Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, January 22, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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The Seml-Weekl j News-tt erald
m'. d. polk, editor.
One Year, in advance, $5 00
Six Months 2 50
One Week, '10
Single Copies, &
One Year, in advance 81
Six Months
Of any Cass County Paper.
The Cuban question is up for discus
sion in the house this week when it is
honed the lone delayed resolution
acknowledging the insurgents may be
Montana ranchmen in that state
realized the sum of $11,000,000 from
tne cattle industry during the year
, 1895. The state is all right without
any special legislation to prop up the
silver kings.
Chicago gets the democratic con
vention, and thus is merit rewarded.
The chief objection to St. Louis was
that the water is muddy. Democrats
are very particular about their side
drinks. Ex.
ENGLAND is still scrappy and it is
said has ordered a big squadron of war
ships to move at once toward the
Mediterranean. The peaceful talk in
dulged In for a few days may only be
a cloak for work of a different nature.
The democratic national committee
has decided to hold the convention in
Chicago July 7. The party has always
been cowardly about showing its hand
first and thus fixes a date later than
the republican convention which will
be held in St. Louis June 21.
The senate committee on foreign
relations has not been idle and on yes
terday jidppted a resolution which
will be submitted, to the senate on
This resolution gees even farther
man uiu ine president in his message
to congress on the Venezuelan ques
tion. It will, if passed, commit con
gress to a policy from which there can
be no backdown and thero appears to
be no doubt as to the ultimate result
of the resolution.
Omitting the two whereases, which
simply for a prelude to tne more
serious utterances of the resolution it
self, it is said that the resolution will
bo found, whin the text is made public
to reaffirm and confirm the Monroe
doctr ine, and declare that the United
States will assert and maintain it. It
states spacifically that this govern
ment will regard as an infringement
of this doctrine any attempt on the
part of any European power to acquire
new or additional territory on this
continent, or the islands adjacent
thereto, as dsngerous to the safety and
peace . of the United States The
United States also denies the right of
any European power to acquire any
sucn territory, eitner by lorce, pur
chase, cession, occupation, pledge,
colonization or protection, whether
under unfounded pretensions of light,
under the guise of boundary disputes
or otherwise, and declares unmistak
ably that any such attempt will be
regarded as a manifestation of on un
friendly disposition upon which this
government cannot look with indif
produce the great bulk of the coffee
consumed in this countiy. The plants
arrived in fine shape ana the enter
prising projector of the scheme has
high hopes of his venture. There are
plenty of people, however, who do not
believe the Roil and climate of Cali
fornia at all adapted to the growing of
coffee. It is got expected that the
plants will bear for three years yet
but in the meantime the ejcperimrit
will bo watched with interest. Ex.
The largest celery farjti in the world
is at Lodi, O. Severa-P'hundred acres
are devoted to this succulent vegeta
ble, giving employment to many
families, ts many aX'oO people being
at work sometimes. The expense of
running a celery fa'nn is said to be
tremendous, as compared with the
erst of ordinary farming. One item
of expense at the Lodi farm that
amounts to thousandsof dollars an
nually is the freight op hundreds' of
carloads of manure taken from the
Chicago stock yards. Ex.
Bona Ctetul
Suggestions to Those Whc
paiau What Is Invaluable.
-V.C III 7 I 1 1 IT
sfa the Childhood of
i A Beautiful Inyf ightincale.
FlO-l-ii., 1 Jnoirtoi
'"'dutiful incident related
caps, unless these be I Tbere if.fSichtint:ale, when she 'was
fKI, " uxuess mese be i mere iF.Kightiiiv'ale, wnen sub a
Dreve!Pr?USUJateriaL Tbe two ft,rm j of Flprf6bows that God had already
parts hll !VU1,,1,lj ot b.Iood to thel a.cbiLvithiu her the germ which xvaa
It to put li uui Ul
rn?a iittl oirl went fcIwsly up ta
parts ,ueiJC0 tiie h.ljr -,,-,4,,
IV T' n sLurt commons alike
uw aij,i collars are worn.
