Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, February 29, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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Highest of all in Leavening
Jacob Tottco has gone over to
Veapinr Water on business.
Attorney J. L. Root made a trip to
jLouisville last evening on legal busi
ness. .
I Mrs. i;. J. Wav went over to Glen-
Vood ttiis morning for a few days visit
vith relatives.
I Dr. T. P. Livingston went to Chi
cago Monday evening on a brief pro
fessional visit.
Joe Lake made a pleasant business
rip tip to Sheridan" kit week and re-
Jirncd homo Sunday.
W. C. Sloane, one of Nebraska City's
best attorneys, is in town today trans
acting business before Judge Spur
lock. Fred Lehnlioir,jr.,is doing a rushing
S busine- on bicycle repairs with his
i new 11 The at the shop in the rear of
v me store. I
-.If you want a bargain yj. Maggies go
) tV VCgQs. GarcUyj'Tlo buys in car
lOL3for rash, and practically has no
Competitor in the county.
!; Dr. Salisbury, of Papillion, is in
town today. lie says his brother. A.
Salisbury, who used to reside here, is
swell pleased with his location in Chi-
I Ilerr Cahm came in yesterday after
noon and spent the evening with some
t. of his friends and admirers, of whom,
wo are glad to note, ho has a largo
I? John 1' Triotseh. nepd twentr-fivc
anu iuu en -i i'iii, ayuu twenty, were
the recipients of a per mit to get
married today from the hands of Judge
Miss Tillie, daughter of John Ahl,
.nit. .1 . ! .1 . .
departed this life at the family res
it dence, cast of Louisville, yesterday.
The funeral will take place tomorrow
at 2 p. m. from t!ie residence.
John Wiehmann and Miss Maggie
Ploehn, both aged twenty-live, were
married today by Rev. Father Carney.
The groom is well-known as an active,
L industrious young man, and the bride
f a very nice lady. They will continue
to m ike their home in this city.
J no matrimonial boom that was ex
pected to arrive with the advent of
leapj.'.-ar is slow in ma King ltsappear
) t ance. The girls are evidently not im
1 : proving their opportunities,or else the
I ntiinDiniij t t lvii" 1 1 o lnra hnrpi linn t s n rr
f( so set in their wavs as to be immov-
. able.
" Marshal Dunn is a pretty good man
' physically, hut when he sized up L. G.
I&itton, a spare-built youth, he made a
. mistake, for in a friendly scuflle of
v -j about a minute the youth was diacov-
Dunn's surprise and to the evident de
jight of the bystanders.
f The March number of the Midland
jMonthy out about tho 2iUh inst , will
contain a well written article by Mrs.
Frank IJ. Tracy, of Omaha, on Women
J L Clubs m rsebranka, with numerous
J portraits of prominent Nebraska club
V women. It will also have among other
I .tractions a fineiv pictured storv of
1 ibine Cripple Creek boom.
yF Joo Sans, (this was his first offense),
isstill celebrating the ai vent of the boy
which. came to his house last Friday
evening. Joe only stays at the shop
if an uuur ui u 11 me, ;is iiu nus iu
V go over to the house to see how the
j 3'oung man is conducting himself. He
privately admits that tho youngster i9
the brightest boy for his age in the
We have on -exhibition at The
News office two fine samples- of
L " ensilage given us by ex-Senator
V Thomas, who has made quite a sueeoss
' f? of his cellar this winter. As a feed for
iT cows nothing equals it, and for cattle,
horses or sheep it is par excellence,
ViSip the cost per ton is less than for
d?y feed. Farmers generally could
well afford to put in ensilage cellars.
Tho Misses McCroskey went down
to Nebraska City this morning to visit
friends for a few days.
The "experience" social at G. A. IX.
hnll last. evening was well attended
and proved to be quite an interestin
George Miller, a farmer residing
west of town, was married today to
Miss Maggie FornholT by Judgo Spur
lock today.
- Tho doctors tell us. now-ardays, that disease cerms
are everywhere; in the air,
r-1rtho mnnov : that thev
there, thrive and grow, if they find anything to thrive on.
Consumption is the destruction of lung-tissue by
germs where the lung is too weak to conquer them.
The remedy is strength vital force.
Scott's Emulsion, with Jiypophosphites, means the
V ""adjustment of lung strength to overcome germ-life.
' - t is fighting the germ with the odds in our favor,
r Vl'liese tiny little drops of fat-food make their way
V Tfc" the system and re-fresh and re-invigorate it.
rf Whether you succeea witn
good a start the germs had,
live. The shortest way to
The gain is often slow.
