Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, November 05, 1896, Image 4

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fi PtAXTS MO.CJTHl.'i NEB RasKa.
VIA - . . , liy l ll l p l II I I lil i mwwnwwwwiMW nfflmn-TnMirnn
Recovers a Korse Stolen Over a
'Year Ago From Nehawka.
Harvey Ilolloway Again Knows Hia Ability
Aicr-rR-coyeP a Team Which
Vas Stolen' la Kansas and Captures a
Reward Kd Todd Has a Narrow Es
cape From Death.
Sneriff Hoiloway concluded that
Eiwards, the man recently 6ent to the
penitentiary from here, was a profes
sional librae thief and -by ginjf down to
hisrendezvous he mijht recover some
stolen horses. lie followed the sug
gestion and was duly rewarded. He
recovered a horse that was stolen a
yeat ago from Pitman of Nehawka,
and traced the other horse taken at
theVsamemelo Chicego, where Ed
wards had sold it." 41
He also recovered a team, harness
and buggy which had been stolen at
Ilojt, Kan., returned it to the owner,
received the reward and returned
home lastnitjbt. ;
When the Kansas officers can not
catch their own thieves hereafter they
had better send for the Cass county
sheriff, who lets nothing escape.
X, A Miraculous Escape.
Eddie Todd, son of E. 11. Todd, re
siding town,.' had a most mi
raculos'estape frorni death yesterday.
Tbey were threshing out sorghum
segd with a common threshing ma
chine which was run byhorsa power.
Eddie stepped up to the mouih of the
machine and reached i-crots the
tumbling rod to oil a bearing when
the bolt in a knuckle of the xod
cajight the sleeve of his coat and in
aifc instajat: it was winding up his
clothe in what appeared to bo a
death grip. His coat, vest, shirt and
trousers were torn off ..of him leaving
nothing but his", drawers.: The rod
was still winding away, tightening a
wad -of clothing' about' his neck that
bid fair to choke him to death, when
a ready knife came to the rescue in
the hands of one of the men and the
clothing was cut loose. The boy fell
to the ground ' insensible but soon af
ter 'recovered and was carried into
the house, when Dr. Humphrey was
called to dress his "wounds, which to
the surprise of those who saw the ac
cident, were not serious.
His shoulder was badly skinned up
and two or three places on his side,
but. not a bone was broken, and in a
few days he. will be as well as ever.
It was a remarkably close call, as a
few seconds more and life would have
been extinct.
f j -, - ,- r
The Young Men Give the Toadies a Return
Dance Which Is Highly Enjoyed.
The young men who had enjoyed
the hospitality . of the ladies at the
recent Leap Year ball gave a pleas
ant recognition of the . event at Wat
erman's hall last evening with a well
managed -return : dance. After danc
ing to the ; splendid music furnished
by the Mandolin chib, those who
desired repaired to Fred Stadelman's
oyster . parlors, where refreshments
were served as only Fred can serve
them. - Among those present were
Messrs.. . Ray Waterman, Georee
Houseworth, Fred Murphy, Henry
Tartsch, Will Hyers, Charles Vallery,
Everett , Eaton, Henry Goos, Dr. El-
s'ter,' A. '. L. Shuey, John Schulhof,
Frank A. -White, Tom Parmele,Henry
Weidman, Gus Hyera and Henry Sny
der and the Misses Jeanette Dallance,
Mae Patterson, Rose Hyers, Alice and
Manota Eikenbary, Clara Green, Min
nie White, Mae Bake, Red Oak, Jessie
Oldham, Antonia Kessler, Mamie and
Anna Sullivan, Mabel and Dora Swear
ingenj and. . Mrs. iHouseworth, Mrs.
Shuey and Mrs. Jobn Shulhof.
VTIuvM. W. and W. Club Entertain.
Yesterday . afternoon Mesdames L.
D. Bennett' and P.- H.- Wilson enter
tained.the MWj. and W. club at the
homo eftht latter on North Eleventh
street. - They,, were ..assisted by Mrs.
