THE SEMI-WEEKLY NEWSIIEHALD, PLATTSMOUTII, NEB., MAY 6, 1896. r Highest cf all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report THIS IS A PICTURE OF ONE OF 1 A FINE ANTIQUE BED-ROOM SUITE. i&E5&OIL&)TEIJ.V PURE Lesson CITY BREVITIES. If 1 epe I ILLtKd. 1 UNRWS 60MPETTON 11 N-S'V" MOMMY. A. K. I.arrot is up from Xehan-ka for a vi.-it with friends over Sunday. Joseph is homo after helping to build a house for Ol.n Coleout near Klmnood. Harry Jlowianil was out ou the streets today for the first time in many weeks. He appears quite feeble. Attorney A. M. Russell of Weening: Water is in the city today looking after the settlement of the Decker es tate. Uncle Nick Halmes will turn his splendid new barn over to the young people tonight who will dedicate it with a trrand ball. W. I). Jones' bi(r carryall has beon painted and cushioned ty Shultz & Son until it is nher than it was when it was new. I'icnic parties are now in order. Kx-Kev. Kirkland, tho bold, bad preacher at Union who had to lleo in lyiler toeM-ape the ii;hteous wrath f the trood M-oplu down there, drove over from Nehawka last nirht, lut made only a brief s-tay. Dr. 11. 15. Wallace was called to Urunwick, Mo., Monday niffht by a teh-'tani announciu; the death of his brotiier-in-law. His daughter, Char lotte, accompanied hi in and they nr rived home Tuesday. I rnion Ledger. What thre is left of the -'jolly six" viz: the Misses Darbara Cerinjr. Ver na Leonard, Klla Clark and Dora Frickc went out to Louisville today where they will enjoy the hospitality of To in i'armele. In tho alternoon they drive to Springfield and in tho eveninjr return home on the train. J udure K ilon had a double wedding in his court this morning. lie united in marriairo Sand ford W. True and Mr. Kilgar A. Fletcher and Miss Mary .v uiarence. i , yui.K lMf ail residents 01 :;ss ruuiiij mu nit; ceremonv was witnessed by a few chance spectators. The News wishes j the oung people inucti joy. tNf DiasKa . Citv N' SATTKHAY. Steve Ibizell came in from Iowa Saturday for a visit with his fainilj-. Clans HreUenfehi, the Cedar Creek miller, is attending to business in the city today Myitle Levings and Iouise Smith made a trip to Lincoln last week in the interest of the Kitany class. Conductor I Jerry came in from II ist ings yesterday morning on a secial and spent the day with old friends. F.hler Fred Warren and wife are in the city to attend the second mission ary dinliicl convention which meets tomorrow. Mrs. .1. '. Kikeub u-y Klla, went to Omaha train this morning to ami daughter, on tho Oi'riy spend the day with friends. j Mrs. Hi.wland was called to Missouri j Saturday by a telegram announcing t the prohabie fatal illness ot her father! from apoplexy. j .lain. -s Mitchell was made the happy j father cf a line boy last week, and the kind fates treated lorn l'utterson in a similar manner. Mr. and Mrs. .luiius Neilson came in Saturday from llavelock to spend Sundav with the hitter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Purdy. !hert Knapp and wife of ITavelock were over Sunday visitots in the city, the guests of the former's sisters, Mrs W. K. Fox and Mrs. II. N. Dovey. Frank Creen and Willie IJ. Wise re- i turned yesterday from their trip to Dener. They speak in high terms of the hospitalitv of the people at Denver. ! i Charles Iihodo departed this morn-' ing for St. .Joe, where he will try to j familiarize himself with the mysteries; ol l'ie iron monsier, me 13 je selling in:. chine. lit. Kev. tieorge Worthington 10 turned to his home in Omaha this morning, having filled the pulpit at the Kniscopal church in this city last evci'hi. There was a large crowd in attendance. I'latlsmouth is to have a new depot built of pressed brick. It will te built on the south side of Main street ad joining .the track. It will be 21x72 fo.'t with metallic roof and tiled lloor. l'ioneer Grip. A lively runaway occurred from tho Missouri Pacific depot at noon 3'ester day which resulted