Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, April 13, 1893, Page 7, Image 7

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    avkkkia ii i:ua i.i: PLvrrsMorni. nkhuaska. ai'muism.
ok tiih;n statks.
Gives all the new of Town, County ami State and its much
National new as any other paper of its class. Your
houn' would he incomplete without it.
he N. Y, Weekly Tribune
is a NATIONAL FAMILY 1 'AIM-IK and givesall the gene
ral news of the I'nited Slates and the world. )t gives the
events of foreign lands in a nutshell. !t has separate de
partments for Til!-: FAMILY CIKCI.K." and "Dl'K
Yt)L'.N(; FOLKS." Its '1IOMI-; AND SOCIKTY ' columns
command the admiration of wives ami daughters. Its
general political news, editorials and discussions are com
prehensive, brilliant and exhaustive. Its "AGk'ICrL'iT
K L" department has no superior in the country. Its
'.MARKKT Klvl'OKTS" are recognized authority in all
parts of the laml.
For $1.75 i'ash in Advance.
N. Y. Weekly Tribune, regular price per year $1.00
The Herald, regular price per year 1 .50
Total 2.50
Ve Furnish Both Papers One Year for 1 .75
.lMilllN A HISMIlltl 11IVKU II, li.
; vi-;st-
M.. t
.;er .No )
,'er .ci 7
er Till', via Louisville .
mer n '.'1
.o L'it, via I.t n i i v i 1 1
i V. to South t liiiiilui..
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er No .... ...
tr f No 'i,
:X .N o s
;r No I"
'!:!.') il ill
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l'.' :'.!.". il ill
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jf PILLS. t&I
5:47 u. in.
3;ii p. in.
4 :MI p. in.
11 :!." u. Ill
'.' : 1 1 p. in
TriMjjIit :57 il. ill
WHET soc tn
AMI' No. ;;.' M. W. A. iicets every
nd and Fourth 'vn inv:s In
Id lift.l. Visiuni: nei.:lil.ii welcome,
ii-en, V. (!. : I'. Hcrti-nlii'imT, W. A.,
title, C'lt-ik.
li !"HIK WOULD, Mi-i'lH lit 7 : .'ill
ry Mriinav eveniiiK at llie (ininil Atlny
r. (iroiiin, iel.iciit, Thus W aliliiic.
W Xnft-Meet tirst iin.l tliinl l-'rj-eveniiu;
of ink Ii moot Ii nt 1 ( ) I K
rank Vt-riuylt-u 1 W; J K Unrwick,
: L:.M.'('(ii
flrfulll 1,, M
tV- nun,.
Yi'ilinii ; li. K Nile, I'm- ('inniiiiitlili-r.
k Ml ITS OK I'YI'lf I AS - (nllltltlct bodne
VKj 47. Meets everv Wednesday eve
nllili' I'ift No. 4" mi" t- every
v.hiIIil' at 7 : :m 1:1 'lieir Hull 111
luck All visit inn enniniil s ale
Invited to . eel witli in. Hvd iiuti
their hull over llcnnet ic l'lilt's, nil
; kniijhts nre cordially invileil to
M .N'liritiith.CCMHis Dnvey K of
Bick noartaoheand rclloveall thotronhlM lQCf
rlfiit to a bilioui Btate of tlio Byntnm, uoh aa
Ijizzlnesn, NmiBea, Iirow.qlutwii, Matrons after
eating, l ain In tlio fii.lo, Ao. Wtiiln their most
reuiarkablu buccohs ban been shown in curing
IlpaSaehe, yft Cnrtrr's Little Llvnf Pllli art
equally vnluablo in Couetinatlnu, curing an J pro
Venting tbinannnyinKConiiilaiiit.whilo tlioy alaa
corroc all uiaonltm oi t hoHtDuiacUitlmulato tha
liver and regulate the bowela. von il they only
curta n h Dram
v i
Actitliy would ho.-'lTnogtprlcMeBstfifhoiiBwnO
iuffer from tbtailisifiiwiiiu complaint; butfort
Batoly theirr;oodueflBili'8 notoiid b"re,anti ttiona
wboencotry thorn will find thowllttlo pills valu
able la no many ways that they will not ba WIN
ling to Ho without them. Cut after allsick heaj
'iBthe bane of bo many llvos that horo is whwe
Vomake our (treat ixiimt. Oiir pillacura it whilu
Others do not.