Coope"-and'Miss' A.lice Eaton. Mem
tier's; prtWnt were: iMesdmes Cooler,
A. Clark, Jones, F. S. White, Will
White, Frank. Alshuler, II. N. Dovey,
.E,' G. Iovey', J. K Wise, J. L. Root,
Miller, Fox, Summers, Elson, Hempel,
Kem'pster and Keefer.
r.Tbe following V invited guests were
present:'1 Mesdame9 Shultz, Tom Pat
terson, Charles Parmele, Frank Mor
gan,'' Bart Pollock,' Nellie Agnew and
the Misses Alma Waterman, Alice
Eaton and Beulah Elson.
After a pleasant afternoon the mem
era adjosnied to meet New Years eve
aVtbtiqme of- Mr. and Mrs. Fox,
hn"theywUl entertain their gentle
man ModslC. . ' ; '
. j ;
i Sale of the .Fitzgerald Property.
j At.ithel adffiiniatratix ' sale of the
Fjltiipropertj in this city yes
terdayy: X?h"arTes - Pa r male purchased
the' twenty-seven acres west of the
avenue for . $2,088. . John Fosbender
bought" the next to' his home,
COriTftparQ'aud Charles Rydberg
also purchased adjoining lots to their
propertyat an average of about $75
each The balance of the property
was purchased by Ed, a son of the
late John Fitzgerald at a nominal
A Student's Joke.
J. E. Dodson is an ? Englishman. -"When
I was at school at "Harrow-," ho.
said to a reporter, "Campanini. then in
the height of his fame as a teuor, sang
for the first time in the city in Italian
opera. If I mistake not, it was 'Trova
tore.' At the end of Campauini's great
aria in the third act there was a etcrm
of applanse. All the front seats in the
balcony were occupied by students, and
ft was' noticed that an almost invisible
wire was strung from the middle point
in ' the gallery horseshoe to the top of
the prompter's box at the middle of the
stage. What caused most people to no
tice the wire was the sudden appearance
on it of a floral car of huge dimensions,
over which hovered on spirals several
stuffed dovee. This car rode gradually
down along the wire until it was in full
view of everybody. Campauini's face
was wreathed in smiles. He bowed now
with his right and again with his left
hand on his chest. As the car approach
ed the prompter's box the singer moved
forward to remove it from its trolley.
Then was the keen zest of the occasion.
Not only was there one wire there were
two. The second was attached to the
car, and also to the hand of a particu
larly stalwart undergraduate. With
marvelous rapidity the car ehot back to
the . balcony. The smiles, I , rusty add,
did not tarry on Campauini's face."--Boston
Transcript. . . , ;
A Fatal Omelet.
Ignorance of cooking is not often the
direct cause of a man's death, but such
an instance is related by Miss Edith
liicbel in a recent .volume entitled,
"The Story of Two Salons." ; In the
time of the French revolution one M.
Condorcet, npon whose head as an aris
tocrat a price was set, sought refuge
with a friend, M. Suard, who Lade him
return at nightfall, when means of es
cape would be provided.
Unhappily Condorcet, being unaLle
to exist without tobacco, wont into a
tavern to buy some. Still prostrate f rcn
fatigue, he thought he would take ad
vantage of this opportunity to get eome
dinner and ordered an omelet.
"How many eggs do you wish to be
used?" inquired the landlord, who had
been eying him suspiciously. The imio-
cent Condorcet was at his wits' end. Ho
reflected on the size of the ordinary
"Twelve," he boldly replied.
His fate was sealed. None but ;:n
aristocrat could be so ignorant or eo ex
travagant. He was arrested and led
away to prison, from which ho never
Entirely Different.
"Is not my performance different
from that of any oftier actor?" asknl
the inflated Thespian at the stage door
of the Detroit Opera House.
"It is indeed."
"Is not my conception entirely origi
nal and different from all others?"
"No doubt about it."
"Is not the reading of the lines dif
ferent from the reading of alleged ac
"Unquestionably." .
"Are not my 6tage postures different
from those of many who masquerade a9
"Of course,". ;, , , - r m -..
