8 iv . 525 WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS THE Semi-Weekly News1 f f w 9 IT CONTAINS ALL THIS rOSW FOK ONI A KAK? TRIAL SUBSCRIPTION THREE MONTHS FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. V' 9, K v P L ATTS M O U T II, NKBRAS l A . OFFICE OK LOWER MAIN STREET. 191 M Those I Incinrlitlu a 4k a k XX a a Walls... y May be cheaply . Jf and quickly beau- "1 titled by the appli- V cation ol new all $ A Paper. Tore-paper your house with "I one of GerinR & tjufc $ O n t ' Co's new patterns t A is almost equal to ifrf0ns 2 new furniture. It J makes a nice back- ground tor the pic- j tures and brightens Jf up the entire room. 71 tiering & Co. have &&&&&&&& Y the largest stock in A the city from which 4tr3ty J to select and you are smc to f pleased, both in $$$t A Injure and quality qdooqo ol paper and price. w A L L P A P E R & CO. THE EVENING NEWS. PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. TX'KSDAY, JL'NK 2, 1896. BRIEFLY TOLD. C. A. Marshall, Dentist. Farm loans. T. II. Pollock. Farm loans. T. II. TollocK. O. A. Brown departed for Lincoln this morning. Fed Egenberfjer was an Omaha passenger this morning. J. V. Eerenbcrger departed this morning for Loupe City. George Sayles of Cedar Creek was attending to business in town today. Remember Coleman, tho jeweler for bargans,one door east of old sta.nd. Mrs. John Young of Haveloek is in the citv visiting friends and relatives. Get your abstracts of title made by Robert J- Vass. Office In Briggs build ing. Captain II. E. Palmer of Omaha was attending to business in the city today. Tho county commissioners are in regular session at the court house today. Always in season. Ilopkins' steamed hominy (hulled corn). Elegant lunch in milk. Go to Robert J. Vass for reliable abstracts of title. Olllce in Brings building. Ladies' belts in leather or tinsel, latest styles very cheap at Coleman's jewelry store. The St. Agnes society will give a ball at the T. J. Sokol hall Friday evening, June 12. Goo. Sayles and Liouie Schneider, of Cedar Creek, made a pleasant call on The News today. - The boys historv class expect a way up time at their last meeting for the year at Mrs. Sloutenborough's. Lost A cape, last evening. The finder will confer a special favor by leaving it at The News office. One swallow does not make spring, but one swallow of One Minute Cough cure" brings relief. For sale by F. G. Fricko & Co. Ered Woodson departed today for Omaha, where ho has accepted a posi tion as lineman for tho Nebraska .ele phone company. H. R. Gering went to Lincoln this morning to attend a meeting of the state board of pharmacy, and the phar maceutical convention tonight. - Mrs. O. A. Brown went to Lincoln today where she will join her husband and attend the pharmaceutical conven tion which is in session at that place. The last Presbyterian supper of the season will be given at the homo of Mrs. Byron Clark, Thursday evening, 4une 4, from 6 to 8 o'clock. A cordial invitation is extended to all. There was a horse race at the fair grounds yesterday afternoon wherein the owners bet their trousers on the outcome. It was not learned whether the loser weut home in a barrel or not. The menu for Thursday evening at Mrs. Clark's is: Bread and butter, Saratoga chips, veal loaf, radishes, olives, strawberry shortcake, straw berries and cream, cake, coffee, iced tea. Eczema is a frightful afiliction, but like all other skin diseases it can tie permanently cured by applications of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo. It never fails to cure piles. For sale by P. G. Fricke & Co. In the spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of Do Witt's Little Early Risers, for they always cleanse the liver, purify th blood and invigorate the system. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. One Minute is the standard time, and One Minute Cough Cure is the standard preparation for every form of cough or cold. It is the only harm less remedy that produces immediate results. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Prof. McHugh was elected superin tendent of the city schools and princi pal of the high school last evening on a salary of $1,000 per year. It is be lieved that Prof. McFJugh will prove to be the right man in the right place. Did you ever think how readily the blood is poisoned by constipation ? Bad blood means bad health and pro mature old ago. De Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous little piils, over come obstinate coastipation. For sale by P. G. Fricke & Co. Mrs. R. De Young, Middleburg, la., .rritos: "I have used One Minute Cough Cure for six years, both for my self and children, and I consider it the quickest acting and most satisfactory Cough Cure I have ever used." For sale by P. G. Fricke & Co. Some of the numerous friends of Mr. I and Mrs. L. PI Britt gave them a sur prise in the way of a surprise party last evening, the family expecting to remove to tjmaua. in a iew wcuks. a h Britt family will bo greatly missed from social circles in this city. The United State's court of appeals. we regret to note, has remanded back the Snryock cae for a new trial. This is a suit for life insurance in which Mrs. V. B. Shryock obtained a judg ment for something like $4,(H)0 iu the. federal court at Omaha. A farmer called on a drug clerk in this city lor a jug.of black oil and was given roof paint instead. As the sticky roof paint refused to work on the role of a lubticator he returned it with explanations, and the drug clerk now sets up tho cigars to keep tho farmer quiet. Go to the New York bakery for ice cream. Order for cream la Ken ami delivered to any part of the city. We use nothing but pure cream no adul teration. We also make tho brick layer ice cro.-ini in an 3' flavors you. may desire. Sherberts of any kind. Wo solicit you patronage. C. SAUL. A. L. Wooster, a prominent citizen of Oaseo, Mich., after suffering excru ciatingly from piles for twenty years, was cured in a short time by using De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, an Absolute cure for all skin diseases. More of this preparation is used than all others combined. For sale by F. G. Fricko & Co. John Bobbin, tho rustler for the "Pace Maker," cimo in yesterday morning and departed this afternoon for Lincoln. lie has travelled 2,300 miles on a bicycle in nine weeks through Kansas, Colorado and Ne b aska, and barely missed six de vastating cyclones. He is brown as a berry. Young mothers dread the summer months on account of tho great mor tality among children caused by bowel troubles. Perfect safety may be as sured those who keep on hand De W itt's Coiic & Cholera cure, and ad minister it promptly. For . cramps, bilious colic, disenlery and diarrhoea, it affords instant relief. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Eii Birdscll, a "prohibitionist" from Iowa, came over last evening and got so full that the police had to take him iu out of the wet. He was taken before Police Judgo Archer this morning, who assessed a fine of $1 and costs, lie said he would pay it when he saw some of his Iowa friends, but the judge sent him to jail until such time when ho could liquidate the city treasury to the extent of his fine. For every quarter in a man's packet there are a dozen uses; and to use each one in such a way as to derive the greatest benefit is a question every one must solye for himself. W' believe, however, that no better use could be made of one of these quarters than to exchange