Irritatn Und
kiu linn i ,... - i
T . " "l oaiKfrnff name7
lmjiiaa (l. e., branny scales Vf
that al he headgear v. h;oh is Rotron3
shouLte ventilaled aVfrm Jndes to
allow t'ree current of air.
Nevlsit or stand with tbtop of the ,
head Lira gas lish'tor laniiTlisht. The.
heat t )vu ont is apt to paralyze the
scalp t; ue.s and dries Eip the hair itself.
Don' washtb-g-eacl oftener than
once a tni5wneil first rnb in the
yolk LiVnd thoroughly rine out
witVf .,.-. intn uchich has been
pla'itS-n, t.nntifnllv in after days. first wounded patient w as a S'Otyh
epherd dog. Some boys ui ' t .-
in nkcii lis wn i't'"--' o
i,..ri hpfii dociJu nang
11 n v ..--
The destination of the British fiyfflg
squadron is still uncertain,-bu if it
really be the American water, Uncle
bam can afford to look unon it in no
other light than as a declaration of
war on tbe part of Kngland. There is
no othe' necessity for such an arma
ment here except it be as a menace to
this country. Grover Cleveland might
as well brush the rust off his ironclads
and make ready his torpeJo boats if
Johnny Bull really reaches American
waters with-his ponderous ironclads.
We will-k now what the senato is
made of when it comes to vote this
week on the Lodge resolution explain
ing the scope of the monroe doctrine.
There is nothing uncertain or vaccil
lating in the stand which Senator
Lodge takes and we btlieye the
country is practically a unit in favor
of his patriotic and sensible proposition.
CAMPOS, the Spanish general, has
been recalled to Spain and a new one
sent out in his place. Tho insurgents
are delighted with tbe change, as
Campos was said to be tho ablest of
Spanish generals. No decisive battles
have yet been fought, but the Island
ers seem to be holding their own
whenever they come in contact with
the Spanish soldiery.
Mrs. Cleveland once snubbed J.
B. Foraker at a white house reception
by refusing to take his hand or bow
to him. The episode does not ap-B-aar
to have lessened Foraker in the
esteem of Ohio republicans, for he
was yesterday elected to represent
that commonwealth in the United
States senate as the successor of Cal
vin S. Bnca. nuhnmiA TlffTi"i til
The republican national conventions,
since the advent of the party as a na
tional one, have been held on the
dates and places as fcflows:
It.rfi June 17-11. PliilaiMpliia J- C. Fremont
1800 May 1H! Chicago A. Lincoln
lMit June 7-0, Ua.'liniore A. Lincoln
l.Ki May :SK.'l, Chicago , U. S. Grant
1S72 June 5-6. Philadelphia I'.S. Grant
lMTtf-Junc 11-17, Cincinnati K. IJ. Haves
1SN June 3-8. Chicago J. A. Garfield
InM -Junea-O, Chicago J. G. Maine
I VS June l!-2r. Chicago B. I larrison
WW June 7-10. Minneapolis 13. Harrison
IS!; June lrt. St. Louis
The democratic conventions
been more numerous and date b
the year 1."2 and have
given below:
1332-May 12 1:1. Baltimore
KW May LV-.'-.f. Baltimore
1840-M .y 54. Baltimore
1S41 May 27-29. Baltimore..
14 May 22-2i;. Baltimore..
1."12 June 10. Baltimore
IHTxV June 'J 0, Cincinnati.. ..
100 April XI-May 3, Charleston... No noinination
Ixl-Juiie ll'L'. Baltimore S. A. Iougla
1S!I June Baltimore J. C. Breckinridge
l61-Atinust :K51, Chicago.
1M1- July 4-!, New York...
1872 -May 1-4. Cincinnati...
Is72-July 9-10, Baltimore...
Is7ti June 27-2,.,, St. Louis
INjO June '22-24. Cincinnati
isl July s-10, Chicago
liisiiop tioNACUM was knocked out
yesterday for the oth time by Father
Fitzgerald and Murphey whom he
sought to restrain by injunction from
acting aj priests in their diocese or
controlling the property belonging to
the diccese. The bishop made his last
application before Judge Lettin of
Fairbury. The only time the bishop
ever won his peculiar claim was when
he appeared before Sam Chapman.
ck to
been held as
A. Jackson
M. Van Buren
.M. Van Buren
James K. Polk
Lewis Ca?