"And my make np it is different
from the inartistic make up. of most
Thespians?" . ; . . ; ..
"Very different."
"I have been told I resemble Edwin
"Yes." : '.- :
" You have noticed? Ia what way do
I resemble him, sir?"
"You are so different." Detroit Free
Uniform Size of Circus King.
The one ring circus of our grandfath
ers' day had a ring no larger than each
of the three nsed by the big shows to
day. Circus horses are trained to per
form in a standard ring 42 feet in diam
eter. In a larger or a smaller ring their
pace becomes uneven, irregular and un
reliable, and the riders in turning som
ersaults are liable to miscalculate the
curve and miss their footing. One rf
the "greatest shows on earth" there
are several gave a series of perform
ances in Madison Square Garden, New
York. By mistake the rings were made
43 feet 6 inches in diameter. On the
first performance three riders fell, and
one was severely hurt. Before the sec
ond performance the rings were reduced
to the regular size. Chicago Timep
Herald. Italians In This Country.
There are about 1,000,000 Italians in
the United States. One-third of ' them
are settled iu the principal cities. Half
of these are laborers. Fifty per cent are
illiterate. They . are hard and steady
workers, very saving and anxious to im
prove themselves. When they have no
chance to work at their own trade,' they
will accept any other kind of Work and
any wages. The Italians hate begging.;
Has any reader of this ever been stop-
ped by an Italian asking for a "nickel?"
In the records of charitable institutions
are very few Italian names. Newark
(N. J. ) Luce Evangelica. ; ..; .'
Three Crowns.. f
During the middle ages the elective
emperors of Germany, at their corona
tion, wore three crowns the silver
crown as king of Germany, the Iron
crown of Lorn bar dy as king of Italy
and the imperial crown as kaiser of the
Holy Roman empire. The first was re
ceived at Aix-la-Chapelle, the second at
Monza and the third at Rome, but Karl
V waa the last kaiser-king who received
the imperial crown at the pope's hands.
Pansies, ever since Shakespeare's
time, and perhaps for ages before, have
been symbolic of thoughts or remem
brance. Two or three poets, 100 years
earlier than Shakespeare, mention the
flower as having this symbolism. "
A legal bushel of onions is 48 pounds
in Indiana, and from' this figure the
range is upward to 57 pounds in Arkan
sas, Georgia, Illinois and other states.
The Loyal Mystic Lesion -will jrive a conceit
Thursday evening fart lie-. bcucDt of thu woithj
poor of the city. . .' , :.;..-. ?.:..!. '.
The art'departinent of tliif W mi .-mi's c!uli:t
meet Friday evening. IVceir.bor 4, Ht the home oi
Mrs. i'erry Walker.
Tickets are now on sale at I .clnilioft F.ros." for
Ko lands' lecture whit h will hj v'ven at Winte s
opera house r riday,' December 11. Acinussioii.
i and 15 cents. - .
C. A. M&rshall, Dentist.
Viirm loans T. II. Pollock..
Farm loan and -T. II.
Pollock. !
j. M. Patterson .'and'. .W: K. Fox
were Omaha visitors tod:iy.
Get your abstracts oi title made by
Ilobert J. V .OUico in Britrgs build
my. . . t
Batten berg jiml Jewel stamping pat
terns in endless designs at Tucker Sis
ters'. The Cabinet, made by Otto Wutl, is
the best nicf.el cigur told aujwbero.
Try it.
Go to Hubert V;:ss for reliable
abstracts of title. Oflice in Jirijrs
llloliuu.v novuities of 11 kinds suit
able for presents tt TucKt-r bisters
uiillinet y parlors.
.' Dr. J. A. ILismeit r of Louisville wi s
in the city today thb gu'ost'cf his lis
ter Mis. J. M. RctK rUc.u . '
Spucial s ilo of bats from 7o cents up
during December at Mclvin's on Sixth
street. Stamping dom Ut oi-dor.
V Don't forget, we will cat every tliiug
loose at the next Salurday afternoon
and night auction sale at the Wonder.