it for a bottle of chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, a medicine that every family should bo provided with. For sale by all druggists. Mr. D. P. Davis, a prominent livery man and merchant of Goshen, Va., has his to say on the subject of rheuma tism: "I take pleasure in recommend ing Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism, as I know from personal experience that it will do all that is claimed for it, A year ngo this spring my brother was laid up in bed with with inflammatory rheumatism and suffered intensely. The first applica tion of Chamberlain's Pain Balm cased tho pain and the use of one bottle com pletely cured him. -tor salo by all druggists. Mortgage Keeord lor May. Following is the mortgage record for tho month of May: Farm moi t gages filed, $.i8,'Jll; farm mortgages released, $21,4S4; mortgages liied on city property, $2,200; mortgages re leased on city property, $3,731. The record for city pro pert y, it will be seen, is a very good one, but tho mort gages filed on farm land is not so good. This iucreaso was necessitated by rca sonof the poor crops, the farmers hav ing to mortgage their property to carry them over until another crop can be harvested. Kicked by a Horse Mclchoir Soennichsen had quite an exciting little episode up at his home yesterday afternoon with a fractious horso. The animal was hitched to a cart and Melchoir was in the act of getting into tho vehicle when the horse started ahead suddenly and threw h?m in too close contact with its teels. He received some pretty sovero bruises, one being on tho left forearm, but Mr. Soonnichsen was able to be down town today. Kntertitlnetl Her C1;hm. Miss Lou Smith entertained her class mates tho seniors of '97 at the home of her father, Wash Smith, last evening. The class consists of eighteen boys and girls and a merry time was had by the young people. Nice re freshments were served during tho evening, and many games and other social amusemonts were indulged in. Tlie Vienna llakery Tho finest bakery in the state. The choicest bread, cake, pies, etc., al ways fresh. Ornamentel work and special orders attended to prom ply. Opposito the court house. James Lyck, Prop. Morgan's lticyt-ie Content Following is the registration of voles on tho most popular iady in Cass county up to date. Tho winner will receive as a prize a high errade ladies' bicycle, ten votes on which may be had with every dollar's worth of goods purchased of Frank J. Morgan: Mabel Roberts, I'lattsmoulh.... Maud F.aton. Plattsniouth licsie Walker. Murray Emma Welirbein. Plattsmouth Alice Murray, Mynard Ethel l'erry, Mynard Anna Meisinger Mrs. Hattic Stickland. Wabash Lizie-lloru, Cedar Creek 7.SM) .. . .7.ll!l ....4.10 110 7.U 31(1 310 M 10 Sweet Potato l'lantn. At J. E. Loesley's now ready at 20 cents per hundred or $1.80 per thous- and. Finest variety A LITTLE PINK SHOE. Only a littl; pink hzhy Rhoe That is stained ami wrinkled and torn, With a tiny holo whore tho littlo pink toe Pooped out in tho days that are Kone. Tho littlo pink too was the "bitf littlo pig" That to market so often would go. And over and over tho legend won told. As I kissed tho littlo pink toa. "PiBfrio some more, " tho red lips would lisp, And tho Htory and kiss wero givon Again and njjain, bo happy wero wo In motherhood's foretaste of heaven. But there cimo a night, with desolate blight, When death boro my idol away. And no littlo too ever peep3 from tho shoe; To bo kissed in tho sweet old way. But my tears have deluged the little pink shoo And 6tained it a deeper stain. And I long for tho touch that would chill mo in death If it gave me my darling again. So, when I am dead, lay the littlo pink shoo Near my heart that is silent and eold. And perhaps up above, in