tT T, . ... THE m emi-Teekly News-Herald WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS TfYTTTTYTTTTTTTTYTTTTTTTTTTTTTYT 4 5- IrJT CONTAINS AJLiX TTJffiE. NEWS FOB ONLY YHSAIt, TRIAL SUBSCRIPTION THREE MONTHS FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. oFFICE ON LOWER MAIN STREET. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. tl v 4 n , I I I a1BaBBBaaiaa..iaBBBBl II I I I II . . i McmunitA i Unsightly Walls... May be cheaply and quickly beau tified by the appli cation of new V all Faper. Tore-paper your house with one of Gerinfr & Co's new patterns is almost equal to new furniture. It makes a nice back ground for the pic tures and brightens up the entire room. Goring & Co. have the largest stock in the city from which to select and you are sure to be pleased, both in figure and quality of pa per and price. Y Y 3 j GERING & CO. THE EVENING NEWS. PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. TUESDAY, MAY 5. 1896. BRIEFLY TOLD. C. A. Marshall, Dentist. Farm loans. T. II. Pollock. Farm loans. T. H. PollocK. Miss Dora Herold is reported quite ill. Fine pansies at L. A. Moore's, only 20 cents per dozen. The choicest sweet pea seed in bulk at Bennett & Tutt's. Henry Eikenbary was a passenger for Omaha this morning. Henry Snyder is visiting in Omaha and Council tiluns today. Some choice alyssum, sweet peas and candytuft seed at Li. A. Moore s. Tty a can of Hopkins' Steamed Horn iny. (Hulled Corn). It i9 delicious. Get vour abstracts of title made by Robert J. Vass. Office In Brings build ing. Go to Robert J. Vass for reliable abstracts of title. Ofllce in Brigrgs building. The many friends of Ernest Pfeiffer will regret to learn that ho is quite sick today. Terry Johnson of St. Joe is in the city visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson. Try our Cabinet 5 cent cigar. It is the best. Otto Wurl manufacturer. For sale by all dealers. Try Imperial best 10 cent cigar in the market Otto Wurl manufacturer. For sale by all dealers. Bennett & Tutt have a large supply of fresh northern grown seeds, both in bulk and in packages. Mr. El wood a prominent capitalist of Joliet was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Dovey over Sunday. Mrs. F. H. Steimker went to Omaha this morniug for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Lizzie Hayden. Miss Minnie Herold departed this morning for a two months' visit with her sister, Mrs. W. Skinner at Creston, la. C. S. Polk departed today for Tec umseh to attend the Epworth league convention which convenes at that place today. McMaken & Son are now ready to supply their customers with the best of ice, delivered anywhere in town. elephone 72. It's all the same, a slight cold, con gested lungs or severe cough. One Minute Cough Cure banishes them. F. G. Fricke & Co. Miss Belle Couffer departed at noon today for Tecumseh to attend the Ep worth league convention as a delegate from the local league. George Copeland and Alexander Clifton, members of the Masonic lodge here are down from Havelock to attend the funeral of L. C. Curtis. The Mozart club will meet at Miss Lehnhoff's at 8 o'clock this evening. Subjeot: "The Transformation from Ancient to Modern Music." It required two express cars this morning to hold the strawberries which were unloaded in Omaha to sup ply the market for one day. The only place you can secure a glass of Anheuser-Busch beer is at the "Casino." Lovers of this famou9 bev erage will bear this in mind. Miss Verna Leonard will entertain a party of friends this evening Id honor of Miss Hergesheimer who is a guesi of her Aunt, Mrs. Walter White. Thomas Walling is moving his ab stract ofllce into the Mathews house, back of Hendee's store and opposite the west front of the court bouse. W. H. Newell departed this after noon for McCook to look after the purchase of some western cattle to put on his farm out near Phillips. A little ill, then a little pill. The ill is gone the pill has won. DeWitt's Little Early Risers the little pills that cure great ills. F. G. Fricke & Co. The regular monthly visit of the R & M. pay car is scheduled to arrive here Friday afternoon of this week to gladden the hearts of the railroad boys. The paint and coach shops laid off this afternoon on account of the funeral of L. C. Curtis, he having been employed in the latter depart ment. Go to S. L. Greenson's for flour and feed. Best goods and lowest prices. Baled hay a specialty. Also a nice line of cigars and tobacco. Union block, South Sixth street. The Christian Endeavor society