' The widow of Je ry Daniher Jr. of
S.ilt Lake City camo in last night in
very ill health from i nil amatory
Frank II. Wilson is home from bis
work examining the 1 t ecoi ds of an
Omaha insurance company IVr the
etate auditor; , i , . . - . . ..,
Miss Cook of Plat! str.outh, who liar,
been in the city I no guest of her aunt
Mrs. O. L. Joiner, returned home this
morning. Xebrask.t City News.
County Attorney Polk is h iving a
sorious time with carbuncles o:i the
back of his neck and mny .not be able
to get down to his otiiea for several
Hats and' all . kinds tf " ir.iliinory
cheaper than ever at Tucker Sisters,
who have a Ptlonaid lino to select
from. Cull .'in-rno t.rduV.b to t-how
C. II. Parmele was out riding today
and is fast recovering from the surgi
cal operation performed last week iu
Chicago. Wc hope to see him out on
the streets again jjQatr,:.i
;.T. M. - Patterson lost otto of hi
nicest Shetland j-onies Iroin being
gored bv a cow- He secured, the
services of S. L. Fur!onr todav and
the cow will be dehorrsed.
J. II. Densou, who- got las linger
mashed two weeks ago, had the nail
cut cut this morning a most patnlul
operation and hopes now for a speedy
healing of ihe iujurea member.
; The many friends of D. B. Smith
will be scrry to learn that he is still
confined to his bed, sifter weeks of suf
iering with rheumatism and is yet un
able to claim much" improvement.
: Now that confidence has been res
tored and the good times are coming,
you should rcmemler that the 'Ex
quisito" Is the best "i-cent cigar on the
market". II. Spies, Manufacturer.
Albert Gullion -and Miss Ada Cole
man, prominent young people of Green
wood, were married at the herueof the
bride yesterday. Tun News sends its
best wishes for unmeasured happiness.
Soothing, and ' not irritating,
Strengthing, and not weakening, small
but effective such are the qualities
of Do Witt's Little Fit ly Hirers, the
famous litdo-pills'.. F. G. Fricke & Co.
1 The riesbytoriah zhurch folks are
having a' much needed gs lamp put
in at the church entrance wiiich will
give needed light on the iliioh 'steps
which grace thef rent of that structure.
Mrs.Kalocck today filed a com nl -tint
against the duughtor . of Charley
Seeples charging her with disturbing
the peace.' It is a stirt of family row
and wilt have an ai ting before Judge
Aicher tomorrow.'-' ;! ' '' ''
S. W. MeEiroy of Oberlin, Kan.,
who was elected one of the juJges of
the court of appeals in that state re
turned home yesterday after a pleas
ant visit with his s'lste.i- Mrs. Frank
Boyd and family. '
To cure all old sore.", to heal an in
dolent ulcer, or to speedily cure pilei;,
you need simply apply DaWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve1 according to directions.
lis magic-lino action wi.isurpnsif you.
F. G Fricke & Co.
The length of life may bo increased
by lessening its dangers. The ma
jority of people died from lung
troubles. These nviv be averted by
promptly using One Minute cough
Cure. F. G. Fricke & Co.
The finest imported wines in the
state, and the purest liquors, together
with the " premium A nheuser-Busch
beer, are always obtaioab'e at the,
"Casino" r Plattsmoulh's leading
saloon, opposite the court hou3o.
Scaly eruptions on the head, chapped
hands and lip, cuts, bruises, scalds, j
burns a re .-quickly cured" : by DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve.,- It. isnt proscnt
the articLe most used for piles, aad it
always cures thern. F. G. Fricke &Co.
The old lady was right when she
said, the1 child1 might' die if they
waited for the doctor. She saved the
little oueV life with a.few doses of One
Minute Cough Cure. She had used it
for croup before- . F. G. Fricke & Co.
Holiday sale' nt. Mrs. "Street's Mil
linery Bazaar. For the next thirty
days we will sell -our trimmed and un
trimmed hats at about half . the usual
price (for- cash) to close out winter
stock. Call soon, for best bargains go
first; ' -' ; -
The old way of delivering messages
by past-boys .compared with-the mod
ern telephone, illustrates the old tedi
ous methods of "breaking" colds com
pared with their' almost instanteous
cure byjOno Minute Cough Cure." F.
