THE SEMI-WEEKLY XKWS-IIEKALP, PLATTSMOUTII, NEB., JUNE 3,1896. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S.Gov't Report 1 3 i'i i S3 ' ' THIS IS A PICTURE OF ONE OF !NRU J is,4:, i A FINE ANTIQUE BED-ROOM SUITE. TfkJJ 60MPFTIT10N KiLLbRSe i ' s .4 i t I i Ik X l CITY BREVITIES. MONDAY. "Attorney Williim Delles Dorri'ior of Klmwoinl is in tho city today on Iccpil husi nosH. The niiicltino shop dop u tmont of thr? II. S M. v:'iit on :i tiir.o hour Mcb.-dulo t!ii- morniir. Hon. It. 1. Windham w:is c-nlled to Nt'oraska City on important legal i.ustne.s this tnortunr. County Attorney C. I'olk went to I.ineoln this morning to attend au premc eourt tomorrow. J. L. I.ootaiid Ilyron Clark arc tak" iiifr homo depositions in Omaha today to be usod in the m'tit-hitl ease. A Kansas City Star man, a Ueo man ami two Worid-I Ierald men are in town today e.-iri vasHing" for th ir respeetive liapers. V. W. L'oatts and wife have gone to Doi elie.-.ter to attend the funeral of.Mr. Conies' iiin-ic. They expeet to return Wednesday evening. Samuel W'augh and wife and l G. Frieke. liavo gone to Miruieapolis on a pleasure trip. They will ti'3 the lakes thereabouts for lishing. Harry liarthold and K. S. Harker departed this afieriioon on company busirwss for Dead wood, S. expoct ing to le absent until Saturday moi n ing. Jl.irry Toslovin,' the I'oiisii count w lit) reprcr-en ts tin: Western Newspaper Union with signal ability, was in the city today looking after tho interests of nis company. Spei ry IlufTner has secured a good position with a liorist in Council UlutTs, anJ departed for that place yesterday. S erry is ah. ight active hoy that will succeed in anything ho undertakes. The Kansas City Star and the Oma ha Worhl-llerald are heing delivered in this city by W. W. Coatcs for lo trills per week. Tho Star is tho fiesi paper ".nhli-l-ed in Kansas City, and with the World-Herald is fast taking the oiaee of the li'.'e. Uarl Kirk ham, the suecesr-ful ity editor of the .louinal, is tin- d'-iighteii father of a n i ::e-po.ind hoy, which ar rived at ois Ikhik: Friday evening. The mother and son ae gelling along nicely and with careful nureing it is thought ll.-itt will n cover. A weii authenticated rumor is in cir u!alio to the e!Te t that I2'.irliii,r lou Trainmaster I loniette lias retigr:ed his position to accept the management of I) t'. Thompson's coil'ee '. a:it-.l ion in Mexico and that Conductor Cat ter will succeed him as train master. Dr. Hritt received a telegram yes terday ftoni 1 'arsons, Kansas, ;in no'incing the dcatii of his brother, who will In: orought to Malvern, I:u. for in terrmetit. The funeial will take place Tuesday, when the remains wiil be 1 lid by t he r ide of the father in Mal vern cemetery. The t.-aiti belonging to Adam Welier ran away Saturday and Unshed into the bngiry in which M rs.J acob Trietch was riding, throwing her under, the feet of her team and erushinir tho bugiry io sptiiiteis. And remarkable as it :!;'.y seem Mi s. Trietch was not injured in the least.' Those who looked oi. thought she houUI be fatal ly injured or killed out right. The Christian union social held at tho residence of .Nels Murray Fi iday evening was dito a social success. Ni;:e dollars was added to the treasury and a most delightful evening was p.issed by the large crowd that was present. Liberty chapel was one of the pioneer churches in this county, hut i t- membership never seems to grow old, or neglect an opportunity to do good. Tho many friends of Professor Mc Clclland will regret to learn that he lias accepted the ?iijerintendeiicy of the city schools at Sioux Falls, S. I)., and will therefore remove from this -ity. Miss McClelland has accepted the principalship of the high school at Ml. I'le isant. Ia. I?y the change the city loses two of its best educators, while in poeial circles Mr. and Miss McClelland will be greatly missed. While in this city Saturday night the rc.