Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, February 26, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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    3r I- .jwiiiti
Highest of all in Leavening
C. II. I'armele is improving1 slowly
and his friends hopo to see him out
again soon.
(Jeorjro and I'lovd Ilurshman of
Avoca were transacting business
the city today.
II. V. Heaver, one of the
farmers from old Concord, made
Nkws a valued call today.
. Mrs. J. F. Polk returned home
day after a pleasant two weeks sojourn
with her sons in this city.
J. W. Berge and A. II. Bushnell
crime in from their school work this
morning to spend Sunday in town.
F. II. Wilson rot back from his in
surance work in Omaha at neon today
in time to eat a birthday dinner at
home with his family.
'ThtJ weather bureau said clear
wrnt.hor yesterday, which is the
reason for the drizzly
of to-
day. The bureau is a
The fact that this is a national holi
day, the banks and county ollices be
ing closed, business is slower than
usual and the festive item is excep
tionally elusive.
Ha v. L. Jean is conducting a revival
at his Kight Mile Grove appointment,
and is assisted by ltev. Uuswell, pas
tor of the Otterbein U. B. church.
Nehawka Register.
LehnhotT Bros., tho leading bicycle
house in the county, sold one of the
late pattern "9( wheels yesterday to a
farmer who evidently wanted a quick
way of coming to town.
A. C. Carey one of the old-time Cass
county boys who fails to hanker after
the "red apple" "country, but who
makes money enough in Cass, made
The Nkws a pleasant call today.
The Missouri Pacific train not th will
leave hero at 4:50 instead of 5:03 as
formerly, in the evening, and the stub
train south leaves at 3:45 instead of 4
in tho afternoon for points west.
The lateness of the 2:12 train yes
terday was caused bv a freight wreck
over in Iowa which
track with loaded coal
so rial injuries were
could bo learned of.
Frank Douglas, tho
cp rs. No
man who was
sentenced to the penitentiary for burg
lary, was not a jail breaker as was er
roneously stated in The News yester
day. The only crime known of his
having committed was that of break
ihg into the store at Eagle.
S. A. Davis, one of our grain mer
chants, has purchased 14,000 bushels
of corn this week. As this is not a big
corn market it is pretty good evidence
that the corn crop is beginning to
movo in this part. of the state, and a
corresponding increase in all line3 of
business is sure to follow.
Miss Kauble was invited by Mrs.
Dr. Towner, president of the Omaha
Woman's club, to piny before the club
some time in the near future. As the
club is composed of the best and most
prominent women in Omaha, it will
be tho means of bringing Miss Kaublo
into prominence.
A. L. Coleman has added to the fclo
gant appointments of his jewelry store
an air tight, dust proof repair watch
rack. It is made of polished walnut
and is so nicely made as to be orna
mental as well as useful. A valuable
watch left in it ifor repair would come
out after a year as clean as when it
went in.
Mrs. Kiger, a very lady-like little
woman, came down from Omaha this
morning after her runaway boy, whom
she tooK back with her this afternoon.
Tho bov has a pleasant home, but
seems to have suffered from an ove
dose of vellow-backed literature. The
other boy retured to his parents on
the same train.
Wm. At wood was
being cooped up in
eral months with
cancerous growth
down today after
the house-for sev-
something like a
his ear. Dr.
Livingston removed tho" growth and
we are glad to noto that Mr. At wood
is entirely well again, receiving the
congratulations of his friends, who
were srreatlv alarmed some time ago
at his condition.
Th e friends of Dr. Leavitt, the
Methodist divino who has occupied
the M. E. pulpit here, will regret to
learn of hi3 bereavement by tho death
of his father, which event occurred at
The sifm of this borrowing:
waste. You neediat to keep
want to live with no reserve
Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil is more than a medicine.
It is a food. The Hvooohosphites make it a nerve food, too.
Tf romes as near nerfection as
Btturtyougtt Scoffs EmuUion wktn
cott & Bowne. New York. All Druggists; soc. and $i.
-' .
Power - Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Emerson, la., on Friday, February 14
The old gentleman was SO years of age
and was highly respected, leaving an
excellent family of grown mea and
women, who have already made their
imprint on the affairs of the world for
Charles Keefor the musician has
succeeded in getting up a. good-class
in Omaha, ho being specially qualified
to teach on the piano and hereafter he
will make his headquarters in the
metropolis. The News expects to
hear a good report from the young
man as he is unquestionably possessed
of more than common talent in the
line which he has chosen to follow.