Carter's Little TAvtr Ti aro ynry umall ana
very easy to tako. One or two pills uiakoa dona.
They are strictly vegetable and do not (?ripa or
purpn, but by Uieirpentloaction ploaoall who
llBethem. Ill vialnnt '.'ScimHh ; live for fl. Soli
ty druggiiU every where, or Bout by inatL
V Xo W Meet seeoiid and fourth
in the 1 1 1 ti 1 1t at 1
lulrnn, M W, Ii I' Urowu,
J ii f 'lav even'ms
fllil' M Voiulrn:
'EE OK IIOXOK -'Meets the first
I1 third TliriirMhiv evenings of nu ll
' rl I. ).. K. hull', l-'itzui-ralil Mock.
Ulie Smith, Worthv Sister of Honor
itiiie Hurkel, sister secretary.
UK'K ll()XOk'-ly lodue. Xo.lS
'ts lirsf and third Tlmr-davs nt
mith ill K. of 1. hall, Stella rrav
if secreliirv.
Lincoln Council A. I'. A. Xo. Hi
ts everv second and fourth co
in each month at !.(. . I-', hall.
Lie- St. Paul, Church. Oak. he
1 l-'itth and Sixth, bather Carney,
' services: Mass at and l"::W A. M
.iy Sclmol at -j::tti with lienediction.
H M'ilsr Mt. Olive tlak, he
1 lentil and Kleventh' IVev. A I Ins-
lilKistnr. Services 1 1 a. ni and i ;.la p.
f iver ineetinir Wecluesdav evening.
-1 Mktiiiidist. Sixth St., hetven
it and Pearl. K'ev. I.. I' . Hritt 1 1. 1 1,
ir. Services II a. in .aiidS:inl n. in.
-tlir. Services II a. in
lia.I V s, ,,, t j,
SAN I'lVkOVI-ULM V 1 nl-lliT l:lill
idJ.Ninctli. KTev. Witte, pastor. Sit-
f ustad lmiirs. S ii in In v school at
tp. m,
ISl'I.W ( uriler I ii.nsl mill I - i i 1 1 1 1 1
refts. Services: Mcirnin and eve-
lt. Kliler V '..11.... .....
fy.'cl 1 iit'lna.'m.
TllU IltiKALI) is; the Hest and Most
k'clialile Family Paper Pub
lished in C' County
Kidney Complaints?
Lame Back. &ci
With Electro Magnetlo SUSPENSORY.
. ! Hirnim iici 1 111 pro vrini nt I
lllrarr without nwllrlne oil WmVnm n.suiunir from
'i-r-tiiution of lirain nrrve (oii'i r; 'i'i ns('sirinili
i n linn, a iiiTvnu. (li'i.iiity, f. p !,.,. U..58, Inniruor.
-i.iiiiimtii.tii, kiiltiey, liver nti.l hnulii-r rniilninia
ininr luu'k, IiiimIkiko, Kiutd'H, all frnml ooniplu Int
N'rnrral III h.Rllli, He, ' fln-tnc ltelt nuitnina
'Inmlrrriil Imlirofrmriil. ov. r J'. o'lii'D. Cnrri-nt l
il.Btantly feltliy wt-an-r or v f.irn-lt i,0ll.iai, im.
will curt all of the ainive iiM'iun.t cr no pav. flioa
jamli havij la-en curril hv (Ills marvelous In vetiti. .11
.ittiT all otlwr n rntHilt a failed, and eive LulidleUa
i lteatinioiilitltiln llil.anil everv r tnti.
Our I'owrrrol liaprorrd'l lll(: rt Ml'IVlORT. thn
,P r7rr "I""""! wll niHii. HI IK llkll
'i. i 1 J Vf'Ton. WrrntJIh I.I KIM KKllla ll to
J"uI Bend for llluu'd l'ainiliirt, iiiailed. snuoU, Iruo
Xo. 16 l.m Salle St., 1 1IICAI.O, II L.
.sCop.M. si. I.uki 's .-horcli c,inier of
d and i,. streets. Kev, II. It.
ffci'ss, p:is(,ir. Services: 11 n. ill. Illld
y ' "I. Sinidav Schuid at '.'::i p. in.
vi'Kii.. Services in new
Jr- rorm.r Si . 1 1. .....i i:, i.. ts
' llainl, pa-tiirSiimlay si hool nt
-acliin.rnt 11 n III. noil K It. to.
