Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, October 31, 1896, Image 4

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me Semi-Weekly News-flerald
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
Farm loans T. H. Pollock.
Farm loans and insurance T. II.
Fresb Oysters in all styles at Jake
Hein rich's restaurant.
Sile Patterson. South Bend's lead
ing merchant, is in town today.
A new line of Derby d walking
hat? just received at Mrs. Sheet's.
Dressmaking parlo over TI-. raid's!
etoie. ( CRA-.. ALhXANDti: j
V. . D. Hul. uue of C.'.sacou.iij' oest
citizens, is in fiom South Bend todav.
Get your abstracts of title made by
Robert J. Vass. Office in Briggs build
ing. C. C. Parmele and F. J. Morgan
were passengers for Omaha this after
noon. Go to Robert J. Vass for reliable
abstracts of title. Office in Briggs
The Epworth League meeting to
have been held this evening has been
postponed for one week.
Always in season, Hopkins' Steamed
Hominy (Hulled Corn). Elegant lunch
in Milk. Quart can, 10 cents.
The W. R. C. will' serve dinner and
supper in the G. A. R. hall on election
dy. A good meal for 15 cents.
We have 100 mackintoshes we will
throw on the market at less than
wholesale prices at the Wonder.
Congressman Strode spoke to an en
thusiastic audience at Greenwood last
night and a good report from Salt
Creek is assured.
A. C. Fish argued the sound money
question before a good audience at
Cedar Creek last night. His speeches
are well worth hearing.
Mrs. W. W. Coates 1 home from an
extended visit with relatives down in
Southern Missouri and Northern Ar
kansas where she had a delightful
A sack of Pillsbury's flour will make
more bread than the same quantity of
any other brand. Why not try a sack
at a reasonable price. Zuckweiler &
Lutz, Agents.
A hacking cough is not only annoy
ing to others, but is dangerous to the
person who has it. One Minute Cough
Cure will quickly put an end to it. F.
G. Fricke & Co.
Speed and safety are the watchwords
of the age. One Minute Cough Cure
acts speedily, safely and never fails.
Asthma, bronchitis, coughs aad colds
are cured by it. F. G. Fricke & Co.
A McKinley voter arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Fangier early
in the week just in time to register.
Mother and son doing well, but it is
doubtful if Jake survives the honors.
De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is an
antiseptic, soothing and healing ap
plication for burns, scalds, -bruises,
etc., and cures piles like magic. It
instantly stops pain. F. G. Fricke &
O. H. Snyder was at Glen wood jes
terday, where he met Governor Drake
of Iowa. The latter acsured Mr. Sny
der that in bis pinion Iowa wouiu
give 75,000 majority for the McKinley
All ladies who are willing to ride ia
the republican parade here Monday
evening should report as soon as pos
sible to Mrs. J. C. Petersen, in order
that all arrangements may be perfect
ed in good season.
Dr. Hungate, the pood natured,
though misguided chairman of the
democratic county central committee,
was in town today mineling with the
faithful in a pre-election lore feast at
Judge Archer's office.
Many lives of usefulness have been
cut short by neglect to break up an
ordinary cold. Pneumonia, bronchitis
and even consumption can be averted
by the prompt use of One Minute
Cough Cure. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Tetter, eczema and all similar skin
troubles are cured by the use of
De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It
soothes at once, and restores the
tissues to their natural condition, and
never fails to cure piles. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
L. E. Skinner, hale hearty and gen
ial as of yore, came in from Lincoln
today and will visit over Sunday with
relatives and friends. He made The
News a pleasant call and reported
Lancaster good for 2,000 majority for
McKinley. . -
The program for the big rally In
tvta s.ft Mnnnav evening will be
t 11 1 7 V.J ml
nrinted in tomorrow's paper. The de
tails of the affair are being carefully
looked after and a rousing time is cer
tain to be in at the close of the cam
paign in this city.
They are so little you hardly know
you are taking them. They cause no
griping, yet they act quickly and most
thoroughly. Such are me xamous imie
pills known as De Witt's Little Early
Risers. Small In size, great in results.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
The poDOcrats seem to be bavmg a
little pow-wow in Judge Archer's of
fice today, mixing Borne medicine,
doubtless for the innocent voter next
Tuesday. "For deeds that are dark
and tiicks that are vain," the up-to-date
popocrat ia peculiar.
Many political speakers, clergymen,
singers and others who use the voice
excessively, rely upon One Minute
Cough Cure to prevent huskincss and
laryngitis. Its value as a preventive
is only equaled by its power to afford
instantaneous relief. F. G. Fricke&Co.