E. E. Day, of Weeping Water, was
in the city today. ,
P. A. Jacobson and E. Palmer are
down from Louisville today.
Ex-Commissioner J as.- Crawford ia
down today from South Bend precinct.
II. M. Bushnell came down from
Lincoln Saturday evening on business
of a private nature.
Mrs. F. Latham left this morning on
the early B. & M. train to spend the
day with friends in Omaha.
J. J. Schneider, one of the reliable
farmers from near Cedar Creek, made
The News a most pleasant call today.
Miss Hattie Chapman is reported
dangerously ill out at Salt Lake City,
Utah where sho has been teaching
John Ericson one of the prominent
farmers and early settlers of western
Cass, was in from Greenwood precinct
today and made The News a welcome
The Lewis farm up near Greenwood
was sold to Seabury L. Seais today at
sheriff's sale, for a little over $2,000.
It was a cheap piece of land, it con
taining eighty acres.
Another ice gorge at the mouth of
the Platte today is making some of the
streams that empty into it run the
wrong way. Tho river is out of its
banks in many daces.
Owing to tho illness of Joe Drucker's
wife, he being one of tho principal
characters at the Gorman theatre, the
play that was to have been given last
night was postooned until next Sun
day evening. Tho crowd enjoyed the
music and dancing, however, until a
late hour.
II. J. Hansen, a bright young farmer
of Greenwood precinct, will wed Miss
Emma C. , daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Ericson, Wednesday, Feb. 20, at
the homo of the bride's parents, Rev.
Dam, of Lincoln, otLciating. THE
News heartily extends congratula
tions in advance.
The undersigned will sell at his
farm at Eight Mile Grove on Wednes
day, February 2(, 1S9G the following
articles: Two heavy mules, one driv
ing team, one sulky hay rake, one
corn sheller, two listers,one corn drill,
one bob sled, never used; one stalk
cutter,two cultivators, New Departure,
two stran sleigh bells, one stirring
plovv,1 weivo supers filled with sections,
500 sections, one saddle, two work
mares, one heavy disk harrow, good
new, one corn planter with check
i el? 1 a.
row, ono press arm, one sei oi ngnt
bobs for spring wagon, two harrows,
two lumber wagons, two horse hay
forks, four stands bees in patent hives,
two patent chaff hives, two barrels of
vinegar and one shot gun.
Sale begins at 1 p. m. sharp. Terms
of sale: Twelvemonths' time will be
given on all sums of $10 and over. In
terest at 10 per cent from date of sale.
All sums under $10cash. Two per cent
off for cash on all sums of $15 and
over. Purchaser must give note
with approved security.
Samuel Kichaksox,
Eight Mile Grove, Neb.
W. D. Jones, Auctioneer; W. T.
A Good Thing.
J, W Campbell of Glenwood has an
arrangement for sharpening the discs
on disc, cultivators and harrows that
is very simple yet quito ingenious.
Every farmer ought to have one. Ap
ril v to asrents or at J W. IJendees
hardware store in Plattsmouth. Mr.
Pollard down near Nehawka used
one cf theso sharpened disc cultiva
tors Inst spring on some raw urairie
which was thoroughly pulverized
without use of plow and was put in
corn, raising a splendid crop. Get a
sharpener and it will quickly pay for
itself. -
from health.
If you have borrowed from
health to satisfy the demands
of business, if your blood is
not fretting that constant
supply of fat from your food
it should have, vou must
pay back from somewhere,
and the somewhere will be
from the fat stored up in
the body.
is thinness ; the result, nerve-
the blood in health unless you
force live trom hand to mouth.
ood thincs ever come in this
- ' . "
J0 VMHt it and mot a hta tulttitmtt.
Til Independent
A Rsllsious, iterary and Famil y
Undenominational, unbiased and im
partial. A paper for clergymon,
scholars, teachers, business
men and families. It dis
cusses every topic of
the day religious,
theological, po
litical, so
cial, etc.
Its contributed articles are by the
most eminent writers of tho English
It employs specialists and distin
guishert writers as editors of its
Twenty-one Departments.
A paper particularly fitted for law
yers, doctors, clergymen, those en
gaged in business, young people of
both sexes men and women who read
and think for themselves. A paper
especially valuable for those interest
ed in Fine Arts. Science. Music.
A paper giving valuable information
upon finance, Life Insurance, Com
A paper for Sunday School Workers,
those who havo a Farm, Garden or
House Plants.
