'? 1866 THE 3ALL00N HEAR THE JOINT DEBATE ON s FINANCIAL QUESTION BY NOTED ORATORS FROM ABROAD. LIBERAL PREMIUMS WILL CALL OUT A ..SPLENDID AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL DISPLAYS.. B. WINDHAM, President. i 1 mm0 Km Absolute! Pure. am of taitar baking powder. Highest of A tr all ii 1 Govern aveniliR strength. Latest United States merit l ood Kepoit. CITY AND COUNTY. WEDNESDAY Willie LJaird went to Kellevue vh'is morning to enter college there, where he expects to take a complete course. C. M Miller, special agent of the Greewich Insurance company of New York, was in town today from Omaha. Mrs. Nellie Wingo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hoone, returned to her homo at Lincoln today, after an ex- extended visit here. The White breast coal yards were purchased today by M. Soennichson i i i -. i . . . . . i . . . Who will now nave uuuuwiuioniuio in that line of Merchandise. Reports of republican meetings from all parts of the county are gladly printed in The News. Send them in aad let us keep in touch on the good work. Sunt. Yates of the 11. Jk M. tolcgraph department, his assistant Cal Thomp son and Architect Kivett, all ot L,in coin, were in town today on company business. Misses Ninah and Mollie Tucker were visitors in the metropolis today, Tho latter lady has been in ooor health X v wm eral substances." 1 When these are absent we have u Rickets "a lack of bone-tissue, which shows itself in delayed teething profuse head-sweats, and later, if not arrested, malformations and deformities. Such a baby 'needs lime for its weak bones and cod-liver oil for its fat-starved body. ' Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophosphites of lime and soda will give its little body the needed fat in an easy form. Be sure you tt Scoffs mult ten nikem yo want it d at tubttitutt. Scott & Bowne, New York. All Druggists. 50c- and St. -I oc ASCENSION Tight Wire Performance on the Grounds Good Bicycle Races with Liberal Premiums. . Higii for several months and her friends will ho glad to know she is able to be out jigniii. Fred WooiUon is evidently branch ing out as a pop orator. He is one of the statesmen that helped to prevent Mr. Sadiiek from talking at tho Sokol hall. That kind of help is doing more good for MeKinley than if he were for him. Edward Gilson, Willie Harrington, John Thomas and Ethel Uatton, four bright, but unfortunate children were s-eut to Omaha this morning by thoir parents to attend the state deaf and dumb institute. They were happy as lai ks and seemed as full of fun as their more favored brothers and sisters. Elm wood is enjoying tho best fair this week ever held in that part of tho county. The exhibits are complete in every department, and it is well worth a vij.it from people in this end of the county for their own pleasure and for the well deserved encouragement and support of the Elmwood Fair associa tion. THURSDAY. District court convenes down, in Otoe county next week. Mike Cavev and son, Frank, came in from Wabash today on business. O. U. Polk of Lincoln is in the city today to attend to a law suit before Judge Stull, who will hold court for Judge Kamsey for a few days. Miles Standish, of li.ck Blurs pre cinct, is our kind of a pilgrim, as he brought a nice lot of poaches to The News office. May his shadow never grow less. Mrs. Dr. Miller of Minneapolis, sis ter of Captain Bennett accompanied bv her daughter Mrs. Mary Levin cime in tnis evening ior a wckk o visit-with relatives. .Tudro Smirlock and E. M. Pollard w.U speak at Pleasant View school house, in Mt. Pleasant precinct. Tues day evening, Sept. 22d. A cordial in vitation is extended to everybody to come out and hear tho political issues discussed. baby bones are soft, so soft they scarce can be called bones In the earlier years ; gradually they harden, and furnish the frame which sup ports the growing body. The hardening comes from what chemists term " the min 'THE SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS - THIRTIETH ANNUAL' FAIR NTY A PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, TOBE R 6 mm EVER SEEN IN THE PbfTTSAAOUTH. NBBRfSKf. The li. & M. has done quite a busi ness sending big crowds to Glenwood, both yesterday and today. Fully as many went from this city in carriages as on tho train and all report a delight ful time. The apple orchards covering thousands of acres around Glenwood a e Indeed a great sight. N. H. Meeker and wife of Green wood have been married several years and have two very bright girls. We hope we violate no confidence in re lating thdt Mrs. Meeker is 53 vears of age and that last week she presented her husband with an 81 pound boy which has thrown the urbane cashier of the Greenwood bank into paroxysms of delight. It goes without saying that no boy was ever more graciously recieved . ( Richard Kivett's return to his home' at Lincoln recently was a source oi great gratification to his relatives and friends. IIo returned to Cincinnati where he had been staying and will enter the employ of a railway company there. His explanation of his conduct amounted to the fact that he had made unuleasant mistakes but he had made better resolves and wanted to get DaCK ' to h.S Old position in the esteem of his friends, which no one could no. doubted ho Rheumatism Curert in Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in one to three days. Its action upon the sys tem is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists, Plattsmouth, Neb Link Iluffer is running engine 188 today, and Lonnie Stultz is enjoying his maiden effort as fireman. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla LEGAL. ADVERTISEMENTS Legal Notice. To Adeline Crippen. Ourd'in B. Crippen. Ben jamin A. tiibson. Mary Gibson, I- dward A. bans. trustee, vtiuiam v-rippeu. nraaiora ravings I '..ink & 1 rust Co.. tieorue Leslie and John . Mitchell, n. m-resident defendants: on aed eacli ot you are hereby notified that 01 the 14tti day ot August, !. jonn u. I e;iioone ami r.. sixon. partners doii: business under the tirm name and style of Pettibone & Nixon, commenced a't ac tion and tiied a petition in the ort.ee of thec'eik ot tlie district court in and lor Cass eouuty, ie- braka, the ooject aud prayer ot wtucn are to foreclose a certain tax lieu aijainst lots M and 21 m the not tnwesi quarter oi ux iMini5niu.mu of section 3. in town H. range 11. Cass county. Nebraska.aud also against tne ssouiriwei quar ter of the northwest quarter of said section and .1,.. ..t Imlf ( the southwest Quarter thereof: said lien being for tax certificate issued Nov.ti, 1SM, tor lt tax on said liina,.i.n, ano ior suu sequent taxes paid May 4th. 1Sj4, for 1MU tax tM.la. for Sto.ai paid ay 1. !'.'. for ttie l!U tax against said and, and for $41.57 paid May 1st Ijn'jo for the Ix'.k'i tax against said land with 20 per cent per annum ; jterest on each payment till Nov. n. Ii". and 10 per cent annual interest there after, and JO per cent attorneys' fees on the judgment and tor costs of suit, it is asked that your equity of redemption in said premises be foreclosed and anv claim or lien you may hae against said land be adjudged nferior to plain tirts' claim thereon, and it .s asked that said premises be sold to satisfy said claims with inter est, attorney's fees, and costs of suit. Vou are required to answer said petition on or before Monday. the"th day of September, l9t. nr tho alterations in said Detition wid be taken as ! contested and true, and Judgment entered ac- HERALD, PLATTSMOUTH, NEB., SEPTEMBER 19 GRCU 7, D WIEL TWO DAYS DURING THE FAIR curding:)'. You will take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly. John H. 1'trriBONE amS. fc.. Nixon. Bv their Attorneys, Hceson fi Root. Ffattsniou'.li. Neb'., Aug. 1. Wo. Legal Notice. Notice by publication ou petition (or final set tlement of final administration account. In the county court of Cass county. Nebraska, in the matter of the estate of lieorge W. Jenks. de ceased. Emma A. Jenks. Katherine Jane Barrow. Carrie Jenks Ward. John Jenks, Alexander Jenks. Lizzie Jenks. Erwin