TSB Semi-Weekly News-H WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS nrnmnmmmfTmmTTTTT IT CONTAINS AJLiL TliJE NEW FOK yT$JSLTT 1 YJtCAJK,, TRIAL SUBSCRIPTION THREE MONTHS FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. 5H OFFICE ON LOWER MAIN STREET. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. t -A. 91 TH6 Seml-WeeKlii News-Herald PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. BRIEFLY TOLD. C. A. Marshall, Dentist. Farm loans T. II. Pollock. Pure 8 weet cider at Bennett & Tutt's. Slippers for presents at SherwoodV. Farm loans and insurance T. II. Pollock. Miss Clara Street visited friends in Omaha today. Fresh Oysters in all styles at Jake Heinrich's restaurant. Dressmaking parlors over Ilerold's store. Coiia Al. Alexasdeij. For presents that are both useful and ornamental g'oto Fricke & Co's. Mrs. John Twiss of Louisville was in the city today and made The News a call. Battenberg and Jewel stamping pat terns in endless designs at Tucker Sis ters'. Get your abstracts of title made by Robert J. Vass. Office in Briggs build ing. Pine apples, figs, dates, raisins, oranges and lemons at Bennett & Tutt's. Mrs. Eads, Mrs. Atwood and Mit-s Olive Jones wore Om iha visitors this afternoon. X-mas goods at auction Wednesday and Thursday afternoon and night at the Wonder. Mrs. D. K. Barr and children will spend the holidays with friends in Cedar Rapids, la. xira rucniieia 01 Limwooa was shaking hands with old friends in the county seat today. vve win give you tue bargains on X-mas goods on Wednesday and Thursday at the Wonder. As heretofore Bennett & Tutt will have t complete line of choice candies nuts and fruits for the holliday trade. Oil painting, autrotppes, pastels at auction on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon and night. The Wonder. Nothing inexpensive makes so nice a present as a ffnebottieof perfumery, You can get the best at F. G. Fricke & Co's. Miss Lou White returned this morn ing from Evanston, III., where she is attending college, and will visit her parents during the holidajs. George Guild, who is attending Wentworth Military Academy at Lex ington, Mo., is homo for a visit with his parents during the holiday vaca tion. You will need some Holly, Mistletoe and other evergreens for decorating purposes, and perhaps a Christmas tree. If so Bennett & Tutt will have them. G. C. Hull and sister, Winona, of Leigh, Neb., nephew and nieco of Captain Hull, were in attendance at the funeral of the late Mrs. Hull to day. Harry Kaufman of Now York is in the city entertaining C. E. Wescott & Son with a magnificent lino f Naumburg, Kraus, Lauer & Co's cele brated clothing. Hon. D. II. Wheeler and wife of Omaha were in the city today greet ing many of their old-time friends who are numerous here, and who are always glad to see them. Professor McIIugh will depart Thursday afternoon for Minneapolif, where he will visit relatives for a few days, returning in time to attend the state teachers' meeting. ' A sack of "Pillsbury's Best" flour will make more bread than the same quantity of any other brand. Why not try a sack at a reasonable price. Zuckweiler & Lutz, agents. Superintendent Farley and quite a number of teachers from here will attend the state teachers' meeting which will be in eession at Lincoln next week, beginning Monday. - Soothing, and not irritating, stren gthing, and not weakening, small but effective such are the qualities of De Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills. F. G. Fricke & Co. Choice candies, exqaisite perfumes, fancy writing paper, and beautiful pocket books at Frickes.from which the most fastidious can select a suit able present for wife sweetheart or lover. A. W. Daniel, traveling advertising agent, is today presenting to each home in Plattsmouth a little book the latest publication of the Peruna Drug Manufacturing company, Colum bus, Ohio. To cure all old sores, to heal an in dolent ulcer, or to speedily cure piles, you need simply apply De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve according to directions! Its magic-like action will surprise you. F. G Fricke & Co. The following marriage licenses were issued today: B. F. Wiles and Ruth Churchill, daughter of Levi Churchill; John Wesley Barr, jr., and Effie Julia Hewitt; Noel F. McClain and Emma T. narvey. Janitor Barr of the high school says that if the parties who broke into the central building Saturday night will call around and pay for the win dow they broke they can have a pair of gloves that were left. The length of life may bo increased by lessening its dangers. The ma jority of people died from lung troubles. These mav be averted by promptly using One Minute Cough Cure. F. G. Fricke & Co. Otto Wurl is putting up boxes of Christmas cigars containing twenty five for the holiday trade which are without an equal. A box of these choice cigars make a nice present, that the donee would enjoy. The finest imported wines in the state, and the purest liquors, together with the premium Anheuser-Busch beer, are always obtainable at the lCasino" Plattsmouth's leading saloon, opposite the court house. Remember the leading 5-cent cigars in this market is "Wurl Bros." and the "Cabinet." Otto Wrurl, the manufacturer, is building up a great reputation for these goods out in the state as well as at home. Try them. Scaly eruptions on the head, chapped hands and lips, cuts, bruises, scalds, burns are quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is at present the article most used for piles, aud it always cures them. F. G. Fricke & Co. The old way of delivering messages by post-boys compared with the mod ern telephone, illustrates the old tedi ous methods of "breaking" colds corn pared with their almost instanteous cure by One Minute Cough Cure. F. G. Fricke & Co. Absolutely pure, perfectly batm'.ess, and iuvariaby reliable are the quali ties of One Minute Cough Cue. It never fa. Is in colds, croup and lung troubles. Children like it because it is p! easanl to take and it helps them F. G. Fricke & Co. The only place in the city where you can get Fiomage de Brie and Rocquefort cheese is at Weckbach's. lie keeps all kinds of imported and domestic cheese, nice and fresh. His store is also headquarters for Christ mas trees of all sizes. The Presbyterian Sunday school will give a Christmas contata Thurs day evening entitled, "Santa Claus and Mother Goose." A very interest ing program has been arranged and the young people will undoubtedly give an interesting entertainment. The Household Economic depart ment of the Woman's club will give a reception for the children Saturdaj' p. m., December 26, at Waterman's hall. Each member has the privilege of bringing her children or some of her littlo friends. There will bo no admission fee. "Excuse me," observed the man in spectae'es, "but I am a surgeon, and that is not where his liver is." "Never mind where his liver is," retorted the other. "If it was in his big toe or his left ear DeWitt's Littie Early Risers would reach it and shake it for him." F. G. Fricke & Co. I am now carrying policy No. 32,89S in the U. S. Benevolent Society of Michigan, and heartily recommend it to anyone wishing an accident or sick ness indemnity. The association is represented in Cass county by II. D. Barr, whom I can recommend for honest dealing. II. D. Tkavis. Miss Mary Kaufman, a graduate of the Fremont Normal school, is quite an artist with the pen, having exe cuted several drawings of real merit. Anyone desiring fancy pen work of any kind would do well to call on her at her home in this c ity, or write to her what you want and 6he will call. B. F. Wiles, one of Mrs. Steven Wiles' well-known sons, is to wed Miss Ruth Curchill, daughter of Levi Churchill, a well-known farmer re siding south of this city. Both fami lies are prominent and well-to-do ana Thk News takes pleasure in extend ing congratulations in advance of the happy event. Miss Ella B. Clark, who taught school in the East Fourth ward in this city two years ago, was married to a Presbyterian minister at Win field. la,, last week and together with her husband passed through the city this morning. They were on their way to Washington where they will reside in the future. W. A. Kitzberger, while loading a 16-foot log, two and one-half feet in diameter, yesterday had a close call for a serious accident. Just as he got the log onto the edge of the wagon it slipped and went bacn with terrific force. He managed to get out of the way, but a fraction of a second longer and he would have been mashed as flat as a pan-cake. In the current number of Leslies' magazine there is a biographical sketch of Charles B. Rouss, the blind millionaire philanthropist. Mr. Rouss has several children, their liknesses being reproduced in half-tone cuts in tbis article. The peculiar feature of this sketch is the fact that one of the boys, Peter W. Rouss, resembles Hilt Wescott of this city so much that many of his friends were fooled upon being shown the picture. Hilt might do well to go to the philonthropist's southern home and claim a portion of his wealth. X-raas slippers at Sherwood's. NEBRASKA PEDAGOGUES. Full Program Arranged for Their Bene fit ext Week. Local arrangements for the state teachers' association to begin next Monday at the state university are complete. A thousand or more out side teachers will bo here the first or the week. A number of auxiliary associations