Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, November 16, 1896, Image 4

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emi-leekly News-Herald
Marriage of Harry Green to Mis Ida
Jloeck Only Solemnized.
At 2 o'clock this afternoon the
Episcopal church was crowded with
Plattsmouth's best people who had
assembled to witness the wedding of
two of our prominent and well known
young people Mr. Harry Green and
Miss Ida Boeck.
While the Mandolin club, of which
Mr. Green had been a member, played
tne wedding march the bridal party
filed up to the altar, where au impres
sive ceremony was conducted by Rev.
Burgess which made them man and
After congratulations the happy
couple repaired to the depot, where
they boarded the train for Omaha
f from which place they will go to
Blair for a brief visit with S. C.
Green, a brother of the groom.
They will then return to Platts
mouth and make this city their future
home. The groom is the son of C. V.
Green, and is employed in the shops.
He is industrious, and deserves the
pleasant lady he has chosen, for a life
helpmeet, who is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Boeck of this city.
TliK News extends congratulations
and best wishes.
The War .spirit at Home.
There has been a feeling in this city
that patriotism has gone to a low ebb,
us a little island on our very ooider
has been stiuggling for her liberty,
just as we were years ago, and with
out any assistance from us. We have
been enjoying the blessings of libeity
and free government for these many
years. We have been forced by an
adverse administration, although a
resolution was passed by congress
sympathizing with the insurgents, to
stand idly by, seemingly unconcerned
in what tLe result might be.
The question of Cuban independence
has been discussed, yet the public gen
erally here has known nothing of the
work which has been going on for
some time past. The quiet work done
resulted in a meeting last night at
which Wm. Neville was chosen chair
man. Much discussion was indulged
in and the following resolutions wore
Whkreas, We have looked upon
our present administration to t&Ke de
cided action towards the final inde
pendance of Cuba from the tryanny of
bpain, and.
Whekeas, The president has to
tally ignored the rights of Cuban pa
triots as beligerents in his late mes
sage, and,
Wiieueas. The Spanish govern
meat ha9 betrajed and murdered
Antonio Maceo. a brave teneraV of the
Cuban patriots, while under a flag of
truce, thereby disregarding every
civilized made of warfare, and has
thereby forfeited all rights of respect
of this or any other nation in its
Guerilla modes of warfare, thereiore
be it
Resolved, That we bind ourselves
in seluru compact to use all our efforts
in the assistance of Cuban patriots to
gain their liberty and independence.
by furnishing men, money and arms
for the cause of liberty.
A paper was then circulated for
volunteers, and something over 100
names were secured and Wm. Neville
was chosen commander and recruiting
officer, II. G. Livingston as first lieu
tenant. Dr. Mathews volunteered to
go along as vetrinary surgeon.
The regiment expect to march to
Galveston, where they will embark
by boat to Cuba.
At this writing it has not been as
certained whether Col. F. Kroehier
had been persuaded to accompany the
boys or not in the capacity of an artil
ary man.
He would no doubt make a valiant
officer should he succeed in running
the blockade at Ft. Nehawka.
Very Low.
Mrs. null, who has been ill for
several months, is very low and fears
are entertained that she may not live
through the night.
We offer Obe Hundred Dollars Reward for
any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by
II 11 tl'u f!utn rrh I'll PA
F- S. CHENEY & CO.. Props., Toledo, O
I f (3 t LI C U U U I. I 31 liuu, r v tt u
Cheney for the last 15 years, ana believe
him perfectly honorable la all business
iransaciion;! anu uouauiitiiy huiu wi uurrj
. .i . i . . ..... i n
O u l any uijiix iiiiuu? uiuut u jf iucir vi in.
West & Xkuax, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo. O.
Waldino, K inn an & Marmn, Wholesale
. . ; . m . i i l .
illlll a .ftbi&au ,9 ...... v ..jiv. .. i . .T
acting directly upou the bloodaud mucous
II.. II'., i ......... I. (a 4aL-Mn IntA.n.Htt
SUriacfS OI Hie system, i rra i.iu. yxzi uti-
tle. Sold by all Druglst9. Testimonials
llonieaeekera Excursion.
For the above occasion the B. & M.
will sell tickets on Nov. 3 and 17, Dec.
1 and 15 for one fare for the round trip
plus $2 to points in the following terri
tory: Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado,
South Dakota, Wyoming, Arizona,
Arkansas, Indian territory, Louisiana,
New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas.
The minnimum charge will not be
less than $7.
t Farm for Sale.
