cross pieces on top of the tele
graph poles with their feet resting on
the drifted snnw. . ...
In some places the stab'es are
drifted under. One man had to dig a
hole through the drift to get into his
stable, and some houses, can onl3r be
entered through the second story win
dows. At Christmas time the weather
was quite pleasant, but throughout
this month we have had a succession
of storms or blizzards with intense
cold the thermometer sometimes
reaching thirty-eight to forty degrees
below zero. At such times men
wanted mittens for their noses.
Tobogganing is good. People go
up on top of tiie stable ana suae
down, and it is lot of tun. 1 wish to
say, though, that this is an exception
ally stormy winter the worst for
years. I have been in Dakota nine
teen years, and but one other winter
has been as bad as this. Still people
come here and stay, and thoe who
do go away, come back and invari
ably say Dakota is good enough and
they are glad to get back. Why I
can never tell you. For my own part
I often think a less vigorous climate
would be more agreeable, but I might
be like the rest were I to make a
Miss. Maggie Hawkins Jones.
Air. Bryan Fndecided.
W. J. Bryan is down on the coast
near Galveston, Tex. , engaged in hunt
ing in company with ex-Governor
Hogg. In an interview he said: "I
will probably lecture in Galvesten be
fore leaving the state, and from there
I wfll go directly to my home in Lin
coln, Neb. I do not know in just what
manner my public work will be car
ried on, but so far I have refused sev
eral good offers, which would, had 1
accepted them, have interfered with
my public education of the people on
the silver question. I have received
one offer of $3,000 per annum from a
legal firm, and another offer of $25,000
per annum from a certain newspaper
to become a member of its editorial
staff. I refused both offers, for the
reason that I do not want to give up
my work. I have been criticised by
my friends for entering the lecturing
field. Their criticism, however, is
unjust, as I have been no more taking
advantage of my notoriety in deliver
ing lectures than I would be were I
to engage in the practice of law, or to
engage in any other vocation. I must
do something to make a living, and.
having cancelled my present lecturing
contract, I am not ready to state,
until I reach Lincoln, just what my
plans are. :'
List of Letters.
Remaining uncalled for at the post
office at Plattsmouth. Feb. 3, 1897:
Cumber. J C Malaski. Wilhelm
When calling for any of the above
letters please say ''advertised.
W, K. Fox, P. M.
It la a River of Freakish Habits and
Mast He Seen More Than Once to Be Un
derstood Flo hi Mainly Underground,
but at Times There la a Torrent on Top.
"It's a river 1,500 miles long, meas
ured iu its windings," said the man
from New Mexico, speaking of the Rio
Grande. "For a few utiles, at its mouth,
light draft Kteainers run up from the
gulf of Mexico. Above that it doesn't
float a craft except at ferries. Iu the old
days, when New Mexico was a province
of Spain, the people along the river
didn't even have ferryboats, and the
only way they had of getting across was
by fording. For this purpose a special
breed of large horses was reared to bo
kept at the fords. When the river was
too high for these horses to wade across,
travelers campxl on the bank and wait
ed for the waters to subside. Now there
are bridges over the river at the larger
Rio Grande towns, and in other places
rope femes and rowboats are the means
of crossing.
"Iu times of low water a stranger
Beeing its current for the first time
would be apt to think slightingly of the
Rio Bravo del Norte, as tho- New Mexi
cans love to call the great river. Mean
dering in a small part of a very wide
channel he would see only a little muddy
stream, for ordinarily nine-tenths of the
Rio Grande is underground, the water
soaking along toward the gulf through
the sands beneath its channel. The val
ley, bounded everywhere to left and
right by mountains or foothills, is sandy,
and the water, percolating the gauds
down to hard pan, spreads out on each
side so that it may always be found
anywhere in the valley by digging down
to the level of the river's surface. For
the greater part of the year the river
above ground flows swift and muddy,
narrowing as it swirls round a sand bar
and widening over shallows. But the
thing that strikes the stranger most
queer ly is its disappearance altogether
for reaches, many miles in length, of
its channel, whicli, except, it may be,
for a water hole here and there, is as
dry as Sahara. The river is keeping
right along about its bniuss, however,
and where a rock reef or clay bed Mocks
its subterranean current it emerges to
the surface and takes a fresh start above
ground, running as a big stream which,
farther down, may lose itself in the
sands again.
