r THE SEMI-WEEKLY NEWSIIEKALI), PL ATTSMO UTH , NER, MAY Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 1 wane wasnitt? 0 I Done '.Mil '."uWfcWfi V,trls IJV-'ji Everywhere RAILROAD TIME TA8LL. CITY BREVITIES. 0, 1896. 3 iCBskU ffi ff 1. , WKDNKSDAY Mi.ss M;imic Sulhvun and Miss Street were Omaha visitors on M.ie tlie early iniin this luoiiiin"-. Lest.r Yivinn hns l-en confined to his loom since vestoi d.iy mot tling' with a slight iiliu-r-s, but hdcs to bv out ajjain in a clay or two. Mir- K rani a Ye:ip;er of I'erry. Ia., arrived in the city yesterday 'a w'' r-pontl tho cummer with the family of her s-i-ter, Mrs. C. Sahl. Mrs. Koliort Iin.ll.mce and son de parted for their home at Denver this morning alter a pleasant visit in this city with the family of Wm. JIallance Count v .ludiro Spurlock did him-elf proud t.y deii verinir a nice address of welcome la.-t evening before the dele frales to I lie missionary convention. The friends w ho vouched for George's lpvel-heHdcdiies.s during the last eaiu- pa iff is have nothing to take back. ' Sin mons, the bai her. who iefl this cily Mid his wife simultaneously sev eral months J!tro, was in the city Mon day, and took his wile away with him, lull neglected to square some bills he left unpaid. His wife had been working as a domestic since his de part u re. The Woman's club will complete its year's work Friday eveniiiff, May 15, ami have fa-en so l-rtunate as to secure 1'rof. Skinner of Nebraska City, who will lecture at the Presbyterian church. A tine musical program will be given by musicians from abroad. Subject of lecture and admission an nounced later. The Keform club will meet in the G. A. IL hall tonight and those demo crats who have recently appropriated the "initiative and referendum" to their own use are invited to come up and hear the correct solution of its meaniiiLr. Colonel 11. J. Vass will make the address and everybody is invited without regard to political or religious affiliations. The tines1 bunch of thoroughbred fat cattle we ever saw in this town wore di i veil in Monday ty 1'atterson & K un-man. who purchased them for their meat market. There were four teen head so fat and round they looked too pretty to kill. The Nehawka farmer w ho failed them was Henry Chumaker. The iirst of tho new beeves will le put on the block to rn ir row. John Corey returned last evening from a week's vi-it to Sac county, la., where lie attended a family reunion at Sac City, his mother residing at that place. He also visited at Ivirly where his brother, H. M. Corey, is located n.rui is publishing the Sac County News He reports him doing nicely. Mr. Corey states that the crops are alMiut ten da s to two weeks behind those of this com nty. Henry Cooper received a letter from his daughter. Mis. lid Vanatta, at Cripple C. cck recently which gave a graphic a' count of the disastrous lire which al most destroyed that bustling citv. Tht v were fortunate, however, in ieii)g out-ide the burnt district. S. 1'. Vanatta. however, lost every thing as uid l".d MeMaken's mother-in-law, who was a resident of that town. The suffering thai was caused by mak ing' so many people homeless is really lieyond description. April 22 was a gala day at San Antonio, Texas when the great flower fete c.ilk-.l "the battle of tho flowers'' occurred. Miss llulah Klson of this city sends a copy of the S in Antonio Daily Express which gives seven columns to the description of the tloral decorations which were lavish 'beyond tho undei standing of northern people. The day is called San Jacinto day and we confess a sincere regret that the great distance prevented TlIK NlAVs being represented at the Texas holi day, where nature sterns to have fairly out done herself in supplying rare and frag'iar.t (lowers in bewildering pro f ui- ii. TIICUSDAY. Mrs. Cutforth of Louisvi He- was in the cily on business today. Jose, h Wildi and wife of Cedar Creek were in the