Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, March 07, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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Highest of all in Leavening
fk I ' Balding
l'lnce Senor Johuny Fitzpntriek, in
command of a., regiment of his pedes-tr;.in-
well-aimed and well-'ed, would
lick ton regiments of Spaniards. We
arc in favor of srivinjr Johnny and his
tramps ti show.
.lames Uerry, of Greenwood, and
Mis Ircno Bell, daughter of Truman
; Sampson, a prominent farmer from
thai prt of the "county, took out a
jwriuit to wed today from his honor,
Judge Spurlock.
Tho aeighinz last evening- was the
best in fact, the only passable sleighing-
we have had in this town during
the entire winter. tuite a crowd of
youn people took advantage of the
occasion and enjoyed it immensely.
I'tof. Heise's German class finished
uj) its term Tuesday evening- to the
satisfaction of those who had the good
. fortune to attend. The professor
veit to Omaha last evening, but will
return Saturday t; close up his business-
John Leyda is jut as radical and
loyal a republican as there is in the
county, I ut he is a true blue bimetal
list just tho same. Our mixing him
upin a democratic crowd of bimetallists
created a false impression, hence we
volunlariallj- make this correction.
August Gerder is unloading imple
ments by the car-load these times,
which he will sell cheaper than ever.
His hand-made harness department is
what makes him hump, in order to
supply the demand. The old-fashioned
oai tanned leather which he uses is
the best in the world.
County Commissioner Young is at a
loss to know who exchanged their old
overshoes for the pair of good ones he
wore up to Mr. Rawls? last evening,
lie says the supper served by the Pres
byterian ladies was O. K., but he
would like to have his own overshoes.
Someone had better lookout as Mr.
Young can easily identify them as a
pnir of Xo 12"s, with stravv in tho bot
toms. Later Two boys wore seen by
Officer Fitzpatrick sailing down the
Missouri river early, this morning in
queer locking boats. ' They sere over
hauled when it was found that the im
poverished craft was none other than
-Commissioner oungs overshoes
which had been stolen by tho boys,
who mistook them for skiffs. They
were returned to the owner and he is
as good n a tared now as ever.
Isaac Toland one of Greenwood pre
cincts representative farmers is in
the city on business today with some
of the county ol'icials.
Mrs. MeHlwains residence caught
fire-yesterday from a defective Hue in
the roof, ard b3' prompt action was
soon extinguished with but" slight
Chas. Sloan has been on trial nearly
ail day in Judsro Archer's court before
a jury on the charge of vagrancy. At
last accounts the jury was still out.
Mrs. Wiiliaui McCau.ley learned to
day that the family residence tit Ma
comb, Hi., was yesterday destroyed by
fire. Her brother, Charley Latham,
had purchased it and nothing was
" saved.
V1 J. O'Brien s-upcrintendent of
the Nebraska state fisheries is in town
today and went out with J. M. I'atter
son this afternoon to take a Iook at
his ti.-h pouds with a view to stocking
them with suitable fish.
1). C Engine Xo. 1, familiarly
known as the Betsey w:is loaded on a
flat eir nt Dead wood this week des
tined for Flattsmouth shop. It is not
known positively whether the Detsey
will be rebuilt or not. Alliance Grip.
The board of commissioners are
usv toili'y considering bids for the
Itrttiivii i,rui" uu..,.,
.-. ... . .,-11
ensuing year. L-ai-s is tne oesi oriugcu
cout.ty in tho slate, ard located as it
is at the of the Platt i and
Missouri rivtr.-, it contains more
bridges than ::ny other county in the
The following Ui.rlington officials
in 1 li p - -itv tniiav in con
o, u;t f
the supply department. D. S.
Guild: W. P. D'jrKee. assistant
auditor; C. 1. Olsen, superintendent
tf bridge; V. H. Painter, ctvef clerk
of superintendent uotthern division,
and J. II. Waterman, storekeeper.
perfect health, comfort, good-nature, baby-beauty.
" Scott's Emulsion is the best fat-food baby can have, in
ve easiest form. It supplies what he cannot get in his
rtftnary food, and helps him over the weak places to perfect
growth, For the growing child it is growth. For the full-
r i grown, new life.
Be rure yen get Scotfs Emulsion nhem
f Scott & Bowne. New York, ah Drusguts. 50c and $1.
Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Today Cass county loses one of herj
best families, a family that has been
identified with the welfare of the
county for more than a quarter cen
tury. We refer to the removal today
of Mr. and Mrs. W alter Mutz to their
new home at Maryville, Mo. The
best wishes of many friends jro with
them. Weeping Water Republican.
George Ruby was in town the first
of the week .visitinr: friends. His
fourth wife accompanied him, and by j
the w.iv he was her fourth husband.
They were both happy and contented
and in appearance bid fair to enjoy
each others society for several years.