I. S. K, of this cinircli meets
iililialh rvi'tiiriL' nt 7:1.' in luise-
t the church. All nr.. itlviteil to
ml these meetings,
'-'iltli and Sixth.
(iriintie, he-
ScientifiQ American
Agency for
HT8, etc
k write to
kw Vohk.
In Amorlea.
uitbt boforo
sarne In tlm
Thirty tive years o;o Abram H.
Hurt was a leadini; merchant of
Peoria. III. When the war broke
out he enlisted as u drummer in
Company F. Highly .fifth IllinovS
infantry, and was discharged J;in,
la, 1 for disiibility. He married
and setteleil down to business and
live years later went to St. Louis on
a piircliasino- From that time
until tod ly his f imily lost all trace
of him and mourned him as dead.
1 le v as seen at St. l.oius yomij on
an up-river boat ami il was thought
he was murdered for his money. A
year ayo his wife applied for a
pension, but t was rejected on the
ground that Abram H. .hirt was,
then and is, now dravvine- a pension
under certificate No. oij7.270. The
department located him in Pitts
burif, and Mrs. Hurt was asked to
be present on pay-day to confront
him. Not feelitii;-well, her diitihti r
went in her place, and a detective
was also present to arrest the man,
but instead of beim;- an impostor
he turned out to he the loiij; lost
husband and father. He said he
supposed the members of his
family were all dead.
The only place to et first class
job printino is The Hkk-ald Oefr i;.
'Mystic Cure" for Kheiitnatism ami
Ncuraltria radically cures in 1 to 3
days. Its action upon the system
is. remarkable and mysterious. It
removes at once the cause and the
disease immediately disappears.
Thv," first dose greatly benelits, 7a
cents. Sold by F. G. Fricke A Co.,
drutfc;i;'t. Plattsmouth.
Monday evening enoine No. 'I, of
the Choctaw Coal and Kailroad
company, hauling an east bound
freight, exploded just as it was pub
linj;- out of K'ed Oak, la., causing the
death of four trainmen. They are:
I,. P. Durnell, engineer; F. Freder
ick, fireman; O. V. Martin, barke
man; Henry Landers, nijht hostler.
The triiinmen and passengers who
occupied the caboose escaped with
few scratches caused by the
sudden stoopaye of the train. Mar
tin, who was riding on the pilot, was
found under the engine trucks. The
other three, who were in the engine
cab. were thrown eighty feet from
the engine. All the bodies were
horribly mangled.
The Department of State was in
formed by telegram from San
Francisco, on authority of dis
patches by the steamer Australia,
of the arrival of Commissioner
Ulouht at Honolulu on the 2'.Uh of
March. As the steamer left port
just after the the revenue cutter
Rush arrived, there was nothing in
the telegram beyond the mere fact
of his arrival.
Viitiiiclilo SwM't t'orna A Nm nr Hun
ilred-duy I Ii Id urn.
Anions the new cl.;iu), mts ft r fivo?
this season in way of sweet cert'. i .'
lii-e .vivt variety inlnuhicetl utiiler
tuuii" of Cotuitry ( fiiileiiiiin iind depict
ed in the iiecninpiiiiyiii! cut. Tliev u i
ctis seetlinen in tlieir cutiilojjnes for ls'.i:
cliiim superior mutinies tor tins com
u..iiicly, deep gnuu, Miiail cob, long e:ii
rln the
'i a
For Atchiuson, St. Joseph, Leaven
worth, Kansas City, St. Louis,
and all pointsne'-th.cast
south or west. Tick
ets sold and bag
gage checked
to any
Stn tes or
Canada, bar
H. D. ApriAK. Agt., Plattemouth.
Telephone, 77.
A Sensible IMan.
Would use Kemp's Halsam for the
throat and lungs. It is curing
more cases of coughs, colds ''as
thma, bronchitis, c.roui) and all
throat and lung troubles, than any
other medicine. The proprietor has
authorized druggist so give you a
sample bottle Kk'KK to convince you
of the merit of this great remedy.
Large bottles aOc. find $1.
