I) V are WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS? Semi-Weekly News-Herald TTTTTTTTTTTTT7TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT IT CONTAINS AJLL THE NEWS FOR ONLY A Yl.AdR, TRIAL SUBSCRIPTION THREE MONTHS FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. "Tmxmp xr ATM STREET, PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA i I f Ttie Semi-Weeklu News-Herald PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. SAI KDAV, JOE 87, 1896. BRIEFLY TOLD. C. A. Marshall, Dentist. Farm loans. T. II. follock. The Fourth of July comes on Satur day this year. W. II. Ithodes went over to Glen wood on business today. Silas Long, one of the Mynard city dads was in town this morning:. Get your abstracts of title made by Robert J. Vass. Office in Briggs build ing. Mai ion Ruby, one of Louisville's best citizens, is in the city on business today. Always in season. Hopkins' steamed hominy (hulled corn). Elegant lunch in milk. Go to Robert J. Vass for reliable abstracts of title. Office in Briggs building. Miss Carrie Tighe of Bradshaw is in town, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ed Fitzgerald. Sylvester Johnson, one of the early settlers near Louisville, wo regret to learn, is quite ill. Conrad Schlater of Louisville is in town today visiting his daughtor Mrs. Ed Fitzgerald, and friends. Chas. Johnson and wife departed last evening for Rock Island, Ills., to visit relatives for a lew weeks. John Gattler is home from the National lurnverein convention, where he reports having had a good time. John Unruh sent a splendid load of furniture to a solid farmer out in Eight Mile Grove precinct this morn ing. S. W. McEirov. a prominent attor ney of Oberlin, Kan., is in the city the guest of his brotner-in-law, frank Boyd and family. The new M. P. agent atMynaid, W. A. Swearingen, has moved his family out to that town and ia living very cosily in the depot. J. Lyck's bread and cakes for sale at Shepherd & Roberts ice cream par lor. Also California fruit ciders. Over Morgan's clothing store. Foreman Rivett, of the B. & M. car penters, is in town today getting things in readiness to begin work on the depot the hrst 01 tno week. Misses Nellie and Annie O'Rourke passed , through town this morning from Omaha to Kansas City, wnero they will begin housekeeping again. A show for the ladies and children Metropolitan Comedy Co., to appear at White s opera house r nday and bat urday, June SJ(i and 27. Admission 10 and UU cents. "Wake up, Jacob, day is breaking!" so said De Witt's Little Early Risers to the man who had taken them to arouse his sluggish liver. F. G. Fricke & Co. Pass the good word along the line Piles can bo quickly cured without an operation by simply applviBg De Witt's Whiich Hazel Salve. K G. Fricke & Co. Mr. Eads and wife of Burlington are enjoying a visit of a few days with their son Chas. Eads and family in this city. Their daughter is also a guest of Mrs. Chas. Eads. Don't forget the day and date Fri day and Saturday, June 2(i and 27 for the appearance of the Metropolitan Comedy Co., at White's opera house. Admission 10 and 20 cents. Mesdamcs Elson and Wise will en tertain their lady friends at a "Ken sington" from 2 until t o'clock Satur day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Elson, on South Sixth street. Persons who have a couching sjkjU every night, on account of a tickling sensation in the throat, may overcome it at once by a dose of One Minute Cough Cure. F. G. Fricke & Co. See Hillard Brewer, the wonder of the 19th century, in conjunction with the Metropolitan Comedy Co., at the opera house Friday and Saturday, June 26 and 27. Prices 10 and 20 cents. Small in size, but great in results. DeWitt's Little Early Risers act gent ly but thoroughly, curing indigestion, dyspepsia and constipation. Small pill, safe pill, best pill." F. G. Fricko & Co. The outing party at Spring lake is having a pleasant time, some of the men folks have been in town today and they report the weather delightful, the fishing fine and the mosquitoes Bcarco. The Woodmen of the World is en joying quite an era of prosperity in this city. Every meeting night a large number of the best people in this vici nity are initiated into the mysteries of Woodcraft. The populist primaries in this city will be held JulyS, and in Plaltsmoulh precinct July 11 at Mynard. The con vention will be held at Louisville July 13, when, it is said, a full ticket will be placed in the field. Farmers in the vicinity of Mynard have arranged for a picnic on the Fourth at Doud's