Ad 80 acre farm, three miles from
Plattsmouth, for sale. Good house
and barn, fine well, some fruit. Price,
$3,000. Terras, $1,300 cash and time
to suit purchaser on balance. This
offer will remain open but for a few
days. AI S- Hkiggs.
Remember The News office is one
of the best equipped job offices in the
state. All kinds of fancy printing
turned out od short notice.
The Wonder auction don't forget
it tonight.
No Foundation to the Personal Claims
Made by Got. Holcomb-Republican Of
ficial Have Entire Control or State In
stitutions and the Disbursement of Funds.
The claim made by Governor Hol
comb that he has saved $200,000 to the
state during his term of office by reason
of his economical administration of state
affairs will not stand even the most su
perficial investigation. In the first place,
there has been no each saving. In the
6econd place, the governor has nothing
whatever to do with the expenditure of
state moneys. The governor appoints
the heads of all state institutions except
the two industrial schools, which are
appointed by the board of public lauds
and buildings; commander of soldiers'
home at Milford, appointed by above
board and approved by the governor,
and superintendents of industrial home
at Milford, and home of the friendless
at Lincoln, appointed by a board of
lady managers.
Supplies for all institutions are pur
chased by the board of purchase and
supplies, consisting of the governor as
chairman, commissioner of public lauds
and buildings as secretary, the secre
tary of state, attorney general and state
treasurer at present four republicans
and one popu'ist. The law requires that
the secretary of the board shall adver
tise for bids, that the board shall meet
on the first day of each quarter, aud
that bids shall then be opened aud con
tracts awarded to lowest responsible
bidder. The contracts for supplies are
then enforced by the board of public
lands and buildings, of which the gov
ernor is not a member.
Section 19 of the constitution defiues
the powers and duties of the board of
public lands and buildings as having
charge and supervision of all buildings.
grounds and lauds of the state, and all
institutions except those for edacational
The legislature of 1877 (section three
revised statutes) under the heading.
"Custody of Buildings," gave force to
the above provision. Under the head
ing, "Disbursements ot Funds" (sec
tion four), the statute says: "The said
board shall have power, under the re
striction of this act, to direct the gen
eral management of all the said institu
tions and be responsible for the proper
disbursements of the funds appropriated
for their maintenance," etc. Under
section six the board is given power to
pass upon accounts of the "public offi
cers" or heads of these institutions.
Under section 6, the board having passed
upon accounts, the auditor is directed to
issue warrants in payment thereof.
Thus it will be seen that the governor
has nothing at all to do with the control
or management of state institutions, or
the auditing, approving or payment of
bills contracted, those duties being en
tirely within the scope of the board of
public lands and buildings, of which he
is not even a member. But if Gov.
Holcomb is correct when he states that
the sum of $ 200,000 has been saved dur
ing his administration, the credit would
be due to the board of public lands and
buildings. This board would be glad to
have the credit for the saviug. The
fact is, however, that the appropriations
are barely sufficient for the running ex
penses of the state and state institu
tions, and with six months of the bien
nial period yet to run it may appear
that they are insufficient. Still the
board believes that by the practice of
economy in all directions, in keeping
with the policy of the past two years,
the appropriations will be made to suf
fice. The legislature of ib03 appropriated
$792,610 for expenses of state govern
ment and institutions. The legislature
of 1895 appropriated $780,276. A saviug
it will be noticed, of $12,000.
It is trne, too, that there are more
people to care for than ever before, aud
this is done with a smaller appropria
tion. A comparison of cost of supplies
during three years shows that a con
siderable saving has been effected.
For instance:
Lump coal was worth $3.70 in 1893
and $2.99 in 1896. Other grades about
the same.
Men's shoes in 1893 were $2.r. In
1895 and lfc96, only 96 cents and $1.10.
Women's shoes in 1893 were $1.77, in
1896 only $1.10.
Coffee 1893, 22c per lb.; 18G6, I5.
Syrup 1893, 23c to 2?c per gal.; 1898,
Sugar Extra C, 1&93 $5 40 per cwt.;
1896, $4.99. Granulated, 1893, $5.90 per
cwt.; 1896, $4.99.
All wool suits in 1893 cost $3.00, now
only $5.00.
Muslin and flour unchanged.
The reader will thus see how the
greater number of people can be cared
for in 1895 and 1896 at less expense.
Some people may think it is a light
thing to mislead the public for political
purposes, but the members of the board
of public lands and buildings would
rather tell the truth than be governors.