-idenco of Itoy Tlritt in Omaha was burglarized and fully $100 worth of wearing apparel taken. Mr. IJiitt's wardrobe- was thoroughly denuded, T-hilo Mrs. Britt lost an asirakaii cape and a pair of opera glasses. The burglars were evidently frightened away, as the silverware which they were about to wrap up was 'left behind. Tiiis is the second time they have been visited by thieves since they moved to Omaha Will Richardson, a prosperous far mer who h 3 resided in this county for thirty yeai s wiil call on tho farmers as a representative of a reliable nur sery immediately after harvest. There is no excuse for placing tree orders with strangers who arc not respon sible, and men who do it doserve to lose their money. The planting of good stock, true to name, is very im portant, nnd this makes dealing with .a responsible resilient agent a reai necc.-sity to those who do business on business prioci pics and care for success. $2.--0o or ;i,oCM) to loan on a good quarter .-ection of laud in Cass county. J. M. Leypa. borrowing - The sign of this borrowing is thinness ; the result, nerve waste. You need fat to keep the blood in health unless you want to live with no reserve force live from hand to mouth. Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil is more than a medicine. It is a food. The Hypophosphites make it a nerve food, too. It comes as near perfection as good things ever come in this world. Be surf ye grt Scotft Emultlon wiem you UhxkI it and not a chtaf substitute. Scott & Bowne, New York, aii Druggists 50c. and $1. CALL KOK KII XTY CON VKNTIO.V. The republicans of Cass county are called to meet in convention in the city of Plattsmouth on Saturday. June M, Is:;, at 1 o'clock p. ni.. for the purpose of electing twenty-six delegates to the state convention at Lincoln, July 1, l.S'.W, dele Kates to the itoat convention for Otoe and Cass counties, for the selection of a county-central committee, for the nomination of the fofffiwing oliicers: One senator, two members of the legis lature, one county attorney, and for the transac tion ol such business as may properly come be foie the convention. The primaries will be held on Saturday. June G, IN'.', and representation is based on the vote of Hon. J. 1. Stiode, om; delegate for every fifteen totes and major fraction thereof, and one deto nate at large from each ward and precinct. Dclow will be found lime and place for holding primar ies and number f delegates each waid and pre cinct is entitled to: ii:l. ... H ... 6 ... H . . . 0 .. . 7 ...11 ...lit ...10 ... r, ... 8 Avoca. Ilutchin's school hoube, S p. ni Center, Mauley..' p in Kiglit Mile t 'rove, lleil school house, 3 p m Kluiwooil. M unlock, H pin (iieenwood, voting place, 2 p in '. Liberty, Union, I to a p in Louisville, f p in Nehawka, school house, T p m Mt. 1'Ieasaut, 1'leasaut View school: 7pm.. Kock lllulis, 1st ilist., Aiuriay, s p m, Kock Llulls, 2d dist.. school house. 7 n m . . . .south licml, school house, a p ni C Stove Creek, Khuwom!, h p in 1.1 1 ipton. Kagle, 7 pm. 9 W eeping Water pre. Cascade school, ti p ni 6 S .It Creek 9 l'lattsuiouth pre., Taylor school house, 5 p in... t'lattsmouth city,lt ward.Goi der bldg 4 tots p ni N " 'iti uti, school house, 4 to bp m 12 " "ird wd. luni otlice, 4 to 6 p M-..1.J " 4th wd. police judge's ottice... 10 " " aih wd. school lioure.4 toti p m. 6 V W City. 1st war J, ti A K hall, to U p m fi ward, council chamber 8 to U p in,. 5 " &J ward, lumber ottice, 8 p in S W . H. Nkwkll, Chairman. Suits and 1'iiutM lalo to Order. Tiie only way to have a suit or pair of pants made to order sensibly is to walk into a home tailor shop and leave your order. The work being done in tho city you can see your garment made. We put up clothing cheaper than the Omaha tailors, not being un der such heavy expenses, doing out own work, and als. cheaper than the Chicago cheap John factories. You don't vant only the name "custom made,' luit you want the lit and work manship, too. Wo can m:tk;i you a suit that will cost but little more than shelf goods. Come in before you buy a ready-made suit amK look over our large a-soi tiuent of suitings and fancy panting to select fiom. and jou will find the prices low. To get a lit and work manship, which are guaranteed, you r-houla place your order with lis. We also do cleaning', dyeing and re paii ing, to which v.e give prompt ai untion. J. C. I'TAK, 1 5acinent lla-ik Car-s Co. All Ooixl KfpiihtlfailH Should make a point of attending the National Convention, lo be heid ai St. Louis, Tuesday, dune K'; h. Tho cxiH-nso is not great if. you Like the linrliiigtou. On the loth.. 11. and l."ih. id