city today. Dr. N. II. llobbs tine of Klin woods leading citizens was in town today. County Superintendent Farley and Hyron Clark went over to Weeping Vater this morning on account of the death of their old time friend, F. M. Wo! cot t. Freight Conductor Young had tho large toe on his right foot mashed at Ashland. Wednesday and should have been thankful that it was not his en tiro foot. Messrs Iieeson ,t Hoot are feeling first rate today over winning tho case of Western C ravel company vs Gauer in the supreme court for their client Mr. Gauer of Cedar Creek. Chas. How, tho popular chief clerk of D. S. Guild, chief of tho Ii. & M. supply department, went to Chicago today to attend a meeting of the advis ory board of the I lurlington relief de partment, he lieing a member of the board. I). K. Uarr ivent to Omaha this moining where he wiil argue a motion before the United Slates court, in an When these are absent we bone-tissue, which shows itself head-sweats, and later, if not deformities. Such a baby needs lime for oil for its fat-starved body. Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophosphites of lime and soda will give its little body the needed fat in an easy form. Be tire y ft Scott's Emulsion taken yen want it and net a chemf snhstitutt. Scott & Bowne, New York. All Druggists. 50c and Si M. I', timi; CK1. TliAINS OOINO NORTH, No. 1 . . .4..V) a.rn No. 'Xi. . .4.:0 p. in . .XXt U. in No. 127, N o. : loeal freight arrive from south TRAINS OOINO 9 ITll, l2.:Vi p. ni No VM. . .1t.r.2 in. . .10.4:1 p. 111. .. K.a.in. ..3;-J." p. 111. No. 2. No. N. It. Al .'!. TIMi: CAICO- TRAINS OOINO WEST. No 7 No. II.. No. !'... No. .i. .. No. 5. .. No. -'! .. No. !t No. 2... No. 4 No. 12.. No. in.. -V . !ri . . "J . PCn. 211... ... 2.1 p. 111. ... p. in. ... 5.nr p.m. ... a 4:1 p. III. . .. 7.:t2 a. 111. N.00 a.m. 4. (Mi p. 111. Sunday only. THAINfl OOINO KAST. . f.::i p. in lfi.24 a. m . h.'2" p. in . 1 1.5;") a. in .12.2:1 p. 111 . H:2ft p. in u:4 a. 111 .Sunday only).. elTort to get the Tinkham case re turned to the state courts for a final he 'nring. A. N. Sullivan appears for the defendants. John Ramsey returned nome this morning from the bed side of Dr. Wa terman at Hay Springs, whom he left but slightly improved. It is very evi dent that the doctor will not recover, but he may live for some time before tho ravages of disease can overcome his once rugged constitution. Arthur Helps brought Chief Fitz p.ttrick from England a genuine Lon don "biliy. " It is of dark wood, very heavy, and is nearly twice as large as weatMins of tho tamo name carried by otlicers in this country. Arthur does not state whether he disarmed an of ficer in an encounter or bought the weapon, but we take it for granted the latter method was adopted. Mrs. Ilasse, probate cierk in the county judge's otlice, returned a bill to a linn in Omaha which had lieen filed in the county court with instruc tions to swear to the same and return it, and it would he allowed and paid. The bill came back by next mail and over the new signature of the firm were the words, "Thank Cod,'' which seemed to fill the idea that the claim ants had of swearing to tho account. Had a country bumpkin been guilty of such a ridiculous thing the metropoli tan press would have laughed immod erately, but this time it was a promi nent linn in Omaha. ISring; Your Friends lo Nebraska. The Chicago, Ilurlington A: CJuinoy IL II. publish a sixteen-pago monthly il lustrated newspaper called the'Corn Helfwhich tri ves in an interesting way information about western farm lands, particularly those in Nebiaskar. Tho regul ir subscription price is twenty live cents per year, but if you want it sent to any of your friends living e:ist of the Mississippi river; sent ten cents in stamps for each person, giving name and full atl dress and the paper will be sent for one year. The 15. & M. R. agent will show you a sample copy 01 the paper on