Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, July 15, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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The Seml-Weeklu News-Herald
One Year, in advance, $5 00
Six Months 2 50
One Week, 10
Single Copies, 5
One Year, in advance, . . . . tl 00
Six Months, 50
Of any Cass County Paper.
THE nomination of W. J. Bryan by Ir the populist party sells out to suited in the killing: of twenty-seven
the silver wing of the democratic the soft money democrats under people. It was the worst railway ac-
party for the presidency is at first Bryan's leadership at St. Louis, by cident which ever took place . in the
thought a remarkable elevation of a nominating1 Mr. Bryan for the presi- west. The fault seems to have been
young jflB.0 to a position of great dency, that will mark the end of pop- with the train dispatcher,
honor that of a nomination for the ulism under that banner. Endorsing1
presidency by a national party. An or nominating democrats for minor of- At the old soldiers' reunion at
examination of the facts and surround- Gees while keeping the "great national Weepinar Water the following officers
ings, however, removes much of the organization intact is a very different were elected: Jesse Chapel, of Lin-
glamour. .The gold standard dele- thing from that of wiping it out by coin, was elected president; P. S.
gates were in open revolt, the silver nominating the chief und leader of
wing alone could not hope to elect western democracy as a standard
their candidate unless the populist bearer of populism. Such a thing as
party was whedled into JtheJ endorse- two national parties with the same
ment of their nominee. Chairman principles and the same nominee
Taubeneck. of the populist national I would be ridiculous and could not ex
Barnes, of Weeping Water,vice-presi-dent;
II. D. Pine, of Ashland, secre
tary; G. W. XMorton, quartermaster.
Executive committee Dr. Ashton, of
Syracuse; E. C. Coleman, Greenwood;
John Alumford, Springfiold; Judge
committee had published the state- ist. Bryan is a democrat he is the Foxworthy, Lincoln.
For President.
of Ohio.
For Vice President,
of New Jersey.
State Ticket.
For Governor,
For Lieutenant Governor,
For Secretary of State,
For Auditor,
For Treasurer,
For Attorney-General.
For Supt. of Pub. Instruction,
For Commissioner,
For Supreme Judges,
For Regent State University,
Congreaalonal Ticket.
For Congressman, First District,
County Ticket.
For County Attorney,
For Senator.
For Representatives.
Couaty Commissioner, Second District,
ment that neither Bland nor Boies
could expect populist support. That
left the held to Bryan, whoso flirta
tions with populists in his own state
effectually disrupted his own party and becomes but a part of the
and made him the necessary candidate democratic organiz ition. All the
of a convention which was dominated pretty talk our democratic friends
by the same desire to win at the polls may indulge in can not wipe out
that other conventions have held be- these facts. The plan to kill out the
fore. His speech may have been elo- populist party and swallow it up by
quent, but it is sheer ret to say such the western democratic party is now
chaff had great effect. It was the logic being formulated, and the public gen-
of the situation that made him the erally will watch the process with un-
nominee, favored by further fact that usual interost. It is believed, how-
not a single democratic statesman was ever, that the rank and file who done
against him. No national convention battle under populist banners for sev-
in thirty years has presented men of eral years will bo very unwilling to
such mediocre ability as was presented surrender, and their own candidate,
in Chicago this week, island, a Alls- Eugene V
nominee of a democratic national con
vention and the party or organization
which endorses him with another Every girl who can play a little bit
nomination, loses its identity can play a wedding march.
When a man plays poker and drinks
whisky, he is in a fair way to become
a reformer.
An old man's philosophy may "seem
absurd to the young, but thev will
final! v understand it.
The people who marry in such a hot
month as July must be terribly in love
or hard up for amusement.
hat has become of the old fash
ioned woman who got so scared that
she jumped out of, her skin ?
A summer girl visiting in Atchison
Debs, may yet be nomi- cannot play a piano.. What a sensi-
souri farmer with scarcely a common nated, notwithstanding the efforts that ""Oman her mother must bo.
school education; Boies an accidental are being made to influence the lead
governor of Iowa who has never ers for W. J. Brvan.