grove. It will be a nice social affair where all old-time neighbors and friends can get together and have a good time. While Mrs. Frank Vermilia was out driving yesterday her horse took ill and laid down very suddenly, smashing the harness and part of the buggy, but doing no other iujury. It was soon better and taken to the stable without any trouble. The Metropolitan Comedy Co., a company composed of first-class spec ialty artists, neaaeu by ttiuara Brewer, the world's greatest contor tionist, will appear at White's opera house on Friday and Saturday, June 20 and 27. Admission 10 and 20 cents. It would be hard to convince a man suffering from bilious colic that his agony is due to a microbe with an un- pronouncable name. But one dose of DnVVlIt IJOllC iV unoiera vuro nm convince him of its power to afford in stant relief. It kills pain. F. G. Fricke & Co. When we consider that the intes tines are about Ave times as long as the body, wo can realize the intenso suffering experienced when they be inHamed. DeWitt's Colic and Cholera Cure subdues inflammation at once and completely removes the difficulty, f. G. Fricke & Co. The M. P. will arrange to run trains Nos. 365 and 3G3 from and to Eagle on July 2, 3 and 4, for the accommodation of parties desiring to attend the G. A. R. reunion to be hold at Weeping Water from July 1 to 4, inclusive. Train to return at an hour to bo de termined later. Wc are anxious to do a little good in this world and can think of no plcas anter or better way to do it than by recommending One Minute Cough Cure as a preventive of pneumonia, consumption and other serious lung troubles that follow neglected colds. F. G. Fricke and Co. Go to the New York bakery for ice cream. Orderi for cream taken and delivered to any part of the city. Wo use nothing but pure cream no adul teration. We also make the brick layer icecream in any flavors you may desire. Sherberts of any kind. We solicit you patronage. C. Saul. Mothers will tind Chamberlain's Cough Remedy especially valuable for croup and whooping cough. It will give prompt relief and is safe and pleasant. We have sold it for several years and it has never failed to give the most perfect satisfaction, G. W. Richards, Dubuesqne, Pa, Sold by all druggists. Eli Hill, Lumber City, Pa., writes, "I have been suffering from Piles for twenty-five years and thought my case incurable. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve was recommended to nie as a pile cure, so I bought a box and it per formed a permanent cure." This is only one of thousands of similar cases; Eczema, sores and skin diseases yield quickly when it is used. Mr. James Perdue, an old soldier residing at Monroe, Mich., was re veroly afllicted with rheumatism, but received prompt relief from pain by using Chamberlain's Pain Balm. He says: 'At times my back would ache so badly that I could hardly rise up. If I had not gotten relief 1 would not bo here to write these few lines. Chamberlain's 1'ain Balm has done me a great doal of good and I feel very thankful for it. For sale by all drug gists. A SucctMtnful Social. One of the nicest lodge socials of the year was given by the Loyal Mystic Legion at White's opera houso and in their hall adjoining last evening. The crowd, while select, was very large, and listened to the rendition of a splendid literary and musical pro gram. Prof. Beck, in a violin solo, was specially good, while the little girls, Ida Pearlman, Edna and May Petersen, Maggie Warren and Mabel Carlylle, in their different numbers, fairly cap tivated the audience. Tho recitation by Clara, the little daughter of Frede Brown, was cuto as could bo, and brought down tho houso. Others who took part in the program with credit to themselves and to the delight of tho audience was Miss Alice Petersen, Miss Dean, Miss Farren, Cleoo Thomas, Glean Hearing and Miss Maud Mauzy. The Mystic Legion is in a flourish ing condition, as it well deserves to be, as it is certainly one of the best beneficiary orders extant. The Court l'uzzletl. Emil Finder, a seven-year-old boy residing with his parents in the west part of town, was taken before Judge Spurlock today charged with incor rigibility. An investigation showed the fault was with the parents, and the boy was not sentenced. Frank Spencer, a fatherless boy of 10 years, was also up. His mother is woak-minded and the little fellow has had a poor show, but he is hardly a fit subject for the reform school, and the court scarcely knows what to do in the premises. Court Adjourned. Judge Ranr.sey was not well enough