A paper for the family, old and
The Independent announces to its
subscribers, and to any who may be
come so, that it is prepared to fur
nish any papers and magazines pub
lished in this country, England, Fi ance
and Germany, at a very largo reduc
tion from publishers' rates. This op
portunity is open only to subscribers
of the Independent. Upon receiving
list of papers or magazines from indi
viduals or reading rooms, an estimate
will be given by return mail.
Its yearly subscription Is 1S3, or at that
rate for any part of a year.
Clubs of live, 3 each.
"Trial Trip," one Month, 25c.
Specimen Copied Free.
P. O. Box2T;7. l:W Fulton Street, New York.
are the most powerful, safe prompt and re
liable of this kind in the market. The
orixnal and only genuine woman's salva
tion. Ask your druggist if he don t keep
them. Write dlreet. to us ana we will send
it direct upon receipt of priue, iU sealed, by
mail nrenairi. Medical advice free. JACK
SON MtDIOAL CO., Chicago, III., or our
agent. I. L, Snyder.
w N.B. Don't take any substitute 3
Of ii il i a J:rr t .
wiTninc some name dui ujiictcim -i
spelling onwnicnyourarueeisT o
P makes twice as much r
An institution for the Radical cure of Cm
cor and Tninora Without the nse of a
Knife. Satisfaction Ciuaranteed.
Ye have never Failed to Effect a perma
nent cure where we have had a reasonable op
portunity for treatment. Book pivinc de
scription of our Sanitarium and Treatment,
wi'h terms and references free. AcHrcsj
Klinanlou!i. fown.
thing to patent ? Protect your ideas ; they may
bring yon weaitn. write juiijn v tuutiv
BUKN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington,
D. Ci for their SliSOU prize offer.
Sheriff's Sale.
Iiv virtune of ft venditioni exponas issued bv
Geo. F. Ilouseworth, clerk of the district court in
and for Cass county, Nebraska. and to me directed.
1 will on ttie"Jlst dav ot March. A. 1 . imxl at two
o'clock p. m. of said day at the south door of the
court house in the city of Plattsmouth, in said
county, sell at public auction, to the highest
bidder tor cash, the tollowing described prop
erty, to-wit:
' i( i . . . . t . .x r ! . . i t i
1 ne wesi iweniy jcci uii oi 101 twelve m diock
twenty-nine in the city of Plattsmouth, said
cunty. together with the privileges and appur
tenances thereto belonging, or in anywise apper
taining. The same being levied upon and taken
as the property of Millon D. Polk, defendant, to
satisfy a judgment of the county court of Cass
county, Nebraska, recovered by Jesse L. Koot
against Milton u. I oik on trie otn day oi iSovcm
bcr. 18S9, and transcripted to the office of the
c erk of the district court of Cass county, Ne
braska, on the l;ith day of November, 1Sj9. Said
sale being to satisfy said judgment in the sum of
$V.ri:X with 7 per cent interest per annum from
November 8th. 1SH9. and costs in the sum of
$rt.15 with all accrueing costs.
rlattsmouth, Nebraska. I'ebrtiary IStli, ls!Hi.
Sheriff Cas County, Nebraska.
' . .
Legal Notice.
In the district court of Cass county, Ncbraka.
lu the matter of the estate of Win. P.
Sowards, deceased.
This case came on for hearing this l'2th day of
February, IS'.W, at Chambers, before Hon. Basil
S. Kamsey, sole judge of the Second judicial dis
trict, in and for Cass county, Nebraska, upon the
petition of Kliza Sowards, as guardian of Victor
t. Sowards, a minor, praying tor license to sell
an undivded one-thira interest in the west half of
the northwest quarter of section 19 in township 12
north of range 10 east in Cass county. Nebraska,
subject to the life interest therein of Eliza
Sowards, and also to sell the fee of the cast half of
the said northwest quarter of said section, for the
purpose of realizing funds wherewith to rear,
maintainand educate the said Victor E. Sowards.
And it appearing to said judge that it will be
beneficial to said ward that sid real estate or a
part thereof should be sold, it is, therefore, or
dered, that all persons interested appear before
me at Chambers in tfie city of Plattsmouth at the
hour of 1(1 o'clock a. m ,on the lfitii day of March,
IMG. to show cause why a license should not be
granted to said guardian to sell all or a part of
said real estate for the support, maintenance and
education of said ward, Victor E. Sowards. It is
further ordered that a copy of this order shall be
published for three successive weeks in the News
Herald. Hash. S. Ramsey.
fudge of the District Court.
Dated February 12th. l'M.
In County Court.