of the Christian church will give an ice cream social at the church Wednesday evening after the session of the con. vention. Ice cream and cake 10 cents. Busv people have no time, and sen sible people have no inclination to use a slow remedy. une winuie Cough Cure acts promptly and gives permanent results. r . u. r rlcKe x Co. Mr. Sackett. purveyor of milk to Platlsmouth people, had a runaway this morning down Lincoln avenue, but a boy with a level head stopped the fiery steed before any damage was done. It is not a miracle. It wont euro everything, but it will cure piles. That's what DoWitts Witch Hazel salve will do, because it has done it in hundreds of case9. F. G. Fricke & Co. Col. Robert IVfTer Vass has allowed the razor to purloin his whiskers, which the May zepyrs toyod with so lovingly, and he is now plain Robt. J. Vass, attoruey-at-law and abstracter of titles. Mrs. J. I. Unruh, Mrs. Ida Wagner and Miss Searis departed this morn ing for Holdrege where they will at tend the state convention of the P. E. O. society which convenes at that place tomorrow. The Ladies' Home Mission Circle of West Oak Hill church will give a lawn social at the home of Mrs. Sackett on Thursday evening. May 7. Ice cream and cake 10 cents. First house north of cemetery. The Chicago papers Chronicle a row in the Rock Island, Ills., school board over the hiring of a superintendent of city schools, in which one of the mem bers drew a gun. - Our Professor Hal soy is principal of the High schools there. Take a dose of DeWitt's Little Early Risers just for the good they will do you. These little pills are good for indigestion, good for head ache, good for liver complaint, good for constipation. They are good. F. G . Fricke & Co . Henry Snyder writes in from Ari zona to the effect that there are plenty of cheap cattle in that ter ritory, but they are so poor he is afraid to purchase for shipment east on account of tho large losses that might be sustained. A prominent young attorney whoso olhce is not many blocks from the court house was seen by a News man today in company with his prospective "better half looking at a neat little cottage, the location of which can bo easily viewed by court house visitors. The poem recited before the Woman's club last Friday evening by Mrs. Isabel Richoy and which ap peared in Saturday's News, was re printed by the State in its issue of today. Mrs. Richey is fast gaining a reputation as a poet of more than ordinary talent. Miss Margret nowland arrived in the city yesterday from her home at Lincoln expecting to visit her sister in-law, Mrs. Rowland, not being aware of the fact that tho latter bad been called to Missouri on account of the serious illness of her father. She will visit other friends in tho city for several days, however. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dovey spent a pleasant evening In Omaha Sunday at the St. Mary's avenue Congregational church, whero the Lorelei quartette, to which two male voices were added, sang a bca-itiful mass that took up nearly forty minutos. Fully a thous and people were present and enjoyed the rendition, which was fine even for Omaha. A letter received by Mrs. C. E. Wescott from Mrs. Rowland at the home of her parents at Boisdarc, Mo., yesterday, states that she found her father, Mr. W. F. Crabel, in a critical condition and that a change for the better or worse would probably soon occur. Tho many friends of tho family in this city are hopeful that the change will be for the better. For every quarter in a man's pocket there are a dozen uses; and to use each one in such a way as to derivo the greatest benefit is a question every one must solye for himself. We believe, however, that no better use could be made of one of these quarters than to exchange it for a bottle of chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, a medicine that every family should be provided with. For sale by all druggists. Agent Pickett of the Burlington states that he expects the workmen here in a few days to commence work on the new deiot. tho - officials having already decided on the rear rangements of the switch tracks along the depot grounds. There is no longer any doubt as to the erection of the new structure, but Plattsmouth people are a little like tho fellow from Mis souri, and will be better satisfied when they see the work started. The new building will be a great acquisition to lower Main street. Mrs. S. A. Davis is one of the new women worth mentioning. She drove up to tho M. P. depot the other