George used to live out at Eight Mile
Grove but he now resides near Green-
Commissioner Young says we were
partly in error about the finder of his
over-shoes, as Sam Waugh was the
man who took them and that he
brought them back the next day because
they pinched his toes. Mr. 'Waugh
says ho thought the shoes were his
own until he found a part of a bale of
straw in tbem, wben ne guessed who
tne rightful owner was. .
Thft trfimn who Wr nhnni. fiv
-- - " I
years ago and stole a coat from Joo
xv.cit. auu m an euort u, get away was
nanaiea pretty rougn witti a billy m
the hands of officer Fitzpatrick,
snowed up in town this morning with I
a gang of pedestrians, looking as shift-
less as ever. Johnnv recognized him
at onco and ho returned his salutation
with "Ah there, Johnny, are you here
yet?" The fellow is evidently a pro-
less.onai wno prefers to walK ana beg
rather than work.
How 'm Tli in !
We offer One Hundred Iollar Kewartl for
any case of Ciitnrrh that cannot he cured by
Hall's Catarrh dire.
F. f. ClIENtY & CO.. ProDs.. Toledo. O.
W the iimlcrsincd, have known F.".I.
Cheney for the lat l." years, auu beiieve
him perfectly honorable iu alt business
transactions and Kuaocl-illy able to carry
out any obligations made by ttieir firm.
West & '1'huax, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo. O.
Wai.dino, Kinsas & Makmn. Wholesale
lru!?i;ists. Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh t.'uro is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces or the system, l rice . per bot
tle. So.d by all Druggists. Testiiuoniala
Doa't invite disappointment by ex
perimenting. Depend upon One
Minute Cough Cure and you have- im
mediate relief. It cures croup. The
only harmless remedy that produces
immediate results. F. G. Fricke &
Slmou H. Ilartman, . of Tuanelton,
West Va., has been subject to attacks
of colic about once a year, and would
have to call a doctor and then suffer
for about twelve hours as much as
some do when they die. lie was taken
recently just the same as at-other
times, and concluded to try Cbamber-
Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Uemedy. lie says: "I took one dose
of it and it gave me relief in five
minutes. That is more than any
thing else had ever done for me."
For sale bv all drugijisfs.
The 1'ropfr Thing.
It will be one source of consolation
to Mr. Hainer to know, after he re
ceives the news that the Fourth dis
trict has linally adopted his favorite
son schema by sending John D. Pope
or some other good man who will rep
resent the district rather than a set of
bosses at Washington, that he can re
ceive many recommendations for the
position of editor of a newspaper ad
dicted to saying real sharp, cutting
things. Lincoln News.
HoiufMet-krrs' Kxt-arxioii.
On March 10, April 7 and 1 and
May 5 the U. & M. will sell tickets to
all points in Arizona, Arkansas, In
dian territory, Louisiana, Missouri,
Oklahoma and Texas at one faro for
the round trip. For further informa
tion call at 14. & M. depo'.
V. L. Pickett, Age at.
List of I.-tt-rs
Remaining uncalled for in tbe post-
ofiice at Flattsmouth, March 4, 1SW:
Bustsuck. Kliz.ilctli . Carst.-ns. Miss Maggie
Konncdy. Mr. K Foland.J F
Persons calling for any of the above
elter3 or packages will please say ad
vertised. r. K. Fox, P. M.
English Spavin Liniment removes all
Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and
! Blemishes from Horses, Blood Spavins,
'Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, King-Rone,
Stifles, Sprains, ail Swoolen Throats,
Coughs, etc. Save -V) ry use of one
bottle. Warranted the most wonder
ful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by
F. G. F-ieke &-Cu., druggists, Flatts
mouth. health signal.
The baby's mission, its
work in life, is growth. To
that little bundle of love,
half trick, half dream, every
added ounce of flesh means
added happiness and com
fort. Fat is the signal of
you leant it and net a cheap substitute.
Some Useful Suggestions to Those VTht
Taluo What Is Invaluable.
Avoid tight filtirjg Lata and collars,
also close fittiEg caps, unless these bt
of some porous material. The two forroei
prevent a due supply of blood to the
parts; hence the hair papilla) are put,
as it were, en short commons all the
time the hats and collars are worn. The
aps engender caloric, -which sets ur
ixriianoa ana ultimately that most
EruODorn iorm of dandruff namely,
pityriasis (i. e., brannv
that all the headgear which is not porous
,UUiU venuiatea at top and sides tc
allow a tree current of air.
Never sit or stand with the top of tho
head near a gas light or lamp light. The
ueai taiwn out is apt to paralyze the
scalp tissues and dries up tho hair itself
Don't wash the head oftener than
once a fortnight, when first rub in the
yolk of an egg and thoroughly rinse out
witfl warm water, into which has, been
thrown a pinch of borax. Dry carefully
and apply a little pure olive oil.