request, lieip your state and induce your friends to immigrate. Address the Corn Licit, llii'.l Adams street, Chicago, Hi. Cirxduat iiig ('1hh. The graduating class from the high school, which will receive diplomas on Friday evening, May 2'., is composed of the following individuals: Kay Wilos, Gerald Drew, Chas. Patterson, Clemmons IJruncr, Clara Walker, Myr tle Schlegel, Mario Swoboda, Josso Oldham, Ella Eikenbary, Eouise Mar t 'n. Lily Mathews, Maud Man 7.3 and Sadie Latta, making thirteen in all. The clas is one of the most creditable which ever graduated from the high school here, and their exercises will be largely attended. I-'or Sl!. A good pair of o-vear-old mares weight about '',ti(Ki; also a good voung mules. Enquire of Holmes, Ilock HluiTs, Neb. pair of Archie KepiiMieaii -iitral Committee Meeting. The republican count3' central com rnittee will meet at Weeping Water, May 1S, at 1 o clock sharp. All mem bers are earnestly urged to be present. W. n. Newki.L, Chairman, A. L. Tl.MBl.lN, Secretary. English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Iilemishcs from horses, Hiood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweenc3-, Iling-Ilone, Stilles, Sprains, nil Swoolen Throats, Couurhs. etc. iaave by use of one liottle. Warranted tle most wonder ful Hiemish Cure ever known. Sold b3' F. G.'.Frk'ke & Co., druggists, l'latts mouth. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. baby bones are soft, so soft they scarce can be called bones in the earlier years ; gradually they harden, and furnish the frame which sup ports the growing body. The hardening comes from what chemists term " the min eral substances." have "Rickets" a lack of in delayed teething, profuse arrested, malformations and its weak bones and cod-liver o o o o o o e o o o o o o o o e All washing ia not white washing, I? as all soap is not feanta Claus. That bath-brick tint when seen in clothes, always ,rrT't thaf t ri tt L arc strangers to Santa Clau9 Soap, O iry it. &oia everywnere. aiaacDy 2 THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, - CHICAGO WEKI'IMi WATKK NOTKS. From tlie Republican. Mrs C. A. Daldwin had a snake ex perience last week which Bhe will not soon forgeUShe went into her kitchen, which is in the basement,and in closing the door behind her she found that something hindered her. She looked down at the bottom of the door finding nothing in the wa3. Looking up she saw a largo snake suspended over tho top of the door. She fastened the door so his snakeship could not escape and went to eet help in dispatching it. Mr. Stoner was pasing and went to the res cue and finished the snake in short order. Altorne3 Jesse L. Hoot and County Attorney C. S. 1'olk were transacting business here Monda3. The llepubli- can acknowledges a pleasant visit from the county attornc3. L. D. Hunter had a second stroke of paralysis last Saturday evening. Dr. Burke was called and worked with him all night. Ho was much worse than at the time of his first attack a few months ugo and his condition was critical for several hours, but he is up tgain now and appears to bo improv ing. Iterp Wt-llH. On the farms of IIenr3- Miekclbako and Joseph Durr, south of the cit3 they have been having trouble for a number of years to secure water, lioth now have wells that will supply their needs. Mr. Mickalhake had to go down 4lil feet before striking water and had to drill through -do feet of solid rock. Mr. Durr did not have to go quite so deep, but went down l!ld feet and has 140 feet of water in his well. These are alnut the deepest farm wells in this par t of ihe state. Nebraska Cit3- Jews. l.iMt of I.t-tlt-r-4 llemaining uncalled for in the post- oiheo at l'lattsmouth, May 7lh, isiMi: IVtz. Mrs V II Haker. Kittie l.ust, tieo Mat liisan. K II I in. l-ritz ilhulm Sy verseu. C;r rie hceli r. M 1 Henry. Jvt-iiho, Dt-ihuld Willin Mathews, l I N lines. Silvia ParrA. V II ainscller. 