Jenks, Ed. L. Kichards, the unknown heirs" of Addle Jenks Kichards. de ceased, aud all other persons interested in said matter, are herebv notified that on the th day of September, 1'.. Mrs. Emma A. Jenks tiled a petition in said coi.nty court, praying that her final administration accounts filed herein be settled and allowed aud that she be discharged from her trust as executrix, and that if you fail to appear before said court on the tirst day ot Oc tober, l!Ni. at 1 o'clock p. m . and contest said petition, the court may grant the prayer of said petition and make such other and further or ders, allowances ami decrees as to this court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertain ing to said estate may be finally settled and de termined. Witness my hand and seal of said county court at J'lattsmouth, this Mil day of September A. D. Ihi4i ' . ' Geoiu.e M. SlTRLOCK. (eal. County Judge. Referees' Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of the district court of Cass county. Nebraska, duly entered upon the Z day of August, A. D., 1'.'. in an action therein pending wherein I.udw-.g li. hgen berger and wife, Annie E. Egenberger, were plaintiffs, and Anton H. Weckbach and wife. Mary Weckbacti, were defendants, which order con firmed the report of referees theretofore appointed in said cau-c, and directed them to sell as upon execution tne lanus aescriueu in men nv ivimu. I Ku ttititTif.nitt rfir?t'S will upon tne 3ru uay oi (jctoUer A. 1)., l'Jo. at !:: o'clock p. m.. in front of the south door the court nou.n iinrhet bidd r the following described real estate t in all .iirimibrances thereon, to-wit: The west half of lot three (3) in block thirty three in the city of Plattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska, and the un livided half ol the partition walls on the east and west sides of said west half lot thr.. (Ml block thirtv-three (M Plattsmouth Cass county. Nebraska, upon the following terms and conditions, viz: rorcasn. ;aiu saic win ic niain open one hour. Dated August lioth. 1830. I J. . J' IHNSO.V, Keferees K. W. Hykrs. (Thomas. M. Pattkrson. Byron Clark and C. A. Kals, Attorneys for Plf. Sheriff's Sale. Bv virtue of an order of sale issued by George K Housi-worti). clerk of the district court, within aud lor Cass countv. Nebra?ka, and to me di rected, I wiil on the 'Mh day of September. A. t). iss: at 1 1 o'clock a. m. id said dav at the south door ot the court hause In the city of I'lattsniouth in said countv. Sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, tfie following real estate, t"wit: Fractional lot :i in section 4, town M. range II. i.. f rr.i-ntv. Nebraska, lot 11' in block 13 and lot J in block V't in the city ot i'lattsniouth, Cass countv. Nebraska, together with the privileges and appei teninces thereunto belonging or in any wise appurtaining. I lie same oeuig ieneu upon mil t:iL,-n as the orotiertv of Katherine Keuland. defendant, to satisfy a judgment of safd court re covered by i'ettibone and Nixon, plaintilTs. against said Katnenne rveuiaiiu, anas .n , i t-ici Keuland. O.naha Brewing association, John Black, Samuel (irc.tfelder aud Lewis I'aehau, nartners. as tirottelder & Tathau. defendants, i'iati , mouth. Neb.. Aug. 21. A. J . HARVEY HuLLOWAY. Sheriff, Cass county. Nebraska. Adra'iiistrator's Sale. :tv irtne of an rrder issued by th count v iu'jiie of t.'ass countv. ( eorge M purlocK. in the mailer ot the estate ot lolii! lloisciiun. ueceaseu, 1 willseii al public vcutftlc the ioliowing personal property belontring to said estate as lollows: Ail gra'.n. domefic .inimals, laim impc:iients and macioiiery. s(hcaw)U, cott. i;vo:d lumber, fence posts aud other articles. Sale i take place Sept. SI. 1HW,. at 1" o'clock a. in., at premises north west of town. Tn EtUKiKE Stark ion aw. Administrator. Legal Notce. Notice by publication on petition for settlement of final administration account. In the county court of Cas countv, Nebravka. In the matter of the estate of John W. liulliou. deceased. Mary K. Guiiion, lames