June, you ran purchase a round trip ticket lo St. Louis at the one way rate. Think isn't it worth a lew dollars a few days lime to sen the next president nominated? Full information tin application to any agent of the li. cc M. H. 11. H or by addresing J. Francis, lien'l. I'ass'r. Agent, liurlington Ki.ule, Omaha, Neb. Go to Tom Walling ior reliablo ab stracts. Conve3rancing a sfK-cialty OHice first door east of t he eourt house. Attention, Vet t;iih. The coming reunion of tho veterans of Otoe, Cass, Lancaster, Sarpy and Saundei s counties, to bo held at Ween ing Water July 1-4, promises to equal in interest that of two years ago.wnieh was held on the samo grounds. The committees in charge of tho different .departments are hard, at work perfect inn the details which will inaKo this reunion one of pleasure to all who visit it. Come prepareit to sjiend the four days with the lioys who wore the blue from '01 to 'ti"). Khruinatism Cured in a lny. "Mystic Cure" for llheumatim-"and Neuralgia radically cures in oho to three days, its action upon the sys tern is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at onco tho cause and the disease immediately disapticars. The first dose greatly benefits, 76 cents. Sold by F. C Fricke & Co., druggists, lMattsmouth, Neb. Lnglish Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Dlemishes from horses, llood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, 1 Ung-Ilor.e Stifles, Sprains, all S woolen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save &!) by use of one bottle. Warranted tho most wonder ful Hiemish Cure ever known. Sold by F. G. Fricke A: Co., druggist?, Piatls- inouth. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. from health. If you have borrowed from health to satisfy the demands of business, if your blood is not getting "that constant supply of fat from your food it should have, you must pay back from somewhere, and the somewhere will be ft Dm the fat stored up in the bodyJ - when you buy inferior soap instead of the genuine The favorite of every woman who ever used it either in the laundry or for all around the house cleaning. Sold everywhere. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago. l'lt tsburgh KxcnrHioii. May 'it. . anl 'Hi via l'emiK) lvuiiia Short I.iin'H. For l'rohibition National Convention Low rate open to all over this double route, from Chicago. Solid daily trains from Chicago Union Station to Pitts burgh Union Station. Ask Dering, 2 IS South Clark St., Chicago, for time rates and return limit. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Application Fur Saloon I.ieeiin Notice is hereby Riven that I will apply to, the village board of Union. Cass county. Nebraska, for a licence to sell spirituous, vinous and malt liquors in block one ot said village for the en suing year, subject to the ordinances of the vil lage ami the laws of ihe state of Nebraska. Dated this lMh day ot .May, l:;. Jas. McLixni. In County Court. Htatk ok a. i Cass (Jou nty f To all persons interested in the estate of John liolschuh, deceased: Notice is hereby Riven that on the l'.'th day of June. A. I . ls'.x:. at the hour ot la o'clock a. in . at the county judge's ollice. in l'lattsuiouth. in said county, the petition, a-kiu for the appoint ment of 1 heodore St irkjohanu, as administrator ot raid estate, u ill be heard and considiifcd: at which time and place all persons interested may appear and show cause, it any they h ive, whv he -ho, ild not be appointed as mu h ai'iuiiiistiator. Witness my hand and seal ol said county coiiit at l'lattsuiouth. tiiis l'.'th day of May. A. l. i'."";. (Seal- GtOKi.K M. SrlKi.iM K, County Jud'e. Notice of Sale. In the district court of Ca-s count y. Nebraska. In the matter ol the estate ot Wiiliani V. Conn, deceased. Notice is heu-by piven that pur-'u.iut to an or der ol the lion, ilasil KaniseV. judj-e ol the di ira t court ol Cass county, Nehr isk.t. made on the'Ulidayof May. lv.ii. toi the sale of the reai estate hereinafter descubed, theie a ill be so! t it the south door ot the court house in I'lailsiiioiilh. Cass county, Nebraska, on Ihe JtHii day ot June. -'.;. at 10 o'clock a. 111. ot said day at pubiic eii due to the highest bidder lor cash, the billowing leal estate, to-wit: Lot uiuctetn I In 1 lones' lust addition to the vii laj;e ol reeiiw.'od, and lots h", Ii uinl :iU in Lie Village ot Greenwood, all inX'ass comity. Ne braska. Said sale to remain open one hour. J t n n 1-. I'm k. Administrator of the Instate ot Wiliiam W., ilecea- ed. I 4 t . S. I oIk. Attorney tor .Vliimiistiat.n. May l:i. ls:i. "Shcrd'fsi Sale. !y virtue of an order of sale issiii'd hy tieiiriro Mouscwortli. t lerk of t In) d strict court, within ami for eniinty,.olraska, . anil to mo ilirei-ted. 1 will on t ti .