Forty-live years ago hist Friday
the Niagara River rati lry. A the
ory for the phenomenon advanced
by a man who saw it is this: The
winds had been blowing down
Lake Krie, which is only about
eighty feet deep, and had been
rushing a great deal of the water
from it over the falls. Then mid
denly changing, the wind blew this
water (comparatively speaking) up
to the western portion of the lake.
At this juncture the ic? on Lake
Krie, which had been broken up by
these high winds, got jammed in
the river betweed HutTulo ami tin
Canada side, und formed a dam
which kept back the waters of Lake
Krie a whole day.
The provisiohal government is in
receipt of dispatches stating that
President Cleveland is favorable
to the principle of annexation, vind
that Secretary Graham favors it
and a prompt ratification of th
treaty. Commissioner Hlount dt
dines to be interviewed, but from
casul conversation it would seem
that his labors here may cover a
period of several weeks. The KiihIi
will probably return to San Fran
cisco in the meantime. Commis
sioner Hlount did not leave the
steamer for several hours, and con
seipieutly the reception by the Ha
waiian League ami the Auticxatiou
Club ditl not take place. The Rush
brought dispatches from Washing
ton to Admiral Skerret ami also the
provisional government, but the
nature of them could mil be learned
Atter the first feeling of surprise
passed away, expressions of satis,
faction nt the arrival of the Com
missioner prevailed among the an
nexationists. The Rush brought
no mail from the States, ami the
arrival of the Rio tie Jeneiro, which
is expected to put in here tomorrow
on her w.iy to China, is impatiently
looked forward to for further par
ticulars as to the sentiment in
and rich, delicious flavor, It is also to!'
that Country dent leinitu w productive
bearing three .'iinl lour ears to the st;;il;
For liiirhiiiik's F.arly Maine the claim
tiiiiile iire eai iiius, pure white cob, kei
ncls net ci't'iua white, sweet and juu
stalks medium height ami hearin ; i
pioil soil two ears to the stalk. no
words lire also said for Clark's None
Mich, a strong growing ami heavy yield
iiu; sweet corn.
The Hickory Kin in generally con
ceiled to bo the largest uritineil an
buiallest cobbed pure white dent corn i:
cultivation. The ears run from 7 to '.
inches in length. The Hickory Kim
ripens medium early ami is especiall;
adapted to thin soils, but is not i m
mended us ti safe crop north of the Lit 1
tilde of Pennsylvania. A quite new lid.
corn is the Out) Hundred-day LHistol,
a ...-. j x.'.- 1 Wvl. 'l 1 '
somftlilttg Abtitit 4 unary lllnla.
Whenever 1 buy a canary it seetns
t" Ii- a bml that is especially sul'j'rt
to colds und pneumonia, and it is by the exenise of the greatest
care that 1 I'lin kivp it from sue
Climbing to some pulmonary troubln.
let tho canary bird sellers have
their wares for sale in tho streets in
the coldest weather almost entirely
unprotected from tho wiud. They
t-tand around with them for hours
Mild no bud result seems to coino of it.
How is it I
I give it up. There must lo sonic
conspiracy letweit tho ''alera ami
the birds by which tho latter die as
noon as they are bought, compelling
the pun -husoes to invest in mure c:i
initios, You wouldn't think to look
fit tin- little yellow fellows that they
wt re e:ip:ibl' of so much treachery,
Dealers bi-i:ig them over from F.u j
rone with very tew precautions
ifjauiM i'iseiiM' or accident. If 1
leave one of my canaries alone for 10
iiumites at a tune, however, ho swal
ws a piece of l'i'g and chokes to
lentil, or the cat gets him. I sup-
! l . I "1 I
Li rue eared early yellow dent corn unit1
to bn reatlv to harvest wilhin 100 (hiyt
from time of planting.
Tho Waterloo is introduced as mi exlr;'
early dent corn worthy of trial. I'riih
of the jSorth and Jmproved Jjeantin
have niaiiy uilvocates. The former is a
pihlcn dent. The Leaming is a dent va
It tl s t ii i-sh I ('i;Im1 ll.