G. Fricke- & Co. : -: -j : , : '
Absolutely pure, perfectly hainuess,
aud invariably reliable are the quali
ties of One. Minuto Cough Cute. : It
never fails inJcQlds croup ; and lung
troubles. because it
is pleasant to take and -it helps them.
F. G. Fric ke & Co.
Bert Clement, the editor of the Elm
wood Leader, was able to come to
town today and shake hands with bis
friends, lie made THE News a pleas
ant call ar d informed1 us that he was
totally blind for four months on ac
count of typo vioisoning. He lost the
bight of oho eye permanantly, but is
i th-.inkful that the other is almost well
The Christian Sisters of Ashland,
the oniy complete quartette of sisters
whose - sinking is awarded a
etowded hou?e everywhere they have
goi.e, will make a tour of tho state
under the business management of
Gus Uyers. . Gas is a rustler aud will
make a good manager. Tho quartette
expectrt to Hpiwtir at Waterman's hall
in this city On the evening of Decem
ber 12. .. . ...
John : r Clements, editor of the
K!mv65d "Leader .. todaylltpok out" a
permit to wd M.iss 1'dith M. Hichard
son. Tmk News desires to extend
congratulations in advance. We
thought when Bert called he had
something pleasant on his mind but
he was too modest to let us in on the
secret. Tho bride to be is highly
spoken of and we trust nothing, but
piosperity may attend them.
It Ouglit to Have Hallway Peed Yards
Something 1'rartioa.t In Sight.
In conversation with, a Montana
stockman on the train the other day.
the ranchman called attention to the
fact that tho great northwest country
tributary to the Burlington was not at
all suited with the, location of tho
feed yards at Aurora, Neb., in conse
quence of baing located too far west.
On the other hand be objected to the
Crcston yards as too far east.
i His reasons wero that stock being
feu at Aurora on account of the long
haul from there to Chicago put, them
into the market in poor condition.
whereas if they wero not fed unti
reaching Creston they wore too far
gone to recover the loss. He thought
a feed yard midway between Aurora
and Crcston would be exactly right
and would fully meet the wants of
shippers, so that stock would be landed
iu Chicago in good condition.
j The stock man had twenty-two cars
of cattle on one train which' ho ' wes
(bringing down, and seemed to bo
prominent man who was versed in
every detail of tho cattle industry.
! From tho above statements it would
be seen that Platlsmouth is favorably
located for these yards, which wiii
boof great benefit, as furnishing a
rplendid local market for hay and
giainand also tin exceptional market
for thos-j who mjirht wish to buy
range cattle for feeders. The idea
seems practical and wo believe if
concerted aetiou was taken on the
part of our 'people tho yards might
bo secured for this point. ,
What li a iuarant-f?
Il is this. If vou h;.vj a Cough or
Cold, a ticklirg in the Throat, which
keepi you constantly coughing, or if
you aro riGlictod with auy Chest,
Throat or Lung Trouble, Whooping
Cough, etc., ai.d you, use Ballard's
Horchound Syrup as directed, giving
it a fair trial, ami no benefit is experi
enced we authorize our advertised
agent to refund your money on return
of bottle. It never fails to g.vo satis
faction. It promptly' relieves Bron
chitis. Price -'. and rt fonts, bold
by F. G. F. ickc & Co.
A 'sack of "Pillsbury'u Be.-l" flour
will make mora bread than the same
quantity or any other b.and. Why
not try a sack at a reasonable pi ice.
Zuckweiler & Lutz, agents.
Tli- 'us County Hairy.
Kverythin clean fresh and pure.
Milk, cream or buttermilk delivered
at your door every day.
11. F. Dean, Prop.
The long evenings when you must
read or so to bed immediately after
supper arc fast coming' on and if you
want the best local, paper you will
bavo to subscribe for The News which
priuts the news.' Always ahead and
up to date. To be without TueNsh s
is to be out of style.