Beware of the common practice of
dipping the comb in water when ar
ranging the hair. It promotes decompo-
tion and rancidity of the natural oil,
d so leads to "rotting."
m ,? Da.tnra"r drv. apply a
I va-vuiiuijaiiji. jj. jumurai-
ly oily, occasionally wash awav the ex
cess of sebaceous secretion bv mpan? of
lather or tepid water and soap bark
(Quitlaya saponaria).
.Saltwater is most injurious to tho
L, -i 863 bath"
-.J" ,
it. Take to heart Dr. Godfrey's dictum
that "every touch affecting go delicate '
a textnre as the scalp shonld be soft and
Boothmg, every application bland and
mild." Don't nse Ptiff bristled or wire
v,c.t, J .- n ,
viusuva, ouu m ait casus urn si) centiv.
Also, always brush out the hair before
attempting to comb it, and nse the comb
as little as possible.
Have the ends of the hair clipped once
a month, 11 only to prevent them from
fitting. Bnt don't close crop. Phila-
QCipbia limes.
How a Clever Irish Girl Got Ahead of the
Dumas fils had curt manners. He was
fhy. Like most shy people, he vanquish
ed this defect by going into the other
extreme. He softened as he grew old
and took a relative polish at the meet
ings of the academy. The tongue was
always shrewd ; it could be crueL The
code of social amenities was at the tim
I speak of a sealed hook to him. I recol
lect a tilt between him and an Irish
girl, brought up in Paris, who sat op
posite to him at dinner, fche was singu
larly plain. But her ugliness was most
amusing, and she was a witty, good
tempered being. The nose was short,
fanny, retrousse, the mouth wide and
laughing and the tongue lisping, but,
as the French say, bieu pendue for rep
artee. Dumas," after staring some time at
her, put his forefinger to the tip of his
semiaquiline nose and pushed it up. He
kept it so for some time, still staring.
The pantomime was grossly impertinent.
I thought and so did every one else
that the poor girl would burst into tears.
She laughed, not a bit hysterically, and,
feeling she was an object of general at
tention and of sympathy, made a funny
remark on the grimace that M. Dumas
was pleased to give himself. He began
to rally her. She flnng back retorts. I
never heard such a mimic war of words
before or since. It ended in a splendid
victory, through good humor and wit,
on the young lady's side. She spoke
French to perfection. "M. Alpbonse"
was then on the stage. Mr. Ernest Pin
ard, who listened with rapture, cried,
"Mademoiselle enfonce votre Alphon
sine 1" Alphousine was the comic actress
in that play.
Dumas retired from tho combat net
tled, but lie- did not long hear malice.
He afterward said what a pity it was
that la jeune Irlandaise etait dans le
moude. She had the vis comica in a
greater degree than any actress or actor
he had ever seen.Tind proved, that where
Fame est bien faite there cannot be
ugliness. Paris Letter iu London
Schiaparelli, tho astronomer who first
discovered the so called "canals" of
Mars, did so with a much smaller tele
scope than thoso in use in many other
observatories at that time. And yet he
is a very nearsighted man. Garrett P.
Serviss of Brooklyn, in speaking of his
first interview-with the eminent Italian,
said that Schiaparelli would hold a vis
itor's caul within five or six inches of
his eyes in order to decipher it. The sin
gular part of this story is not that a
man with such an infirmity should be
able to outdo other astronomers, for
keenness of vision depends rather upon
the retina than the convexity of the
lenses of the eye, and the eyepiece of a
telescope can be fecussed 60 as to suit
the latter. But it docs seem a little odd
that the gifted scientist in question
should habitnaHy refrain from wearing
eyeglasses. PossiLly he has a theory as
to tho effect of their use upon his visual
The Way to Kat Caody.
I think much of the outcry against
Candy is the result cf wrong methods of
use. It can often bo safely taken at meal
time with good results. Scientists say
Ithat the food value of sugar is very
great. A pound of sugar contains much
more energy and power to support ani
mal life than a pound of meat If candy
is taken under such conditions that it
will not dorange the digestive apparatus,
it is perfectly wise and rational to be a
candy eater. Annals of Hygiene.
are the most powerful, safe prompt and re
liable of this kind in the market. The
oriunal und only genuine woman's salva
tion. Aslc your drusuist if he don't keep
them. Write direct to us hnd we will send
it direct upon receipt of price. 1. sealed, bv
mail prepaid. Medical Huvice free. JACK"
ON MKD1CAL CO.. Chicago, III., or our
agent, I. L, Snyder.
Ts Txi V: V a-TJ T.-? VTs
.n institution for tri? ''r.cirri cure ot tin
rrr mul Tu mors Without the osa of a
Knife. Satisfaction (fuuranteed.
Ve hive never Failed to Effect a refva
nflrit cure where we have had a rcao;...Lic op
portunity tot treatment. Itook giving d:
scription ot our Sanitarium and Treatment,
with terms and reference! fre. Address
I r-hfnanioah. low.
The Independent
A Rli ous, Iterary and Family
Nwspap r. 1
Lndenominational, unbiased and lm
partial. A paier for clererymen,
scholars, teachers, business
men and families. It dis
cusses every topic of
the dajr religious,
theological, po
litical, so
cial, etc.
