Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, August 01, 1896, Image 1

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VOL. IV. NO. 93.
THE NFWP. Ftais.f;d Nov 5. ls'.'l. 'consolidated Jan. 1. ltt5.
THE 1IEUALI. Established April W. iM. (
Mr Hryan Still Mlrnt.
Senator Pettiexpw of South Dakota,
one of the bolting silver republican, the only prominent caller at the
Hryan residence yesterday. He took
midday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Hry
an and spent aoiiio hours with the no
minee talking over the jHhtic:il Mtu
atiio. Mr. Hryan is otiil silent as to
his intentious with re,':iril to tho popu
list nomination. He is taking riobixiy
in Lincoln into his confidence on the
subject Opinion here differs as to
what ho will do, hut the tfeneritl un
derstanding i that no decision will be
reached until fter Senator Jonos of
Arkansas, chairman of the democratic
nalional committee, has consulted
with the populist leaders as to the lest
cour&e to pursue.
Mr. Hryan hhmiI a .short time at
democratic headquarters yesteiday af
ternoon, but he did nothing beyond
h:ikiii hands with a numlicp of peo
ple there. He walked down O street
tm his way home, and spoke to many
old friends on the way. Larye photo
graphs ot Mr. and Mrs. Hryan were
sent to Mr. and Mif. Sewall yester
day. Slate Journal.
freak or LihtliiliK
Juhn Frederick is a bachelor living
alone out in the Cullom neighborhood
on ins farm. Last evening he was sit
ting close to a table with his feet on
the led anc his faithful dog was lay
ing asleep under the table when a
lolt of lightning with terrific reK)t t
t-truck the himney of his house, tore
otT shingles and then through into the
plastering, tearing the house up quite
thoroughly. The peculiar thing, how
ever, consisted in the fact that while
.Mr. Frederick was not even stunned
the dog under the table near by was
killed instantly. The building did
not take fire and the damage to the
house is fully covered by insurance in
the Fanners' Mutual Insurance com
pany of Cass county.
Mr. .Morton Akril to Speak
Yesterday a petition was circulated
which was signed by nearly every
one to wiiom it was presented request
ing Secretary J. Sterling Morton to
deliver an address in this city on the
financial question. The call was
signed by all and the address will oe
non-partisan and non-political.
Mr. Morton does not know whether
he will lie able to accept or not, but
if he does accept it will be on Satur
day night, August 1. Mr. Morton will
give an interesting talk. Nebraska
City News.
Will Open In Lincoln
The oeniiig gun of the state and
national campaign wil! be fired in Lin
coln on August o. instead of at Omaha,
as stated recently in tiie telegraphic
disrcitch-s. This deeision is ollicinl
i: . . ti
ana t omes uirtii 11 uiu ocuituir ihuo-
IUU Ul LliU liltLl'Ulini LLlUiai LUUilUllltV. I
The nrnrn,,, so far as arranged is I
.v. t.... n ii itnp u-iii nm,n ihn
I MUb AH T5 '.II J . lAV'lt "lllvrf'VH
cai.oai.'n bv addressinir the republican
state leagues' convention which meets
in this city on August 5. After that,
according to present arrangements Mr. I
Horr will snoak at ork, August ti; I
Hastings, August 7; Kearney August!
8, and Norfolk, August 10. That will I
complete his work in Nebraska, unless 1
the tirno shall be changed to give him I
an address in Omaha, and if that shall I
be done, the date will be August 11.
Followinjr Mr. Ilorr, Senator Thurs- I
ton says Senator Hurrows of Michigan,
s-natnr PnnkPr nf Ohin V K Mason TI T. 71 own Use any fees, costs, interests, upon pu:ilic
benatOI toraKer OI OHIO, . l. .M.lsou Llnt of Kt.tterH. moneys in their hands or under their control,
of Chicago, and Henjamin Hutterworth i:,kjUaininT uncalled for at the post- perquisite of offi or other compen
, .--nil iii i " r, satloa and all foes thit may here
of Cincinnati will all probably make ouice at Hlattsraouth, July 29, 18VHJ: after be payable br law for services
more or less speeches in this at dates to
be fixed later. Lincoln Call.