...Franklin Pierce
..James Buchanan
l.V-N June .V7. St. Louis
INT'-June tl-'St. Chicago
lS!Mi -July 7. Chicago
....G. B. McClellan
II. Seymour
I Jorace Greely
Horace Greely
S. J. Tilden
....Y. S. Hancock
...Grover Cleveland
. ..Groer Cleveland
. ..G rover Cleveland
It seems to bo the pian of the pro
jectors of tho motor lino between South
Omaha ant Fort Crook via the Thir
teenth street boulevard to extend the
line to Bellevue and Pa pillion. Should
this be done the feasibility of coutitv
tramways could soon bo demonstrated
to the satisfaction of all concerned.
The Bee has many times pointed out
the practicability of such lines and
the benefits to be derived from them
in general and by the retail merchants
in particular. When once the southern
line shall be put in operation it will
not be long before an extension of the
Benson motor line to the north and
west will follow. Bee.
thoi, iuch of borax. Dry carefully
uud ai;n-a little pure olive oil.
Be of thQ common practice of
dipping (v,e comb in water when ar
- fnying thfc uajr it promotes decompo
sition anu iv.-uitj' of the natural oi
and so leads to "rotting."
If the hair be naturally drv pply a
little olivoil occasionally. natural
ly oily, occasionally wasii away the ex
cess of sebaceous secretion by means of
a lather o: tepid water and soap bark
(Quitlayu tnjnoiiaria).
Salt water is most injurious to the
hair, for which reason when sea bath
ing wear an oil cap.
rViorB'hP lav. savins, in
tone, "Poor Cap, poor
enough. Ha looked
ing brown eyes, now
nf nam. into ner i
sent it when, kn.
bnnn the lte, inuiui-m ur.iw
ap. it was
with his spoak-
Kidslmt and full
and dil mt i e-
:ing down nesiae
ith her little tin
j was ratner
Oivmint f coaxing ho at
Wi tjnch and examine
FVireuce persuasively
it rvas aJl nglit. lii-
ou uio uoor otsine jiim.
or, her lap,, keeping up n
nrunr, much as a nioiner
kl. child. "Well," said the
fMn his examinatirn, "as
pil, there are no tones bro
ken tl je.r.'J oaiuv utuL-ni. ii "W"
to be fiiuei;"- tn taUetlie liillaiumatu.-n
and vellg down." "How do you
onJt?"!Kke(l Florence. "With hut
c,yhs dfptd in boiling wrtcr." au-KTf-red
ho vicar. "Then that's rir.ito
asy. 4 H stay tiuo cu it. ow, ,i:uiiny,
last i-V.i'
the 'won n di
tellina him .
deed, she v
with his he.
does over
vicar, ris
far as I ,
a : : r , JgetstcksandiLakethekettlebuil."
Always treat the scalpas ,f you loved Jtsila(icn in the child's
it. Take to heart Dr. Godfrey s dictn . ... u , ,.i,, i.
Godfrey's dictn
that "every touch affecting so delice
a textnre as the scalp should besoft"'
soothing, every application blaur'au,l
milrt " n.m'f ns utiiT Viritlorl Wire
brushes, and in all cases brnsl'y
Also, nlwnvrt Vrnwli nnl: t,o L-r before
attemritilU'tnfnmri it- nnrl iw the COlub
as little as nnssiide.
Have the ends of the hailiPl,e(1 out"e
a month, if only to prev1 tl,t,u fr,,IIU
splitting. But don't cK crop. rima
delphia Times.
How a ricrer fri'1 GirI ot Ahead of tli
An exact definition of international
law has been in request since Lord
Salisbury declared that it does not
include the Monroe doctrine. in a
letter to the London '"Saturday
Review," Prof. .Goldwin Smith, the
Canadian writer, supplies one in these
words: "International law is a law
without a legislature, without a
policeman, and without a judge. Its
highest court of appeal is the cannon."