State or Nkbkaska, i
Cuss County ( bs
To all persons interested in the estate of Claus
Speck, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that on the 11th day of
March, A. D. 11W, at the hour of 10 o.clock a.
ni., at the county judge's office, in Plattsmouth,
in said county, the petition, asking for the ap
pointment of William Weber as administrator of
said estate, will be heard and considered; at
which time and place all persons interested may
appear and show cause, if any thev have, whv he
should not be appointed as such administrator.
Dated this lMh dav of February. A. D. lstj.
County Judge.
Assignee's Sale. 1
By virtue of a deed of assignment made by
Hiram G. Spencer and dated January 21st. lWWi.
to me directed and in pursuance of an order of
tne court, l will on tne rtn day ot March, isyj,
at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the store room
formerly occupied by Hiram G. Spencer on
Main street in the city of PlattihKoiith in Cass
county, Nebraska, sell at public aucttvn to th
highest Didder lor cash, thelolIoving stock
merchandise to-wit:
Stock of groceries, canned goods, tobaccos;
flour, crockery, queeusware, scales and show
cases. Ihe proceeds and avails thereof, to at
Sly as follows according to the reading of sai
eed of assignment: First, to the payment of an
pubfic tax or assessment charged against said
assignor, or said property. Second, to the payment
oi ine lees ana allowances oi tne assignee, the
county judge, sheriff, and other omcers. third
the claims against the said assignors, to be di
vided among his creditors according to law.
Plattsmouth. Nebraska, Feb. 15th, 18-5.
Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska
Ex-Ofiicio Assignee.
Order to Show Cause.
In the district court of Ca9s county, Ne
In the matter of the estate of Fred W, Cross
This cause came on for hearing upon the
petition of Arthur E. Cross, executor of the
estate of Fred . Cross, deceasea. praying
for a license to sell tne unuiviueu three
tenths (3-10; of the south two-thirds (i of
the west halt oi section twenty-nine ('20;,
township ten (10). north of ranee eleven n.
in Cass county. Nebraska, or a sufUcient
amount of the same to bring the sum of J2.-
500.74, ana cost of administration, for tho
payment of debts allowed against -said es
tate and the costs of administration, there
not.being sufficient personal property to pay
the said debts ana expenses oi administra
It is therefore ordered that all persons in
terested in said estate appear before me at
the office of the clerk of the district court
of Cass county, Nebraska, in Plattsmouth,
on the Moth day of March. A. D. at 1:30
o'clock d. in., to show cause why a license
should not be granted to said executor to
sell so much of the above described real
estate of said deceased as shall be "neces-
sary to pay said debts and expenses.
Uatea this bin uay or eoruary. a. m. iyti.
U. 5. liAJlDEV,
Judge of the District Court.
Byron Clark and C. A. Kiwis, attorneys
for estate.
To defendants below named:
In the district court of Cass county, Ne
Amelia B. Weston, plaintiff: vs. James A.
Fisher. Louisa A. l islior. Jacob G ruber.
Maegio Gruber, Christopher O. 6-herfey,
Mary O. Sherfey, J. r. Jameson, first name
unknown. Catharine . K. Jameson. David C.
Phillips, Maggie Phillips. Peter Opp, Bar
bara Upp, Christ Lorenson. Anna S. Loren-
son, Asa Mcl'ullougt), .Mrs. Asa oiccuiiough.
frauds M Youne. tarah r.. Youn. T. 11.
Carroll, Ida Carroll, William Westlake, Ann
Westlake. V i Ilium Coalman, Isabella Coat-
tnan, Alden A. U&rden, Elizabeth C Harden,
Albert. A. Johnson, Mary r Johnson. George
Heebner.Haunah HeeUner, l,ee Kirkpatrick.
Gerd 11. Hillman, Agnes Hillman. Ella B.
.McKay. John Mclvav. LevlC. Pollard as ex
ecutor of the last will and testament of Ad
dison P. Weston, deceased. Cynthia A. Orvis,
William O. Weston. Irancis Bixby. Arthur
Weston and Frank Weston, sole and only
children of Joseph Weston, deceased; and
Mrs. Joseph weston.iaa frost, nee icia nan
and Jeunie Hall, sole children of Jane Hall.
deceased, Fletcher Weston, Abby Sprague,
Sarah Hemingway, Lydla Ann Kelsey.
Mary Buck, Emma Buggies, Page Weston.