A lied-Hot t'anipaicn.
The present campaign will be the
most exciting one fought out since the
war. There will not be a day when
something of unusual interest will not
transpire. The State Journal has
made up its mind to surpass all its
former efforts in the direction of news
giving, and will give its readers the
most complete details of the campaign,
giving all tho news from an unbiased
standpoint Republicans will want
The Journal because of its staunch
republican principles, it being recog
nized as the standard-bearer of the republican partj" of Nebraska.
Populists and democrats should read it
for the news it gives. The Semi-
AVeeklv Journal will go to thousands
of new homes during tho campaign.
You 6hould subscribe, as it will only
cost you 2.5 cents from now until No
vember 15. Two papers every week.
making it almost as good as a daily.
Subscribe through your postmaster or
send your order to The State Journal,
Lineoln, Neb.
Central Committee Meeting.
The democratic central eoimnitte'
v. ,.i no.rMinrr at Union vestetdav and
tha A-tt. uf the nriiuaiies was set for
Thursdav, August , and the conven
t;.... f..i. t l.n ilnril.iv following, and
I 1 1 t ' ' ' ' -
will be held in this city.
TK.i I. ) r..iirt"-r-rit:itioil ''ives
delegate.-, which will make quite a
l.iroe convention, the number of dele-
gaus formerly being aliout lo l. The
faithful in attendance from this city
were Judge M. Archer, Matthew Ger-
ing, n. 1). Travis, Charles Grimes,
D. O. Dwycr, C. W. Sherman and
J.imes Gr;.ce. Of course they could
find no one in the vicinity of Union
but what was favorable to Bryan.
Kcuublii aim K-Hly "r Work.
Chicago. III.. July 1:8 -William
Ilahn of Mansfield, O., ex-national
committeeman and chief of the depart
ment of campaign speakers in 1892,ar-
rived today at republican national
headquarters to assume charge of the
same department. Mr. Ilahn began
his duties at once and will have
.w.uL-..r in the field next week. He
and Mr. Heath decided to leave the
matter of voeal and instrumental
music of all kinds as a campaign ad
junct to the state and county com
Chaplain Lozier of Iowa, the veto-
ran campaign singer, was the lirst
caller on M r. ilahn to have his services
J.W.Johnson, an editorial writer
from Mr. Hry an's home, was engaged
by Mr. Heath today to write on politi
cal matters which relate to the in
terest of Nebrasknns only. He will
work in Lincoln. He informed Mr.
Heath that arrangements wero being
inad ty the state committee of Ne
braska to have a series of elementary
, i-i . , I
schools to give object lessons on the
silver issue in all the towns of the
slate, tobek. pt open with competent
' x
tea -hers day and night. I
.... ,. . . . .... , I
1 ho republican college league clubs,
like the republican national league of-
....... f. r- I
fico, is to be merged with the national I
headquarters hero and in New York
fAi.,..imininn r.npmiu.i Mn nf the I
lor campaign purposes. ill Ob. OI l"0
work will be done in the central west-
ern states, and the distinctive organi-I
zution of the league bv states and de
partments will be prosecuted with
vigor at once.
William K, Moore of Memphis, who
war. a member of the Forty-seventh
con ii ress, c:i lied to say a few words
about Tennessee and soul hern states
!'., ., l-nilr-il I'i im fPimplir Mr Iirp I
lo a bnilcil 1 less leporu r .ir. .ioore i
said: "The political conditions in I
Tennessee aie peculiar this year, j
r . , : ,i, ,l
Life-long democrats in Memphis, who
are prominent merchants and manu
ifacturers, have crouie out ojenly for
McKihley. These are of tho old south
not tha new, and that means much for
the change in public sentiment
throughout tho south. The idea of
protection is very strong in the south,
the new converts quality their state
ments by saj'lng:
rabid free traders.