Chronic constipation is a painful,
disagreeable and life-shortening diffi
culty. It deranges ihe system, causes
sick headache, bad breath, and poisons
the bl l. It can be re dily overcome
by L)e Witt's Liitle Early Riser.-.
"!;..:.: iittic mil :-r . 'eguau-r
( i i- i kc a C .
r'raiik Morgan ttiil seems to think
Bryau, the man of destiuy, will cary
every state in the union exceDt Maine
and Vermont. A committee ought to
be appointed at once to sit up with
Frauk for a few nights after the elec
tion until he gets toned down to the
fact that McKinley is elected.
Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Dean of South
Haven, Mich., returned home yester
day after a pleasant two weeks' visit
with their son, Superintendent Deau
of the poor farm. Mr. Dean hurried
home to put in a good McKinley vote,
but he felt that the state was safe for
the sound money champiou.
The farmers of the country have
been benefitted by the advance in
wheat to the extent of over $90,000,000
since July; and if it were true, us the
Bryan organs absurdly claim, that
this result has been brought about by
Chairman Hanna for political pur
poses, then he would certainly be one
of the best friends they ever had. Ex.
This morning's train from the west,
which arrived here at 10:24, was cov
ered with from three to four inches of
snow. The fall at North Platte last
night was over twelve inches, but it
kept growing less until the eastern
part of the state was reached, when
the snow turned into rain. There was
lo snow here, but a cold rain fell dur
ing a part of the night.
A Jolly Party.
It was a jolly party of ladies who
gathered at the homo of Mr. and Mrs.
J. B. Meisinger yesterday in response
to. special invitations, the occasion be
ing in honor of Mrs. G. .J. McCann of
Ohio. Social chat was indulged in and
the political question discussed pro
and con. A majority of the ladies be
ing for McKinley, those for Bryan bad
to take a back seat. However, all
were given a seat of bocor at dinner,
and everyone did justice to the good
things which were so nicely served,
which proved that Mrs. Meisinger is a
first-class caterer and a pleasant hos
tess. A Fizzle at Louisville
Judge Broad y was billed for a week
to speak at Louisville the other after
noon, but only ten men turned out to
hear him and six of them were re
publicans. Of course he made no
speech, and left the town impressed,
no doubt, with the fact that Judge
Strode wtts tho choice of that part of
old Cass for congress. Indeed Jesse
B. Strode is so weii known in this
county and so highly respected that he
deserves a thousand majority here, and
we hope to see him get it.
How They Itet In Lincoln.
W. H. Sullivan, luo dro) auui, wu.
luoking for bets yesterday. Lust
night he was not so anxious to Hud
them. Mr. Sullivan is a continued
Bryan admirer and he thinks the
popocratic candidate will carry tbo
state. He offered to back his opinion
with $10. Charley Hall took him up.
On their way to Seligsohn's, There
the money was to be posted, Mr. Sul
livan suggested that they make the
wager $50 a side instead of $10. Mr.
Hall was agreeable and the crowd
which was following them cheered
him for bis confidence. When they
arrived at Seligsohn's Mr. Sullivan
changed his mind and backed squarely
out of the bet. The crowd hooted, but
he stuck to his intention to keep his
money. State Journal.
A Ureal Kally.
Preparations are going forward
rapidly for the greatest rally of the
campaign in this city next Monday
evening. A large committee will have
charge of the 5u0 horsemen, and Mrs.
J. C. Petersen will have charge of the
company of ladies on horseback. A
list of the committees will be printed
tomorrow, so far as arrangements have
been made. Every precinct will be
Farmers should hold their wheat
and corn. Everything now points to
tbe certain election of McKinley, which
means the immediate return of im
mense sums of gold to the banks,
which have been taken out to guard
against the Bryan panic. Money will
be easier and wheat will go to a dollar
on the Chicago market. A vote for
McKinley is a vote for immediate re
lief in financial circles and for better
prices for grain.
Register! Register!
Remember that tomorrow is the last
day of registration. Tbe places where
you may have your name recorded
J will be found in another column.
Ke Foundation to the Personal Claims
Made by Gov. Holcomb Republican Of
ficials Have Entire Control of State In
stitutions and the Disbursement of Funds.
; i
; The claim made by Governor Hol
comb that-he has saved $200,000 to the
state during his term of office by reason
of his economical administration of state
affairs will not stand even the most su
perficial investigation. In the first place,
there has been no such saving. In the
second place, the governor has nothing
whatever to do with the expenditure of
6tate moneys. The governor appoints
the heads of all state institutions except
the two industrial schools, which are
appointed by the board of public lands
and buildings; commander of soldiers'
home at Milford, appointed by above
board and approved by the governor,
and superintendents of industrial home
at Milford, and home of the friendless
at Lincoln, appointed by a board of
lady managers.
