Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, September 12, 1896, Image 4

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Semi-Weeklv News-Herald
Bourke Cochran the orator pre
eminent, will epeak in favor of sound
money at the coliseum in Omaha
Monday evening next, and it is said
300 people from this city will go to
hear him.
George W. Bonnell, city passenger
and ticket agent of the B. & M., is
working up an excursion to Canton,
Ohio, for the purpose of giving the
citizens of Nebraska an opportunity of
calling on Major McKinley. It is said
that Mr. Bonnell has been urged to
take the m ttter in hand by a large
number of Nebraskans who desire to
pay thoir compliments to the next
president by visiting at his home. It
is Mr. Bonnell's desire to obtain a rate
so low that everyone who desires to
make the trip will be enabled to do so,
and it is probable that the round trip
may be made at the low figure of tS.
Lincoln Call.
Some of the postoffice employes
were threatened with convulsions yes
terday upon perceiving a gentleman
with buckwheat and millet seed in hie
whiskers tackle tho artesian well in
the government square. The rustic
took an immense swallow of the spark
ling fluid and nearly choked to death.
After spluttering around like a har
pooned whale for some minutes he ex
amined the cup, thinking that some
miscreant had played a joke on him by
putting salt in the receptacle. He
saw nothing in the cup. but would not
trust it again, so he made a bowl out
of his two hands and again toon a
large mouthful of the water. The
effect was the same as before, but the
immediate result was the explos
ion of a large and choice collection of
rural adjectives. Lincoln News.
In a recent letter to the manufac
turers Mr. W. F. Benjamin, editor of
the Spectator, Rushford, N. Y., says:
"It may be a pleasure to you to know
the high esteem in which Chamber
lain's medicines are held by the
people of your own state, where they
must be best known. An aunt of
mine, who resides at Dexter, Iowa,
was about to visit me a few years
since, and before leaving homo wrote
me, asking if they were sold here,
stating that if they were not she
would bring a quantity with her, as
she did not like to be without them."
The medicines referred to are Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy, famous for
its cures of colds and croup; Chamber
lain's Pain Balm for rheumatism.
fro. l.a 4lj tbo Dido HUtlxhOSt,
1 ..WE ta:
JlidL JL JdLJSjJLlff
.HTREASURY notes, bank notes, silver certificates, all silver coins of the United States government, the gold coin of every country on the globe, from the smallest "apera
I comique" kingdom to the greatest nation on earth, at face value, and Mexican dollars at bullion value are all interchangeable at our store, and the buying qualities of cadi
are inflated to the highest extreme. Each and every individual dollar buys more and brings better results than ever it did before since the dollar mark was iirst invented. Bring
your silver, bring your gold, bring your greenbacks, bring your nickel, bring your pennies.
...A. Harvest of 35iiii4...
Blooming like a flower garden with fresh blossoms and new buds every day. Conditions are such that never in the history of merchandising have we been able to collect such array
of seasonable goods at such low prices for good value as the present season. We will turn dull days into busy ones by bringing forth the good things and telling you about them.
An honest fact goes much farther than a false statement. It has always been our aim to follow an honest business policy. When you read a statement made in this or any other
space you can depend upon it being the truth. We advertise only what we have and exactly as it is, unlike some Omaha dealers who lill their ads full of adjectives, all of the su
perlative decree, lurid with mistatements, such as "worth $4.29 for 98c;" lying to the public about what they are going to do; fairly alive with humbugery, tommy-rot, gammon
and sninach and all the rest. The man who wrote the ad says witnin mmseii, J. m a success: n xui-tes me in mui um,- pcupic. xnit iiu, my menu, juu c uuul- h, mui u
getting away from that; you've fooled them fast enough; but kindly recall to your mind these memorable words or the lamented Lincoln, let s see, how does it oeginr i on can
fool all of the people some of the time, and" well, you know the rest, but you should remember the old scotch proverb. ii a man beats mc once, sname on nun; u ne oe.its me a
second time, shame on me."
and Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrnoea Remedy for .bowel com
plaints. TheBe medicines have been
in constant use in Iowa for almost a
quarter of a century. The people
have learned that they are articles of
great worth and merit, and unequalcd
by any other. For sale here by all
d ruggists.
Apples For IUlooU.