SO cents and $1.00
Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
n o
1L U)
Tho ladies of the Presbyterian
church will give a supper atthe home
of Mrs. C. A. Bawls Tuesday, March 3,
from six to eight.
Ed Wiley was before Judge Ramsey
this morning having a hearing on a
motion to dissolve an injunction al
lowed by Chapman.
County Judge Spurlock is almost
laid up with a severe attack of the
prevailing mafady, which, for want of
a better name, is usually called la
grippe. fe
Ducus and geese are reported plente
ous as blackberries over on the Iowa
marshes and along the river. The
weather is too dry and warm, how
ever, to make hunting a pleasant pas-j
time. ;
A very pleasant wedding oeatrfed
out at Fred Wehrbeins tod.9.7, Tiis eld
est daughter being marred to John
Trietsch,eldestson of Philip Trietsch.
: fuller report 01 tpt Viappy event will
kq sivea tom.wrow
. V 37 Morgan and Chas. Grimes
were up at the democratic (silver wing)
state central committee meeting in
Omaha night mixing a little medi
cine with the soft-shells who were la
boring under the delusion that they
are the people.
George Edson and wife were in town
today making final preparations for
moving out to Howard county near St
Paul, where he and his son expect to
go extensively into cattle and stock
raising. The News wishes them suc
cess wherever they go.
The public sale out at Samuel Rich
ardson's yesterday was largely at
tended and the prices obtained were
in the main fair, though horses weie
not sought to any great extent. B.
Chrisweiser, W. D. Jones, D. K. Barr
and another heavy weight went down
from this city. -
C. II. Parmelo was out of doors
courting the kindly sunshine yester
day for the first time in four weeks. If
ho continues to improve be will soon
bo able to go to Chicago, where he
will consult a prominent specialist as
to his ailment, which seems to be an
injury to the hip joint that baflles the
Joe Dove, one of the two first coun
cilmen ever elected from the Fifth
ward, and a prominent lodge man, has
been an invalid for several months
with a malady similar to rheumatism.
A. O. U. W. I$o. 8 expects to bear his
expenses to Chicago this week where
he will bo taken charge of by the
polytechnic institute.
As soon as settled weather is assured
Christ Mockenhaupt will open ud his
brick yard which has been idle for
three years and will put in a full force
of men for tho manufacture of moulded
brick. This will help several to profit
able employment and it also indicates
the outlook for better things in this
town during tho coming year.
D. K. Barr is building up quite a
law practice since he begun some time
azo. As attorney for the plaintiffs he
filed tho lollowing cases iu the dis
trict court today: Ira Tinkham vf.
Benjamin Tinkham et aL; suit to
quiet title. Lucildi fc.. lleiman vs.
George Sutter; suit for money judg
ment. Armina Laller vs. L. Lafler;
suit in attachment.
John n. Davis, John Hutchins, John
E. Donelan, Wash Bullis, Ernest Wor-
man, Steve Orton, J. M. Edger, Thos
Murty, J. K. Stucker, Peter Coon, J.
M. Boardsley, Chas. Beardsley, F. W.
Fowler, Cy Gilbert, George Adams,
M. M. Butler and P. S. Barnes of
Weeping Water and vicinity are in
town today attending the hearing in
the Donelan Bank Receivership.
There is talk of Col. Sherman and
Frank Morgan organizing a Bryan ad
miration ' club, in which the
doughty btatesman is to be enshrined
along with the celestial deities. The
colonel's well cultivated crop of fine
adjectives will be added to, by Frank
Morgan's exuberant vocabulary, and
their joint dissertations on the im
maculato ex-cont'ressman will be
worth crossing the continent to hear.
English Spavin Liniment removes all
Hard, Soft or Calloused , Lumps and
Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavins,
Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring-Bone,
Stillcs, Sprains, all Swoolen Throats,
Coughs, etc. Save $o0 by use of one
bottle. Warranted the most wonder
ful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by
F. G. Fricko & Co., druggists, Platts-
ruouth. -
in the water, in our food,
tret into our bodies, live
it or nut uepenus un i-w
and how caretullyyou can
health is the patient one.
BOWNE, chemteu,
New York
The Independent
A Religious, iterary aiti Famil y
Undenominational, unbiased and im
partial. A paper for clergymen,
scholarp, teachers, business
men and families. It dis
cusses every topic of
the day religious,
theological, po
litical, so-
cial, etc. S
by the
Its contributed articles arj
most eminent writers of tbo English
It "employs specialists and dis;
guished writers a editors of
Twenty-one Departments. .