in a badly demol ished wagon nnd in bruising one of the horses considerably. It was not learned who owned tho team. Mrs. Dr. Miller, a sister of L. D. Dennett, who has oeen visiting in this city for several week, departed this morning for Atchison, Kan., where she will visit friends for a time, after which she will return to her homo at Indianapolis. James Johns went over to Ited Oak, la., this uiornintr to see about accept ing a position for a pluiubintr house that has Wen offered him. He will return in a few days and will probably make nrrano-o.uients for the removal of his family to that place. Wesley Iiarr cot too much "on I oxygen starvation You can starve the body in more ways than one; yon can give it food and not feed it. It needs oxygen. The oxygen you get from the air is carried to all parts of the body by the red corpuscles of the blood. One drop of blood contains millions of these. When these are deficient in blood, we call it poor blood, and it shows itself in general weakness, lack of appetite, and loss of weight. What you want is something which will make more red corpuscles. of cod-liver oil, with hypophosphites, is something more than an oil. Its peculiar action depends on a number of substances active principles which will increase the red corpuscles of the blood. ' 50c. and $..00 SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. RAILROAD TIME TABLL. M. I. TIMKt'AKD. TRAINS OOINO NOKTII, No, 1 ... No. I'd. No. 127. No. :a 4.r0 a.m p. in ;i.H5 o. in i.r p. in local f relirht irrivefrom south THA INS OOISO 8. UTH, -.1 No. l'.M.. No. i.... No. No. ... .11.52 a-m. . .10.4 1 p. m. .. 9.25 h. in. , :t;4") p. in. IC. St .11. Tf .Mi: CAKIC TRAINS OOINO WEST. No T. ... No. II.. No. !!.. N o. :t. .. No. 5. ... No. -... No. ! No. 3... No. 4.... No. 12.. No. Id.. N j. W.. N i is . . ICn. 'JO... .... 2.22 p.m. r.(tr p. in. .... 5.05 p. iii. :i4:t p. in. . .'. . 7. .11 a.m. H.(Ka.m. 4.0u p. in. Minday only. . TRAINS fiOINO EAST. . 5.:tl p. in 10.24 a. m . K'.Ti p. m . 11.55 a. n i .12.2:1 p.m . k:25 p. in l':4o a, in ..(Sunday only. board" yesterday and tho kind-hearted police took him over to tho Hotel Ilolloway, where he might take a much needed est. He was turned over to the tender mercies of Judge Archer this mornine, who assessed a fine amounting to $l with trimmings, and not being tho possessor of that amount of wealth, he put up his watch for security until he could raise the cash, and was given his liberty. WAS A LAIUJE TURNOUT. Tlit Kir-it Floral I lay KxerciBen of the A. The lirst Floral day exercises of the Ancient Order of Unitod Workmen lodges of this city was fittingly cele brated Sunday when the four lodges No. 84. No. M,No. 4,ihe Swedish and the two auxiliary organizations com- posed of ladies. Daughters of Honor - and Ivy lodges met at their hall and m;rched in a body, headed by tho city h ind, to Oak Hill cemetery where impressive ceremonies were performed aim the graves or all departed mem- lersweie decorated. The exercises were opened by a prayer by Chaplain McKay, and who delivered a very pa triotic address, giving a brief history of the lodge and its organization. I after which the graves were decorated. I The A. O. U. W. Floral dav is to lie observed on the first Sunday in May all over the United States and Canada, and owing to the fact that yesterday was the first celebration I'latlsmouth lodges have reason to be proud of tho interest shown, neanv all the mem bers of the different lodges either be ing in the procession or out to the ceme tery in vehicles, besides a large nuin-itct- ot ieople not being members. Itrtnc Vniir KricinlH In Nilirsk;i. The Chicago, Hurlington &. (vuiney 1L II. publish asixteen-page monthly il lustrated newspaper called the'"Corn I Jelf'whieh gives in an interesting way information alxiut western farm lands, particularly tho.