day, snd, not knowing the train was due, left the horse hitched near by. The train came rushing in, the horse broko his fastenings and started to run, but in making a quick turn which upset the buggy, the horse threw itself and rolled entirely over, but be fore it could get on its feet Mrs. Davis was there and grab bing tho bridle stopped further pro ceedings very quickly. The top of the buggy is tho worse for wear and the harness was badly broken but it might have been worse. Arthur Helps, wife and sister, Miss Jane Help9, arrived in the city this morning direct from England. When a reporter for The News soutrht to interview Artie on his trip to his old home and as to who the two ladies were with him, ho blushed like a school girl and stated that one of them was his wife, having taken unto him self a life partner soon after his ar rival in England. He has been "gone five months and of course had an en joyable time. Miss Helps will be re membered by many Plattsmouth peoplo, having visited here some four years ago. She will spend the sum mer with relatives in this city. The Casn County Dairy. Everything clean fresh and pure. Milk, cream or buttermilk delivered at your door every day. R, F. Dean, Prop. " . . . r-v, .-r- I 1 I As a perfume doth remain In tho folds whero it lain. So the thought of you remaining. Deeply folded in iny brain. Will not leave mo all things leave me You remain. Other thoughts may come and go. Other moments I may know, That shall waft m in their going As a breath blown to nnd fro. Fragrant memories fragrant memories Come and go. Only thoughts of you remain In my heart whero they have lain, Perfumo thoughts of you remaining, A hid sweetness in my brain. Others leave me all things leave mo You remain. Arthur Symons. SOME PECULIAR ACCIDENTS. An Oculist Tells How the Sight of Snvrral l'rnon Was Iestroyed. A prominent oculist of this city Rives the following list of queer accidents that have come uuder his observation recently : A little boy, 10 years old, was stand ing in front of a bird fancier's shop when an aged parrot seemed to take a sudden animosity to the child and dart ed at him, pecking out one eye before he could get out of the way. Some linemen left a lot of short wire lying on Euterpe street after repairing the telephone connections in that dis trict. An old negro woman who was on her way to market early the next morn ing stepped on one end of a bit of this wire, when the other end flew up. strik ing her in the eyo and blinding her. A milker employed at one of the dairy farms near the city was milking a cow that bad got her tail matted and tangled with cockleburs. In the course of the milking the cow switched her tail into the man's face, the mass of burs striking him in one eye and com pletely destroying the 6ight of it. A lad shooting at sparrows with an airgun hit his little brother in tho eye and blinded him for life. Tommy Peats, the handsome, bright eyed 7-year-old son of a widow, fell down 6tairs backward. When his moth er got to him and picked him up, the boy was asleep, the shock having affect ed him in this singular manner, and in an hour after, when he opened bie eyes, they were badly and irrevocably crossed. A poor lad who is affected with epi lepsy during a recent attack fell against the steam coils in his father s office, burning and blistering his eyes so badly that the sight is gone. As the Louisville and Nashville pas senger train was coming into the city some ruthless person threw a stone at the day coach, shattering one of the windows. The particles of glass flow into tho face of a man sitting by the window, as many as 40 of them embed ding themselves in his eyes alone. Most marvelous to relate, every bit of glass has been abstracted and the man's eye sight remains unimpaired. New Or leans Letter in Philadelphia Times. What Shall We Call It? The boys call it a "bike" and are happy ; the dictionary makers call it a "bicycle" and rest content, thongh heaven knows the philological sin onght to lie heavily on their literary con sciences, and we who ride and are hap py and independent call it a "wheel," in spite of the finicky protest of sundry would be pedants who fill space in the I daily and weekly papers. Pray, why not "wheel?" Do you know of a better name? Surely not "bicycle," for "bi cycle, " besides being an awkward word, does not describe the instrument of de light we know, as doubtless the origina tor of tho word fully dreamed it did. "Bicycle" has an affected, strained sound that ill accords with the best ele ments