A paper particularly fitted for law
yers, doctors.- clergymen, those en
gaged in lousiness, young people of
both sexe men and women who read
and trunk for themselves. A paper
especially valuable for those interest
ed, in Fine Arts, Science, Music.
tA paper giving valuable information
upon t inance, L.110 insurance, com
merce, r
A paper for Sunday School Workers,
these who have a Farm, Garden or
House Plants.
A paper for the family, old and
The Independent announces to its
subscribers, and to any who may be
come so, that it is prepared to fur
nish any papers and magazines pub
lished in this country, England, Fi ance
and Germany, at a very largo reduc
tion from publishers' rates. This op
portunity is open only to subscribers
of the Independent. Upon receiving
list of papers or magazines from indi
viduals or reading rooms, an estimate
will be given by return mail.
Ita yearly oubHcrlption U !."?, or at that
rate for any part of a year.
Claba of five, 12 each.
'Trial Trip," one Month, 25c.
Specimen Copies Free.
V. O. Box 2T?7. l: Fulton Street. New York.
iiro the most powerful, safe prompt ami re
liable of this kind in the market. The
oriuoal unci only genuine womttu's salva
tion. Ask your drugirist if he don't -keep
them. Write direct to us and we will send
it direct upon receipt of price, ft, sealed, hy
mail prepaid. Medical advice free. JACK
SON MKDICAL CO., Chic:tpo, 111., or our
apent, I. L, Snyder.
OQ 0
i lAPKsriM MFnirAi rn rmriRn n i -
N.B. DorVt take any substitute ;J
with Tnescune name uui uiucrcin -1
' j. - I r 4- T
, spelling on which your druggist
?makes iwice as much
An institution ior the R.idiral cure of Cnn
eer anl Tumors Without the nse of a
Knife. Satisfaction (iuarintesd.
We have never Failed to Effect a perma
nent cure where we have had ft reasonable op
portunity for treatment. Book Riviru de
scription of our Sanitarium and Treatment,
with terms and references frtvr. Art-irc'S
1KS. HOUINSON & kto:iki:.
Shiianlo:th. Inwfl.
thine to patent? Protect your ideas : they may
bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDEIt-
HU ItjN ee uu., .raiem Aiiomeys,
U. C, for their $100 prize offer.
Sheriff's Sale.
Hy vtrtune of a venditioni exponas issued by
Geo. F. Ilouseworth, clerk of the district court in
and for Cass county.NeJraska.and to nie directed,
1 will on the21st day ol March, A. I). In!;, at two
o'clock p. m. of said day at the south door of the
court house in the city of Flattsmouth, in said
county, sell at public auction, to the highest
bidder for cash, the following described prop
erty, to-wit:
1 he west twenty feet off of lot twelve rn block
twenty-nine in the city of Flattsmouth, said
county, together with the privileges and appur
tenances thereto belonging, or in anywise apper
taining. The same being levied upon and taken
as the property of Milton D. Folk, defendant, to
satisfy a judgment of the county court of Ca?s
county, Nebraska, recovered by Jesse I Root
against Milton D. Folk on the 8th day of Novem
ber, 1X8U, and transcripted to-the olfice of the
c erk of the district court of Cass county, Ne
braska, on the i:ith day of November, lsss. Said
sale being to satisfy said judgment in the sum of
$IW1.X with 7 per cent interest per annum from
November 8th, 1S89, and costs in the sum of
$6.15 with all accrueing costs.
Flattsmouth, Nebraska, February 18th, lHftt?. '
Sheriff Ca-s County, Nebraska.-
Legal Notice.
In the district court of Cass county, Nebraka.
In the matter of the estate of Win. I.
Sowards, deceased.
This case, came on for hearing this 11th day of
February, 19, at Chambers, before Hon. Basil
S. Ramsey, sole judge of the Second judicial dis
trict, in and for Cass county, Nebraska, upon the
petition of Eliza Sowards, as guardian of Victor
t. Sowards, a minor, praying for license to sell
an nndivded one-third interest in the west half of
the northwest quarter of section l!l in township 12
north of range 10 east in Cass county. Nebraska,
subject to the life interest therein ot Eliza
Sowards, and also to sell the fee olChe east half of
the said northwest quarter of said section, for the
purpose cf realizing fuuds wherewith to rear,
maintain and educate the said Victor E. Sowards,
And it appearing to said judge that it will be
beneficial to said ward that s. id real estate or a
Sart thereof should be sold, it is, therefore, or
ered, that all persons interested appear before
meat Chambers in the city of Flattsmouth at the
hour of 10 o'clock a. m . on the ltitb day of March.