-e in Nebraskar. The regular subscription price is tweniy- II ve cents cr year, but if you want it sent to any of your friends living east of the Mississippi river; sent ten cents in stamps for each person, giving name and full address and the paper will be sent for one year. Tho B. & M. K. agent will show you a sample copy of the paper on request. Heip vour state and induce your friends to immigrate. Address tho Corn Belt, 2 '.) Adams street, Chicago, 111. I)rafnH Cannot Ife.Currri. hv local applieations. as thev cannot reach the disease.l portion of the ear. There is only , one way to cure Deafness, and that is by constitutio nal remedies. Deafness is caused by an inttamed condition of the mucous lining of the Kustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entiiely closed Deafness is the result, and un less the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restoied t. its normal condition, hearing will lie destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are cau-ed bv catarrh, which is nothing but an in- tl a 11 led condition of the mucous sufaces. We will give Due Hundred Dollars lor any case id Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cuied bv Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send lor circu lars, lice. F. J. CHF.NKV St Co.. Toledo. O. frfSoId liy Druggists, 7"ic. For Sale. A good pair of 5-year-old mares weirht about L'JilMI; also a ffood pair of thereunto belonging or in anywise apper n.lo l.',.i. f A hi taining; the same being levied upon and ...... Holmes, Keck Bluffs, Neb. English Spavin Liniment remoyes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Cletnishea from horses. Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, King-Bone, Slides, Sprains, all Swoolen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save ! by use ol one bottle. Warranted tho most wonder ful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by F. G.?l-Yicke & Co., druggists, I'latls mouth. Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria. It's all right to let the little girls have an early introduction to mm a It will not only make their clothes clean but when in late years the cares of the household come they will know best how to meet them. There are a great many women who have learned a lesson of economy and cleanliness by the use of Santa Claus. Sold everywhere. Made only by The N. K. Fairbank Company, - Chicago. Skiol the "Trolaloo." A numlier of merchants on Main street were loath to learn this morn ing of the sudden disappearance of A. W. Beam, who loaded his household effects, it is said, on wagons about Id o'clock last night and skipped the town without going through tho formality of paying his bills around town. It is understood that his objective point is Nebraska vity. Beam came to this place from Ray mond about eighteen months ago and the report goes that the circumstances of his removal to this place were not vastly different from those concerning his departure last night. He repre sented himself to lie a cattle buyer and managed to get into tho merchants by sending members of his family to the stores to get provisions while ho was out ''buying cattle." He rosided in Perry Class' house in the Third ward. Tlie New l'ig;ar Fact wry. Otto Wurl, successor to L. V. Egen- berger, has already built up a fine rep utation for his excellent make of ci gars, ills linjierial, 10 cent cigar is made from tho finest grade of imported tobacco, and for high quality cannot bo excelled anywhere. His leader in 5 cent goods, the Cabinet, is a great seller, and is already in the front rank of ocent goods. llememler to try the Imperial or "Cabinet ami you will moke no other. For sale by a'.i deal ers. Notire to 1'Hiiitrrs. Soiled bids will lie received until noon May o, imhi, at the onice oi tne county clerk, for cleaning, painting and tightening up county- bridges, ac cording to the specifications on file in the county clerk's ollice. The right to reject any or all bids is teserved. By order of the county commissi loners. IX, - County Clerk. It is not a miracle. It wont cure everything, but it will cure piles. 