As long as the United States backs it
uo the Monroe doctrine will be as
good international law as any. Ex.
The New York World advertises a
circulation of over half a million
copies per day. This fact is no credit
to New York City after the manner in
which the World slopped over in its
desire to show sympathy for England
and against this country in the Vene
zuelan controversy. If New York'ex-
ts to remain a metropolis of the
continent its tactics will have to be
changed. Patriotic Chicago will
eventually take -tbe lead and the
change will be hastened by a. show of
hostility to home institutions on I tbe
part of New York. "
South Carolina has et a most ex
cellent example which other, states
might follow with profit to the com
monwealth by working her convicts
on the public roads.' This would do
away with the unfair competiou of
penitentiary labor which loses thous
ands of dollars annually to industrious
artizans who should not be forced to
compete with convicts. It should fur
nish employment of a kind that would
help the state, and by grading and
macadamizing of our public highways
all property would be enhanced in
value. Nebraska ought to try the
South Carolina plan. -
Will you tell me where and
tho two characters originated,
Sam" and "Brother Jonathan ?"
I). O. K.
Brother Jonathan is the older
character. Durine ttie rovo!t!tiii-
Jonathan Trumhail-was crovernor of
ecticut and a close friend and ad
viser of Washington. The letter
would often refer matters to "B. other
Jonathan" for his advice, so in time
the expression, "I'll ask Brother Jona
than about it" became a sayinjr in the
army and fiom the army extended
over the country. During the war of
1812 Elbert Anderson, an army con
tractor, bought a large quantity of
provisions at Troy. One of the inspec
tors thero was Samuel Wilson, known
generally as Uncle Sam. As he passed
on each barrel ho marked it "E. A.
U. S.," for "Elbert Anderson United
States." Some one asked whalT the
letters meant. A bystander suggested
that they stood for "Elbert Anderson
Uncle Sam." The joke took among
tho workmen, many of whom entered
the army and carried it with them. In
time, like "Brother Jonathan," it
spread over the country. Eacyclo-
TllK English war cloud looms again
larger than ever. Since Germany has
been bluffed out of its boots, the Brit
ish premier proposes to. try it on the
the'flowerof the.British navy, which
includes all their newest war-ships, is
believed to have set sail for the Ber
mudas. This, if true, means that
Uncle Sam will have to send a force
down there, too, in order to prevent
Johnny Bull's bluff from overawing
the Venezuelans. The outlook is cer
tainly grave, as there is no excuse for
this demonstration of power unless
actual hostilities ate to begin. The
positive destination of this fleet will
be awaited with extraordinary inter
est by the United - States government.
Rev Fiank Crane, pastor of the F.rtt
M. E. church in Omaha, and one of
tho most popular ministers in that
city has resigned his charge to accept
one in Chicago. "Money makes the
mar e go" lu church circles as well as
in other walks of life.
The wcithei1 was warm as SDrinir
. r
limo nnlil ..ft,. 11 .w.l trcyl TJlLMll
u w au icy breeze suddenly sprung
up from the no. thwest that dropped
the thermometer several notches in i
very few minutes. The sua this morn
ing shincd with a June time fervei
and our summer atmosphere was
again recovered.
A source of grief to many of the
staunch republicans of Mills couuty
for years past has boou tho picture oi
President Cleveland and cabinet.whieh
has hung in the sheriff's oflico in the
cou. t house. It is no longer there
As we understand it, the only pledge
made bv Mr. Tubbs, prior to his elec
tion, was to Dr. J. B. Moore of Emer
son, to whom, he maue the solemn
promise that, should he be elected, he
would substitute for the picture of the
democratic leaders, a picture of ex-
President Harrison and cabinet, ar.d
there now hangs in that office an ex
eel lent picture of those sterling re
publicans, presented to the present
sheriff Bv Dr. Moore. don wood
Another Iowa man is to win fame
and fortune as well as a pretty girl.
hank O. Lowden, who was raised at
Hubbard, la., and educated at the
stale university, is said to be engaged
to one of the daughters of -George M
Pullman. Lowden is a handsome fel
low about oj years old, the son of a
blacksmith. Nine years ago ho went
to Chicago to work- for $7 per week
and now is evidently arranging to
we r diamonds. Des Moines Capital.