Mr. Iladkinson, secretary of the
State Horticultural society, is very de
sirous of having Cass county furnish
some of her choice apples for 'the II li
nois state fair. Any fruit left at this
office before Friday will be promptly
forwarded to him.
Eli Hill, Lumber City, Pa., writes
"I have been suffering from Piles for
twenty-five years and thought my case
incurable. DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve was recommended to me as
pile cum, so I bought a box and it per
iormea a permanent cure. xnis is
only one of thousands of similar cases.
Eczema, sores and skin diseases yield
quickly when it is used.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Black were visi
tors in Omaha and Council Bluffs
JXcxt to Your WlfG
Your undershirt is your uearest anil warmest friend. It may bo
tomorrow or a week hence when your little thin shirt and under pants
must give away to heavier weights. No shivering no freezing when
you place something warm next to your skin.
We sell an Extra Heavy, wool mixed Men9' garment, full size, silk
bound and with pearl buttons for only 33 cents each. Wo defy either
Omaha or local merchants to produce the equal for the price.
Boys' Heavy Underwear, sir is from 26 to 34 inches, at 19 cents a
garment for which you will pay 25 to 50 cents elsewhere.
Ladies heavy ribbed, fleeced lined shirts and drawers that gen
erally sells at 35 cents a garment, for 19 cents each.
Childrens' heavy underwear at 7J cents for size 16; 10 cents for
size 18; 12i cents for 20's and a 21 cent rise for the larger numbers.
Most shoes, like many people, lack individuality, lhey are of the
ordinary type. There's nothing particularly pleasing about them;
they are good enough and poor enough. It is not so with our shoes,
which, in every seam and line, bare a distinctive character a person
ality, as it were, of their own.
There aro shoes and shoes there are shoes you want and shoes
you don't want. When you need shoes, our shoos are the shoes you
want. Special sale of Childrens' school shoes this week.
William Herold & Son
SEPT. 8. 1896.
Price List for This Week:
Bro Sheeting
Atlantic A 4-4
Pepper ell It 4-4
Lawrence LL
l'epperell 9-4
Blake 9-4
4-4 Bleached Muslin.
New England 05
Lonsdale 08
Hills 08
Standard 8
Prints. '
Merrimack 05
American blacks 05
Sampson's fancy 06
6000 yards mill remnant, above 04
Lancaster standard 07
Staple dress styles 05
H. B. Claflin &
AUGUST 27. 1864.
Price List for this (fay Only
Bro Sheeting.
Atlantic A 4-4 $
Pepperell R 4-4
Lawrence LL4-4
PeDDereil 9-4 1
Blake 9 4 1 45
4-4 Bleached Muslin.
New England 00
Lonsdale 65
Hills 65
Standard 50
Merrimack 50
American blacks 50
Sampson's fancy 60
Sprague fancies 65
Lancaster standard 4Si
Staple dress styles 48
Co, !' the Prce goods since 1864, and you will notice thnt you can buy XI
yards Lawrenco muslin for a day s wnges at l.o0, while in 1H01 a day s
wages at $3 would buy only 5 yards.
J Cold weather suggests to tho housekeeper that tho lockers and
I chests may reed a replenishing. Bettor come in time and not delay
j 'til cold and discomfort overtakes you. Wo have Cotton Blankets,
j Woolen Blankets and comfortables in all the required sizes. Cood
values and qualities. Sheets, Sheeting and Pillow Cases, aluo Bed
i Spreads. Good Goods, Low Prices.
300 pairs 10i Cotton Blankets, heavy, sold at 75 cents laPt season,
' now 50 cents a pair.
A beautiful line of Novelties, Fancies, and etc., of domestic manu
From the above vou will notice there has been a slight decline in
cents a yard. Come in and let us show you what home raanufueturcrs
can do. A lino of Novelty Dress Goods that formerly sold at 20 cents,
for 12 J cents.
The 35 cent kind for 20 cents a yard.
Had better look into the merits of our low priced Jackets, cloth and
plush capes, than contract a cold, and pj' her money to the doctor,
and remember, the best goods arc not high priced with us. To suit
the times we will b.j esp cially strong on tho low priced earnicnts.