IMH;. to show cause why a license should not be
granted to said guardian toell all or a part of
said real estate for the support, maintenance and
education of said ward, Victor K. Sowards. It is
further ordered that a copy of this order shall be
f ublbhed for three successive weeks in the News
terald. Hasii.S. Kamskv,
Judge of the District Court.
Dated February 12th, lxy;.
In County Court.
State ok Nebraska, i
Cass County (
To all persons interested in the estate of Claus
Speck, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that on the 14th day ef
March. A. D. 1MHJ. at the hour of 10 o.clock a.
m., at the ounty judge's otiice, in Flattsmouth.
in said county, the petition, asking tor the ap
pointment of William Weber as administrator of
said estate, will be heard and Considered; at
which time and place all persons interested may
appear and show cause, if any thev have, why he
thould not be appointed as such administrator.
Dated this lMh day of February. A. I). 1!;.
County Judge.
Assignee's Sale.
By virtue of a deed of assignment made by
Hiram G. Spencer and dated January 21st. 1HWJ,
to me directed and in pursuance of an order of
the eourt, I will on the 7th day of March, 1S9G.
at 2 o'clock p.m. of said day, at the store room
formerly occupied by Hiram G. Spencer on
Main street in the city of Plattsmouth in Cass
county, Nebraska, .elf at public auction to the
liiirh.-it bidder for c.ish. the following stock of
ninrr-rionrlicA rw-iA.'T'
Stock of croceried. canned goods, tobaccos.
Hour, crockerv. aue'nsvvare. scales and show
cases. The proceeds' and avails thereof, to ap
ply as follows according to the reading of said
deed of assignment: 1' the payment of any
rnl,fir isv r.r 3 csesoiiient chareeu against suu
assignor, or said pr )perty. Second. to the payment
counrv iii,tp-- s'uerifT. and other officers. Third,
the. rliimn nrr-.illSt the Said assignors, U
be di
ne victims iiK'T-1"-' .7 Y- . ,
ided amonf- his creditors according to law.
., i. vhrasWa Feb. lirh. 18'H.
Sheritt Cass County. Nebraska.
Ex-Officio Assignee.
..' Order to Show Cause.
In the district court of Cass county, Ne-
In the matter of the estate of Fred V. Cross,
This cause came on for hearing upon the
petition of Arthur E. Cross, executor of the
estate of Fred W. Cross, deceased, praying
for a license to sell the undivided three
tenths i:M0 of the south two-thirds of
the west half of section twenty -nine (29),
township ten (10), north of ranze eleven (11),
in Cass county, Nebraska, or a sufficient
amount of the same to bring the sum or 2.
56.V74, ana cost of administration, for the
payment of debts allowed against said es
tate and the costs of administration, there
not being sufficient personal property to pay
the said debts and expenses of adtulniet-ra-tion.
It Is therefore ordered that all persons In
terested in said estate appear before me at
the otiice of the clerk of the district court
of Cass county, Nebraska, in Flattsmouth,
on the sioth day of March. A. I. 1S!', at 1:0
o'cloct p. ui., to show cause why a license
should not be granted to said executor to
sell so much of the above described real
estate of said deceased as shall be neces
sary to pay said debts and expenses.
Dated this etn aay or February, a. i. ik:b.
Judge of the District Court.
Byron Clark and V. A. Raw Is, attorneys
for estate. .
Todefendants below named:
In the district court of Cass county, Ne
Amelia B. Weston, plaintiff: vs. James A.
Fisher. Louisa A. Fisher, Jacob Gruber.
Maggie Gruber, Christopher C. Sherfey,
Mary C. Sherfey, J. F. Jameson, first name
unknown, Catharine K. Jameson. David C.
Fhlllips, Maggie Fhllllps. Feter Opp, Bar
bara Opp. Christ Lorensun, Anna S. Loren-
son, Asa McUullough, Mrs. AsaMcCullough,
Francis M- Young, Sarah E. Youn.r, T. H.
Carroll, Ida Carroll. William Westlake. Ann
Westlake. William Coatman. Isabella Coat-
man, Alden A. Barden, Elizabeth C Harden.
Albert. A. Johnson. Mary E- Jobwson.George
Heebuer.llanuau Ueebner.Lee Kirkputrlck.