1 hat's what Do Witts Witch Hazel alve wjll do, becau.-e it has done it in hundreds of cases. k ti. Pricke &. Co. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Sheriff's Sale, lly virt ue of an order of sale Issued by O. F. llouseworth. clerk of the district court within and for Cass county, Nebraska. and to me uirectoa. 1 win 011 me niiii nay 01 may, A. 1 1., ls'Ni. at 11 o'clock a, in., of said day ay, lay 3 in aid at the south door of the court lou9e t I... nil v tt IM'itttiiniith In an county, sell at public auction. the following I real estate to-wlt: ) LotNa oun (li. In block No. one (1), In) Stiles' add It ion to the cltv of Plattsmoutb. Nebraska, together with the nrlvileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining; tne same neing levied upon and taken as the property of Klia Upjohn, Myr.i K. llogeliome, Nicholas nelliiian, Soellman. wire or rMieolas Spellman. first and real name unknown, do- fendants. to satisfy a judgment or said court recovered by Mrs. Klla 11. I pjohn. plaint Itf against said defendants. I'laitsniout n. ixeorasKa, April w. t . it. ls-.Ni. 1 1 A It V K Y Hol.l.OWAV. SherifT. Cass County. Nebraska. Sheriff's Sale. Ity virtue of an order of sale Issued by G. F. House worth. clerk of tin district court with in and for Cans county. Nebraska, and to me directed. 1 will on Uiith day of May. A. 1. lS'.Ki, at II o'clock a. ni. of Raid (lay at the south door of the court house in tho city of Plat tsmoii th, in said county, sell at public miction, to the highest bidder for cash, 1 he following real estate, to-wlt: Lots three lit), four (4l and live i". in block six )i, in South Park addition to Plat tsmoiit 11, Cass county, Nebraska, together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances taken as the nrouertv of John minor anil Kiniiia 1. Minor, defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by The I'iattsiiiout h Loan and liuilding Associa tion. ulalntilT. aeaiust said defendants. I'latlsmouth. Neb.. April 2-". A. I.'. IlAKVKY Hol.l.OWAV. Sheriff. Ca9s county, Nebraska. Legal Notice. In tlie district court of Cass county. Nebraska. Kohcrt Lyons. I'laintitt I vs. f Tlie State Hank ol M unlock, j Nt-liraska. I tefendant. J L'mler and by virtue nf an order f.f the district court ol Cass county, Nebraska, lion. Ilasil S. Kauisev. I mice, entered upon April l:tli. A. I). IsHri. requiring notice of the tiling ol the claims to be civen lor six weeks prior to July I-ith, Now. therefore. I. Dexter M . ijuatKennusn, as receiver, do hereby notify all jiersons having claims against said hank to tile the same with me at niv oltice in First National Hank ol tircenwood on or before I ill V Mth. IV.ti. and that the same be nronerlv verified upon forms by me furnished upon application. 1 lurtlier cive nonce inai upon juiy i.sin. i-v. at in o'clock a. ni.. I will proceed upon the ex amination ol said accounts and the disposing of them as by said order of the district court di rected. All persons are further notified that all claims not hied by the time therein (riven will be disal lowed unless otherwise ordered by the judge of said court. Dated at I'lattsnioutli. Neb.. April 2S. 1V.W. DkXTEK M. r At KINI'.l Sll. As Receiver of the Slate Hank ol Murdock. Neb. Legal Novice. Adaline CripiM'n. tiurdon H. Crippen. Henia- min A. liibsou. Mrs. Heiijamin A. liibson. his wile, real name unknown. William C. Cru pen. David C Munson. Klliott t'allander. losenh K. Callander and Kdward A. Hangs, trustee delend- ants, will take notice that on the -lh day of Fe! ruary. lMH'., the Kradlord Savings Hank and Trust company, the plaintitt herein, hied its petition in the district eourt of Cass county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer ol whii-h are to loreclose a certain mortgage execut ed by Adaline Crippen and Ciur.lon H. Crippen to one Hen jam in A. 1 ulison, and by said Heiii.tiiiiu A. (iibsoii.sold aud assigned to one tieorge