These men wero I
J'lcnU-iiiK at SprliiK Lake
A jolly picnic party chartered Com
modore labbs gasoline launch "Sun
down' this morning and with well
filled baskets went to Sprang lake Uil
spend the day angling for bass and to I
enjoy a day's outing. The parly con
sisted of Messrs. and MesdamesH.J.
Stright, H. Llson, S. 1. Holloway
and Charles FJutler.
A l'leasaiit Nurprine.
A pleasant surprise party was given
Charles Aairard last eveuinff at his I
" - i
1, ., .... Unnll, Tuntti -tropt l
1-W 'uat refreshments were served
and social games were indulged I
iu unlil a lato hour- A 1:irRe number
of cha!lo's 3 un? friends were
P'Osent all oi whom had a most ploas-
!,ut time.
Kntertaiued Her Friends.
Hazel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Oliver Dovey, was ten years old yes-
tertlay and a large number of her
young friends wore invited in to as-
t-ist in properly celebrating whe event
A nice supper was served an enjoyable
uftcnioon wan spent at different
amusements. I
::ui ns. Albert
:iliiUm, V N
Llisslan, A
l'ulat. Leopold
Whetl calling for any Of the above
letters please say "advertised."
W. K. Fox, P. M.
4- .... ; i
i iiii"iN"Ni ikir.nre.i vu
The first congressional convention
of the people's Independent party of
Nebraska is called to convene at Te
curaseh. Neb., Aug. 11. 18!(G, at 4
o'clock p. m., for the purpose of plac
ing in nomination a candidate for
congress. hacn couniy win oo en
titled to one delegate at large and one
idditional delegate for each one hun
di ed votes or major fraction thereof.
cast at the general election of 1895 tor
Hon. Samuel Max well for judge of the
. . , .
supreme court, woicn frives ine ioi-
i ; ...: i... ..;-.-.
luwiut; ii-iiri-nuutitliuil ' i cuuulicd,
1 - '
viz: Cass, II; johnson, ; Lancaster,
27; Nemaha, 13; Otoe, 12; Pawnee, 6,
and Richardson 7. It is recommended
that no proxies be allowed. Hy order
of the committee, M. IIoave,
Acting Chairman.
KhrumitliKin Cured in a Hay
Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures in one to
three days, its action upon tne sys
Kmii is remarkable and mysterious. It
removes at once the cause and the
disease immediately disappears. The
!irs.t doso greatly txjnehis. -j 'onts
Sold !y V. Ki. tt lt-Ke iX Co., druggists,
l'lattstnoulh, Neh.
ilr. Marshall. intiuate Dentist.
it.. ! ., .... 1. ' i c;.,.. ,r,, l.l -.., L-
' .'1U1.iiii.ii, "" n..
Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work
Dr. Marshall, teeth without plates.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fiilings.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates.
Dr. Marshall, perfect fitting plates
Dr. Marshall, all work warranted.
All the latest appliances lor first
lass dent?.! work.
The following proposed amendments
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska, as hereinafter set forth iu full,
are submitted to the electors of the
State of Nebraska, to be voted upon
at the general election to be held Tues-
day, November 3, A. D., 1S1M:
A joint resolution proposing to
amend sections two (2), four (4), and
five (5.) of article six (6) of the Consti
tution of the State of Nebraska, relating
to number of judges of the supreme
court and their term of office.
Be it r"ol voti and narted by tho Loci.sla-
ture of the Statu of Nebraska:
Section 1. Thut miction two (2) of article
six ) oi iiib l on-ununon ui in"
o( Nebraska bu amondnd so an to read as fol-
six (fi) of tho t'cwutitution of th ftate
lowtion2. Th nnprma court ahull until
otherwi. provii.d by law. .nswt of nv ia u him iiit-1 t.v of whom Kflll.ll rw nofi4-
sary to form a nuorum or to prunouiiw
aaecision. r-riibii nave original jurwuiuuu
ln reiutimr to rovenuo civil ra.-H in
whi.-h the state shall be a party, nian.Umu-..
quo warranto, hnbnaa corpm, ana ni-h
apjxaiato jurisdiction, as may be provide:! by
section 2. That action four (O of article
slx fl- of tnrt Constitution of the State
of Nebraska, be amended ho aa to read us f ol-
court shall be eiectel by the electors of the
state at larpo, and their t-rin or oiuo ex-
oept an hereinafter provided, ahull le for a
period of not Ion than five (o years as the
legislature may prescribe.