to come down to the court houso this morning, but he sent word to District Clerk Houseworth and had court ad journod to the morning of August 17. As soon as he is well enough to travel Judge Ramsey will go to tho moun tains for rest and recuperation. Qraiicl Army Iteunioii At Woeping Wator, Nebr. Tickets at reduced rates for the above reunion will be sold by the Missouri Pacific railway company July 1,-2,-3,-4. C. F. STOUTKNitoiiouoil, agent. Iteatty'a Urgaut and llauoH. Hon. Daniel F. Roatty, Gf Washing ton, New Jersey, the great Organ and Piano manufacturer, is building and shipping more organs and pianos than ever. In 1870 Mr. Beatty loft home a penniless plow boy, and by his in domitable will he has worked his way up 60 as to sell so far, nearly 100,1 00 of Beatty 's Organs and Pianos since 1870. Nothing seems to dishearten him; obstacles laid in his way, that would have wrecked an ordinary man forever, he turns to an advertisement and comes out of it brighter than over. His instruments, as is well known, are very popular and are to bo found in all parts of the world. We are informed that daring the next ten years he in tends to sell 200,000 more of his make; that means a business of $20,000,000, if wo average them at $100.00 each. It is already the largest business of the kind in existence. Write or call upon Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, New Jersey, for catalogue. THE EXPRESSIVE HUMAN HAND. Strength of the Fingers Is an Index t- Mental lialance. Much has been written about th6 hand. Artists have depicted its perfec tion, physiognomists have interpreted its shape and expression, ohirologists and the gypsy queons have tried to prophesy from its markings. Bnt a etudy of its peculiarities by the induc tive method takes one into entirely new fields and shows that t J interpret the significance of the hand one mnst start on quite new lines. There is something perhaps in the fact that the artistia band has somewhat tapering fingers, but beyond this one deals with uncer tainties, and I recollect an idiot youth whose extremities had the contour of a genius or a Trilby. If oue examines the hands of a large number of persons with a nervous en dowment, ho will find curious dofects in the length and relative proportions of the fingers. The length of the linger is determined by that of the middle one. If the index and inedius are closed upon the palm, the ring and little finger be ing left extended, the middle finger will reach close to the place where tho so called life line runs down, between the ball of tho thumb and that of the littlo finger. It will touch the palm just below tho highest part of the ball of the thumb. The middlo finger is taken as the standard of length by which to gauge that of others. In a normal hand the forefinger reaches just to the root of the middle finger, the ring fingor is lon ger and should reach nearly to the mid dlo of the nail of the medius, while the little finger should reach to the last joint of tho third finger. Now, in in ebriates, epileptics, neurotics and th degenerative generally these proportions are often not observed. The most com mon defect is shortness, especially of the third and little fingers, though some times a disproportionate length occurs. Sometimes these fingers are unnatural ly slender, or the little finger is slightly bent. The most common abnormality of the thumb is excessive shortness, with a defective mobility. These peculiarities, woll accentuated, from what we may call the "e'ecadent baud" tho hand that writes our sensuous novels, the Hanptmann drama, paints symbolic pic tures and exploits pure atheism. Such hands may bo well formed to the ordi nary eye and may be attached to slender and graceful limbs, but this kind of beautiful hand and arm is found quite as often among the children of alcohol ics and among those highly cultivated families which have become degenerated by vicios vices and viciouus crossing. Medical Record. PYGMIES.. Bouie Information About These Strang Mites of Humanity. The Greek word pygmy moans a rueas uro from tho elbow to the hand. The pygmies were a fabulous race of dwarfs about whom many interesting stories have been told. According to Homer, they were so very Email that they were attacked every year by the cranes on the coast of Oceanus and were unable to defend themselves. Writers of a later dato locate the pyg mies at the mouth of the Nile. We also read of northern pygmies inhabiting the region of Thule, and of others that lived in subterranean dwellings on the eastern side of the