Stomach, sometimes called vraterbrash,
and burning pain, distress, nausea,
dyspepsia, are cured by Hood's Sarsa
parilla. This it accomplishes because
with its wonderful power as a blood
purifier, Hood's Sarsaparilla gently
tones and strengthens the stomach and
- digestive organs, iuvigorates the liver,
creates an appetite, gives refreshing
sleep, and raises the health tone. In
cases of dyspepsia and indigestion it
seems to have "a magic touch."
' For over 12 years I suffered from sour
with severe pains across my shoulders,
and neat distress. I had violent nausea
which would leave me very weak and
faint, difficult to get my breath. These
spells came oftener and more severe. I
did not receive any lasting benefit from
physicians, bat found aach happy effects
from a trial of Hood's Sarsaparilla, that I
took several bottles and mean to always
keep It in the house. I am now able to
do all my own work, which for six years
I have been unable to do My husband
and son have also been greatly bene
fits TTnvrt a Riraanarllla for rutins in
the back, and after the grip. I gladly
recommend this grand blood medicine."
MB8. Pkteb Bubbt, Leominster, Mbbs.
If the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists, tl.
- cure all Liver Ills and
HOOu S PlllS Sick Headache. 25 centa.
Mrs. Sarah Cutfarth, of Louisville
is in the city today.
E. Hanson made a business trip
the metropolis today.
Fresh Ovsters in all styles at Jak
Heinrich's restaurant.
Got your abstracts of title made by
Robert J. Vass. Office in Briggs build
Miss Ella Eikenbary departed yes
terday for a visit with friends in Chi
The Cabinet, made by Otto Wurl, is
the best nickel cigar sold anywhere
Try it.
John Davies is booked to address
the railway employes' club Monday
Go to Robert J. Vass for reliable
abstracts of title. Office in Briggi
Mrs. A. L. Shewey departed today
for a two week's visit with her parents
at Ottumwa.
Geo. Olive, local editor of the Weep
inor Water Republican, made TliK
- -
News a pleasant call today.
Miss Edna Berger, a Louisville
belle, was married yesterday to Clay
ton Final of St Paul, Minn.
The T. J. Sokol society will picnic
at Baieck's Dark Sunday. They will
have good music and a good time
Mrs. Carl T. Seeley returned to her
home in Madison last evening after
nloasant visit with relatives in this
Dave Woodard of Weeping Water
made The NK"vsa pleasant call today
and gives, most encouraging reports
from that part of the county.
Pass the good word along the line
Piles can bo quickly cured without an
oueratiou bv simply applymg Ue
Witt's Wnitch Hazel Salve. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
The little five-year-old daughter of
Jacob Mason, who resides wo6tof town
died yesterday morning after a brief
illness aod was buried today at Oak
hill cemetery.
"Wake up, Jacob, day is breaking!"
60 said DeWitt's Little Early Risers
to the man who had taken them to
. is tt fy
arouse nis siuggisn aver. r. o.
Fricke & Co.
We aro anxious to do a little good in
this world and can think of no pleas-
anter or better way to do it than by
recommending One Minute Cough
Cure as a preventive or pneumonia,
consumption and other serious lung
troubles that follow neglected colds.
F. G. Fricke and Co.
Persons who have a coughing spell
every night, on account of a tickling
sensation in the throat, may overcome
it at once bv a doso of One Minute
Cough Cure. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Small in size, but great in results.
o'clock of malarial fever and was
Mr. l'appo is quite ill and seems to be
having more than his share of troublo
as it has been but a short time since
DeWitt's Little Early Risers act gent- hi died. Other members of tho
family have also been quite sick, but
we are glad to note are reported convalescent.
ly but thoroughly, curing indigestion,
dyspepsia and constipation. Small
pin, saie piu, Dest pill. t. O. lncKe
Se Co.
The republican campaign in Cuss
count3r is being pushed along in a
most encouraging mainer by Chair
man Hall and Secretary Barr of the
county committee, ably assisted by
numerous speakers from all over tho
Miss' Mabel Roberts returned home
1 m
last evening irom an extended visit
with friends in Lincoln. She is de
lighted with tho level streets of the
capital city, where she usod her wheel
to good advantage.
I? rom all accounts Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy is a Godsend to the af
the ted. There is no advertisement
about this; we feel just like saying it
ine Democrat, Corrollton, Kv. For
sale by all druggists.
ine lionemian Workmen society
will give a dance and drawing at the
J. K. Sokol hall on Saturday evening,
Sept. 12, to which the public is in
vited, Nice music will be provided
and a pleasant evening is assured.