Gerd II. Hillman. Agnes Hlllman, Ella B.
McKay. John McKay. LevlC. Foilard as ex
ecutor of the last will and testament of Ad
dison F. Weston, deceased.Cynthta A. Orvis,
William O. Weston. 1 rancis Bixby. Arthur
Weston and Frank Weston, sole and only
children of Joseph Weston, deceased; and
Mrs. Joseph Weston, Ida ! rost, nee Ida Halt
and Jennie Hall, sola children of Jane Hall.
deceased, Fletcher Weston. Abby Spranue,
Sarah lletuinsway. Lydla Anu Kelsey,
Mary Buck. Emma Ruggles. 1'ae weston.
Wallace Weston, Almina ifavis, Marion
Hall, Joseph Baldwin, Edgerton Baldwin.
Mary Sheldon, Abby Bailey. Thomas Bald
win, Albert J. Bixby, Alma naiiey. Addle
Orvis Soaulding, William F. Barton and
llattie May Barton, children orirerrls Bar
ton, deceased, Andrew Anderson and Feter
Anderson, and Anna Auuerson, his wire, de
Tho above named defendants will take
notice that the defendant, Levi C. Foilard,
is exector of the last will and testament or
Addison' F. Weston, deceased, did, on the
16th day of December, iwi.". tile his cross pe
tition in the district court of Cass county.Ne-
braska. in the above entit led cause, against
tho said plaintiff and defendant, except
ing this cross leomplaiuant, the object and
prayer of which cross-bill are that the
rights of the estate-of said deceased and of
the plaintitT. Amelia B. Weston, in and to
eacn of the contracts alleged and set fortli
in said petition and cross petition be fully
determined, and that If upon the final hear-
In): it be aeteruiiucd that the said winovr.
Amelia It. Weston, has a dower interestin
and to the lands hereinafter described, that
the amount of such dower Interest be de
termined In money value and such order
and decree entered as may be just onu
equitable in regard to such dower interest..
That this cross defendant be fully in
structed as to what interest In said coi-
tracts;ielong to said estate, and he he auth
orized and empowered upon the payment to
btmor the several purchase prices in saia
contracts of sale respectively agreed upon,
to mane, execute, acknowledge and deliver
as executor of the last will and testament of
said deceased, Addison F. Weston, deeds to
said purchasers and defendants herein, of
the real estate iu the said contracts set
forth as follows:
To James A. Fisher, the nVJ of the ne1 of
of section 26, township 11, range to Jacob
Gruber, these1 seetion 16, township 10,ranue
13; to Grafe, the s'i siv'i section is
and the ne'i of the nw1, section 33. town
ship 10. ran.ell;to Christopher C. Sherfey,
thee!-i section $ towuship 10, range 11; to
S. A. and J. F. Jameson, the nw4, also the
n!4 of the sw'i of section 2S. township lu
range 11; to Feter Opp, the nwU of the wli
of section 16.township lo,range 13; to Andrew
Anderson and Feter Anderson, the se'4 of
section 30, township 11, range 12; to Feter
Anderson, the n'i of sw'i section 25), town
ship 11, range 12; to Christ Lorenson. tho
swl section 30, township 11. ranne 12; to Asa
McCullough, the w'.i of the sefi. also the
awhi of the neV also the south 2-" acres of
the se'4 of the nw1. also the east 15 acres of
the nw'.i of the ne1. also the south 6 acres
off of the remainder of the nw'4 of the nef i.
also the south 17 and 03-100 acres. In lot 3 in
the ne'4of the ne'i and lot 6 containing 13
aud -20-100 acres In the seU of the neU, r 11 in
section 32. township 11 range 13; to Francis
M. Young, the swU. also the w!i of the n'i of
the nw'i of section 11. township 11, ranze 13:
to Ella B. McKay; the undivideu of the
se'4 of section 23, township 10, range 11: to
W iliiam Westlake, the se1 of the ne'i, also
the e'i of the swU of section 1 township 10,
range 12; to William Coatman, the se'4 of
the nU. also the nwKi of the swU section 'J,
township 10, range 11: to Gerd II. Hillman,
assignee of Alden A. Harden, the wVJ of tho
sw', of section 2, and the seU of section 3.all
Id towuship 10, range 11: to Albert A John
son, then Yx of the se1 of section 22, town
ship 10, ranee II: to George Heebner, the s(i
of the nw'i suction li, township 10, range 12:
to Lee Kirkpatrick, the-w'i of the ne1 of
section 33, township 11. ranse 11, all of the
aforesaid lauds be ng In Cass county, Ne
braska. To T. H. Carrol, the nw1 of section
36. township It, range 2: In York county. Ne
braska. To David C. Fhlllips lots 7 and 8 In
block 17 in University Flace in Lancaster
county, Nebraska.