- tit li day of I Juno. A. II., Is'.Hi, Ht 11 o eloek a. in. of s.-ml : day at tho south door of the court house in I ihfliMtv of I'l 1 1 tsinoiit li. lii suit cnuiilv. sell 1 al. pul.lie aucl Ion. U tne liigtn-st. tiulner for j asli. tilt! loliowmg liorsonai progeny uiwii. tlno eerttiin promissory note in words anil liirures as follows: 9'.l'4V.l'iii. l'lattsiiirnith. Ni'l)., April l.i. is Hi. On or lipfori Anrll J.. ww. niter nate l promiso to pnv to the order of .1. W. Johnson. Samuel W.iuzn and John I. Ferguson, ref- Auiiio I ....... v .-i 1 1 c viv.qiy null itik.iuii nni. lars. at 1' ts.noiitli. iNelir nska, wun inter- I est tlii reon from ilato at tlio rate of eight i uer cent per unnum, payaiile annually. ilue recelvetl. jNo. Hue Charles C rarmele. And endorsed on the oaek as ronows: I'ny to the order of ILirvey llnlloway. sbentT of Cass county, Nebraaka. witliout recourse. . ... . J. W. JIINSON. SAMUFI. WAUCII, John 1. Fkiuhon. Tl. bein ' levied utxin and taken as the property of Jell'erson Meeker and Myrtle Karnes, satisfy a Judgment of said court recovered ny James u. nomine. plalntilT acainstsaid defendants, l'lattsuiouth, Nebraska. May -1st, II., lKllt'l. Hahvky Hoi.ix)vav, SherifT. Cass county, Nebraska. Sheriff's Sale. F.y virtue of an order of sale issued by George F. Houseworth. clerk of the district court within and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me di rected. I will ou the 27th day ot June A. 1). lsthi at 11 o'clock A.M. of said day at the south door of the court house in the city of 1'lattsmouth. in said county, sell at public auction, to the highest Ditltier ior casli, tne ioiiowuig icai esiaie, io- n. Lot aid in the village of Greenwood, Cass county, Nebraska, together with the privileges and appur tenances thereunto belonging or in anywise ap pertaining: the same being levied upon and taken as the property ot John V. Folk, administrator of the estate of William W. Conn, deceased: Sena James. Elizabeth A. Abbott. Sarah J. Clapp, K. S. Norval and W llllam Al. Conn, defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by 1 1. L. Clapp, plaintilt, against saia cielenuants. l'lattsuiouth. Neb , May !0. A. I .. l!-. llARVKY Hol.LOWAY. Sherilf, Cass county, Nebraska. C. S. Folk, Attorney lor Flaintiit. Sheriffs Sale. Hy virtue of an execution of sale Issuo.'l by G. F. Ilousewort li, clerk ot the district court wltliln nnd for Cass county, NebrasKa. and to mo Hi reel oil, I will on the lilltri day of June A. 1. ls'.Mi, at 11 o'clock a. in. of said day, at the soutli door of the eourt house In the city of l'latlsmouth. In said count yKjM-ll at public auction tothehlili est bidder for cash, the following real estatt to-wlt: Lot six in the west half of tiie southwest quarter of section 7, town ship 'X r:m-u II: lot 51 In the soutneast quarter of t he southeast quarter of section li township li ran-'e l.'J: lot ;"; in tho south west quarter of the southeast quarter of section 12. township li range l-i; lot so In the northwest quarter of Ihe southeast quarter of ncction li township I.', ramie l:l: lot f- In t lie northeast qiiHi tor of tho southeast quar ter of section li towu li run;e l.i; the east half of Ihe northeast quarter of section li township li range l.i, in Cass county, Ne :i; also lot 7. in block !; lots 1 and i in block 10-. lot 4, tn block L'l; lots 7 i. nd-s. In bliH-k it: lots HI, 11 ami li In bioci 7ii; lots 11 and li in block 110 lots 1, a, 4. 