of the language we love, the lan guage whose strength lies in its short, crisp words, pulsating with life and meaning. It is not unusual to designate a spe cific thing by a generic term, and we do no violence to the language when we say we ride awheel. The term came in to general use when men did literally ride upon a wheel, in the days of the old "ordinaries," before the advent of "safeties." It was awheel they rode, the second member of the machine trail ing behind in almost unnoticed insig nificance. It was then that a thousand tongues at once named tho wheel. This democratic term of spontaneous birth has had a tenacious life and will still live, for it is always the people who make language, not pedants nor dic tionary compilers. Womankind. Rainbows That Can Change Sex. In many parts of the world it is the general belief that the rainbow has the power to change sex. This queer belief obtains in such widely separated dis tricts as South Africa and Norway and China and Australia. The Zulus have a long folklore story of the young man who was changed into a wrinkled old woman by touching the many hued arch. The Scandinavian peasants have a sim ilar story, and in Greece they say that anybody who runs against the end of the rainbow will have his or her sex in etantly changed. In France and India to pass under the rainbow has a similar effect St. Louis Republic. Old Story to Wm. "My boy," said the passenger with the fur lined coat and the smooth shaven, square face, "it was the success of the season. There wasn't standing room." The conductor smiled a sour smile. "Zif I didn't have the same experience everyday," said he to the motorman. Cincinnati Enquirer. Literary Item. "They say very few authors sleep more than seven hours a day." "But think how much slumber they furnish other people I" Chicago Rec ord. Use your gifts faithfully, and they shall be enlarged. Practice what you know, and you shall attain to higher know ledge. Arnold. i There is a time in everv man's educa tion when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance, Emerson. j HARNESS THIEVES AT WOKK. A Farmer Near Eagle Suffers the Loss of His New Set Notes. Eagle, Neb., May 4. (Spocial to The News.) Harness thieves for tho second time got in their work near Eagle Sunday night. George Oberle, a Gorman farmar living one mile south of town, being the victim. He is minus hi9 best 6et of harness, the thieves carefully selecting tho set from among the old. One of the first land marks of Eagle was by order of the authorities of the Missouri Pacific railway company re moved this week. Wo refer to tho railway windmill and watertank. Ow ing to its height it was plainly visible for a radius of twelve miles and was designated as a guiding point to locate the town. For tho first time since the location of tho town the postoflice is presided over by a simon pure democrat, G. W. Venner,by grace of Grover Cleveland, taking possession the first of May, with his son, "Pink," as deputy. Tho proposed chango in the time card of the Missouri Pacific is not al together satisfactory to the business men. By the change none of the dailies can reach us until evening, and in order to roach Omaha it will take the better part of two daj's and a night, while it gives an additional "shopping train" for Lincoln. Tipton precinct is getting her war paint on ready to go into the republi can primaries and county convention for gore. 'Tis said that Hon. A. P. Cooley, satisfied with himself and his record, would be willing to succeed himself. There are others in the precinct who think that he has had sufficient honors and should bo content. R. Wilkinson the lumber man is be ing groomed for tho chair formerly occupied by Cooley, and if lightening should strike twice in the same place, Richard sees no reason why he should not be the favorite son. Vienna Itakery Itranch Depots. The splendid quality of the goods turned out at the Vienna bakery has increased the business to such an ex tent that branch depots of supply have been added. Vienna bread, cakes, etc., can hereafter bo found at Bach's South Park store, George Weidmann's restaurant and Zuckweiler's grocery. A wagon will bo put on about May 5 which will deliver goods to any part of the city. Card of Thanks. To tho neighbors and friends who so kindly tendered their assistance and sympathy at the great bereavement we have suffered in the loss of a de voted wife, affectionate daughter and loving sister, we publicly extend our heartfelt thanks. C. F. Valleuy, Mrs. Niemajj, Frank Neiman. It's just as easy to try One Minute Cough Cure as anything else. It's easier to euro a severe cougb or cold with it. Lot your next purchase for a cough be a One Minuto Cough Cure. Better medicine; better result; better try it. F. G. Fricke & Co. Siuoke the Itest. Herman Spies is now making the finest 5-cent cigar eve.