With such conditions and provisions as
will fully vest all rlzht. title and interest of
the satd Addison F. Weston, deceased, his
heirs and devices In conformity with tne
conditions aud provisions of said contracts
in said purchasers, and for such further
order and decree as may be deemed advlse
able for the safe conduct und administra
tion of the assets of said estate therein.
You are further notified that upon the
4th day of February. 18!,Hon. Bastt S. Ram
sey, judge of the district court in Cass
county, Nebraska, Issued an order fixing tha
time for the hearing of satd cross-petition
upon the l!ith day of March, A. D. 1M, at 2
o'clock p. ni., in the court room iu the court
house at l' tsmout h. Nebraska.
Levi C. Foilard, as executor of the last!
will and testament of Addison F, Weston,
By his
Raw Is.
attorneys, Byron Clark & C. A.
Chattle Mortgage Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of
a chattel mortgage, dated on the 14th day
of June. A. D. l'.i. and duly filed in the
otiice of the county clerk of Cass county,
Nebraska, on the 11th day of June. A; D,
l'9-", and executed by Goorce Traver and
Margaretfc W. Traver to First National
Bank of Fairfield, Iowa, to secure the pay
ment of the sum 5,UH), and upon which
there Is now due $5,6 .o, default bavins been
made in the payment of Paid sum, and the
interest thereon when the same became
due, and no suit or other proceedings at
law having been instituted to recover said
debt or any part thereof, the undersigned
mortgiifeo will sell the property therein
described, viz., about l,2u0 bushels of In
dian corn grown on, the ease half of the
northeast quarter of section thirteen (13).
In township eleven (11), range nine ('.)). in
Cass county, Nebraska, and now located in
cribs in the barn sLandin'z on said quar
ter section, near the residence of said
George Traver, beina all the corn con
tained in the south twelve feet cf the east
crib, and all the corn contained in the
south half of the we.-t crib' in said barn,
at public auction at tho farm of said
Georiie Traver about six miles southeast
of Greenwood, Nebraska. In Cass countv,
Nebrasa. on the 26th day of February. A.
D. 1M6. at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day.
Dated February. 4 ls!Ki.
Fikst National Bank op Fairfield, Ia.
By its attorneys. Byron Clark and C. A.
Notice to Creditors.
Cass Count v. ss
In the matter ol "the estate of John Black de
ceased. , "
Notice is hereby given that the claims and de
mands of all persons against John Black, de
ceased, late of said county and state, will be re
ceived, examined and adjusted by the county
court at the court house in Flattsmouth, on the
26th day of August A. D.. ls'.W. at 1) o'clock in the
forenoon. And that seven months from and after
the 25th day of January A. D., 1MK1, is the time
limited for creditors of said deceased to present
their claims for examination and allowance.
Given tinder my hand this 25th day of January
County Judge.
Notice to Contractors.
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be
received at the county commissioners ornce in
the city of Flattsmouth. Cass county. Neb., until
noon on Thursday. March 5. ibM. for the erection
and completion of all pile bridges to be built in
lsyc, according to the following specifications, to-
1." All bridges to rest on three piling at each
bent ot length required by commissioners to be
driven to a solid foundation; piling to be of white
or burr oak, round, with not less than fourteen
L14J inches bu(t. and ten 10 inches top. all
piling to be smooth proportionate, free from
wind?hake and objectionable knots.
t. All chds to be (81 bv twelve fl-1 oak. and
fastened to piling with drift pins twenty-two 221
inches long, hole for drift pins to be bored full
depth with augurs-sixteenth II-16J smaller than
piu. -.-- ,
3. All sway braces to be three f3 bysix6J
oak, bolted to end of cap and each intersection
with piling, with five-eighth l bolts, with
washers at each end.