tho sunlight of love, I shall kiss tho pink too as of old. Kate Thyson Marr in Now York Journal. WAYSIDE DENTISTRY. Teamstcr'fl Tooth Extracted With, a Small Hatchet and a Bis Nail. " Whilo traveling in southern Geor gia," said Attorney W. W. McNair to a reporter, "I saw a beautiful pieco of dental surgery. A teamster developed a toothache while on the road. Ho thought it would soon bo better, but it kept get ting worse juid wcr.se till he could hard ly handle tho reins. He put a chew of tobacco on it, but it only jumped the harder. Then ho stopped his team, built a littlo fire, heated a needle redhot and had another teamster jam it down into the cavity to kill tho nerve. Still it jumped and thumped till tho poor f el low was pretty near insane. 'Boys, Bhe's got to como out,' he shouted to his companions as he pulled np his team. "They all stopped, wound their linos around their brakes and climbed down. ''How can wo get her out?' asked ono of them. 'I don't know,' groaned tho victim, 'hut she's got to come. ' "Ho opened tho jockey box on his scat and rummaged around in it, fiiTTil ly producing a Email hatchet and a big naiL " I guess you'll havo to drive her out with this, ' said he, and ho sat down on tho ground and hung on to a buck eye bush with both hands, whilo one of his companions placed tho end of the nail against the side of tho tooth aud hit it with the hatchet. The first lick niado the teamster jump and yell, but ho set tled down for another one. The second I uown ior luioiner one. auo heconu ke loosened it up, and after a lot of iuiing tho teamster viKcl tho per- ratiou off his face, climbed on to the stroke groaning spirat: buckeye and said : " 'Hit her again, boys!' "Tho third lick scut the offending molar flying. " San Francisco Post. Father Iarcy'a Witty Ketort. Concerning the celebrated Father Dar cy, probably the greatest wit of that witty nation, Ireland, it is related that ho once visited tho palatial .mansion of a perfect specimen of tho nonvcaux rich es, who lived in tho neighborhood of Dublin, at tho invitation of its pompous owner. He was shown all over tho house, his host taking great pains, as is habitual in such cases, to keep the wit I ty and observant priest well informed as to the cost of all the beautiful things he was shown. Finally, after making the complete tour of the chateau, the li brary was reached, its tremendous shelves groaning under tho weight of thousands upon thousands of volumes re splendent in the most magnificent bind ings. Hero they st ated themselves, and the host said, with a sigh of snobbish exultation: "Well, father, I havo brought you here last becauso this is my favorite room. Tho other rotmis may give pleasure to my wife and my daughters, but this is my place right hero among these books, who are my friends. And these hero on tho desk, " pointing to a scoro of ultra looking volumes, "are what I may call my intimate friends. " Father D;ircy got up aud examined ono of them, when a broad grin spread over his good natured face as ho said: 'Well, it's glad I am to see that you never cut your intimate friends. " Milr waukco JournaL Developing a Cathodogrraph. In developing a cathodograph picture it is noticeable that tho development goes on all through tho film, back as well as front This is not tho case with ordinary camera exposures, which de velop from the front toward the back of tho plate. Tho behavior noted is with the cathodograph an indication of the fact that tho sensitive film itself is largely transparent to the cathode rays, and therefore lets them through without fully utilizing them. If they could all bo absorbed and made to do chemical work, our time for making an impres sion would be much abbreviated. Eli hu Thompson in Century. What