"It is when the floods come down
that the Rio Grande shows why it re
quires so big a channel for its all th
year round uso and demonstrates that
if the waterway were even wider it
would be an advantage to residents
along its banks. It is fed by a watershed
of vast area and steep descent, which
in times of rain and melting snows pr
cipitates the waters rapidly into the
channel. In June, when the snow melts
on the peaks about its headwaters in
Colorado and northern New Mexico, and
later in the summer, when heavy show
ers and cloudbursts are the order of the
day, the Rio Grande overflows irs banks,
deluging wide tracts of valley and some
times carving a new channel for itself,
changing it3 course for miles. Where
the valley is unusually wide and sandy,
as below Lsleta and in the Mcrilla val
ley, the old channels iu whicli the river
used to flow are plainly indicated in the
"No one who has peon the great river
in flood is likely to forget the positive
ferocity it eeems to display as its waters
sweep all before them, and woe to the
man or beast who is overtaken by them!
The flood arrives without warning. The
sky may be clear above when the travel
er, leisurely jogging across the wid
channel, hears his wagon wheels grate
upon the sand with a peculiar sonud It
means that the waters are stirring the
sands beneath him, and then, if he
knows the river, he lashes his horso.
making at all speed for the nearest
bank, and lucky he is if he reaches it
safe. The chauces are that before he gets
there he hears the roari?ig of waters up
the channel and sees them coming down
toward him with a front like a wall,
rolling forward and downward as if
over a fall, with a rising flood behind
Many a man and whole wagon trains
have been overwhelmed in this way,
and, buried in sands or cast away on
desert banks, no human eye has ever
seen thera again.
"The great river has its pleasing and
romantic aspect, so fascinating that it is
a saying am. ng people who live in its
valley that 'whosoever drinks of its wa
ters and departs will come agaiu to seek
them. Like the Nile, the Rio Grande
enriches the soil of its valley to the
point of inexhaustible fertility. Along
its banks in New Mexico are fields that
for two centuries have been cultivated
yearly, yielding great crops, and they
are as productive today as when they
first were tilled Irrigating canals, call
ed acequias madras (mother ditches),
convey water from the river to be dis
tributed through little gates to the fields
of the valley, which it both waters and
enriches. A trip along the river reveals
a succession of pictures of a primitive
civilization of the old Spanish-American
type. Adobe villages, with small, flat
roofed houses built aliout antique
churches, and the spacious houses of the
vicos, or great men; orchards, vineyards,
wheatfields and grazing cattle are all
features of the scenery of the Rio
Grande, the American Nile." New
York Sun.
The fortifications of Sevastapol, which
caused the allies so much trouble during
the six months defense of the fortress
by the Russians, were at first very
weak, and military experts say the town
might have been taken by a vigorous
bombardment and assault during the
first few days of the siege. The igno
rance of the allied generals in regard to
the strength of the works caused a delay
which the Russians improved by making
the defenses almost impregnable.
Ladies' Clubs In London.
The rise of ladies' clubs in- England
is a fact that the social historian can
not afford to overlook; for it is a. sign
of the times. The division of labor
between the two sexes is no longer
summed up by Kingsley's line, "Men
must work, and women must weep,"
since women work, too, nowadays, and
hence have less time and occasion for
weeping. Then -the old-fashioned
pleading, "Poor dear! he ' works so
hard all day, he must have some
amusement in the evening,? is gradu
ally disappearing before the concious
ness that women too have arJght to a
little fun when their day ' work is
over. So the British matron' and the
English girl have started clubs for
themselves; and London vis growing
full of them. Far be it fron'me, how
ever, to suggest that fun and frivolity
are the keynotes of these institutions.
They have various aims to vari
ous needs; and as the modern English
woman is inclined, on the whole, to be
serious. 6he is apt to combino an aim
and a mission with her amusement.
As a result, many of the ladies' clubs
have what might be described as an
Object with a capital? O, which justi
fies the members invtbeir own eyes in
partaking of thejr com forts and advan
tages. -
The M. K. Revival.