Section 8. That section five (5) of artie'e
nix (ff) of the Constitution of ihe State of Ne
braska, ie amen ed to rea l as f allows :
Sections. At the first central elwti.m to
be held in the year there shall lx elrtsi
two fSi iulire of the suuremn court one
of whom shnll be eleetod for a term of
two (2) years, one for the terra of four (11
an,i at ,a'-l Reueral eleirtion there-
afUri tn4.rrt phaU ,.ie,.t oni, jn,tu,. ,f
the supreme court for the term of five
At vu ri nn IniMi rit linrn ioH Tkrrtvil(-1 i v
bW; provided, that the judges of the nu-
preme couri wnose icrnu nave noi expireu
t tno tl llP of blAlllK th,u Wo
tion of 18ml, shall continue to hold their
office for the remain ier of the ttrm for
which they were respectively commiti-aiouod-
Approved March , A. D ltf-lj.
A joint resolution proposing an
amendment to section thirteen (13) of
article six of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska, relating to com
pensation of supreme and district court
Be it rcsolvd by the Le 'Vslature of the Stt
of Nebraska:
Section 1. That section thirtoeu (l:i) of
article mx (!; of th? Constitution of the state
tit NtrjL.,k;4 , Mnkt'iid! mo am to read ait fol-
strict courts shall receive forth. ir
such coiupenrttt.on as may be provided by law,
payable quarterly.
ho leihslature shall at its first session
after the adoption of this amendment.
three-fifths of the members eU-ctcd to
each hou-w concurring, establish their
oompeiiMatiun. The compensation so es
tablished shall not be changed oftcner
than once in fonr rears, and in no event nines
two-thirds of the ui.-mixr-. ei,s.-t.d to
jiv1.i M,r..i, 11 A I) 1KU5.
APprtlT(rtJUMl.A U IH'JO.
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section twenty-four (24) of
article five 5 of the Constitution of
the gtato ()f Nebraska relating to coin-
pensation of the officers of the executive
Be it renolvod and enacted by the Legislature
of the State of Nebraska ."
Section 1. Xhtt ms-tiou twenty-four C-4)
of article five t-) of thrt C'onstitutio.i of the
State of eura.-iaa be amended to read as fol
lows: Section 21 The otri'-i.-rs of the executive
department of the mate government shall
receive for their services a compensation
neither incivaHi nor dituiniMhed dunu tho
a U...U U,... I u . .
mu-iOUed and they shall not receive to their
performed by- an officer provided for iu
this arti -le shall be paid in advauce into tho
Rtate treasury. The legislature sh ill at its
first, session alter the adobtion of this umend-
j ment, three fifths of the members elected to
curring, establish the salaries of the
officers named in this article. The com
pensation so established shall not be flunked
I ui:i V" J i
I event unless two thirds of tho members
elected to each house of the legislature concur
Approved MaKh X A. D. 1305.
A joint resolution proposing to amend
section one (1) of article six (0) of
I the Constitution of the State of Nebras-
ka, relating to judicial power.
Be it resolved and enacted by the Legisla
ture of the Btate of Nebraska:
Section 1. That section on- (1) of article six
(6) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska
be amended to read as follows :
Section L The judicial power of this state
shall bo vested in a supreme court, district
I courts, county courts justices of the
i petico, puuet? jijcvk1 i rti-s. auu. iu bum u uiurr
iourta iufrior to this nupreme coutt as may
i cre;iusl dv law in wmcn two-iuiras oi
i - , - . . . ... ... , , . .
I thft itimtiei H elected to each house
I concur.