1 I. oil Persons calling for am of the nnove letters or packaires will please f.y ad vertised. W. K. Fox, I. M. An Ancient liook. One of tho most interet-tiiig iintiq II em court bible uilies recentl3' donated to Hen pels (J. A. II. museum in the nouse is a niswiry oi tue uioiei - . r a T presented today b3' Chas. IJoach, the postal clerk. It Was printed in Ki'dG anrl thofnM OU VMPS I . 'I'h A ' book is well preserved and is printed in Gormrn in tho old black letters of that time. Take a dose of De Witt's Little Early Hisors just for the gwxl they will do vou. These little pills are pood for indigestion, good for head ache, good for liver complaint, good for constipation. They are good. i. G . Fi icke & Co. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Sheriffs Sale. Ity virtue of an order of sale issued by G. F. Housewortli. clerk of tlie district court wit hin and for Oass cou nty, Nebraska. and to rue directed. I will on the lM.li day of May. A. I., ls'Hatll o'clock a. in., of said day sit the Houtb door of the court house In the city of l'lattsmouth In said f-nunty. sell at public auction. the following real estate to-wit: LotNa one (li. In blor-k No. one (1), in tiles' addition to the ntv of 1'lattsmoutli. Nebraska, together with tlie prlviiuci-s and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining; the same heln levied upon and taken s the property of Kliza Fpjohn, Myra K. lloireliome, Nicholas pelltiian, pellIllan, wire oi rsicoms Spellnian. first and real name unknown, de fendants, to satisfy a judgment or salU court recovered by Mrs. Ella K. Fpjohn, platnlilT asainst said defendants. t'laltsmouth, INeliraska, April SI, A. l. lS'Hi Hakvkv Hoi.lowav. Sheriff. Cass County, Nebraska. Legal Notice. In tlie district court of Cass county. Nebraska. Robert Lyons, Haintin vs. 1 The State Bank of Murdotk, f Nebraska. 1 lelendant. I Finder and bv virtue of an order of the district court of Cass county. ISeuraska, lion, uasil r Wamsev. I udire. entered unon April l.tth. A. 1. ls'.Hi. requiriiiR notice of tlie hlinu of the claims to Ik; ijiveii lor six weeks prior to July i.iin, is;hj Now. tlierclore. 1, 1 lexter i. tjnacKetimisii, as r.-rf.-ivi-i- do tierebv notify all persons tiavinn claims against said bank to rile the same with nie at my otlite in rirst National lsank ol tirccnwooa 011 or belore July 1:1th. isni, and that the same be properly verified upon forms by nie furnished upon application. I further cive notice that upon Inly i:itli. 1-W. at Hi o'clock a. 111.. 1 will proceed upon the ex amination ol said accounts and tlie disposing of them as by said order ot the district court di rected. All persons are further notified that all claims not tiled by tlie time therein Riven will be disal lowed unless otherwise or lercd by the judge ol said court. li.Ue.lat l'lattsmouth. Neb., April lis. 1,sf,. 1'KXTI.R M. OUAt'kkNItCMI. As Receiver ol tlie State Hank ol M unlock. Neb. Legal Notice. Adaline Crippen. (onion 15. Crippen. I'.enja niin A. liibjon. Mrs. Uenjamin A. tiilison. his wile, real name unknown. Wfiliam C. Crippen. I tavid C. Munson. Klliott Callander. Joseph K. Callaiuier and l-.dward A. Hangs, trustee defend ants, will take notice that on the "jntli day ot Feb ruary. lMi, tlie liradford Savings Hank and Trust company, the plaintitt herein, tiled its petition in the district court of Cass county. Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer ol which are to loreclose a certain mortgage execut ed by Adaline Crippen and titirdon H. Crippen to one lletijamin A. (ibson, and by said lieniamin A. iibson.sold ami assigned to one George Leslie and bv said George 1-cslic duly sold and assigned plaintitt, upon the west half (wliof tlie southwest quarter s L4 ). section three (ill, all ol t he west hall iw'il of the northwest quarter inw'-i ) of sec tion three till, except tlie right of way of the Lin coln branch ot the Missouri Pacilic railroad, one hundred feet wide, as now located; also the east halt (e') of said northwest quarter (nw'i) of said section three (:) lying Jiorth ol the railroad right ot way as now located, all in township HI north ol range II east ol the thel'.th 1'riiicipal Medridian, in Cass county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of one certain promissory note with interest cou pons attached, said note dated May 11th. lHstl, for t he sum of fcl.ToD.U), due and payable June 1st. SVI. said mortgage provided that in case any of said notes or coupons are not paid when due, the whole snm secured thereby may be declared to be O 22 -i- -f-i-l'"!?-- &mJHw - ;ji!,jJi? lii7&SPW4Z FM1 'IMiWi e 7 r J ! 1 due and payable: there is now due on said note. Coupons and mortgage, the sum of S:1.4-1 ." for which sum, with interest from tfn-t date, plaintitt prays lor a decree that defendants be required to pay the same, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. oil are refpured to answer said petition on or In-fore Monday, the LTith day of May. lS.ti. Hated April 14. l!i. C. C. Fl.ANsi:ckc. -Attorney f r Plaintitt. Notice of Probate of Will The Statk of Ni-.i:kaska, County of Cass, In the matter of the last will and testament of Mary K. VanCleave, deceased. Notice is hereby given that on the lltli day of May. A. 1. IslHi, at the ottice of the county judge in l'lattsmouth, Cass county, Neeraska, at the hour of l::i o'clock in the alternoon. the follow ing matter will be heard and considered: The petition of Albert VanCleave to admit to trohate the last will and testament of Mary F.. VanCleave, deceased, late of (iieenwood precinct in said county, and for letters testamentary to Al beit VanCleave. Hated this p;th day of April. A. L.. ls'.n;. liy order ol the court. tiKOKC.L M. Sl'CKl.lH K, 67 County Judge. Sheriff's Sale. lfy virtue of an order of sale Issued by (1. F. Ilouseworth, clerk of the district court within and for Cuss eon nty, Nebraska,, and to me direct oil. I will on the lutli day of Miy A. I. lv.Hi, at, 1 1 o'clock a. 111. of s:iidc'ay at the south door of the. court house in the city of I'lattsinout ti. ;n said county, sell lit public auction, to the highest biUtler for cash, the following real estate to-wlt: Forty-two feet orl of the north eiul of lots No. 1 and 2, in block No. l.t, in the city of l'lattsmouth. Cass county. Nebra-ka; together With all ami singular the hereditaments anil appui tenant vs thereunto belonging or in anywise .ipiurtaiiiiug: the same being levied upon and taken as the property of Samuel 1'. Vanatta, !'.. J . Vanatta. F. J. anatta. as guardian ol . 1'. l.athro;. and V. I'. l.;ithrop, T. Hartley. John Waterman, as surv i ing partner of 1 1. A. Watei- nian iV Son, John l!ack, and I'.iai k. defend- fend. lilts, to sail.-1 v a iudgiiient of said court re covered bv the First National bank ol I'latts ni. nth. Nebraskil, plain. Ill against said defend ants. PI. ill in. .mil. Nebr.i-.ka. April fi. A. I. ls'.H. 11 Ak V I- V I 1. HI 'WAV. Shi i i'l. I a-s count v , Nebraska. Mastei's Sale. Iotk. t .. No. 17 t. In the circuit court ol the I luted States, tor the disl rul ol Nebraska. 1 ia:n i- C Faulkner, as assignee of The Con necticut Kiver aviiins bank, complainant, s. James K. liroe. et al. defendants in chancery, l nKI l l. Sl Ki: OK MOKTUAGK. Public notice is hereby Riven that in pursuance and bv virtue of a decree entiled in the aloc cause on t he "It h day of I u tic. 1 -'.'.". 1. K. S.I luncly. jr., master in chain civ ol the circuit court of the United State- lor the disl rut ol Nebraska, will. on -.he'.ilhdav o! May. 1 at the hour ol 1 o clock in the alternoon ol said day at the s"iith door ol the t'ass county cou t houe building in tlie cit ot l'lattsmouth. (.lass county, state and district ol Nebraska, sell at auction tor cash the loilow ni(; de-cribed property, to-wit: The cast hall ol tlie soul hea.