Hero is what 51. Sumner Perkins tells
in The Rural New Yorker about Leg
'Tho more aeiuaintanoe 1 have with
tho Leghorn the more I am inclined ti
believe that she is the fowl for business
for practical work upon tho farm. Par
ties in offering objections to this breeil
lay by far too much htros upon the fuel
that us a table bird tho Leghorn 'is not
in it.' Reasoning in a similar way, it
might be said that tho Jersey cow is of nr
value, since she is worth little or not hint!
for beef, yet oi course no sensible person
will siieak thus of the Jersey, as for tin
work for which she is intended she is-
without a rival. Likewise the Leghorn
has been bred for a specific purpose
viz., the tiroihictioti of eggs and it is fait
to judge the fowl only from this basis.
"Let those t!:...t I liink so iiiuch of sub
stance in a ltnvl ju.-it estimate what
very small proportion of the profit on a
hen comes from the sale of the carcass
A couple of lo.i n eggs will usually n p
resent the entire value of an old hen in
market, and thn Leghorn may 1 count
id upon to produce at least four dozen
more eggs tier year than tho so cail
market breeds. So obviously this imes
tion of market poultry value is unduly
weighed. If the Leghorn is utilized as it
fertilizer only at the close of her useful
ness, still the breed will come out ahead.
Farmers must have tho best laying fowl
All elso is entirely of a secondary ua
('uttliiK Seed l'nlHtm'.
Cutting seed potatoes for planting has
been a prolific subject for discussion, am
many even today hold adverse opinions
concerning the size of the pieces tor
planting. At tho Indiana station then
have iM-en experiments conducted for a
long time, and the authorities give as
conclusive facts tho results of theii
trials. It was found that pieces about
the same size, but some containing morr
eyes than others, produced almost tin
same size stalk and number of tubers.
There was nallv no advantage in in
creasing the number of eyed to the piece
Increasing the size of tho piece of pt
tato, however, gave a corresponding in
crease in the number of stalks. From
this it may be judged that, a small pie
of patato can nourish only one eye, am
increasing the number of eyes without
increasing the si.e of tho piece of potato
is of no avail. The eves at the seed em
of the potato net as a single eye, and no
as independent ones capable of pnnlti
ing as many stalks as t -re are apparent
eyes. There is more importance in th
size in v hioh the potatoes are cut than
in the niunls r of eyes to the pic
tubers should be cut Ullifolllilv in about
1, '2 or il-otiuce nieces. This ma v be tlo'ie
in almost entire disregard to the posiih
of the eyes. It is uniformity of size
the nieces that produces the most no
form and best crop, aei-ord'ng 1" i...
experiments conducted at tin- Imtiaua
stal ion.
CiihIi icni'n I nr lstia.
Attention is called to the cntnl'iyecs
fol' Dr'.M isStli'll by leading lllllselyuiel;
and seedsmen ill various sections of the
country. Many of these are mailed fr, e
on written application. Thecxp 'ii' need
need those catalogues to keep abreast witii
the times, for ea 'h season now in;;r,,s
new ami improved varieties in every de
partment. To iM'ginucrs they are inval
uable with their descriptions of standard
sorts and ciltural directions for the
Hekel Hills
A 1 to:
CiHiX J. a I , I !.KI
Custom T' .ole ii vp eta .
S;i t isfiict ii " 1 1: ' t t teed.
PI A TT:s t I' I I!.
rK.i.i-:k iv
Coal and Wood.
1 I'liVS ( ASM.
Yiinls iititl
I 'OH- .i.i
I eh i! .1
pose the whole secret of tlio tlii.g
you ro
pi. a r rsMor in
Si M t l. I I i ! Mttfl
e . 1 '
k I R A S K A
onsisis in knowimr what
about. From results 1 am led to bo- t--r, rx ,-i i j ,a , , . v. i .-.
Li.'ve that the iini.oi ter and tlio oiHn ;
hii dealer know what they ro about
and that 1 ilon t, nt least ns tar as
the canary birds uro
New York Herald.
Uliy H Cmiiclrry la So C'nllptl.
n ebster says n cemetery 18 a
place where tho dead bodies of hu
man beings are buried." But that
is all he says, and thero is not a
5-yeiir old child in tho laml that could
not tell as much without referring
to his "Unabridged." In tracing the
erivation of tho word I find that
the root ts in an old Jewish word
caeineteiui," meaning dormitories
or sleeping places, loiter on tne
form oi expression was changed to
reipiietoi iiiin. In that aection of
Camden's Remains" which has the
ending of "Concerning British Epi
taphs," 1 find the following: "The
dace of burial was called by St. Paul
'seiiienatorin, m the resis'ctof asure
hope of a resurrection." Tho OreekH
call it "caoineteriou," which means
"a sleeping place until tho resurrec
tion." The old Hebrew word for
cemetery means "tlio house tor tne
living, tho idea liemg that death is
only a protracted sleep that will
minute on tho day that Uubnel
blows his trumpet St. Louis Uo
The Miiuuftu'ture ot Uliu Ky'.