"rGERING j&i CO., f
f Pure Drifts, H;- 6
Wall Paper and ?
Druaalsts' Sundries,
'-"'"' i
TOR the Holiday trade they' have hand-. 0
reds of articles useful and ornamental'- A
-vtbat will make elegant presents. ;Thef"
have recently added a Confectionery VDS
A partment -and carry complete line -4 -
i Lowney's goods, which are considered T
the finest in the world. It will pay you to 9
,' trade at . i
5gER1NG &. CO'S.;
4S- : , ... ' ..
Line of fancy, tastefully decorated . . ,
1? Chinaware ia numerous Patterns, ' -
. .- ...... , J
& oi iaie importation, may De touua . , n
k at the store of ". t
. ..
- - Dt
Also everything toibe desired in tlie'.-
way of . Choice Groceries aud Canned
GlmhIs. Our prices arc always right; come
in and inspect what we have and compare
with others. Clark is headquarters fur
Useful Holiday . Gifts.1
m. s.
Briggs Comes la One'
Vote ' 'of
I r I. f-
I'lucking Klch I'luiu.
M. S. Briggs of this city .was acanr
didate for the responsible position of
a secretaryship of -the;state board of
transportation, the most important
olEce given out by appointment in the
state. lie did not succeed, yet!, con
sidering tne opposition, tie made t a
showing his friends are proud of.; ,(
i The three secretaries were choseq by
ballot last night, the five state officers
not including the governor-shaving
the right to' vote.' Thirtyslt ballots
were taken, and in half of them Mr.
Briggs received three (' votes a 'ma
jority of the board, favoring his candi
dacy. - The statutes, however,, requires
four votes to elect, ' andt Porter ana
Meserve refused to support Briggs,
hence he was defeated by one vote.
The fact that (he'waa the choice of a
majority of the .board showed . con
clusively the appreciation : and h.igb
standing in which' he was held. v !
The secretaries selected' wet'o Dahl-
man of , Chadron,' G.1 "L:.',: Laws' ''and
Edgerton of Grand Island. - nf j:i
: o.
, , A Timely 8uf gition. ) m
'.'Charity , covereth a .multitude; ( o
sins.". While , the, above.- saying, is
true, and always must be iso, it often
haupens that some of the recipients
of charity are fraudulently represented
and not fit subjects for relief. Those
that are worthy and in want should
be sustained by all means, while those
not, worthy should be " dropped. No
parties in want of relief should be too
proutid to have their names known
and where they live, 6o that the pub
lic can judge if they be proper sub
jects for relief. . i
The county commissioners should
give monthly statements of the names
of the families relieved,' the amount
they get and the township or ward in
which they live. ,
At the present, slate of affairs , all
the public know is a monthly state
ment by the county commissioners,
showing how much the different
grocery stores have, given to the
poor, through their orders or war
There are plenty of people in Platts
mouth who think there is good-deal
of imposition about this charity busi
ness there has been no slack 'even
during the summer months. It is
timo to try temedial measures', and
call a halt. . . "' ,: '
Knights of 1'ythlas Klection.,
At - the recent election .Gauntlet
lodge No. 47 selected the following
excellent corps of officers:
Chancellor Commander Frank
Itlchey. .
Vice Chancellor Geo. IIouso worth,
Prelate VViil Hyers.
Master of Work Frank Nieman.
K. of It. and S. Fred Murphy.
Master of Finance Fred .Ebinger.
M. of Exchequer Joe Fetzer. i . ; ;
Master at Arms Reece "WalKer.
Trustees Dr. Marshail,Dr. Humph
rey and. Fred Kbinger. ,
1 .'
llow'a Tiiu.
We offer Olie Hundred Dollars Reward for
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
V. f. CHENEY & CO.. Props.. Toledo. O
We the undersigned, have known P. J
Cheney for the last 15 veurs. nd believe
niui perfectly nonoraoie in all Duslness
transactions and linanclally able to carry
out any oblizutions made by their 0rna.