The records of the several offices in
the state house occupied by republicans
are always open to the public for inspec
tion during office hours, and the board
invites inspection. Each official is ready
at any and all times to account for his f
Nebraska's Man of Destiny.
Hon. Jack MacColl, the man whom
destiny has selected to be the next gov
ernor of Nebraska, is a fine, whole
souled gentleman, who makes friends
wherever he goes, and if he only had
the time to travel all oyer the state, not
only every republican, but every intelli
gent democrat, would vote for him. He
is an earnest, sincere man, honest in
every fiber of his being, and will make
an ideal governor of this great com
monwealth. Let every republican and
every democrat who loves the state and
wishes to eee it prosper vote for Jack
MacColl. Syracuse Journal.
Tt. .. 1 ,t ; .... , . f C. ,. 1. P..1. ; 1 1 mva an nvulpr
supper in the basement "of the church on next
luesilay night. lJecetnoer lo, supper i. icuis,
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
Farm loans T. H. Pollock.
Attend the Wonder auctions.
Farm loans ai:d T. 13.
Fresh Oysters in all styles at Jake
Ilcinrich's restaurant.
Attorney K. H. Wooley of Lincoln
wits in the city on business today.
Dressmaking parlors over Herold's
store. Coka M. Alexander
Get your abstracts of title made by
Robert J. Va&s. Office in Briggs build
ing. Battenberg and Jewel stamping pat
terns in endless designs at Tucker Sis
ters'. Nothing too good for the uuction
sale every afternoon and night at the
Every afternoon and night this
week we will sell at auction at the
Mrs. Seaile continues dangerously
ill and her friends uro much alarmed
at her condition.
Lewis Edgar Bobbitt and Miss Min
nie Agnes Foreman of Tipton got a
wedding permit today.
Think of the nico stapto line of Uress
goods at the auctioa every afternoon
acd night this week at the Wonder.
Lost A bunch of keys on ring.
Ihd owner will be glad to have finder
leave same at News sflk-e or at post
office. George Born, one of the prominent
young farmers of IVittsmouth pre
cinct, took out a permit today to
wed Miss Elizabeth Horn.
Mrs. Isaac Bowen of Alliance is in
the city for a visit with relatives and
friends. She is employed a portion of
the time on the Pioneer Grip.
It. F, Dean has some good stalk
pasture for horses and cattle, plenty
of straw and good shelter for stormy
weather. See him at the poor farm.
A sack of "l'illsbury's Best" Hour
will make more bread than the same
qua'ntity of any other brand. Why
not try a sack at a reasonable pi ice.
Zuckweiler & Lutz, agents.
Soothing, and not irritating,
stren gthing, and not weakening, small
)ut effective such aro the qualities
of De Witt's Little Early Risers, the
famous little pills. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Mention in last night's News about
the capture of the two men recen'.ly
in jail here was in error in stating
that they esca ped, as they served out
their sentences and were discharged.
To cure all old sores, to heal an in
dolent ulcer, or to speedily cure piles,
you need simply apply De Witt's Witch
Hazel Salve according to directions.
Its magic-liko action will surprise j'ou.
F. G Fricke & Co.
Otto Wurl is putting up boxes of
Christmas cigars containing twentv-
tive for the holiday trade which aro
without an equal. A box of these
choice cigars mako a nice present,
that the donee would enjoy.
The finest imported wines in the
state, and the purest liquors, together
with the premium Anheuser-Busch
beer, ate always obtainable at the
"Casino" Plattsmouth's leading
saloon, opposite the court house.
Commissioner Geo. W. Young starts
this afternoon for S.tlt Lake City with
Mrs. Daniher who was likely to bo-
come a county charge. Latek The
woman tefuscd to go, and other ar
rangements will have to be made.
Remember the leading o-cent cigars
in this market is "Wurl Bros." and
the "Cabinet." Otto Wurl, the
manufacturer, is building up a great
reputation for these goods out in the
state as well as at homo. Try them
The old lndy was right when she
said, the child might die if they
waited for the doctor. She saved the
little one'e life with a few doses of One
Minute Cough Cure. She had used it
for croup before. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Scaly eruptions on the head,chapped
hands and lips, cuts, bruises, scalds,
burns are quickly cured by De Witt's
Witch Hazel Salve. It is at present
the article most used for piles, aud it
always cures them. F. G. Fricke &Co.