Its contribute Particles are by the
most eminent writers of tho English
It employs specialists and Mistin-
n-uished writers as editors of its
Twenty-one, Departments.
A' paper particularly fitted for law
- i .
yers, doctors, clergymen, inose en
gaged in business, young people of
both sexes men and women who read
and think for themselves. A paper
especially valuable for those interest
ed in Fine Arts, Science, Music.
A paper giving valuable information
upon Finance, Liife Insurance, Com
A paper for Sunday School Workers,
those who have, a Farm, Garden or
House Plants.
A paper for the family, old and
The Independent announces
to its
subscribers, and to any who may be
come so, that it is prepared to fur
nish any paoers and magazines pub
lished in this country, England,France
and Germany, at a very large reduc
tion from publishers' rates, lnis op
portunity is open only to subscribers
of the Independent. Upon receiving
list of papers or magazines from indi
viduals or reading rooms, an estimate
will be given by return mail.
Its yearly Hubscript ion is (3, or at that
rate for any part of a year.
Clubs of five, each.
"Trial Trip," one Month, 25c.
Specimen Copies Kree.
P. O. Bi 27b". 1 Fulton Street, New York.
I5v virtune of a venditioni exponas issued bv
Geo. F. llouseuorth. c'.eik of the district court iu
and for Cass county, Nebra;-ka,and to nie directed.
1 vi 1 on the 21t dav oi .March. A. l). 1M, at two
o'clock t. m. of said dav at the south dour of the
court house in file city oi I'lattMiiomh, in said
countv. sell at imb'.ic auction, to the highest
bidder for casl the following described prop
erty, to-wit:
1 he wet twenty feet off of lot twelve in b.ock
twenty-nine in the city of I'iattsmouth. said
c unty, together with the privileges and appur
tenances thereto l)e!oiigiuc, or iu anywise apper
taining. The same being levied upon and taaLcn
as the property of Milton D. hoik, defendant, to
satisfy a judgment of the county court of Cass
county, Nebraka. recovered bv Jesse I Root
against Milton I). Folk on the fetfi clay of Novem
ber. lsss. and transcrmted to the ottice ot tne.
c erk of the district court of Cass county, Ne
braska, on the 13th day of November, lssi. Said
sale being to satisfy said judgment iu the sum of
with 7 per cent interest per annum lrom
November Sth, lssn, and costs iu the sum of
fti.iri with all accrueing costs.
Flattsmouth, Nebraska. February lsth. l.a!M.
ShcTirt Ca-s County, Nebraska.
Legal Notice.
in the district court of Cass county. Nebraka.
In the matter of the estate ot Wm. P.
Sowards, deceased.
This case came on for hearing this ltli day of
February, J8'.S, at Chambers, before , Hon. basil
S. Kainsey, sole judge of the Second judicial dis
trict, in and for Cass county, Nebraska, upon the
petition of Fliza Sowards, as guardian ot Yictor
li. Sowards, a minor, praying for license to sell
an undivded oiie-thira interest in the west half of
the northwest quarter of section 1H in' township 1
north of rarge 10 east in Cass county, Nebraska,
subject to the life interest therein ot Fliza
Sowards. and also to sell the fee of the east half of
the said northwest quarter ol said section, for the
purpose cf realizing funds wherewith to rear,
maintainand educate the said Yictor K. Sowards.
And it appearing to said judge that it will be
beneficial to said w ard that s i id real estate or a
part thereof should be sold, it is, therefore, or
dered, that all persons interested appear before
me at Chambers in the city of Flattsmouth at the
hour of Id o'clock a. m.. on the 10th day of March.
1WJ, to show cause why a license should not be
granted to said guardian to sell all or a part oi
said real estate for the support, maintenance and
education of said ward, Yictor E. Sowards. It is
further ordered that a copy of this order shall be
mblished for three successive weeks in the News-
uasil S. Ramsey,
Judge of the District Court.
Hated February Villi. lSHi.
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska, e
Cass County. ftst"
In ttie county court of Cass county.'Ncbraska.
In the matter of the assigned estate oi liiram G.
Now on this 10th day of February, A. D.. 1S!K5.
in pursuance of the powers conferred upon me by
the statutes, 1 do hereby fix the K'.th day of March
A. I). 1J6. in which time all claims against
the assigned estate of Hiram G. Spencer shall
lie tiled, and within which the assignee or as
signor or any creditor may file any objection,
defense, set-off or counter claim to any claim
which the assignor might or could have opposed
to ttie same had action been brought upon the
same before assignment. Any claim, objection,
s-t-ott or counter claim not tiled on or before the
lbth day of March. A. 1). l,.!i, shall be forever
barred from being considered iu the settlement
of said estate or participating in any dividend
therein. GfcOKOEM.SptRl.oCK,
County Judge.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued by G.