Wallace Weston. Alrnina Davis, Marion
Hall, Joseph Baldwin, Edserton Baldwin,
Mary Sheldon, Abby Bailey, Thomas Bald
win, Albert J. Bixby, Alma Bailey, Addie
Orvis Soaulding, William F Barton and
Hattie May Barton, children or terris liar-
ton, deceased, Andrew Anderson and Peter
Anderson, and Anna Anderson, his wire, de
The above named defendants will take
notice that the defendant, Levi C. Pollard,
as exector of the last will and testament of
Addisom P. Weston, deceased, did, on the
10th day of December, lbWi, tile his cross pe
tition in the district court of Cass county, Ne
braska, in tho above entitled cause, auaiust
the said plaintiff and defendant, except
ing this cross :complaIn:int, the object and
prayer of which cross-bill are that the
rights of the festate of said deceased and of
the plaintiff, Amelia B. Weston, in and to
each of the contracts alleged and set forth
in said petit Ion and cross petition be fully
determined, and that if upon tho final hear-
insr it be determined that the said widow,
Amelia B. Weston,, lias a dower interest in
and to the lands hereinafter described, that
the amount of such dower interest be de
termined in money value ana such order
and decree entered as may be just and
equitable in resrard to such dower interest.
That this cross defendant oo ruuy in
structed as to what interest in said con-
tractsjbelonu to said estate, and bo be auth
orized and empowered upon the payment to
him of the several purchase prices in said
contracts of sale respectively agreed upon,
to luHke, execute, acknowledge and dcli.ver
as executor of the last will ana testament or
said deceased, Addison P. Weston, deeds to
said purchasers and defendants herein, of
the real estate in the said contracts set
forth as follows:
To James A. Fisher, the nvi of the nc'.i or
of section 2t, township 11, range !; to Jacob
Gruber, tlieseU section 10. township lu,range
13; to Ahrn-it Grafe, tho sVi sw!i t-ection 2.H
and the ne1 of the nw1 section 3H, town
ship 10. ran.-e 11: to Christopher C. sherfey,
the e(4 section township 10, range 11: to
S. A. and J. F. Jameson, thy n, also the
n!i of the sw'i of section 2S. township UK
range 11; to Peter Opo. t he nwl4 of the sw1.
ot section Ki.township lo.range i:i: to Andrew
Anderson and Peter Anderson, the seU of
section 30, township 11, range 12; to Peter
Anderson, the u'i of sw' sectton 2!'. town
ship 11, range 12; to Christ Lorenson. the
pwH section 3a township 11. ranue 12; to Asa
McCulloiigh, the w!i of the seKi. also the
sw?4 of the nei. also the south 25 acres of
the sel.t of the n w1, also the east la acres of
the nw1 of the neU. also the south ( acres
otT of the remainder of the nw'i of the ne1,
a. so the south 17 and (Ki ll) acres in lot 3 in
the ne1., of the ne1 and lot ti containing 13
ana 20-lnu acres in the se'4 of the neM, vll m
section 3V, township 11 r autre 13: to Francis
M, Vouni, the sw'4, also the w1 of the n!4 of
thonwl4,of section 11. township 11, ranae 13:
to Ella 1. McKay; the undivldeu of the
seU of section 23. township lo, range 11; to
William Westlake, the sel4 of the ne1. also
the el-j of the swl4 ot section IS. township 10,
range 12; to William Coatman. the seli of
the nw', also the null of the sw1 section 2,
township 10, range 11; to Gerd U. Hillman,
assignee of Alden A. Bardou, the w!4 of the
sw'q of section 2, and the se1 of section 3.all
in township KV range 11; to Albert A John
son, the nVi of tho se'i of section 22, town
ship 10, ranse 11; to George Heebner, the sS
of the nw?. section la, township 10, range 12;
to Lee Kirkpatrick, the wVi of the" ne1 of
section 83, township 11, ratine 11, all of the
aforesaid lands being Jn Cass county, Ne
braska. To T. H. Carrol, the n wl of section
30. township JL range 2: in Y'ork county, Ne
braska. To David C. Phillips lots 7 and S in
block 17 in University - Place in Lancaster
county, Nebraska.
With such conditions and provisions as
will fully vest-all right, title and Interest of
the said Addison P. Weston, deceased. his
heirs and devices in conformity with tne
conditions aud provisions of said contracts
in said purchasers, and for .such further
order and decree as may be deemed advise
able for the sate conduct and administra
tion of the assets of said estate therein.