Supplies for all institutions are pur
chased by the board of purchase and
supplies, consisting of the governor as
chairman, commissioner of public lauds
and buildings as secretary, the secre
tary of state, attorney general and state
treasurer at present four republicans
and one populist. The law requires that
the secretary of the board shall adver
tise for bids, that the board shall meet
on the first day of each quarter, and
that bids shall then be opened and contracts-awarded
to lowest responsible
bidder. The contracts for supplies are
then enforced by the board of public
lands and buildings, of which the gov
ernor is not a member.
Section 19 of the constitution defines
the powers and duties of the board of
public lands and buildings as having
charge and supervision of all buildings,
grounds and lauds of the state, and all
institutions except those for educational
The legislature of 1877 (section three
revised statutes) under the heading,
"Custody of Buildings," gave force to
the above provision. Under the head
ing, "Disbursements of Funds" (sec
tion four), the statute says: "The said
board shall have power, under the re
striction of this act, to direct the gen
eral management of all the said institu
tions and be responsible for the proper
disbursements of the funds appropriated
for tfieir maintenance," etc. Under
section six the board is given power to
pass upon accounts of the "public offi
cers" or heads of these institutions.
Under section 6, the board having passed
upon accounts, the auditor is directed to
issue warrants in payment thereof.
-Thus it will be seen that the governor
has nothing at all to do with the control
or management of state institutions, or
the auditing, approving or payment of
bills contracted, those duties being en
tirely within the scope of the board of
public lands and buildings, of which he
is not even a member. But if Gov.
Holcomb is correct when he states that
the sum of $200,000 has been saved dur
ing his administration, the credit would
be due to the board of public lands and
buildings. This board would be glad to
have the credit for the saving. The
fact is, however, that the appropriations
are barely sufficient for the ruuuing ex
penses of theN state and state institu
tions, and with six months of the bien
nial period yet to run it may appear
that they are insufficient. Still the
board believes that by the practice of
economy in all directions, in keeping
with the policy of the past two years,
the appropriations will be made to suf
fice. The legislature of lc-93 appropriated
$792,610 for expenses of state govern
ment and institutions. The legislature
of 1895 appropriated $780,276. A saving
it will be noticed, of $12,000.
It is true, too, that there are more
people to care for than ever before, aud
this is done with a smaller appropria
tion. A comparison of cost of supplies
during three years shows that a con
siderable saving has been effected.
For instance:
Lump coal was worth $3.70 in 1893
and $2.99 in 1896. Other grades about
the same.
Men's shops in 1893 were $2.50. In
1895 and lfe96, only 96 cents and $1.10.
Women's shoes in 1893 were $1.77, in
1896 only $1.10. .
Coffee 1893, 22c per lb.; 1856, 15.
Syrup 1893, 23c to 27c per gal.; 1896,
Sugar Extra O, 1893, $5.40 per cwt.;
18D6, $4.99. Granulated, 1893, $5.90 per
cwt.; 1896, $4.99. I
All wool suits in 1893 cost $3.00, now
only $5.00.
Muslin and flour unchanged.
The reader will thus see how the
greater number of people can be cared
for in 1895 and 1896 at less expense.
Some people may think it is a light
fhing to mislead the public for political
purposes, but the members of the board
of public lands and buildings would
rather tell the truth than be governors.
The records of the several offices in
the state house occupied by republicans
are always open to the public for inspec
tion during office hours, and the board
invites inspection. Each official is ready
at any and all times to account for his
stewardship. ;
Nebraska's Man of Destiny.
Hon. Jack MacColl, the man whom
destiny has selected to be the next gov
ernor of Nebraska, is a fine, whole
souled gentleman, who makes friends
wherever he goes, and if he only had
the time to travel all over the state, not
only every republican, but every intelli
gent democrat, would rote for him. He
is an earnest, sincere man, honest in
every fiber of his being, and will maks
an ideal governor of this great com
monwealth. Let every republican and
every democrat who loves the state and
wishes to Bee it prosper vote for Jack
MacColl. Syracuse Journal.
Perpetrated Upon the People by Hoyt
Co , of Chicago.
One of the colossal popocratic fakes
of the present campaign, says the
Lincoln Call, came to light this morn
ing. The press' dispatches through
out the country conveyed the surpris
ing information that the Hoyt & Com
pany grain- firm of Chicago had
donated to Mr. Bryan, and particular
ly to the popocratic campaign fund, a
house and two lots located in this city
valuedat $18,000 in cold silver. An
investigation of the records pertain
ing to the property in question give
some startling results. The property
named consists of lots sixteen (16) and
seventeen (17), block ten (10), in that
part of Lincoln called Junction place.