5. ti, 7, s. . In II and li iu bloek VJI. In the city of I'latts inoiith, Cass county, Nebraska, together witli the prlviieires and sippmteiianees tlK-reurito li;ioii-jlng or in anywise apper taining, the same tx'ing levied upon and tal.eii us tne prpert v of Wil.inin II.Mi.ifer. Also tots I. i X 4. a and tt, in t'lnrk's Buh-di-v'slon of lot Hi. In sect ion is. township li raii;eU,tn the city of I'iattsinmitl.. Cass county. Netiraska. toellier wirti ttie urivi leges and appurtenances thereunto hclon; ing i tr in any w ise appert alninir. I he same lut ing levied upon ami laUenasthe property of Tiuiolhv tlark. All of the above des-ribed proiieriy br ing levied uiion nnd taken as the proitertV of William 11. Minfer nnd Timothy Clark, defendants. tosatNfy u judgfnent of said court riM-overert by The 11 ink of Cass County. plalntitT. agmnst Otis 11. Italiou. William L. Hrowne. Timothy Clark, William ll.Sliafer ami Steuben A. Uavis. tiefen.-rnr.ts. l'lattsuiouth. Neb . May is. A. I), is MS. IlAKVKV IIOI.LHWAV, SiieritT Cass County. Nebraska. Sheriff's. Sale. fly irt ue of an order of sale issued by George F. Houseworth, clerk of the district c'eik within and f.T Cass county, Nebraska, and tD mu di rected, I wiil. on the 2Dth day of June. A. I). l.sWi, at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day ariheeouth diior of the court house in the city of 1'lattsmouth. in said county, sell at public auction tn Hie high est bidder for cash, the following real sta e towit: commencing sixty-six leet east ol the south east corner ot block one 1 J Richie place: thenca cast i'HX ieet; north 144 feet: west 4a3.i feet: south 114 feet to beginning, being 4Xii leet eat and west by 144 leet north and south, in the southwest cor ner of lot 17. in section lit, in township li north in raiiRe 1'?, east of the Cth 1'. M in Cass coiinty, Nebraska, together with all and singular the her editaments and appurtenances thereunto bclonu ing or in any wise appertaining. The same be ing levied ution and taken as the property of William L. llrowne and Tillie I'. Lrowne, de fendants, to satisfy a judgment ot sai l court re covered by the l'ioneer Savings and Loan com pany, plaintilt aiain-t said defeiiJants. l'lViUsmoeth. Nebraska. May II. A. I).. W. ilAKVKV llol.t.OWAY, Sheritf. Cass county, Nebraska. Legal Notice. Samuel I'. Yanatta and F.liza J. Vanat ta will take notice as non-iesident defendants that on the lith day ot April, lS'.Mi. J. 11. I'ettibone and S. K. Nixon (oiinieiiced an action in the district court ol Cass county, Nebraska, against said de fendants, impleaded with Lirst iSational Bank of Llattsmoiith. et al , the object and prayer of which petition is to foreclose against lots 3 and 4 in block :i:i in Voting and Hayes' addition to the citv of l'lattsuiouth. Cass county, Nebraska, a certificate of tax sale of said lots made Nov. 7, ls'i'J. by the treasurer of Cass county. Nebraska, for the delinquent taxes thereon for lsifl, amount ing to ii.l.i, and additional delinquent taxes thereon lor the sum ot i7..7H. with 10 per rent in terest added on each of said sums from Nov. 7, lsvl, and lor costs of suit; tifrther. that on the same day the defendant 1'irst National liank of Liattsmoath tiled a cros -bill in said suit against said Samuel l'. anatta and KHz a J. Vanatta to foieclose a mortgage against said lots lor Sl.l'(K) with ! per cent interest ailed from February ;. l-'M. and on which there is line troin said Samuel 1'. Vanatta and i'.li.aj. anatta to said l'list Hank j I .IK (I willi '.i per nut interest li :n I eli. :. 'xouare I'eiiuii'jd to an-.w r s.r.d petition and cross pet i tioii oti or bcloie M.ii l;:, June 1 .;, or oin- del ;i;lt wi:l be taken, and s .id claim-; taken as confessed and judgment leli dered a-'conliugly. J. 11 I'l -nilioM'. AMI S. !". NlXttN AMI Till; l iKSI N.MlliNAl. LANK Ol- l'l..l iS.MCl 111. l!y Atlornejs lleeson & Knot. fcheriTs Sale. Ity v.rl no of an urilur of s:i! i.-sm-tl : y ('. I ', tlniisow m l li. e ei k of Wn t isi e.i ti l. witiiiu :inl fi?r Cas eon:.t.,,.Ni;'ir;isia.:iiiil lo mi d ircrli' I. 1 wii on.t in-Lit !i il ! y id -l uno. A i. ls'.i;'.. at II (t'riiick ,i. in. of s iio ii-,y it H.o soutli tioor of I lio eon r! lom-e inl'i- .-H V of l'l. it ts-noiit n. i.i . iniiity. s-ii ii'i i ! rlllet !:I!, to I l.e 111 - III si !., i . I (ot Ciivi. !:.c fnl iriyving .u riDed n-.i! est.l'e. lo-'.vn: Lot i."i;h! iS' ui liiv. i! ia.-l i-o l.i :o Vnen.i .': 1 la vs' ad ilt toil lo t In iif I'ia t:sn:on h. t'a-s emiiity, NeWi'.sU. . .-s tho s;m e is pi n t''I 'ind r;'. nrdod. to niin-r w i( it n ! t lo si,.-'iil.-it and bete lit .