Yon are further notified that upon the
4th day of February, ls'.MkHon. Basil S. Kaui
sey. judze of the district court In Cass
county, "Nebraska, issued an order fixing th9
time for the hearing of eaid cross-petition
upon the lath day of March, A. D. lMd, at 2
o'clock p. rn., in the court room in the court
house at Plattsmoutti, Nebraska-
Levi C. Pollard, as executor of tho last
will and
By his
testament of Addison P.Weston,
attorneys, Byrou Clark &C A.
Chattle Mortgage Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of
a chattel mortgage, dated on tho 14th day
of June, A. D." 10T, 'and duly tiled in the
office of the county clerk of Cass county,
Nebraska, on the 14th day of June, A. 1.
l-9". ana executed by Goorue Traver and
Marzarett W. Traver to First National
Bank of Fairfield, Iowa, to secure the pay
ment of the sum ?5,M)0. and upon which
there Is now due $5.6,0. default havinir been
made in the payment of said sum, and the
interest thereon when the same became
due, and no suit or other proceedings at
law having been instituted to recover said
debt or any part t hereof, the undersigned
mortgiij'ee will sell the property therein
described, viz., about l,) bushels of In
dian corn grown on the east half of the
northeast quarter of section thirteen (13),
in township eleven (Hi, range nine (9). in
Cass cotinty, Nebraska, and now located in
cribs in the barn standing on said quar
ter section, near the residence of said
George Traver, beinsr all tne corn com
taiuod in the south twelve feet cf the east
crib, and all tho corn contained in the
south half of the west crib in said barn,
at public auction at the farm of said
George Traver about six miles southeast
of Greenwood, Nebraska. In Cass- county,
Nebrasa. on the 20th day of February, A.
D. 1M0, at 1 o'clock p. ni. of said day.
Dated February. 4 ls)j.
Fiust National Bank. or FAtitFiKr.i, Ia.
By Its attorneys. Byrou Clark and C. A.
Notice to Creditors".
- Cass County, 4 ss
In the matter
of the estate of John Black, de-
Notice is hereby given that the claims and de
mands of all persons against John Black, de
ceased, late of said county and state, will be re
ceived, examined and adjusted Bv the county
court at the court house in Plattsmouth, on the
26th day of August A. 1)., 1896, at ! o'clock in the
forenoon. Aud that seven months from and after
the 25th day of January A. D.. l'.tti. is the time
limited tor creditors of said deceased to present
their claims for examination and allowance.
uiven unaermy nana day of January
A. D., lsyti.
County Judge.
Notice to Contractors.
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be
received at the county commissioners' office in
the city of Plattsmouth, Cass county. Neb., until
noon on lhursday, March 5, 1S90, for the erection
and completion of all pile bridges to be built in
18!), according to the following specifications, to
wit: 1. All bridges to rest on three piling at each
bent of length required by commissioners to be
driven to a solid foundation; piling to be of w hite
or Diirr oaK, round, witn not less than fourteen
L14) inches butt, and ten Tlo inches top. all
piling to be smooth proportionate, tree from
windshake and objectionable knots.
2. All caps to be hJ by twelve fl2 oak, and
iasienea to piling witli di nt pins twenty-two 122 I
inches lonir. hole fi ir drift nints to !-. nnrnH ful 1
aeprn witn augurs-sixteenth LHoJ smaller than
3. All swav braces to be three T31 hvsivffil
oak, bolted to end of cap and each intersection
wiwi pning, wun nve-eigtith 1?$ bolts, with
washers at each end.
4. All loists to be of soft nine, tlimt. r.ll kv
i.. i in : 1 i L i ' . , : . 1 ,
uj, iicu ai cacn enu, ouiSKic Joist to ne
bolted to can at each end with live nirrl.tis.i
bolts: spans ot sixteen 10J and eighteen fix feet,
to have nine 9J joiots to the span each, spans
twenty 20 leet to have ten luj joists to the
j.pan. ana iwenty-two (J and twenty-tour L'4J to
imictiivou liij joists io ine span, wen lapped on
-ij, dn juii3 io oe wen Driugea on center wi h
two 21 by four 141 white nine, well n:iil..H ;(, i
sixteen ioj penny wire nails.
r. a n u : ... i.. r, i . . - .
f. .1 . IJUOI1111Z LO Ot? TWO 1 '1 OV tn I Illl
iweive i ji wnite or Durr oak and to besmked to
jumis win iorty ti penny steel spiKes at each
......... rj..-i .... .
intersection oi tne joists,
ti. Railing posts four bv four Tlxl l to be bolted
IO OlUSlde loists with one- ia V. inch ni ls
iiuu rans to oe two oy six l-'xtij aud rail to be
io DV lour I ZX4 1 cannwl with two ivsiv
and alf to be w hite pin. S-4-S and well nainted.
i. Due r ank two hv twelve hv ;ivt....i
I 2x12x1b to be sniked to end of mists at each
end of bridge so as to cover end of joists and to
maice ciose connection with floor.