Not a few who read what Mr. Robert
Kowls, of Hollands, Va., has to say be
low, will remember their own experi
ence under like circumstances: "Last
winter I had la grippe which left me
in a low state of health. I tried num
erous remedies, none of which did me
NoiiODY expects the bond bill to pass &y a unlu 1 was muceu to try a
THE utilization oi electricity in
coast defense, such as Wizard Edison
is reported to he ready to accomplish
for his country in case of foreign at
tack is by no means an idle dream.
Electric guns have1 already made a
revolution in the coast-fort batteries.
The electrically propelled torpedo hs9
proved a success. When one reflects
o.w terrible a danger the little tor
Kat is to even a hugh battleship
Now this tiny gnat of the waves
v? an eienhant iron-clad to
uires little stretch of the
picture vaguely the
defense devices which
aval warfare in
sson's monitor
last war in our
1a Record.
bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
The first bottle of it so far relieved me
that I was enabled to attend to my
work, and the second bottlo enecled a
cure." For sale at so ana cents per
bottle by all Druggists.
Piles of teonle have piles, but De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure
them. When promptly applied it
cures scalds and burns without tho
slightest pain. F. G. Fricke & Co.
KheamatiMtn Cured in a Ity.
Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures in one to
three days. Its action upon the sys
tem is remarkable and mysterious. It
removes at once the causfe and the
Ax effort is to be made in southern I disease immediately disappears. The
California to develop a coffee growing I nrst dose greatly benefits, 75 coats
industry. Colonel Charles F. Crocker, 6,01(1 y F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists.
a wealthy resident of the San. Joaquin I Flattsmoutb, Neb
valley, has recently had brought from
Central Americaj 1,CH0 yearling plants
of the-hardy -Arabian variety, that
the senate, and that is probably one of
the chief reasons why it passed the
houso. It is easy to see what the op
position springs from. Republicans do
not beiicve in constantly increasing
the bonded indebted ness of the coun
try in tinaes of peace, when there are
no extraordinary ex penses. They were
able to pay as they went for a third
of a century and steadily reduce the
government debt and they see no
reason why this policy should be de-
parieq iroj3 now. u ney nave no con
fidence in the present administration
and they object to . giving its incapa
city a wider range. Beatrice Ex
press. -
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
nnKinu ' id curt manners. Ho was
ehy. Like iv1 sl'J ppcple. he vanquish
ed this d'-t by gOHig into the othe
extreme. He soiteneu as no grew oio
and tuck a relative polish at the meet
iugs if the aculemy. The tongue was
alwavs shrewd it cnuld be cruel. The
code of social amenities was at the tim
I speak of a sca'ed book tohiin. I recol
lect a tilt betveen him and an Irish
girl, brought u in Paris, who sat op
posite to him atdmuer. Mie was smgu
larly plain. But her ugliness was most
amusing, and sie was a witty, good
tempered being. The nose was short.
funnv. retrousse, the month wide and
laualiing ami tlie tunguo lisping, but
as the French :-aT, bien pendne for rep
Dumas, after Htaring some time at
her, put his forefinger to the tip of hi?
semiaoniline nost and pushed it up. He
kept it so for some time, still staring
The pantomime wis grossly impertinent.
I thought and so did everv one else -
that the jtoor girl would burst into tears
he laughed, not a bit hysterically, and
feeling the was an object of general at
tention and of py input hy, made a funny
remark on the grimace that M. Dumas
was pleased to give himself. He began
to ml lv l.r- m l rrrrtKTf..
neVerheard such a mimic war of words
before or since. It ended in a splendid
victory, through good humor and wit,
on the young lady's side, fhe spoke
French to perfection. "M. Alph&nso"
was then on the stage. Mr. Ernest Pin
ard, who listened with rapture, cried,
"Mademoiselle enfonce votie Alphon-
sine !" AljjlKJUsino was the comic actress
in that play.