West & liiCAX, Wholesale urujrttists, 10-
ledo. u.
Waluino. Kinsas St Marnin. Wholesale
Dru exists. Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally
actios: directly upou the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bot
tle. Sold by ah JJrugxista. Testimonials
Dry wood taken on subscription at
The News office. ' -'" "
PECULkAR in combination, pro
, portion aud preparation of ingredi
ents, Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses great
curative value. You6houIdTRY ITo
. - i j i ? :
; J .t.i j. oi
' f o
-i ,:
; ; ; BOYS ' 1 '
' I ( It '! V ,l ! . !
! And
1 l'.'-. -. ....
A They will gro at $1, $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.50
and $3. Made in -Double-Breasted Reefer
style with extra pants to match. ; ..
1 1 We have just unpacked our new Fall ' and
Winter Suits for Boys: , Hundreds of differ-
1 t-:. nu
I 1
.i. i
. ljO . ji fcjjO .tv.J) , t-'j ir
'.'.';'. To ' makc: your1 Christmas .purchases.' of" us ih,
I Xr ' because we have the (mkIs at the right prices and X-
' - -i ''. : ; :i v. , ...... . .. . ; . V' dyi'
are- unxiovis: iu . serve ,,
; VWatGHes,',;;
Aiil be' given I'K KK to
! to onie fMle. Kvery t il entities
vim to a ticket.
f .i
Drawing January 15, '97.
i cf
GlOGks; '
''. il ! . ,.
j And all cheaper "thair vou
,J& before, "Balky watches
,t i
"t," "f
Fond, mothers H1 observer these',
feorej"n"g for' they are
j . -I i ' i - i V. f ii.
f i i ... i i i.i, in -i . f.Ji"y -j
I,' ; -Sei,.oi :
lot of cheap, shoddy 6tufT for (,he occasion, which looks nice at first and tho
nrstjtrme'tiie'y get' wet 'fair to pieces. There is no pleasure to js nor satisfac
li6h to th'e eiislbmer in such trash! ' .; .-.
tr?yiW"!Si0" 'the
Vr r &hcrzi'ood
)Jll ""fiiv."' on :. . . :
That is If you pivehim a chance by
inspecting the 50 School Shoes,
prices right,' "comprising" the ' latest
styles and mattes' obtainable, all the
way from a.' razor toe, Vici Kid, to a
heayjr QU, Grain.; n , r ,, . ' : . .
Ali we asl$ of yfu ,is to' inspect our
Ak-Sar-BBa.Security, Sussex and ,"16
to 1" line of substantial School Shoes.
We will'sell 'and please you for they
wear like' ironV 11 v'-'' '
.i - - -
I'arftfain MerianiAnK ticn aav at our store
Don't know what they are? Tliey are no cheap
trashv. HjsKTiMticatit ft Hi, bat a lasting oniaiuent
for any room. Come and see them.
.... .r..,..--,, ,va u'. ...
. . ., , u w f-
f ent styles to select
from. Patterns hand
i somer and prices low than ever; We have
the exclusive sale,'ih
Cass county of "the
!. Mrs. Jane Hopkins
I, VStar Make" suits and
; pants for Boys- with
i their -.
' . ...
Perfect Fitting,'-' ,f "' '
Hold-Fast Buttons
Double Seat and Knee,
Elastic Waist Band, .
:- Warranted Not to Rip..
1 I
- w . 1
Cfl tfJ C. 0 C,-A ij
il !
j '(.,
you. . x ou can nuy tine
" v (T
Etc., Etc. uj&i.
have ever bought them iffi
made to" vork'.'" "' ' '" """-u
1 1-ii j,,'!'.
NORTH SltlK MA N.ST.,.-.c
e. "
1 1 Ji j. .;
Scliool Begins SeotemDer 14;
. 1 1
Gold Weather Will Soon Gome'
fats and shotibl . examine Sherwood's
crackr-jacks.- U'o have uot laid in a
nettsTS- ' '
Shoes - tlic. Kids'
... . ,.-;t. tt TTsiZa
- lL Sr A