Approved March 2U, A. D. 18U5
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section eleven (11) of article six
(6) of the Constitution of the State of
Nebraska, relating to increase in uum-
ber of supreme and district court
I judges,
Be it resolved nnd enacted by the Lt-ihslature
of the Slate oi Nenraska:
Section 1. Ihat section eleven (.11) of
article six (6 of tho Constitution f the State
of Nebraska iie amended to rtui t as fol
lows :
Section 11. The legis ature. whenever two-
I thirds of ihemnaners electod to each house
I nau concur therein, may. in or niter the year
one mousana i,at nununu no i iiineiy seven
Ana Ti,,t. iiftunur f hun tinra in -v rv r.,tir v . .u t-k
I increase the namlr of jndires nt su
I Dreme and district courts, and the judical
I .v.. .. V. Ji.,jj.: l.n
iUiabll'TMi ,,i l il 1 u ui'iinm nil .; l
be formed of compact territory, and
Doanuoa ur eoimiT iiue; nun itiii-n iit-
creawe, or any change in tne n uudn-s
of a district, shall not vacate the olli -e of any
Approved March 3J, A. D. 18SI5.
A joint resolution proposing to amend
section six (6) of article one (1) of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska,
- 1 ..
' J-
Be It resol ved and enaociT7 the Legislator
f the Htt of Nebraska :
Section 1. That aection six (K)- article on
fl) of the Constitution of thw Stat of -Lraxka
be ainendd to read aa follows:
Section 8. The right of trial by Jury ahall
remain inviolate, but tho legislator may pre
Tide that iu civil action five-sixths of the jury
xnav reader a verdict, and the legislature may
also authorise trial by a jury of a leas number
than twelve men, in courts inferior to the dis
trict court.
Approved March 29, A D. 1S95. '
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section one (1) of article fire (5)
of the Constitution of Nebraska, relat
ing to officers of the executive depart
ment. Be it resolred and enacted by the Legisla
ture of the Stat of Nebranka:
Section 1. That section one CI) of ar
ticle five O) of the Constitution of the State
of Nebraska be amended to read as fol
lows: Section 1 Th executive department shall
consist of a trovemor, lieutenant-governor,
secretary of state, auditor of public accounts,
treasurer, u: erlntendct of public in
struction, attorney p neral. commissioner
of public lauds anil InUldincs, and three
railroad commissioners. each ot whom,
except tha said railroad commissioners,
shall hold his office for a term of
two yearn, f 'oni the first Thursday after
tho first Tuesday la January, after
hi 9 election, and until his nuccessor is
electod and qnalificd. Knh railroad com
missioner shall hold his office for a term of
three years beginning oit the first Thursday
after the first Tuesday in January a:ter
his election, and until his succes
sor is ele'ted and qu'iified: Provided,
however, 'lhar. at the first general elec
tion held after the adoption of this amend
ment there fhail be eU-ctea three railroad
commissioner, one for the period of one
year, one for the period of two years, and
one for the period of three years. The gov
ernor, secretary of state, auditor of pub
lic accounts, and treasurer shaU reside at
the capital during thiir term of ofiic;
they shall keep the public records, books
and papers there and shall perform such du
ties as may be required by law.
Approved March 'JO, A. D. ISOo.
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section twenty-six (26) of ar
ticle five (5) of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska, limiting the num
ber of executive state officers.
Be it resolve! and enacted by the Leg
islature of the Suite of Nebraska:
S-ction 1. That section twenty-six (Jtl) of
article five f.'o of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska be amended to read as
Section 2n. Ixo other executive state offi
cers except those named in section one (1)
of this article shall be created, except
bv an act of tho legislature, -which is
concurred in by not less than three-f aurtha
of the members elected to each house
thereof ;
Provided. Th-t any office created by an
act of the legislature may be abolished by
the legislature, two-thirds of the rarm-
lers elected to each house thereof concur
Approved March 30, A D . 189i
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section nine (9) of article eight
(8) of the Constitution of the State of
Nebraska, providing for the investment
of the permanent educational funds of
the 6tate.
ni ii i ihii i -i .i
ture of the tilaw; of .Nebraska.