-t quarter ci se'i ) ot section number two -). and the west had ol the northwest quartet (w' n'il ol section num ber twelve i l'.:i. in t.'n ten (Ho north ol ranpc nine CD east of the lth priiicipal meridian ia Cass county, Nebraska. F.. S. lltMiY, Jk.. Master in Chancery. S. F. (jus i uAkur, Solicitor toi C oinplainant. i,3i Mn,jrl, 'ieo. w. ciark ni i. k. lturr, Attorneys. In the district court of Cass county. Neb. tl IZ A. U OCHj, plalUlill. 1 John Fredrick Appuhn, Susan Ap imhn. C Aultnian & Co.. The Lombard Investment Co.. Milton 11. Whitney, Chas. S. Fairchild, Harry Y.. Mooney. Sanford li. j Ladd and Frank HaKcrnian, re- I ceivers ot The Lombard Invest- j 1111-nt company, defendants. j C. Aultnian 1 Co.. the Lombard Investment Co.. Milton 15. Whitney, Chas. S. Fairchild. Harry K. Mooney. Sanl.irJ I!. Ladd and Frank Haiier miin, non-resident defendants, will take notice that on the :dst day of March, ls'.Hl, Fli.a A. Wood, the plaintitt herein, tiled her petition in the district court of Cass county, Nebraska; the object and prayer of which is to loreclose a cer tain morttiace executed and delivered by John Fredrick Appulin and Susan Appuhn to the plain titt upon the lollowitiK described real estate, to-wit: The south halt is 'i ) ol the northwest quarter (11. w . section thirty i;Jn. township eleven (11), range nine (!i). east of the Cith principal meridian. Cass county, Nebraska. Said mortgage was given to secure the payment cd two piomissory notes, dated April 11. lHI : one for jcloo, due January 1, ls'.M, and one tor f.Ml.1. due January 1, lsul, with interest thereon at the rate of s per cent per annum from date; that there is now due and un paid upon said mortgage and notes the sum ol iT'J.1. lor which sum. with interest from this date. iilaiiititt prays for a decree that defendants John "redrick Appuhn and Susan Appuhn be required to pay the said amount or that said premises be sold to satisfy the amount found to lie due: that C. Aultnian & Co.. claim to have a mortgage lien upon the land as heretofore described, and that they be required to bring in to this court their mortgage, 11 any such tney nave: mat an account' int? mav be had and that the lien 'f said C. Ault man & Co., be declared subsequent to that of this plaintitt: that the Lombard Investment Co., or their receivers, to-wit: Milton IJ. Whitney, Chas. S. Fairchild. Harry L. Mooney, Sanford 1! Ladd and i-rank llagernian. claim to have a mortgage lien upon the land as above described and that thev be requited to bring in to this cour their mortgage, that an accounting may be had. and that the lien id said Lombard Investment Co., be dec lared to be subsequent to that of til I? tilaintirt. Vou and each id you are required to answer said petition on tlie lsth clay ol May, 'M. Fl.lZA Wood. By Geo. W. Clark and I). K. Iian, her attorneys Sheriffs Sale. I5y virtue of an order of sale Issued by U.K. House worth, clerk of tin d 1st rie t c-ou rt with in and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me directed. I will on -i'th d iy of Mav. A. 1J ls'.Mi. at II o'clock a. 111. of ml'l il iy iittlil south door of the court house In 1 ho city of l'lattsmouth, in saij county, sell at public- auction, to t lie highest bidder for cash, t be foilowiu : real estate, to-wlt: Lots three ( four Hi it ltd five t.M. in block six .'.. in South I'ttrk sublition to I'i at turnout h. Cass county Nebriska. together with all and singular the heredit imentt and appurtenances t hereunto be nhglniz or in nnvwise upper taininti; the same being lovied upon and taken as the proyort" of John L. Minor and I 111 in a 11. .Minor, cleronclants, 10 satlsry a .inclement of said court recovered by The I'liillsniouiti Loin and ll i lilinr Assoela lion, nhui.t ill. a-.-a. 11st said defendants. l'i:itts:iDiit!i. Noo.. April 2't. A. 1. Is! Ik Hakvkv IIoi.ioway. Sheriff. C iss count v- Nebraska, Sheriffs Sals. By virtue M an execution issued by George F Ilouseworth. clerk of the district court, within ana lor Cass county. Nebraska, and to nie di recteU. 