Hol everyone that thirsteth ! Come,
come ye to the waters, and he that
hath no money, come ye buy and eat,
yea, come buy wine and mtyk without
money and without price.r Ia. 55:1.
The revival is going on at the M.
E. church in this city. Preaching
every evening of this week at 7:30;
prayer meeting at 2 o'clock every af
ternoon. Everybody cordially invited
to attend all the services. Last even
ing there were thirteen conversions
t was a wonderful meeting to the
people of God. Come, brothers aad
sisters, let us hold up o;ir pastor's
hands, and God will smile on the
good work that is going "on. It is
hoped that businessmen will find time
to attend these meetings. We want
(iod-loving business men, doctors, law
yers, editors, school teachers, office
clerks, hotel landlords and merchants
to attend. "When the righteous are
in authority, the people rejoice"
Prov. l,(J:2. Come, and go along with
us, for God has spoken good concern
ing Israel.
From everywhere come words of
praise for Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. "Allow me to congratulate
you on the merits of your Remedy. It
cured me of chronic bronchitis when
the doctor could do nothing forme."
Ciias4 F.- II KM EL, -Tale O.. For
sale by all druggists.
Pawnee claims to have more law
yers than any other city in the United
Giles Cole fell over a bank in the
darkness at Stromsburg and skinned
his countenance.
A gasoline tank exploded in a Hum
phrey saloon and 'cracKed a $100 plate
glass mirror.
Eli Trullinger fell from a windmill
at Stir and broke both of his legs,
which were afterwards amputated.
While loading coal at Superior
Charles Beeman was struck in the
head by the derrick handle and badly
Half a dozen Nebraskans have slip
ped up on the ice during the past week
intlicting various injuries to their res
pective persons.
The editor of the Grand Island In
dependent says he can tell the differ
ence between a Poland China rooster
aDd a Jersey hen.
Perry Wescott's house, at Arcadia,
was completely destroyed by fire last
week. He managed to rescue his bed,
but that, too, caught fire from the
The Hayes Center editors spend
most of their time calling each other
names. It is lets of fun for them, but
it makes poor reading for the sub
scribers. Seven-year-old boys and a box of
matcnes caused a fire near Superior in
which a poor man's barn, horses and
farm machinery were destroyed.
The saloons of Tecumseh were made
to run last spring and now the sinners
will have their race. Evangelist Sun
day commences work in that town this
At Orleans one-fourth of the popu
lation have had the grip, one-fourth
are just recovering, one-fourth are
down with it and the remaining fourth
expect to have it very soon.
Will Knotts of the Beatrice Times
has sued Col. Marvin of the Democrat
for $10,000 as damages Knotts claims
to have suffered from a libelous publi
cation printed in Marvins esteemed
Charles Dewitt, for stealing eighty
cents -worth of postage stamps, was
convictedin federal court yesterday
and was fined $100 and sentenced to
one year in the penitentiary at Sioux
Falls, S. f).
A musical critic, speaking of a
young ladies voice, said: "Her voice
is of good quality and color, carries
well and was used in an intelligent.
satisfying manner." We are not
aware what color a voice should have.
but probably a rich yellow would be
better than a blue or green voice
These musical critics are getting too
too, und only appear at ease in the
discussion of abstruse propositions.
The farmers of California are going
strongly into sugar beet raising. The
pioneers in the business have made so
much money that others are hasten
ing to drop their old crops to take up
beet culture. The demand for sugar
is practically inexhaustible, but it will
not do for the farmers of Nebraska to
let some other state lead them in the
cultivation of the sugar beet. The
factories must go to the best and
largest beet fields. These fields ought
by all means to be in Nebraska and
not west of the Rocky mountains.
The prune harvest out in the vici
nity of Hastings was unusually heavy
this year, is the way the air ship story
from that town is accounted for.
Prune juice is bad for the imagina
tion. A now book, "Knitting and Crochet
ing," of 64 pages, over 50 original de
signs illustrated, beautiful lace pat
terns, shawls, hoods, jacKets, etc., has
been published by The Home, 141
Milk St., Boston, Mass., and will be
sent with a subscription to that paper.