Ganges. It is said that once when Hercules visited the country inhabited by these littlo crea tures two wholo pygmy armies attacked him while ho was asloep. One army fell upon bis right and the other upon his left, but tho hero easily and quickly rolled them up in his lion's skin. They were not, it seems, at all afraid of Hercules, for by the aid of a laddei they climbed up his drinking cup and helped themselves to its contents. Aristotle says: "The pygmies were probably some diminutive race in Upper Egypt who rodo very small horses and lived in caves." He did not believe that tho stories told about them were altogether fabulous. It has often been declared that there are pygmy races of human beings in the heart of Africa. Indeed Du Chaillu some time ago discovered a pygmy race in the mountainous country on the east of the southern great branch of the Ogobai. They are about 4f feet in height and are called Orbongos. "They live in the midst of negro tribes of or dinary size," says Du Chaillu, "and there is nothing remarkable about them except their diminutive sizo. " Balti more American. A Unique Coat of Arms. There was one Philadelphian who not only invented arms for himself, but new and republican arms, after discarding the ancestral arms of his family. This was Peter Brown, at one time an emi nent citizen of Philadelphia. In 1794 William Priest, an English musician, became attached to the the ater in Philadelphia in his professional capacity. In 1802 Mr. Priest printed in London a book entitled "Priest's Travels In the United States," which is now exceedingly rare. Tho frontispiece to this book is a strange and curious de sign, entitled "Petor Brown's Arms.' " In explanation of this frontispiece Mr Piest eays: "Petor Brown, a black smith of this city, having made his for tune, set up his coach, but so far from being ashamed of the means by which he acquired his riches, ho caused a large anvil to b painted on each side of his carriage, with two pairs of naked anna in the act of striking. The motto, 'By this I got ye. ' " Wbat a Blessing Is Education! These are some answers to examina tion questions given in an oighth grado school not a thousand miles from Chi cago: "Liberia was established in 1822 as a oolony for aspirated negroos." "Nine-tenths of all the plants cot found in any other part.of the world are found in Australia. " "Salem Witchcraft was neither a sol dier nor a Bailor, but he discovered ume ii;iea." Great Divida SI IIUUIj Ai. ai uvii ct. i . I An Kntertalninent Ity tlie l'upils Marks the Heglnnlng of the Vacation. The hall at St. John's school on Sixth street was crowded to standing room last evening by an appreciative audience that had good cause for tho liberal share of applause which it showered upon tho bright boys and girls who furnished the snlcndid pro gram that was meritoriously rendoted. The sisters have boon tireless in their efforts to cultivate and train those put in their charge and from what the public saw last night noth ing but the highest words of commen dation for their work could bo offered. Tho excellent program rendered - fully desorves extended personal mention but where all were good it would take far too much space to particularize. It must have been very pleasant, in deod, for the parents of the children to see such abundant evidence of their progress as was shown from tho train ing of the wee tots in the doll song to the boys and girls whoso shool life must close with two or three more years. A Farewell Vinit. William Foxwcll and daughters are expocted here from England in a few days. They will then make a farewell visit among relatives and in tho early Autumn thej' will sail for their future home in Merrio England. Tho step from ordinary circumstances to afflu ence and independence with a baronial castle and its rich furnishings for a homo is more like tho dream of Aladin than a real truth, but in this instance, it is to Mr. Foxwell and his friends a delightful reality. A Wonderful I'erf oruiance. Hillard Brewer, the contortionist with tho Metropolitan Comedy Co., is the finest ever soon in our city and it does not seem possible for a human being to live and perform the feat ho performs every night that of unjoint ing his neck. Dr. Potter examined him in full view of tho audience last night and pronounced it acluallj' un jointed. Taken all in all, tho company is away above the averatre and should be greeted with a full house tonight. Mr. Lamart in his "Song Bettor Than Gold" is well worth the price of ad mission. Butto City Journal. Tho above company