. i
learned the first principles of states-
iimusuip inese were, next to iiryan, uuh Colonel Sherman has been
the leading candidates, and their in- slated all along as Brvan 's oostmastcr-
herent weakness, of course, helped the general, but his chances are not so
Nebraskan in no small degree. Tho good as thev were. The undving de-
result is not easy to foretell. Populists
may refuse to take the bait offered and
in that event Mr. Bryan would be
whippod worse than Horace Groely. If
an endorsement is given at St. Louis,
then a fight is on which will keep re-
votion of Frank Morgan, who went to
Chicago in Bryan's interests, has cer
tainly won for him a cabinet position,
and two men can not be expected to
get cabinet positions from tho same
town, as tho supply of these places is
I publicans at work until the polls close limited. We very much fear that Cor
in order to make sure of the defeat of
tbe free silver forces so ably mar
shalled by their sophist champion.
poral Morgan is closer to the throne
than our Colonel Sherman.
Nebraska is indeed highly honored
this year, her men being recognized
high up in the political councils of the
nation. W. J. Bryan of Lincoln, the
democratic nominee for the presidency.
Chas. Bentleyof Lincoln, the nominee
of the prohibition party for tho presi
dency, and Hon. John M. Thurston,
chairman of the late republican na
tional convention, make a triumvirate
of prominent people to be proud of and
whose prominence will advertise Ne
braska to the world more than all the
fine crops of growing corn could do in
half a century.
The Globe-Democrat says: Senator
Pottigrew says "people are going from
Billy Bryan's devotees in this
city retired at a late hour last night,
and their sleet) must have been
this country to Mexico today and pros- broken by silvery visions of the im
pering, because that is a double-stand- maculate Billv as thev contemnlated
ard country. If this means anj thing him in tho act of placing the Chicago eral months, has a wife, a mother, and
it moans mat .Mexico has more money pnnvominn in hi ct .uui u,kii two sisters, and thev fill InVij him si nil
Occasionally we run across a widow
who can take care of herself, and robs
the men who attempt to rob her.
If you are old, act like an old per
son should. For one thing, after 10
o'clock, you have no business out of
iuu never reaiiy Know a woman
until your children have quarried with
hers, nor a man until you have- owed
him money.
1 " Ul l 1 . m . m
jjy me auvaniages oi nie in a
large city," is meant the chances to
spend money on car fare, and see the
monkeys in the park.
Every boy has to get burned on the
Fourth, or he will not know enough
when he is grown to tell tho boys that
gunpowder is clangorous.
Talk about loss of liberty ! An Atch
ison man who has been sick for sev-
inan the United States. Let us test
this assertion by a few facts. Mexico's
per capita circulation is $5; that of
the United States is nearly five times
this amount, or in the neighborhood
of $24. Mexico, of course, virtually no
looked around
for mote worlds to
Harry Hotchkiss, who went to South
ho has no more liberty than a Cuban
or Armenian.
An Aicnison woman whose parents
spend hundreds of dollars on her elo
cution, hnds tho knowledge of the
greatest advantage in amusing the
London' Public Ilonses.
The piblic houses explain a great
many of the miseries of the miserable lo
cality. There may be some teetotalers,
but there are not many, and there are
almost m few drinkers who are always
moderate in their libations. The curse
of bitter beer, raw Scotch whisky and
"tuppenny" giu rests h 'avy on the
place. Public opinion is no weapon
against it, for public opinion openly fa
vors drinking whenever one lias the nec
essary money and does not regard actual
drunkenness as a disgrace worth men
tioning. Women drink at tho bars as uncon
cernedly as men do, , and barmaids serve
them. The barroom is the gossip -plav
and babr s and small childrt n are carried
to it and kept in it by careful mothers,
who gather there for the day's necessary
talk. Infants sometimes cry and at such
times are permitted a sip from the ma
ternal glass, quite as other children are
bribed with chocolate drops. Thus blear
eyes and drink reddened faces often have
early beginnings. The children on the
streets are dirty, ragged and vociferous
ly happy over small things. Adults are
not genuinely happy. There is no reason
why they should be. They derive much
spasmodio merriment from the public
housea Drunkenness and fighting are
common everywhere, especially on tho
streets. During one noon recess I saw
three fights develop among the two dozen
employees of a box factory. Nor are the
combatants always men or boys. Cen
At What Age la Man StrongeHt?