F. Ilouseworth. cierk of the district court
within and for ('ass county, Nebraska, and to
me d i roe ted. 1 wiii on the 7th day of Marcn.A.
I). l-'.Hi. at 11 o'clock a. in. of said day at the
south door of the court house in the city of
Fluttstnoutn. in said county, sell at public
auction, to the highest blducr for cash, the
following described real estate, to-wit:
.Lots one (1 ) and two i-i, in block sixty (li'.D,
in the city of Weeping Wuter. Cass couuty.
Nebraska, t02ether with the privileges and
aupurtenances thereto belontiini or in any
wise appertaining; same beini levied upon
and taken as t lie property of Fred lteilows,
Fiorenee J. lieliows. viiliam H. Wright.
Sligo Iron store Co., Sackett & Gates, Wil
liam Tlglie. sheritl: Joseph V. Mills. Thomas
N. Howard, First National l'.an of Weeping
Water, Nebraska, defendants, to satisfy a
judgment of said court recovered bv Il.vron
Ciark. plaintiff, against said defendants
Flattsmouth. Nebraska. Jan. 25). A. l.lS9ti
Harvey Holl.oway.
Sheriff Cass County. Nebraska.
Piobate Notice.
In the matter of the .-tate of Mary Habsheit.
In the countv court of Cass countv. Nebraska.
NotK-e is hereby given that John I'labshi-it. ad
ministrator of the eatfc of the ...aid Man- H.i'v-
slieit. deceased. lias made application for tinal set-.j
iieineni. ana mat saia cause is set tor hearing at
niv oitu-e at I'iattsmouth. on the ;tn day ol
Man h. A. I). IMC. at 10 o'clock a. ni. on said day.
at which time and place all persons interested
may be present and examine said account.
. Couuty Judce.
Flattsmouth, March 4. IMti. 514
Notice to Xon-Kehidents. ,
CotHn & iStone and I. K. Itarr, Attorneys.
Iu the district court of tiie secoml judicial district
of Nebraska, in and for Cass county.
Ira A. Tinkham. piaintin. vs. Jasper N. Tink
ham, Mrs. I inkhaui. his wife, whose first name
to tiie plaintiff is unknown, lienjamin L. Tink
ham and Mrs. Tinkham. his wite, whose first
uame to the piaintitl is unknown. Caroline Bone
and Uoue. her husband, whose first name is
unknown to the piaintitl. Sarah A. Tinkhaiu,
widow of Benjamin Tinkham. deceased. A.N
Bowers, administrator ol the estate ol lienjamin
Tinkham. deceased, defendants.
Kach and all of the above named defendants
will take notice that on the 27th day of February
A. L). l5Ki, Ira A. Tinkham, plaintiff herein, tiled
his petition in the district court of Cass county.
Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and
prayer ot which is to have the b E ?4 of section IS,
in township No. 11, north of range No. 9, east of
the 6th principal meridian in Cass county. Ne
braska, declared to be tiie property of the plain
tilt, Ira A. Tinkham, and that a certain deed ex-
ecuted on the 14th day of March, A. D. 1S7G.
one Benjamin linknam, deceased, he declared
cancelled and ricldj lor naught; that the defend
ants and each of them be declared to have no in
terest whatever in and to said premises; that
deeds dated May .id, issl. given by Sarah A.
Tinkham for the X E li of said S E i. to Caro
line A. Bone; for the S V of said S E
lienjamin L, linkhain. and lor the N li of
S E l.t. sec. IS, town 11, range east 6th P.
to Jasper X. Tinkham, be declared void,
cancelled, forever set aside and held lor naught
and decreed that at the time the said Sarah A.
Tinkham executed said deed she had no interest
whatever in said premises tiiat could be conveyed
or otherwise: that it be decreed that the plaiutiff
has continuously, openly., notoriously and exclu
sively under claim of title occupied, farmed and
controlled said premises since the year l7b to
the present date, and that such possession, occu-
rancv and control is and was wholly adverse
tnat oi each and every one oi tiie aeteuaanis
this case, and that the rjlaintitt is the owner
said premises by adverse possession as w. 11 as by
original purchase, and that each of said defend
ants be forever barrjd from now or hereafter
claiming auv ritrht in anv manner to anv nortion
of said piemises, and that the piaintitl recover
saiu Helena. mis ms costs therein expended.
ou are reciuired to auswer said netition m
before the V.ilh day of April, A. D. !&!.
Dated March 4. IhaW.
Ira A. Tinkham. Plaintiff.
By Coffin and Stone and 1). K. Iiarr, his attorneys;
Notice of Indebtedness.
The Plattsmouth Gas & Electric Light com
pany, a corporation organized under the laws of
me state oi JSebraska.