will hold nreetiugs at the ' same time. The first will bo Monday evening when the educa tional council will meet in room 4, library building. Its second session be at 9 a. m. Tuesday. Tuesday af ternoon at 2 o'clock the Nebraska library association will meet in room 16, library building, the academy of sciences will meet in room 15, Ne braska hall, the association of Ne braska teachers of history will meet in Delian hall, main building, and the Nebraska society for child study in the chapel. At the same time the county superintendents will hold their round tables in room 23 of the library building. Tuesday evening a reception will be held at the state capitol. Governor Holcomb and State Superintendent Corbett will re ceive the teachers on behalf of the state and Chancellor MacLean on the part of the university. A general session will be held Wednesday morning at the Lansing. That afternoon the various sections of the state association will meet as fol lows: Coliega section, room 4, library building; county superintendents, room 23, library building; high school section, law room, main building; grammar school section. Deiian hall, main building; primary section, chapel, main building. Wednesday evening at the Lansing Dr. W. O. Krohn of tho university of Illinois, one of the editors of the Child Study Monthly, will lecture on "Child Study in Its Relation to Llonie and the School." Thursday forenoon will again be de voted to a general session at the Lansing theatre. In tho afternoon the sections will meet as on Wednes day. Thursday night a lecture will be given at the Lansing. State Journal. ME HK ASK A MOTES. The North Platte school house prob lem remains unsolved. The Salvation army at Nebraska City will give a Christmas dinner to the poor. The Fullerton Tost will issue a special edition containing a write-up of the town and county. An Otoe county patriarch of sixty four was recently married to a blush ing widow of sixty. An Indian on the reservation hear Rushville killed himself to escape ar rest for horse stealing. The Gandy Pioneer wants a law passed prohibiting the tso of a shot gun in the st ite for a period of five years. Tho Nebraska City Press says with Governor Furnas in the cabinet Ne braska would never have a drouth. A four-year-old son of J. II. Moody of Mason City was lun over by a heavily loaded wagon and fatally in jured. Mrs. Henry Norton, the wife of a Custer county farmer, died suddenly of heart failure. She leaves a husband and four children. The people of Milford have decided to hold an election, and the candidate receiving the highest vote will be the next postmaster. The Wayne Democrat has enlarged to twelve pages since the election of McKinley, which shows that prosper ity has returned there. A hedge fence deal was worked at Wayne and the Republican says it was a clear case of "a smooth confi dence man taking in suckers." The people of Cozad propose to have the local prohibitory law re-pected. No guilty boot-leggar stands a ghost of a show in that town. Sportsmen in Lincoln county are killing quail in great numbers aud the North Platte papers have been run ning serial quail stories for Several weeks. Ihe town of Genoa aspires to the dignity of electric lights, which are offered to the citizens at the rate of 50 cents per month per incandescent light. J. II. Inman, a newspaper man for merly of Broken Bow and Nebrtska-at-large, is now in Denver publishing' Arid America, a very creditable ir .igation journal. At a town wast of North Platte about twenty-five coal hustlers waited the coming of a train loaded with tho bitumious luxury, but it went through without stopping. English Spavin Liniment remoyesal Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring-Bone, Stifles, Sprains, all Swoolen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonder ful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists, Platts mouth. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles, Scalds. Burns. IS A FINE DISPLAY. Ed Oliver's Meat Market a Itcauty to Gaze I'pon. To take a stroll through Ed Oliver's neatly kept meat market one would diaw the conclusion that the period of financial depression had sure enough passed aid it has so far as ho is concerned for he is enjoying a fine trade. Mr. Oliver has spent the most of his life in the butcher business and is probably the best judge of what will make good meat of any man in the business in thi; city. And his judgment does not stop there. He knows just how to dress tho meat and prepare it Tor use. For the holidays Mr. Oliver has taken great care to select notiiing but the best for his patrons, and how well he succeeded ono has only to visit his place to bo convinced. On tho