The muscles, in common with all the
organs of the body, have their stages cl
development and decline; our physical
strength increases up to a certain age
and then decreases. Tests of the strength
of several thousands of people have been
made by means of a dynamometer
(strength measurer) and the following
are given as the average figures for the
white race :
The "lifting power" of a youth of 17
years is 280 pounds; in his twentieth
year this increases to 820 liounds, and
in the thirtieth and thirty-first years it
reaches its height, 35G Tiounds. At the
end of tho thirty-first year the strength
begins to deeliue, very slowly at first.
By tho fortieth year it has decreased
eight pounds, and this diminution con
tinues at a slightly increasing rate until
tho fiftieth year is reached, when the
figure is 830 pounds.
After this period the strength fails
more and more rapidly until the weak
ness of old age is reached It is not pos
sible to give statistics of the decline of
strength after the fiftieth year, as it va
nes to a large extent in different indi
viduals. Str:uiil Magazine.
Li 12
VA I J i H 13 11
in circulation or can have it. Mexico's
entire circulating medium, practical
ly speaking, is silver, but this is only
half as great per person as the silver
TlcT Oilpt n-livn rAawc naaA ofn. J 1 UIWU OlillUS. i0
V j & A. Villi fc T V V 1 I 1 a L0OsU U & I . .
" r I f fr-k ciIvpam ..-. i ... . 1 1 .3 I
iUo ucuioviabiv ouuv aim a i vsi - . ...
that party regained possession of all
branches of the government. Again
there is an irrepressible conflict in
the democracv, and aeain thore is to
to be a smash-up. How long a quar
ter of a century, a third of a century,
a half of a century will the democ
racy be under the ban this time V Or
will the democracy disapper after this
canvass as a federalist, the national
republican and the whig parties did
long aero V The events of the next
few days in Chicaco will cive an an
swer to these queries. Ex.
gold. No free silver country has gold America and died last week in that children by imitating the bossy ealf.
far off land, was tho Grandmaster of
I. O. O. F. in this state at tho time ot
his demise.'
The oat crop in Cass county is al
most a failnre on account of rust, and
anythiog like the amount of money in tne De8t of small grain will not yield
circulation per capita as the United Te" "an a crop. It is fortunate that
States. Pettigrew hasn't any sense to tno farmers here have devoted most
. i i i . . . .....
spare, but he has enough to kuow Ul lueir llxnu 10 'ho cultivation 01
this. Every positive assertion made corn which is in as promising condi-
by the silvorites which can be tested J tion as could be desired at this time.
bv the records of the past, or the ex-
the kitten arid the lamb.
porience of the present, can bo shown
to bo as false as Pettigrew's is.
Mr. Daniels threw Mr. Hill down an
1. Tariff, not onlv to furnish rin-
quato revonue for the necessary ex
penses of the government, but to pro
tect American labor from degradation
to the wage level of other lands.
2. Reciprocal agreements for open
markets and discriminating duties in
favor of tho American merchant
3. Maintenance of the existing gold
standard and opposition to' tho
The Luminous Sea Crab.
One of the marine curiosities recently
fished from the tnittum of the Indian
ocean by a dredging vessel iu the em
ploy of tho Calcutta Socjt'ty :1 Natural
History was a mammoth sea crab which
continually emitted a bright white light
similar to that seen in the spasmodic
flashes of phosphorescent luminosity
kindled by our common fireflies. The
oddity was captured in daytime and
placid in a large tank, nothing peculiar
except its ininu use si;w being noticeable
in tho broiwl glare of the tropical sun.
for Infants and Children.
THIXiTY year' observation of Cantorla with the- patronage at
million of peron, permit ni to speak of It withont Knowing.
" - -It in unquestionably tho best remedy for Infant and Children.
the world haa frTCT-telMwrn. It in harmleae. Children like it. It
elves them health. It will wave their iIvenTIn it Mothers hav
aomethi ng which is absolntely sole and practically"
child's medicine.