lslie and bv said (ieoige Leslie duly sold and ;isigiicd pl.iiiititf. upoiithe west hall (w'jlof the southwest quarter Isn't), section three (Jli, all ol t he west halt iw Vil ol the northwest quarter in1 1 ) ol sec- lion three tl. except the right of way of the Lin coln branch ot the Missouri Pacific railroad, one hundred feet wide, as now located: also the east halt le'.l ot said northwest quarter inw'.l ol said section three f:t) lying Jnorth of the railroad right of way as now located, all in township ID north of range II east ol the the nth I rniopal Me.lruliaii, in Cass county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of one certain promissory note with interest cou pons attached, said note dated May llth. isk-i. tor t he sum ol $2.7(111.110, due and payable June 1st, lsi'l, said mortgage provided that in case anv ol said notes or coupons are not paid when due, the 1 whole snm secured thereby may be declared to be due and payaMi-; there is now due on said note, coupons and' mortgage the sum of i:1.4:fl.."i which sum, with interest from this date, plaintitt prays for a decree that defendants le required to pay the same, or that said premises nia,y he sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or hefore Moiidav. the '.Tith day of May. lsiti. Dated April 11. llt;. C. t Fl.ANslU KC. Attorney for Plaintitt. Notice of Probate ot Will. The State of Nf.kkaska, ) ss County of Cass, f In the matter of the last will and testament of Mary K. anCleave, deceased. Notice is hereby Riven that on the lltli day of May. A. I). Ism;, at the office ot the county judjic in 1'lattsmouth. Cass county. Neerar-ka. at the hour of l.'M o'clock in the alt. moon, the follow ing matter will lie heard and considered: The petition of Albert VanCleave to admit to probate the last will and testament of M.iry K. VanCleave. deceased, late of (Jreenwood precinct in said county, and for letters testamentary to Al beit VanCleave. Hated this day of April. A. I)., lsii. 15y order id the court. tiEOKl.t M. Sl-CKLlK'K, f7 County Judge. Sheriff's Sale. llv virtue of an order of sain Issued by ('. F. llouseworth. clerk of the ilistrict court wit bin a lid for Cass eon nty. Ne lira ska, and to mis directed, 1 will on the l'ith d:iy of M iy A. 1. ls-.iii. at II o'clock a- tu. of said day at tho sou t-li door of tlin court house in the city of I'lallsinoutli. .n said county, sell lit public a uetion, to I he In sliest hinder for cli. the following real estate to-wit: l-orty-two feet otl of the north end ol lots No. 1 and U. in bloi k No. 1:1. ill the city ol l'l attsiiMtith. Cass county. Nebraska; together with ai! and singular the heieditanieiits and appurtenances theieunto belonging or in anywise apiurt, lining: the same being levied upon ami taKeii a the perty id ainucl I . anatt.i. r.. J. an.tlta. r.. anatta. as guardian ol . 1. i.ainn'i and W. 1 Watei man. ma'i i Nui feudality, ti covered by l.athrop. K. T. Hartley. Joim as sui viving parlntT ot II. A. W.iiei- John Plack.and Ida. k. deteud- sati-lva imluient of said comt re- the l ir-t b:ink of I'latts- mouth, ants. Plait Nebraska niouih, N plainliit Hg.unst :-.nd liehnd- braska. April :. A. H. lS'.n;. 1 1 AK V IV ill Mil iWA V. Shell!!. Caw county, Neb;ak:i Mastei's 171. Sale. Do. k. t 1 . In the . ii 111! 1 fi-.l 111 I ol Nebi .! I-rani is C. I'.i necticut Kiver J. lines K. i irove uit -ka. I the I'liited States, for the dkuer. av mgs el as assignee of The Con bank, complainant, vs. 1 lend. nits 111 chancery. I t iKl Cl.OSl'KK id- MuUTOACL. I'ul.lic notice is heicby given that in pin- nance and b virtue ot a decree entered in the aliove cause on the ;'lh day ot June, IvKi. 1. I'.. S.I jr.. master in chancel v ol the i ncuil co.irl ..i the I'niled states l,.i the disti it t f Nebraska, will.on ihe'.'thdny of May, l;i, at Hie hour ol 1 o clock in the atleriioon ol said day at the : oittti dooi ol the Cass county cou t hoiire building in the citv ot riattsiiii.tnh. t ass cuiily, st,u .ml distiiOt ot Nebraska. --ll at auction i.o c:i-.h the h iilov mg described piopcrtv. t-wit: The e;e t hail tin: sou! (pi. 11 lei (e1. :-e' i I ot section number two (''). and the wi sllialfol the inn :h west una iter ( w 1 . 