The Home is a -0-page monthly filled
with original stories, literary and do
mestic topics and fashions. Its depart
ment of Fancy Work is a special fea
ture, new and original designs each
issue. The price of subscription is 50
cents per year and will include one of
these books. As a special inducement
to trial subscribers, a copy of this
book will be given with a six months'
subscription. The price of book is
twenty-five cents, but a six months'
subscription and the book combined
will be sent for only 15 cents. Their
annual premium list for 1S07 will be
sent free on application.
As we figure it out this matter of the
federal judgeship was invented sim
ply to find out whether General Man
derson or Senator Thurston has the
strongest pull with the United States
senate. The general isn't much on
length of limb, but when he gets up
on the Burlington table his pole ac
quires a reach that is something terri
fic. Lincoln News.
Mr. Ward L. Smith, of Fredericks-
town, Mo., was troubled with chronic
diarrhoea for over thirty years. He
bad become fully satisfied that it was
only a question of a short time until
he wouid have to give up; He. had
been treated by some of the besJ phy
sicians in Europe and America but got
no permanent relief. One day he
picked up a newspaper and chanced to
read an advertisement of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. He got a bottle of it, the
first dose helped him and its contiuued
use cured him. For sale by ail drug
gists. Comfort to California.
Every Thursday morning, a tourist
sleeping car for Salt Lake City, San
Francisco and Los Angeles leaves
Omaha and Lincoln via tha Burling
ton Route.
it is carpeted; upholstered in rat
tan; has spring seats and backs and is
provided, with curtains, bedding,
towels, soap. etc. An experienced
excursion conductor and a uniformed
Pullman porter accompany it through
to the Pacific CoafcL
While neither as expensively
finished nor as fine to look at as a
palace sleeper, it is just as good to
ride in. Second class tickets are
honored and the price of a berth,
wide enough and big enough for two,
is only $5.
For a folder giving full particulars,
call at the nearest B. & M. R. R. R.
ticket office. Or, write to J. Francis,
Gen'l. Pass'r. Agent, Burlington
Route, Omaha, Neb.
A few months ago,Mr. Byron Every,
of Woodstock, Mich., was badly af
flicted with rheumatism. His right
leg was swoolen the full length, caus
ing him great suffering. He was ad
vised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm.
The first bottle of it helped him con
siderably and tho second bottle ef
fected a cure. Ihe 25 and 50 cent
sizes are for 6ale by all druggists.
Ilomeaeekera Kirumioo.
For the above occasion the B. & M.
will sell tickets on Nov. 3 and 17, Dec.
1 and 15 for one fare for the round trip
pius $2 to points in the following terri
tory: Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado,
South DakotJ, Wyoming, Arizona,
Arkansas, Indian territory, Louisiana,
New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas.
The minnimum charge will not. be
less than $7.
Lost A dear little child who made
home happy by its smiles. And to
think, it might have been saved hadi
the parents only kept in the house:!
One Minute Cough Cure, the infali-j
lible remedj fo croup. F. G. Fricka'
& Co.
Carriages, buggies, sleighs and lian
ness at A. Gorder'a. Largest ILnein
Cass county to 6elect from.
DeVVittVs Witch Hazel Salve;
Cures Pile. .Scalds, Buro.
ark. . -m
Results from a Bad
Liver and can be
Cured by Using
Or. j. H.
liver and kidney BAL.r.1
A Certain Remedy for Diseases of the Liver,
Kidneys and Urinary Organs
fo THE Or. J. H. McLEAN MEDICINE CO., St. Louis, Mo.
Carrie the Largest and uiost Complete
.Stock in the County.
Finest line of Canned Goods, Dried Fruits and
Vegetables that can be purchased
in the market.
WVckbach's pride is to keep
the largest and best lino,
and he succeeds admirably.
Call and see our goods.
- - - ... XV-ernSa-Unck, Plattsmouth.
San Francisco
All points west..
St. Joseph
Kansas City
St. Louis and all
points East and
No 31 Local exprnst.t, daily, St Joe,
Kansas. 6 Liiuis. all points
south !:4.lam
No 4. Loeal e.vrj. dally, Hurlliiifton.
Chicago, all points east lu:- atu
Noll). Local exp. Uaily except un
Uav 11 :."5 am
Noirj. Local exp. daily except !-un-day.