Castoria, destroy Wormn,
Castoria allays Fevoriwhnens.
Cawtoria prevents vomiting Soar CnrtL
Castoria cures Piarrhroa and Wind Collo.
Castoria relieves Teething Tronhlo.
Castoria enres Constipation and Flatnlonoy.
Castoria nentrallges the effects of earhonio acid Ras or poisonons air.
Castoria does not contain morphine, opinm, or other narcotio property.
Castoria assimilates the food, regnlates the stomach and bowels,
giving healthy and natural bleep.
Castoria is pnt up i n one-size bottles onl y.
It is not hold in bulk.
Don't allow any one to sell yon anything clwo on tho plta or promtno
that it la "just as good" and "will answer every purpose."
See that yon p-et C-A-S-T-O-It-I-A .
The fae-simile
aignatnre of
is on every
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Of unusual interest to every reader
of this pnper is the announcement
madeelsewhero in this issue bv the St.
Louis Globe-Democrat, unquestionably
the. greatest of American ncwspiiiiers.
The mail subscription prieu of tho
Daily and Sunday Globe-Democrat is
educed at one blow, from twelve to
six dollars a year, placing it within
the reach of all who desire to read any
daily paper during tho comming great
national campaign. The Weekly
Globo-Democrat remains at one dollar
1 year, but is issued in Semi-Weekly
sections of eight pages each, making
practically a largo semi-weekly paper
his issue lh just tho thing for the far
mer, merchant or professional n:an
who has not the time to read a daily
paper but wishes to Keep promptlyjind
thoroughly posted. It is made cup
with especial reference to the wants of
very member of the family, not only
giving all the news, but also a great
variety of interesting and instructive
reading matter of all kinds. Write
embankment, and then called down to I coinage of silver except by interna-
nim that he wasn't hurt, and was. be-I llonal agreement with tho leading
. "Gold is the one standard of value
among all enlightened commercial na
tions. All financial transactions of
whatever character, all business en
terprises, all individual or corporate
investments, are adjusted to it. An
honest dollar worth 100 cents every
where can not be coined out of 53 cents
WOrt rf Q1 1 Pn. nlna n lorrlalott TTA fiat "
This extract from Vice Presidential
Candidate Hobart's speech yesterday,
accepting the nomination, is clear.
courageous, honest republican talk.
It is the sort of talk the situation de
mands. It will be heard from both of
the republican candidates even more
emphatically in their letters of accept
ance a few weeks hence, and from re
publican newspapers and republican
stump orators everywhere throughout
the campaign.
The democrats have swallowed tbe
populists at Chicago, but the repub
licans are not fretting over it. They
have no fears that any ticket on any
platform made at Chicaco can provent
the triumphant election of McKinlcy
and Hobart. This is a republican year,
Nearly four years of deficits, bond is
sues and hard times generally have
caused a majority, an overwhelming
majority of the people to definitely de
cide that the party which cuvo the
country twenty-eight years of the
greatest continuous prosperty ever
experienced by any countrj on earth.
loved as much as ever. Mr. Hill is in
a position to exclaim with the not't:
'Perhaps it was well to dissemble
your love, but why did you kick me
down stairs V Ex.
Tlie toiler from the hovel.
The rich man from the hall.
Will seek the polls together.
And vote lor Jack Mac Coll;
The teacher who so long has taught.
The preached who for years has praught.
Will put their ballots in the slot.
And vote for Jack Mac Coll.
Walt Mason.
An old bachelor savs
that he has
commercial nations of tho world.
4. Pensions and preferences for
veterans of the union army.
o. A firm, vigorous and dignified
foreign policy "and ah our interests
in the western- hemisphere carefully
watehod and guarded."
? '1' U TT - i .
u. j.iiu .Hawaiian lsianas to be con
trolled by tho United States; the
Nicaraguan canal to be built: a naval
station in the West Indies.
7. Protection of American citizens
and property in Turkey.