-. ineiit s aiift- a i'p 1 1 Ten -: iiri s 1 In-1 eiii.i 1 i' i ni j in or in a n v w ,i ; -peri ii: i n : t In' sii :n' be. n ' it'!o I i oon rid 1. k; li as tlio properly of I lull; -l . h-'i' S : an.! i;:; r j :i juil-j j t lir.rios i r.i .ion. s. tieli-ii.lanti. I i s .lisiy a ot s:ii. court r!c.v:--il hy i'ririiii' i. :i-i re'-i'i - ;-if T ! t-iii of l'l al tsinout !i. N.::iri-;i. p;:iui- . Z. IIS l iilll, i mu !g.l list said di-li-n ; I;! s it ; sinoti: !i. Z obrask '. M-e 7. A. I. r Is'.Hi. Il-H::v Hol.l.ioVAV, -In rili'. I.e;;al Notice. In the disH ict cmt 'l nss c I .iitv. Ni l. 1. 1' k. t'laintitl vs. The State Siaak of Mtndocl Nebraska. 1 leictidaut l'i..ler an ! b . vimieol ai V J id tl.e ,!;sti cj''"t t l.;t-s county. ieloasK.t. Ilo'l. li.lsll 1 1 1 1 1 y . i utere.l i. Kaiiiscv. Iiidge. entered i.: n Aiml l.i.h, '.. 1 . lsiui, reipiirmg notice id ti.e iihng oi ih , i ii:.i ; to be given lor six weeks prior to July l.ith, l!'t. No.v. therefore. 1, Oexur M. (Ju ickeiilm -h, as receive., do hereby notify ali persons h:iing chums against said liauk to tile the same with me at my otiice in First National llauk ol Greenwood on or before July 1 th. l.S'.ni. and that the same be piopeny yen.ieo upon tonus ly n:e luruislieu upon application I lurther give notice that upon July 1'tlh. ls!H. j at It) o'clock a. in., I will proceed upon the ex nminatioii of said accounts ami the disposing ot f them as by said order of the district court di- reeled. j All persons are further notified that all claims I not tiled by the time theiein given wiil be disal I iowed unless otherwise ordered by the judge ' ot said court. Dated at 1'lattsmouth, Neb., April JX. 1MM. DkXTKR M. OlJACKtNlll'SIl, As Receiver of the State ISatik id Murdock, Neb. Legal Novice. Adaline CriptH'n, Gurdon 11. . Crippen, llenja inin A. Gibson, Mrs. lieujamin A. Gibson, his wife, real name unknown, flliam C. Crippen. David C. Munson, Elliott Callander, Joseph t. Callander and Edward A. Uatigs, ti ustec defend antswill take notice that on the 2th day ot Feb ruary. Is'.;, the I'radhird Savings Hank ami Trust company, the plaintilt heieiu, hied its petition in the distiict court ot Cass county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer ol winch are to toreclosc a certain moitgage execut ed by Adaline Crippen and Gurdon IS. Crippen to one oenjamiii A. Gibson, and by said Benjamin A. Gibsou.sold and assigned to one George Leslie and by said Geoige Leslie duly sold anj assigned plaintilt. upon the west halt (wljiol the south est quarter (s ! j ). section thtee (:li, all ot the west hall wH) ol the northwest quarter inw'i) ol sec tion three till, eweept ihe right of way of th Lin coln branch ot the .Missouri 1'acitic ranroad. one hundred leet w ide, as now located; also the east hail (e' i) id said northwest quarter (iiu4) ol said section three i:) lying Jnoitii ol the railroad right of vay as now located, all in township 10 north ot range II east ol the the iith l'rincipal Medridian, in Cass county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of one certain promissory note with inteiest cou pons attached, said note dated May llth, lssti, tor the sum ot $iiiUM, due and payable June 1st, lv.'l, said mortgage provided that in case uiiy ot said notes or coupons are not paid when due, the whole sum secured thereby may be declared to be due and payable; there is now due on said note, coupons and moi tgage the sum of".' for which sum. with interest bom this date, plaintilt prays tm a decree that defendants be required to pay tiie .same, or that said premises may be sold to satisly the amount touud due. you are required lo answer said petition on or belore Monday, the i'.th day of May, Is'.Hi. Dated .April 14, l:ltf. C C. FLANSitl NO. Attorney lor Flanititt. Sheriffs bale. Ity virtue of an older of sale Issued by U. F. House worth, clerk of the district court with in and tor Cas county. Nebraska, and to mo nireeteis. i wi.i on -Mli day of May. A. D. is'.hi. at 11 o clock a. m. of u Id day at the south dour of the court house In tho city of I'lai isiooni ii. ni sai.I county, sell at nubile auction, to tne lii-liest bidder for cash, t he follow In-' real estate, to-wlt: Lots three ti'r. four ill an. live iri. m block six iii. in Smith Park addition to 