- sold in this or any other market. The purest Cu ban tobacco from tho famous Abajo district is used, and for proof of our statement you only have to try the "Exquisito." Don't forget there is but ono "Exquisito" brand of cigar in Plattsmouth, and Spies is the maker. His "Progrogs" is still a leader in lu cent goods. Burns are absolutely painless when DoWitts Witch Hazel salve is prompt ly applied. This statement is true. A perfect remedy for skin diseases, chapped hands and lips, and never fails to cure 11103. F. G. Fricke & Co. The New Itoses. Plants of the following new roses, Meteor, Testout, and Kaiserina Au gusta, suitable for sotting out, aro now ready at L. A. Moore's. Itepuhliran Central Committee Meeting. The republican county central com mittee will meet at Weeping Water, May 23, at 1 o'clock sharp. All mem bers are earnestly urged to bo present. W. H. Newell, Chairman, A. L TlMULIX, Secretary. Mr. D. P. Davis, a prominent liverj' man and merchant of Goshen, Va., ha9 this to say on the subject of rheuma tism: "I take pleasure in recommend ing Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism, as I know from personal experience that it will do all that is claimed for it. A year ago this spring my brother was laid up in bod with with inflammatory rheumatism and sufferod intensely. The first applica tion of Chamberlain's Pain Balm eased tho pain and the use of one bottle com pletely cured him. For sale by all druggists. P OOR DIGESTION leads to nervousness, chrome dyspepsia and great misery. The best remedy is HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA. I X "The Fountain of Is flowing in Plattsmouth and you can secure thesp.irk ng liquid obtained therefrom at loc per gallon. We avo obtained the agency of tho alroady famous Lloyd's Mineral Water and can furnish it in any quantity, great or sm-ill in its natural state as it t'ows from a depth of 500 feet through solid rock. It is espec'ally effications in Rheumatism and all kidney diseases. It is not a purgative but a laxitive so gentle that it corrects and reerulates the bowels without griping and is thorougly effective even in the most severe cases of constipation. Bring your jug along. -to MO MO For SalG by SMITH c 11AIJ3LI5 -UK INC! VOl'K I'KISSCHIITIOXS TO US- District Convention Following is tho program of the sec ond missionary district convontion, at Plattsmouth, May 5-7: TUESDAY, May 5. 7:30 P. M. Address of welcome. . . Iimce Simrloc Response A. . Ih-nry 8:00 P.M. Address 11. A. 1'alliM WEDNESDAY, MAY 6. 9:00 A. M. Social Service Urn. Zenor !::10 A. M. Reading of Minutes, Appointment o Committees. 10:00 A.M. President's Address. Discussion. 11:00 A. M, Address Hro. Lenin 2:00 p. M. C. V. B. M. 4:00 P. M. Reports ot Committees. 7:.'W P. M. Soiik and Social Seivice, MV P. M. Address A. L. Jonc Thursday, May 7. J:00 a. M. Song and Social Service. Fro. Hilton !:.!0 A. M. r.lection ot IJtticers. 1(H) a m. iistiiii Box. liro. Kirchstein. 111WA. M. Address C. M. McCuid Program C. W. B. M , Wednesday May 6, 2 to 4 p. m : Devotional Exercises Led by Mrs. Voutzy, I'lnttsmoutl Appointment ot Committees. M mutes ot last meeting. Renorts of Delegates. Duet Misses May and Edna Petersen Paper Miss Amanda Hague, r.limvooi Recitation No Home Miss Maud Mauzy. Plattsmouth l'aper Mrs. A. 1.. Junes, leLrask.a cily lalk Reports Iroin therielti ..Mrs. ISewcoinc 1'aiter Medical Missionaries Mrs. Roetger. Klimvood Address Mrs. Aln"e i. Henry Collection. Benediction. Morgan's Itlryeie Contest. Following is the registration of votes on tho most popular lady in Cass countv un to date. Tho winner will receive as a prize a high grade ladies bicycle, ten votes on which may be had with every dollar's worth of goods purchased of Frank J. Morgan: Mabel Roberts, Plattsmouth 4.LV.0 Maud Eaton. Plattsmouth :U!HI Bessie Walker. Murray 3.;it Alice Murray, Mynard TM) Ethel Perry. Mynard .iU Anna Meisinger Emma Wehrhein, Plattsmouth -0 Mrs. Hattie Stickland, Wabash a The Vienna Itiikery Tho finest bakery in tho state. The choicest bread, cako, pies, etc., al ways fresh. Ornamentel work and special orders attended to promply Opposite the court house. James Lyck, Prop. lee. lee, lee. We have concluded to