hooks in his 6hop are every ki;.d of meat one could desire to make a bounteous Christmas dinner. He has paid the top price for everything and a as result has only the choicest. The turkey the truly American bird is the leader in this shop, Mr. Oliver having bought 166 for the Christmas trade and they are the finest ever brought to this city. In the fowl line he also has chickens, geese and ducks. The finest cuts from beef, veal, mutton, lamb and pork may be sec ured at his shop. The choicest brands of oysters, all kinds of pickles sweet and sour sausage, bologna, fresh country butter, etc. in fact there is such a profusion of good things for Christmas dii nei- that THK News would not attempt to enumerate them all, but is sure if you exceptionally am'able disposition, call you will find what you want. i,nd a!l who 11101 licr bjC ller i friend. Her conversation always gave How's This. I hei. iislorjeiS .t j,j.rhc-r and better eori- We offer Ohe Hundred Dollars lie ward for ! . .... anv case of Cittarrli that caimot lie ciuvd l;y ji'eplior. Of life. "H";VcuENtYr&CO.. Props., Toledo.,..! While her husband and friends We the undersigned, have known I'. .1. li i in perfectly honorable in all businc-.- transactions and financially abio to carrv out any olllz:itions made ty their trni. Wkst & iKl'AX, Wholesale l.ruisis, To ledo. O. Walking. Kin nan & Maknin, Wholesale I )ru exists. Toiedo. O. Hall's Catarrh (.'ure is taken inlernali acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tho svsteui. Price 7."c. ner Itoi- tie. So;d by all Druirists. Testimonials free, Hoiuese fkcrH Kxcnrsion. For the above occasion the 1. & M. will sell tickets on Nov. 3 and 17, Dec. 1 and 15 for one fare for the round trio plus $2 to points in the following tori i- torjr: Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, South Dakota, Wyoming, Arizona, Arkansas, Indian territory, i-iouisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. The minnimum charge will not be less than $7. Wanted As many persons as contemplate purchasing Christmas presents, to call at our store and examine our line of beautiful China and fancy ware. We know we can suit you both in quality and price. Bennett & Tutt. Wholesale and Ketail Commission House. Wiley Black, in the Union bioek on Sixth street, is headquarters all the time for fresh eggs, choice butter, turkeys, geese, ducks, chickens, ilour, buckwheat flour, sweet cider, Jersey sweet potatoes, choice New York and Nebraska apples. Trade is going to be good in Plattsmouth this fall and winter atrd the merchant who expects to get his full share of it must make a bid for it. Thk News is road by more peo ple than any other publication in tho city and the merchant who uses its columns as a trade-getter will iisc srood judgment. See slipper display at Sherwood's FOR Fancy v Confectionery ALL VAR1T1EG OF Nuts an GO John Schiappacasse, The Only Exclusive Dealer in the City. Candy and Rioe Fruit by the low orices. Call in before making your holi day purchases. Store Saw a I'lnaler. Saturday Wm. Shinn, who had been hunting south'of this city, was on his home, walking along the river bank, when he saw what hj wa confident was tlie body of a woman. The body was naked, the head resting on a cake of ice, the face slightly turned and the hair was frozen in the face. After a search of half an hour or tuo:-e ho could find no skiff, consequently was unable to capture the 1 ly. Nebraska City News. Hit Skull I -itrttir-i Frank Fidaln.a nine-year-old student at the institute for trie blind, fell from a second story window this af ternoon, alighting on his head. Ills scalp was badly cut and skull fract ured. Tho doctors art; at work on him as we ffo to press and tho ex tent of the injuries are rxt known The little fellow has been blind f;om biith and his home is at L'ncoln Nebraska Citv News. PASSED TO l!ER FINAL REWARD. After Mmiy .Mont lis of SulTi-riii; Mrs. W. W. Hull Passes Away. Mrs. Mary A. Hull, wife of W. V. Hull, died at their home on Wintei steen hill on Sunday, December 20, IS'.KJ, at U:::o a. m. She came to Plattsmouth with her husband in lfS2. She was born in England, .Jan uary ."1, 183:). About thirty years since, while in California, she hud an ! attack of inflammatory rheumatism froin which she never fuliy recovered, and for the past fourteen years has b't-n compelled to use crutches for the last four- years has been helpless. ! s'" w a woman of strong character ; r.