11 w 1 j 1 ol s. ct i..n num ber twelve ( l-. in town tell tldinoith ol range east of the th principal meridian in Cass county, Nebraska. I-.. S. D( Mil, Jk.. Master in Chanceiy S. I. tii.isi UAKl.T, Solicitor lor Complainant. Legal Notice. ;co. W. Clark iin.II. K. I'.urr, Altorneys. In the district court of Cass county. Ni b. 1 ( F.liza A. U ood, plai j vs. 'John Fredrick App laintltt. 1 uhn, Susan Ap- iiuhn. c -iiiiiinan 0: 0.. 1 ne .ombard Investniejit Co.. Milton H. W hitney, Chas. S. Fairchild. Harry K. Mooney. Sanlord H. Ladd and Frank Hagerinan, re ceivers ol The Lombard Invest ment conipanv. defendants. 1 C. Aultman iV Co.. the Lombard Investment Co., Milton H. Whitney, Chas. S, Fairchild, Harry K. Mooney, Sanlord H. Ladd and Frank Hager- nian, non-resident deietnlants, will take notice that on the iilst day of March, ls'.Ki. Fliza A. Wood, the plaintitt herein, tiled her petition 111 the district court of Cass county, Nebraska; the object and prayer of which is to foreclose a cer tain mortgage executed aim delivered iy Joim Fredi it k Appuhn and Susan Appuhn to the plain titt up. n the follow ing described real estate, t. i-wit : The south hall is 'i ol the northwest quarter 1 n. w. 't. sec tion thirty 1a.11, township eleven (II), range nine ('). east ol the lth principal meridian. Cass county. Nebraska. Said moitgage was given to secure the payment of two promissory notes, dated April 11, one for jctoci, due Januaiy 1, ls;r.t. and one lor 5:;iKi. due January I. 1SV4, with interest thereon at the rale ot S per cent per annum from date; that there is now due and un paid upon saiil mortgage and notes the sum d tTSt, lor which sum. with interest from this date, plaintitt prays for a decree that defendants John Fredrick Appuhn and Susan Appuhn be required to pay the said amount or that said pieinises be sold to satisfy the amount lound to be due: that C. Aultman V Co.. claim to have a mortgage lien upon the land as heretofore described, and that they be required to bring iii to this court their mortgage, il any such they have: that an account ing may be had aud that the lien ot said C. Ault man ei Co., be declared subsequent to that id this plaintitt: that the Lombard Investment Co. vr their receivers, to-wit: Milton H. Whitney Chas. S. Fairchild. Harry IC. Mooney, Sanlord H Ladd and hrank llacernian. claim to have i mortgage lien upon the land as above described, and that they be required to bring in to this court their mortgage, that an accounting may be had. and that the lien of said Lombard Investment Co., be illared to be subsequent to that of this plaintitt. You and each of you are required to answer said petition on the lMh day ol .May, Is;,. F.I iza Wool I'.y (ieo. W . Clark and D. K. Harr, her attorneys. Sheriffs Sale. Hy v-. it iic of an order of sale issued t.y V. Ilou-M'wort h. ciei k of tho district court within and fort'ass county, Nebraska. un(4 to me n ireeioci, 1 will on-i no 211 nay 01 .nay, a l. ls'.Nl. at II o'clock ti. in. of said day at tho south door of t he court house in t he eityof 1 latts'uoutn. 111 sii i.l county, sell at nubile auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to-wit: Lots nine en. ten ill . eleven (Hi ana t wel ve .I'Jl. bl k. t wentv-two, i2) in the city of I'latts moil lh. Cass county. Nebraska, together with the privileges and aupurten ine-s thereto belonging or in appertain in; same bein levied upon and taken as the property of Richard llilsteln. .lulia Hilstein. .fames M, CraI-.rlias.tJ I'armele. I'udahv I'acktng company. John Morrell & Co., defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said cou rt recovered by Ira ruttiam, plain tiff against, said tie foil limt- riattsinoul h, Ncbrask . March