Twenty-five members of tho D. of H
lodge went to Omaha last evening for
a visit with Washington lodge of that
city, and returned home today. The la
dies report a splendid time, a banquot
last evening being a part of their
T c ,3 : l 1 t t ' i :
iur. obuiiuuk ul ouiine county, a
highly educated Bohemian, will ar
rive in the city Saturday evening and
spend Sunday with his countrymen
here. An effort will be made to have
him deliver a public address for sound
money on Monday eveing.
Judge Spurlock went down to
Nehawka last evening with a speech
stored away in the recesses of his
mind, thut would convince Bryan him
self of the erior of his way if that
gentleman could bo persuaded to stop
talking long enough to hear it.
An enthusiastic republican meeting
was held at Louisville last evening.
The band was out and a his torch
lght procession marched through the
streets. E. M. Pollard, A. J. Graves,
John Davies and Mr. Rose addressed
the crowd, which filled the largest
hall in the town. .Louisville is all
right, and a good report from up there
may be expected.
Stricken With l'aralyglx.
Mrs. Jos. Flansburgh, residing with
her husband in the Third ward, wns
stricken with paralysis this morning
just as sho was arising f rr n the break
fast table and has been in a critical con
dition evor since. She was in usual
health, and the stroke came without
warning. Mrs. Flansburgh is the
motho'- of Mrs. Ezra Perry and of Mrs.
Seth Rockwell of Havelock and David.
Woodard of Weeping Water.
Nicely Kotertained.
Mrs. A. W. White entertained a
large company of ladies yesterday
afternoon at her pleasant horre on
North Sixth street in honor of her
daughter.Mrs. John Donelan of Weep
ing Water.
An elaborate luncheon, was ser id
at h o'clock and a delightful after
noon was enjoyed by tho well pleased
New Coal Yards.
Melchoir Soennichsen has leased
the ground south of tho oil-tank be
longing to the Burlington, and will
erect coal sheds thereon and engage
in the coal and wood business. Work-
men will begin work in a few days
TliK News bespeaks for Mr. Soennieh
sen his full share of the trade.
Lattt Evening's Concort. J
Owing to the inclement weather thyj '
audience which greeted Chas. Keefer,
Miss Collins and Miss Bates at the
Presbyterian church last night was far
from what the merits of tho enter
tainment warranted
Miss Collius certainly has a lovely
soprano voice and her singing would
rank with that of the very best artists
that have ever visitei this city. Ilur
voice showed much eulturo and its vol
ume and swectnees in the higher n'ott-s
was certainly phenomenal.
Miss Bates, tho elocutionist, is a
charming young lady of line appear
ance and with much natural ability.
Her selections were specially well ren
dered, but it seemed a pity to wanle
talent on some of the pieces which were
given. Charles Keeier, the piani.-t,
showed coriderable improvement
and is v .thoul question a splendid
pianist. Tho t-io eipect to spend a
fow week's in a tour of the state and
wo have no t jubt of their success a- it
is fully desei ved.
A Select Uancinir Party.
lb honor of several young ladies who
have been visiting friends in this city,
and who we j about to depart for
their home - a select dance was givon
I at Waterman's hall last eveninc
Although a good bye party, yet it
proved a ery pleasant alTair. The
Tuxedo Mandoliu club furnished the
tn sk; which of course moans that it
was htrictly first class. Those preotit
we: e:
Mcssors. Percy Agnew, Frar.k A.
White, Will Streight, llonry Goos,
Tom Puruiolo, R. II. Peterson, of
Louisville, Will Hyers, liny Water
man, Dr. Elster, Everett Eaton, John
SchulolT, Chas. Vallery, Chas. Sulli-
I ' 5 " To Bs '
1 ffFM1llil Oivsn Awoy
i 4 kstmm'i
1 1 mm mmm mmr w
The Best
SmokingTobacco Made
this year in valuable
articles to smokers of
You will find one coupon In
side each 2-ouncc bag, and two
coupons inside each 4-ounce
Lag. Kuyabag, read the coupon
and sec how to get your share.
Itourke Cochran Coming.