In Thuriugiu there is a whole dis
triet which is dependent for its hiii
iiort on tho manufacture of artificial
. . . .
eyes, imsiiainis, wives aim cmuuen
all working together at this means of
livelihood. And yet, though these
simple German village people turn
out their produce by tho doaoii, no
two eyes aro ever tho samo. Koar
tificial eye has its exact fellow either
in color or m unjoin the whole world.
Tho method of tho inaniifacturo is
not n very complicated art. They
aro firstly glass dates, which aro
blown by gns jets, then molded by
hand into tho form of nn ovel shaped
The colonntr or the eyes is etiooUMi
bv means of tracing with line needles,
the tints lioing left to tho tasto of tne
individual worker, though the scope
of their tasto is necessarily limited to
L'ravs and blues und browns and
blacks, which colors aro assorted to
gether U-foro being eventually dis
patched to their various destinations.
London llospitaL
A Neut UttHfHllty,
A neat pickpocket dodge practiced
unon rural lookinir iH'rsons in this
town is based us)ii tho known good
nature and courtesy of tho avenigi
American citizen. Tho pickpocket,
clad in fine raiment and carrying
stick, stands uiKin tho rear platform
of a street ear, facing the dashboard.
Ho struggles with a pair of tight
gloves, and having vainly endeavored
to button ono after putting on the
other, appeals to tho kindness of the
man facing him on the pliiuomi.
In nine times out of ten ho picks
the right man, and while tho Is-ne
factor buttons the gloves the jack
pocket with his disengaged hand
taken tho other's watch. The con fed
erato inside is at bund to buttle tho
pursuers in case the thief is detected
New York letter.
Lath, Sash, Shingles,
Ktc. Cull siiiuly every dt'tiniu of the'
city. Cull mill i;rl teiins. l-oiirtli
Street in reur of opein liniise.
II. Cl'Slll.NC.. Pres.
J. W. JOHNSON. Yice-Pres.
FWKD W.CAKK'l'TH.Caslfr.
A uenernl luitiliinn Imsine'
1 1 iin-iu ted.
NTKKKSTon deposits allowed as
follows: Four per cent, annual
interest if ilepost'eil three mouths.
Five per cent annual interest if tie
posited six months. Six percent.
annual interest if deposited one
Do you ftnow?
Tii:tl more ills result from an
liilRuliiiy Liver th;m any
oilier cancel ingestion, Consti
;v.'Lii)ii. 1 leaunciu'. 1 liliousncss,
;.iii Malaria usually atleiul it.
Dr. Sanl'i nd's Liver "lnviorator
ts a vegetal )le spveilie for Liver
l)isorders and their aceompany.
in"; evils. It cures thousands
why not be one of them ? Take
Dr.Sanford's Liver Inviorator.
Your Druggist will supply you.
c 1 1 re
A ( on Siiiicrxlilliiii.
According to linlo F.uroieiin folk
lore the clouds of tho heavens were
nothing but cows, who were invested
with the duties of a psychojioinp. At
tinieN these clouds descended to the
earth and assumed tlieir bovine garb,
but their duty remained the same.
Henco the sui-rstition prevalent in
ninny agricultural couniries that a
cow breaking into a garden foretells
a death in tho family. Tho psycho
pomp was merely looking for a soul
to escort to the hereafter.--New
York Telegram.
Wliut Wrinkle Signify.
WrinkKtl foreheuds in children be
token consumption, rickets or idiocy.
Vertical wrinkles o the brow come
early to men who do much brain
work. Arched and crossing wrinkles
about the lower middle of the fore
head In-token physical or mental suf
fering. Fine close meshed wrinkles
which cover the face, sign of ago
and decrepitude, are caused by loss
of contractile nervous force and are
prevented by hot bathing, friction
and electricity. Atlanta Constitution..
Free Trip to Chlcao.