1 lie 1 lattsmouth lias & Electric Light com
pany hereby give notice that the lollowmg is
usi oi ana amount oi an tne existing aeots oi saiu
corporation on the hrt day of February. A.
ivtj, namely:
First mortgage 6 per cent bonds of the
X'lattsnioutit Lias Electric Light
company, interest payable semi-an-
uallv. lime land I )i-cenil-r 1 '4 MM) (K)
Accrued interest on same Ji0 M
- -
an navab e Iks tct
Hills payable 515
axes . 173 Ml
$31,177 JS
J. O. Kichev, Frcsident.
S. 15. Hovev, Treasurer,
C. 1. Jones, Secretary,
Majority of fioard of Directors.
Order to Show Cause.
In the district court of Cass county, Ne
braska. .In the matter of the estate of Fred AY. Cross,
This cause came on for bearing upon the
petition of Arthur E. Cross, executor of the
estate or t red . C ross, decease 1. praying
for a license to sell tne undivided three-
tenths (:-!()) of t he south two-thirds t;3i of
tne west naif or section twenty-nine (J'.i,
township ten tlto. north or ranse eleven 11.
in Cass county, Nebraska, or a suflicit'Ut
amount of the same to bring the sum of
ou.).74, ana cost of administration, for the
payment of i.ebts allowed against said es-I
tate and tne oosts ot administration, there
not bemz sutiicient personal property to pay
the s.iid debts and expenses of administra
It is therefore ordered that all persons in
terested in said estate appear before ine at
the office of the clerk of the district court
of Cass county, Nebraska, in I'iattsmouth,
on ttie -"otn Uay of .March. A. D. lsli. at 1:)
o'clock p. in., to show cause why a license
should not bo granted to said executor to
sell so much of tiie above aescribed real
estate of said dece.ised as shall be neces
sary to pay said debts and expenses.
uatea mis utn uay oi teoruary, a. it. lssitj.
Judge of the Uistrict Court.
Byron Clark and C. A. li i wis, at turners
for estate.
Todefendants below named:
In the district, court of Cass couuty, Ne
braska. Amelia li. Weston. plaiutitT; vs. James A.
Fisher, Louisa A. Fisher. Jacob Gruber,
Maggie Gruber, Christopher C. Sherfey,
Mary C. Sherfey, J. F. Jameson, first name
unknown. Calnariue K. Jameson. David O.
Phillips, Magicie Phillips. Peter Opo, Uar-
bara Opp. Christ Lorenson. Anna . Lnren
sou. Asa. McCuliouii, Mrs. Asa McCullougb.
Francis M- Young, f-arah E. 1 oun.', T. 11.
Carroli. Ida Carroil, William Wesliake. Ann
Westiake. William Coatman, Isabella Coat
man. Alden A. UuraeD. Elizabeth C. Harden,
Albert. A. Johnson. Mary E. Johnson.George
lleebner.Hanuuh Ueebner.Lee Kirkpntrk-k,
Gerd 11. Hiiiman. Agues HUlruan. Ella B.
AlcKay, John McKay, Levi C. Poliard as ex
ecutor of the last will and testament of Ad
dison P. Weston, deceased. Cynthia A. Orvis,
William O. Weston. Francis Uixby. Arthur
Weston and Frank Weston, sole ana only
children of Joseph Weston, deceased; and
Mrs. Joseph Weston, Iaa r'rost, nee Ida Hall
and Jennie Hail, sole cliildren of Jane Hall,
deceased, Fletcher Weston, Abby Sprazue,
Saran Hemingway, Lyuia Auu Kelsey.
Mary Buck. En. ma Kusigies. Pa-e Weston,
Wallace Weston. Almina Davis, Marion
Hail. Joseph Baldwin. Edgerton Baldwin,
Mary helaou, Abby Baiiey. Thomas Bald
win, Albert J. Bixby, Alma Bailey, Addie
Orvis Spaulding. William F Barton and
Hattie May Barton, children of Ferris Bar
ton, deceased, Andrew Anderson and Peter
Anderson, and Anna Anuerson, his wife, de
fendants. The above named defendants will take
notice that the defendant, Levi C. Pollard,
as exector of the last will and testament of
Addison P. Weston, deceased, did, on the
16th day of December. lfl.'-". file his cross pe
tition in the district court of Cass couuty, Ne
braska, in the above entitled cause, against
the said piaintitl' and defendants, except
ing this cross complainant, the object and
prjyer of which cross-bill are that the
rights of the estate of said deceased and of
tiie Dlaintitf. Amelia B. Weston, in and to
eacn ot the contracts alleged and set forth
In said petition and -cross petition be fully
determined, and that if upon the final bear
ing it be determined that tne said widow,
Amelia B. W eston, has a dower interest iu
and to the lands hereinafter described, that
the amount of such dower interest be de
termined in money value auu such order
and decree entered as may Do lust ana
equitable in regard to such dower Interest.