The old way of delivering messages
by post-boys compared with the mod
ern telephone, illustrates the old tedi
ous methods of "breaking" colds com
pared with their almost instanteous
cure by One Minute Cough Cure. F.
G. Fricke & Co.
The state press is full of splendid
testimonials for the Ottumwa Quar
tette, which sing in this city Saturday
night, December 19, at the Presby
terian church. Our people who en
joy a musical treat should not fail to
be in attendance.
Absolutely pure, perfectly harmless,
and invariably reliable aro the quali
ties of One Minute Cough Cure. It
never fails in colds, croup and lung
troubles. Children like it because it
is pi easant to take and it helps them
F. G. Fricke & Co.
The only place in the city where
you can get Fromage de Brie and
Rocquefort cheese is at Weckbach's
He keeps all kinds of imported and
domestic cheese, nice and fresh. His
store is also headquarters for Christ
mas trees of all sizes.
Thft merchant who has holiday
goods to sell will find TnE News the
proper medium through which to let
buyers know it. Plant an "ad" and
tell the people what you have to sell
and how much cash is needed to pur
chase the goods. The result will be
"Excuse me," observed the man in
spectacles, "but I am a Burgeon, and
that is not. where his liver is." "Never
mind where his liver is," retorted tho.
other. "If it was in his big toe or his
left ear DoWTitt'a Little Early Risers
would reach it and shake it for him."
F. G. Fricke & Co.
The long evenings when you must
read or so to bed immediately after
supper are fast coming on and if you
want the best local paper you will
have to subscribe for The News which
prints the news. Always ahead and
up to date. To be without THE Naws
is to be out of style.
I am now carrying policy No. 32,898
in the U. S. Benevolent Society of
Michigan, and heartily recommend it
to anyone wishing an accident or sick
ness indemnity. The association is
represented in Cass county by II. D.
Barr, whom I can recommend for
honest dealing. H. D. Travis.
The funeral of O. E. Doan of Glen
wood, who has been on the road for
an Omaha wholesale grocery house
for many years, occurred today. Mr.
Doan was well known in this city and
quite a number from here were in at
tendance at the funeral. His death
was very sudden, he having been a
sufferer from Bright's Disease for a
short time only.
Tho peopie who go in crowds from
this city to buy holiday goods in Om
aha could do much better at home if
they knew it. They do not know it
because Plattsmouth merchants are
too timid 10 say so through the col
umns of The News which everybody
reads. The demand in this city for
copies of the Omaha Bee on Sunday
for the solo purpose of reading its ad
vertising columns in order to know
where to obtain bargains, is simply
pheuominal. Merchants who refuse
to advertise need blame no one but
themselves for loss of trade, unless
they care to blame the Omaha mer
chant for his heavy expendature in
printer's ink.
When a man gets in hot water, he
usually goes in over his hend.
When boys hear someone use big
words they say "He talks in the back
part of the epeller.
Women are as careless with their
pocket boolis as young girls are with
their hearts.
A man's idea of a good joke is to
have his wife's pastor call on her, and
catch her playing cards.
"Well," said the Atchison bad man
today, going up to an acquaintance,
"what is the latest about me ?"
A mother will hustle for a husband
for her daughter for years, and then
make a terrible fuss when she finds
There is at least one extent to which
man's curiosity never leads him: to
propose to a girl just to see what she
will say.
In selecting a Christmas present for
a man, remember that he is not sigh
ing for the ideal or the unattainable.
What ho wants is a warm flannel
night gown, with good long tails
Every girl who has gone through a
love affair, owns an ivory toilet set in
a plush box as a souvenir. It is as
much a staple gift in such an affair as
a rattle box is for a baby's first birth
day. An Atchison man who goes walking
in City park with his girl, has had a
piece of ice dropped in his heart by
seeing seven trees on which tho girl's
initials have been cut in the heir,
with some other fellow's, and the
woods have not been half explored.
Atchison Globe.
The Cas Couuty liuiry.
Everything clean fresh and pure.
Milk, cream or buttermilk delivered
at your door every day.
R. F. Dean, Prop.
Par mel
Chester's Compound Extract of Celery
to good as any other preparation
ready to refund your money if it does not
Celery Compound you ever used. Indicated in generel debility, loss of appe
tite, nervousness, sleeplessness, etc.