to Do Before ISicjcIine. First get a vial of arnica, some court plaster, two bits' worth of oil of sassa fras and a pound of raw beef. Then prepare your soul for afiliction, and " as a matter of precaution see that your ac cident insurance is paid up and your peace made with heaven. This all done, and you are prepared to take your first lesson on a bicycle. Galveston News. The czar of Russia " is said to havo among his household an understudy, singularly like him in appearance, who shows himself at the windows of rail way carriages and the like when his majesty does not wish to be disturbed. The swallow has a larger mouth, in proportion to its size, than any other bird. He needs it too, for he does all his feediug on the wing, aud a big j siouth ia a great convemenca Providence conceals itself in the de- ' tails of human affairs, but becomes un- I veiled in the generalities of history. Lamartine. V 1'Iensaiit Surprise I'urly. I fOI.Ll-.tJl-. Mli.i, NOI'i'.- The comfortable homo of Geo. Ii:.y j u.hUo vl:aUiZ.l a, ,, ::u-wa-s ruthlessly invaucd by a if'-p : ln P water spout V-d mi : wt- h...'. party of -his friends last evening, who ! ot-iy u nioi shower in the r:;.st ai:sg. made it. singularly convenient to call j i he n.-u-a.igo of Carl Staudor and while he was out riding with F. H. j MI.-.& Bicker of i01mw.i.d to U place i steiinkcr, !.-. it, was Mr. liav s 101 ! V- s-co!id birthday, and SteimU or and other menus ot mu lamny eun-, hpited to givo him a s-v.rprire, which ; proved quite geuuino and was nUa ' social success. Ovr sixty guests wc: o j present, and when Gourde i:ot ovjr ius j as-toni&hmeiit ho made a rait trcmai host, being ably jusisted by Lis wif-j j and daughters. Byron Ci wK, fu l e-1 half of IrieiuKspi e-euUd Mr. Hay witii : sin elegant leathet b.icic ta.i chair, while Mrs. II iy ;iiid unug!.te;-s pro- ! scu ted him with a combinativn desk j and book case. j Nice lefi-eshmctit.-; wire ervnl and ; the cveuiig panned away uelifi hi I ui ly, the guests i)-lii o departing l-r thi-ir; homes uniting in in-.-a wisii.-s Ur in my more equally as picant i:at -i a:i:ii- ; ver.-a rR-s. i t tKui A 1'. -V M. j At tho Masonic election Hist evening the following ollicors were l,-r'.o:: Henry J. Helps, W. M. Adam Kurtz, S. V. Michael Archer, J. ". A. W. White, Ti e-as. Henry 11. Gering. S-.-cy. T. V..Ju.yan, ii. I). II. 15. ILiyo--, J. I). II. 15. Huigcss, chapliii::. S. C. Wilde, S. Hol t. Sherwood, J. S r.-trC. Ddbh, tiler. llurlarn ii .slii:i:l j Juraiars went through lie- p.;.- j toilet ;tt Ashiaud lasi nighl, having- i f- j fec'ted an entrance thi oug !i li - rear door. Ttu-y 'ailed to ge' the iiisii! i doors of the safe .-;;. u and tily I cured about !., which had hct-n Ivit I in the uft.-ney d: awM 'i'la-y aisol -ur-i giari.eu-a new.-.; flaud, but on:y sue-j eeedtd ill tTctting away with boat two j dollars.. They lei i r:o c . tic as to ttseir ' identiiy. List of ii',lllii-N l.o It'll. The bo. i:u of education si.leeled t'ae. folimvingr teachers at its mooting la-rt night: Mis.-es Aide: a triark, 1-iary Jani;i;u, Alice V ilet-tr, ilih-a Adam.-, -Villi;! Uelr-Jl, Alice .'datm Vlareai.tit Lshophcrd, Mar-'arvt W ri-'ht. Teresa' if ea--d soener or later. "4 our wile. , ,,. M , ,- tti,. j -.vi l thci know th it vou rt-aily ttaro for ! , v jtar an t u th to protect ner he-iUh. cllle lJ"wk-,Vl,! i:i' i:',u Vj;ls- ! Fie- sale i.v ail drutrg-i-t. i 1-.. ...1.. t . . . ir:.i .1 Ulaneh Kennedy, L.rura K i a k--ad , Malt'e Williams, Lottie Smith. (Jr.oe Wiles, Cassie lit! pp. Nioaik. Xi:i' vi'H. Some wretch iiivutiid I'!:-.