Dumas retired from the combat net
tied, but he did not long bear malice.
He aftrward said what a pity it was
that la ieune Irlandaise etait dans le
monde. She had the vis comica in a
greater degree thau any actress or actor
he had ever seen, stnd proved that w here
l'amo est bien faite there cannot be
ugliness Paris Letter in London
Schiaparelli, the astronomer who first
discovered the so called "canals" of
Mars, did so with a much smaller tele
scope than those in use in many other
observatories at that time. And yet he
is a very nearsighted man. Garrett P.
Serviss of Brooklyn, in speaking of his
first interview with the eminent Italian,
said that Schiaparelli would hold a vis
itor's card within five or six inches of
his eyes in order to decipher it. The sin
gular part of this story is not that a
man with such an infirmity should be
able to outdo other astronfners, for
keenness of vision depends rather upon
the retina than the convexity of the
lenses of tho eye, and the eyepiece of "a
telescope can be fcussed so as to suit
the latter. But it does seem a little odd
that the gifted scientist in question
should habitually refrain, from wearing
eyeglasses. Possibly he has a theory as
to the effect of their use upon his visual
The Way to Eat Candy.
I think much of the outcry against
Candy is the result of wrong methods of
use. It can often be safely taken at meal
time with good results. Scientists say
that the food value of sugar is very
great. A pound of sugar contains much
more energy and power to support ani
mal life than a pound of meat. If candy
is taken under such conditions that it
will not derange the digestive apparatns,
it is perfectly wise and rational to be a
candy eater. Annals of Hyg?ene.
"Is D'Aubrr a good painter?"
"Yes; good as gold."
"Do his sell:"
"Yes those who buy tlirm. '
roifc Free Press.
' De-
Money to Loan
On long time aud on shoi-t notice at
low rate of interest, on good Cass
farmland. Enquire at Fit &t National
bank, Plattsmouth, NeK
When Baby was 6ict, -we gave her Castoria.
When she vas a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave thein Castoria
m.niier. she was tola wnat origin iu uo
doue, and sho set about doing it as e.
simple matter ef course. "But they will
be expecting ."mi at hojsie." said the
vicar. "Not if yon tell them I'm here,"
answered Fh.rt nee, "and my sister and
one of the maids cau como.iid lake me
home in time fcr tea, and," she hesitat
ed, "they had bet I cr bring some old llau
nel and cloths; there does not seem to
be much here. Ent yon will wait and
show me how to ft -ment, wen t you?"
"Well, yes," said tho vicar, caiiied
away by the quick energy of the littlo
girl. And soon the hie was lit end the
water boiling. An old snmck frock of
tho shepherd's had been discovered in a
corner, which Florence had deliberately
torn in pieces, and to the vicar's remark,
"What will Kcger say?" she answered,
"We'll get him another." And so Flor
ence Nightingale made her first com
press and spent all that bright spring
day in musing her first patient the
shepherd's dog. Everywhere.
Valuable Fcr Artificially Licjnor or
SieusoniniC WimmI.
Ozone is now practically applied for
several purposes. Experiments with it
have shown that it will artificially ag
brandy, whisky, : weet and hard wine
and liquors. will also improve
coffee by rendering harmless oily beans
The aroma of tobacco is also coiisidera
bly improved by the application of
ozone. The latest application of it is for
rapid seasoning ejf wood for sounding
boards of musical instruments, which
for tho pnrpo.-o is left in a hermetically
closed, healed room from 12 to -24
hours, ozonified air being freely iutro
eluced into tho room. It set ms that thi
preicess will harden the weed, increas
its resistance against the iutiuenco t
renitteratnr - -! -tuiO an.i give it
considerably more acoustic or resound
ing quality.
Another recent application of ozonilied
air is that t)f the thickening of linseet
oil for tho manufacture of linoleum
which by the old process look several
months. By the liberal uso of
linseed oil is now thickened to tho re
quired consistency within a few days.