will appear at White's opera house Friday and Sat urday, June 20 and 27. Admission 10 and 20 cents. Are You Aware That Elson, the clothier, can save you 25 cents on tho dollar tor everything in mens' wear? Suits and l'ants Made to Order. The only way to have a suit or pair of pants mado to order sensibly is to walk into a homo tailor shop and leave your order. The work being done in the city you can see your garraont made. We put up clothing cheaper than the Omaha tailors, not being un der such heavy expenses, doing our own work, and also cheaper than the Chicago cheap John factories. You don't want only the name ''custom made," but you want the fit and work manship, too. We can make you a suit that will cost but little more than shelf goods. Come in before you buy ft ready-mado suit and look ovor our largo assortment of suitings and fancy nantings to select from, and you wili find the prices low. To get a fit and mechanical work manship, which are guaranteed, you bhould placoyour order with us. We also do cleaning, dveinc and repairing, to which we give prompt attention. J. . 1 TAK, Basement Bank Cass Cc. Uo You Know That Elson, tho clothier, is sollinc French Balbriean undcrwoar for 15 cents, worth 75 cents. National Democratic Convention. For the above occasion the it. &. M. will sell one way rate to Chicago at $7.25 and for tho round trip at 12.75. Good for return July 12; dates of salo July 4, 5 and . W. L. PlCKKTT, Agent. Library Jce Cream I'arlor. Philadelphia, Neapolitan, l)f lmon ico. Plain, English and French iio cream. Sherberts, granites and wator ices made to order for parties akd entertainments. SlIKPHKKP & RomcnTS, Props. tilri Wanted. Enquire of Mrs. C. A. Marshall at residence 709 EI in street. m ii n GUARANTEE Chester's Compound E2 fa w to be as good as any other preparation of the kind on the mar ket, and stand ready to refund your money if it does not benefit j'ou as much as any other Celery Compound you ever used. ' Indicated in generel debilitj', loss of appe tite, nervousness, sleeplessness, etc. A Great Nerve Tonic attd System Renovator. It Makes Weak' People Strong. PRICE. $1 H BOTTLE. Senator Tefft is deserving of at least decent treatment. Personally we owe him nothing, but other things being equal we think Cass county should stand up for a home man. State politics must bo getting warm. Ono of Judge Hayward's managers says that Judge Newell and John Davies have pledgod the Cass county delegation to him and he is sure of all but one vote. This is a nic way to slaughter Senator Tefft, but it is no more than ho should expect. Wc will wager a red apple that Mr. Newell can not deliver oven one-half of the delegation to Hay ward, although there is no personal feeling against tho Oloo county lawyer in this county. John C. Watson maiie a huiriod pil grimage to this city iast evening. He was closeted with ex Juiifie Chapman when the deal for selling out the state delegation was probably closed. Was a Lucky I ittheruiaii J. T. Swaim took his family down the river the other day on a fishing expedi tion and give the little ones a day's out ing. The fish were timid about getting caught, but while waiting for a "bite" a swarm of bees came along and set tled on a bush a few yards away. Mr. Swaim gavo the iish a rest and went after tho bees and soon had them in a bucliet and then ho took them home and placing them in a hive, be now has the nucleus for a bee farm without any cash outlay. It was great luek, sure, and it is doubtful if another Cass county fisherman ever had such an ex perience. If it required an annual outlay of $10J to insure a family against any serious consequences from an attack of bowel complaint during the year there are many who would feel it their duly to pay it; that they could not afford to risk their lives, and thoso of their family for such an amount. Any one can get this insurance for 25 cents, that being the price of a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarohcea Remedy. In almost every neighborhood some one has died from au attack of lowel complaint before medicine could be procured or a physi cian summoned. One or two doos of this remedp will cure any ordinary case. It never fails. Can you afford to take tho risk lor so small an amount? For sale by all druggists. The Cass County Dairy. Everything clean fresh and pure Milk, cream or buttermilk delivered at your door every day. R. F. Dkan, Prop. Morgan's ltlcycle Contest. Following is the registration of votes on tho most popular lady in Cass county up to dato. Tho winner will receive as a prize a high grade ladies bicycle, ten votes on which may be had with every dollar s worth of goods purchased of Prank J. Morgan: Mabel Roberts, PlattMiiouth 12.15(1 Maud r.aton. 1 lattsniouth 11.121 Bessie Walker. Murray 5.4.M r.mma Wehroein. 