8. Keassortion of the Moo roe doc
trine. Eventual withdrawal nf Tnrniv-
at, nignt, nowever, when all was in
pitchy darkness, the crab surprised the! ip free sample copies toGLoi;s P
naturalists by lighting up the tank so IN t. L.OU1S, Mo,
that all the other sea creatures, great and
small, occupying the same tank could 1j
plainly seen. When the luminous crus
tacean was prodded with a pole, he emit
ted flashes of lights which enabled the
experimenters to read small print, even
though otherwise they were in total
darkness. St. Louis Republic.
International News and littok Co.,
iaiiimore, am., are niakitg a most
liheral offer of $175 te any agent who
will sell ninety copies in two months,
oi their new book, "Under Doth
flags," or a gold watch for sell in ;
forty copies in one month. This prom
iura is in addition to commission
Graphic and thrilling ventures of the
civil war both sides. Every word
written by oyo witnesses. Stories of
is the proper party to have charge of ; , - 'u 'us"nci 01 u uowtjrs irom inis Hemisphere and
. . .. . decoration was so strong that if thev I union of all ttnlish ananirinl, ,
this government, and nothing that the
conglomeration of isms and soreheads
at Chicago might do can change that
decision. People prefer caoaeitv to
incapacity they prefer good govern
ment and prosperity to ruin and re
pudiation. They will vote for Mc-
Kinley and Hobart. Ex.
wero told that they must be hanged in on this continent.
tho presence of 20,000 persons tomor- .9. Tho United States actively to use
row, their first though would be, "Oh, iniiuonce to restore peace and give in- much as you can." Pearson's Weekly.
dear! and I havn't a dress fit to be dendence of Cuba.
Oat of tbe Public
When I was a very little boy, writes
Sir William Gregory in his autobiog
raphy, my grandfather, who was then
under secretary for Ireland, took me to
the chief secretary', room in Dublin camP fires, comradeship, deeds of dash
castle and formally introduced me tc and daring, anecdotes, etc. Hundreds
Lord Melbourne, of war pictures. One a'ent reports
inter nau oeen wun nun lor some twenty-five copies old in two dnve
little tunc i he said, "Now .myboy. is another agent forty-two in four dak'
there anything here you would like?" rr 1 . .
"Yes," I answered, pointing to a raIte $1 outht sent fr 50 cents in
very large stick of sealing wax. stamps. Write them lmmeuiately.
"That's right, "said Lord Melbourne, height paid and credit given, This
pressing on me a bundleof pens, "begin 9 a splendid opportunity for students
life early. All these things belong to and teachers during tho summer va-
the public, and your business must al- cation.
ways be to get out cf the public a.
The silver men are doing their best
to aggravate tho gold democrats into
bolting the national convention, and
. may yet crowd them to the outside of
the hall. They want the gold demo
crats to leave, because inside the
party, and in control of the party
machinery In several of the states,
these gold men will do more damage
to the nominee than they possibly
could after walking out of the conven
tion. The sapiend Mr. Whitney sees
hanged in." Ex.
The News enjoj'ed a pleasant visit
from Broad Cole of Ashland this
morning. Mr. Cole entered the tract
of land July 13, 1854 which is now
owned by Perry Walker south of
town. His recollections about the
early history of this town are quite in
the point, and his men will t.aU-A
great deal of abuse from the free oublican success in Nebraska this fall
coiners before they will come out in
an open bolt. They want to manage
the campaign in New York and the
rest of the eastern states and as long
as they remain "regular" it will be
impossible for the silver miners to get
hold of the party machinery. State
Nebraska democrats are wild
with delight at the success of Bryan
in Chicago. Col. Sherman and those
whose worship of the Nebraska states
man has caused no small amount of
merriment, were fairly beside them
selves with joy. On reading the fir6t fePlattsmouth only lacked three votes
dispatch at The News bulletin Col. of becoming the capital of the tfrri-
Sherman's eyas filled with tears lory, and it was the selline: out of
and for a moment he was! three of her own representatives to
quito overcome, but he was not alone I Omaha which located the capitol there
in nis joy at tne success of the silver mstoad of here.
apostle. There were others who
were equally devoted, and it is such a Among the fragments of Egyptian
following as this that endangers .r- Papyri at Dublin eighty lines or parts
of lines of Homer's "Iliad" have been
10. Enlargement of the navy,
fense of harbors and seacoasts.