4. All joists to be of. soft pine, three f3 by
twelve l lzj, sized at each end, ;outsiae joist to be
ooitea to cap at each end. with hve eight
t 1?b1
Doits: ppans ot sixteen 1 10J and eighteen 1 18J
to nave nine I y toists to the SDan each, scans
twenty 20 feet to have ten 10j joists to the
span, and twenty-two (32 J aud twenty-four (241 to
nave eleven 1 1 1 1 joists to trie span, well lapped on
cap, all joists to be well bridged on center wi h
two 2J by four 41 white pine, well nailed with
sixteen lti penny wire naibs.
a. ah noontiK to oe two I2t nv ten 101 or
twelve 1121 white or burr oak and to be spiked to
joists with forty 40 penny ' steel spikes at each
intersection of the joists. :-
6. Railing posts four by four 4x41 to be bolted
to outside joists with one-half 's inch bolts,
hub rails to be two by six 2x6 aud rail to be
two by four 2x4 capped with two bysix2xtSJ
and all to be w hite pineS-4-S and well painted.
7. One plank two by twelve Vy sixteen
2x12x16 to be spiked to end of joists at each
end of bridge so as to cover end of joists and to
make close connection with tioor.
X. Width of roadway to be sixteen 16 feet.
Each bid must be accompanied by a certified
check for JUKI. Board reserves the right to re
ject any ami all bids.
January 17, lf!6
James Roi.ertson, County Clerk.
Referees' Sale.
- Under and by virtue of an order of the district
court of Cass county, entered upon the 4th day
of January. A. 1). 1SWI, in an action therein
pending wherein Susan Grosclaud and Charles F.
Grosclaud were plauitirts and Myrtle Barnes.
Henrietta Deitrick, Theodore F. Decker, Ransom
Decker, Rudolph Decker, Sylvester F. Decker, et
al., are defendants, which order continued the re
port ot the referees theretofore appointed in said
cause and directed them to sell as upon execution
the lands described in their said report, the un
dersigned referees will, upon the til day of Feb
ruary. A. D. lv.Hi, at 1:30 o'clock p, m., in front of
the south door ot the court house in Cass county,
Nebraska, sell at public vendue, to the highest
bidder, the following described real otttate, to
wit: The northeast quarts r and the northwest quarter
of section twenty-nine '-.'); the northwest quarter
of section twenty-seven (2T); lots two, four and
hve (2, 4 and Dj in section twenty-one (21) all in
township twelve, range eleven, iu Cass county,
Nebraska: lots two (2) block one (1) west, and lots
eight and nine (H and i) block one (lieastot the
public square in the town of Rock Blutls, Cass
county. Nebraska.
L'pon the following terms: One-third cash; one
third in two years, one-third in three years, de
ferred payments to be secured by first mortgage,
bearing interest at eight per cent per annum, pay
able annually; eight per cent ort for cash on de
ferred payments. Said sale will remain open for
one hour
January 1", lM'ti.
I. W. Iohnson.
John D. Furoesox,
A. Rawls, attorneys for
Byron Clark and C.
Notice to Creditors.
Statk of Xedhaska, f -Cass
County. ( '
In the county court of Cass county, Nebraska.
In the matter of the assigned estate of Hiram G.
Now on this Kith day of February. A. D.. lSIHi.
in pursuance of the powers conferred upon me by
the statutes, I do hereby fix the I tit li day of March
A. I. lMlti, in which time all claims against
the assigned estate of Hiram G. Spencer shall
be tiled, and within which the assignee or as
signor or any creditor may hie any objection,
detense. Set-oif or counter claim to any claim
which the assignor might or could have opposed
to the same had action been brought upon the
same before assignment. Any claim, objection,
set-oti or counter claim not tiled on or belore the
ltith day of March. A. D. lMHi, shall be forever
barred from being considered in the settlement
of said estate or paiticipating in any dividend
therein. GtOKi.K M. Spl rlock,
County Judge.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued by G.
F. House worth, clerk of the district court
within and for Cass county, Ncbraska.and to
iiiedlrccted.l will on the 7th day of March, A.
D. l-'.'ii, at II o'clock a. m. of said day at the
south door of the court house in the city of
l'iattsuioutll, in said county, sell at public
auction, to the highest blduer for cash, the
following described real estate, to-wit:
Lots one (1) and two (21, in block sixty (!;)),
in the city of Weeping Water. Cass county,
Nebraska, together with the privileges and
appurtenances thereto belouginz or iu any
wise appertaining; -same being levied upon
and taken aa the property of Fred Bellows,
Florence J. Bellows. William H. Wright.
Sligo Iron Store Co., Sackett & Gates. Wil
liam Tig lie. sherill; Joseph F. Mills, Thomas
N. Howard, First National Bank of Weeping
Water, Nebraska, defendants, to satisfy a
Judgment of said court recovered by Byron
Clark, plain titr, against said defendants.