1 w ill 011 theSnh day of Mav. A. 1. ism at 11 o clock a. 111. of said day at the south door of the court house in the city of l'lattsmouth. in mi Mcuiniy, sen at puhnc auction, to the highest bidder lor ca-li, the following real instate, to-w it: 1 he north one-had ('.lot the northwest quarter ol section twenty-tour Oi: the northeast quarter of section Hi teen (151, and the east one-had of the northwest quarter of section hiteccii ( F-"i. a 1 111 town twelve I 1). range ten ln: also lots six ". eight (H and nine W. in section ten 1 nil and lots two Ci. three Cb. five (ii) and nine (H). in sec tion thirteen tWl, and the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter ol section fourteen (14j. all in town twelve ll-'i. range ten 1101. Cass countv Nebraska, together with the privileges and ap purtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appurtahung: the same being levied upon and taken as tlie proerty of William and Maria M :ck. defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by Silas A. I lolbrook, plaintitt, against said defendants. l'lattsmouth, Nebraska. April 24. A. P. IrttHi. ilAKVEY HOLLOWAY. Sheriff, Cass county, Nebraska. If THIS IS A PICTURE OF ONE OF I lUNRUfi'S 60MPETITI0N KILLERS. I A FINE ANTIQUE BED-ROOM SUITE. I i ----- -, - - - - : s " ; the : i ;, . . . , ; . " l : :the 1 Next :HBM i Next irl iHWii ! ln nun n,Mii.i I'.mwili - I I ! H n ., ,iM , J I Thirty f Thirty Days Days 1 co) L li (& j FOR THE SUM OF $14 t - S :- z ; t . ' ';" f i - 'iif'J ( ....... ... p 1 'IITJ:' Ten dozen more of those 95 cent chairs just in. J. I. UNRUH, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, PLKTTS70UTH, NEBRHSKH. FIRST NATIONAL BANK- OF I'LATTSMOUTIT, NLT.UASKA. t'aid up Capital B.Vi.WNi HUXH urplus Offers the very best facilities for t he prompt transaction of STOCKS, bonds. Bold, covcretnent and loci, securities nought and sold. Ik-posits re eeived and interest allowed on the certti catcs. Drafts drawn, available In any part of the U. S. and all the prlnclpie towns of Europe. Collections made aud promptly remitted. Highest market price paid for county warrants, state and county bonds. DIRECTORS: il. N liiivi-y, S. V:liigl, F. E. la ii. K. Povey, I'ren, II. N. lovey l. Iliiwknril Wltlte, 'i. K. I'hvm S. Cashier Asst. Cashier. are the most powerful, safe prompt and re liable of this kind in tho market- The original and only genuine woman's salva tion. Ask your druggist if he don't keep l bem. Write direct to us anil we will send it direct upon receipt of price. sealed, by in ail prepaid. Medical nil vice free. JACK SON MKIHCAL CO.. Chicago. III., or our asent, I. L. 2nydr r. BEWAP.E OF IMITATIONS t FO R54 LE &V ACU DOUOCliTS OO C 1 JACKSON K:ED!CAL CO. TOCO ILL ?CO bO CLACK 5T IMFtPlAL B'cDCi. uN.B. Don't lake any substitute 5 I with the same name' but different h spelling on which your clruqist o e mokes Iwice as much t, BE.WARE OF IMITATIONS S7IKT.NIOAII SAMTAUHM, An ins: Iti'tion for the Radical cure of Caii- e-r-iiel Tnmwrn t iinnut me w Knife. Satisfaction innranted. W hnvrt npver Pailed to Effect a perma nent cure where we have had a reasonable op portunity for treatment. Book piving: de scription of our Sanitarium and Treatment, wUh terms ana references tree. n.iress 11US. KOltiXSON A: STttl'DKIt. ShennloMlt. Iowa. The News for 10c. DPt. K C ERA'S iiEc? a n n r ft ? i 5 l nnPAF.'i V - .'A' J iwt iiit i ? i" retries, rimpicr, Liver-Mot-.-s, K!ackhcads, uriStirn Mi.-I Ton fnwl n' Ftores tho skia to its orii- r..il IreslmesH, p-oo.ucicR clear find healthy com- i.lexinn. Surx rior to all faejev. pr'.-j iiriitions and perfi-ctly lip.rmless At all druiipists, or mailed for 50cts. tk-nd for circular. VIOLA SiCiN SOAP 1- ir.i,.iy lwinrjM. u a skin piinirlnc So;ip, on-ijul1 fur IIm' loilrl. Ami withrtut rival for th" iiuttt. Ah.nlutrlv pnr- nii'l dt lictt-lj mcdl-oiK-d. At dru-m-!