Tl. II ..1 ...-- . w V. 11 T I. ,-wi .ll
Section 1. That sect inn nine (!) of article
eight (X) of the Constitution of the State
of Nebraska be amenuea to reaa as 101
lows :
S'Ction 9. All rnnas belonging to the state
for educational purposes, the interest and
income whereof only are to be osed, shall
b deemed trust funds held by the state.
and the state ah-tll supply all losses there
of that may in any manner accrue, so that
tne same snau remain iorever invtotave
and undiminished, and shall not be In
vested or loaned except on United States
or state securities, or registered county
bonds or registered schol district bonds of
this state, and wuch funds with tha inter
est and income thereof are hereby solemn
ly pledged for the purposes for which they
are granted and set apart, and shall not
be transferred to any other fund for other
ir?ovided. The board created by section
1 of this article is emiowered to sell from
time to time any of the securities belonging
to the permanent school fund and invest
the proceeds arising therefrom in any of the
securities enumerated in this section bear
ing a hither rate of interest, whenever
an opportunity for better investment is pre
sented; And provided furtner, lnat wnen any
warrant upon the state treasurer reg
ularly issued in pursuance of an appropri
ation by the legislature and secured by the
levy ol a tux lor its payment, snail
be presented to the state treasurer for
payment, and there shall not bo any,
money in the proper fund to pay such
warrant, the board created by section X
of this article may direct the state treas
urer to pay th amount due on such war
rant from moneys in his hands belonging
to the permanent school fund of the state,
and ho shall hold said warrant as an in
vestment of said permanent school fund.
Approved March Lit. A. D liftli.
A jfdnt resolution proposing an
amendment to the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska by adding a new
section to article twelve (12) of said
constitution to be numbered section
two (2) relative to the merging of the
government of cities of the metro
politan class and the government of
the counties wherein such cities are
Be it resolved and enacted by the Legis
lature of the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That article twelve (V-0 of the
Constitution of tho State of Nebraska be
amended by art din to said article a new sec
tion to be numbered section two Clj to read
as follows :
Section 2. Tho government of any city of
the metropolitan class and tho gov
ernment of the county in which
it is locatd may bo merged wholly
or in part when a proposition so - to do has
been submitted by authority of law to the
voters of such city and county and re
ceived the assent of a majority of the
votes cast in such city and also a majority
of the votes cast in the county exclusive
of those cast in such metropolitan city at such
Approved March 2, A D. 1895.
A joint resolution proposing an
amendment to section six (6) of article
seven (7) of the Constitution of the
' State of Nebraska, prescribing the
manner in which votes shall be cast.
Be it resolved and enacted by the Legislat
ure of the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. Thit section six (0) of article
seven (7) of the Constitution of the State
of Nebraska be amended to read aa fol
lows: Section 6. AU votes shall be by ballot, or
such other method as may be prescribed
by law. provided the seorecy of voting be
Approved March 29. A D. ISOi.
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section two (2) of article four
teen (14) of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska, relative to donations
to works of internal improvement and
The Deering
Dscrittg Potty
life him Mite'
'These Littl Rollers Save One Horse.'
We are headquarters for the best Buggies and Wagons. Also the
best hand-made Harness made from Oak Tahned Leather.
The Cedar Creek Mills,
C. C. PARMELE, Receiver.
Highest cash price paid for wheat, and the
best flour ever made in Nebraska given in
Custom work specially cared for. Give
the new management a trial and you will
buy now other flour.
Ask Your Dealer For Cedar Creek Flour.
Be it rolved and enacted hy the Leg
islature of hf HtaUt of Nebraska :
B.tction 1 That nee turn two (2) of nrturle
fourt-n (14J of the Couatitunon of the
State of Nebraska, be amended to read as
follows :
Sno. & No oity, county, town, prrcinot,
municipality, or other subdivision of the
state, shall ever make donations to any
works of internal improvement, or
manufactory, unless a proportion bo to
do Khali have been firt submitted to the
qualified electors and rTiiliod by a two
thirds vote at an election by authority of
law; Provided. Tht xurh donations of a
county with thu donations of such subdi
visions in the aggregate Khali not exceed
ten per ml of the nsnfweo valuntioa oi
such county; Provided, further. That any
city or county may, by a three-fourths
vote, increase ntvii indebtedness five per
cent, in addition to sm h ten ner cent and
no bonds or evidences of indebtetnes9 so
issued shall 19 valid unle-tn h- same hhall
have endor?ftd thereon a certiflcat" signed
by the secretary and aadior of state,
showing that the same is issue! pursuant to
Approved M:irch 29, A. D., 1S03.