11. Exclusion of illiterate and im
moral immigrants.
12. Reapproval of the civil service
. 13, A free ballot and and honest
14. Condemnation of lynching.
15. Approval of national arbitration.
16. Approval of a free homestead
17. Admission of the remaining ter
ritories, representation for Alaska
abolition of carpet-bag federal officers.
18. Sympathy with legitimate ef
forts to lessen intemperance.
19. An inconclusive but sympathetic
reference to the "rights and interests
of women."
All on the Outside.
Speaking of libraries reminds me of a
story I heard of a certain rich man who
did build himself a new mansion, and
wishing to set up a bookroom there he
simply went to a real library, pnt down
the names of the volumes and had them
painted on boards that assimilated a
"Oh, it doesn't matter." ho said
You see, folks will never read 'em, an
they look just as well."
The man who told me this story point
ed to a couple of meaningless married
"They are just like Mr. s li
brary," he said. And they were. New
York Recorder.
An Atchison man had a bonlire yes
terday at which ho burned every
'Welcome" motto in the house. If
doesn't keep company away, h" will
try stronger measures.
lt'it ty' Orirnria unit I'Iuiion.
lion. Daniel F. Beatty, of Washing
ton, New Jersey, ihe gri-at Organ and
Piano manufacturer, h 1 uilding and
shipping more organs and pianos than
ever. In 1S70 Mr. Beatty left homo a
penniless plow loy, and by his in
domitable will he has worked his way
up so as to sell so far, nearly 100,000 of
Beatty's Organs and Pianos since 1S70.
Nothing seems to dishearten him;,
obstacles laid in his way, that would
have wrecked an ordinary man forever,
he turns to an advertisement and
comes out of it brighter than ever.
Ilis instruments, as is well known, are
very popular and are to be found in all
parts of tho world. We are informed
that during tho next t-n years ho in
' tends to s.dl 200,000 more or his make;
that means a business at 20,0l().000, if
we average them at gleO.OO each. It is
alroady the largest business of tho
kind in existence. Write or call upon
Daniel P. Beatty, Washington, New
Jersey, for catalogue.
m.iiauka noti:v.
From The Kt-gisti-r.
Mrs. Ernest Pollard has entirely re
covered from her lato illness.
L. E. Stone and wifo are now com
fortably ensconced in thoir new heme
in the rooms over tho drug store.
One of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Uadley's
children, a bright little girl of four
sjwnmois, died lasi Thursday, July 2, '
after a brief illness.
We have 100,0o0 to loan at a low
rate of interest on well-improved
The National Exchange Co.,
Plaltsmouth, Neb.
lr. M mli j. II, iriMiii:ie I-ntUl.
Dr. Marshall, fine gold work.
Ur. Marshall, gold and
Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work
Dr. Marshall, teeth without plat. s.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fillings.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates.
Dr. Marshall, perfect fitting plates
Dr. Marshall, all work warranted.
All the latest appliances for first
lass dentnl work.
Have purchased
5: latest novelties in
largely all the 55
The followers of Bryan will make any identinetl from books 4, 8, 21, 22 and v
sacrifice lor him that is required. No I K oul OI a manuscript of the Third
republican candidate can find such an ceDtuT bofore Christ, before Homer
army of hero worshippers as this man I nad Deen Put into shape by the critics
Bran can command.
Theue is a phrase in Major McKin
ley's epeecb of acceptance which is
worth a hundred generalities about
full dollars," "parity of the two met
als" and dollars as untarnished as
our flag." "The money of tho United
States must not only be
current at its full face value at home,
but it must be counted at par in any
and every commerial center of the
globe." Now, there are only two
ways of making every commercial
at paf. One is to persuade or compel
all the nations of the earth to take at
par' American dollars which are
worth less than par, and that is an
enterprise rather too large for us.