remain in the ice business put in your orders. We have plenty for the city trade, of the 1 . C B t C . oest quality. iiciu;iKcti a, bon, teie phone 72. We mijrht teli you more about Ono Minute Cough Cure, but you proba bly know that it cures a cough. Ever ono does who had used it. It is a per fpot rmrlw fnr rnnorhs r-nlili linnrsf ness. It is an especial favorite for children, being pleasant to take and quicK in curing, f. u. r nke .V; co. Go to Tom Walling for reliable ab stracts. Conveyancing a specialty Office first door east of the court house WANTS. (Special notices under this head will be charged for at the rate of H cent per word each insertion.) HO.VKDINO. w ANTED Boarders by the day or week. One uiuiK lium luun nouse. ppiy ai uns onice I'ASTl'KACJK. HORSES pastured at Cullom; best of accommo dations. Running water and plenty of shade Address, H. V. Beaver. Cedar Creek, Neb. FOK KENT. JOR RENT Cottage, orchard, garden and ten acrrs pasture. K. IS. inUhani FOR RENT. A cosy residence and five acres of ground near the fair grounds on Lincoln avenue. Apply to P. II. Mahoney, or first door soutn oi tne premises on Lincoln aveuue, or en quire at News office. MISCELLANEOUS. U ( (USE-CLEANING. takiiie down stoves or anv 1 kind of work done. Anyone wanting that kind ot wnrk done will do well to call on or address Kildow Brothers, Plattsmouth, Neb. ACJENTS. I A DIES I make big wages doinir nleasant work at iiome, and will gladly send lull par ticulars to an seiitling zct stamp. Miss .M. A. oieooms, i-awrence, Alien igan. There is a Time and Place for Everything... There Is a Time to Paint. If your house is looking a little bit shabby or weatherbeaten, and is be ginning to decrease in value, then that time is NOW. There Is a Place to Buy Paint. It is our store, because we have the Heath & Milligan Paints at i 1.50 per gallon. One gallon covers from lioo to 275 square feet of surface, two coats. How many square feet of surface has your house? Come in and tell us and look at our color cards. F. G. FRICKE & CO. DRUGGISTS. Life... 3 I OFFice or B LAC KW ELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO COMPANY. To AL Who Retail offered for a limited time, so order to-day. Yours very truly, BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO COMPANY. 5 r If you hav an y difficulty in procuring your oap, cut out this notice and send it with your order to your wholesale dealer. Wl 10 Is the Most Popular ...Lady In Cass County? t 9 In order to satisfy the Public Mind on this question Frank J. Morgan.. ...Plnttsnioutli's Leading Clothier, will offer a way to the solution. For every dollar received, either for goods pur chased or on open account, we will give a card entitling the holder to ten votes on this question. The vote will be published every day and week in the papers so you may know at any time how each contest stands, the voting to close at 12 o'clock sharp on July 4, 1896. The lady receiv ing the highest number of votes will be declared the most popular lady in Cass County and will receive a handsome High Grade... ...Ladies' Bicycle. ....With this object in view we have taken extra pains in selecting our Spring Stock of Clothing and Furnishing Goods and you will find that we can suit the most fastidious in color, pattern or price. ....All voting to be done at Bank of Cass County, bicycle on exhibition at our store. 9 f f 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 F. J. MORGAN, he LEADING CLOTHIER. T HE LATEST HE NICEST HE BEST... OF EVERYTHING ..Millinery New Goods are received every week. For real artistic, up to date Trimming call at once. ...Mrs. M. A- Street. ICiSlilrfV I -J rv WIVuk STILL IN BUSINESS. EST ritrg for Wedding, Funerals or Plotisuro Parties, etc. II tele orders attended to promptly. Term reasonable. Cash preferred. Call nnd rot B rates. Telephone 70. N. B. W. D. Jones auctioneer all disposed of. DURHAM, N. C. Dear Sir: You are entitled to receive FREE from your wholesale dealer, WHITE STAR SOAP with all the Blackwell's Genuine Durham Smoking Tobacco you buy. One bar of soap Tree with each pound, whether 16 oz.f 8 oz., 4 oz., or 3 oz., packages. ; We have notified every whole sale dealer in the United States that we will supply them with soap to give you FR E E- Order a (rood supply of GENUINE DURHAM at once, and insist on getting your soap. One bar of Soap FREE with each pound you buy. Soan la i IN THE LINE OF Cass County's - f J- fa . . uuiurrsi .iihi liiiHn - li la-tlGUl JIIIUIIp 618 MAIN STREET, kinds of goods and farm stock