-. Cu cellar last uight or night befuro stole over half a barrel of pork wl : r. -,: li-h '. , ',, '" " u;-s nuiuiiii 10 su 1 1 1 iu wu.iais, iina at this time is not a pleasant one, as she Las a large familv to care for. let- Crciim 1'urior. Charley Sitcphcrd and Jluj-h Itolxii ts will open an ice cream parlor in the" (wo front rooms over Morgan's store Situriiav moriiiiijjr. icy will 5-e't Lj'ck's finest crtiaiu and evcrythinir will bo first ciiis; in aiid see them. Don "t ferret to call l'illsliur; Kvi u.-miiii.. .June ti, 7 anl S. Via Pennsylvania S!:oi-t Line from Chicago, account North American S .engrerfost. Ot!icial train will leave Chicago Union Station, T:'"lp. in. Sun day, June 7. 10. oi) round trip. For particulars address !) ri 11 g, ."J 1 s South Chirk st., Chieairo. List of I.etti-rs Kcmaiuin;- uncalled for in the post office at riattsmouth, May liTtli, l.S'.i'i: Lilisoii, W.hii M i.j re. Manao Ncls.ii!, J.aiii A Kciise, C Si anlita. Jii' (ii iit..ia. mmpi IVrsons calling for any of the anove letter;, or packages vviil please; say ;ui vcrtised. W. K. Fox, 1 '. M . To Pari iili ami iu.irili.ins. Complaint has been made of the wanton destruction of vacant pro pert v by boy. Vou are earnestly request. 1 to use jour inllucnco .and authority to put a stop tu this evil Deletion will bo followed by severe pan i-h itien t to the gui.ty ones. .1. A. Ci tsou:, Mavor. I). C. Kki:k, itv C lerk. At 4'oI'iij:,ii's. ram HI -tior-orv. Mono- tiled i'iate Work. .Callinir Ca; ds. Wedding t vtione.-y of !inct sty;e. at Coieidan 's, he having ac-cpo.,j ihi Hgency lor a i'voiir.g- hou.-e in f!iiea-o. Call ai d see sainoie.-. Vc I iivi. Movol To tur new ioi'.liori in Djvey's bio where wo w iil b jieaed lo s- e o old as well as new customers. Hl.son, tho Cloth iei'. A nc ountiiln of w J ) U llowtng j-., IHaUomtmth and you cm secure, i!ie.-,pirk-tH liquid obt iiied therefi oiu al 1-.j n-jr gaiion. Wo "vo -:taino-l the agency of ti:e already f uiious Lloyd's llncrzil Wtitcr and can furnish it in any quantity, jrieat or sni ill in its n.-ilural state us it hows from a depth of fi) feet thru; ti solid rock. It is opocially ttlication in lttioiunatisin and all kidney diseases. It is n-a a purgative ImL a laxitivc so e.-iillo that it corrects arid regulates tl.r boweia without gvipir-g and is thorough- ii'eetivo even in the most .-evire ease- of constipatio'!. ilring your TJi? aloni'. A ,!t. Ji t- SIfTJf Wlf A JSHIX; VOL,! rHIiSCKif'TO.VS Ti f.S aA&aia&AA& AAfcAAiitiAAi6AidAAAilAAAAAAA ' I Mjjjjjj)jj-jajjMj)jj : 1 nurs'tiav a- mo r,:uiv'o ; .:ii';n..i ! eh arc h rch and w-i a verv p.. :a ;:.i ur I J'ilLO .1 CI f .til.' : a 1 tesi'.llii 1 i-i:;i:iii;M!V. i F.triuo:-. art- hai i at i.-iv caitivNt- M IX the.ir cor i. ve. y I lit io ivp'au'.ii.;: being dene here. A gi-ral ie.il of 17 iv:il er t wt ut to the l.oul.-viile e ev.itor, Ml:'! i money will be. :e;v: ::.'!.' ' tiie farmers. Hiss Minnie G utnm-iiiii, ti l.wii um. topped iiv. 1 J L L 1 Willi ' ,i ii .v liouis :it Culit ge i riiLile to 1 'i;it tsiji i. il ii l attend f ),-.ur 1 1 in:i ii i v ri v.ces. .Niis Anna c itj. i-.iiti. i Piuti-.- "inoulh. enjued oi.u.ity ;ife l.r a le-A f weeks, vii-iung Willi iier oareni.-. O.ir !'.!; Uh i just watering fo - oine di III ; cheeriot, to lie l ife- Ih ii ai e r.ipi'.liy turning. Wo are glad to he-ii lii.t. M".-. lie;n v L hniie;! i n, c i v i :g Siioi, :,ti; iuUnu the Linioln s. n i' v : u 1:1 f r rheumatism. The b-it-eniei.t ot tho In nil.. ! .mi i.y ii:i s hurch vvi i he i ooipieied i :i .e.r.xt ;-iin Ja :-1 1 1 e V. i I ' he . fie t noon 1 he (CIV! ii; liihers ot al T the t'eii;o- CieeK-iiu: i 'i w 1 1 ; -e r 1: a i ; v--1 i i t . Ke part in the e- re.j.en y. .I'M A large crowd of peop.e aic e. b : proeat. .'V I- t.1. to mil- i ur. .1. j l.v aj.p!.e;it!i.lis. ;i , th-.-y .:.ii:i. i y'.,' IML-L'-.I li U.'I. (1 liu: t .il. iiu lc j a ii' cat.- I ci ;er! 1 1, at is ! c aist a u i :. I ; ii.ii ren;f.iii:s. i ;i..ii!.c.