The other is to put forth no dollar
that is not intrinsically worth par in
the world'-a exchanges. N. Y. Sun
Oklando Tefft, of Cass county,
was nominated for lieutenant gover
nor by a big majority. Mr. Tefft will
make an excellent presiding officer.
of Alexandria. In the eighty lines,
thirteen do not exist in the "Iliad" as
we nave it. i'roiessor jvianaiiy as
sorts that the Alexandrians took great
liberties with the text, and that if an
eariy eauion oi tne "inaa" turns up political relation between Cass in "yPl there will be an addition in
and Saunders counties has alwavs quantity of 15 per cent to what we
oeen ciose, nonce the nomination of
Mr. Tofftjis doubly gratifying to Saun
ders county. Wahoo Wasp.
It is claimed by the leaders of
Tammany that the organization bear
ing that odorous name iu New York
City will support Bryan. The effort
of the Bryan managers to pit the west
against the east in order to reach the
presidency may necessary If
part of the east is going to accept the
free silver platform.
A gigaxtic wave off the Japanese The exeursion train frm o, .
coast caused by earth quake is said to Logan, la., consisting of fifteen
have drowned 30,000 people yesterday, loaded n,nMr m.rh
A destruction of life without a paralled with a head end collision on the
in modern times. nrt'nDoctirn Mit.. t
I -.w. .m nDw, u tminaj uvar uugau re-
have. Ex.
Was it significant that Senator
Daniels, the leader of the repudiation-
ists in Virginia, sat as chairman of tho
free silver convention? Or was it only
an accidental coincidence.
This morning's Chicago papers an
nounce the bolting of the Chicago
nominee by seventy-five prominent
democratic newspapers. There ought
to be a great field for free silver news
paper men some where.
Christian Science.
Services heid at Christian Science
reading room and dispensary, No 1000
Main street, near High school, as fol
lows: Sunday school at 11 a. m., Sun
day evening service, 7:30; bible leeson.
Friday evening at 8 o'clock. All are
cordially invited to attend, to listen
or take part as they may feel inclined.
Rooms also open daily from 10 a. in. to
y p. m. to those seeking health or
truth. "Science and Health" and
other works of Rev. M. B. Eddy, on
Go to the New York bakery for ice
cream. Order for cream taken and
delivered to any part of tho city. We
use nothing but pure cream no adul
teration. We also make the brick
layer ice cream in any flavors you mav I horses on blue grassand clover inquire
desire. Sherberts of any kind. V of II. W. Beaver. Cedar Creek. Neb.
A niQswmiip.
"Maw," said the little boy, 'J hnny j
is such a Mugwump that I don't want
to sleep with him any more. : '
"A Mugwump?"
xes, mamma. JJiUu t you tvlf me
that a Mugwump was -some one who
would not take either side? And that's
the way with Johnny. lit uiways wants
to sleep in tho middle ft the bed. "
Cincinnati Enquirer.
A Surpriiw Ail Around.
Grandma (who has just arrived for a
visit) Well, Freddie, I supjxwn your
lamer was greatly surpris d to get my
teiegram saying i was coming?
rreactie lis-, hut mother was the
most surprised.
Grandma At ' -rilad news, I sup
pose? Freddie No, uk pap-i's language.
P rroit Free Prvi
Persons wishing to fatten cattle and j
Their stock is complete in every 2
grade so that the poorest as well as 55
2: the rich may be suited. 2j
: Xjt-ieej-s Lower 2
JTiuin liver 2
solicit you patronage.
C. Sahl.
Eli Hill, Lumber City, Pa., writes,
'I have been suffering from Piles for
twenty-five years and thought my case
incurable.' De Witt's Witch Hazel
Salve was recommended to me as a
pile cure, so I bought a box and it per-
i . .. .
io;meu a permanent cure." This is
only one of thousands of similar cases.
Eczema, sores and skin diseases yield
quickly when it is used
Cattle .50 cents and horses $1 a month
for the season.
"BIJjsBQ oj Surtfs ets "aenx 8Hraaq qs aaqi
wjaojsiQ jaq oa? tM. jjajs ram qv& mM
It will repay you to call and in- 23
5 spect th,e Goods and values. We rri
2 can't be surpassed. 3