1'luttsmout li, Cass cotuily. iNeor.ska. together with all and smguUr trie Hereditaments and appurtenances iriercniiio oeiou.'ing or in anywise upper iaimi!r; inc same liilng levied upon and J,"' s rue nropert v or Jolin 1.. Jlinor and i..M.i,.i ,.. .Minor, uciunnaiiu, to sallsrv a judgment ot said court rneovcred by The Fiat tsmnuth Loan and iiiiiidtn r Assocta- iioii, oi-tiiiwn, a.'aiusi said defendants. Fiaiis-iioutn. Neii., Ap'it 'St. A. 1). isnt;. llAKVK.V Hot.lOWAV. Sli-rilT Cuss county. Nebraska. Sheriff's Sale. I. y virtue -f an execution issued by George K Houseworth, clerk of the district court, within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di rected. I will on the ritHh day ol Kay, A. D. Imh; at 11 o clock a. m. of said day at the south door of the court house in the city of 1'lattsmouth, in said county, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder h.r cash the following real estate, to-wit: 1 he north one-halt ('i)oi the northwest quarter of section twenty-four Ul. the northeast quarter of section Idieen (15 , and the east one-half (V.) ot the northwest quarter ot so.tiou hfleeen (l o. all in town twelve ( 1;. range te i tin); also lots six nil, eight (s) and nine f.ij. m section ten (111), and lots two three (3-. five iU) and nine (!. in sec tion thirteen (l'i). and the southeast quaiter of the northeast quarter of section fourteen till, all in town twelve t'.i'. range ten tin), Cass county. Nebraska, together with the privileges and ap purtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise apeurtainiiig: the same being levied upon and taken as the property of William and Maria M .ck, defendants, to satisiy a judgment of said court recovered by Silas A. Holbrook. plaintilt, against said defendants. lattsmouth, Nebraska, April 24, A. D. lB9i. JlARVEY HOLLOWAY, ' Sheriff, Cass county, Nebraska. I (O) For a Few Days Longer 4. g n At the Ifemarkabiy Low Price of 7- I f3 IK- "3 1 .r-T?zx2StzL i In- i r -i - .. . f: iSlMSiSiBilKl 1 Ten dozen more of those 95 cent chairs just in. I J. I. UNRUH, Furniture Dealer 1 PLTiTTSrcOUTH, NEBR7SSK7. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF I'LATTS MtiUTIT, NKtlliASKA. fit Id u M itpltitl Syrn'n.1 fVl.lHM- Oll'i-rstbe vory best fa'jllittes for tttc prompt transaction cif LEGlTlMflfE HI BUSINESS STOCKS, bonds, izold. (.'overement and lot . seeuritlns iinimlit and sold. Kopos'.l- re eci ved iiiirt Interest allowed on t he cert U cates. Ilrafts drawn, available tn any part of tho II. S. anl all the principle towns of Kurope. Collection made and promptly remitted. Hlirbest market price paid for county warrants, state and rounty bonds. DIRECTORS: il. N liv'y. ! Ilwkwirtli s,. Wiiiirlt, K. E- Wnlln, i. K. l-v'v ti.-o. I-:, Ilnvey, l'ri . S. Wituch, Canliirr It. S. Ilovry 1rHt. CHRhler. are tiie most powerful, safe orotnpt and re liiblo oftbU kind in the market. The ormnal and only ire i. nine woman's salva tion. Ask vtiur druggist if lie don't keen them. Write Ulrnet to ns nnd we wit I send Itclireet upon reeeint of priee, t. sealed. y mall prep-iiil. .Medical advice free. JACK SON MKIHCAL CO.. Cbleairo. 111., or our aj-'ent, 1. L, Snyder. KWAiiE OF IMtTATOM 5 EM ,i..3i n t mm mo a l r- ps all nDUQGiATS OCjC i JACKSQH MlCiCALCQ. CliiCAGG ILL J 'SOiaCLAPK ir IMFCRIAU B'l-D'G. wN.B. Don't take any substitute 2 vith the same name but different ;j tspellin5 on which your druist ii) makes twice as much $ BEWARE Qr IMITATIONS 8IIENASUOAH SANITARIUJI, An institution lor the Radical cure ol Can cer and Tnmoro Without the nae of a Knife. Satisfaction CnAranteed. We have never Failed to Effect a perma nent Cure where we have had a reasonable op portunity lor treatment. Book pivincr de scription ol our Sanitarium and Treatment, with terms and references fro. Address DKs. KOltlXSO.N STtUdlKl:, 8henamlnah, Iowa. The News for 10c. - J 1 h .y - yxy Ei-l; GciS3i3jEir.n Frccsrved iJ:'Tno cs Freckles, Pimples, Liver ASvios, H!ocni;ci;s, itinburo and ":ir., fi!ni i- MOlfS ll:t : r.ii- v.l I.S O.II- t y--. clour p:l :! t.i.nv oom iifSn. pk xion. Snp-.Ti-'.r toatlfaeev :; ' )-.-'p:ii-:ii:."s :i -i perfectly harmless At ail drnt-.';: ' ,. -r. .uiod for 50cts. Sen 1 tur ei rt - aiur. V;r5A C SOAP ii Kir..,ly tnoocii.:ir:.h'9 as a lcir. .:i-tt .M. t u.i.'ii'.