- i atiic1 hynn iallanu'd ! i ,!:i!.e,.M'- (.f tin- n.i.ci.a-. iitiiiJi; ot the Ka:-lai.lii.in ' Tiil't. hcii ia.s tuiic ix-ti aitiaine I ua havo a ! i;,!!'Miii.: MtHiut or :iiijcilcct hcariiijr. an. I viicii it ' is i.- t.ic: lli.iii'.i l.stiic r:--u!l. an-1 tin- tfc u.ii tM'iati..:i can l taKi-n ( u: ana !iis it-t.i'c! t.i it-, in -i tii.it cnin!:! :.,!. iit-arir.K will ti ivi-t r.u-'.ei; naic cases uat ei ten aio t.') t,v i-at .rii:. v.lsih is n.jt'iin;' i.-i.t .111 111- i!.:n.i.-l mil ' '.Mii .il '.lie inaci'ii si. tin. es. 'A e v ;; ne t lilt 1 l'..!i'!rol 1 luiiais sny c.i i n! 1 'i.iiiu .s e'i'ii-'e ' iy iHtaiiio that i.iiiii it in: i:,i,',i!'',i! iii'.: Ci.laiia Cure. ea.l tm -r ai i es. nee K. J. C1I1..M--V .V C-i . t'..'e.! . l. k . ' i.y I ): um;'.-'ts. i"i:. Huh io Triut a Wilt-. 1 !..! I'a .aic Health J .11111 .1 i l- US', You mii;. li.'t-i for O:' CO'itJ !-t a wil..-; seconil, pallet. t have great tiials i.ml per in your Irjsines-', I -aL do t.ot , c irry In your home :i cloudy t.-il orov. Voijr f.afe inav I ve lylu-, wti !'., though of leys liiiiiiit'.ni . n: hear. " A kind will ii- wenaei 13- in- hard for her to vo'd, a tender word, s in ehasiny from her ! n o'.v a'.! cioijds of iootn. io tiiis . e jwoidd ;;vid iil'.vays keep a bottle of Cauii! Iain's C .; h lit tiled v in the ho.i-e. It i tie; I .e.-a and is S ite to be later. our Viet-; tiiiil 1'iiiits Mmim- t Onii'i'. T.'.etniiv v.;;y to nave u suit or pair of paiit-i made to 0 t iter sensibly is, to w.iik liit'.i ;i Liiai'.: l.iiii.r shoii arid le.ivi' your order. I lie citv VOL The work being done in can see your garment made. We put up clothing cheaper I than th.'r Om iha tailors, not b-dngun der sue a heavy e.ypcns:.-, doing our ov:i work, and a Is cheaper than the Chicago cheat) John factories. Vou don't 'v;mt only the name "custom made,"' but you want tho lit and work-niaiir-hi p, too. 'c can niaky you a suit that will eost but little more than shelf goods Come iu before you buy a ready-made suit and look over our large assortm. tit of suitings and fancy p. mling.? to select from, and you vviii had tho prices low. To got a lit and mochanicil wor U ni'inship, which are guaranteed, "y.u rhoula ;.i;ico your order with us. We ;.lsu do cleaning, dyeing and re pairi ag, to whicii wo give prompt :it-: t.-iiti',ii. J. C. I'TAK, Ua.-cment l;iuk Cass Co. II..W Is I II is .' A coiuplete suit tif Imported Clay wor-t-d. F.nglish black sorgo, black or blue cheviot the line.-.t mate: ial vil) tie in ide far :KlU by J0I111 Jlak, the tailor-, usidcr Hank of Cass county. Trousers fo' Sf.od. A tailor-made sui I , :iic.'ii!ip as a 'hiiiid-riie-down, " and one tl.:il is gu 11 antoed to lit and will last twice as long, can bo bail by leav ing your measure with l't.tk, the tailor. Don't patronizo Chicago work men whoti you cm get better gtvds and a better lit as cheap al home. I'iist iirc IVrsons wishing to fatten cattle and horsr.-: on blue grass and clove r jn ui re of if. V'. Beaver, Cedar Creek, Neb. Cat'lo ") cents and horses 1 a month for the season. 'I'lm t':i.s t'oui'iv ialry. i 1 i'itj t i i i nr e-leaa f.-f.-h and ;.,i-e. ."'! i : k, i" i-aiii o, Mutl.e milu deliver d voar r every day. "it. 1 HilAN, t'lOf.. J or .S.iii-- One se' s:i;;:':e harness a i d oi:n s.idu e.hi:". iiotfi ii.-W Dlt. W. II. IlKAiilMi I H'-ii what Jiw.i.l .t:!l:.:.puiila ihiV.ti, j that ti lls liicsti.ry i.r jr-; merit an., suc- ccs. Ilciiiemb'er iOOD'S CurOC. AwAAAacii!