1 lattsniouth A."-1 Alice Murray, Mvnard StU) Kthel 1'erry, Mynard :!) Anna Meisiner M Mrs. Hattie Sticklan.l. Wabash a Lizzie Horn, Cedar Creek We Have Moved To our new location in Dovey's block, where we will bo pleased to seo all our old as well as new customers. Elson, the Clothier. WANTS. (Special notices under this head will be charged for at the ruto of K cent por word each Insertion.) FOIl KK NT. CUR RENT An elegant suite of three rooms I nicely lurnishcd. Apply to rred Mailelnian at eiumann s restaurant LOST AM) FOUND. OST A cold ball charm. The tinder will con Li ler a special favor by leaving same at the News office OST A Kld band ring with cross scratched A on inside, I tie tiniler will be rewarded by leaving aiiie hi iews ouiie. FOU SALE. FOK SALE. CHEAP All of the l'eter Elingson property. Four houses on Third street, lour houses on Sixth street, one lot in South V ark, ten acres land south of town, paint shop, ladders and swinging stage. See Mrs. l-.lingson. A. J. dravus or m. U Donalioe FOK SALE A brick house, throe lots barn and outbuildings, lots ol fruit I. Apply at once at the News ottito. good only M I SC li LI. A N KO 1 1 S. IJOUSE-CLEANINti.taking down stoves or anv n kind of work done. Anyone wanting that kind ot work done will do well to call on or address Kildow l.rothers. Plattsmouth. Neb. nil rr -v,. v r,.r if Parmraele Extract of Celery SIX BOTTLES FOR $5. n wnrATV vnll v 1 KJ nothing BUT THE GENUINE ?4CKWElS fffffl y rf?orV illiFf ii-1!:-''' "VrT You will find one coupon $WW i'l'lili! I' ' ' I Inside each two ounce has i fvWX ' four ounce hagof lUuckwcll's i, Iuiiiiiiii. Huy a iMMjof this wT1' 1 i'1 celebrated tobacco and read TiyWtt9-rXi ,1! the couixm which elves . ...The Last Week to Vote. f 9 9 ? THE GRGAT BICYCLE CONTEST Closes Saturday, July 4 AT THE LAST STROKE OF 12. All tickets not voted at that time ...will not count... t t t ? ? 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 I ... YOZJ'T IIWJS AND TICKETS TO VOTE AFTER BUYING ONE OF OUR hummer hiiit n What we save in this life and lay up for our old age depends largely on what we pay for our wearing apparel. Wo have accumulated some broken lots of Suits that sold at $12, $13. 50, 15 and $18 per suit. We have made these all into one lot and you can take your pick AT There not many of these and the first to come will get the plums. In Child ren's and Boys' Suits we are making special inducements to close buyers. Do not hesitate because you have but little money. You not know or realize how it will go until you examine our stock. F. J. MORGAN T-HE LEADING CLOTHIER. 9 9 9 9 THE CITY HOTEL, HANS H. GOOS, Proprietor. Best $i Per Day House in the Slate Thoroughly cleaned and refurnishm). A nice table and i.lrus.wil rooms, liar in hotel stocked with pure Liquors and y Cigars. Corner Third :ind Main-sts. PLHTTSMOUTH. FURNITURE UNDERTAKING House Furnishings, STOVES, RANGES U - sin :. U -ornplet)' in Inn-. : ti l i V vile imr fl niiil fo lool; .1 iii-i Wo nil n l:iv.ir l V:i; j'ou. f':iii ui I - n-. STREIGHT S SATTLER. I (Sucoo-s.irs to II nry iiif-K.) j I'i.ATTSMOllTM. - Nl't ! MB PERKINS I10USK, F. R. GUTHMANN, Prop. Rates SI and S1.50 per Day Centrally Located and Com fortably Furnished. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA FX rMi ! ! : and twocouiH.MH Inside each I J ffirYWf " "-3sJ list of valuable presents aiitff I 1 Oji how t Set them. I 6 6 am 6 6 A 6 4 6 6 ... ... - AOA73V T1lFrri 4 4 6 6 6 6 t 6 6 4 6 4 SIO.OO 6 4 4 6. 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 4 NEBRHSKR. HIRES Rcotbccr con tains the best herbs, berries and roots nature makes for rootbecr making. Take no other. Ma.lr onlr hr Th fWW . TTIrf. To.. PMI.1.,.hl. A be. packet UiWUM i (tlkiiu. Uoia ei. rj wt r. HINDERCORNS TTi'onTy inw Pur ."of I-IL rt A I CAM rrn.- and Utninnc th hair I nuiuttt-m a in..,.., . . i Wver Fail a to Hosier Urav Haii to ita Youthful Color. mtyJW" "ca:p jjetu-0 hair luiaint. ' 1 J A If rri A I i.. t rAHKEHSOIMOEH TONIO Many wl,i wi n-liono- irENflYRGYAL PSLLS "nirinni , Only tannin ' Mail m !- " " " ' . sin ifhi; ih-hiiIiif. , V V (Ml, tlwny. r.-HM.I.'. laoii ' L Unjrlt for nkUheMrr $ '.,. yi turn 4 ji t v morni UmnH in Km1 rn ;... yy .JjKnn. mli4 nh Mv riw.. Vfce Jf T9 fonm fmudAnMi. At liruiriri.t. r "nl Read the want column.