Everbody should turn out and give
the great orator a roj'al welcome to Ne
braska Monday morning at 7.MU, when Chas. Keefer. II. R. Gerinp-
he will stop off here at the depot and J neDry Herold, Dr. W. A. Humphrey
make a brief address on tho money Lee Atwood, D. W. Atwood and
question. Don t lorget the day and ; Misses Rose Hvers. Mablo Swoarin-
hour. He win speaK in umana Mon
day night.
fare for the round trip. Tickets on
Herman, son of Albert Pappe aged sale Sept.' 14; limit for return Sept. 15.
seventeen years died Tuesday at 3 I W. L. Pickett, Agent.
Hook Kor City Hchooln
"The board is now ready to furnish
books at cost by application to D. K.
Barr at the High school building.
Book hours from 8:30 to 9:45 a. m.
Apple Carnival at Ulenwood.
For the above occasion the B. & M.
will sell tickets to Glenwood and re
turn for one and a third fare date of
sale September 15 17 return limit
September 18.
W L. Pickktt. Affent.
j Republican meetings:
Speech of Itourke Cochran at Omaha. Edward Kosewatcr at
ror me aoove occasion the li. s M. tember 18.
will Bell tickets for One and a third ! G. M. Spurlock, Paul Clark and Isaac Dale at
Alvo, Saturday evening September 12.
lion. J. B. Strode at Murdock, September 16.
Ernest Pollard and J. A. Davies at Louisville,
gen, Underhill and Spinney of Lin
coln, Amelia Vallery.Matilda Valleiy,
Mamie Sullivan, Manota Eikenbary, iUKenoary. Florence White.
Gordon of NewAlba-iy, Tnd., Minnie
White, Bates ar5 Collins, of Omaha;
Clara Green, Nettie Ballance, Mia
Gering, Barbara Gering and Mrs. W.
v. Coaies. Mrs. Henry lieroid, Mrs
John SchuShof and Mrs. Bcntley.
I'opuiiHt Committee Meeting
ine populist county central com
mittee will meet at Elmwood Thurs
day, September 17.
. ,3 w j - r-- j e
Corn ft. 8tnp all pain. Makf walkinr ev. Ita. at I rw
Cleanses nd beautifies the hats
Prumcrtea a luxurtai ffruwth-
Wwer Failo to Restore Gray
Cunsa rcalp diarasea It hair falling
lndl(twtlon, Pajnful Ills or lability of any kind u
PARKER'S GLNOEB TONIO. Many who were hou
tmiWttiKl HnnoirntfoqiittTOri3aaMxi ticuittiUy Ua imp.
The Chicago Chronicle
Democratic Newspaper.
- f
Groceries TjTd
. . Provisions,
Flour end Feed.
Weeping Water, Scp-
Septewber 10.
It Is Not Republican.
It Is Not Mugwump.
It Is Not Populist.
It maintains ihu Democracy of lefferoon. lack-
son and Tililen. believing it to be the salvation of
the Kepuhlic. It is therefore opposed to Social
ism. Free Silverism nnd Kepudiationwm.
No dollar is too good (or an American. ?ninp!e
copies iree. Address
104-lOC Waahinjctrm St., ChloHgo, Fll.
Commr of Sixth and Prl Stroetv.
Missour Coal, Germrrve Canon City Co )
I Cblrfctwfe-r'x f.HIUh IMnmal Rraai. -
Orttitti jmkI Only 41Mf!rt4-. A
IvufttrUl for ChlrhMtrr Fntfrnh JH T
mimui Bratui in ltr-1 moA Grt niff llcVC?
IhetM, rttieii wtth MtmviMMO. TL
ttmsomi4tioHM. At lUuttimtm, or fo4
to KaUDfaS for raartlriulavra, tmliiBontmi mn-i
"Holier ft lmAUm Utter, fc rrttfrn
M.UL TKMUmoBitU. A'ata tnpr
aid ay all Laaal
GREAT BATTLES are contin
ually goino; on in the human sys
tem. Jlood'tJ Sarsaparilla drives out
disease and Restores Health.
Leare oadert at F. S. White'
Teeth Extracted Without Pain
All Dental operations performed in the
best possible manner by the latest scien
lif e methods. A guarantee with all wi.ik,
rvaeuc) la an county and suite court. Spacli!
wnaoa fctrea to collections.
orricn rs watxkmax blocx.