Seiuirnte W O h' I. O S I' A I K nnil use
the letters to M'fll if nuiny words lis yon
i nn hv iistnu tin- letters lis iiiiin v tunes lis
von w'i-li. eitl't r ImcKwonls or lorwiirtls,
but not ue the snine letter in iniiKltm
imy one wool 11101 1- t lines t linn it itiienrs
in '''World's l-'nir." ,, ,.
II l- -niil i-eveot v lise siniitl I'.nnltMi
wor.l-cini he spelle-l y.irr.-ctlv Iron, tin;
ten letters cnntiiineil in W orl s ,llr:f
I- xiiuiile: w.itl. v.inl. sniii, elol. etc. II
rc umiil tit ..i"l km" oiii i nn se-
i I' K r. r. t I'U' to t ue " o' in s ' n.i.i
l lie Seen V nitili.oiy win
o .i.i ... on in itii; iv. k. tine
tel I.ill-.inlnie- t-totlit-t oliiiuhiiiii Kx-
iHisitioti.iiiKl '" cnsli incitleiiliil
exiieu-L-, t.ithetir-t .et-ou nhle to iniike
-event v Wins truin tl.e letters con
tiiine.l 'in mltlVl inr,"iis iilmti;. ' '"','
willnNnniven tree tri. to llie Worlds
I.'., ir ri'tlllll witll J'Jl.'HI l"t IllCllll'lltlll
e.voeiise-, tut lie tirst perMin seudinu sixty
wool- ii lil.oe. I'liey will nl-o ''
Kree Trii.t.itlie Wi.ilcl s l ior nnil return
iwitliout cit-li tor int identtil e.M.i-iifesi to
the lir-t persnii seinlinu lilty-lie words.
I o the tirt t ersun si ndiiu lihv wools
...til 1... i.ii. ii .4i.t-i in cash lownro piiy iiik
... I,, llie V i.i Id's l-nir :
. ...i... ,iv u-,.i.lswill he liiveil "'.Ht
i. ......... I niiviii e l it u ses to
World's I'ttir. h. em h.. I the lirs-1 live per
sons scnihnu thirty live word- will he
eiven flow in ciish. itiitl to encli ol the
lir-t ten scutlmK thirty wurds will In
u i en ."i.i li in i it-li.
llnlvone pri.e will If iiwunled to the
siiiue per-Mii. Write our n eon list ol
wind (lunnhcrctli mid enclose the mine
pus, pi, with I'll. t'U I S- t" cent
Lt p- lor it hirue .m kiutf of "lit C hoice
Kimhsh l .1 1 .... (oir.len I-..wer Seeds
I his i nnil. unit em includes the Inlest
i ...,.st uhir Knulisli llnwer ol eittl
ies-viinettcs i-mueits will he contmiietl
in of l'UKlish llowers
nt the World'- l-'mr.i
This " World's nil oiitest will he
ciiietnllv nnil coiisci. ntouslv conducted
sulci v for the purpose ot int tod iicina our
l.nsines. in the I . S. lotiwill re. ei x .
i : . . .1,,,. o. I li.wi r seeds ever
. i.i.. i.. nuike n i: I list ol
nnil ii
u.inls mill llll-VMT tilolltptlV VOII W
hnve ii l.tsl In"- oppi.rluioty.1
tri e trill Itnlll VolO lloltle to I II
"ti'-'T".'. In... Inree lllllo.ltlt
ll,otie to stmt otll tlilde III til.' I . S .Old
wmit vourlrinloidei. hm dl he inoie
Lri,lird. Scud todnv, nnil iid.lress
Vlli' sOCl rsl l.DCOMI'ANV. IOKON
it l I ANAPA.
the lirsl
mo mi tl
Druooisti.' Permit.
'I'd whom it nuiy concern:
Notice i-hciehv uiven thnl the tin. er
siuned hits Hied their uppli. ntion with the
citv clerk olthecitvoi rinttsiiionth. .Ne
hrnskii. lor n licence to sell spirituous,
limit mid vinous lienors lor ineilicliinl
purposes, for the the term of one yeiir en
ilitiir Aoril SI, l'.K. tit their place of hnsi-ne-s
nil the west half ul lot 3, hlock :U u;
siiiti city, in iiccuntiiuru with the law unit
(irdinmicesof suid city.
April CI h.IMU.