Flattsmouth, Nebraska, Jan. 2'.. A. D. ISOti
Hakvkv Holloway,
Sheriff Cass County. Nebraska.
Legal Notice.
To Susan Grosclaude. Charles F. Grosclaude,
Rudolph Decker, Mrs. Rudolph Decker, Hen
riette Detrich, S. N. Detrich, Ransom Decker,
Theodore F. Decker. Mrs. Theodore F. Decker.
Samuel R. Johnson as surviving member of the
hrm of Johuson & Spratlin. William L. Thomp
son, Enos Norman. Nancy Norman, Colin S.
Wise, Serena Wise." Henry A.. Wise. Flora B.
Wise, Jane Dalton and Isaac Coe; Jyou and each
of you are hereby notified that on the Kith day of
January, 1MH5, William Voting hied his petition
against you inipleadv4 with Sylvester F. Decker,
et al.. in the district court ot Cass comity, Ne
braska, the object and prayer of which petition is
to quiet in said William Young the title to eight
acres of land in the northeast corner ol the south
west quarter ot section 12, in town 11. range 13,-f
comity, leorasita. also tne title to tne
southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said
section; also the west half of the northeast quar
ter of said section; also the title to 24 acres of
laud lying west of a hedgerow on the eit half of
the northeast quarter of section 12 aforesaid: also
the title to 11.40 acres on land in the northwest
corner of the southeast quarter of section 12 afore
said; and to bar each and every of said defendants
and all persons claiming through them from hav
ing or asserting any interest iu said hind, and for
equitable relief.
You are required to answer said petition on or
before Monday, the 2nd day of March, lsitts,
William Young.
By his attorneys, Bceson & Root
Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting
of the stockholders of the Burlington Ac Missouri
River Railroad company in Nebraska will be held
at the otiice of the company, in Flattsmouth, Ne
braska, on Thursday, February 27, lsW, at 5
o'clock p. m. The meeting will be held for the
election of nine (U) directors, to serve during the
ensu'ng year, and for the transaction of such
other business as may legally come before it.
. V. J. Laud, Secretary.
Omaha, Neb., Jan. 23. 1SWJ.
Notice ot Sale. .
In the district court of Cass countv, Nebraska:
In the matter of the estate of Anna M. O'Rourke,
deceased, on application of Nellie M. O'Rourke
as guardian, for license to sell real estate.
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an
order of Samuel M. Chapman, judge of the dis
trict court ol Cass county. Nebraska, made on the
4th day of January. A. D. I!, for the sale of
the real estate hereinafter described, there will
be sold at tho south door of the court house at
Flattsmouth, Nebraska, on the th day of March
A. D. 1'J5, at 1 o'clock p. m., at public ven
due to the highest bidder for cash the following
described real estate, to-wit:.
Lots live aud six (5 and ti), in block three (3).
lots one, two, three and four (1, 2, 3 and 4), iu
block four (4); lot three (3i; in block six ((: lot ten
(Kh.iin block iifteen (15), all in the city of Flatts
mouth, Cass county, Nebraska. And lots nine
and ten;H and 10, in block twenty-six (2ti) in
Duke's addition to. Flattsmouth. And lots ten,
eleven and twelve (10, 11 and 12), in block (Din
Stadelman's addition to Flattsmouth: also lot one
hundred and three tlltb in the northeast quarter
of the southwest quarter, lot eighteen tls) in the
southwest quarter of the southeast quarter,
and lot one hundred and four HOB in the north
west quarter of the southeast quarter, and the
southeast quarter of the southwest q'uarter, all
in section nineteen (llh, township twelve (12i.
north of range fourteen (14), Cass county, Ne
braska, subject to all liens.
Said sale will remain open one hour.
Dated January 21, !!.
Nellie M. O'Rocrke. Guardian.
Byron Clark and C. A. Rawls, Attorneys for
Notice of Probate of Will.
In County Court Cass Co. $
In the matter of the last will and testamenfof
Thomas B. (iordon, deceased.-
Notice is hereby Riven that on the tith day of
February, A, li. lini, at the olhce ol the county
judge in Flattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska, at
the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the follow
ing matter will be heard and considered:
The petition of Francis S. k'rice to admit to
probate an attested copy of the Uit will and testa
ment of Thomas B. Gordon. dk'Ceased, late ol
(ilenwood. Mills county, Iowa. aJd for letters tes
tamentary to Menry r.vernriam Jr.
Iated this i:tth day of Jauua A. D. 1895.
By order ot the court. t
County Judge.
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