A Great Nerye Tonic
It Makes Weak People
Pure Drugs,
Wall Paper and
Druggists' Sundries
pOR the Holiday trade they have hund.
reds of articles useful and ornamental
that will make elegant presents. They
have recently added a Confectionery De
partment and carry a complete line of
Lowney's goods, which are considered
the finest in the world. It will pay you to
trade at
Line of fancy, tastefully decorated
Chinaware in numerous Patterns,
4g. of late importation, may be found &
HO- at the store of ft
Also everything to be desired in the
j way of Choice Groceries and Canned J
D, Goods. Our prices are always right; come Hft
in and inspect what we have and compare
J with others. Clark is headquarters for J
Useful Holiday Gifts, f
Carrin the Largest and most Complete
Stock In the County.
Finest line of Canned Goods, Dried Fruits and
Vegetables that can be purchased
in the market.
Weckbach's pride is to keep
the largest and best line,
and he succeeds admirably.
-1 'I I C li H KOSO ,V.l It
Call and see our goods.
Waterman Block, Plattsmouth.
(Special notices under this head will be
charged for at the rate of H cent per word
each Insertion.)
lml ANTED Boarders by the day or week. One
diock irom ine court nouse; pleasant rooms.
i-iiquiie at xne iews.
;OR SALE One Rochester radiator, cheap.
r.nquire at jonn oieman s jewelry store.
JOR SALE A good milk cow, part Jersey. En
quire oi cu. Oliver.
'O EXCHANGE Good, quiet horse for wood.
Apply at tnis omce.
ImlANTED Canvassers to sell our U. S Indes-
II tructible Fire Kindler and Oil Cans. Fills a
want in every household. Address. U.S. Manfg.
-o., ron au iac, wis., u. 3. A.
WANTED Lady or gentleman to travel and
appoint agents. Salary $HO per month and
expenses. Address K," Geneal Delivery,
x lattsmouth. I
Home Seekers' Excursion.
The Missouri Pacific railway com
pany will sell tickets at rate of one
fare plus $2 for round trip September
1, 15, 29, and October 6 to 20, to any
point in Kansas, Missouri, Texas, Ok-
alahoma and Louisana.
C. F. Stoutenborougii, A'g't.
Trade is going to bo g-ood in
Plattsmouth this fall and winter and
the merchant who expects to get his
full share of it must make a bid for
it. The News is read by more peo
ple than any other publication in the
city and the merchant who uses its
co umns as a trade-getter will use
good judgment.
of the kind on the market, and stand
benefit you as much as any other
andSystem Renovator.
i i w I I
Bovs' School Suits,
They will go at SI, $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.50
and $3. Made in Double-Breasted Reefer
style with extra pants to match.
We have just unpacked our new Fall and
Winter Suits for Boys. Hundreds of differ
OUR afoN f
JOE and
Fond moihers will observe tln're
School Shoes before buying for they :u
lot of cheap, 6hoddy stuff for the occurt
first time they get wet fall to pieces.
tion to tho customer in .such tiar-h.
Women "Shoo" the
That is if j-ou give him a chance by
inspecting' the 50 School Shoes,
prices right, comprising tho latest
styles and makes obtainable, all the
way from a razor too, Yici Kid. to a
heavy Oil Grain.
All we ask of you is to inspect our
Ak-Sar-Ben, Security, Sussex and
to 1" line of substantial School Shoes.
We will sell and please -ou for they
wear like iron.
Farsiain Medallions given away at our .store
Don't know what the v are? Tliev are no cheat)'
trashy, insitrniheant gift, but a lasting ornament
for any room. Come and see them.
m m - - mm
-v flj I Til PI VI I H B ' 7 V-
j.S I
: "School .
"7rv?.R STAND I
You will And one coupon
Inside each two ounce bag
limit wocoupons Inside eucu
four ounce bagof Black well'
I'urliam. Buy a bag of this
celebrated tobacco and ruL
the coutxm which gives a
list of valuable preueuU aud
how to get them.
ent styles to select
from. Patterns hand
somer and prices low
er than ever. We have
the exclusive sale in
Cass county of the
Mrs. Jane Hopkins
"Star Make" suits and
pants for Boys with
Perfect Fitting:,
Hold-Fast Buttons,
Double Seat and Knee,
IZIastic Waist Band,
Warranted Not to Rip.
----3, I
Scfioqj Bealns &eDlemJ4
Golti Weather Will Soon Gome
(.v:n and sli.- j'.d examine Sherwood's
o .-. ae.k r-j ic'.ii. We have not laid in a
oh, w iileii iuok-i nice ot lirt and the
There is ti pl.-.i-uro to js nor Malefac
Shes I lie
v i '
y v- . 'I