A mo tgage on the same for $600 was
given by one Dan E. Bixby to the
Mead state bank of York, Neb. This
mortgage was afterwards assigned to
Hoyt and company of Chicago and a
quit claim for the whole property
given. The records further show the
lots assessed at a valuation of $150 and
the back taxes for the year '95, yet un
paid, are placed at $5.98.
This is the $18,000 gift the people
read about in the morning papers. On
the best authority attainable it is
claimed that the property would not
sell under the hammer for more than
$200. It certainly seems that this firm
of Hoyt & company bad an eye to
business when it made a play that
gave it national advertising for the
meager sum of $200. And the part
Mr. Bryan plays in this is anything
but commendable. Mr. Bryan ought
to know as well as any man in the city
that no two lots in Junction Place
could be worth $18,000. Yet he ac
cepts the gift with thanks and there
by becomes a party to the deception
practiced upon the people. Anything
for sympathy. Anything to play upon
the passions of tbe American voters.
Remember Flag Day.
Do not forget that tomorrow is re
publican "flag day" and every believer
in sound money is expected to display
the national emblem from residenee
or business room, or both. Chairman
Hanna has has made this request and
the whole country seems inclined to a
favorable response by making the day
a memorable one. The issues this
time, affecting national honor as well
as personal prosperity, make the flag
a significant emblem for the patriotic
followers of the sound money cause.
An Opportunity.
For sale for cash A $2,500 property
for $700; a $1,500 property for $525;
two houses and one lot for $250. A p
ply to R. B. Windham.
Wheat Will Go to One Dollar Per Bushel.
There is no longer any question about
wheat going to $1 per bushel in the
next sixty days. Land always follows
wheat. Farmers in Cass county, the
richest farming section in the state,
who have money and genius, will not
let such a bargain pass by as the
Northeast Quarter Section 23. Town
ship 12. Range 11 in this county.
Only one-fourth mile Southwest of
Louisville, in the oldest and wealthiest
German settlement in Eastern Nebras
ka. This is an improved farm, with
15 acres of natural timber, the balance
in corn, which will average over 60
bushels per acre this year. Wiil be
sold $15 per acre les9 than other farms
adjoining and no better if as good soil.
Write or see G. William Carlock, U.
S. National Bank Building, Omahi.,
Registration Law.
All men desiring to vote at the com
ing election must be twenty-one years
of age, and have resided six months in
the state, forty days in the county and
ten days in the precinct. Saturday of
this week is the last day for registra
tion and republicans should see to it
that their vote is all out. Registrars
should see that every requisite is
taken before a man registered. Some
names have been put on the list with
oi t the first name, which is clearly
The ladies of the M. E. church will
give an old fashioned Methodist din
ner on election.
On Election Day.
The ladies of the M. E. church will
give an old-fashioned Methodist din
ner in the room in Waterman's block.
All should come and get a good dinner.
17 M
Chester's Compound Extract of Celery
to good as any other preparation of the kind on the market, and stand
ready to refund your money if it does not benefit you as much as any other
Celery Compound you ever used. Indicated in general debility, loss of appe
tite, nervousness, sleeplessness, eta
A Great Nerve Tonic and System Renovator.
It Makes Weak People Strong.
A Big Rainfall.
The rain that set in yesterday af
ternoon at 4 o'clock and continued all
night long was the heaviest that has
visited this section in years. The
rain was general all over this state
and Iowa and in this county a great
deal of damage was done to bridges,
roads and culverts. The precipita
tion, according to the guage at the
B. & M. depot, was 3 and 8-10 inches,
while at the institute for the blind
the puage showed 3 and 4-10 inches.
The whole face of the. earth for a time
last night was a perfect sheet of water
and the storm was accompanied by
considerable thunder and lightning.
This is the heaviest rainfall we have
had in years and the nearest to it was
the rainfall of 2 and 3-4 inches in two
hours one day in September, 1895.
Nebraska City News.
Registration Notice.
The several boards of registration
will meet for the purpose oi naving a
general registration of the voters in
their reepective wards in the city of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, on Thursday,
October 15; Friday, October 23 and
Saturday, October 31, and shall re
main in session on each of said days
from the hours of 8 o'clock a. m. until
9 o'clock p. m., at the following places:
First ward Perkins hotel block,
Main street.
Second ward Turn verein hall,
Washington avenue.