Most remarkable, however, is tho ad
vantage eif employing for bleach
ing linen, since the time employed is
less than one-third ejf the bleaching proev
ess by sunlight, not considering that
this latter is tlepeueleut both upon the
season ami the weather. The ozone proc
ess of bleaching renders the work abso
lutely independent of outside influences.
Ozone has also been found very valua
ble in chemical and technical processes,
particularly m the production ot pure
derivatives of starch, for instance, solu
ble starch, tlcxtrin, crystal gnm, etc.
Here the ozono is instrumental in tak
mg awav all tlie matter wnicu causes
the dark color, bad odor and taste.
Philadelphia Record. .
UoU-l Kleptomaniacs.
I was talking to a hotel clerk, and he
said: "Talk about kleptomaniacs at dry
goods stores, they are scarcely a circum
stance to those at a fiist class hotel.
People who cheerfully pay $5 a day for
board will steal a 10 cent e-ako e.f soap
and put themselves to a great deal of
troublo to do it. But the principal
things gnests take are towels, anil tho
Colle'ctie)u of those ai tick s has become a
regular fad. .They are taken as souve
nirs ef the hotel, and a lady who has
traveled a gre'at deal will have a whole
tmnkful with the names of tho hotels
on them. This is conclusive proof that
they have stopped at those houses, and
a person whose towels bear tho marks ejf
hotels throughout the civilized world is
to bo envied as possessing a most inter
esting collection if mementos. A few
napkins are taken and occacionally
Kpeions. Dixjr keys and checks used to
disappear in great numbers, but none of
these equal towels in the eyes of collect
. , -,
ors or notei souvemrs. vvasniugiou
A mighted Life.
"Farewell forever, then," cried the
weeping girl. "We part, but the sorrow
of this shall sear my young life for aye. "
In a paroxysm of grief uncontrollable
6he threw herself upon the cemch as the
street tlexr slammed shut behind the
haggard young man who hael torn him
self from her presence. Then hastily
arising she brushed away tho traces of
tears andwet down to match that love
ly piece of heliotrope. New York Herald.
A robber is us rare as a beggar, and
life and property are perfectly secure in
every corner of the island. The people,
if not active in the cultivation of moral
virtue, at least show a want of sympathy
for that which is violent or uncharitable.
Though ignorant, idle and snpersti
they are honest and inoffensive
in the bond of peace. If atrs
ruon folk have
en it ot
' - for infants and Children.
HlrtTY yenrV ofrsaiT-citloa off Castoria withi thn jTcmnffff
million" of per-aoies, permit n to wpcak of It xvlt hont Knenin:r.
It Is nnnnostionahly the best remedy for Infant nn3 Children
he world hn rver taown. It is liarmleny Chndrc-ailittIt
given them health. It will wavo thfir liven. In it Totlir lit v
omething which in nbaolntely aafo and practically Terfectrni
child's raedicine. '
Castoria destroy Worai.
Castoria allay Feveriahnew.
Castoria prevents vomiting Sonrnrd.
Castoria cnrei Ptarrhooa and Wind Colic
Castoria relieve Teething Tronhlos.
Castoria curat Constipation andjaleney.
Castoria nentraligos the effects of carbonic acid gas or poiaononn air.
Castoria does not contain raoryliin. opinm. orjthcrnarco tioproperty.
Castoria assimilates the food, reflate the atomaclindowels,
giving healthy n ndiit nrnl loep.
Castoria is put up in one-sfze bottles only. It is not sold in hnlk.
PoaMbp-llow any on to oll yon anything else on tho pIyaorjromiae
that it is "jnt aa good" aad " will answer every pnrpoae'
See that yon yet C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A.