I'aoitte Junction 1
l'acinc Juuetion P'"
No 2. Vestibuled exp. daily. Bur
lington, Cbicu:o and all
points east ''1 D,n
So Local exp. daily, st Jinj-Kati-axa
l it v. St I. on is- C'iiica.
all points -ast and south.. 8:J." ptn
Xn 7 Kwifrht. rt:iUv. from OniHUa
to Pac junction, lv Omaha !' 1" pm
No S. Local exp. Uaily.Oiuahii.Lln
colii, IK-Dverauii interme
diate stations
N'. Local freipht, daily. Omaha.
Neil. Local freiaht. daily, ex sun
day. Cedar CreeU. Louis
vine. South Ilend
No- T. Fast mail, uaily, Oiuaha and
T::$T am
2:22 prn
No v estibuled exp, daily, ien
ver and all points in Colo
rado, L'tah and California.,
tlrand Island, Hlack Hill.
Montana and Pacini; N. W. a IJ pin
N Xocal exp. daily except Sa il
ay. Louiv:ile. Ashland.
Watioo. Schuyler 4:1. yn
No 11. .Local exp. daily except Sun
day. Omaha and Lincoln.. pat
No 17. Local express, Sunday only,
Omaha P,u
No 73. Freight, daily. Louisville... ii)- prn
Slecpias. dinin? and reclinine chair cars
(seats free on through, trains. Tickets sold
und bajreuie checked to an7 uoint iu the
United States or Canada.
For inuriuation, time tables, maps and
tickets c.tX lor write to
' W. L. PICKETT. Aeent,
I'latlsmouth, Neb.
J. FKA.NCES. Gen. Pass. Aet.,
O.-uaha. Neb.
2io. in, local freight
....4.50 a. m
. . .I1.M H.m
&V o-tn
.. .10.43 jvtn
7.35:.. in
.....1.58 p. rn
t ixo, i -
fl tin. Hi, local freight
R An. 10
; 11.1 iirf c-;
Is'.' i tf.i W."--! Tf
rDEST rfJ?a tor Wedding, Panerals ,'or Pleasure Parties, etc. Hack order.
D attended to promptly. Terms reasonable. Casb. preferred. Call and get
: rates. Telephone 76.
-N. B.-W. D. Jones mctioteer-all kinds of Roods and farm stock
disposed of.
7) I
Having Just Received a Large
Amount of New Stock we are
Prepared to do all kinds of
Printing on Short Notice.
SoGietu Printing
We are prepared to do in the
latest and most approved
style and at reasonable rates.
Gommrcial Printina
Such as Note Heads, Letter
Heads, Envelopes, Statements,
Bill Heads, etc. We are also
prepared to do all kinds of
Poster work in good style and
on short notice.
NO. 305 ....
Corns, titnft mil pin. nea wi.nni -
CImbki and brwtifitt tha halt
Promote! a luxuriant ffrowth.
Hover Fails to Beatore Gray
nir to ita Yontorui oior.
Cure aealp diarawa hair taUiaa
Q"c. acq a;i,uu ac uruggiw pj
Ifyoa are W Fid U IVI r I I Vb or
JndiBotion, Painful Ula or Debility of any kind uat
PAEKER'3 G-INGEa TONIC. Many who were hopa
tetm aod discouraged bare renamed health by ita aao
Miss Maria Parloa
is aiin
aut hoi
Says "Use
is admitted to be a leading American
authority on conking; she
a good siock lor the foundation of
soups, sauces and many other
tilings, and the bet stock is
Extract of Beef."
HKI of Miss l'arloas receipes
sent gratis by Dauchy & Co..
27 Park Place, New York.
U Vs. Original and Only Cmulnc. A
rTSiK safe. a!an n-litla. -0,tt " A
C4S E&A lrarii fcr-ftyra
iTl tnothT. Jt'fM dangeram fcnu-
ILi. j ... ai Iirucri.n. or o44.
Missour Coal. Genuine Canon City. Coal
Leave orderi at F. S. White'
Practice Lb ill county and state court, special
attention given to collections.
ornci ts WaVTXBXAjr block.
Cass County's
I m A
IX O " Relief for m
V Mr Mail 1 (i.OtHt Ttimooimli. Aoper-
?ald by ail Local lrugtina. ' " r
Oldest ; Liveryman,