Tnat this cross dereuaant be iully in
structed as to what interest In said con
tracts;belong to said estate, and he be auth
orized and empowered upon the payment to
him of tiie several purchase prices In said
contracts of sale respectively agreed upon,
to make, execute, acknowledge aud deliver
as executor of the last will and testament of
said deceased, Addison P. Weston. Ceedn to
said purchasers and defendants hereiu. of
the real estate in the said contracts set
forth as fo.lows:
To James A. Fisher, the n', of the a1 of
of section 2ti, township 11, range in to Jcob
Gruber, theseU section lo.ranue
13; to Ahrn it Grafe, the s!4 swi section 2
and the ne1 of the ow'i s?ctioa 'Si. town
ship 10. ratine 11 : to Christopher C. sherfey,
theei section 'At. township lo, range 11; to
S. A. and J. F. Jameson, the nw1, also the
n'i of the a4 of section s township In.
range 11; to Peter Opp. tbe owli of the hw
of section 10.townsiiip 10,ran?el.'; to Andrew
Anderson and Peter Anderson, the se'4 of
section 3.1, township 11, range li; to Ivter
Anderson, the u' j of sw'4 soctiou town
ship ii range 1:1; to Christ Lorenson. the
sw't section 3;i. township 11. ranae 12: to Asa
McCulloiigh, 1he w1, ot the se4. also the
sw'4 ofthene'4, also the south -." acres of
the seU of the nw'4. also the east 13 acres of
the n w1 of the ne'i, also the south 0 acres
off of the remainder of the nit of the neV.
aiso the south 17 and tkS-l'.O acres in lot3:n
the no'i of the ne'i and lot tJ containing 13
ana 20-l"0 acres in Die se'. of the tie'.j. i 11 in
nection township 11 rutiira 13; to Francis
M. Voun:, the nw'i, aiso the w1, of the n'i of
the nw-'-j of section 11. township 11. ran.e 13;
to Ella B. McKav; the undivideu ri of the
seU of section ii. t wnship lti. range 11; to
Wiiiiatn West take, tbe se'i of the neU. .'ilso
the e' of tne sw'i of section township Hi,
range 12; to William Coatman. the st-Vj of
the nw'4, lso the n 'i f the sw'i section
township 1', range 11: to Gerd H. Hiiiman.
assignee of Alden A. Barde -. the w' . of the
sw4 of se tion 2, and the se1 of section 3.all
in Kiwt.chtn 1(1 . . wr a 11 In A I li rt A .Inlin.
son. the n'i of 'tiie se'4 of st ctiou 2i town-
ship 10, range 11: lo George Heebner, the s'i
of the nw'4 section 1:. township Pi. rane 12:
to Lee Kirkpatrick. the w'i of the ne'i of
section 3.S. township 11. rntie II, ail of the
aforesaid lands be In Cass county, Ne
brjiska. To T. II. Carrol, the n wf of section
M. townsliin 1L. ranse 2: in York county. Ne
braska. To David C l'hiliips lots 7 and M In
block 17 in university I'lace in Lancaster
county, Nebraska.
With such conditions nnd provisions as
will fully vest .-ill rii; lit. tltie and interest of
the siild Addison l. Weston, decensed. his
heirs and devices in conformity with tne
conditions aud provisions of said contracts
iu said purcinisers. and for such further
order und decree as roay be deemed advise
ablefortne sa conduct and ad tn in i-t ra
tion of the assets of s .id estate therein.
You ure further notified that upon the
4th uay of February, lW.lIon. HaSii &
sey. judne of tiie district court in Cass
county.iebraskH. issued an order tixin? Itis
time for tho fiearins; of said cross-petition
upon the l:th dav of Mar -h. A. I. at 2
o'ciock p. 111.. in I he court room in the court
house at Pluttstiioutn, Nebraska.
LeviC l'oilard. as executor or the last
will and testament of Addison I'. Weston,
deceased. ..
iiy bis ..Itorneys. Cyron Clark & C A.
In County Court.
State or Nebuaka. i
diss County t'ss
To all persons interested in tiie estate of Claus
Speck, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that on the 14th day of
March. A. 1. I-!!, at the hour of 11) o. clock a.
m., at the vouuty judge's ottice. in Plattsmoitth.
in said county, the petition, asking ior the ap
pointment of William Webtr as administrator of
said estate, will be heard and considered: at
which time and place all persons interested may
appear and show cause, if any thev have, why he
should not be appointed as such administrator.
Dated this lMh dav of t'ebniarv. A. D. 1'.K).
County Judge.
4 to i
iiSl tife? and only half the expense
UtiLji and. bother. That's why
of I
the I
I), i
Sold everywhere. Made only by
Th N K Fairhank Cfimnantr - rhfjrt
Your Own Prices...
Furniture and stoves,
I ;i?r a small beginning
1 til it no.v carries the largest stock in Cass county. Good
goods, fair treatment and low prices did the work and the same
methods are pursued today.
Everj'thing in the shape of Furniture and all kinds of
Stoyes can be obtained here at prices, which no Omaha house
can duplicate. These are some facts that you should remember.