L'l'.. A. I) lS'li. llAHVK.Y IIOI.I...WA v, SheritT. J:iss county. Nebraska. bherifFs Sale. Hy virtue an execution issued by (ieorge I llouseworth. clerk ot the district court, within and tor Cass county. Nebraska, and to me di rected. I will on the 'Jin h day of May, A. I . l-W, at 11 o'clock a. m. ot said day at the south door of the court house in the citv of Flattsmouth, in said county, sell at public auction, to the highest m.uier ior cash, the following real estate, to-w it: 1 he north one-halt C-lol the northwest qu.uterof section twenty-lour -!: the noitheast quarter of scmoii r.ueen u:', and the cast one-halt ol the northwest quarter of section liUeeen ( In, a'l ..c 1 raIlge lL. al0 1(,ts slx (.). eight (S) and nine i). 111 section ten (It-), and 1013 iwo i, mree (.J , tive (.11 and nine 1!'). 111 sec t ion thirteen (l.t 1. and the southeast quarter of tne northeast quarter ot section fourteen ill., ail 111 ioinwe:ve (i-i. range ten (I'M. Cass county Netiraskn. together with the privileges and ap pui lenaiices inereunio ueionging or in anywise apiuitaiiiing; the same being levied upon and taken as the property of William and Maria M .ck. defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by Silas A. Holbrook. plaintitt, against said defendants. 1'lattsmouth. Nebraska, April 4, A. D. lS'.fO. Hakvev Holloway, Sheriff, Cass county, Nebraska. For the Next Thirty Days FOR THE ' ' f- --fli -W' -'mZ - ' ' r.7i ' ' 1 : s ',s'v.Nwini i: : . I M " ' - I H. j 1 ".put mil J1- . . . i. . .. I Ten dozen more of those 95 cent chairs just in. J. I. UNRUIi Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, PLHTTSMOUTH, NEBRHSKH. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF I'LATTS MOUTH, NKHKASKA. I'aid upC Surplus iipltai t.V.'.DIKi lO.iKJd OtTerstlie very best facilities for the prompt transaction of WW WW STOCKS, bonds, itold. goverement and loi r pecuritles n.iugfit and sold. Peposits re ceived and Interest allowed on the certti catcs. llrafts drawn, avallaDie In any pari, of the IT. and all t he principle towns of Europe. ')ol lections made and promptly remitted.' Highest market price paid for county warrants, state and county bonds. DIRECTORS: II. M lliivt-y. Viieh, V. K. Ue. K. lovpy, I'ren. II. N. Ilovey II. llHHkuiirlli White, i. K. Iiv-v S., Cashier AHst. dtshlsr. IB am the most powerful, safe prompt and re liable of this kind in the market. The oriunal and only genuine woman's salva tion. Ask your druggist if fie don't keen ihein. Write d irect to ns and we will send It direct upon receipt of price, 1. sealed, by mail prepaid Medical advice free. JACK SON' MKliH'AL CO., Chicago. 111., or our agent. 1. L, Snyder. BCWARE OF IMITATIONS KE-KUREi ; 3G 1 v n t- FOR5ALE BV ALU DRUGGISTS OQ C X 1ACKSDN MEDICAL CO. CHICAGO ILL. eco so. clark sr iMPtuiAL b'ldg. r uN.D. Don't take any substitute with the some name but different spelling on which your druist o fi makes iwice os much - BEWABEOF IMITATIONS 1 1 tF m W -i tr SII F.NANHO All SAMTAKIl'M. An institution for the Radical cure of Can cer miti Tamnrst Without the one of a Knife. Satisfaction (ioaranteail. We have never Failed to Effect perma nent cure where we have had a reasonable op portunity for treatment. Hook pivinfr de scription of our Sanitarium and Treatment, with terms and references free. Address 1I13. KOtiiNSON & STOIIOKK, Shenandoah, lam. itm-A The News for !0c. ill ' ! mil 11 ii .1 11 hi ..11 -J-- 'i-1- -'L'J.LJIl'jPJl.LWt ll"J''t!lll'"!M.'J111 g s I Liil E SUM )crnp?sx!(in Frsssrved SR. HuEnA'S viola wm 4 n-.Tnovi-pFrfckle, Pimfiles, i Liver itieles, r?ttcl;Iitav:s, J iuneu-n an l Un, and rc Htons tne skin to its origi- clear and heallliy com IsJvH. piexion. t-uperiorionu lace'- - preparations nnd perfectly liarinlt ss. At all druggists, 01 mailed forSOcts. Sciidforcirculiir. VIOLA 8!N SOAP i-i .in.tlT lociniiaraM.- u kln I'-iritMni sv i, uc-qukl'1 for llie loilrt. mini itl.iit m tiv'.l rr th" luir-rr. Asim. iv nnl d licut.-ly nit-dl-mi.