-. Price 2 5 Cents. The O. C. BITTNEK CO., Toledo, O. 90HfSSO?iS ACriETBC OSL! Instant Killer ot Pain. -' Internal and External. Cures KHLITMATISM, NEUKAL GIA, Lame Biu-lc, Sprain, liruiies, Kwllinir, Stiff Jouits, COLIO ami - 4vvT. 7" rx ijiWMra inFTliiniy. i.iiimrn inur L. TtJSjV.' nrs, Croup.I ipth-ria, Hore Xhruat K&ifeliliAlJACHK, as if by magic TUC UODCC DDIL'ft Especially prepared foi II1U liUUOi. U.'iMHJ, KtK-k. ixiuble Blrenutli. themoet Powerful and I'enctrntiT'B Liniment for Men or .beast ill existence. Large tl eizo U)c Ma. size '.'5c. JOHNSON'S ORIENTAL SOAP. T.Teliented and Toilot. Tho Great Skin Cure enr' Face Beautlfler Ladies will fincl it the iui- delicrto and nlghly perfumed Toilet Knap on tne inarKeu itin at8o:uteif pure. skin soft and velvety and restores tho lt com- f lex ion. is a luxury fnr the Bath f'r Infants, c aleyn ltchintr, clemises tho scalp and promote! Uio growth ol li'ii '"rioo 'J5c l or sale by BEATTYS' CKLKHKATKD PIANOS AND ORGANS. I'or Catalouse. adaress Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N. PI 1 VflC Oraans. :in.o upw: rds; want ( ItinU Agents. Cataloaue free. Au dreys Daniel F. Iteaty, Wash . iiirton, N.J. ADP Jl WC I'ianos, 225 upwards: want UitUrirlJ Airiuti. Catalogue free. Ad-Ura-t. Diiuiel V. Heatty. Washiuaton, N. J RFATTV'Q l'ianos ISSS.OO upwards. DLM I II O tor catalogue address call, Daniel F. Beatty, Washington. N. J (TCnfl finn l,EATTVS onims 35.00 iSJuUiUuU up- For particulars, ciita- lojuc. adJressor call, Daniel l Washington, N. J. Heatty, DCATTV'Q ri-'ans 35.to upwards LJL.nl I I O Write for cat. ilosue;:iddres! oroiill, Daniel F. Heatty. Washington. N. J. B. F. BRENDEL, M. D., Physician and Surgeon Calls promptly attended, either DAY or NIOIIT. MURRAY, NEBRASKA will do if used as a wash accord in todl- rt-ctiors; prevent t ransui ission or dioou diseases, tki'i diseases, acute anachronic ulcers, str oture. hssure or the lianas ana feet, Kczema. Tetter, a It Khcuiiiatlsrii, i n -llamation of the llladd er. Diseases of the bones, joints and inus cles. !?ypuiieiic in sanity, ?ciirvy. t-crofu la in many lorins. The above and a bund red other forms of disease are t raceable di rectly or indirectly to Syphilitic Hlooa I'olson for which the lr. Jack son's Knclish Puety Tablets is a sure pre vcntive. mid is asafe Oerm Killer, rendering cotitaizlon hardly possible, hence its value. If neglected such troubles result fatally. Mallpd anywhere, sealed tl: six boxes for.". Medical advice free. JACK SKLN MEDICAL CO., Chicago, III., or our Hgenr. I. L. Snyeer. QUICKLV. G THOROUGH LV, FOREVER CURED J tN6LI5n QUICK Cjl2 DAY UCMir KP(iANrt S riLKYL KtOlfJKtKc' Ate If cMAN OUT OF ME. ; GDFATFNGI IH DFMFnY -tMAN OUT OF ME, JOfQy VllVl.ni L11VJUUI I lvll'IUL I in thirty days by a new perfected scient ific method that can not fall unless the case is bevotnl human aid. Vou feel Improved the first day: feel a benefit every day: soon know yourself a klna; amonK men in bony, n hid and heart. Drains and losses epdeii. every obstacle to happy married life re moved. Nerve force, will, enerjry, br:i"ni power, when fal;lnir are restored. If nn clected such troubles result fatally Medical advice free. Mailed everwh-re. sealed for fl. Six boxes for l.i. JACKS M F.DICA L CO. , Cbloaso. 11).. or our a. cot I. L. Miyder. Scientifio American Agency for COPYRIGHTS, etcl Tor Information and fwe Handbook wrtto to BUNS CO., 361 ltKOADWAT. NKW Yoke. Ol.lext trareau for seenrtnn patente In America. Every patent taken out by u is l.roiiKht P-r're the publle by a notioe given free of charge in Um ji'fivttf if if Jiimcmt Ijirjrert etrmlattrm of any nHentlfie paper fn th world. riplendWlv llliistrateti. No luti-lllrn man i-houl.i le 'lthout it. "Weekly, .1.4Oi s-oar; $1.5HslxmontiiL AIJrMs, MUNN A CU Vvautiutas, 361 ilroadway. hvw York City. WEAKNESS r - ri' I ii D A Y TNTN T OESICM PATENTS. I