-ali that she has been released reaii from a life of terrible suffering, they alro mourn the loss of a loving wife and fr iend, whose eve. y word and act was in accord with the teachings of Christ, of whem she was a mos! devout i follower, ! She wrs married to W. V. Hull at St. Mark's church, Urooklyn, Septem ber 15, 1S j7, and spent the greater portion of her life from tho time of her marriage until she came to l'latts ir.outh in California and Colorado, her husband being engaged in mining en- terprisxs. She was a sirter of Mis. Dawson and Mrs. Shepherd and aunt of Mi-Sj (Jcoi'ge H Dovey. Funeral services were held at 10 o'clock this morning, conduced by j Itev. Burcess and interment was made in Oak Bill cemetery. Holiday Kates. The B. & M. will sell tickets be tween points in Missouri, Iowa, Ne braska, Kansas and South Dakota for one fare and a third for the round trip. Sale of tickets to be 'onlineel to points within l! 0 miles with mini mum soiling rate of oil cents. Tickets on sale December lM, and 31, 1S;'G, and January 1, l.V7, with linal return limit to Janu-irj- 4. W. i. Pickett, Agent. The News anl State Journal 15 cents a week. MAX ADLER, Attorney at Law, Notary Public Frenzer Block, Omaha, Neb. ("oniinei cial I.;iv mivl Collection-:. Sjn-i irilty: 'I lie transaction ot law business and collection of claims and inheritances in (ierniany. Austria llimfrary and rsw it.rei iand. Write lor further intuniiatiiin. J? C -j TO- by Ton, car load at unheard ,. next door to Gering's. ij V i f-pnif c i !! 1 1 uhb gi I roDioa f jlyyiS ! You w11' And one coupon iSW?'. ' ' Inside each two ounce bag f-S j anil twocoupons Inside eacl fklrtTLl I Mil ir$$ YvVV four ounce bagofBlackwell's Ulfl''iM Vy-rjj Iurlim. Buy a bag of this nilTTUr L, &rr elebrated tobacco and read bUT THE. ffiLr : the coupon which gives a :': list of valuable presents and GENUINE TyJl 10 et them. J o E WHTERMHN CORNER. ..A GIFT LIST.. worth running your eyes over, not alone as a reminder or suggestion Qf what to buy, but an exposition of price littleness that emphat ically shows Joe & Frank's the where to buy. Night Shirts Fine muslin, emb. fronts, sleeves and collar, prettiest J and best sold for 81.25, $1 and . . . .yjc ' Flannelette ai d till wool Night Hobos the latest arid most popular warm and durable, i '.O, $1 2") 1 .OO Neckwear A sale that has had parallels many times in our Neckwer.r dept. (and not elsewhere) a sale of new b'right, high grade, .Va- and Too , Tee'ks, Fou ia-llands, Bows and Ties with silks in newest color combina-! tions 23c i 50c, 75c, $i and $1.25 are prices ' representing such grades in Neckwear as give us the complacent satisfaction of knowing others must fall below tl o standard we set and maintain. Umbrellas Men's liS-inch black silk Umbrelirs, imported natural w od handles, with steel rods, name or monogram engraved free ?o va!u for .3.00 Shirts The renowned Wilson whites shirt al! neck sizes and different sleeve lengths either plain or fancy nosoins a shirt that is a comfoit be cause it fit- LOO Holiday Gifts For Men Of All JOE 2 WATERMAN CORNER. csssssssssEwssmsc THE AWFUL TRUTH A fe, - tfV WK HAM- Box, Puritan and Button or ifice. Just the At $2.50, S3.00 Special Holiday Inducement plated WATCH, with a guarantee on sinm to keep good time for Gvo years. Grasp this opportunity. Call at tho store and see the watch and get further particular?. d iHT.U.V.V tr: ntntn o H;'.tH.Vo-. FRANK Handkerchiefs Fine, real linen hemstitched Handkei chiefs correct size--wide and narrow hem, quality the ve ry best 25c High-class, real Irish and French lin en hemstitched initial handkerchiefs - haiid-oinn gift 35c Japanese silk and Japonettn handker chiefs - -with fancy borders--ju-t about one-h ilf value when selling at.... 50c Kid Gloves -Liiird and onlined at half price just bought si maker's sam ple; lino at much loss than wo paid for them bofore over SOO pairs in brown, tan, red and blacks all sios. . . . 1 .OO lleindeer gloves The genuine, well known, reliablo Ueindecr, in every si.o and good colors '2oc pair cheaper than in other stores 1.50 Walking Sticks a very ncccpt- ablo gift to a dressy man who ha some style about him heavy Kngli h Conp,o wood, strong feritile and steel end, silver plate on crook handle for fl', il.oO and 1.50 Wool Gloves .Serviceable, warm dark colors strong yarns", well knit and shaped oOe and 75c and Boys Sizes and Ages FRANK, PLATTSMOUTH as shovv.a by s',a l i.-ties revoils the fact that WOMFX'o FF.FI' are get ting hAUCii:!!. caused by standing up for WO M UN'S UIC1ITS. Horrible, isn't it. Be careful, girls, don't do it, and stop running around so much wbon you arc after a pair of Walking j Skating LI THKM IN Kangaroo Calf thing fo wint-r wear. CI Our BOFLKVABD Bool is the finest in the city. Kvery purchaser of go. ds to tho. amount of $5 will receive a ticket which entitles them to a chanco on either :i lady' or gent'H gold r OD K BOBT. SHERWOOD ;v-;;5:; f: P f - fe:-- . 1 ; : '. , :