-'t f..r l.i'J toitrl. :"1 vitSnur lilfll ;' lit i.i.'vr.-. Al.-ul.iti tr i-nr' nnl d. li.-at.-ljr m.tlk' rm.-ii. At .'., c."-. PriCfi 25 Conl. The U. C. tiSTI iNER CO., Toledo, O. 8 ir.stant Killorci Fain. Piirsrp.a! anrJ Exterr.?!. Cure iU?;-.nMATISM, NKt'lt Af tiiA, Ijii-jo Hark, Horam-i, Urtiiws E,s:j : t . Z . rs ."-'j ' !I'-s. J.'JUM. ' S-Jt'lMns Stlff'JoluU, COl.JO r.oi L 'A'-. 'i"? K. MI'S lastiuitly. Cholera Mor- Uf 4-"jv :''i-S t-rot!T,lJiilurnj, tjoro xuxour, I.".. ' . -. . IIS .1. III.-) .-. - III. . .1 I." t . v. ,. jMitellKAli-'tCllli, as U Ij innlc. iUC UftDCC RDJtin r-poetally rriTfirr-'I for IHV. t.Jlluk U.lKfiJ, Kl-H-k, l.s)ul,l fSirnuirt'i, llifruopr. -t-ownrrni ntiil I'enPtrHtinirJuiiiiuiuiitdir .li;i or lionet eiittece. iii(i0Ji tii-j i2., .'aiu. aUa.'Cpi: JOKSCK'S ORiEfiTAL S-3AP. Mi-d'(-ntoil ami Tr.iict. Thr fireat Skin Cure ?.r.i' Fhoo Jea'jtiff?rj Lr.les vni lmd it liio niosf- c!!ie-.ti Rial niy;hly perfutvs'J 1uii.i in tap or. t.'io i:mr!it. It in tinEotnteiv pur, jrfaiii-ti C tktnn-,f umi vnlvnm.:nl u-storen t!ii losl COrr- Dlexion; in a iuxu.v t:,o Bath f. r Infants. tt-nlays lt?b!i'i, ci. tmsi s thoh.-.ilu mid iirijiuwu tiie fei owtb ol t i ' 'xioo Sic. for tals ty BEATTYS'. CEUKBRATED PIANOS AND ORGANS. Tor Catalou?e.;aUdross Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N. J. PI Wfl? OrffanH. 35.00 ut): r.!s; want f iTlltUU Airi'iits. t;ataloui nee. ii ilruss li.iiiu l t. Ui'iity. VVasli iiloti, .N.J. , rkfip jyc Pianos, S'J'i.'i upwards: want UlUliriiJ A lie n ts. Cataloitue free. Ad- ur.isa ir-auiei t. ideally, jy asnijii ion. . j DCATTV'C Pianos e-!?S.M upwards. DUn I I I O I'or eatatoiue address call. Daniel P. Heatty, Washington, N. J r rzfr fnt hi HF.ATTV'-1 or. ans SJ3.H tSlVlil.IUU UP- l-'or nartleulai-s. eata s. eata lie.ii ty. liumt, adii ress or call Daniel !' a-.b tngton, M. J- DCATTVIC Organs is:t.i. upwards. DLnl I I O U'nte for cat.ilo-'ue; oidress or call. Daniel P. lJ.-att y. W asliin Hon. N. J. . B. F. BREMDEL, M. D., Physician and Surgeon ' - s0 Calls promptly attended, either DA V or MOHT. MURRAY, NEBRASKA DA. HCCinA'S "-"'A For a Few Days Lonsrer I3 h and Undertaker, will do if used as a wash aceordln todl- ri'ctior.s: prevent transmission of blootl diseases, fckln diseases, acute and chronic ulcers, str.etnre. fissure of the hands ann feet, Kozoma. Tetter, Sa It lclir-uinatlsm, In liamatlonof the liladd er. Diseases of the bones. Joints and muscles. S.vpbiletie In sanity, Scurvy. Serofu la in many forms. Tiie above and a hundred other forms of disease are traceable directly or in-llreetly to ?vphilitic lllooa Poison for which the lr. Jackson's Fnirllsh Saety Ta.l)letH Is n sure pre vent I vo. ami is nsatfl ut-fni Killer, rendering eonta-iion hardly possible, hence its value. If neglected such troubles result fatally. .Mailed any where, sealed l: s.x boxes for 5. Medical advice free. JACK SVN MEDICAL CO., Chicago. III., or our :ij;cut, 1. Lu Snyeer. ENGLISH QUICK 1 DAY MCMir irei-'A-ph . . SZ)S,4DE a wtv- ,--sx fASMAN OUT CF ME."-' ) If GREAT ENGLISH RHOY V 30t-DAY in thirty d iys by a new perfected sc nt Hi- method that can not fail unless tin- .- isi- is bevond human aid. You fee! Improve I il,e lirst day; feel a benefit every (lav: in I. now yourself a k ini amonil men in Imi.iv". u-tud and heart. Drains and losses ej. 'ieo. every obst acle to baup v married ii n niovod. Nerve force, will. t:nertv. !r.ui power, when fallintc are restored. If on elected such troubles result f tlU ." Medical advice free. Malied evei ivhi i p. sealed for ft. !?ix boxes for ". .1 A 'K"ii. MKDICAL. CO., Chioa'O. III., or ou-h t r.t I. 1 ?nyUer. Scientiiio American Artenrv f:-Y . -0 j - -. a a TRADE fetAOtrS. OESICM PATEKTS, vUrTHlCHTtj. fitc: For information ami rree Handbook wrlto H ML'XN it CO.. SCI llRO&DWAT, Nhw Yoeit. Oiliest hurwau for fiecurlnK patents In America. Kvery pati'nt taken out ly ui la lirouplit t-roro the public by a notice given free creiuukO iu Um Ijirot etrrmtatlon of any wtentlflc panrr In the world. f-pk-nUldiv Illustrated. J.. lat llii-n jnao should be without It. W'oet lv, p.l.dll-j-nar: $lju six months. Address, KU VN ' at cOM VtlBl.lHrlKPS, 361 JJt-oad vjvy, JS....-.- .r -Hty, 114 n - i ; QUICKLY, t TMOROUGM LV. .ir r,DT0f?EVE)CUR?-r! A I Ci -,V-,?i