X. ldth of roadway to be sixteen f 101 feet.
Lach bid must be acconiDanied bv a certified
ciiecK tor S1UO. iioard reserves the nirfit to re
ject any and all bids.
January 17, lMHi
J AMiiS Robertson, County Clerk.
Referees' Sale.
Under and by virtue of an order of the district
court of Cass county, entered upon the 4th day
oi January, a. u. io'.t, m an action therein
pending w herein Susan Grosclaud and Charles F.
Grosclaud were plaintiffs and Myrtle Barnes,
Henrietta Deitrick. Theodore F. Decker, Ransom
Decker. Kudolph Decker. Svlvester P. Decker, et
al., are defendants, which order confirmed the re
port ot the relerees theretolore appointed in said
cause ana airectea iiiem to sen as upon execution
the lands described in their said report, the un
dersigned referees will, upon the ill day of Feb
ruary, A. D. 1M0, at 1:30 o'clock p. in., in front of
the south door ol the court house in Cass county,
Nebraska, sell at public vendue, to the highest
bidder, the following described real estate, to
The northeast quart.-r and the northwest quarter
of section twenty-nine the northwest quarter
oi section twenty-seven (2i); lots two, four and
five (2, 4 aud 5) in section twenty-one (21) all in
township twelve, range eleven, in Cass county,
Nebraska; lots two (2) block one (l)west, and lots
eight aud nine (8 aud V) block one (li east of the
public square in the town of Rock Bluffs, Cass
county, Nebraska.
Lpon the following terms: One-third cash; one
third in two years, one-third in three years, de
terred payments to be secured by first mortgage.
oearing interest at eight percent per annum, pay
able annually; eight per cent oft for cash on de
ferred payments. Said sale will remain open for
uiic iiour.
January 1", 1MHI.
J. W. Johnson,
.Sami fl W'augh,
Juhx D. Furgksox,
Clark and C.
A. Kawls, attorneys for
Notice to Creditors.
State op Nebhaska, ) c ,
Cass County.
In the county court of Cass county, Nebraska,
In the matter of tlie assigned estate ol Hiram G,
Now on this loth dav of Februarv. A. I) . lsK?.
in pursuance of the powers conferred upon ine by
the statutes, 1 do hereby hx the Pith day of March
A. L). IsM, in which time all claims airainst
the assigned estate of Hiram G. Spencer shall
be hied, and within which the assignee or as
signor or any creditor may tile any objection.
oeieuse. sei-on or counter claim to any claim
which the assignor micht or could have opposed
to the same had action been brought upon the
same before assignment. Any claim, objection,
set-ott or counter claim not tiled on or before the
Kith dav of March. A. L. lMMi. shall he
barred Irom being considered in the settlement
of said estate or participating in anv dividend
therein. GfcOKGt M. Shi rlock.
County Judge.
Sheriff's Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of sale issunil fi.
F. ilouseworth. clerk of tho district court
within and for Cass county, Nebraska,and to
meairected.i will on the 7th day of Marcn.A.
I). ls:6, at 11 o'clock a. m. of said dav at the
south tioor of t he court house in the city of
naiisuiouin. in said countv. sell at Dubltc
auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the
rollowlng dc3craed real estate, to-wit:
Lots one (1 and two 2. in biouk sixty (;),
in tne city of Weoulnir Water. Cass countv.
Nebraska, together with the Driviiezes and
appurtenances thereto be.ouin,' or in any-
n i.-v? i i Ldiutu., sniuu uciu levicu upon
ana taKeu as tne properly of ! red Hollows,
Florence J. Bellows. William II. Vrirht.
Sligo Iron Store Co.. Sackett & Gates. Wil
liam tUho. sheri II : Joseph F. Mills. Thorn is
N. Howard, First National Bank of Weeping
i Hier. ixeorasica. ueienoants. to aurisrv h. i
judgment oi said court recovered by Byron
t-iarK. piaintiu, against said defendants.
Piattsinouth, Nebraska, Jan. -2!. A. 1). lsftii.
Sheriff Cass County. Nebraska.
Legal Notice.