Here are some prices, but you must see the good3 to fully ap
preciate the bargains offered :
Parlor Suites.
'$100 for
7-j for
bo for
4-5 for
Lounges and Couches.
$3-5 for
20 for
15 for
11 for
, 8 50 for
Bed Room Suites.
8100 for ".
7-5 for
50 for
FIFTY different styles of dining room chairs reduced in
price from 25 to 35 per cent.
ONE HUNDRED style? of Rocking Chairs reduced in
price from 35 to 50 per cent.
Such bargains in Furniture were neyer before offered in this
city. Do not fail to take advantage of this sale.
0pp. Court House. PLATTSM0UTH.
Osmptexicn Preserved
Hi-moves Freckles, Pimples,
Liver-Moles, Blackheads,
Sunburn and Tan, Rud re
stores tiie sUin to its origi-
stores tiie sum to in ongi- i
nal freshness, producirK n tgZzy t& L '' Jji ;'
clear and healthy com fj2r ,ff.T-''-
MiTXTiortoaii larev
prep.'irntions and perfectly bonnlcss. At all
druggists, or mailed for 50cts. Send for circular.
VIOLA SKIN SOAP I. nimply Inemnparnbl .
kin purilvin 8o:.p, vnHiumlrl ftr Itio toilet. anJ wiibwt .
rin trr Th nurrj. ASwlatlr pr aa-i dt-Ucately Belli- r
mL. Atdruglsn. Price 2 5 Centl.
The Q. C. BJTTNEK CO., Toledo, O.
Instant Killer of Pain.
Internal and Externa?.
GIA, Lame Bnck, Sprains, Bruiser
i 11. . . t ;.... t i T I ......
- A V5-? CRAMPS lntantly. Cholera Mor--VrV?3
brs c:ronp,Iiptberl, Sore Tliroiii,
iS.aSuMUliAlACIiE, as it by magic
TUC UriQQC CDKVn Especially pi-rpiref! for
lilC liJROC DrlAilU, stoot, Double Srent-h,
thTDOfit Powprful and Penetrants Linimentfor Mai:
or teast in existence. Largs II hiza 5ucn jou 6i23 .'5c
Mediated end Toilet. Th Grent Skin Cure
Taae Beautifierj Ladies will find it tii imt
delists and r.ighty perfumed Toilet Socp ar
tne market. It is absolutely pure. Makes tj
kin BOft and velvety and restores trjn '"fctm
plexion is a luxury for the Bath for Infants,
f lays itcWny, eiean the aealp and I pioaote
the growth ol fc tir ''rice 2ac- For pale by
pianos and;organs.
For Catalouge, addr
Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, 11. J.
pi JB UfC Organs, 35.00 upwards; wau
rirlllllaJ Agents. Catalogue free. Ad
dress lianiel F. lieaty. Washington, N.J.
ARPA?JQ i'ianos, upwards: want
UIUrll1k3 Agents. Catalogue free. Ad
drass Dniel F. Beatty. Washington. N. J
prATTV'Q llanos S2S3.00 upwards.
DLn I I I O Nr cataioTue k address r
call. Daniel F. Beatty, Washington. N. J
CKfin AAH BEATTV'S organs 35.H
1PJUU1VU" u;. lor particulars, cata-
ioirue. address or call.
Daniel F. Beatty,
Washington, N. J.
RFATTV'Q 0r?ns 35.00 upwards.
LL.rl I I O Write for cat lozue;.kddress
or call, Daniel F. Beatty. Washington. N. J.
Physician and Surgeon
Calls Drotcptly attended, either
. DAY or NIOHT. ,
the satisfaction
obtained from
ordinary soap
thousands of thoughtful,
thrifty women use Santa
Claus Soap. They have
learned by practical, thorough
tests that for washday or every
day use there is no soap in the
world that nearly equals
in 18S3 this house has grown un-
835 for.
25 for.
t!2 for.
Dining Tables.
2S for....' .'.$20.00
20 for 14.00
for 3.00
4 for 2.50
Steel Ranges and Stoves.
$S5 for $65
65 for 6(1
50 for 38
40 for 32
30 for
25 for J
will do If used as a wash according to di
rections; prevent transmission of blood
diseases, skin diseases, acute and chronic
ulcers, stricture, fissure of the hands and
feet, Kczorna, Tetter, halt Rheumatism, In
flauiatlon of tbe Bladder. Diseases of the
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sanity, Scurvy, Scrofula in many forms.
The above and a hundred other forms of
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Dr. Jackson's English Safety Tablets is a
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A. . . .
tn thirty d ys by a new perfected scientific
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moved. Nerve force, will, energy, brain
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such troubles result fatally.
Medical advice free. Mailed everwhere.
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I. L. Snyder. - -
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Every patent taken out by us is brought befora
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Irpet ctrrnlatton of airy rlentlfle paper tn th
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man nhould be without it. Weeklv, ft.l.OO a
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aw m art 1 m w i
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