The fac -simile
is on very
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
k;.t. nT '
Pilks.. Kisti'I.a and all 1'i:as of
the rectum cured by Drs. Thornton rind
Minor of K msss City, Mo., wrniwi'T
KNll K, LIllATl KK or C.U TIC. Cure
iruaranteed. Weil em "t want one cent
until patient is cured. !;- W. E
Minor, of the above linn, will be -at
the llotei Kiley in 1 la ti.-, mouth on
Wednesday, Jan. 8, v he: e he will be.
glad to see1, any one desiring his ser
vices. Consultation anil exam'.n ilion
tree. LJy pm mission, we refer to a few
parties cured by us: Ileniy lions, h. Neb.; T. W. V. tilery,
Murray, Neb.; J. I. Stirader, A. 1 .
Crisvvisser, I. N. A p:i cga t e, Nehawka,
Neb.: Wm. Cii.ilfaiit, Union, .!-., liev.
F. A. Campbell, Kluiwoo.i, Xeb. ; .le.-se
McVey, Dr. I I IJrer.del, Murri.v,
Neb.; .1. (i. Easter, C. 1. 1 V: t in -i , Ne
hawka, Neb.; Henry Wolfe, Union,
Neb. ;J. H. Davis, Weeping Water,
Neb. Uor p;.inph)et giving full par
ticulars arid names of hundreds who
have been cured by us. addre-s lr.
Thornton ,V Minoi- 100 West Ninth
St.. Kaunas CiU, Mo.
l.ixL Of l.'ttT
1 lem:i iuiniJ uncalled for in tho post
otiico lit Plattsmouth, .Ian 1", ISHii:
C'oyley. ei Or-jescn, Fred
Johnson. e A. .Mersteiu, Wiiheem
Mocliolopko, W M'lrnaiiir, Peter
M tiu ire. Ft Mil Sution. Mrs;
Persons calling for any of the aiwne
etlers or packages will plesiM: say a u
vertised. W. K. Fox, P. M.
' i;;llt- Kin. Ill Itllit I'htllOM.
j Hun. Daniel F. Deatt.y, ol Washing
ton, New Jersey, tie- great Oran aud
Piano manufacturer, is luilding and
'shipping moro organs and pianos than
'ever. In 1S70 M '. Ueally left home a
I peiiiiiles plow boy, and by his in-
i illimitable will he has worked h way
I up m as to sell so far. nearly 100,' 00 of
lit all y's )rgans an J Pianoa since; 1K70.
Nothing seems to dirie:-.rteu, him;
obstacles laid iu his way, that would
have wrecked an ordinary man forever,
he turns to an advertisement and
comes out of it brighter than ever.
His in-itruinents, as i-, well known, are
i vciy popular and are to be found in all
' parts if the wo-Ul. Wo arc informed
that during tho next ten je-als he iu
. lends to sell IMKI.COO more of his make;
: that means a business of f L'0,iOUi(H, if
wir average them at b O.OOcach. H is
! already the largest business of tiie
kind in existence. Write or cilt upon
! Daniel b Ileatty, Washington, New
l-lcsey. for catalogue.
I Mathews has some Tux a products
Ithat arc inlex-sting. Ho also has
some great bargains in Texas lands,
Callat his nlliee in the Dovey block.
We have Jl(0,M)0 to loan at a low
rate of interest on well-improved
TifK National Kx iianoi: Co.,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Do Witt's Littlo Uirly Kiscrs for
biliousness, indigestion, constipation.
A small pill, a prompt cure. F. G.
Fricke .S; Co.
l or Sa l
One hundred acres of gool, new
laud. Highly acres in culture, b ilanco
in pasture, good xvati-r in pasture.
Seven mile.-, from I 'latt sin-ntth, one
mile fr'uu Murray. l'or terms, apply
to F. M. Vorxii, Ji:.. Murray, Neb.
Dr. .Al;ir-.inll, lirailuille OciiIIhI.
I!-. Marshall, lino gfld work.
Dr. Miir.-hail, gold and jiorcelain
Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work
Dr. Marshall, teeth without plates.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fulings.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates.
Dr. Marshall, perfect titting plates.
Dr. Marshall, ail work warranted.
All the latest appliances for lirsl--ltiss
dental work.
It .- 3
r ill
mt I r.
r r 1
jT I f 1 J I
f M
m fM 'ci tv 2r it
J l '
Pi s