-rt. Airtruii-iH. Price 2 5 Cents. ThcO. C. BJTTNES CO., Toledo, O. JOKHSOK'S r-AC?ETIC OIL! Instant Killer of Pain. C- A.V-3 Curi'S KHiiUMATISM. NKITKAL- Ur2W OIA, Ijime Hack, yprains.Uruises, J. KTllin.-a Stiff Joints. IUII.ICkihI i. SJ -CVJ 'i!ltAllrS InHtnutly. Cholera Mor ' 'S- ' iC ods Oroup.IMptherlo, SoreXhroat, TWP PfiflF n!?iWn Especially rropnred for the most Powerful and Pen(-trntiriirL,itiimentlor Mm or lieiibt in existence. Lurt'tnl fcizo uueDocbue?. JOHNSON'S ORIENTAL SOAP. Mdlonted nn Toilet. The Great Skin Cure nn1 Face Baautifier.1 Lcdies viil find it the niont ticiicRte and nighty perfumed Toilet s.u.p ru tne tuarket. It is absolutely pure. Mnfces t s skin soft and velvety nnd restores th lost cotn plexiort is ft luxury for trie Bath lor InfanrK. It a lays IC-hinir, cleansi's tho and JiroUiOU the growth oi li-iii- "'rict25o. I"orsa!uby BEATTYS' CELEBRATED PIANOS AND ORGANS. For Catalouse, address Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N. J. di ii hat Oraans, S35.1IO unwor b wane . I I l'l 11 U 3 Aents. Catalogue fre dre Daniel K. Ueaty, Waslu ni?ton. N Ann It B I C IManos upward losue f ri : want Vi i 4 llfl 11 k3 Agents. Catalosue f ree. Ad v A N. J oross liauiel F. Hcatty. Washington, BEATTY'S Pianos tt'-iSii.OO upwards 1'iir eatalojue address cat I. Daniel V. Heatty, Washington. N. J $509,009 ! !E,VTTV's orj aus i:i.5. M un. I or particulars, cata log ue, a. l'l ress or call, Daniel K. Heatty Washington, N. .1. BEATTY'S :ans ?.j.j.o upwards. r'rite for cat .i!orue:Hldress II.-Daniel 1 Heatty. Wasnin j;ton. N. .1. B. F. BRENDEL, M. D., Physician and Surgeon Calls promptly attended, either DAY or NIGHT. MURRAY, NEBRASKA For the Next Thirty Days OF SI4 will do if used as a wash accordln to di rections; prevent t ansuilssion of blood diseases, sk in diseases, acute and chronic ulcers, stricture, fissure of the hands and feet, F.czetna. Tetter. Mi It Rheumatism, ln tlamation of the Hladd er. Kiseases of the bones, joints and uius cles. fcvvphlletlc In sanity. Scurvy. Scrofu la in tnauy forms. The above and a hund red other forms of disease are traceable di rectly or Indirectly to syphilitic IllooO I'oison for which the Dr. Jack son's Encllsh S.iety Tablets Is a sure pre veutive. is nsafe Germ Killer, rendering cuntn-frion hardly possible, hence its value. I f neglected such troubles result fatally. .Mailed anywhere, sealed 91: six boxes for 9.5. Medical adyleefree. JACIv SOJN MEDICAL CO., Chicago, 111., or our aeent, I. 1 fnyeer. '.i? QUICKLV. I V DA Y r ENGLISrl QUICK s f5l2 DAY NCRVE.RE5T0RER ,VS,MAN OUT CF MEP hi I Vj GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY 30lr DAY in thirty days liy anew perfected scientific method that can not fall unless the ease is bevond human aid. You feel Improved the first day: feel a benefit every day; soon know yourself a kin? anions? men In bony, trind and heart, lirains and losses cjjdeii. every obstacle to haDpy married iii- re moved. Nerve force, will, energy, train power, when failintr are restored. If i n .'lected such troubles result fitaitv Medical advice free. Mailed everwhere. sealed for 91. t'ix boxes for .". JACUsoV MF.DICAIj CO., Chlca-'O. III., or ourn enl I. L. Snyder. COPYRICHT8. etc For fnformatlon an4 fre Handbook wrif to MUSS it CO., U61 liROiDWir, Nbw Your. OMest bureau for sectirlnit jiau-ntu In America. Kvery patent taken out by us la hroiiKht K-fr the public by a notice given free of charge la taa igikni iic mttitmi iTjinrest cfrrnlatlon of any Brlentlfle prwr In 1 vorlu. t-pleintidly Illustrated. No iutclln-cn J lan etwild le without ft. We-tly. gu'l.Ottfc years 91.30 six months. AHflrem, MUN N Cu Vt'iiUiiiiiiu. 3 til iiruadway, J.e w Ycwic City, ' qi 1 - : I o 1 ' . ' - "- "t.- ti ! i - "r"-nni mm MiniwMir-riMiijiiiiiiiiiii'iifj.1" n i mwn-iiiiii'ii--'-''j" "iiii'.iini""" -,m - : ' p,- ..., 1 Li . rTI-:, i nuKwuutiLY, tntv FOREVER CURED 9 sy 4 Scicntifio American Arjcncy z Jf -X TRADE MARKS, DCSICM PATENTS.