(tirjAAAfiAAiAA4AA I.1T0... V A' A I j a I 17 fA U Ki: u. 7 NOTHIN BUT THE GENU1N f- - u i . you vmmMWm TIM smfpm r.tm 'mmse.vt'-.i VV a. Who 1 s the Most Popular i my In V f In order to satisfy this question I Frank J. Morgan... ...Plaftfimouth'K-. Leading Clollticr, will offer a way to the solution. For every Pi 1 ft I dollar received, either for goods pur 9 chased or on open account, we will give T ;i cnrcl entitling tho .) -this question. The vote will be published Ag f? every day and week in the papers so you & 7 i"v- n Innt,'. nf- ri-v-. f ! rv- A -III l. V y I I V V U V I y I I ;d lc i iiuj, Liit; vuimy iu uiust; at i j uiuutv sharp on July 4, 1896. The lady receiv ing the highest number of votes will be declared the most popular lady in Cass County and will receive a handsome 9-? High Grade... ...Ladies' Bicycle. ? f ....With this object in view we have taken extra pains in selecting our Spring Stock f of Clothing and Furnishing Goods and i you will find that we can suit the most fastidious in color, pattern or price. ....All voting to be done at Bank of Cass County, bicycle on exhibition at our store. 9 a 9 13 LEADING 4 He Is Bead... 'J o !ii . nMi iati -ix- ts tthuil...' ii. .t r.i t Ms Wiit Ji aii'l J.-w.-li y rrp:iili-i! I) a MKlll l!iu llll'li-l-st.ints Jiis lisisinf"-; All r-.--nii lug .In ii..- I.y 6 6 6 r m a . . a . , V ft v The Jeweler, Is luMy l . I r . 1 1 1 1 . . I an. I cM-rv 1 is wai iaiiti-l to Im- 'iiticli: as rt"ji' .i-.'itr l A c!il-tc 'iin: ol W.it 'n-.i. Clniii . .-i r i t Jrivcl.v J One. Door F;Af.t ol tii OU Stand, V 9 PLATTSMOUTH, ISr.ll. I BE. 1 8. EMU DflfflSJ. ti ExtraGtrS Tectfi i . Without Pain. ir .-Via D.-ii' tl i.;n-iatii.iis i;rt..r!iu-. in tiic in t ...s: .l.io manner iy tin- latent s ii-ntihi initli.nib. A (.'uaiaiili't :tli all w -iic. VVatennan Clock. Piattsmouth 5f-fiH fil VVANTED-AN IDEA(&?ko tlmiB to iKitent ? l'rotfct TOuril.H : thevmaw I Pnw you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDElt- Jlb'KN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington, l). C, for their $l,bw prize ullcr. M IToRSTAN D IJ I Yon will find one coupon liisulo each two ouneo Iuk and t wocoufMins Inside each fouromico tuiKof Iiiuckwcll'M lurliiiia. lu-a hag of this roU liraU'd tolnu-ro and road the foiiim vhi-h kIvcs a li.-l of vulnalile presents and how to get tln.ni. 6 Cass County? t the Public Mind on 6 t 6 6 6 6 6 holdnr to ten votes on & o ctrrtfV r nno c4 A I 1 II KJ V V W L II W 1 1 liW vi K. " t i 4 6 6 6 6 N CLOTHIER. HEW : flPVTIS&M&NT Thero is fun in the foam, and health in the cup of HIRES Rootbeer the great temperance drink. Kii.li- onlr hr Thi- O ,rln R. nilT Cn., Phllail.-lpliU. a iM. (..kikgc tujjuh i (WltKU, tuld IIUJ Uci. v PARKER'S CINCER TONIC Mintp. Luiiji Trnuhlra, IVhllity, rtlrpMlnff vunnmr h .n. l.-iiiair uia, unu ill nova tor me Inn nirrM wh.-n .11 ouitr in i ih. r.verr mnttit tnfl mvnlt.l .ho.jil h.v.- If. I PARKEH'S ?, l HAIR BALSAM fr.tk-Jr 'St -J ,!CTtiM orid br.nl.fini tl.B h.lr. .y:lft .i""""" FiJl. to) Il"iitcre Ory T- . .li f . 11 l-rfrFMtri . laxurinnt aTf.wth. i nik"r. u , T iir o 11. yoiitiirui color. ''l aV. 1 1 Cure, aralp tu.tr lmiuu. I HIKDERCORNS Throrlyinirr Cm for Curun. blup a .iu. Miike. ikuig cy. loc t lru.tu. Cl.trht atrr'. FnaTllMh IM .ui.m.1 llrun 1. . UrUrlaal and Only Hi nitlr.r. ;4 safk, alwart r'ilnul'i. iricti n -".-1 JtrureiiH tor Ch rhtr m . I f- Yl-Jj"" Im with Uii rif-rmn. lukn Mt li?Sjv vJBO 9thtw K'usr. d'tny ft ou A74f,tnv v I Xk 6M4 Vj ail ooai lruiaU. i'bllatdak, 1'n. BEESON & ROOT. fUtomoys-at-L.'i Odice over First National Hank. PLATTSMOUTII, NKHUASKa1 H. D. TRHIS, ATTORNEY : AT : LAW, Plattsmouth, IM Prna-t lue Inali th"! onurts stiitfl and Fid ral I'rotupt atttin Hon rfi vrti to all tin -lines') entrusted to bitu. O iir (iimj ma muuiiiiH'. At i.ruri.f., ..r m Qc. jf In atarn ft iHirtlrul.-ir.. t...tiii,.rjial . an I "KrUf rr l.aill.," Iri.r, l rrl.nn X P M.IL IO,ll I ..u, ...... iil, S'lm' I i, ,r r fk lbrtair kcamlcaJ IW U.IU.iiK,,... t A J I V ( 7 'j i