Gullion and all persons inter ested in said matter are hereby notified that on the 21st day of August. ls!, James C. Stevenson hied a petition in said cjunty court, praying that h;s final administration accounts herein be set tled and allowed and thai he be discharged from his iruit as administrator, and that if you fail to appeal before said court on the 2".ld day of Sep temoer, tn'M. al 2 p. m., and contest said petition, the court may g ant the prayer of said petition and make such other ami further orders, allow ances and decrees as to this court may seem proper; to the end. that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled and determined. Witnr-.s my hand and seal of said courr at Plattsmouth, this th day of August, A- D. JSit. . George M. a?uRLOC, iseai; County Judge. AND 9 W- FAST HOB, COUNT Y W. G. KEEFER, Secretary a SAY BOSS I Them People 1 ft jjseWmr. s ismm 1 h&K m GROCERIES Legal Notice. Notice by publication on petition for settlement of final administration account. In the county court of Cass county Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of J. Preston Met ford, deceased. Kliza J. Atherton, John Meftord, Teresa Mettord)Chapen. arah (Meftord) House. Isaac Meftord. George G. Merford. the estaje of John YV. Gullion. deceased. Win. Atherton and all other persons interested in said matter, are hereby notified that on the 15th day of August, 1MKJ, A. C. Loder tiled a petition in said county court, praying that his final administration ac counts herein, be settled and allowed, and that he be discharged from his trust as administrator, and that if you fail to appear before said court on the lth day of September, 18'Jtj, at 10 o'clock a. m, and contest said petition, the court may grant the praverol said petition and make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees as to this court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled and determined. Witness my hand and seal of said county court at Plattsmouth this 20th day of August. A. D.. GfcOKUE M. SrURLOCK, (.Seal) County Judge. Legal Notice. Notice to non-resident defendants. In the district court for Cass county Nebraska; H. T.McCormack and Klla E.McCormack.plamlitis vs. Mary K. Kennelly, 1. L. McCormack, W. S. McCormack and T. E. SlcCormack, defendants; To Mary E. Kennedy. J. L. McCormack and T, K. McCormack, non-resident defendants: Vou are hereby notilied that on the 7tfi of August, lHHti. the plaintitis hied a petition in the office of th clerk of the district court of Cass county, Nebraska, asking for the partition and order of sale of the following premises, towit: west half of the northwest quarter ot section twenty-hve and east halt of the northeast quarter of section twenty-six (20), all in township ten (In) north of range eleven (11) East, in Cass county i.Nebraska ou are required to answer said petinon ou or before the Uth day of October, isy,; H. T. McCormack. Ella E. McCormack. Bv Crozier & McCormack, their attorneys, i'fattsmouth, Neb., Sept. 1. lhW. JOHNSON'S ftlACHETIG C!L! IntUnt Killer ot Pain. Internal and ExtornssL CureVKUErJMATISM. NEURAL OlA, Luino Back. Sprains Uroise LJ...i'n.ro Stiff Jolnta. COLIC tc. prYiKLf--ir,oi, Cronp.DSptberta, ore Threat L' - CiHLADACHE, as If by maglo. THEHORSE BRAND, $3Sg?SS2JS tnernnot Powerful and PerjetrntlDKLlniiiiRntfor Mod or Beaatln existence. Large $1 size &c, aoc- sUe?wa JOHNSON'S ORIENTAL SOAP. Medicated and Toilet. The Grrt Skin Cure and Face Beautifies Ladies nll ftnd It the mew delicate and nighty perfumed Toilet Boap oc the market. It la absolutely pure. Makes tf ekln soft and velvety and restores the kt eOnv filexloni i a luxury for the Bath for Infante, t slays itchfnpr, cleanses the sralp and pTOUiOttt the growth oi h-u "Vice 2Se. Far aale by The News for 10c. 1896. p 1896 Won't Take This 8 Soap-TheyWant SANTA CLAUS SOAP" s i Eve wants Santa Claus Soap who knows the goodness of fi it Tnr it nnr Ann von will refuse all other kinds, too. Sold every where. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, CHICAGO. bCWARC Or IMITATIONS -FOR SALE CV ALL DRUOOHTS on O x lArucnM MrnirM rn THirARn in 200 SO CLARri 3T IUPCRiAL B'LOS. N.B. 0on1 take any substitute 2 5 with the same name but different h spelling on which your druggist o ? makes Twice as much u btWARC OP IMITATIONS are the most powerful, safe prompt and re liable of this kind In the market. The orticnal and only genuine woman's salva tion. Ask your druguist if he don't keen them. Write direct to us and we will send it direct upon receipt of price, fL sealed, tiy mall prepaid. Medical ad vice free. JACK SON MKDH'AL CO., Chicago, III., or our agent. I. U Snyder. Scientific American Ajjenoy top OAVTATK. TRADE MAIKt. DESIGN PATENTS. OOPTRIQHTS. etcJ For Information and free Handbook write to HUNN CO., 861 HROiDWit, Nw YoaC Oldest breau for srotirlntf patents In Ameriea. Every patent taken out tj us la brought before the public by a notice given free of charge in the gtit nixi it JVwwfiw Lrtrrt ctrrnlatifm of any arlentifle paper In th world, tiplenclidly Illustrated. No Intelllepn man sfould bo without It. Weekly. R3,OOl J-ear; flJW six month Addrem, MDNV ft CO Vublc rftRS, 361 llroad-vay, ew VorV "ty rHE PERKINS HOUSE, F. R. GUTHMANN, Prop. Rates Si and $1.50.. per Dau Centrally Located and Com fortably Furnished. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. 6i I.U4MM.i;iyilHff!!jH?,A ETY 1R96 FIRST NATIONAL BANK- OF PliATTSMOUTlT, NEBRASKA. Fatd up Capital Surplus 50,000 10.900 Offers the very best facilities for tho prompt transaction of STOCKS, bonds. Bold, sroverement and loca securities oought ana sola, ue posits rt ceived ana Interest allowed on the certn cates. Drafts drawn, avallaDle In any part of the U. S. and all the principle towns of Europe. Collections made and promptly remitted. Highest market price paid for county warrants, state and county bonds. - . DIRECTORS: II. X Dotcj, U. Ilawktworth . Waush, F. E. White, 'i. K. Uovey tJeo. K. Dovey, Pre. H. V&eh, Cashier II. . Oovey AbsU Cashier. Complexion Preserved DR. HEBRA'S VIOLA CREAM Removes Freckles, Pimples, Liver - Moles, Blackheads, Sunburn and Tan, and re stores the skin to its origi nal iretsnnass. producing a rr . 1 (, A.. 1 , V, v Ann. 4 1 1.. Unrtnvin.tA.U .ai.K L nrenanitions and tierfectly harmless. At all druggists, or mailed for 5 Octg. Send lor circular. VIOLA SKIN SOAP I. .Imply iMonparaM u Un paiifrin Hop, aawUM tor Hi. taiM. as4 wltaaat a nral tar ttK nnnerj. AhMlatrl. put ao4 eelioauty sm41 caud. AtdroKgiM. Pries 25 Casts. Tho Q. C. BITTNER CO.. Toledo, O. will do If use as a wash according to ill rectlocs; prevent transmission of blood diseases, skin diseases, acute and chrome ulcers, stricture, fissure of the hands mo i feet. Eczema. Tetter, a It Rheumatism, In flamation of the Bladd er. Diseases of the bones. Joints and muscles, tfyphlletlc In sanity, Scurvy, Scrofula in many forms. The above and a hundred other forms of disease are traceable directly or indirectly to Syphilitic Blood Fo.son for which the Dr. Jackson's English Saety Tablets, Is a sure pre ventive. and is asafa Germ Ivll.er. rendering contagion hardly possible, heeee its value. If neglected such troubles resui fatally. Mailed anywhere, sealed tl: s.x boxes forM. Medical advice free. .1AUK SON MEDICAL CO., Chicago, III., or our agent. I. U. Snyeer. wr-HmviZiO; QUICKLY. TMOPOUCHLY, FOREVER CuuCi) ENGLISH QUICK 1512 DAY lit-isi ff- arevaarK Y rTjMAN OUT OF ME fc' ) Dy6REAT ENGLISH REMEDY In thirty d.iys by a new perfecte d m?ientlfl method that oan not fall unle tliftviue . beyond human a Hi. Vou feel improved the first day; feel a benefit ever day; soon know yourself a king among men iu body, trind and heart. Drains and tos.-s ejjdeO. every obstacle to bappr married life re moved. Nerve force, will. etr-y. brain power, when failing are restored. If glected such troubles ' result fntallr. Medical advice free. Maiioi over where, sealed for ti. Six boxes for tX JACKSON MEDICAL. CO.. Chtoago. III., or oura eot, L Ik Snyder. 0 ? . 9r r n TT T . - v.t i in ik ' w II' mm