I, J. A. Piper, secretary of state of
the 6tate of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the foregoing proposed amendments
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska are true and correct copies of
the original enrolled and engrossed
bills, aa passed by the Twenty-fourth
session of the legislature of tho State
of Nebraska, as appears from said
original bills -An file in this office, and
that all and each of said proposed
amendments are submitted to the
qualified voters of the State of Ne
braska for their adoption or rejection
at the general election to be held on
Tuesday, the Sd day of November, A.
D., 181K5.
In testimony whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and affixed the great
seal of the State of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln this 17th day of
July, in the year of our Lord, One Thou
sand, Eight Hundred and Ninety-Six,
of the Independence of the United
States the One Hundred and Twenty
First, and of this state the Thirtieth.
(Seal) J. A. PIPER,
Secretary of State.
"Roll and the world Rolls with you,
Scrape, and you Scrape alone."
AOf", ULi flli ' ivl I Hli IV. IF MV V i 4 t & La . v
Binder, 5 and 6-Foot Cut, "Built
ROLLER BERINOS mnko Liuht Draft.
THE ELEVATOR EXTENSI0N,makes it practically "open end" for
ionp grain, and enables it to handle longer straw than any other
tiii-der, at the s;me time protecting and shielding the heads of grain.
JOINTED PLATFORM does away with the truck nuisance anden
ahles jou to store ycur machinery iu a 2x9 corner.
There is a Time and Place
for Everything...
There Is a Time to Paint.
It your house is looking a little bit
shabby or weatherbeaten, and is be
ginning to decrease iu value, then
that time is NOW.
There is a Place to Buy Paint.
It is our store, because we have the
Heath & Milligan Paints at tl.50 per
gallon. One gallon covers from 'A)
to 275 square leet oi surface, two
How many square feet of surface has
your house? Gome in and teil us and look
at our color cards.
The Largest and Finest in
the City of Plattsmouth.
fearing Pony
Like a Bicycle."
A Joy to Both Driver and Horses.
A Saver of Time, Labor and Grain.
' Not one part but every
part of HIRES Rootbccr
tends toward making it
the perfect temperance
and healthgiving drink.
Hmle onl; bj The Cbarta I. Hfcw O., FtJladdpUfe
a ate. fMUp awkn fatieba. 8a rMuwfcare.
mt i.ang itoudiml vrbuirr. airaMnf uttnl
femsle liU, and Is DuCrd fa toMnm mm AaB all
tnwunont Mia. Wnwy mothntand lartMdhaaUl
' PARttKft'f.
CIimili and nylK Aa
Pranotaa a lwxarMt arwwtk.
Hptwt Fail V Baator Orajr
Hal K it T
HINDERCPflNS th.-ht.
Corns. riktaU pau. Maaai walaiag mi, iefl.
m Car (or
at I
"A Vumtatul wheels but only one Shite" (P0
Use the
Uo Comfort
Fit and.
Pratt Faatanera hold la
ffi!a rb.hMitrra FaalUk IXaaiaad Bran .
A-ltl Hah fiflavt'
tut, Talwr rrilabla. taoiaa -
ra, MM4 all J?"lZ
u mmd MUM. A DntfM. c 4
urnp 1m partlsalan. MMawnial. mi
House Furnishings,
Our stock is complete In all ime and we
Invite our frtenda to look It over. We wU
endeavor to please you. Call and ea u.
(Successors to Henry Iioe?k.)
Rates $1 and $1.50 per Dau
Centrally Located ami Com
fortably Furniahwd.
am aurana a aatr ra
1 9
Id bj ad Lata!