To Susan Grosclaude. Charles F. Grosclaude,
nuaoipii i;ecKer, .Mrs. Kuuolph Uecker, Hen
riette De'rich, S. N. IV'trich, Kansom Decker,
Theodore F. Decker. Mrs. Theodore K IWL-pr
Samuel K. Johnson as surviving member of the
nrrn ot Johnson & Spratlin. William L.Thomp
son, tr.nos iornian, :sancy .Norman, Colin S.
Wise. Serena Wise, llenrv A. lse. Mora It
W lse. Jane Daltou and Isaac Coe: "xou and each
of vou are hereby notified that on the Kith d :1 V of
January, iio, wiiuam loung nied his petition
uKainsi jUU mipieaueu v.itn nyivesier f. ueefcer.
et al.. in the district court of Cass countv. Ne
braska, the object and praver of which petition is
to quiet in said William Young the .title to eight
aiics oi iana in ine normeast corner oi the south
west quarter ot section 12, in town 11, range 13.
Cass county, Nebraska, also the title to the
southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said
section; aiso tne west nan ot the northeast quar
ter oi said section; also the title to 24 acres of
laud lying west of a hedgerow on the east half of
the northeast quarter of section 12 aforesaid: also
the title to 14.40 acres on land in the northwest
corner of the southeast quarter of section 12 afore
said; and to bar each and every of said defendants
and all persons claiming through them from hav
ing or asserting any interest in said laud, and for
equiiauic renei.
l ou are required to answer said petition on or
oeiore ivionuay, tne 'nd Uay ot .March. 1s;k,
, William Yocng.
By his attorneys, Beeson & Root.
Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting
oi inc stocknoiders ot the iiurlington & --Missouri
River Railroad company in Nebraska w ill be held
at the oitice ot the company, in Plattsmouth, Ne-
DrasKa, on lhursday, February 27. lsiHl. at 5
o'clock p. m. The meeting will be held for the
election of nine (l) directors, to serve during the
ensu'ng year, and for the transaction of such
oiner Dusiness as may legally come before it.
, , m W. J. Ladd, Secretary.
Omaha, Neb., Jan. 23. 1MHJ.
-Notice ol Sale.
In the district court of Cass countv. Nebraska
In the matter of the'estate of Anna M. O'Rourke,
deceased, on application of Nellie M. O'Rourke
as guardian, for license to seil real estate.
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an
order of Samuel M. Chapman, judge of the dis
trict court ol Cass county. Nebraska, ntade on the
4th day of January. A. D. IMKi, for the sale of
the real estate hereinafter described, there will
he sold at th" south door ol the court house at
Platt-Jinoutli, Nebraska, ou the th day of March
A. I). 1WK5. atl o'clock p. m., at public ven
due to the highest bidder for cash the following
described real estate, to-wit:
Lots five and six t5 and 6), in block three (3),
lots one, two. three and four (1, 2, 3 and 4i, in
block four (I): lot tluce 3; in block six (6); lot ten
(1UM in block fifteen (!.'. all in the city of Platts
mouth, Cass county, Nebraska. And lots nine
and ten' (H and 10;, in block twenty-six (26) in
Duke's addition to Plattsmouth. And lots ten.
eleven and twelve (10, 11 aud 12), in block (.Win
Stadelman's addition to Plattsmouth: also lot one
hundred and three 1U3) In the northeast quarter
of the southwest quarter, lot eighteen (IS) in the
southwest quarter of the southeast quarter,
and lot one hundred aud lour (lull in the north
west quarter of the southeast quarter, and the
southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, all
in section nineteen (l-.M, township twelve (12,
north of range fourteen (141, Cass county, Ne
braska, subject to ail liens.
Said sale will remain open one hour.
Dated January -!!. l(j.
NlLi.ii-: M. O'Koi'kke. Guardian.
Bvron Clark and C. A. Kawls, Attorneys for
Notice of Probate of Will.
- In County Court Cass Co. )
In the matter of the last will aud testament of
Thomas B. Gordon, deceased.
Notice is hereby git-en that on the lth day of
February. A. D. lslis, at the ortice of the county
judge in Plattsmouth. Cass county. Nebraska, at
the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the follow
ing matter will be heard and considered:..
The petition of r-rancis S. -Price to admit to
probate an attested copy of the last w ill and testa
ment of Thomas B. Gordon, deceased, late of
Glenwood, Mills county, Iowa, and for letters tes
tamentary to Henry Evcrnham, Jr.
Dated this 13th day of January A. D. 1896.
By order of the court.
County Judge.
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