Third ward W. D. Jones' livery
barn. Main street.
Fourth ward Police judge's office,
Main street.
Fifth ward Bach's grocery 6tore,
Lincoln avenue.
The First ward is composed of that
part of the city laying north of Main
street and east of Seventh street.
The Second ward is composed of that
part of the city lying north of Main
street and west of Seventh street.
The Third ward is composed of
that part of the city laying south of
Main street and west of Sixth street,
and north of the north line of fifth
The Fourth ward is composed of that
part of tbe city lying east of Sixth
street, south of Main street and north
and east of fifth ward.
Tbe Fifth ward is composed of that
part of the city lying west of Palmer's
addition and including fractional lot
7 of section 19, township 12, range 14,
and all of that portion of the city ly
ing west of Lincoln avenue and south
of the north lines of section 19, town
ship 12, range 14, and section 24, town
ship 12, range 13.
Voters will govern themselves ac
cordingly. B. C. Kerb, City Clerk.
Woman's Clab Entertainment.
The department of English litera
ture of the Plattsmouth Woman's club
will meet Friday evening, October 30,
at 7:30, at the home of Mrs. B. Elson
Miss Olive Gass, leader. Following is
the program of tbe evening:
The Elizbethan Age.
Music. -
Roll call Quotations from Bacon.
A Talk on Queen Elizabeth.
Sir Walter Kaliegh as a courtier. 1552-1618.
Edmund Spenser, 1553-1598. The "Reubens'
of English poetry.
Synopsis of "The Faiiie Queen."
Sir Philip Sidney. 1554-1826. Sketch of his life.
Essay "The Social and Intellectual Condition
of the Times."
What Is a Guarantee?
It is this. If you have a Cough or
Cold, a tickling in the Throat, which
keeps you constantly coughing, or i
you are afflicted with any Chest
Throat or Lung Trouble, Whooping
Cough, etc., and you use Ballard's
Horebound Syrup as directed, giving
it a fair tfial, and no benefit is experi
enced we authorize our advertised
agent to refund your money on return
of bottle. It never fails to p. vo satis
faction. It promptly relieves Bron
chitis. Price 25 and 51 cents. Sold
by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Thanksgiving Balk
The Woodmen of the World will give
a thanksgiving ball the night before
Thanksgiving Day, No pains will be
spared to make it the event of the
The Cass County Dairy.
twerytning clean iresn and pure
Milk, cream or buttermilk delivered
nt your door every day.
R. F. Dean, Prop.
nervousness, chronic dyspepsia and
great misery. The best remedy is
They will go at $1,
and $3. Made in Double-Breasted Reefer
style with extra pants to match.
We have just unpacked our new Fall and
Winter Suits for Boys. Hundreds of differ-
- i
The highest
good as
triss ojs va.j rjr.
knows there is none jiist
as good as
r. b
V Sol
oCtintf M
You will find
eacn two ounce two cou
pons inside each four ounce
S5f r )
bagot IsLickwclrs Durliam.
Buy a liair
brated tobacco
coupon which gives n list t
of valuable presents aud how V
Fond mothers will observe these
School Shoes before buying for they are crack r-j.ic-t. e have not laid in a
lot of cheap, &hoddy stuff for the occasion, which !o!;s nico at first and the
first time they get wet fali to pieces. Tuoro is no p!e:i-uro to us nor satisfac
tion to the customer in such trash.
Wtmicn "Shoo" the
That is if you givo him a chance by
inspecting: the SO School Shoes,
prices right, comrrisinr tho latest
styles and makes obtainable, all tbo
way from a razor toe, Vici Kid, to a
heavy Oil Grain.
All we ask of you is to inspect our
Ak-Sar-Ben, Security. Sussex and "10
to 1" line of substantial School Shoes.
We will sell and please you for they
wear like iron.
Parsiain Medallions sriven away at our store
Don't know what they arc? 1 hey are no cheap,
trashy, insignificant gift, but a lasting ornament
for any room. Come and see tlicni.
I r
$1.25. $1.50, $2, $2.50
I ent styles to select
from. Patterns hand
somer and prices low
er than ever. We have
the exclusive sale in
Cass county of the
Mrs. Jane Hopkins
"Star Make" suits and
pants for Boys with
Perfect Fitting,
Hold-Fast Buttons,
Double Seat and KnetV
Elastic Waist Hand,
Warranted Not to Kip.
claim for other
is "Just as
old smoker
one coupon inside
of this cole
and read tlic L I
School Betjins SeDtem6eri4
Cold Wcatlier Will Soon Gome
facts and should examine Sherwood's
Shoes he R'idsf
snare J